CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jan 1907, p. 9

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LAKE (OUWJ!y IN»DKNNTI U¶UDAY. JNAY26, 1907 si. tor ent I- ail pa Ct. Con. luaniet WKBELL ~Irrgabd andi noua.lnlatod landes oh ù Canada, aucPei*Ic ilwayil u say $on*berà -Aberta. 'Wsategmlsf sllnrrigatei ad noni irrW&abtwW in lcTexas. me m d ..i >ctcc aut »Anme xep- *Wl us chancesin Lake GCuutY We bayC a flotI ofLilcertvvUie, bouses »a o. et or sale. adwe gcake bans oute'muImrtgam 4 Dg.ond.and Austin WE ARE Ail Kînds i fSoîlc"s used ia PYROGRAPIIY China Painting Barant LeatherWorlc land Waum MPIs*i ,jlin stccc-k of slaiicîccîl fiot OOt f or . âseour Stanpecl l'ccstci a anis A laesplction <ni toiffl ... 3I 'Poo.............. 3C) Pimo...... ..*....... 20t, 30c and 40 De«e scoRuc'sfor X ncae ........... $2, 2.50 and $3.00 D. A. YOUNG SLibertuvile. SIL LUMBER Good Giradest at Fair Prices' DOORS. WINDOWS, MOULO- INOS. BRICK, LIME. ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT, .SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TJLE. ETC. Ci. M. SCIIArCK Libertyvllle, 111. A TEL EPIIONE Defles the weathsr Soaes ime Prolects lthe hume A1.ew cents the dayj Lake County' Telepbones Conneci with Chicago Ato yoccn friînds t1a. Gmat Telephome Co. OI~s d1tB"o By NHENRY SIETON MIERRIMANI - os.u ea rsfls s AmsIhi." ii Ceiyrlg balle,. b' SAPN. L't»THR wherltbeenem wuencaped. "Yes'uo course lbey are. W.ibde suring ttt 0hae czoafai Ibm vWB It7 tbIg eort 've fot gsen ea.»ban- ote lie ituation.Re ok w? cartai dling any of théir puy yet"» ats» and pufll.theitrlgger. ÀA iltte "WeIL thatin their affuir." puff ot white ueb foisd over their *"Yn, ir!" hostdl. The. Iwad shlUuudered mg" living uunrdened himWef o bis wltli the aggrssive band luuked StUPld- suspiclci, lthe servant retired, Rhaklng W surltrlsed. Re tlned kcward bis is h.ead omlnousl>. At *My suber tls»î supporters wiib a pained bob Of I- thevurds jat recorded wouid have qulry. as If the»e vas, .Onelhing lie iaruccd ci ak Meredih'$ attention, but dlii not quite ic1deri8nd, andi thon 110 the ingilar siotifulness Ibat seomec] toil on bi face *Bd lsy quieeti111. , t. b. creeplicg over bis Intellect wa* jaek lMeredîlli looked on tbe bulak sjreaîly a cloz on bis mentl] tuum wlth a giance Of urbane lnqUiy. -energy. il" anyhocly delsanytbiug tu My The oeil mornlng b. vas unable to tu mier"'le asked. I eave bis bed, and loy Il day lui a There vas a 4sad silence. Soutine stalle or semli-somnoience. Josephi ex- auglced rallier feeily lInlice baCk- pineci to the men that the leader was grounti. so dlsguâted wllb Ibeir ucgratefuJ 'rhen! think 1 will ou ou- wlth 017 ceonduct Ibal bce wolld flot beave tice lrekfast'ntý" ot lite evenlng thcore vas a sligb' ,Wlileblce aco0iDlSl WO-~eded t» oîîaek Ïmace frocu lithe otieru il do. This Joceph wasabalie to rc'îcnlse. One or two of the mutuIneers dropPed chiefly 4y big owtc long range irlng away aud vent bock tu Iheir Owl, assIaled ly o few pleketi rifles, but' quartera. lte ituation wits extremely crltic'al. "Take it sway." said M.eredithn- lu-Teroll cf lthe big var cdraimcouilicb dlcallng tlb' loody of th~e dead ma heard aiciot lucesaily. rlslc.g wtl wlthbbis tenspoc>n. wPlrcl rnc'icrihccy froîilice forecctlandcu "Ancd, look bere," lie cic'd out affet beneciili t-ici. theni, "do mg iletuns bave any More of Despîie dieuitlecc lthe new eop oe ibis nonsense! It viii only leicd to un- sqinciccleiscthIe second wilbiu twel;e pîeoganncs" mouclîs, bici been icicked. drieci and Souc. ofrlthe inen grinne'c. Ticey were storc'cltli cases. Witbcnl on the pla- nol parlic'nlariy respecful lu Ibeir teau stoud ice [are Irees. all'omciig ne mauner of' iccuriug away the mioral covert fur savcacce Wurare,neco areen reinalîca cf their late leader. The feel- againtice dendiy builel. 'lIce camp ing ha le arcdcy tiniec. vOs îciaced near nue etige orlice taale 7bw lacition was c.ct a Ileasant one. landi andi ou Iis expceed aile lihe stock- lo lî,r re cuntics ltce plateau liad be. *4e vas w isely eon-tîmccced of double streugîli The cttackcc bad htherte beeîc madie occiŽYront his aide, but Jomlc'pic n.w doit acything ln lhp ua- ture of a couchineci accault would carry hie" deteucce befire Il. lu bis rougi andi ready wac i; e coc'tomecl bis imastoc maklug for iii mch bsoupa and - '. i sîrengthigicing Iccotiashle coult. Once, very bte lu tihe nigic, wicen If aluest seemed fitatlie iadow of deauli lay over lthe liltlent, lie rmsded np some o f lihe magie simlacine leavesaand i S, ucled theni lunlthe brandy wvieicli admlulstered from tince 10 urne. Betore sunriqe lice nut mornlng lbe -' c suarin asgiveu agiin ancd the l1111 I grrlson was calledt luarme. H e 100k Ic. sation onulthe roof orf but In the t'enter ufthlie ltle slockade, and troua ihert e lidrected telice ofi is men. ('roucbiug beneathbhlm he lia - a tdsabfled ielve vico loadeti eaclirifl In turu, sud juat by wsy ut encourug lug the others be picked off lice prou- j lust men ousilde thce toctade wllb deadly sendineas. '. If Josephi detecleci anytlpg 11k cowardice or carelesanesag, lie pointed his rifle vllb a lhrenleulng frown u- Iword lthe cuiprit, villiInstant offect Presentiy, liowever, tblngs began io get more serions. This wasnul lbth auiin assainit ot a sngle chioef, but an orgacilseti oitack. Beore long Joseph - -'.* easod io sille. By sunrise lie wuoffO b ofrulg fronon. veak poi A ItUlle pf uof wMMamoke floaW doser Se roof cr. eincouraglng, tireatenlng, licls'hecds.fightiug ancd uweorlng eybhad. More surrouaded by hostile ribes, vbo mod" tisa once thse enemy reached lb. stock- desultory raids from lime lu in.. ade , ci.omInosaigu, one or two of Tiiese the littie force on the sumnmt teiOlI'c!mc lay baside thse detensé. vas able 10 epulse.buti a combined He vos everyvbere at once urglng attack from. say, tvo ides ai once on hîs men, klcklng theun, puahing wonîti certsluly bave been snccesstil. theun, forcing iheinup lu lthe stockade. Mceredith lad nu reasou 10 suppose that But be saw ltce endi. Hait dazed, lbe bis appeel for belpbad reached Mglal, blackq fooglt on In silence. lufesieci as lthe ltervening toreste lu lb. midsl ut t a banc! vas laid wcre by caunibal tribes. Provisions on Joseilici ubooder. ver. et a iow ebb. Tiere seemedt l "Ticere.' crieti o voice, "Iliat corner. le uno hope of oulaicle aid, andi disot- Siee lu Il.' feclion was rite lu bis s@mal force. Wilbouti ooking round.,.Joseph Jack Meredith, wouas uo soldier. oieyed, and lice ireacliet corner vas tount hiseif