CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jan 1907, p. 2

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L, B. MAIMAN Correspondent aud Agenti Norman' Ladd vlited at Rockefeler Monda>'. Mn. Bukett in reported on the Kick flot' j.« B. Turubuli la serring ou lise nury at Waukegan. Clayton Werdeu is on the jury et Woodoacto is vsek. Floyd Sundeil, of Wodtock, vas a recet visitor iu Ibis viciiv. A ltter froux Ra Neville ai Lake charles tates that blinlailugood beuii and le enjoyiug kiieilf. Mns. H. L. Gnrauens entrtained ber fatber, M. VanNatta and *Iter, MWa gliales, af Nunda, lent week. Mar. Backet lanliere lu the internet 01 the Waoduseu sud vili give a ânue lact- uen luheb.interet of Woodcra*i t tbt Waodrnen bail udt Sturda>' evening and all ire coudW iei nvlted 10 attend. Carl North retoned fram a vnit vîtb relatives at lkIsait, d., aud Chicagol.1 Robert Prattislsick vîit the mumpA. P. L Carr va. a Barringpn celler Monda>. AzuRIQIHALFDAY Tes Icmsbg put tingi>p ls hecodgup ve have hbd this vsek ouda'mornlu »Ll roe bepnslu Ibis vicaity go IcMteHmesr=d,;&-kasstt ~e12 iues5 tik. 1hj no= Md. wb. 40à" -arted b eut ou Wtdesaey. " #ueHolema6yer, of Gilmer. Idié, ertba Kuawk le au the sick let. Wiad hmMu .Ms. Aifred Stancliffe bas bemoau aa ber. dMm Hmur Lhm ,of o avacation- Sha retuned homne vWte sud Me... eSnJY sOIl0"=d5>'let 'eek. Mr@. àMyere. of Chicsgo. bas been.«a Ulla L" Keller vho bas beau und- gpletet athle.Veron'Houes visitiug ber Wm LUk s Cisicagoretured lOms uws, lire. IL.Periolat. ~IifSa>'M. Dora Hertal, vifs o1 the lae J. yFesakismovad loto the Fiche Fred Hertel, bas been quit. iii for~ two pW îa the room ss nati>'vaed b>' veaka vith the grippe. Ber precarions 4W u "g Bahcondition causaed aiarnamongètt the entire lssaly>. lBer daugbter, Mrà. Dr. X. "ndUmanLsden, Of Derdeid, L L. Hertel, of Chicago, hes been acting *XIh Qj eirdatglita, Mim-.60- o. msreafor theeIleston u ays. "Dr. Tracy a leurdeys tst ee'. ber at.diug physicien assure. lien I#WStmaeSsp viited lu Waukegau1 many fieudsa t o bats@ convaleaiug aud lviliibcenetirely weli in a short turne. RsWks Oue>' hipped a car load? Miss Sosie Masos aud Tillie Mitehell to-d"J called ou Muès Dore Foot. lest Tuesdav ..m.* 4bwdm invi.tllng wlit beratemioon. as. Ceo @44etPaislatine. Mns. Sam Presse bas been coullued to ~çfyet tihe Alison bomenat bar b.d for ton day.' but le boter. 0 l54eveslsg vas velI attended Wn. Beulere' fe.mily have reuted the eporet a tuse tiss." Shaqtar hometesud sud vilI movs in bedwe vsitil !thI N. and this png lm eimach et Milvaukee aven Our HllDay pbysicinn, Dr. Tracy, bas been quite bus>'. W. crtainly bope 1 ýLtise doctur viii ren" ianltb us. For ?U oka trip tgChicago thons vbo mal>' ueed ithesrvice@ oh a 4 "MOnirt clams physican sud surgeon viii o!Ysime for sale et appreiale ichat itlei.tu bave oua iu Onr ~ks. midet vb.u is servies. are required. aine ha vweting vilS nila- KtM~rIs of eau, Vew. bt,7e Iluonvieited i vtl Md& over Saturds>' sud &ld sosiet> vili i ueel et mDa as Aveley Wedues, t~ $'clak. a ha glvmn la ilsg. m GGRC lue Part>' vs mvda>' evauila haibll ouai