~ATas Ail W. have the kind you want at any price you want ta pay r Eveuything ln th,iHardware lino PIumblng cdoné.etai allimes Gragslake Hardware Store. -WM. IF REU1BEIN. Proprietor. v SReduced Prjces On,'St 1 have a few stoves leftt t. close out. Now ls th, close stove at about fins cut the price on tank he and sleds, skates andla Ho Bo EGE] Bargains o ves that 1 Wil sel cheap e rimeto get a frst t cost. 1 have aIso eaters, bogo waons anteins. RILLINOIS Ba rgains . Bargains Stili Thanking the, people for their generous patron- age during the sale of the past week which greatly reduced our stock, we will continue the sale this week ini certain linos in whieh we are overstocked, ,(Jall and examine the goode. Thankiug you for pal4 favors. Iligley& Carfield Dept. Store We 'have a Few Stovles We wiIl sel Low to Close Out SCHANCK BROS., Liem ile.' il+i KEEP WARM BU bonhmone or two o[thoft WARM CONFORTS at + Straflgs Furniture Store 4Oray5Alko - 'Milnois a royal good lime tva. beld. IrMn. Loti Frank in spendiagu a wdeya I et lvunbtm eacringUforhler siter tutuis iek et tîmt place. MieBerthe Wuger 1mlFreut spetSeturday tiTth trieds I. tre,,,,n, lait,. John Clark, aI Chicago, is a guest ut the home of M. Krusemarks Ibis week. W. have 50 mens@, boys'a ndt hiltrens overcoate ut tost. Al tinter gonds menket dotin. At ROCUEsTERt CLOTUING Co., Orayaluke. 174t RUSSELL. We May expetIa continuation ot Win- ter uctording t10 bdeoidsayiug otground hog day whicbturtsd in bright undt colt. W.e hav'uplety ot anow, r-but sighing ta Dt these Rernember the Valntine gScialFéb uary 14, un-the church Agoot grogrami is proriset. aiso titi-Canta w ich will Le the 22nd ot Fébuary. DonPt in t. A number of thé ladies gave Mmre. P. E. Siver a surprise party luit Thursday. A very pleabant lime tas eioyet by ail présent. Mms. Surah Youug le vrsntmug lu Wau- Luin MaGeewta. lu WaukeganSunday. Owing to the severe coid Snnduy no mingter came. A tew of our"young people attende) night. IGleu Waddeil andl Alice Lux, spent a fowduys '.mitb relatives luit week. The oId Sivér place lias bcen soit to Mn. Peddley. Miss Alîîy White spent a coupue duyp lu Grayeluke luit week. Misn Meude Waitoa, spent Saturday evening und! Sunitay la Lihertyville wtb finés. 1 Bon Rosing une! Samu Terrant trom Chicago,.were Round Lake raller. lest week. Misa Gertrudte Bretier tram Gayalae @pont Sataritay evuang with l-od Mmr. HrSerromatisasi n Our Iown fr'eceelly. - a.N»n E~iruc~fr.*UEhl@ daoterIÉ Grayjslake -Bakerg anid Restaurant Meals and Lnches Served at agil boums FRESH OYSTERS CIGARS andlCANDIES IAI NDRY OFFICEI Phone No. 19. MISS EMMA GQERLACH, Prop.:, MY NEW FALL AND WINTER SA1IPLE ARE mow on exhibll We invitt'you to oeil and L.ook them over WM. JAlINS, 1THE TAILOR n GRAYSMAE 1 Vale][4jUnes The finîl Valentiuý An Gray4 rangingJ Don't f1 ,or exhibited Pricen le to $2.50 oS OU? Fred Stephene rturned home tram a G G' AC pleasant risit witb reltivesLAKE jot The infant son of Mr. amil Mrs. Dauniel Lk aisAdSceywiii tortu inon the sli lie.Gages ae. We i oit 8tr 1 o h i. jt meet at the bomne o f rs. Eh. Barris on Mr@. Wieirdt and daughter Emma Thuraday Feb. 14. Visitors invited. 