L, B, MAIMAN Correspondent %bd Agent - J 41, ,Maîphysud . RKlmb.a-ly vers tirs. L. C. Pries aud daughter. Eshiier, ~ulWe vsitas Sudayofa Wauka-gau, sud Miss Laie Sawies., are Eh mma Welch spontt ha finît t ai sitiug relatives lise. '00 vmk ai Waukegau. V. D. Kimbail isioauthae iek, ilt viti >", 0Y. Saupou, ai Waukegan, @pont the lagrippe. liera b . A yobug ianofai nsdMtre.BaggertY MrIi.-Md Mm. L. E. Burdick ara-ied at lie. Leen rerv sick wavithIe gop. ,IOmhdeler lhe lait oflait we ek. Mise Galin H1ill anal Mise Hansil SMr. end Mm. Crabiee vsiting aitbiFuniaiger are viitiug relatives at M'au- ~r. sd lis. C E. enii Norman Ladd atteudeal tLe sLow. et Wre C. L. Pratsud Robin, aiCiiicaga, î,Lae Zurich Sunday sreuilig. MMa mise"Nin& Pratt sMd Joseph: Ie l . etetnaie red ~t0011*7, ai Glateo, Colorado aeW s - R ,Kn netie re vWbm orMnday. 'Tie former- tv;a wil incitai the iiats"-Satua-day aiternoou.' %aiua bfor s two weekç viil., tirs. Torrenes hae returneal ta Cicago Umes Etela Grace anal Mai Daley of' iiiter a twa week's visit aith finde ,Worth ChICago, ePent Salua-day aud rh Lare. d"y b»5. ' tir, sudMtis. Wina. Plimua. ai Lake Thounas iannana l Emen îaiems, aiurieL. avens recent risitars hems. OhiCago, @pont Saturday sud Sunday Mi. Hlen Raymnd visiteal Mies1 wi relatives hems. Ruby C=ok lii. week. Dr. TaYlor, ai Libertyvilis, waa calledl C. E. Jenke was a Libetyviiia tallerý la lie sas.oa Abner Caruaveil Fniday. Mauday. Casais Ssph le vietiug at home. Gse. Dearlove, aiGlenview, @peut laita vet with Mr. sud MrmWin. Edwards. 1Mr. suad Mm. Jacob lGaseer viitedd wlth hbir ujather, Mm. Casser sud 1 elter, Mm.El. A. Kuoph, one day lautm weSk.a ~.-,J.C. Riciarde trsnsacted business at Hlghland Park Saturday. 1ýpt. SsI d hie piano ta Mr. Sigmer Y ]LongGrave. Capt. Sapb "ad iasily leave the. l5th ofi tue mouth e for &&tue, their future home. N Mms.Chas. Vasa Br., i ls iiting berr dW«ahter, Mm. B. Weheenbeag sud hln . oai Ubertyvll»e. Frank a"euoaiLong (Orove, beped hieb brother, Chs.on Frday. " SmneMuson sud Till Mitchel were lhbetyville caller Friday. Me. John Horeuberger, ai Everett, G esjleil on ber daughter, Katis, et kir. 1 Pneter's stui'day. Mms.Glbet, of Atioch, vsited ber iou, Sain GlIbert, lait sudey. Ossenea Loonuiea b omne ater apendiug1 nos ve!eke et Kewagkuen, Wln.. George Am»an vlelted lu Chicaga aier EL A. Knaph @peut Thursdayset Nllle ak. Theladlies of the Prairie Vlew church Will servediner ta alilprenbaut lutb. ;ehusea lis ste the.moeulug servi. b" tà*BBUIU. Mes. Parsfy visited wltli Mn. A. 0. Rit>W&hy Iussdy aofla"Iwek. Wedneeday. LanaaStahi, ai Long Grave.spent, Mnaday vilib br brother, Chai. Stail sud iamily. . ( Ou Tiiursday moroing accu na-sa the daath 0aiJJe. utchine. aif(llep2view, bratber-in-iaw, ai Mms. Jas. Richards, who wltb ber son, A. ý.Iid.4 altandeal tLe fune-i ttfii y at Glenvlaw.' Vhs Ladies Aid ýil 'meeat lh- Mm S. E. Kuedier Wednssday aitea-noon, Feb. 18, instead ai Fcb, 6 ai the correspondent srýna'oaly Lad it in lait weaak'e issue. ViaitarB veicame. Satuarday evening Biphop Harnofaitia Evaglical association, avili pi-aah ai th thrha Prairie View. Servie., begin ai 7:30 p. ni. Vhs dedicatary services ai race chunet oi tLe Evangeliçal Association at Prairie Vlew will bc helal Soudsy, Fsb. 10, Bishop Haro, ai Clevelandl, Ohiti, wil] officiais. Services