CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jan 1907, p. 6

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just Inômila o oneof the mnt wltb. These bi-hs wIii be most liene- ficial ta ait a~a More Wanlc for lnuiaes. t Another theory, iliat of work for, TII!ORY the inmalez of the baital, la grttd- lially being carriod, ont iy lDr. Pois pRimCtiLe STHirTINSOMNIA tata. In the vomens îlejarttncnt. tIl 0F lINOStE WILL DE ÇURCD., bas lready got l'eytind the- expe-rt- the mental stage. Nan.% articles of! t-t- haioldery anSdailier 0încy vork arec, Lat .OP*~ tM Ilulty la GOtttlng Patients wt e b te vomnieti Ile beSle Qumo RcAttendantm- tc>are sold a! lthe haîlîtal aid itil h laUbr endnt the iî,it,ý received le turned 2 rver ta Co tbe smtmî-anii-ii fund for thie bonefit thi ofthe îî:uîliatis. Lasd monîli. as t.>cri>0li -- Phur eloigated bath tubs wlîtie as 319ciins ri-elved front ftie sales of Rei 10103M7 appa.ratuq for hydrothe! 1 hlit, îiiîuîî's varia.Aflelasc - ~P5't trtlitmi ofInsne isc, are Cottaitinc stinples of the work hia IWU ir tallad at the Illilnos North- been placeS ut the otrance of the- lias- m% mopltiW tor lInanme ai Plgin. piliai.,vliere vistors may sethe fine' »Î,130eltetdent V. H. Patata varia wlich la helug dette. - bà&-WO MU Ipect te effact nome re- At prosent thero la lîltie employ- cloi ewqbýu çwm.ment for lie men patients. A few are 7%0 ttees 0f the Institution yull emîloted aboutthe fari. but tbec 4 »k h1 Siglsara for an appropria- great majorlty have nothlug vuatever 5 'a m of sa ioU&M for the construction ta occupy theîr feeble minds durlng i- &" mà1 itaance of a seprte buiid- te long vinter months. This la tie ~.tu vIse ."thIs vecau hocarried nînsi disagreeable perlao!oflte entîre OS. ftthe Weeantla allowed and tht' vear. b« IgU@iu Saetad greit resnits are an-__________ OUCIP011ILThe INDEPENDENT l vortli mone cli retrCure Thsory la Simple. ta you tian $1.60, the subcrlption u ma bMUaOMVi*W sme aled wt îie If you don't advertlae boy vii our i »pSi pIpes0 lai ithe exact temupera,-15000 readers knov' tuit s'onhavehP t«e mile kWaut a acertain Point for sala? RFw on" if 5boe. Nlotblog laalmpler tiiau the theroy Toesa Lanot la the Corpus dro o:ý tica," ' stated Snper- Chrlil iDistrict..l t adlailt la bat ilum 0 acres and upwardsaiat $10 pier *lls fii lu your own homte. whenaver acre. Out o! ans of the hast large trarta -,* ami.a eeedlngly tiraS and nerv- lu that vanderful countmy. Rielete.ll-C'a ou biomgany cause, but tee, lIaI yomm fineet cimate, piici. rapdy advanclug; acte olal~ve utesure.Notislf is ièat u h ôouma, juil lake aàvrm bath.,- expeuse if vou tan joîn aur party *If roaceala inl the tub long Ja. 15. 11ound- trip $25. party inu1 tueuglYca vUIiild YOugrBelf graduai- charge of honorable gentlemen. Squarittit fy botîeosijig roiie, .Y-qu cauthen Saisi aaaui. Lxvts & WIrnMmu, 1-5 set * gmto lie&did p -he Silpof the ""jale @t«-, Chlcago - -a gis m m pea cèo-- discoo nt on Fur Blénkets, fur Coats Rebes.and ail winter goods larnms and Horse Goode of ail Descriptions CHAS. IH. KAISER Ubertyvillle.-Illinois I Mo iJÎSI ---------uh-- ---------- s:i -:: ii: Charles Whitne~y SPREADS, .01Sf AS! Profebsot 1.iiWlg Hektaîiî. bead of fe Harold. F. Mctarnick Menlmîilal aboîta!ory of tie Rush Medicul (ol1 te. and, aile ai'tht' most nmiod ex- ia oatm'contagonms diseuses Ini tie tîtm1tr3. ives the' public advlae impoli vw ta conmbat tbe acarlet tuî-um courge. 1 Haie 10 Ward Off Contagion. 1-Sal the milk. 2-Use a simple diel. 3-Keep lb. feet dry and tbe body lin. , 4-I»oIate à tîmlly suspect., S.-Fumigefe freqmently. 6I-Gel f rssh ai.. -ln Case of Contaien. 1-Cel a physicieni. 