et7:80 Ia 9 à> l al, imei et hua prgessve eyd, M». G ibert stabi ýr and lare. Q rit>' honors. ',siell itb kme of regars. Paul Peglow inteuds enting the Lockbead fare in " sprlug. Cls. Luttreil bas beasu out en bis teaniu 'or th e let ivo weeks. Dr. Lois L. Hertel wes bers let Mou- day on account of th aseere illnssa of ie mother. Heur>' SchulerFs littie daughter, Blanchie, has heen quit.'iii. Will Wells le rryiug to change tbe calaudar of 1907 eudeas-oring tu make elgt igbla in one week. Hoiw- about the. stars Billy?. Mies Wlilrpd Went wlio id vlating Mn. Dora H.niel vas 10 Chicago lest week witb Miss Dors Foote. tloyien thfIe Misa MceCnàad>, of libumn,w-e a.aguqat the tovu hall I the Stewart bouse Suuday. C.. topic for Jan. 27, "Home Misions." The progreas i lie Indien, sae. 43: 16-21. ~] The Royal Neigbboresud Wooduîen campe are prerig for installation oh 0 aads'eveing, Jan. 26. gl bl ats b'ona The gond skating ou tbe river affords on ofhi bi ntli. mach pieanue. onr eYoung people. giseg grrived, Weduesday atamnoon the Junior C. E. the compsnv 9ociety eleced offilcrarea.follovs: Ruth relatives anà Autin, Pre.; Grecs Austin, Vice Pras.; encire sud Stella Haine@, Seretar>' sud Adele Rey, ;orge umiaden- Treasursu. Qwissiug liglu The Grus. Woodmeu vill give a luentin captur. grand masquenade lu the Woodrn h al e.The visiiioresn Frida>' eveing, Psb. 1. Music b>' th a fine Morris Bloomieldeo four p"e orcesra frorn d. Waukegan. Prises vil b. gven. tomme brokesi lins lu underwear, ahoese, sghgeshIrts and tond ttres place suits. W. want tb close tlssm out = pli.oasprlng lin, arrive& sud viii make very loy prices have for sale »athse clebrat6il Gladstone Cigr-.a pav fer 5c. E.W. PARICMURST, Ochanck Block EDV. P. STUENKE UNDERTAKER and EMBALMER HeIf Day, Illinuois EzzzI Fred Couvera. and aon Howard, of West Frernont, were in towu monday. C. G. Huson, of Libertyville. made a busess trip tbVolo isat. Tuedy. George Kuebier, of Palatine, spent Friday night bers. Rd Luai, of Round Lake, waa a Volo caler Bunday aflernoon. David Parker, of Lîbertyvllle, pasaed throngh bens on hi@ vay to NcHenry laai Tuesdsr. Born, t Mr. and Mm. George Walton Tburaday, Januaey 17, a mon. Henry Sfadtfield vialled bis hrotber PoesaIt tie Preebytierian lospuin l Chicago ons day lut week. Mfr. and Mes. Jolin Brown, of Waucoud, ver, la towu Buuday. Mrs. John Walton snd Miss Anua Miller ver emet Wanoonda visitora. Fm"Tai waepeeaty aurprlesd Ob Qsuber o riuaSaturday 0"i Duenad dward Lindblad k OdMy vii fieda heme. 0 tyl la tn, ofLibertyvllle.1 w okadance and Z. Si avist vth rlatives bers. a~ . LIL ord entert&lued a ulere nociseb£ ellteof lut week. 1014 ol~s dea e vs quit@. vel 454 zlest hnday evening about 4»s couples bugila ateudance. b »eWa thsa ses hein1 beld bers r god rowdoani<1 1h umis report "Mole , o10. f Volo, vas a Fridsy 9. . "l Roth Baaley vbo hue been a ack la eported better. e.ý TSrcewe la. arrived from Mm o 10vl for a couple o veeke k nde. m~ Morris Hllin hreported Scesti Jesse porteous, of Lihertyville, assiatud by bis brother lien of tbis place, are dagging tisa uew weil et the panonage. 