CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jan 1907, p. 5

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JALfl s nongmious wi ýim -1,11 -y ifThere AreI Whg Atlas Flour is BestL Bf CAUSE Ata Flour makes the best bread 1BECAUSIE AtlFlour make the mot bread BEýCAUSE Atlas Floue is alas a sure Puccesa Trq ou.' old time Buckwheat Roui' SMITHi&.DAVIS TEA AND CQFFEE LEADERS UibetyII., 111. s oa tems 0[ Interest to LIIbergiUe Readersll r DÔIPIG BiG Fickd U Hee ed TereBUSINESS LasCounty National Bank a iLse laItitlosi-Its ___ aryad (rowthl Daence Frideay lght of this week. Mi@"s Gertie Warner v lsicod in Fre..port. To-nigiit. l at chicioen pie lit the ae"Il daye rcniS RCETIMR VE ET Si~~~~~8tue I and eyegiass.s itted right RCN M iVB NT Prebyterian cbureh. end t ot et iwklsstudio. ii o svre OINE MY LOCAL MIEN fl'tfoi-get to cati by number andCar h'.beriI iynm h n Dpow bang. lndays witb a very sneeiold. Tite Lake County National benk. of WendeillLoveil i. ow bekemn i' 01>fMlwleuk.., alfbeau 1ibertyville, wbome banking bouse bas C. & m. Electrie road at Racine. vïiting wtb lire. Albert Kirby. receýntly been enlerged, interior remodcled C. F. $mai lias been eomewbat mldte.- il. E. Warner's dog wr.s the victlm of and wiiicb has bomo Il dwlth new the weebe the pat fair deys.. of th lb. r, ài of th*.do)g poisoner's art and Dit to date fuitures tbroughout Don't fIge the Mystre card party, tues week. Jen. 28. Neit Monday evniilug. ii.w.kcm cure yoirr heedeches by with new veults and bauking necesoories Byron Cl ywbo bas bean quit.ilk correctly Otling glaise; rnonl retnnded eu proudly sey thet tbe Work bas been le a sunc improvid tbathle able tu if not etlsfld. done in lua entirlty by local mnen. ho ont.> i C. W. $tout end Frank (irey attended1 To begin with the generel contract for Mrs. 0. E. Churchililef t Mondal for a 1- 0. 0. F. installationl et Milwaukee the addition to the bilding coslu vioit wtb bier son, Dr. Fred Churchilli, of one evealng th!& jpont wê.ek. of brlckwork, carpering. vel worx, Oowego. strengfers Wl liehowelcoflisiint the etc., wu» given ho Thomas Coriett, The 'marrled pople" wbo gave a mid-winter eMatiad cbickel] n ~ l bryii eea otatr .B dance ln Deceinher will give another et lteId. E. cbureb next Thu= EgrLiertyvlls vete contractfor.tH. Bot next Tburodey ulgbt. eveing.Egrivl vethcora;frteht One day let week a boy cerne t John Gansiez, a veil ho do Cbingool, weter hlting systeum whicb wuO gladde bôhme of Simon Roppeid basé rented lthe J. J.,Davis fam northb- nstelied end Schanck Bros. did ail the Who lirez .ontbiwest of town. west of towlî of John McAwe and will plumbiguohbiin g Chicken pis supper and program eat morhefml ntfo iingt.e Tite flinsbing wblcb was no amall part JanM. . 