2-Bond memberseto the famliy te ter quartera. 3-Securs s competent nurs. 4-If possibles md patient t0a àbos- si-Ibme only w&Y te privent ani pdemlc. 3--Use sa oerixd millt diet. O-Keep the sicla-eo r frctram rugbta. "Scsrlet lever," sald the profesear, a atn seule conitagloui diseuse. Tht mace lg yet unkuovu, but, leaSig entiats are wortIug barS ta finS w reason for the irth ofthle gerni. "It Io flot lu lteelf a necessarlir fa- ifoyer, but the danger lies ln tht' ondary lnfectibu. whici attacha tic ýands ofthIe tiroat. net-k and vani- u; îariv a! the body. - "l May lie contracteS iiieetlý tbronghilu. Milla,1belleve, [e moat generai vay lth e caurge la read. "One tof the gemioral causes of ami ddemie of the tever Ilev m)sunie ember ot a dairymama fsmil als etracted the disease and g.atte eil or sp'E epld cme an sd thon haundled thte nilk tr catmis<le Slvered 10 custamueis *The' disease irsi maniferse i-if *several days afater contact and shows hIself fi a headaclie. with citille sec camîxanied by vomitlng. su re illroîît sund hîgh foyer. Tveuîy-ftînr hoîmea afier these symptints first alîliar t..- > patient hreakas ont witli a reS rama.i and ia then sick for a nmnber of da' Then flic akîn pols oafthe- body fý,, * tilrty or forty Says, au and t lt-tiie that thie disease is llkely ta aimead ta j tMUa w*o lconsl tac1"th Ia Ilwia Mi lAveS éd*t th ipi u.. 1 ale3 ,S U Me un1i 04imior*d of tihe fair -pro- Oantier ta the patient. lmyetor, a"d thera wam rlvairy 'betweqn "It a e tiis tag tht te dea4hl im d sveral otiier aultors. itarsb "Il 5 B thî atgo tat ii. reai Aword. *oreaspolcen by oue of theni, atter 3erm of ibis foyer maltes lies ai>p- M and it vas rranged that they should pearance. It le knwn noi the strepto- fight a duel. The authorîties Inter- coccs, cd wen bis isceriae~ilesfared an.d Muonn wu arrented and bis coccsx pr anwenth isrl' ofteimielen Spilngfield, Ill., Jan. 23-The lie,,. revolver taken frrnm hlm. filanypar ofthehod ofthepatent ho hawaa reaod he and Misn, Il lm thon the disease 18la atle tuaiai tenant governor actionet the RstO te orcoran eioped. The young womau tbepemonafliclad fi Itilîiane jsonate comnmitteea today anq Senator; trled to mçnd bis ways, but ho cou- lIt. rffatiy la ppoiuted cito he foilowing: îinued driaklng, and %efinaily fell "The ey4s eurs andttkidneys ore tbe CORPORATIONS. nLittlen i tte erarneopulse. waa dis- or ElIUCATION.mpae.Iemeroudte îi mont susceptible parts oif the body frIïe.Dcme on hmwt FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCEi-. ioniy $600. This they deposlted, drew tht ldg~et f ii. ttni i viime- LIVE STOCK AND DAIRY. a draft on a Chicago banik, and de- île (heoswbvîî the patient basnflot ,tormlned tu cure themaelvýs t>f the bren wasbed and nursed caréfully, ILZADS AND REVEINUE. 1drink habit. andi sometlme., came -eerîiýps ompil- ROADE. BRIDGES ANDII }tlH-1 tonce mor;" cal lna."despie their resolutions. and they The farmers' Insurance and coriior- piauned a lait surrender tn the denion. Auctiemiale alon i m teev iii masn the Pas- "Juat once more," they argimed. The Haviu b. 'sage of neaauros mrFd respectlveiy! once more waa the lent for the vo- sain old tuy plat-e on the t.olv ytoMirn Stul d tiemn.Taconr.urviide- rond anda beiug abcuit tui mottuWau- b h ibr fuulad1 eiman. Thhconer'@a uryban dter.a irvumu1 IU oif! et publie onction viti- couinty superviscrs. minfor eher deth.ubn atib out Mierve un the pneImuO51 ilo. heu iorier. ertdtte xortliees* of Libprt.