9 W. P. Beach received a telegremn Monda>'of îhiq week announcing ths -dealli of bis @inter, MIr@. Mary Macs at ber borne in ilidden, fIowa. Mr8. Ilace bas beeau a great sufferer with cancer the pa.t year. She leaves.- to mouru ber lunsbbaides ber husband aud neveu childreu. ber mother, Mns. L. H. Beach and sieter, Mns. Nettie Clifford ail of %lijden and her brother of thie place. BARMIGTONM AIrs. Frank Wells and eblîdren vpe aItuo Dr. aud Mr%. ieacardbun Misse Louie Boebuer sud Myrtis tPiagge ers Palatine vieîfors lest Thurada>'. Tbureday sveuing about aigliteen youug people frorn the bigb echool and others enjoyad a -bhob" party. Altliough tbe veather was siomewhal diaegreeahîs ail thoroughly essîoyed thoeelves. The K. L. C. E. cof thse Salem ehurcli 0hed its weekiy meetiug on Suuday even- iug witb Mn A. felea. leader, sssisted b>' Miss Maael litioeuebtoer. A ladino quertet a"softuroiaed ans number. Frank Plagge. wbo vas "abhut lu" ail lest wesk wuîb saltack osf ]agrippe, hn better. S. R. Kinîs>'ie reported as greet>' iusproved lunheelîli alter a.veral weeks inuesa. Mr@. Heur>' Landwer accornied by e er eon Irvin visdid Chicago Frida>. Nias Blanche Schlrding, osf Palatine, vas a@sunlitre Tussday. John Cadwefleden, af CbIcagQ, @peut 8unday villi friands lhors. Um i .411eVoîlker bas beau absent frosa aubool everai daya an account of Ur. and Mr.Bd Ties vlslted vih Paltias relatives one day last vesk. 'The. Barulugto baud lied Il@ election officere lest vaek--tssfollowlug ver slectod: Pese. Froïol ? im e ie. John Ka&p Pmt..a er Flashe; Ti..., ruePiuw; Leder«.'1John The W. C. T. Ul. vii bave a couteot for the Detuorestmodal lua hs Metsodfla eburei next TbuMualeveiu. Geo. Joue.u hb.e *lât( Mime BIc, of Cb .lo, pedg the wlnramthbhome0]fIL. D. Cook. Nias Ceting, of FaIrUeld, le »ls a few days wilub ler oblier, M-. oebverman. miss Hall, of Henry Lake. speat a few day@ ibis week wluh cousice bes. 1Boy Joues made a flyug trip frorn tbe clty lest Tuesday. Il thie present wéather continues Km. & Chapeil vii wson b. f Iu4 their lms houte. &V evsnh to emndbma Uxalthe vs. pet vlth «gamssimu -" rsfreshmsa1ma t b bw ;1 How dld yo like tb. veathen Sunda>'? This laviat.rdld you kuov it? Camenon GilhflgW ho lias been ste>'. lng villi hie saut, Ars. VanAhtiae lft Tba*aW>' ill bis father, Geo. GillInga5 for Nni Dakt. Mises Ehhaaleth Tovaer la staylg ~1 ev veaka vltb Me.. Buter. 1Mies Sadie Irving of Millbum vicinl>, sud M. Sevic, aU Bilver Lake, ver. maserleulJau. 15. Cougrtulstione. The C. L topie ,Rorne Mietiona, Tbe Peogremea of ti . fdisu," lea. 43: 16 f1 Haeod Minto, leader. Service viiib. beld several niglite longer tlisi. vek. Dr. and MUn. jamieson were Liberty- ville callars Monday. Mes..A. W. Sard let Tueeay for Wbeaton. vbere she bus gons tuoie ~a veek w itiblier daugliter. The Ladies Aid viii bold tbelir bazaar thia Flday, jai. 24-. supper f rom 5 tu 9. BseQumssud corne. Riehard Pautal ha. heeu on the sicir liai. Mrs. Eduas tewart Pember bavln r sa moulli with ber father, A. H. 