calleti upou 10 defeuii a saveti. ,îe only knew thal bis moster, veak position, vîi unrelabie mon, vico wanq almost deat, iedac conte lu li% for an lndefinite perloci. again. Theme was nu lime for auj- Jogepb.hacl a rougli knowietge u of- ibinhg else.,1 c!erlug and a very rudlmetary notion For ha It an houor it woas"auetion of ot fortficlation. But ice bacil vb wleh any moment. Mater and maen vere serveti os 'veil-he unerrlng 07. for ths@ time bslng noting botter tisan f- . ne won ccamsUau ~,,a1 deai %ht at an>' range, ont, knoo-lug o-bat lie coul! bit. ha aise kuew o bf»t screeci hinseif trom tlb.rideutfuM ecpy., Above ail, perbapu, vas tise quiet Influencesof Ba»o-ho never lacbeq trus» danger or seenced be ha lnsO leat disconcenheti by lie precence. "Elt senms. sir," saIt JSepiclubIs mester lter ln thse day, "IbaI yod've kinter stunped bies. Tiey dp't nun- tersaoutyou." " ýTiey musethbe pt ln check by tsar. There le no other o-ay." repliai Mere- tith rather o-earlly. Of iate ha icic tot ls anti teusInclined tlu exert hun- * eef. "TYes, ir. Those sot ' meis" Meredith mode no anso-or, and! Bitr a littip pause joseph repeaeectlie wonds slgilcaisby, if ungmiatloai ly>, "Ticosé sort o' men." "-Wiat dio yon meomiF' ",Slaves," replieti Josephi sbarply ouncbing hie bat vithout knuo-isg o-b>. "Slaves! Wbat are yeu talblug .,Thes mn came a ittie nearr. V Tcsetry men-toasto-Ise thlrtj,- ne-"men at o-e brouglilt us»M".ia ,Dnovo's men thal cltivais liMe ail mmlacne, as ther eui b.1b7er Ihit t fom tlicet 14rt.» IIt Your De youa pin your hot to your own hbait? Cao!t do It? Haven't enouch bi? 1l its b. you do ne0 know Ayer's Hair V Here's sa ntmro- ductlo May the acquaint- ance rcsult ln a hetvy growth otrlch,thIcI,ClossybartrAld ve know you'II neyer be gray. 1 tblsk *0aiAvais rVr ,m t h Sa usisli awgs? sasCe mds modmcen, sud lice figtlng tmccuz7y la signal lu the bearers, and the mardich krt, loolcecit p li~er face, anti, ceeliug -e- - fleu. « wildciy Infections. begaîc. Ticre Il; sumelbing lu the.'thlb.' ance, auile ti He 1.'wc'nt for.Z oa s . Al'latithobre a, ta paucse. Thc'eencmy spricc,'of lcumcai uscanci nilikc' ll tuer. letîcmueciround and sîcciied tia ~ '.ossaTr teil book end lunlice s»OMenur lm lencg .1îaier moie ipower; rice power utfJose'phca" if tl luccl' cicc'c îlc'îcant 'fe--.' miMcd lv. th. sound ut distant f[ring rcacbed lhie houglît ucay lie toit event'uochie Iote or ail round.I Lake Conuty Tilile, I%- eas@utth ltice 11band t defecilers. a 1111cm. anti une îlicg dliatmoder n - Marie stoolcoci over the sofa, andi ber Abstracto ofniié. i i.. "IWhal's tisat?" askstl NMeredlih ventlion caun nyer cjual la ic ecomforl clever clusky ingere uoo.ei th(- cashf- Maaonic' 'rpmpl Bîlig t3'.. sbarpcly. He looked ike une Mastin on t of heicg carrli cl4nteb iîîui s luder. ious. IiI'. c lb. dnc!. 'The slow, ccvlcgizig ndivc-iin nl-ccc ie tu "Ycîî .11ilcl tc'r lit mc'ie" sic" 'c,-.. i i'îccc il r C'I, 'iigbliag amou stioss»icve'u," ce- le l'art et Jcick Nlereclitlt"s lit(.-.inleeti.'Iwiii gel Mr. Gaoidou's couai inutide Chvag, iat of 'c icI)*o plieti Josephb. le oas o-iîccg blondi lif te lfseeif ccictu0Ili' :0 iil u t ula reaci o oiy fer Thflen ,.icct;riied cIk 24 i-t irs plcla ic andi grinca frontbis eyes. t b ugeJdciricey Ibîca pc':c-ec'ily esecni-1ten, Josepb vith iletbidsort, lialciial waY itocîcdeed ........ . ..... l'Thoeuone of them»i.aflglitiicg vwtbpl[ahtei. Tlimcugii th ic. lpccicg c'îccalnq wobldIch caeem uruQ tlirougli'tic.' ieffro ~LIegmci i l8 an express ifle." au ecicless c.c-.cIccf c-c-.c qccc,ýl lIni<cccl nw¶'er mtirli t nuis ho di- A Ilrg ic s.'. tu i we Jucaupl lîtenti.befome bisaitfécisedtci ss. Tic,- iiiclel- iil'ii. 4WLile iniitie d.1 "By heaven!" h sbouted. "l'y beov-Iligibie gabbie o e tilglîtl ic'crteil icuar- 'îis~r.Mrcîhi." ait ,c."ta Hpnr,tîa Lcvi lui Kccllerc en, Me"-Ir. -e're savedi" 1orsotfbhl',1111r wn% '111 Ilî rjIt - bcilis Mr. C Lccdon's ruccun. 1 o-lu go lionce Hailer es ics 2Iýftilse 101 The ecemy hbac! apporeuctlylieard ithe ears. Anti ever ltbs sie %%ccis Joeph,. amis i-et'lclic.'becl lic got eccuy." andi 12lIlk 2" La,-eB! d ring ton. Perbaps they &lis.. ecog- heertul, iicdc'fciligci,)li', r.ccic"il s s s s eiglit.. vdi-............ izedth ie pecullar sharp aacicofthe "ir a icbscciicci'n'lc'geî y cayhmc'uk ucexluomnIng ,Joseph IG TCritlc'nclccî&-wl Ici ici.,' 0express rifle amui is e oliccc-'. Trere est bappinessea cct lifét,'he"c-.cof was lci ci gucpin. sîeamlng sonth lu à Coon I 5cai lî-cc]$u, evas a frescli ttac--au ugîy rush ot sos»etilug atlsf;iclccnrily ai- ;jlcl.icl ostlng Icucc too-rsrS. Pool de Loan- Lake Viiia. ot..... treekless mon. But the eo F0oo the peaceulcc.ccc ddhàt t he,î'. ci ( . lce ia. lit.'senl off a tilegraîn te MauricesAnton Yutyeiic- %%f Pt sprc'ad thatIbese o-as euijg lic the ivai- neceslciy for effort lla Iat cfi !I - 1 e cicirIlicuIli Engianci, auneo.nclug ths b Peter Yui-cyeat'ic lu - anti 6 bik 2 Wankegt ley anc! tics .bnd et a owhile man' int-4hat lylng dowic lu recuL whlch scceusutflice ilitet c'xîcedllot4 &Mi Highlîcads q e...... rife.ThelitlegarIsn lucedupmuât sumely tcnorceling like ciath l ieu1thraproceededta, slucre lice esitie G L Wrenlu & w oluj hert, and lice rifles, alnuet lu o t ils kIndest foi. sewrvie,', t o amedctlcan c. Wlh tii. louneevslie Ira 4% sud oldatdoatis arroanti. The ave lusiired bly Victor D>utr-,.Youtcîll disciple ut .Eaculaplns lie te- and partiti 4 bik 36 Ri@ bol!,dhitnovesnaine o-et lx-ftore tli 111e car. lîrn.'cl orivilh tu toangu anti set- land iParklod .................. a Tbeyheidtoir ktihe savages unlil a .aveu 1k.' naumoral coos'adcicleicredticiellown o-lb carac'téristlceuergy a C Nemeyer &col tu Geste C srtiaiofthelisdring bebludt 1m vas ticeir potit. Ticos, guccinced the lienmeIi nnirese bismaster. LBebrecust tc 19 ownu.0' equlle audible even Amidlice iec.y rat- of a aliiictom b. aiei. Jack '%fers- M'- !tcspura -sîmnîtî usc1 eSo opoc îlen et the mo te i taed tudtu o-as cîcablecl 't0uipins lhroiigica slow, but stllI vast rogmessianti lu C E Bolertel te J(o KrIC Tiensulcony is din c Fsertise svoge coucntry lllîruilly cat oun a 1.'IIitirclo&.Tc lclr oh koi h 22 blk 14 Dryq euem ba dlhc!d ani led.Fora bo utsieus. wast Wise lu lb. sîtrsicge maladies ot sui Nort niMllgo wo-., a ewmoments tsare as i mta». uIndue cours-cch rivner wccs reached Itie' o-calcoast, stayed ton tvo ciys Peter Turayenolo lu Lm j tore silence. Tiseisa vuiv4c'-aic Eng- andthie geulip swcingifs he u t e 1r o-as andci îronitse tu breiun once a0vek 'urayceacic untiv 8-101 liai volce-ceii "Corite un!