LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. ~flOL X. O.and.1 VA1KEGAM W EEK.YSt]IPE LM L.X.N.1.LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE CQUNTY, ILINOIS, FRIDAY,-FEBRUARY 8, iU407-8 Pages $1.50 Pl YEAR IN ADVANCE. [)Islp cr 1 esaly pinkmefd by'orne brakexi @_rieboards and ini a pItiful condition. W F P vexi now. trig the zr ete t,!thePas fev days aid igbts. the DIT~C ~ellsolastbas anosetr ~ The barse la said to have a mass ai »ores upon Ils back abd neck because Z4athveetern Lake CoglIt>' and of its lsek of attentIon. The lot lu igouthbraL WierCOfl5l5d the b. whlcb I, te turned ta slft for tself Gmp of EpidemilC and subsist as bestIlit an Io said to contai» no water and the bôrse bas to OClOOLIS A«B CLOSED et eamy for drinkL MANIÉ CASES REPORWRU) Thostif the neigbborbaod of Wails- worth *ho kinow f the- ,ffair are veryv Th. Antloch graded achool, whfich le the cerner of Instruction for nrth- western Lake courny, te Cloued bc- cause of a tiisnted* diseue epiemie tht la ragîalg in these urroaasding country. Townsa albtUC are TrevOr, Wla.; ý»jtj' WI&., Grass Lake, i., and Oliver Lakav-Wis. Six "ases o! scarlet fever and an In definte nuber of dîphiherie cases are reborted and the' messure wu necusâary to Insure thse confinement of tihe Plaques. Northwesi.eru Lake co'î5ty aud soutbvestern Kenosha coiuuutar in the gripo! a coufineit ditsrac cpii' demie vhich bas been pres"s'iidf rom spreading lIma far aîly tiy the iîîroînîti action o! -the autliorties at Atitiocli, Ili. Mondy the achoal trustees at Au- tloeb elosed the gradet scebjol af tlie village, avavedi>' hueause tlie cpi- demie vas raglng and bevaus.e the>' id fot vili ta imp.-riithe livransd ieath of the villsgers, Antiocli thue far bing free from tht disees men- tioned, dipltherla sud scarlet fever Tht eciug of tht athool, herol, measure though It vas. was tht an!,. solution o! a vezing problem. Antlocb la tihe Athens of western and nortimeraiÀLake counu>'.ant lts grafed meboffl dravafor atudstson 1heu2munen terrfte ~laul te Wisconsin, vbich means that tu- dents came ta chool rgbt f ronttht beart o! the danger zone. Tht loshng of tht chools meant tht cloing ont of these studenîs asut tht safety o! tht village. Villages Affected. Villages affeeted are as foliows: Trevor. dipitierla; number of cases not siated. Silver Lake, Wis.; two cases 0f scarlet lever. Wiimot. Win.; three cases of &car- iet lever. Grass Lake, Ill.; one case o! *car- let fever. Antiocli, Ill.; free f rom boih dis- cases, but in danger. Mile Scare Baselesa. Tht repor vas ihat iis teruiltory o! tht couîity le tappeit for îîik for Chîcago ant Waukegaîî. oue of the leadlîîg Autiocli citize-hs was at onîce callet iii aver tht lonug distance teldlîhone tiy tht SI'N. He stateit that littît or n nuI v55 shippedtotaChicago f roui tht villages metionet arut that itane cteret Waîikegau front tht district. This rellc'.eC great sluxiety oui tht part of MWaukegsnites wlia kiuw tht sitîuation. .Itst lefure tht scliool a-as clusti s mysterlous itch swelt ilirouigl tht îîupls. It la saIdtot have been a! tht nature of eczema sud sîreat panic iliraugli the ma, contriliuttug direct- ]y ta tht action o! tht scluool board in loeing tht toouts o!tht achoal. Tht achool la a gratet affaîr sud la sait ta fîîrîush twva years of hîgli scooI educatioui alr,. CRUELTY TO HIS HORSE ALLEGED Wadsworth Man Charged with Eupos- lng Beast Wantonty ta Terrible Hardshps-Animal Said 10 Be a Mass of Sores. vrotb and vengeance la threetessed unlesa tht awner Improves tbe candi. tion. 