*vviiie i1"r Bulklev Wo h aew eotdt h bridge on * anday January 28, '07, May §le important Wiiéea police. Detectives Dooley and Mli. 1, c u a u m d o g t 1 2 3 0 - l o ek s h a r p t h e A l i d U n o l e J i m m i e L o e f o r m r l y c a h y v e r e s e n t t a t h e o t ]. T h e. b o d y -Ifllng ideacribedprowrt-y 10 vit:. of Waukeanbut now ot the Mosau-wseatoni oool,2 dm fiue bey mare 6î. yrs aid %-t 1-50, fina Midland, Chlcage, wellI ICIown t10av.-t Mnu a fud ith oo brou mre Ir aI wt126, fne ~-Wauksganite and re'membe sa 5the detectives and wuIa mmediatoly *browa Mare 6 Tre ni wt 1050, dîmebayiene of thebhast po.ted mon n l ttaen ta the Centripolce sation.. POn-y 537y» ouuiwt 18(*- ail tha abova aite on earniy Illinoleanmd middle W5tt Muondeclared ha lafi u he ho0tal Rt liroke sinagle and double mourut and ail hlatory, may b. an Important witn.,s 10:30 p.m. at the roquait of hls vif. rigbt, 2coe osaigluoiu Marh. in81theolantOblogo acaadaltragsdy. te purchase Reverai bottle, ot bear. .'t tous ambalha in barn.1 ton$s vlid by. A wornan'a body, louait horrlbly mu- Re lockud the door of the room. ha 2 good stiecs om iudder, 400 bu gieil tilateel and gnaved by rata lu a dingY saald, as isife e ai under the, Influ- Round eora ln crib. 10 bu fiua oaed corti, room lu the Hotel Mland, 176 Mad- once of liquor. and tit the key et lig) bu good whiri outo. .10 bu g<sud ltat. troot, Chicago, next door toi Mr. the hotei oilice. p.itatoee, lÏumpmewago, a>ng Wbob tÀe ro ontinluthe botel. tolas the' Forgts Ersand for-Hours.. c.d ing le andtrlg.ew douleton ar. sob tory of a tbree veeatm debauci by R Att., evaral drinks lna aneighor- ,,eàc, 2 gs.inle ýbugs,haruegs, 1 14 ineb youlg bride and ber bueband, whO) ing saloon Muonusaid ho vanderod mia-. îiag eultvator, pulverîuar, came to Chcago on Chriatihas day, Inta the, red light district, viiere h plow w pannig tebav onekastlong**âwee"passeil muci of thp nigbt. Thon h; rock lheu@ -8 guilmea herni. several white hofore they should go to R boslital rememhered the erraud ou wbich ho MWIanotte ehirlkens, ii-bole ooiug range fo r lobtitae. tire *JO5'5having Maien bail startedeurdl eranr- for «,out gr vood, 2 beatlng stovei. 2iVItl t ~ iibtd oefrtre athe hotW. >good menuvoforks. nuMrrfplteb forkg, liQuOr. ---Muonuwaa t ttho ey ae a u rt scoolp sîovel diiching spade and mauy The husband. drunken and besotied. ta bis rooma. vhero sait! he found hlms other articles taonuierous ta mention. 8aved froni suicide hy the boltlplor- vite demi. He called for lalp.- WbeR I aal ormi.ter, la ini a cou Rnt lie Central 1molce attaches. of the hotel arrIvaS MunUZ 1 H Am'pterme. Furp ltiîr. statlomi. and viii be brougbt betore a wasvavîng à kmîfe, thraateniug sui- tuctitbri,î I P rop. coroncr'a 'Jury to anaver tie, ques- ride. dotts that Inv.ive the'm<t __________ Fam orRlt.ii uyatory. The Jury vil! deterniluie Our 'A?TCOILUMN coversa m l Farm Fo Rent.whetber Il wms uxurder. viiether Il titude or, vanta. Thie tilem-soigibeillite vri- ititiirized v as tho ffcreaof tbe dobarîie, îor tii rent the Api-11l arîi of t40tares*0 whether the womamm died by ber own Th . la pape Yota~ou legs than 3 siliue mi.iotu,,ti tîkfie and. Cets lier vëek. DBii tba monay la and A mile soutb -if l',nliîe-for oune For hours the rata werë thi ruile de n av~ ypar; ai, viii .41 uet living thlng ln tbe roomn ebere 11w_______due__ln______________ Auction sale. womanR body vas fonnd. TheY iie,cow. tîwo ypi iîîjg cllmbed oictthîiangb boles lit the inî 12 beli#4. abouit 40 fins o-if ikY. a vallu and doar amnd under the- flicker- Ilile of strav, abotut 450 bu.liels a! lng llght of a gaz Jet added the test Whon communicaimig wllb lhe "at lbago of ililet. and abouit 25 horrible chalîter to lie giatlly trag- INDEPENDENT ataI l imes BE l'nlsh,-le of potuat-s nt Raid fartiaon ody. VERY CAREFUL ta seet Iat '.onday. Februarv 