vili b. et 10.30 a. m. 2:30sud 7:80 p.m. A cordial invitation in extendeal ta the publié. W. A. Shutte, ?nî-siding Eider; F. S. Seegnaluier, pestar. Wiiiard Camp. Royal Neighbors,'of Prairie Vlewv, helal Ibeir installation lair Satrday aiternoon. Mms.A. G.baatbher aea luiilg afficer, lie lollavini officers beiug dnly lustallel: Mrs .. F.G Mitchell, Oracle;-lire. . ÀRaina,Vice OracleMas. M. W. Kusalenr, Chancellor; lire. Nsuds A. Knoll, Recarder; Mrs Louis Kaer, Ileceirer; Mms. Wm Shulen, Mas hl; Mr@e.BHeunAlirecht, louer Senti"e; lins. Emme Ka-seger, Outer Sentinel; A. 0. Mastiier, Manager. People are Isarulng the vaine ai oua Iwanl %do. George £isoeler, wiio pna-cbaied -ho Trackler praperty resntIl' le making inaprovements an tbe buling@ prepars. toryto mavlng there soon. George Miler, whbasaibeau quits i11 fon seversi weeke le slowl.y lmprovlug. Termains»aitiMrs. Haury Neyer, use 13kr fChicago, iwem brougiilbohefor hurlilait Weduesday J-Iln. 80. Ti. fmerai services tu pae atuh iLiaibersu Evaugaili cburcii St 1 p. am. Rev. Rummel olllciated. 7 tirs S. Keilen @pont Fniday ln Cuhicago. Fleury Krueger, anad iamUly were 1 pleassntiy surprioeal by a number ai - yong ppleTiiuray eveulng. Ail report s fne bIlais. M ro. Emul Nikaley took a 6~ip te Wau- kegao Frlday. IVilI HuIt, baugbt a dune tolt, ai, Fred Ml.eer mceully. A numben iram bhe traneactel busi- ness ut tie couuty seat laift week Tuas- day. George Wickershsilui Lought thae ck- ateaeiler- fara, wlicb vas solla nthe court aI Weukegat lait week. iTiiere will ieb.noaservices in the IEvangelical clirneh, ou acaunt ai the r dedicatary servies et Prairie Vieav. Malt Utubdeuetock vent ta a eity hospital tionday where h.e underaveut jân opea-atian. Mn. Umbdeustock accompanical hîm ai far an Palatine., V. Saner head quite a number ai the tfariner@ asos ila i t hauliug twa car- ýlosals of brick irain Aptakisie tae f anm ie1occupied by A, tMeyer. He intpuals la b ave a basement put under tLe barn in the spa-ing. LOON LAKE, Varpeutene are baisy rebuilding the ice hause Ibal gai de*lay.ed 'by tire, les cuttiug-fiai begun anal ie iles hanse on ths oaa-lbshore ofihlalie is beiug filical. Geo. Denisoo @pent Suuday iu Chicago. A numben ai yaung flks attendealthLs oulpise au Wlllls Beter Thursday evening. Alreport a god lime. Mary Jonese, ormeriy,' oi Loon Lakte, vas uniteal in marruage ta Eremîl FisL, ai Rollinus. TLey aili lire lu Lakte Villa durnnt viLavnlar. Fredalie Sheelai@leout ai seiaol aitia an atta(-k oai tatsy. FEED GRINDING. ALL KINOS. -Wednesdays and Salurdays Cruiing anal grinaing flue cornu anal caL hhraugh lta mille. A gond stack of' brandi,,tmidallînge, carn,t-ornu meai, aol cake naa, Schumacken'e Stock fiood, i whest anal chicken toea, etc., etc.i G.H. &claÂCcK, Libertyville. .15-12 T his paper charges for oiiitua-y no-' lices, candiaiftianks and ladge a-oa lutions. Oua- space lo reserveal for news. Get yaua- carde prlnted by lie IN- TURNS.. MbMINtON. The yaua usaifthe bal teainiai lis Y M. C. A. sv. abaxskt al lait mleàk iursl= een 'lu- the. owu - hall. Ths hall wai well filled sud lhe praepedsa61 h e aiofîte baskets wai uearly Oity.Iotir dollars, lte bighest oue .elllng for f410. A pragrsmn of Sa-sel. t mg@,s t einsd ginls' quarliett sud su ddesby Prof. S. J. Pultan wai given. The inant son af Dr. aud Mri.W- She&rer dled