'It la proable the Humane Sa. ciet>' viii set unlessornethuna Lw dune, as tht feeing lm runuung higb. STCRY CONTMY A BIG SUCCEMS Marly Young fleaders of Independient Send in Stories o! How They Have Eameid Moneir-Other Con- tests Coaing. Trhe stor>' contffat ixititittd aeck le- iore at by thle lSlîEl'ssI)Et<T ià§luetil.g iitli irgratr sucosathan waq anti. i. pai.-d. Stor"e are-uiîg in byevrV.r3 mail and we have ou hband many tuai wr bar.- nut the rouînth iéi week tu putilistu. The way tht atonesf are writien proves ihat the Editor was riglit ini thiiging thaitiihere arr, ban>' brigit bo sanid girls la Laketoauty 'whaare wide avake tu tafa u -uy. Tht varnoum irethudue eupiaytd h> .heishow rausideratui genuw an sd the ..oirtn-sart iuieresting tu the parent* as 5,-Il unsthe dhildreu. Ihiniseasy taswet I utitedecainwiflit ea liard aRe for zae îudgss. Tht date fur the lusig oh the conieesi irn t et handantatorie* èshuuld lt seni la beore tht hantt nalauts,. WiUa tthe cosi* ut :1,15 eotesi saulier qi lie eaoowneti. Weh tuar h. COUNTY COURT ON TS NEW QUARTERS Two are Senit Elgin Insane Aylum- Oiher Mattera of Moment %whicn Corne Up. Couitl> court ajaeued lui its liew roama lu tht former' sulervisors' quar- ters Frits> sud one- of!thuefitst ui- cisions baudet dowu v-as that lut the ravinie sewer mattér. The F-liruar>' terni will open Mon- day ant Tuesta>' vilI bie daIm day. TwotInsane cases vert irai on thet8 stullon. dacket sut John Miller of Etison court. wliose case vas deacriliet iti te SUN receutly. vas coînuîtiet te Elgin, as vas Anna Guat of tht wesi aide. viose star>' vas asesore- latet ln tht SUN. Tht ardinauce objcctions ta cernent aldevaît an Sheridau road were sus- tsintd ou tht groundts that tht ortl- nauce dit uat apecify portions in wbich v.alks vert alreaty canstructet aid tht Butrick ordnsîce was de- claret Invalît as it iresuniet that the sidewalk extendedtetaone ite o! tht ravine on Souths Butrick sut jumpîing tht ravine hegan on the ther aide. PEARL NEWMAN US SENT TO G M-EVA Girl Pyromanise who Set Fire ho Ferry Home Pronounced Incorrigible and Sent te Reformatory. Fi-rn papersfilet lu thtehrobate court ioda>' lni relation ta Pearl New- man, an lumate o! the LaIte lluff Or- ;thauage, It vouit appear that tht girl vho gainet se mucli notoriet>' a ev menths ago lu counectian vitb lier attempta tebbon dovu the bouse andlian o! Hiram Ferry o! Menton, liait reali>' been guilît>'o! tht crime of 1arsai. There -bas lietu consderabýe !ttl .Lue>' Jutson, matron of tht home Ing engeuderet lun adsvarth.i, idîî11ain Lake Bluff, aleges that tht New- !at, tht Humant Society' ma>' te mai girl la s telinqueut snd that she cslet utaû action as tht resaIt o! in- la 10ton uch for tht orphauage to humai treatulent aceVrded a husIt- handit. Therefore shesits her'cam- belonging ta a mai about ovu a!fnîtmeît ta tht home for juvenile of- liai village. It la sleget that the leuders at Geneva, vbich reqtîest ovuer hlmsel!, vhile ava>' for dsys Judge Jouies grantet. 