1fr,. made a pleasant 'ail on Chicago trieuds Nicholas, Sec. this week.1 Mies Mary Quentin spent sereral tlays, NEWPRT at South Chicago liaving recied the uews of the deuth nof lier iriend, Mr. Mies Carnie Bosier who le stili on the Meyer@. si.k lit inelsowlv improrîng. Charley Sturm, ot Prairie View, cailed Frank Shea i.é very busy sawing wod on hie relatives hem last Sunduy. these days. Mies Tile Quentin returned home . iss OPr Wells called on irienda in Wednesday from au ëxtended visit with Wadsworth recenily. Waucondu friende. ~iiom Carnie Wendt muade a trip t Mfr. and Mfr@. Manzow, Of Palatin@,!,' ti hcg oedytb.we speut Tbursday with Mr8. 1). Schmidt. irotlCicg'n ayti ek 1fr Maerut aiaine wa ~ ' 1 Dou'tforget the denté ut Wadsworth Mr. ave, o Paatie, as eon011the 14th. Ite a musquerade. our streeto hem Friday.rJbîWili.othsikit IWm. Quentin transacted business ut JonWlsiontesk s. Chiew Wfflntýoav. V. h-.e .ifUfi I not,,tfor g5.,rh Wa ong the hai Su] cla ad ti ail on NihoesBke, fBarrington. a,îd'mug. ai Hlenry Meyer@, ot South Chicago, iMade a1 There wilil e a grand hall at Wads- short caul hem Friduy. worth opera bouse Feb. Il. OConnr'& Aug. Lohmun and 1frs. Sereiber band wiii fnrnlsh music. Everbody orne. tb made a business trip to Lit)ertyvvile iý mecentiy. nt Obltuary. Auna L. Nleyer. luee Baker) wus Loir ut Quentin. Co nerq Oct. 187-i0, died u South &iicugiî Jau. 27. 1907. This sud LF oU f u g n îlwws cairne w- a greut ehoek to lier 1n mauy tiends and relatives as she wonf r recî.eriiig iîcly (roia curgieul oper-u1 lgtcs teoer vlie e wîie suddeuly ealedS away lheurt diseumé e iuigthe cuse. She %vus horiu and -epeuît al ber îhild-fi houri laye iii Lake courrty outil Mar. 6. AYer's Cherry Pectoral cer- e t1902, n iieu le wue united luin mrriage til uÇ ogs od, e iio Heury lleyerei. of South 'Chicago,' unycracuhcls wbere tlicy bave since resided and wliere' brouchitls,consumption. And jý she mîade u ho*t ot trieuds. Besides ber c ! grief stricken husbaud. thrmre brother. itcrtainly strengrhcns weak and éwosisters aud other relativesuare throata and îweak lungs. sl lit b t(nr be l1 There con bc no mistake about The uerai servie was bel tter ti.Yuko ti rc n homne 10252 Ave. L, Tueeday atn hî.Yokawl s ru. >n aud therminls twa& brought to os yu w oto ilsyo. n <Irove where uerai service was eîd a1; w oco il m o tiiechurcb wlllcb wanfilled, and theuiuny r X'M fleboy h" ahtffIble cuc irisa heautiful forai plecesspoke the ebeur lu Aj,«% e ftChiy Y5teei. Th. or" > wlîiehlîete ivs bed. The reoiains î,ssoedW laimd to et hesidei tbose of ber parenté, le.u. a- dlrmlatives who have Sous before. Our WANT COLUMN envers a mul- AiU