'htswact, eturned to ber home at Amberst, Oho, Wedneaday of tibis vesk. Arthur Nelson 1f t Saturday for Urbana wbere lie vili tae. a short coursesaithe agicultural experlmatai station. Mr. Rohertaon'ha. hes vlatlng Net. sud Mr@.(leu. Jausieson the putsevesi. Mr. Robetson le thinking of huylng a fIg - aine. The C. E. social>' serve borne made cassdy asnd tes e«mmrnat the bazaar Fel. Mir. Nichraun has gone to Chicago to vieil afw veeke iillber parents. Dost l orget the bazaar. PALATIE Dm1d. ini Paatine, the infant @on of Mr. aid Brm. Bermin Mlier Jan. 20. 1Mies Cars Wearte. of Plnssb ro, .in under the doctone <eare ini a hospital in Chicago. We aillope for aspeedy cu re aud quick return to ber man> f riaude in Palatine. Mies Mdamie ,Torgler was lîapjîily sur- prsd by a fW of lier youug frieade and en oyed it very much receutl'. CnlbenlRichmod le1f t Thureda> svening for Ohio vw bers ha hopas 10 meunre medicai teaînient tbat wihi im- prove hie heelth. Mr@. J. H. &chierdiug, Mmr. M. Rey. nolds sud IMe... B.Arpsaettended in. stallation osf the McKinley Mernorial Corps andi the recepsion given b>' the Baxen Corpq 10 the state sifliere Tues- day siternoon Jeu. 14. Mmr. Heur>' J. BH<. lied for lier guests a number o! jier Chicuago frieuda Tuesi- de>' lu hônor oflier liirthday. H. L. Bockelman and T. KimbalI shsent Sunda>' vitîs friendsat Questine comers. 0u~ Osed Pises. The Sportamau-Wliut's lhe hast pace for quail lu tisa parts? The Rustie-Tosat. 1 gues-Cle,.- là" Leade. 'lTbey sas>' ussbas a veak lisat." "Bad. I1liadn't beSrd" "Tes,; bc'sbeau tsliglu love vus tre>'91rl]lie me"ta" -Phadisa Drame. Tne EcsleX.patli oe bm #0 pissastise, agn Vhs 5laetied àMA-Now ll mpvell tb.-cw ToriiWOO&d IWANT m cmes mArSI WHIITE WAOTE.Çcees C*mdn, for ,ale. .1el. R. :E."" FOR SALEt-80eureefarmsa 5mise vesi tf GuciseeLaks Co., ID. Wei lusmorovd,1 0 mm ý;,Darn. Tliotgbly usd, Gravel romd& Esy paymsate. Loy lntueutl. aqila dnc j .Paie GorneslIi . 141 GROORY &MARKET--on grousr>'1 alose, for saie lu good ptoeissons Laes Cut'Village. luqulrmlsuapaisua FOR SAL E-A temu of onm. 1V Villag lins, Praire Vlew, Ille. 1't FOR SLEq-ouae sud 2 lot@ata RokleEk Ter, IIL l, it!i, Lurks, Jn Ail Sports Football Not the '~l Man Killer ---Mountain Climbing Leads. Doath Roll of 1906 In Hue ung, Motoriug, Baiail, Horse Racing, Etc. Why la popular dinapprovaf dhrecte abnost vboly against thse tame 99 footblli Even Iiorlng th. admittedl>' strong »MtIn tsl avor of the sport, vby la astbing *ver eahd o eet abllU aue. fwies,o Instance, or of the mléasp sOw tflustl>' fa;al> veblcuisaS éeh tveivemouth on thé e ce trech, mn tise vvesint mata or la 'fIbo ox' vingt Why la an aeccusatIon ma"e agait manntau clilmblng or autouso. bUlng or buatinal Gliai tthe Items of deat's cemt- jing la the variona fids of sport siace Zanuar>', lOOOl came lu. Mouuts.l abizi .d... lalbn the ttelevea meaDtbueo- tL.. . *- '.t3adventurers bust thisr lîves lu thit bazardous "plensuré- Âutornobllng bas aecouant- adl for 110, aad eeventY-two buaters bave heen accîdentaîl> kIllied. It la. qut. a drop, from sucb figures 10 tthe sievep fetalities of football, vli. fol- iowlng lu onîler, besaîl elgbl. marine eporta tour ad two ea.'ls for