1 at a tîme tujayiug bliseif, bas ltft As wilIlie reeslet, tht Newmn hia horst out lu tht coldin sdig al girl coufessedt t Mrs. Ferry sudtol poor lIvng trom beneatti a fotof; Miess ~isita ï a htc sîov. jtemptedtotastan lfires In tht Ferry During tht coldeat veather. neigh-1 place. .The star>' vas relatet exclu- bora charge, tht horst vas it!t ta: sîvel>' in tht SUN same veeks ago a hift for, Iszeif. Once, vhile tht oi- when' tht Ferr>"s reputtsttd tht girl er waa ava>'y, tht faishet litait -sud sent hem baekto, btht orphanagt. ýford #i**yInto s shedlitee stue- ince lien aie bas deveîoped as "ma- -a» psdn ataru- tuaituse aieuli M9KEOWN ADM UTS A BIG DEAL gaysm Fowler Property on 8and Lake te for <hae.Rtablieb- ment csf Institution ALSO APTBR LAND& 1IN VICINITY 0OF WAUKEGAN Plans lu vblch A. F. 'McKeawn. .1,esd Of the flrrn of A. F. McKeowu & Comnpany le cngaged' in ln Lake count>'. 1-Buying of the Fowler farrn at L.ake Villa for the 1,"csting aI a large Institution. 2-Negotisthng for Purcliase nI large tract of land on lake near nortli 3-Coa .f'g of twenty-seven pieces of Lake couty Isuit for differ- eut concerne sud dilfers't tpeople. 4-Ne*ýtistiug for îiurcbase ut buildings lu Wauléegaa. 5-Private speculatimî lun troperty lui Lake counlty. The above are the dîffereut achernes rwhlcb are devotlug on mucli of A. P. MeKeown's tîme te Lake counhtv. go he state tx tas SUN reporter this morning. Mr. McKeouwn was liere t.oth lu bis land Interests and for the final settlement o! his damnage suit agahuat the Chicago & Nortliwestern rallroad, wbich lie weti. Condemnation Settled. The Bettlement waa made lu the coutity tressurer's office tbis mrnung wben a check for about $7,500 was handed ta Mr. McKeowu. Mr. McKeown was hntervlewed while ln the clty by a SUN reporter. Iu answer to a quer>' as ta vbat par- ties be vas purcbasing tht land for. be stated: Boylng for Dîfferent People. --I am buying Lake county property for different concerne and different q ewho"m i caunent nov sa>', and 1 amn ala» speculathug myself. When a man lias a farm for sale. i buy ItL 1 bave twenty-seven pleces of property under 'ontraci sud the thiug nov la ta pusb tht contracts. "Tht land bas been securet for me niostly h ' James G. Smith, Mr. WiI- motuainsutFred Holiz, vho vas on rny othu r lrolucrty. Au>' lant tht>' hear vo! t liai may lie jurcbasedthtey letme kîiow about. Big Thing ln Fowier Farm. ' Oî titis Fowler fart ai Lake Villa. 1 ai goinua ta estabîlali a large insUi- tuitian. 1 amn îurcliasing tht farma for it No. it will lie differeut from a sume es. iI h ill bh.a largtl. 'I amn going ta nîtet Mr. Fowier iii C'hicago ibis afiernoon suit 1 thutît tht deal vililiec closet. Tht deal yl lie for liaili is Lake Villa farm aîud is farîn nortli o! Waukegan. 4 Ward Thucor>' Insult.1 "In regard 10 tht differeut itoriesJ that bas been fliotet about these pur-1 chases. That fate onue about Mont' gomer>' Ward vas au Insult ta Mr. Wart. "These sceemes originate lu tht bralu o! A. F. McKeovu only. 1 btar tht wliole responsibility. My com- pan>' is a large oie. But sometimes [ can nat psy tht cash for tht biîg deals and I drav an Mr. Ward. No IUeoConcern. 'Indteiiteni, te conceru? i neyer spokie ta ai teie man but once lu my life sndt ilat vas vhen 1 hai twtvaoa them arrestet for givhng me short veht lu Chicago. There, la nothing la it. No tasteru capitaliste are be- lihuitme etler. I am huyiug tiis laid fat different concerns ant dîffertut people aud arn also speculating bysel!. I bu>' land sud boit It unti 1 seli h agalu o. reut Il. After Waukegan Huildifiga. 