titude ot waqu'a e lacorrect. r. 71 L LAKX COUTY, âDXJWUi5'. FIêDAY IPUBRUARY'8 1907 mu.LBuRN Oid 1folks' Dance GRAYSL KIE e -DEPA TMENT Aciordiug tir tmle traditions ofiground E F.J. DRUCE, Editor - Phone Central bog day tie will bave six teeeka of The lent darne mmif Cime emumon wtiilui. an aiu tinter and thonimomne. Old Foîls dan,, i- mld o Thinge Seon and Heard Pertaing to Grayslake and Mns. A. W. Sufford returued troin -AT- mo ------- henton Thur.day but ing npent tivW" ---- 1iiyday,, aith ber daughtur. m nn B o . al fur vavnaiuRAs.osAPLcaio ~ lii m ut m The wurd was repurtei eround al w ___________________________________________hems lest wek %but Mmr. Weidger, of ROUND LAKE flu Canada, was fonnd trozen to death. Wv Mn. Totiers ot Chicago, attiruded the Basket Bali.I Leslie caunon ji getting &long niceiy -o'- m Masonle, lodge Baturday evepiug. Tueeday eveanug atrout a dorien i but Elmer Caution bas ball a relapse and N~tlm Wyudhunm Tueker and GoreTucier Young ladies met ut the raysluke isquite ,tk ut prftt. holt ihfbur 1 i oblpped tirir honeebold goods w Oki. Pharmuey to orgauize bapket hall teams. Anubruttisiiiyuteedte--- ---C borna, cr ieeving hore Bunday i.reuing. Miss M We.er ast yrars@ coach ined Ilay "The Mrry Cobler' ut Lake Villa Ahotorlvta bLevaprocînmd nei Their taumilies tiul fi îlow thera Tumrd Upthe tesasa as imllotis: lot teani, 'ruird adlrîa.uA ood odetrasoeltierîIe2 eut they ulIinakre lit tiinture bon&me!loieAuraShlttUirulall, ltubv Smith, 'A tii utofMr. and Mnm. H. IL Tower's furnfled.h Allen MacLaekian epent severul du :rheny apik Nie l211dt eur i und I uiiOMMTT hors mcentiy iooking aller bis tthrs Fin.... eSmnith, ertrude Lester, AleM imehee veting othmeir 313AlertPadoc-ertdillma furra ut GageLake. tire irec lrm, adeud occasionmrï ueurtî ddi yng letPadc-orb11 el Stag lrc iu.ë,Mne andalu vrar.John Fredeicks-Frmnt grt llrs.Morritt Favori.e itaking lier Ironie Lillie Turner. Thi- teanas appoiuted T0i.r.L aith Miss Sosie- Whitehead and- lier' thelr captainie hy v ritten ballots@ad Tie fainily ut C. E. Deuian hure ail JohnCotre-o Lake $o Inuther. Mise Aura Batteceliali tis a eece wretliug witb the grippe. Oliver Hook, Rtollins nei Valentino«? Yeu, etneks îf tireur. ut cat. tlItamadMs imc1.lTue Ladres Aid trili inuet Tlumduy Cliarlie Hucker-ltound L.ake ne>1 Che Graysluke Phanmacy. ,Sith ca" of the, 2um teum. The, with Mrs. Ovo. 8trug. I Joe Hiner-McHenry chk E.J.Hlie u te inysak leutoturna then appolnted Mtiss; Ruby Smnith , Tir C. E. sociéty wili hoid it Jack Raya od-Volo 50 Co., startet ton Texan Tiîeeday tiuiee as ten ereteam tanguer; Miss bsiMs.iieiu ralaeigFb.SIWm. Brandsetber, Harry Wheelock. vat Fîuee Du. s îunr;MieM.lt tile holue ni@misC. E. iater. A goodJhn ehoti.raeue gel Le tilli muké a canrasé of tbe country Whoeeer, coab. Tle tiret ganie wîll Le, program lurO@tore. Allyouug people JTickeoune, Suppae r xr @W] and nvstl srn gom ée etae