bomlug, vrestling und horse raciug. The 'red devilg" nuit "galioplng ghosts"l sud "whte vhlzzers' of 11104 left s dreesiful trai beblusi theu. Juan. uary recorded but one ,leath, anad Feb- ruary added .ouiy two to that, but No- vember veut out 'vits tbe total raleed to 110. Jul>', the worst of the eleven moutha, accouuted for tweuty-tvo. If vltb theoe ha lucludad Ove ftlilties due tu, tisemotor cycle. the Ivelve- moutiu's 115 attrihutable to motor vebi- dles take second place La the grlm ros- ier of desîbe (lue toi"sport" Huutlng. Indeesi, rua dean>' thîrd lu the annuel -"sportlng deetba."' Wls- Buy à farm ln famous Texas Panha"dle. WIIii, you ieli. We ovu large tr. Prise aad terme s-giCs4xcur- abus twice uaontbiy. Goud agentsq wantaul. For aticulars %,rite, Texan &Ssoîbh Vent Colonizatiosu Co., inusia- polils, inu. -1 6-4 FOR SALE-Four l'olaud ('laina isoars sud tvelve y nug Poland ibina suuws in pig. Crah rs ar>,Lake Bluff, . 17-lt GIRL WANTIEO-Gouud strouîg n.'isl,l. girl. Addroeasc. seWo<i. Wpistetileldý fient, lPrairie Viu.w or 'luut, iertyil-nu1 FOR SALE-A Rood farin 0f1200a isaated about 6 mil"estrou. NeI Mw> sud about 4 usîls from Rond La.e. Foc furdwsr panJlm laeInqlso CisARLES A. Bauglit, Boa Nortli Ws lit, Waukffgas, 111. 1"- FOR SALE-2û acres 2 mils nsI Lbtyieou C. & Md. E. I. B. opposite gmnoa.Wil divide poet. H. EUMNS,2206 W. Adami St., CliScao. -- -- ----1". CUTTER FOR SALE-lundcni tion, vilii telleamp. Inquire lInùuszis DMNv 09is.1M4 MONEV TO LOAN-Onap vdsu estate escunt>'. 133N. a. Mu. aLier- tyville, lDis. 8i FOR SALE-242 acre stock snd dai>' farus, % salle southeaet of Wauconda, Lake caunt>'11.ImI rprovéd vith uev boune, barn and veili ad sel aud necesar>' out buildings, orebard hlunher asnd filue freeh wver pond. CloM te lularàdtake. Mut b. saisi ai once 10, close an estate. Nake offen. 82 Acre Stock sud dair>' farci 8 mile vest of Glielw,- Caak cunOt>']ILI, on tuth aides ofMiliwaukeAve. Iusproved wi"th good boues snd bamn aawly paintad;nd uaw r4ouf ou bain. Gond oiehard sacrifice forff150par acre.' 120 Acre Farm-Near B lue Island 2 miles frous Midlothien station imrirove4 vits gu od boues, and barn sud out buildings. (Jood ons'bard sud,27 aces timbar sud pastume saelisut for dam>'ý tarin $100 fper acre. "'. Have-savral good ferma whlcb muet ib.' euld ebeep for .snqb. Adesa tate of Joi B. OîgaugEYEtc, 118 Amland Bd. Chieago. 50.11 FOR SALE-Ne;tw 10 ro.ui bléono Burlionst Court. FEvUeliuug modem anud ut-s aate Oak tinu.lardwood ilu r..,,tia assi >,asligluls. bathroom 'ssspse ,,liiaa. ,su iu.-at, deep Weil anud sNgsises.)aIM'ttër lu tovu. lIEu BlO'Nu. .slar'ille. 15-if tuil 121 .- - - FOR SALE-Fisia I'ekin du-k*lor isred- ls ng î,urpossem. F 55.i!K lî.,ussî,Itst. 280 ACRES-Farsu for rent. Wil rýeSt 1'. 0). Prairie Vies, It. F. li. 15-tf wbole of it or 110 pcirs', wlire buildings4 are.