4.1t0,tlocok 1h.r donio eaae your NAME AND ADORESS a. ini. tImsot'pmil l iKvit, Jr.. Roeeiver. oniy by a thla partition, Jamas Low. appeara plainly upon the com- >ddreffl. Liberty Irl... Ill., Il. F. .No. 1. f85 yeara old, slopt the alasp of an eld munication. A numbor.of limes mi4ibiiiNo1i. iaI-rvî-lllii-iane.tlred man, uncomsclous of the scena recem>ily roquete for changeOf -~_____ 112 being enacted within a fae fect cf address and aven REI 1T- him. TANCES bave come to tbis 'llite INDEPENDEN*a and the Clii Fights Duel for Woman. office unaigned. Always give eaigo Cironîcle or inter Ocean, daily, Unili a few mQtîs ago Mis$ Mer'-j former addrets when asking 10 for one yoar $3.50. The INDEPENO- garet Corcoran condnctedl the Ingbeul bave youra ddirest cbnged. ENT and the WVekly inter Ocean Hanse in Blebee, Arts. She boit lerop- 11.85. erty valueS ut $5,000. Sylvester A.g - - Charles R. Whitney1 -j I I -I I l ames L. Swayer Parler@ lu Heath lIock Fridayâsuad Baturdaya gour 89 ta 11:80 a, nm., 12:80 to 9 P. Mi. Nu charge made fer ezaMlnatlon' LibertyvliUe, MI. Di ' r-CIL GALLOVAY, 0111Cm ovua LOYULL'a DEIJO STORE zoume-4rolp i1 tu8 a»d ô tu 8p a DR, FRHDBRICIC K NMAXTI Onk@ceover aill a Devis qffee pions 5-j .Reldence, pion. 711 Biouma: Il ta 12 I . 1 itu8a d 7t * 8P. M. Llbortyvl. Illinois Dt .L TAYLOR, orPICUovma-parlae à TaTyWe&, mou»a-? to 10 a. m. 2 to 4 &M 6 t S P. nM. Semldence on Broadway, opposite Pait Uhofty, Illnos M 'A. HATCM MDa Physicien and Oèeisgon Fox Lke Stock Perm Ingloside, II Phono 882 IL R. DALRYMPLE. aD. OSTROPATBIST Kaiser Building' - Telephon 96 4 flice bonis 10 a. M.-1 P. M. Other lionra by appoIntait. oult ý. PAUL MAC GUPPIN ATT1ORNEY AT LAW. Libettyville, Illinois. DENTIST. orce ovEa LiAS couIrry mANK. o'mu-S@ to 12 a. m.'n. id i1 0 5P. M. DAILY. Uibertyvlle. Illinois. DR. GOLDING 1)ENTIST Hlours >M to 12 a.m.-1 to , :I t, Kaiser BIoek Libortyvllo. Illintoja DR, 0. F. BUTrERFIBLD. VETERINARy SURGEON. Libea'tyvlle. Illinois, LYNCH BROTHERS Livery la Connectia Plhcnt- 337 Lîbertyvllle. 111. A - STEARNS LAWYER 213 Washington Stréel Wankegan 'Phone 2761 DR. EDWARD V. SM[ITH (Jilo. and Iteamidpince olp0it4 iynaloy'w- atore Rockefeller, Illinois l'houe Lîbertyî-ille644 DR. L ,B. JOLLEY l'H YSICI A NAN1) mu RGEON Np-w tested Mlases properly fitted IFarnherm telepbone lixe. Gurnae, 111. 4tue of IBIuýIahLake Eounty. s. Wheaton andîths untfl Usboire Coot go. deceaed. h-irs at law ~~o of f fires Cneit d l You are herobî notiloed that apato $ ou t or teliol a t .p o a e o b ii Coen y. vhen and Ihere peu son Feu me nft, Bnd show cause. If barnp o h wh, saat!dwili shuld n e b lIgiva Lrbai. Aai L JlanZaY 10, 1907 Oenpla. Adjudication Notice. G. N. OIJRAND. Attorney. Publie Notice la bereby =0et. IEI u àubârber. Kart Davigon. AMinisr X ofe .,ttei, .lwilliam Dviaen dee.Bscd. wiilattend the (uouuti o04 f Late County. Rt B tern therol cetho bulà Bt the court noume lu Waukegan. (Junty. on the Cret Mouèday efth next. use when and viiere aIl asin havegclsins agaînst said Oltate Bre noZ Bnd re?,Qet.i ta prosouit the aamate 58: Court or adîidication 14.4 A.l.MaRY Dàveo' Adrnlolsttrt. W'aukegan, Ii.Jan.,IM. MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Graite Monumenits Cemet.ry Work of Every, Description - -------- JameIL<. Swa.yer& o ~~ Morti;age and ilvsmn rkr,... SOU aaI*g~oa DLWaukgaon 'n. Buy and Sdi ]Bonds, Notes, Norgages, andOther Secuuities Negu>ae 'Real Estate Loans Place Ffre Insumsce Furnish Abstracts of Titie Duy, 5.11 and Rent ail kînds of Rteal Estate -~Tai[e Cag f aidMnge Estates Tour PatrngRaofIySUt ----------- -

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