Thursday aiteruagu, aged four das. Mm@. Wai. Howsrth i. reparted quit. ill. Tii. momesai the W. M. S. oiflthe 11aem cbureb teudemed NM Haefer a -2urrise phriyu Weduegday aflernoan Ja. 31. About lorty-five ladies, were preeent sud Mms. Raidee wai the. recipleut ai s aumber oi beautiful sud usefi lgits, t%1 occasion beiug ber flitith blrtlbdsv. The Mission Band alosent a hoquet af ifity carnations as a taken 1ai b.laappreclation i fber kindne an sd helpialaieme Mr. andl Mm. Rd Gr-og are thîe pareuts ai a baby boy boau Tuesday. .Jan. 30. Tiiree eases otecea-let-fei-er are reported lu the Rouée iamily at Barrangtou Center. Quito a tle axclteaaeait wai createal an accaunt of a Sme lu a eauall building useal for=okngment@ in thae r aio Gormsn' ma ?etauTuesulay aitarnoon. Il avas discovereal u in ie, however anal but vsry lit11. damsage was dans. Vhs W. C. V. U. me t at the houaisoa the president, lMr. A. Hassicie on Thuroday sreniug. Emil Henicli, o a ki Park, i. visliug aI the home aifjis sisten, tirs. B. Gleeke. Mr@. A. Boehmer les ufaring irana an altacit ai sor-s tlimaIandl Ioarsenes. Frank Plagge, Fred Kampert ansd Harrison Ana-sud atteaideal a meeting of the Cook County Sîauday ocîtool asocia- lion Tuasday evening. George rStieienhoeea- went ta lIndiana Tue9dit.v vens atteaudelliase iUsral- ai bis arant. LAKE ZURICH 1You r savring willi curai sou 3 per cent in tuai FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Liber, tyville. FraikAllison ijekkwaitliathe auumps. Mm .F. Dooiittic-. of Iaukpgan, le visitiug ber parente. Mr. sud M rs. Seip thie wesk. WiII Elciiman aud (laur Eis4nor, af Cary, spent Sunday witb friands lure. 4-Y 22N. Genc.te -e STREIT UNDEIIlTAKER s=d EBALMER Telepho ne Central e Frank Sciiols,'oi Chicago, viied h«ers Sunday. Carl Ernat spent Mouday lu Chieago. Kms C. L Rokemeyer sud Nfies Frsncee ?Mt 8sturdsi sud udsy wlth Mm. MUr. sud MM. P. Ikchutt are the. proud 01ut a a babp boru, Saturday, About eight ofthie boysa*of Dlamoud Lake are warklng au the les bore now. f Mm@.,Pavlsn who bas beau epauding the. petnonth ln Ohio with rolative. aud f rertarued home laist week. Andrew farda who bas besu slck wlth1 the. mumppela able ta b. ont &Main. Ail kinde oi valeutines for se eat O. Frauk'e.-1 Henry Schwerman sud familly, of Lake@ Corners, called on friends e e Tuenday. Lîsten to the jingle af the seiegh belle. (lIeu Waddell anal Ailes Lux visîteda couple of days at Russaell lait wesk. Mm. George Barîleta bai a trip ta th. clty Thursday. A number ia-:am hem atiandeal the large sale ai Mr-. Libal et wanmuntau lait Tueeday. Mm.. Martin Lux visilsal aven Snoday witb relatives in Waukegau. The' slcit ai the cammunits are convalescent. Mn. anal tin. H. Stçonenburg bav-a gane ta Waadetaak. Misses Llxzieansd Alice Haersty, ai Chicago, speut8unlay aitii Ilîsr parenits lu Ibis locallty;, -.19 ! Chai. Ealer insabut taeig au aimail carrier anal lutaude iaaving ion Dakota selan. Mm. DeMutL wae alisal tau(Ornae Saturdav <an accotant ai lhe ilinses of ber alaughter 11leuIa, avlo la atteaadlng secool lb re. C. Frenchi vas e Wasalsaoath i-aller ane day lait'week. Miss Ryan speut Suuday at lienrlhome lu Warreutau. Hemembea- tie - masaluerede lui the opera bouse. Fniday evouîng, Feb. M. Remember the bonms taent concert and basket eloci5i 10 be given at the. Rokotslior sebool