31cfrnt, ie to buroday evnlng The Ladies'Ald of the. M. E. chnrch of tbe contral aud wbieb le Mission Jeu.31,f rm fve h oibl 'cick. wiil on Tbursdey eveninir of net week style and shriking-, le tbe bandiwork of The Ladies of the Cemetry association give t er anouel mld.wiuter social anid George Bond. Too, the painting and will malt on Frlday of tits week at *1 chieken le npper. Hupplr 25 cents; decoretingwu ail donc by local Partes o'ciuck p. m. et the home of Mns. Barri- cijîdren ja c e..rnkOesin itte .saceo ion Brown. ~~~~The snddeu cold ofthl(pi, fW ~~ .E eyproie hi ato b Unre. Battis Reh of Hyde Park and afiter the nnenaily uîîld atherLw E . RTyhefurngi te art ofrhe Miss Caroln Ktrleo D hhvebv en belvlng made îhlngsel>> been vliting etl the Franirg. Wire hontre retirer lute but ban booimed the celeker tbrongb W. M. Heath. for a few da dys. and choea-business. Chairs in warm The plans and splecificationsofolthe. Ed Nutter, formerly of Prairie N'ie.w spotio bave beln overworked of late. 1 entire remodelinganad building in tbe ând wbo fora time umade i* homei" I* T"' adfaoiy vP !te1wr o oIrd n adi Lihertyville le nlv-et McCloUd, - - w -i)nTretineadA taremwrko bybedadrsdi wbere bo expectu tolire.. .,yîngng e heltyesîlle, Clark C. Wright, wbo wethr ilncba e . ellmale u The condition of Mr». 0. M. Kirchner envions. Tbfi write, that t le 85 de-1 performetd the %work lu the Chicegaoftie Who bas ben erionsly iii for tihe pect greesil the soinny ont l,ors and tbey 1 of Spencer & Powel raichuteri. thi-ce weeka with inffmmato)ry nhiirînilcetbut b hallpy tC-. bot lberitmi'Hiîr o ak trinrmaiu@ morio the camte. .-oll. 1Ms yo ak It is rnmored the reasomiArt Price The. runor tiret witî, thi- ew superi heLak- C ulBak of rthe linte bas eùde neer t egan eter ir.tendent lu charge of Ibis divimion of th Lake Connty NationlBki.heina pv gtotle basentitd huaffectious C. M & r3t. p. wonl tiseîontinne tbe, descendant wus started sorne fourteen ina Crh euse. Sometiing doiig local freigbit etetloned rlit this point and; yeare ega. The tfret borne of the batnk about aexh June 'tie said. ransferthebe headqnerter$ firl Liberty-1 was in tiie building uow occupied by tbe ville seesto bd witlîou fnoundation. jLest Thureday eveninir Mr. and Mnr. The crew will, work front Attridge bakery. John Croker and Mr. and Mrs. Fredibtis village ai heretofor,-Tiie balk wu@ srted by privat. Croker atteude.d the. weddig of their nidusal ieacr d ott neie.Miss, Jeurrie ChamberstlM. The annuel eel ltion I iters of L.idvitheeniiobekr idnte T. t. iliam. Htb e. f Cicao. Prmobyterian Ladieo À il s,.iety beldittime forms eLb future of tii. TAI.Willante BohemoChicgO. tuts week refe lit.s t. rie reeletion of business. Thoen tuer. was no benking Mrs. Ellis% bas ben very liti l ilpn.h racticaliy tb. seme board umasuet ,enr. eetabliaiimenit i il Liberty ville. Meciients week aod tiiongiresue s a little better, Thb. officers who il have irharge for the wr ol me icuvenience wn alarm is f.iL est there bt a relapse..lier commît veuxrn le s.four,,. s: Pn-@s. Ml ,ecn' îu~ rc w daogtr. Mns. fln.M. Miiler bas C.. Wright; Vice Pre.r, I. r,. Kinbeliito dificulty <of elociierge and thus a retnrn.