'Il am negotlatlng for several build- ings l ?Waukegan novwich 1 shahl bu>'. Large Industry for Flata. I bave a large intustr>' that vll probabi>' go on thetflats north o! WVaukegau. I madet an offer for tht laid tada>'." As Mr. MeKeovu vas talking. lie pintedt ta a cît>' map vbich shovet tht propert>' tu be thst of Chales E. Simmonsilehihli îes just norili o! tht sugar rtflnery propert>' ou tht laite short, exttning to the îorth city iim- ilus sud running bac t ta the railroat. A strip also rua aloîg tht ralîroad tauth. Represents Man>'. lu ausver t u u nquir>' as ta boa oiucb land lie bat unter cptract. lie sait, 1I resl>' eau not sas>. There are twenty-sevtu peets ranging lu size fi-tam ont coitainig aevtuty-thref acres ta tht Iargpet conîainlug 820 acres. ÂJnotber bas 620 acres lu I. Outaide Firme Uacklng Hlm. "I amn bsyhg thse-la" for diffameai for rnyself. 1 can not say uaw wbo Ithe thet parties or lor eau i tel wlieu 1 viii h. ahIe ta." Mr. MeKeovll'a state('fltts admit iliat there are large tiugs lu store for tht couàt>'. Juaft w1lat, lie stated, wtîuld corne ln tiMe, bl" cotîldt otle told nov. He left on the Mion train for Chi- cago to meet Ut. Fuselr and coun- llete the deal vith hill' for bis twol farme. wfi ExcmaaI 10,000 Yards. An Evsastoss snt?ctor lias a gang of mnesand tan teama busy cutting dova the higtiest grounit in the ravine at the avl sation. This la neces- sar>'. as the shovel of the dresige eau flot lift: blgh eniougli ti rernove lit. The job te to, he cotttlcted b>' the firgt of Ma>' and involves tlie rernoval of 10,000 yards of dirt st a cost oI about 84,M:0 £"CUTUiZENSI, WIN AT fox LAKE Summer "esortnow a Village Chooses ta Officers-Peopt&'s Ticket is Defeted. The canvaased votel in the electian aI 'Fax Lake wbich %as cuit asset fft-day sut la vhi< . the- Ciizens' ticket defeated tht P-piet, waa: Total vote. 91; deferttse. 2. For Cterk. Harry DunilII, l. Cteti*. Fred Sehulz, Peopie's .. For Trusteea. .. . . . .62 21 John G. Brownu.................. 69 Converse Marble----------------51 Otto Muhercite - - -6 Calon Ostrander ____- - George Mayol ...... ......48 Eda B. ScotI ......---.--......---43 John Baley-------------------... 3 Frankt Marin------------------32 Josephi Sanpt . . ..........30 John Corbett------------------..36 Bert Stanley'............ ...... 23 Thornas Colis........>...a ZION CITY WILL RAIS! PICKLIES New Factory to Be Bult B>' Outside Capital-Marti Waaie Landin Zonn ho lie Uiiizrd. A uta iittitui t, tacked. li outtide capîital, is tit.iit-t-t for Ziotu Cilty. Annoiiicepiiucuît ,ss Mate îcceîutlu that a large ii' .ýfsctary is ta lie built au one f t thie'unustd manufsc- tîurtug sites of il.'- tavu. The jurajeci t is ta r under va>' thai caîttraëts fuir zatît and materiai tîroabl> liai b t-n signeit. Thc indî,stry vilIi 1ilofsuch magnitude that the citizu-tis t ZiOn City' viii be askcdtolarais, iu'lprs, cucumberd piclkes, btuis at t ther material forE eau îiîug. At lresclut il- t, ia availahle acre- sgetr iuail]1parts i tht ciy. sud It is helievedthialt ai 6.600 acres may lie uscd for gi,,i. 'atufturing tht sunumer. POPIE !ARM WANTIED DEAL TO &M CLOSED McKeoten Practicailly Buystht Pope Farm Wbut.h Neari>' Surrounds Butler's Lakeit ILiberiyvilie. Gratîtaîll>'lii-ý,taratdeassliîîthe MeKeowiî laidt iirchases are lieiug closed. Tuesday thb . - Ifoi- tht PolielirIt- erty about Bulltb L1ake lai or near Lili- ertyville. wtt, tîactical>' closed. Details atone k, t bacit tht finish vhieh viil pruîba1h'l aite place .yet Ibis veek. Atn -semnent had ta lie sequiret of a Waliksiss minerai va- ter campan>'and t tlttttert other de- tahîs toelie ailîtutiete10ln order ta