-(.lood builudinsg.fins tulaular ve!l, WA'NT-EDý-fintiemau or lady tu Iravel 1% muiles s»outhest oh Waewortlsounfor MIýrunt& iiimuse.of large caitasl. lowulne rosd. ltuasssaisle relit. TPrrstsrt trhuas,.or slîsoad tb suit, If Inquire F. C. Fuiticui u, (mes,1. i17-:1 demiralb' tishe ususmaylie nsed a. - Pualarter..Weekly saler>' of $1.000 FOR RENT--My bonus farnu of 200fier er andi sxjseussa. Addrse. vwirl as'res 1% miles West uof North (luis-sar,. sstansp, .1 s a,. . A.'sEM, Waukegsu, For particulars rail u or asidrea. Tuos. itII. 0'MAiosEr, !104 West et.. Waukega". 17-lt SOME BOOKS WORTH MAVING- FARM'MEL WATED-hre expr- tIs sud 7tb Books o! Mose, Thea ienced Lernanusu god-vage-farnuu> lvîsLegacy. The Secret. af Clair- eleetnlc rouid % àmile rm C, & N. W. ,*, yaiîr.s. Great Book of 400 Secrets. station. Full particulare la fini latter, S' s î,ostpald 25c each or Ithe four Addresa box 214 Lýake Forest, hil. 17[t lbî<,ki for 90c.. E. D Gillillan, 561 FOR SALE OR RENT-517 acres sof: Wabash av., Chicago. land 8 mile. nortb of Liliertyville.' W. J. Mîhîsussa, 2tslSLaSalsSl., Chcaga. i I4PNOTriam and Pensonal Magsutiant I tel astanglit for I lu onT .complete mail ruon ina'siar course malien pesnsialInstructionunu- POTATOES-Ni-ed rua nW aad nscebiary. It le vnltteu ln the plain -1l1 sii isan -111 l'u-elsilots unt 55v- language of every-day people. Sue- lia-t J n )0 Iltma..H. iiu'5.KLES. cens garanteed. Personali l.struc- 171f tlonr glven vben deslred. W. so puhhlsb a i mail course in Telepatis> If 'on dont adverllse boy viliiaur' sud Concentration. We guarantee to 15.000 reaer. lcuaw yan veut tu cure nervons sud <brouIesilesases ier- e osîally ansd by cornemlqndetîsc'. The Weddhug stalloner>' doue at thse NationtalImlutlluteofo Scissuce. 3143-3147 INDEPENDENT offies le correct. undlna ev. Chicago.filI. Jan-22Im rI!D jOCIlAI!IM Bov zoaxzr e3WBLL vAs A AguIgDUor, a. Y. eonsînsaema 10 hava tbe bîsekest por- tlu& OflbhelRat tgo611ov, for ber Set da>"s record talls of tblrly-nlue casual- lies. thînlasu of tbern fatai; but Maîne reported for the final forty-clgbt bonne 0f the season six killed and sevan vounded, eo that the ghaslly total ofg aeveut>-tbree falalities sud seveut>'- Ceven otben casualtles for the enliesC countrY exhibits e reasonabi>' dlvidsd Prohibition Growing Popular. Tlilrty million people lu Amerteui. or more than one-thIsrd o! the natlon's population,,are living under a prahbii- lion lav, says tIse annuta report o! the Assoctated Prohibition Presa, a neyasesrvie fnrnishing neya relative to thse prohibition usovemeul. vbicb bau its headquantscs lu Chilcago. Thse report, vblcb la a reaume o! thse rams accompliabed b>' tba vari- oui forces vorking for prohbitî ion. states tsaItIshe prohlhltory aresiu forengu ntntea basbeau greati>' lu- oresd durnthle yeur. gained b>' the pcolilitionlta la large. la Tennessee 1,835 ont o! 1,848 tovus bave ebat outsloons ander tIse local option lav, and* l,732,1'37 poople out of a total population or 3,020,616 lîve under prohibition. las Arhausastlhe.advance o! prohl. blhlas been equal>' anked, for e1.v.n-tvehfbbi of lhe teritory suif tvothisrda o! ie population Isave pro hbitîon. The aggregate -vota on the lîquor question lu Ibat alata cbangsd frou s lîeunse majorîl>' o! S2,358 lu 1894 to a prohibition majonît>' of 15; 618 lu 1906. lu Georgia, 103 ont o! 137 caunaIfs Ia tise stite bave