- diaugeor h iot oinof l etfl tutions,' cîiiacîlb.r r "Id l6 ik 2W &ke 0 The nezi Moment Guy7 Ociard slo bise canue. Accndî-Ir c eatbi ere o lly it' r tsîîinsruiponteto n îi« H ighlands q e ........... aon lice ecge ofthticplateau. lie beld ts oniy i h bsielt tnai mraeiuo ieleunresPeter Yurayeaeie lu Fi. u baharmeaua a sigonailtu 1hois. utbodycucîccilet, tmc'os eciufnallait .'tc ts b.rcvoyvulinis- Yiravefeigq unidd Mlie up Iill lII J'ceic' ucutisorl iresugoslowthattheir muupractie e nd i 6îcti 2 Waukeo asusi tu Iigler lliuics suitilie lci,'er- eyI.-c I ccccld iarcliy expect 10 trace lie iîgicinida q e ...... mine t rtc' i-mle iter tu Sir Juin. p.ges 1HKnss e-Ae île -cia liecdnutic 10 cIlcsit nu - piecîlle lcal Mc'redith cconît Mcc-reyltIl'bk 71Ist as grealt pecîmuci, and! bis epcstllwy style na h tlcI-c ime hli as'1sd nbellot' nurse ucculicsieWuai buccetpercoic. mcnc to iciauillle Ise Tieme --à Miitaryi Vic Mcai Jr & wl t10'W thon 1te eilcltîceci. il'cctliplcie aiicctlie mnueumethot IioMau , i«ares io-es "Smelin', ie tiitI lcblc-ic wcs wcrtlimooe îcîu rach t..erIl West Ancihi mal ecîniurlbis a.-k Ici r fn r'lm; thi-c's cci ccii.' cc-dcdcc.....v.................... .. oaliit -mil.a'f 'lui." v' kilow. scîct Iwoulcl like, Aticcrea,. I)ieuler & cottoBei c-Ic. c ilsla ie liousdcicat cei.acc! hiccais-'lieccled briskly lcf Maie one KI ctrtuc-h)5 creeini s soec wa ihnteroudess iwclul' r- 'c .Verntccc î ....... ou àluclclyte rj clell c'te.y ,.'Chi-îcgo Tille & Trust C eut tclsumouc.y lIc lmcJc.ceci npiliu'VIIW.' ý k tu -la I, cccveyes un .1 L flIeilseIt 31 1ik >1Ivigiratur. %MiSS lGordon juct a stepuiing Ici cil laI lihi. cagi) lliglciaudtideed.. Huioe c ieort- ritrc Oiopen ( loorIci s uvicil ie îvcnl. 'Thai îiccccII"I Bacekier lu Id& o-ii '-eusethe ibery, 1t cci aillotrienlacer part it 1 sit of lu acivise îou respectucy whliewri icng cciiiesu,.fIlicu N mrIzhI iiii,',hobuanys 237lLke oetw ... tla iwoccrd Joscpic cloci dbis Irîl cye-tical tlie lrccctcîs' vill l'i.- o.Slow! Slow- 37laeFra -! , mi, mdccci - iLkciccu sc-iicinc.rcc-. Hai- allain'îquill e Ni) atci-i. ufur. alla't i-.Roi Ici Jessie M Bc'nni fairSgbpecn cucithe si-k isc ucccavfor ca micler pr I ad4MK utof ive ss,-cks. I.- Icacci dc cc isabcd asprogmeccuthec'word; chaI's my ucîcllon. arcils a icti 4 Me.... wevak asi i i ,-ccicrn scyiucg He donuit Icki,' o Inteue-ut i olicîn', ccliWikccn . letg and cicueit take no cioii.' of uohiccuce.icat oft11cIilils vieljucus. candî e Man'@ lîcleci E l)iver kàibusilu Et £-1 ave sîaueli i n triuii'ig hbiadcwn tu tri a bad wa w-heillie tIdes nu lu- MeLeuîr If onlintaIle le the ~~~ ~lcoat, o-h&h nlité hoce uc rcacc temor- ot hcg d..... romci, and o-Icin wcc cc- I u Logc-a. peur ~ l i Sl~5 ens&v u. sert ut irc- cii c1.. t hahlice lioffmcaun senti port a lowt>ver, t m.ay Iccc it cucul for il. buI., CiIAPlElt Xviii. !c anti l)0we i Part ssci cconey belng nocobcijti1i.. c-cuirr ucooer s.4 Y lice .îcy, fdea," saltiLady e iport sec Il! and nvj or me. reapec.tirully i lot cc scy haI Cvery ('uCnturme tu ber dec. cccii sec'22 Newoprt b-p o-c!. rinondsanIiui 1 c.. u an tc ccxity an fille diy, *"I- have asked .lJoi hu sing & wo-tlu Byr tarteuueviit . c ol. c-iuc Inbs B aL MssGordoni lu cume tlutes Carpenter 190 acre.