guarautes tItle. Ctow Verdict Bsaslalned. In tht case o! Cntraeror a, o! Highland Park.,tgainst Millouaire White, for retairs allegedtet have lieeîî made ta WVllite'a barn aud test- deuce whitele lcwu5av aa ln Europe, tht repaIra bciug onu the order o! an agent, tht courtl> court deniet tht mo- tioq for s new trital snd suataincit tht fuîll verdict. It la understood that White viii sitîttal. Attorneys Et- vardsansd Fledt epresentetdaylo. Notice. isa * *qhaletl adnd liQed OffICERS MAKE RAID ON (.6STIL"9 Noni-cietmlcNv-ghboro Were Evidently Skepticai About Borne Th, nge Ooi ng on UNITED STATIES MAR.SHALS INVADE UNIQUE PLANT. John Kammer. of liaif Day. isaa scientific man. Naw John Kammer lias some neiglibors, sa the story gaes. Who are nai ai al scientific. Since bis advent same sessous ago ini tbe uitile village of H-af Day, Mr. Kammer bas be-eu carryiug au experiments. Before lie camie theree b at a q tation almast tnatiaual as the result of bis work lu the electrica ield. He vas wlth thte Westnghouse peu- pet, known foîr tbclr ciectrlc aplîli- anoes aud prodtîcts. for years. It was John Kammer wbo tank out the first constructive patent on tht Xray ma- chine lu the United State. t was lie Who first conceivet tt ides of usiug silk thread, carbonlzed. lu incandes- cent lights. He lias man>' patents iu work, the Injonction against tliern le- iutg î)ricruîient. Walting for Next Step. Kelly liegan Injunction proceedhnga against the schoal triistees-a sd Miess .,iller on the grounds that the tescli- er was lucompeteut, that salue of ber îulils kîîew mare than she did. tliat she was to youug. snd that sbe se- curcd lier position tbraugb *pull witb the trustees," ont of wbom la ber father. The trustees are Jos. W. Mil- ler and Messrs. Epker sud Elfring. Elfriug leaiase related te Miss Mller It ls salit. 1 Kelly toak tlie matter s0 mucli ta heart that lie removed big two sans to Waukelgan sud 1s payi'ug tuttion lu Wankegau public sehools because lie tlilnks Miss Miller le not cumpettutt ta teacli. 9he bas Indeed the distincelaun o bcbg tlie y.angest_ sçjiaal teacher. iu tlie cdunty. Attoruey Orvîs, for the Millet girl, la naw awalting the next step af Kelly lu the legal hattie te dispassess a girl of 17 o!flier joli as school teacher. Cooke. Polie & Pope re1reaented Kel- ly. The schoal le near Roudout, on tht confines of Liliertyville township. People Take Bide*. New's M the courts decision vIli But wheu he dreauîed a great dream, the vicinit>' o! tht achool bave taken hlm bath ricli sud famous. the dream that cattle fetilg needed regentr-I lion in ils eutirity, he -came out lutu itht country' ta perfect bis mtbds. He bas betu warkiug several Years sud bas became kuawn in scientilie circles as "Tht Btxrhank a! tht Cattle World." Ht bas a large amaunt o! rnuy tled up In apparatus he uses lu bis experiments and it las ib fact that led to a comtdy recently; this and the alleged curions and akeptical neigb- hors . 