boùse Frlday eveulng lob. 8. Admission free. Ladies please bring baskets. Mr. sud Mms A. J. King entertalned a genteiomaq frleud froni the Cty s few jey lait week. Miss Emma Kulggevisited at hbone ber. Bunday. A. WUlmlngton @pent Saturday sud snnday at hi home and wltb relatives et Nunda. Mine Anus Crontbilte vlelted wlth friendei at Waukegsu llut Thureday. B. Thomas, of Waukegfan, s'pent Sun- lay wltb pareimbole. Tii. Ladies Aid soelty will mesl wlth Mm. Cronkhlte Wedu.sday F.b. 13 at 2 o'clock. , A number f rom iboe atteuded triebaill given b y the married people at Liberty- ville. A monst social time was roported. Frank Kano bas moved tu Elgin whore be will b. emplayed as motormanun the clty railway. There la W hbeaaC. R. sotil at the W. L. Bergiioru homne Feb. 14. Thore will b. a Valentino box. Everybody corne and brlng a Valentine for the box. Ad- mission 15 cent. Maiquerade St the Libertvvilh- tawn hall Frlday evenlng afl tus week and Bleighlug. E. M. Aie-Ill in eutertsiuiug a cousin. Mir. Emmet, of Chicago. Frank Kane lm movîug ta Elgin tiâ wesk whre ho bai eecumed a position with the. National Watch Ca. Henry VauPlew and bis eister. Ms John Porteous received word reeeutly of the. death oi their mother inlu E. and ettheadvanced.s«eoni 6 yearts.W Bort Jolînoon ln having hin hay pra.ssd. Orn Luce, oa i Lbrtyville, ie dolug the wark. Don't forizet the Valentinp social at 1 Mr, aud tirs. .trerill's. Fob 14. iiuy a couple muore tons oi coal. Tihe cga-oand bog eaw bis sliadaow ail riglit. Mies Daisy VauPlow who le atteudiiig the Mqoody Institution, Claicago, iatvored the congregation wltlî a lins addlae.o last Sunday oveuing. May we politeiy inqauire what Lai become of theii.aie- opular churcli oyâter supper?. Penbape it takes more oystere tan farmneriy .ta thro wa shadow lu the eO)î), conequently, weii. Yorrsvings wili esan yota:' per ai-ut lu the FI RiT NATIONAL BA.NK, Liber. tyville. Tîtamas Bayer tiainke lis Las the. coldeet bone lu twn. He says that water irsezes au the kitcen stovP wltli a fimelunthe stars. W.- osier have Lad auy occasion ta doubt Mr. Bayer'. word but rebp it would b. >ust ans weil ta t:kea grai or two 0f sait with thus etatemeut ai ho evidently muet lie laboring under a balucination, prodaiced by *.ointense cold ai tâte. I ________________________ ______________________________________ Special Ali tliat is Ieft in LADIES FLEE-CED LINED IJNDERWEAR DUl GOES TO.MOIRROW AT 15C MbD.AY SIANGHIEýR ALýE FEBWJÂRY 9th l~l T is.quite true thid we cannot give you-at this time, as complete a s eleotion to choose from as you have been used to at the Hein, Ornstein companys, but YOU muet rememberý that this je February and in order to dleanup ýal Unes before the 'arrivai of Spring goods-, we assure you that neyer before lias a dollar had - sucI an opportunity to.hiccomplJsh so mucli. Neyer before would anybody expeot a dollar tô accomplish so muoli as it wiîl to-morarow at onr store. Our MOTTO bias always been neyer to carry over any mercha.ndiee from one season to another, whioh you know, and as this je -tue Iast month of the winter seazonthe Rein-Oi-nutein policy must ho oarried out,ind the prices will causa cs ean eweep of every uarment left,s our reputation muet be lived up to,not onlY toestablîsh new methodsl. hut to n alf,' averoerun ailvantaae b u li