@ini , befnl auearti- ccehllic e sic ccto hîsatnoui mtbrlet1g 4 Wauceondato-p o-!.. couspeak. Nol l'oîI, a pe lion10 orn a amial, cf suhicI a lice 1ai the Fitzruaiicerng's, She Ilves luis iciti Tille & Truat L'o If mar o-ltb maslcr'n--r, lcci oiy respectl- 1Loacgo anti knows Jack. I1licougbt Il S Béleii l s 37, 381 ond te luily mention tmat 1taloe l10 Ici a OC- 1you mlght lîke tu knuv ber. SIlle Iex* eerai keriaxuse ofthlie syic.-m. brcught on, C t de ..........> ....... nu doubt. by tbu long ac-living Ini tic.'un- cptlonoliy Iciylle cacniiratier pret Y.» eae........ ie ý1 of cntral Arrin. -îlicEul Ici eof Mary A BIil(dot heculiyIcaler ilcetaiAh-ca Wccn Anti straigiilway Mss ____ et e)John Griffth 117 o-eeli lu nt mtet ssuaalG uuJc-'c ticen O Isetsla ciculuLoasg'c 1 hoaci oaintglt 'hycie'vent ucua'si ut 40o. er .et odut Lako Fl"reuc lei .... l heliedciur of th4 pcccietilc. tu th. btousce of Mr. acnd MusanGordion,- trpss. p~fe o iuGi le vîtuulo lie stocîcide ri, firlccg. anti but wlcat o, wili b recei-.cetiulth every N'e men caîcuol expeet lu uidrstanii It 7 western adc!IA thoni le conte torwau-i followeti îy a kîinensiancd lice gi-uiraI iopiually. blese cucuccli mattera, îles. exigencles, Forest wd.............. a cbe sciTicaik(mu. ionomcd air.5'e iccpt My as u -n' tfnci ie o - a irt ccc1 og utmer filacksamiIurmnevu. heallic ccncitreicgli wonderfucî cnd sa fwr.o eaelf.Btw e ai ot o ag The gulle ias mucicicc iincumlcc rel lccrc r'.crable la cok atler master, ho penîcitteiltb u ite ely ec passant 'cecb il 2 hik 16 M -K c)of lt ogiVfpoisi lutrw Oe.Weciwe m--ch 1-19c0u1talcali aik Mines brougli existence liccîltien. are occa- second add Waukegan... utîerugdlc Glcccdtcou le.(ordu. încicy tlu cltu you, ait-. fsecîng Nlons de uw ,1O hi et, i.~koib Jack Meredth tI stouicccthe apetcure, as ucce nu sud Çiiriuiputsîcnus uc lien .'holding out bis iccin. 1tacc, ioord cir. yoccr repcucl servant cinihes wltboul the' desIre 10 plIcîse. Couisky le 4 Cribuis suit 9 "Il's ail riglt:i l! ciriglt," le 'cciii. lutu cnc.nd. Anti,o-bile Ntilie'nt 'Chyne oas actu- Cedar iake antilandi adji Oscars! dit dot scc'cciciiltakre su ciceer- L*te Corporal Tîvu Iicndrcci and Severi- any. hrcgbislJclnCrdn I lyRls&olnLWW a ful a dviewoft umellen lie acruinize I liengi gmenl. Inller ibousce ntulo tr ao-y, o-os neyea % 112 11k 2 Kuei Meredith'ci face wliii c.sible auxleiy. Witlc a feeliccg of coccdacceîcce saIsbnsy vîti tîcal ucuiful bain of bers, suI Lbertyville o-c!. ...... ce Ticen sde y Jc-k rhdu ato oehapoxfe h ug«pattrug boe., dnccîvug cu"Il ere, Pin- Roy Ellis & owtfbfinNtir bd gainsissu urdd ibiget lr hecimp ato ocic iccOl-i(u lŽ n a ciug. pokinr. iressing wltilcal h lice.rIs»- 'i .r %v %It %bIk 2: li0. cur.Ic1iuuig511m evltLoauigo ic-ce ducys biter. Tho igtbliuer ligots ps seker euh o-c!vilewd. vaguely. short sec voyage lied aoni-wlicab t ree-lcyne alti obrl e! W ar ke il lu a mniute (mari c%%aisopporliug vIve.! Meredith, whlo bad heentisnosatone s uuci-uncpronuietnay sie u Ld VWMaird pa t lt Il50C to blis»bock tovard lic enti ut valking nu) fronliehe ech, but ancdioli tasîclonecidrawlng rooln, on. w. nul ed ete................. "e*It's ail Megt, you kccow," explainod litter a soau clcmcpt tad bt'comyl eti IInbn -a et