Wednesduy, Feb. 1i. This til ouot Le a eordiully inrited. al Donad ltieiy oi Liberty ville,vril titdhi@ 1 public gtae..The dîmmurs i tule cioaed ITen land marks iiamely tel, c<tton i-orses iared fir ut iiiiitb'a Livery inIr brother J. C. t o outsiders tbh[@svemm-n. uniy ut snch, iWood Vtres of a gouit olduge wlîose Couie and brng yurr ile and sonte- 200 tirne. thenuan oe igi éanued e Floyd Hurvey, tho bas been visiting, It i. elieved oeiimgi sauune okeietous have ioouted nplunUVeumans bodys sweethart. o re- more that t Ir,-teurne tili get lune bave Ieeu razed to tie grimand the met_______________ frienîdo snd relatives in this vieinitY, r- oetraining undil-,u letter wurk uoîder laest weetk. à cently, reîurned t0 Lincoln, NeL. these retruettons. F.1) Bteme-.and wilte ricently Ms .E. Bter eturned Fr7iday fruru WARREN. reâea w Kimbait piano forîritoir Cicero Alian and mlamgliten Belle ito Fusa n eîeî hmsebs esdite-tais a recee eat f Ma tze I ug e n. t Tueoduy nouro t lmir- ranch in Texan. hen frlue tiiteiks. du.agiN tti iuu ilr.Lzi Mr. and grs. Ed Washburii sperit Suii. Hie son loft thé niglîr lefore with a ear IMr. and Mr.James honner and Lester Prutt (lime- Stearusi ut ber bornein l day ut Lake furEst. Iraoa f stock and! tarti ruacbînery,. I have Leva burin g the gripipe-; uioTam-oinia, Wusah., of typiîaid lever. Mrs. T Mis. Johnî honnir. "0 rat nus mrn andibrou Illit l nla. Mn. and Mrs. ltodney Parker mof Attq. Churchill uand l)r. E. A. C rane ue Warom, esme rmîîemi renunle ui î aîorrrî o relrtivtsr.out ilowuers Grove, vlsited lriî.îmus ani relu. ettendemi th. arîuormile show u atriîre I .Nouli. Helu. mfi:rSioui te Tdfimi-sonu-mour livre atreaIucr tires bhèem ricuutiy. rCleaguuWédueeda3 Aimiear. olHb l .sflo lR rakDruci.uvtTueda) for Elklu- Rome Sherma, mi i i immgu ,t. p ,t un- - aruii. a huoma wihere bc iili sPeVÀa inuimli. de) with his uni-le 1: A.Sherman. A lC :~The Vo»e,-wliuol nl liolil mibasket f't Liont un ... mmiii uîîruluy evuiiiig I-et,. 9.Laulie forger yonr girl on lenîtinu- hier. Ment-i Stévu-rm- mml Paceille lission irn 1"t.toié day. IV- te 'i -'plent oftfllie Valeitilles >m.liurch. 'eiebungi-mi Iulitm with Rer. -M IASM-rjýWiitou lm nuire siî. . luktraeî lit tie' ryelake l'ariiiucy. %Waltou last Saîulia uid deiivered two urabY, mut Wilnoî, lein natremduiie. Mr.mmand lire. IVulley 1,ave foon 511 I iCoii.~ans iuni~iîet ru mmlii tmlmî be flm(lue meinios. Anlboîîy iurk, rt la.smiit 1le 1i iirba.. Viii .M a lin iugilu is. tI tlrenîii' lmnce iniday eureniimg i>muit lire. John Meadtm, - mm las ircnerivny t"vk itb relatives ber,,tri iulie.lrIilmils r nues t. iii le usomethat iuil.rrmmid iGeorge Paddock lias retilimduur, îl hlAtmrTie ebnt hm b Tire Rasteni Stari hart lmir inm.tlle- h .Ske.o-l . uinlieg-i ramTexan tre,-lie wtus i1imnd iig t1le ii gikr nue odýStirfia la r-iimgfuir 0klb- 1111m 1 .Slietote tit dge, inmter and i nott(luite h ii miTIu i-emil mfuthr