prohibition. Indiana Io reporteS an havhug 860 townships aud 40 ctils vithaul sa, looaa sud Ohilo bas .1,200 "dry"- tauu' ahip. Vemonut aud NevHauipabIre àypé aeald b h eïr rogho tIse old Vermi ostbe iu I 25 llceuelva espet, avle bth2ir prabibto'wg dp~ a totil of 140, and lu Nes thausI e c neroesafor prohbll Io" urug181la givcu ase176 per SPECIAL ATTENTtON To out of Town Orders Asnd Shlppîug Trade Toepisous No. 46 Libortyvilie Exchange BAKER çnd CONrFECTIONER Libertgvillé - hbu MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED. WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS ------------eou îs:eu; W havoa large stock of bran, mddlngs Eutn, con and oats, wheat, oit meïl, Red Comb Poultry Food and ail kinds of . stock and cattle foode. PLENTY of bard coal, egg, range and nut, now lshds. Best of soft coal, Hocking Valley, Virsinla Splint, pinto (Jannell, Wadbed Egg, Pocahantue and Carterville.- Pine kinding wood and baled shavings. S EWER connections, traps and vents, alls@lm' of pipe, brický sand, cernent and basin covoerj Remember. EMMONS-ME&CER LUMBER CO. EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r Planes47 671 L riDDYVIIL . 1. UCONDA Au> oi. lalug10puccliua..abyma book iat va. bueed at tL e Rvivai Sec. vics, will fiud theu at tise Fair Store, prices 5C. Ja. Carnie loft Monda>' niglt for Seat- tie, Wa.h..nehfarnly vii 0110w hlm le about tva monilis. -1 The Ladies Dorcas Sugiet>' met Tbusr- day atteenoon with Mns. S. ý'. Hutchin- MimeeVa 4 lelm, viitodl witbMr. snd irÏ . . .Rbern lastweek. 'Mne. R.' M. Va.ntiB quits iii aI preslent vniting. Miss Emma Antesq vietted at houle last Sunda. Lousie Totz ofChicago, viited lu towls Suikday. Mrs,. Kirnhnrk and Sherman @peut aev- eral dayt this week with Mr@. Adarne. A number of cblîdren are sufferng frorn au attaek of the mumpe. George Adamsi and Mia. Johnson. of Chicago, visited with Mrs. Adamse Sun- day. There will Le no serviices lu the St. Paul'@ Evangelical ehurch Sunday lu the absence of the pastor, Rev. Deckingar. Zero weather aud lbe lue and coa men emilelli broadi>'. M às. D. S. Pntman la reported quit.. I]. George Wagner, of Waukegan, visited withbie sou Phllip of Ibis place, a lcw day. lest wa.k. Louis llake returned borne lest 8aturda>' froua Chicago. Mng. E. A Dean returned home last week fror n s extended vieil with ber daughter, Ars. H. I. Wells, at Oherliu, Ohio. FOR DEMT-Houas sud à ac-resnollu- east o! Libertville, Pau Bànxs, Liber- tyvilla. liL 17 td FOR SALE-Pull circla Bradley' iay' am sli elos. order for 0100. J .E. Bm~Lake Zurich. 1- BROWN LEGI4ORN-And Spaugled Hamburig eocksrel, pare brsd, for sala. Alao biave noms Delgian banssand borner pigeons. 0. Ray, Damond Laie, P. 0. Rocheer, Ili,. 16-2 1 ýi-eiepnone uentrai , ý- 1 TeleDhone Central 1 -- ---- ------- ----------------- op y - ý - ý 0-owo"l 1 1 . 1 .iý ------------------ '. 1. ------------- ýp- mo il 0 1 P POO moio o mo - -0 - le -1, , Il ------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ý ýo li 0 moddli ý 1 1 * p Ili ý 1 1 . ý 1 1 1 ý - l'» ý 1 c -------------

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