îi rîk&oil e In Jack Meredihi-ryI rvely; ioam a pleiltu 10enter the spring carlml olcb "May hacleain me," behig a Mitouet EiHank &ut s ri an )bt w eak, tbat le ai. t am» hongry: Joephuilibati securei. Mtsontto-lic me,"t ega meauceImt f RangeAturiel -c! . If haven'l bat nytineiIcitafor &orne Josephc vaiketi ly lie aide outtis cart eaine Ioules icdégae rheitmnsacra LkeZuruichk i lime, 700 knoo." co-lainauperecit carnageldanti a HenypLuxa&ted aca wlthau eectcarrage nd supreosd wicic cuians among youscg folk& bo- 10 areadjoininlg vUlflg 9, "Oic. yes." sali .ccrd 5eortly, el Importance suggestive et ambulance !ay, tuintyou kno- loango." Wcdssortl o .-c!.... k- kAsval the i. tuîy lu bela . Oh, yes. i lîve tbore." P A Lux & tl tuHelen L ADie "ebbmiacuycotg And cyii kmow Mr. Meretillr 10 ides adi village of W84 CIIAPTElI XVII. approacice. thce bouse, Meredithi treo- "Yes, and! Mm. c)ccard aise." Wurh ivîl. ............. HREE finys ICcI r the- arrivaI ut bock lie dusky irown Iolant ecrtain "AI. yea.'osali Milliceul unhblusbiisg' J F- Smuloki & vi lu Fma tg cte reucuing for -c-aI tie pateau anti ooketi anxieusly out. Nom- vere iy. That vas ber sîrong point. biuuh. Schlntz ]IN 29 and 8030 e. GuyOscard Iil gnzdaJsehsee eodo xpcitalen. loir dlithe igît pince, bul net lunb 14 Wosbburn Park o-c!... e etreating party. 'ummaudeti by le thougict liaet Jocelyn ivoulîl prn- Iwroîug. 'Mn. Isseurd.le hanasenciost John Robertson & tlu Joe u, ocouvey Jil ledflth down entiy emerge tronctlice flower bang vihuMn. ler,41tb, la lie uct, là ts Robertsons It 2ade1Zou lu lite conastie le kleI' -«LnlieOft Indis outh(b.'verauda, au.! ebl!te- îciieîualied lsee'" oetrésuLaeZi medicne ft rtýenguze fie fat tht tiis bersedoverand oer lgotaa tiet, o-cl........ ............. motlcne o ncgiecu atta li erut'se ut ee c'icaca, " IcIieeve tbey or. logeijier In 11L.John lRoblerson & o-tio A vas. upasalur Indc5).icuiloin, lut a resîceetfui speech, exicuaîutryoftbils The msîcicne. yeti mean?" miii ice- Rbrsn157at -tisurougli ireakdowiiiccbealtb, The actiocn liiriuglng ac 5kkmaccti th ie îu.4Robertn I te6sulnd 8t vonk anti anxlely of fle lait ear. bous. 'Yec;tb'aciic 4 RI lgua oerso-!........ attedtuhothe sîrai.g' dsqnleting Hutitlie bcingiuîg fronda ni' foirer ont nar.i-cIlNlt t Iclo-ys say îbey o-lUIJohn Rortion & o-t le breath outhîe sinciie c- Stevelin.!let resîccincu! cIntiocciccic, andthle carl rulilicrudase'veas utddeciy. Peuple al- Emma R' Rediconti li linougit nbeut a serions collapse llite drua.' iliclledgc'd rund Ilb.'heicrîn- îvey'cdo, dont they? But o-bat do jeu andti1il hk 4 Ioberts. Ssyseno'hlcb unly iîîîcilis oft cest sud clpcii door. tbink ut Il? 1I a dlînîi ke tu kisoo-." solLaIke Zorichi o-c! fore the rtrou car. culmuina'. A black serve nb-cc strngec-ieldthe. "I tliuk lbey certahnly vill Maile aJoIn IRobertsonu & o-ttoi Co )f ready lu msmcic I vas cIIcacoeredt tolbandtu til' du bus icck lnvitlmgly. fortune.' reilieti Juolyn-nd $sic. R Leonard Itils4 andi 10 t .N thes hotIle tibea be ac!îccîy evacuaieti Supîcorled ty Jcoep's oal, Ji'k Mer.