uiciiinîtgo on ha, tionTu leeday ieîiiig afler wliihb iilau- e - utSitm Wiu'meîîgat n ter.guid quut ta@ serre). Mniba b aqut mmi im nîi ini . ltr1 . ns1). Oueott le on Cie sirk i. ligo»a( Nlins. Soniiieittir. mi Kiuîe, sirent Suri- riigood tine lieu lMr. Rîm, ri .Avomui Ture Antioe ch clusand ail surnorîid- Nis.Allen umlnnii a li liyr, t uer miay andMi udiy aillu bersibue,-. l(rs mxntmr, touikhie firet linn. îg counitryv sebouis are clonerd] Imuuumi- itim vlerk. nem uit Fnrd for W~~niklm-. M T A Ste ~~ accott o the starlet lever scuare. emr n,.Wruuni Mirm s.lu. te i. rmminoliter Wulnedi Nlets reaeliemi Aubiocli Saturday îmmrn- miles ulhnvmitu i %Wuukegaii Satkimlay. dar and Tbumida1 IieinlaTexans tuer, he teutto spenîl the Saturde min(' iuinmiy. lin. mand)lis. Jmmlîî ieVinie.mt Kimue, ontfre h dnFTrmaqrd acetGineWn M pen-t Satrîrdut uanit Suiy uttirîe klary' Dn o-a Im iiîî lace, ri- tiater.Tie reaneiins tili lmLesent lit îmoasjeuofa eu1riueta i bon.d1e eeing the Cr limitmî. rcher- LA utioili ani) services field hère ut the ttoit ittied)Rus rJo Ploueun tStudylu trawull pluy. M. E. chuiliu eui n-e.Mns. Chameswî uusue-ilm t dring ber Clilcugu. Pebmouizé théeim iimmut i), geumy ut Miss iylvimî Maik le risiting inenid, dangittr. lire.rhilr) ver.humaretuirned to i Mié .C oltl a hiiifruethe Grayalake Ib.ml.,mmmmiy. Lquudry hoe, lier bomle inii Wamkegttt. 1tieuce MrsF. . mumlitlelia) C.-nîîsfurta eing Wednimm uuing retnrnuu The Old01)Fîlkmi-uîinmert heid aituîu M P.ord humicic-an ivineure io lIm i smmuminiber liai-k ecenitly but le Saturdey evenînir. Vimmk guarauteeui E. chmirrcb Fiduy uight tva. a gauimd eniomuilînese mulMn. iL. N. lîrumn a reporte) domumi nicely. J. (C. ltiely. énecees. The -uueb tva, crotidemi un) fomer rmsideît bhe. SI, lu nuu. for Fi] Iagner estertaumul iis Irhure .P. Sherman trnseutmd busiiness nt rie rpecuptenifCti erening ivene nu-ur iCicago autIihe bonneounlier dîîmglter lu Itili. ioi Guni-va, Setunday und Sundey. Waukegau Wedue,l, $40, giveni raider thlý auspices ior lb,. rMIre. StiF rmari.. ____________________________ _______Epwori~ Leagrie. the _______________________________________________ ln Saturduy alternoon tLe nienlilurs LONG LAKE. lead ofHiliside oiitery association gave JumnueiMitchell anîl titi-:alqo Mm. ms. 1). Ferris a urprise tbanqueit Join MmtIeil. ot Chicago, attendemi thé i Ùprefengi lier wmîlî miheudmomu- china fanierai mml their lîonsiu Mm. Lankin Mon- remad sugar set and a lemonede day. Mis Nposition.fernis liasfongte ei the El. Grabaini tii,>bas blien very ,ulmisLet L.O UI.1 S J. YE O M AN Posnoiéreeyf""e clt iutile to be aroune! again. mai nAtely-b e is otThabbé t air np. g Louise Husimu @pettSunduy nith lierMa. mui * I' ePaddock died ut bilus e tmunt, Ar!o.Cleveaud. Ch annel Lake fuoniday, niglit. F ut aMiss Nelliq Mitchell thoî@ is péuding si T H E , Ou IC ,IA N it 'ttit cb Wednesdey ut thi, M.E.11kiI. cliv inter in Chicago, came nut Satur- 0 ai ulîîy% un) retura i lu otheu city Tueslday stiX Lasr w-ek Thiinday the tuîîeral ot iniotniimg. hal ________________ Mrs. Lydie Mattax wtue lulut La.ke (tO. Stenlori). oi Fort. Hil, Ca..on sur Villa. Silîm bo Ltter knotin hère as ouir itreets llonduy. 