aiusatanersa. Rattheai, ca nvaa. havr At...lin,,n m his asteralan nna-ahaainitinn.everv departmentimust have undergone a clean sweep to male room for a new, dlea, ý Furs. fZWé have a very nices assoatmnet of Fur@ that have begu placed on the. bargain ooanuer et 50c. on(the, Dolla Pricam are nwaked plainly on each article iu red ink. All Children'a Fors sud Sets are offered to-morrow et yanr owu price as they muet ga. Coats A nies lin. of Ladies andl Misses Cas in real, brawu, castor and black, îaimmed with blac'k biian sd bsckY elvet oollar anal cufs, bath baose aaad ighl fitting at Hfaif Frcs for To-morrow We aloo off an a ice variety of Coaseinu va- mixtures, very atyîish, at 50e on the Doellr up-to-date fine of Spring goods. . . Ladies atiMisesùuts An elegant assortment in ail wool mixtures wlll bis afiared to-moa-aow at great- reduction in price. Descriptions iu this lin. are bard ai there ineo muai to deacribe. Von muet see these bar. gains 16 appreciatre theni. Flannels LADIES TENNI8 FLANNEL PETTICOAT8, 75e vale e St . .. . . ...-1 ... ... CILDREN'S~ TENNIS FLANNEL PETTICOAT.S with pulu wsiss stached,23 CIII-LD)REN'S FLANNEL NIGHT GÙWNS,. a value...............9 LDE'F NNLNGTGOWNS, 8i 50 value75 At............. A large -a-soi,ent >o Chldrsu'. 0weaters, ail coloresud sites rslîgiug froin 1 year ta fl fyerrulai 81.25 valuse 69........................ C cii FA UCONDA ,, LOG GROVE '-lÂKECOU LOUIS J, YEOMýAN, THE -$EWUING MACHINE MAN Waukegan. 111. SATURDAYOI Mrs. L. P TOUd ie sufferlug ironi aD atteek oi nhsumatlsm. Frank Puallen, aofIBelleville. MIcL., was the gusté uf lh@ Decklugerfamlly aaeveral layei lait wesk. Mr. sud Mr@. F. Bl. Rosebro visiteal ieuds bers lust Tbureday. C. E. taplc iorguaday eveniug: Less from the. Patriarceg. Mas. J. C. Kugel, leader. àdm. Bort sstan vislted relatives lu i)owuere Grave laut wesk. C. B. Clark, aofIlerwyn, visited at home Suuday. Cham. Watrans, postmastsr oi Wauke- buIpeut Wednesdy avilla . P. MMra W. W. Clark lei vioitiug lu Kausea City. HeurY Se-gert. oi Lilierty ville, -visita ut home Suanday. . Mr. sud tMrs Fred Banhosil andl John Baruhoeit, oi Chicago, avare the guesitas Pi Fred Hareniierger and famiiy Sunday. ir, sud tirs. Jas, Pyles, of Cliagai, vioitel wlt the Aaites faai1y similis-. ThetaililesaioILthe. E. ciaurcl avili give a bezaar sud supper lu the alura-eb Feb 21.-Aillare lu-itel.ta>ta.- iauet. A crowd ai twelva-girls gatiralut the home aiftir sud tirs. A. H.Silibike lait Frlday evsniug tla@en a a îaa-sat eveniu! with %Irs. H. B. Fritg-h sud Mrn.§. Rouit, ai Sotinuk. Vhstimc, avas plevesantiy Client lilpaaiug ganiffl and mosic. tir, aud tire. Ed Tiaarroen stertaiued Mr. Kioekzietbsu, oai licgo, Sunday. tinm. Anuly Lytie I. spsudlug tLe, winter in New (Orleans, La. Stasysalf rom thé -homeu.- ar.old Floaver, a black caillie. sugers tu ame ai P'rine, aeare causaaa-,ua us nci. auy one Seeing saule 1lIee otiiy short- paartv snd receive rearal. lPhone 2005. No0tice ta emr Trhe aveet .V4a-Ht-rryFlaaaintanal 1>5-i jail li ts lia-eu rent- ila up-ta-date tlaeiaancr *aaind lN Mlas resait forlaa'a-e 1Maauday, Fa-lruuani 4. Nir. l4çeu'-r will b4 idamu.daIr<a u-e aIl lait>. talaua nay ne - tialars. .- Itate ut l111na018. Caranty ofLaite,es. lu the ('la-uit VCrt oaafLaka- Coiinty. au the Mgrch terru A. D. 1907. luI Chanice-y, No. :,291. fiary E. Fowier, vs. Cyruîs E. Paarter, ~te M. Porter Jane I. Porter, Eliza- il D. Porter, Edavard P. Doalge. 