-d iiim IWashington toîie witb e.en.Er oltt'r-s Ms .L onvenient' -elkng business wu& ber. Tripp. Titec&annuei ,rq,rL olire troas- im possible. Farrien fôr want of e place Frrday rnihtiof thisweek. retiieiuber, urer sho estir Itril r<.cilts of thfl attermie etlresri is; tii. goodmtiill., dent.' givemi by ire cociety for theyear. i, i.. î tl:î.4 andt.o del ermne e areotl i~ ~ ~ i L .f 0 wntaod i'you the expendture *8..The u-ha iti ueciit..Tiie merciients were cati get it anrd ther, moulre.. Tii. night peid îîuf wes largl il,, bleneit of. ettimeas rompeleild o rais. sulugom wii b.oJulilof fou ar..i ou woîiî rvanîtonthechureti goirrg inti. r.j.or. rsand de-lt dnyad oterrs icneine go homne ut ail. altions forrtios At last ta ealleviate conditionsa Tite Woooen iask hall givr.n)Lat the private bolk was s4tartel. Thisovale town bail lamt.Frilas uight Weil niost WIIEN LIBERTYVILLE upon .tpril 1, 1M93î;, or ut teast Liiet la was hll iimlyaim pndedandtas Wood- i HIAD A DAIIY P PER the. 'ay tie doore tirnt swurrg open. measil a e teii.tunndl Tiie investorq irr tbe enterprise werc' - rrciur ce e Colet) Wright. rDow deceased. C . F.1 llI laýÙrdsaBtOld 'Time Residerit Now i luCifornrîa Wigtcirg . ngh.t.W Tii rio.tei ho tob.givliet n ends Us Cherished Souvenirs rkîctedrakiu.Dyoid I-arly date bylocai talent i. being taken 1PrhrtadFaki .D i lpit, ith i, i<,and interested are, Consishing of Libertyville Daily and Tii Lie great suorpris. of lt@ii. ni tirrit oug out weIl to rliircalm. Thre - 0'amond Lake Weekhy Quarter of iit,.rFt4hd lu the iankiug hie tiie - shrow will b. given earl3v ln Febilrry, 1 aZCenry 011 1 probably about St. Vletinëes dat.. depocith teiret drîy were ovîer $24)iOOt - - h . ~ili froiî that time the iugimrsliha.t Miler ivio ie noiv et Washingtonl. Ai.v leochalailyperTiswk Lichtield i le itiu is home witi ail the Bo..le .Iîlyppr i enina lBusiin editon . ltest and mode'rni piumbirri. He il aiso Lb. iNrrrENii roffice rîcirr-fronrt Bg usnSSSengD n ofte r.rîhin lu bo watr batin sytrr. Clifaniaa .r~ o thelilrtyvîle People liardly realize tiihete to L prîsingnahwtons er et b. makîug Ben liiyTir"îrniaa Iu. th ib etyvFidyllinks businemé today. Wahingtnrsolil oHtuI'len'aou9 l" iait talieni in and peid out lailiyaverages abiiens.sprept bas bioSe1.', 1utt Sept. L I -more tiien *20,001)utethLe preierit ime. r l r ot f the ne w depot by tiie s@ie of as editor. Ti-, pier hec 1,..-n in tire The totals for tIh. Pest 11g99g9te C r tire rnilnrl treeke and Lt.eiepot nuen possessioniiJr K. Sciau.-k. brother ivr' ery*5,00o i urei C atre planning ta have Lb. onher anaiyzed of ueo. Il Schiirrk. ail te.yetr. v erynal 70Oi0rrLi-.- 1rr,- to dettermine iLs curative propertues. a vel mait affai,7x. ohs pitdof a million. Ben@&d a si ii bav umer.auon athell,. 