1lSur _______________________________________ ___________________Grandina Mattax as she-liled ibre for a ý) A uînibr Iu tigbe- ttenartdthé u Mn. nd m. has Wibtmn eter Mis Fmmnrmi Srith niFor 1111,toumber uf leurs tmtil memoved tir fanerai of Mrs. Lunkin et Fox Lake M Mr.an M. ha. igtma ete- is Forýr-eSmth o FrtHil,(,hiengur to ive with ber son., where eue Munday. ai tainemi a hi-w friende ut rend, Monday risiter] ber ,,nm-r hère Tuesduy. Jasmeul peuelfully umray ut the advenoed lMm. Vlujur ha.s ererul bourder,. of eveninir. LiKht mîfrsehients wee,- Oie Hum-mli prit Tnes)ay in Chilcago î cge oft'il yeure. Sitemeuves to montrul mniervemi au) a piesant ereuing @eet. sutayungtai 1 ber crune soa, Norman, bis tilt, andl The Kniickerbocker Ice Co.. i. buernet@ Wur.. F. D. iriuter.hul ha. been ii sîk Eban .rim-n @peut Tnvsday in faugliter andl a bost of frienuts hemsand iutt]Dg mi1) iue bat in 11stummverbmt tib wit îit bad culmi but isnuti snome botter.Chim.agit. in the ity. intermeut nues ut rime Fox shortutruleli omvng to 50moranchsot-. Whi A .ligli Ina) ut peuple drove n p rmra li. unid ir-.John WaVgner spentilaket-elnetery. Sornme ut thé lncaliles-hanses are leingi lihertyvilue Ttedeyeveing und ban) Suturday uni Sunday Nvlhtiî Ibéiniilid aiso, thongm maay are waitiug for W& l ecm ire place ut Wm Kappisdeugbten, fr-..John Leuzen ut Ottawa. I QUENTINS CORNERS oI thétealylrutatlapit s b1.8 haioA e oilbr vwIonee..;.ir.........e ivieand...Il Il s itnyclto h ué Baving decided t t t - mstna Sbmimereekl wiii li urt iuetion without reserre ut ber im Pthe SanîelI urrio frtarin ile West of iihertyYiie aud two tutheujt iofGagem Corners und no estl of the lMilwukee road,l arai o11n ,(emtdav Febr îmmùeuCing ut 12:"w ,o'loek sbap oliowiug desrribed poertYtoC'jt ork mures wt about 1200 lbo.,I17sy ng colt, 10 guod imileb cows '2 of . reob and the et of theni due tu Le fie ilMarcb and April, .9 fiue yearling lier.. 2 dozeu or more cbickent; 14 rrnick moewer 5-lt eut, sulky ploil uriy uew,,walkiug plow, di làaro l iding amd 1 wulklng ealtizt6!,alfn iÜY rake, set lever drago, Belle Oity lW utter baud or potier, four-boise cob ltioa powier and grinder with jack am *It, tauuiug miii, truck wagon undt bu avel box, plutiorm sprlng wafon, bol eigli, toi) buggy, cntter, 'two.se.tI iggy, l'reaking cart, 2wsts woskhai es. 1 set dririug hurness, single hW «s, griudstoue, valMnon kettie,1 icken ç,oopg, iucubaton, mlk separato I milk pns 7cooiey mikais 4m &t,'No. 4 Lurre munra, cros eut a*t .lvanizsd bot water tank, 12 a acke, ehorels, iorks ee,2 lest fllou jars, about 12 tons timothy 111 hubar, about 8 tons wiid hay ln 'tacS 00 