3aulla C. Tukey, Frances M. Jamiegon, tSarahi White lXadge. Normnan A.Latgir. Franka B. Gulimors, Mary A. (ilîmore, Fred R. Guliniore, Ana Glilmore Nel- lie E. Hlawki'ns, Etagene 0. Hawinsî. Henry S. Fenlon. Mellesa A. l'a-ua. tdel, lndlvlduaily andl as soie suna-Ir- lng Exeruatrixor the lait avilI aud testament outJoaithM. Truesaleli. de- eeased, Henry Shepard, !Stapaies & aaiav(tell CO.. N. Y.,' Staps & Cadveill Zk C~o..Lucey M. Wrighit, Chails. F W 'ird. Trustes, Nelsou A.St'-ele. Lalie (ouuty, Illinois, "Unknown heirs or devîsees ai Henry S. Feulon de- ceased,"sud "unkuavu ownesoà the .east hlit of the oatiiest quarter, andl the nortir east quarter oi thie soraiL eaet quarter lexcept 'lie 'est 7 acres thereof), lit section 10, sud lie nortir aeat qalarter- ut section il (ex- rea: that part thereof eonveyed by Irm A. Fpnloai anal avfe ta lames ilartray aud M1. J. Hoifman lîy desal necorded ln the recardere offce o Aalak - C<aun- ta. Ililinois lIn13Boak 121utof-De eut piage 241>, and the- uarth wa--ýt quaurtae- î>f t he sar lawest rraatar î,f si-e:1om 11t, aill i aTcwatilla 4.-, rr tRanige ii ia- a t t a i, n 'i i i-jctil ii -idý Jan. fila-ailit tiwfi,-tfae af 'la- tar ofut riils 'Cout, Ihat the- aIa-ta'aaaulJe tt- 1. Par- la-r. lulla C.1'.uakey, Sa, ah Wlalte i)clga, Normnia A. I jiîli. Fra li B. t;liaire. %far>, A. iiîir-. Fred R. Giliniareansd Anna GJlii c.ail re- slide orlut oflhc Sta (iof Illinuois su thal liracesu cannaI lac servei talon them or sa' oftlhem, andl tIthe aletànd- alite Henry S. Fenion ,- Statules & Cadvel Ca.,N. Y ;" Stales & Cad- Wseil & Co.; "'Unknauw a heire tir de- vîsees ait Henry S. Fefîiîîa, deceascal,' anal alnkurion us nets outhte east hait of the North Eaust Quarter. anal tha Noath Est Qua-rter ai thIe Suih East Quarter lexceat the- We-st 7 acresa ahereut), lit section If). and the Northi- w-est quarter oaf setion i l except that part tiiereut catavM cd blI~ra A. Feuicnanisd vifete lJaques itartray and M. J. Haifmaa liv it-calrecaîrdea li aire Recorderas Office ot Lakte Coran- iv, Iliniis, lu Book, 121 Oft Dedai t image 241), analtire Nortli West Qalar- tel' of tire sorath weet qater ut sec- tlioan1l, ai luinTownship 45 Nornth, Range 10 Estnifthe Third Principal Menîdian" on due Iuqulry cannot Le tamunal su that 'lartcees cautuot blie uar- 'ed tapon them or ny o0f theman sd aipan 4lligfent lnqaîlry neither tire place af resideuce non pust office addreseato sny o aid]e st uamed ldetendants cau be ascentaîneal. Notice le hherefor hereby gîven ta thesald aLors nameal detendants liaI the save namnealcomplainaut bha-e. tofa-e fileal ber 9111 oi Complaînt lu salal Court, ou the Chauceny Bide tiiereot. sud liaI a entamons tiiereup on lsseena out oi saffd Court againet thea aboya namel defeudanis returu- sble on tie fia-st day ofthtie terin of the. Cia-cuit Court ot* Lake County, ta Le bli at ttc Court Hanse in Wan- kegan, lu eald Lake Cauuty, au the finît Monday ot Marci A. D. 1907. as le Ly iaw requireal, sud whfcii suit i. sill pendiug. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Clerk. 19Ou egen.lIllinois. Jenuary 3tIt jElam L. Piaake Cornilainantes so- - ttr.FeL 1-4t Have voa avernuotia-ed tut tirs et le Lt M. .h st Cr De T; ir. ir 1 ý 1) 9