2 Strauge thinga vert rumored ta 0have occurred et the plant. There 6were "brasa kettles.' shluy wicetd aloaklng brasa kettîts. There vas a l ire In tht luterior o! tht plant frorn whicb amoke. real amoke, arose. And there vas steam aud rnaybe a srnell. There vas su Instrument vhicb rnag- nified man>' thousants o! times aun whicb vas used ta examine small sud fierce micrabes. AIl these things poiuted ta tht guilt a! John Kammer. Rîîmar had it that lie vas runnlng ean Illicit stili. Was It the nu'scien- 1tific nieiglibors wbo tipped off tht cvii ytidiugs ta tht federal suthorities? No ene knws vbo put tht gavernulent "next." But lest week thrte men, true, triet sait lild; mcei wbo liap tput tht moonshiners o! tht bills 10 arout swooped townupîon tht "stili' a! cJohn Kammer. "Histor>' dosenat sa>' Ibat tliey vere "armed ta tht teeth sud determiued ta dit, If necessar>', lu tht performance of their dut>'. But at any rate, tht> came. Sleuthlike the>' avoapet dovi upan the "den' of tht 'moonshiner.' Wanterftui tisclosures resultet. Tht>' fouit tht "stilI" lunaîîeratlou. upeuly. Tt>' fouit some vllianaus andt ferociaus sheeli chewiug tht end o! eouiplsceîîcy at growing fat. Tht>' fotntd some cows eaîittntî-tly nuuîchlug their patent graitns. The sliecp dit ual bite ttm nr titI the cîtys aljeet ta tbeir search o! tht plant for tht "mountaii dtv." Mc. Kamnier made tliem feed at borne and eomfortsble. Tht>' sat -rout ait smoked. Tht>' acknowl- edget that Mr. Kammer bat a won- iterful plant. At night tht federal forces. the secret service meni, vith- drew. lIn their nteruoirs tht>' vili publisb tht star>' o! tht discaver>' of tht Illicit stilI. tht cattie feedîng plant, at Hall Day. mAY r-cto'U CAN'T DRAW PAY injunction Restreins Directors From Psying Voungest Teacher in Lake 1 Count>' Mer Wages-Affair Has Rouaed Intrest. A îueî il:: r state o! afairs lias arisen otut uifitlittge Danuill>"s decîsion lu tie case o! Thomas Kelly. againsi Atdeline Miller suit Liliertyville seluaol trtusees ta îreveui' Miess Miller fu'om teachtIutuuu varltus groituuds. Mias M ter ma>' still teach, as tise injunction was dissolvedi as fur aàsahe la concerned, but the trustees are en- joîned fr.ym paying her an>' wages. Ili other varda, Miae Miller gela a,,a.iaiion.aus ae May teac il1111 tht slight. pretty littie wnmau vbo tries ta tescb the young Ides how ta shoot. LAVE CO. RE!ORMI LEAGUE ELECIS Choosea Officera ta Carry on Workà for Comning Vear-Personnel Prac- ticalIy Samne ai Lait Season 1 A meeting of tht vice presîdents of tht Lake County itefors. League te eleet oMeiers a! the.league vas held1 Saturda>' uigbt St Lake Forest iîlli the fllowing result: Presidet-F. D. Everett, Highlnd Park. FleIt Secretary-Rev. Thas. Quayle. Lake Forest. Secretary-E, P. Sctgw'lck. Highland Park. Vice PresitettI. P. Ruuîsey, Lake Fo rest. Treasut-er-Gea. Fiîidlay. Lake For- est. There la ua chiange lu tht ffilcers over lat yesr. witli the cxceptionî of Mr. Findie>', who succeedeit E. P. Rus, sell tof Lake Forest. Pua-ically the same camntittees were uîsmet liy Mr. Evercit as belit ast yesr. WALKS TRACKS, IS MITi BY1ENGIN! wirc Mill Emnploye Feuls tae -tar Whistle snd Goes te Hoapital with Broken Arm. At about 5:30) Tlursday afternioon, Frank Goodeill employed aithte wire nillls. was struck by an euglue on the E. J. & E. riear tbe mills aud siffer- Pd a fracture of his lett arm at the shotilder. lite la now Ini the liospîtal,1 wlîere lie was sent by Dr. Kuiglit, wbo atteuded hlm. The engineer stated that Goodell wss walklng along the tracks, that be whistled, but that the man dld flot get out of the way and was struck. 