bushels coon in crib, 200 busli at. and numerone other articles ae intloned. Lunch ut 12 o'clock. sual terni. M»s. EmMdA sirumEKEU. DANIEL LEE, Clerk. Propriétvses, W. il. WIL>iOT, Alis. AUCTION SALE. rue underidgned wl il iit pubIS ntion on the <lartiey 'arin at Fll, oints on Monday Feb. 18,.con---ef L10 o'eiock sharp lt lowin d Led prorrîy ta wlt: 35 eow, 2 bi )We aildue to cone ln by MaCi nril, 1 horse, 1 eheep, 10 taire.,1>e ibinder. pulverizer, two-borm uei 0tn huplajtq..2fat-i aqnh. ek, 2 one-bonsmt-utivuloM,sitpo utile piow, pair bobsed, a ovl mwer, potuto planter and 4 brood eosoi. 1 stug 17) houte m arster, pair hamrows. sho flX Leei po)tatoem,.'400 bu ont,140 ie, huy rake. 40 chickens, 9 rlkct ioiine store. [-anai terme. GFO.VOOL, UC.J. K. OurIO, Pro>, Niis Mande Sneeby pent a fowýdap the pant week with reletie Mrs. 'trinMetcalfi ison lthesi* U liesHelen DeMnthhbsao mbeen qel ek ut the home of ber aunt Mm u.i lis, Rese pStemaun tarted Tomul ti klahoma, tihere abstili jo-ba -m aber. C. E. tapit for Feb. 10, lemsn fV iPutriarch 1 Nnub BeL. i11? 2-F7 4-6; Pet. 3: 17.22. Mamie jiahn ader. Obttuary. ,arah Bt. Cupen, daugliter of Mw. so. Azel Capea, wes boni lu ams. Ja.S81an. ldl ,ake Co., 1IlI., Jan. 12, 1907. 51w. irriemi t Arthur 14. iiiAI gay 28, 1844. Thsy mov*d owabhin lu 1848, wIhpré"Sui or death, with the extilà Of iyeares@pont lu ber net v.ae. Of sturdy, long lired Nuew tck, she iived te, u V aving Leenfor severel yav uriving neemher of a 1 urvlving ber le on@ son' mother sou Arthnr R. dled lftwl rbe.funerai tia.fheld trou lb. guday atternoon, 11ev. John 8. the Christian chu-ch 01 s a largéiy attended by old igbbors. The rnsny beautlu butes utteeting to, the bigh r ieb sbe tvan heid lu thé comnmuMM Thle remalus tiere laid to est tu Farren Cemetery healde ber d brother. 1fro. Lake hait heén a Mendiof Varren Cemetery enoclety sUe rgnization aut tbe e los.01fMi uar, and bas heen for muny Ilest member of the socety. Law a D.atifLatter. ý lu a demurrér I51.6 7rla" he circuit court to the péubp* iav. theatersfla Chilcagod010004 inday, Attorney Lryy fares tliat the 0unday c1afagl doei letter a58481 as Cbkceasfil erne& " ntanihg the iaw R pee by the clty. lwbt hy the iaw la voie! are eaueum ollows: Thut the atate law prohfbUl# turbins of the peace ntsud e soclety by any aznusemieat or *n Sunday vuasno te .iwet urne of th. begfnnlng of lIte und fe not now lu force tubqe* That the Iaw huabe« *n R to Chicago. Thut the lati la coutraxY gt» atîtutn ofIlinoisa nd! la 0uut That the law la contrarY te beQ tîtution of the United States ci. - iCa. That tbe Xaw fa contra-y fourteeutb amendMent to Ihi tution of tbe United tts That the law de=rf thI fendanît of property eliot dt* cas. That rthe lati deprîves ie tendant ofliberty wlthogt du* That the declaration tg lin speets uneertafa, InforinaiÎ0 ficient. Attorney Mayer la p*Prm, iease lunsirnilar---- saloons whtca May li