7izOind-c.prited At the date of incorproration or tiie froi liia cingleoer.sie.l. tintiem-ben the privete betik Wall;turned Tite ricephiori given i lst Friday niglît M1 eai xio bu wnvlv into a national huaik. Aluni 3, 1903, by merubers of the Preohyter ian ciimrh yenrs alO w(i-it to Clifrnia for lais there was on deliosit tii. sum of lu Ioncr oiltv. nud Mas. an de E totaleait nd n ntr ildes at Elinore $330 000 The lest tatemerit of the I oaà wel attentd and ranu.vtOOk wliere be le enil in luthe. îewelry b usiLi adymtage of the. chance to berome us ebil r u su f uspprhu shows tie enorruismuni of auainted vilrthe new peoil Coffe. e@rn$i e-ntiseo t! a 390 000 lu deposis.And as welilb.h andcake was served i n tiie clrrch o b l oisrn yhri'he ln uroplus auI profite 820,OOO0 parlor. and C. P. Fishr-r mention of which we belîdsbiavl declared e divldend of Tb. Knrîkarîsa Tmes cttes tiiat ruade et th ii.Lri. 6 per cent annueily mine its apeunug. Wii lienton, e coming race bon. wtb The paper oic î.ohhisiieed fair week ou Management Continuas Saeri. a gret futuue, wili ho placed lu the wbat we cati a -ib pi-ena"sud ail the Tii. management je 1rrctically the hande of Charlie Dean luis coming noi i h ntrýoetcul c&ti asa on tire day tht dooe were firat mealonWils flenton bas a reord of no tsieeoi. eetcohihostlu e tourteeu yeans agu. Ç. F. 2:06% and la lookbd hto do same grant fifteen rrinutes onr the Ill DE'EIENT-81tN work under Dean whmî hiongt ont The linotype mechlin- tai cabier. bas rernained as Bronema. practca businessmanarger of the coincera Brn .Wlllre Belha : owned lit Also Diamnond Lake Paper. rend ho bis sirrodueclun bosneffs affalre Kankanna. Win. _-_à Anather iuteresting rmlie owne b r.I since te nr nd bis carefuli IAlonzoGrandy fooled bis frien Sbacked orredusfot. ine b arilsecseof tre instîtntue a h Wednesday morning b.e quietly arrivaied ac n ote n o h it iig u fteisiuin iu Libertyville witli MisenSBasil§&acolyof tii.-L)ieond leke Herai ýKrethimer, of Orayslake. aud was pnhlisheld for abourrt a yelr a quarter of Pi-.sbyterisn Services. mearrled by Lhe Bey. Fr. &uanion of the a century ao î.y John A. Singer. Titis1103a.n: oigsevc.Tee Cethoieure in-li.Mr. (lrandy in anu . amore .,rletatiusublica 10:n0Te. nrh i.: Mor nservice. Teml:Li eineer on the C. M. & St. P. raila nthphrar hTo hrciioie o etSndye *wellual bere and, popular. Tiih tno ti. l.irtyviIIe Tmes. It th Preshyterlirînclrnrch are ai follows: bridleoelso Weil kniwn lien and hec boecte four n il priated pages about "A Strndy of tii, Most ligited Petrebît Lutay friends. They will makel teir Sl inchem rîrrdbal considerable i f lbe Gopel-ti Effective Answpr to home inl rtvlI Critiaisme of bath rPolpit and Peu- Libertyville."itle' ieiurg i. .t and cartefu i '<l 1:45;e. iui:.Su'di!v Scbool Servie. Mi-. and Mre. J. F. C.,uiter entertained IL ibronicles tihat Chai. N. Cooper wau :0@. .:Eenlig Service. Tureme: a clciipei-y Stnrey eeuig. ii.ked.î by hor-and a day or go alter "Tiings rot munit. Wortl hirtu discordant weether wry nl no Wieelo t ta mer the 1..iaure of the. hadl a Purge ,rtelnng $675 stolen Mrrketr miti-Van. allowed r-1.. V'reErrve, l'ectoi. gatii.ring. Ma. m. S. Lrtiri and Mrs. fronr Iis vect jrrket b. heving 1of t tiihe__ Elotard Doig badtiie scores of the even- vet bangingmîg îrîrrr inl a bari- rîc ehds evcs igfrtee aide of the count eandC. Gle ht tl I li ehds evcs P.