- motedthtc.lightI iuiMillienb'a eyms o-lJs 4 Robertson&sesoLa ~ a tiecs ountry, o-ich ilverance vas dthilelteed. Tice servant tbrew open a audden feeling utftllike-"niu th Ie Zurich o-c!.............. brcoet about nut Iy tisai'. blond the drcwlng rouadon; bey passai li. risks prove 1oi great anut lby are John lRoberson & o-l ibsinet track Ibough heoint ne Tic. rom vas empty. On bhe talle loy torcedtole abandon Il." Lydica R L.ytle Ite 5 And by tcs desperaiOeleus f* ltatoeletlera, une attreaset inhoGuy Os- .Mrhat raso" saka i lllhcent q <<s l 4Robiernsu b I but bit the viisper tlat Veto Dur- carîl, lb. oticer lte Jack Meredithi. fungeîtinsg te moluilaie hon volets. ue d............. aOoo s oltbthora. Tr*l a m»an'$ Jack Meredithi tumbletl railer teebiy "Wall, of courus, lb. Ogove river A L Robertson & o- tetul l p»ttlinlu a sirange t1110<1. et bis letler. 1hro-as dlslinctliyau of, Iismeoticorrilly uniceali.iy, andfiliale E Robcertson Ils 6 7 and Andsic lbismais. the nigbi wuvante tort te ubilu teor lb. paper. are cther frs. The natitres tu the bik 4 Ilobertbons soi Là obss, ame wo-au ogcd ab go raly My Dear MrdiI-Justa Une tlutl!plainsepcrrunc!!ig tlb. sicacepie- j Zuricho-c!.......... la enutral Affnes, veicî do» uonii Yeu lIaI lice bungalowadac! ontente teau are antagonistie. Indeo.c!the b. iago* Title & Trait CDu bos.on n~ t Gy 15ane ah your servira. Jocelyn and 1 cre off t2 bià k»«MeDe t Gu OOU b h omne tr to-O monthe' chatge ut air. 1 plateau o-as surrounded anutle - lie u e RebtierIl2 bi poring hlm lu abanon d ;ics*---- have hein a bit seecim. 1 leavo -Ibis ai lthesieged o-len o-e loftI AtnicaChicafgo HigI5lBsdm 5... plteau, on et ail matns te t evhlm htoutsait nd-sc!weabsolifi-el hurt If ymuc "But," orteil Milicent,'"ef cour»s 10 g du-n u Lmugoo-Is Mvedtisdo nt make lice bouse ysnr home o-bo. -e-o sve'Rflwt U *S tier m'eu iaPppn bu cnnedo-n ho Loango. suIéthInS vas dune. liey couic!osisi WANT ADO. butai< YOi 8"Josepb. 1 have ett a siniluar Iote for Oscard . la ieave Mn. Meredith unproteetoc!. 'No," sait Oscard!; 'eNt.idtiheM o-whoue expitilon l yocir relief I bave 011 "Yen," anso-ered Jocelyci quietlt, _________ this place for cuso-heu lele ulid bave faits. Yocira ever. AICCGR)N 11[.Ocodwn padrs dbbe ift Il: sareiy. He bas héla lit forC ODO. "n Ocn vn aa scudhm jeer. ItlaI.onrt nu u o. W. o-M "ere." sati .Meredilthin luiîs servant' My brother boerd yesterday Ihat tiseTO asUms Sc bod f o hm.Iam900 t @R, Ye als o-ell reat Il for Yuen If!, relief bac! been eete£C"Subecriers voiliàtell IcofiIl orbis. ar gisEluuiciy "yu syMîlilceni aintiedagain ici bat lel i lthalthis per£10m sad y00 have lu ab«&' oluhiens,"He banuledth e lelter lu Josephi ond!iere -y ore iieiwl Iror Jaek MsreithllilfccWUet t Iis teune.! bnck vith o strenge rapidIty ere a.coa t'W . lime aotilg but a conitont, never of movemeut on the sofa. As hole a>' lhi s ilrilCe"rncesrc. Wlm SP idih csagigg fatigue. When Oio6id ieipe.! tiere wvhbbis eyea cioset bie tookola onuetlhing o-e dl.!not bov Im oi-uPAE.Titofo 1 lbre 101txise rouugic itter they hsd con- reiscrkobiyIlike a test! mau. thlnk, auntie tient.o-hat a lot et ara> TAEMMT~ 'rrust o. 1ph .l:300 ilh ..... 1 00 nae 15s 0000 is 1006 ....6500 cu .... 10 0 sao 1200-04 15 .. . . 2 0 0 0 0 op ..... 5m00 ..... 50 0 lud .*.. I oÙ lait j 250 f àmn ....1000 210 f -100000 Mie .105000 o-l450 00 irici À - b- .aOt t 'ois .... 100 ak4 ce, 124 eau ERS.- atm

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