'rbe broken atm was the ouly Injury. This paper conte you lens than 31 cents per veek. Btut the moue>' l dite lit advance. Examine the VELLOW TAG on your paper and se. if yota have been given the proper credit. If your name la John Smith and you are paid ta January, 1908, your yellow tag will read: Smith John Jan 08 The aubacription liatislathia Week corrected upto date and your credit ahould appear unless you have paid IVERY RECEf*TLY. Look at the Yellow Tag and ose. thai you have your credit. If for any renson you think we are in error TELL USl rather than ta tall YOI.fR-MUiGki- SORS. W.0 Can fin up asyMm*_ 'TOWN TAX US MADE PUBLIC iconnty clerk Heudee Complet.. Compiiig of Buates for Var- iosenunty Tovn* DETA1Litl) TATEMERNT SIIOWING THE IFIGURES Caunty Clerk Heudee bas just fin- ished cornpiling tht rate of taxation lu the different tovus of Lake Connty. Belaw are shovu the figures, shoving the tesxes levied on eaeh $100 valua' dion for 1906. lu order to obltei the total amount which vi11 b. levied on eacli $100 valuation o! your proiierty. .j~tget tht total of the tate, VntY, towu, rosd and bridge, sud village or City, tax sud add to that amoenti; te amoant found aller each sebool dis. trict lu the table vhicb conelude. lthe taliulatlon below:1 State, 50c; county, 75c; to be added ta tacli town. Towu of Benton-Towu. $1.02; roaêd aud bridge, 60c; Ciy, $2.08; village, $2.22.1 ToWu of Newport-Town, 40c; ffld and bridge e 70c. Tawn of Antiocl-Tovi, 39a, rani sud bridge. 40e; village of Leke Villa, $203. Town of Grat-Towa, 18%~e; àoe sud bridge, $1. Town o! Avon-Town, 9 146c; rce4 and bridge. 80c; village of GIay9àýe. 81.39; village of Lske,Villa, 81.03. Tovn o! Warre-Tovu, Se, road and bridge, 80c; graveS. S. Townofo!Wauke*u-'qva, lie; ' ioad and bridge, MO;, 051', J808; eIiy echool, 12.58; village et Noftb Cii- cago. 8.03; bigh achool, 81,.-l. . Town o!fShlelds-Tovn. Se; o r and bridge, 30c; City,'$38.26; oty achool, $3.57; village of North ClU csgn, 83.03; village of Lake Bluffl, 82.46. Town of Libertyvlle-Town, Ile; road and bridge, 44c; village. 12.98; bigli achool, 35c. Town of Premont-Town, 6 145c;> road sud bridge, 4lc. Town of Waucoda-Town, 2%d, rosit andt bridge, $I; village, 11.65. Town af Cuba-Town, 12e; oaO and bridge, 60c; gravel, 60e; viIIS8*r 11.79. .Town tif Ela-Town, 7%c; roed saS bridge, $1. . Town of Vernon-Town, 69e, road andi bridge, $1. Town o! West Deeriild-Tovn, lie; road aud lbridge, $1; gravel, 50c; ot Lake Forest, 83.25: village, 8,81; city schools Lake Forest, 8357; high achool. $1.76. Town of Deerfeld-Town, 17e-, roe4 and bridge. 81l; City Hgland Partk $1.70;- City Higbwood, $.05; City lAkê Forest, 83.26; City Lake Forest s"lsol $3.57; bîgli. 81.76.. .Anilocb Neya. TAX AUTO OWNERS WILL BUULD ROAJ Projeci 10 Raite$650,000 for Atto- mobile Boulevard Througls La County and aiher Lake Sisore Counties. Tht aid Sheridan drive Planbetv«U Waukegsn and Mlwauktee bau ta"e nev 111e !ram tht- meeting belé Kt t Chicago s3tamobile shov sué s 1% la proposed 10 buliti au * Ouomý roat hetveen thetw tvaciles. Thse nqw- ront ma>' nol folov eealY t> course proposet for thse drive, uasb auto oviers are desirous o! *b a roat vhich yl fololie h »ît Tht plàn proposed b>' thse A - hile Asasociatton le 10 tas a&U o! machines lai Chîcauo. aut aIl cilles beiveen tiest1 o! $25 each. O! courbestisa o! tht tax could Dot h. fore& la helt that lteeare f0*à EÎ ovuera o! machines wvise ë glati>' contribule tisat IWq the projeet. Thts.Iwo"i0lé i neari>' 150,000 Woaid le tie outset to-ibe0au vur there la lubtIe doubt but tbil building could b. e ao=b manier. Mauy veolU .w chines la liii City ad SU tIse roule are vilUiigt 1 yard tise od. ais lise culesvoulsiuI a" * terlayla tbeW.ýq 1 - 1 - --- --- - 1 1 1 1 1 it