ýogadL. M. Colby foitii enl- lner, ll-. alAtsep Laho hthe r 31.tlr,,dist clurehr next Surmde3 rî men. Mi. Ioig and Mn@. Hong stand et tells thet 11rl' 0f the. -boy wli o moruirrg ith e hiir lli cpeak briefi~ Lt.efDrt of Lb.list and were accordaid swapped yarn.. rt Blilnaki's sgtore giit I prei-edixig tIrenîornrrtg diccource apon tubonore due thi i utire giviug of gay arnd id w,-is fromn severai wagon the Lova!tlill Ithi beliilistLobe pre- lUt standiing ar ielake. Itilestae.das s.nteu J-fo.tu riseo-e ithe I A eryam torg t i~was onttlant wî irIm.. ae enswmîng jteraits <f betier tenrmrp egsation. rSundeveening et lhe e. E. cbnrcii ta 1ta m lv ba "nn n.The tpcfrteeéiggro ilh bu. f.J.,t s;lakefNo the b."crystal nrtetêflb.heleke'goawe: Li<iith. i u .eirgsrih ulh erol I"B-otîrrkto Nrt.S Heritage.." A missionei-y sub- westei-n Unversity, lecture 11POU lb. se. tirat thl l ia< sensatiotsnt h u e jeet oii..eiosidered ini the Longure sur- &ubject Why GO to Collge," owing ta counny even tlr,ii: Steve Flrteaienwast vice~.h. N lcU eiughili eirrg theî leader. the inclemeucy of lie Weal..Prof. Clark gave an additios bowevr tiret iiiking bey toc., isi a epiy bit of news wai watt wprthb eariug. Tire key t, hoetpalpier publislies.. To The Publie. bis tilk stiret colae ne utapta "Ci"Note. W.e tend tohon a ecordial. invitationr ~~reary WboreDu. ej osdMay.@M- chnkr.a .to ea~"ei aîrfih ourmelf tîy oui- services. senulanod plety *o thel bmay draw 'Cit o fut up ÏO ai odone' W. <ffer lirteraliluteront Beariîrg uponbisedetionforthemet f iis ue. ne 80SoCrtiffcehes of Depasit, of latter secrity A *u!lsgoe old flotbtherut of ie crn o (fit ebeiluf.,ng eeunelndcenkyr brats ecror" b nd, raterIl ay allng Wee ienpi-'Jte invetnient. Ao i l BIG RI3DUCTIONA ON ALL T HE weather man says that Febrtary'aAd Mm"] are to be colder than they have basa 1« to year. That means tliat you will bkv 1io *Q warm gooda for at least three mores moatb& 40Ou big reductiono on al winter good-a coni-t a0 which wiIl mean dollars to poubefore the meam is over. Corne in and see our goods and get on prices. They will certaiuly please -you. Libertyville Phone 29 P. ilyMasni, Pres. :ii. A. WmtuoriT, Vice Pi-es. fllinois C. 1P. Wu LAKE CO. NATIONAL BANI( CAPITAL$5~OQ SURPLUS,$!9WO hG SIIVItIMftlq L . GALLOVrAY PAUL MacOUFFIN- %A cF. WRIGHT F. p. DlVw m m ARESS i arn now located lu tii. new etore m J. E». Trlgg. bulldlmq on fipraguesetret. Thts .hop turneont m 90od wOrk &S en liedonsIn the state. (ive u a trial SOLICIT OUR TIUAfl NI.ASK ThÀT TOU MIVE 0. 1. LUCE Libertjville Best earthenware bowls, fancy embosoed On outaide. round shape,,; glazed inside aud oui bine and in white. 10 Oin ch extra deep bowlw ... .............................. 11 ich extrai deep bowis ......................... 12% neb .xtri large iz .. .. ........ .......... .........-..... Large sise eartben litciîerm gis"edwhite inaideAM MbO4 green inottied or bine tint old mil igi dgs on outMe 25c; for tii. saien................................ ...... ... a ý P. DYMONI), pren. ÏO.A. WRIGHT, Vie8 Proo. m m EW

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