s LAK]B COUNTY INDIXPENDENT, FRIDAY FEBRUÂRY 8,,1907 CIJ8S 110U) SOME VIERV FAST FlIITS WaUbfl ÂthlOtCClub 0vs BzbtbitkOnO Wich Prove lu j» àoui.ArticlO. TIE MORT AS SE BY SUN REPOIRTER "l've trled bard ta get Tommy Burns te fight me. 1 licked hilmOc *ad i k~ nava veil that I cmn do it aginu.That'. vhy he von't figlt Me. 1 von't rest Sound until 1 get hlm." go apoe Mile Sbreck, beavyveigbt Aghto, who bas beon, ater Tommy Burns for a figlt for tva Year, ta the audience ai the Cubis' sparriflg taurnainent Tur - _h I»P .-Brc-DOupe rg ___ aparty ef figlt fans ta ose the wiup botveen Harry Gilmore, Jr., »ud George Stevens. When the crovit learneit that thie fameux beavY-Wight vu a intbebail thelr-.calIs for a viev ofShrec hait ta be ansvered. StoP- plug tin the ring, he baveit aud gave the short speech and stepped itovu &MMinamit mucb applause. The. Show lait evening vas a gondt, cloua xbibition. Tii. vindup beveen Harry 01tmaçj. jr.. 0 Gimore's Academy. lu Chicago, u»dtGeore Stevena. of tbe Shairc Athiello Club, of Chicago, vwu net theIp. otut vas expecteit. In i pre itou bout ber. Stevens shoved that ho vas a camer, but lie vas uP againat t lait night. -The bout wa$ tu bave beeu an eight-roiind, three mintte bout, but It vas endeit lu the irat round. The tva velghed lu ai OSmore vas atteudeit by bis fther' HarryGilore, Sr., vhova la hie dey ocm of the mratet fightera la the ring »ditheii.champion et Canada. Sud bu bnther, Fred. GiUhoae la a&l science, but -ho bu SMt a punch Vith hlm aSno ielandeý n t the opeing at thé round tvo heavy blamn Stevens Jav that proitabiY g»ve hlm the figt gtbangh Stevens dit na tshow their effecte. Right Hoelc Did Il. ABter tvo minutes o!f fghtlug, 01i mo«rqedeii Stevens ta the ropes. Steves rua st covering up and GU- more crosseit a terrifie rtght hoo te the jav. The blow dasei Steveni and bis arma droppeit. Turilins lie started te virl to bis crner. A left anda f ight boo Sent him dora on the hopea and Bbrock, vho vas refereeri 109, raving Gilmore avay. gave liii the flgt. Glmore statut after the iigt tftt h hait been lu bei twtv daye b efore the fight. Prollminary Good. The Prelminary vai betwecn Map POLiTICAL DOINGS IN -WAUKfGAN savon Candidates end For Moyoralty Honore And Thiligu ore Livening Up INTEIRET SHOW N IN ALDEItUANIC RACEa Spoken af as candidates for mayor: WILLIAM S. DULLOCK, REP. JIJLIUS F. BIDINGER, REP. FRED W. BUCK, REP. CHARLES A. PARTRIDGE, REP. FRANK T. FOWLER; RiP. WILLIAM W. PEARCE, DEM. ARYHUR E. ZITT, DEM. PETIER M'DERMOTT, DEM. Candidates for aldermen: Firet Ward, Charles Crapo, Rap. Second Ward, Peter, MoDermott, Dom. Third Ward, James Mann, Rlp Fourth Ward, John Morrow, flop. Fifth Ward, James Morrow. Rap. Candidates for city cierk: g.arry .Thacker. Co~44ate r Itf,,treasurer: Robert CôoIIy. Emil Santmeyur. With thec clty primaries camîng jusl a month before the tava prinaries, or blova vore evonly exchaugeit. The round vas about even. Sport vent after his in again lu lie sîzth. Wth short riglts and lefts ta lbe head, le twice drove Sui- Ilvan ta the rap... Tii. Chicago boy liung an desperately aud bis eyes kept vatchlag the timekeeper., Once1 lie aiked, "110v mucli longer?" The gang again saveit hlm andt the de- cision vas giveu ta spart.Sullivani pleasod the crovd and Ibuevas Sp- plauded aislie lefft the ring, but vlien Sprt left is corner the cheers ver. doaiening. Eddie Cliff reiereed th. Ont tva bouta nd dld hiei uouai. good, cousci- entions vorl. Hlai a favorite vith the OglterB and fansa glle. The viud- up vas refereed hy ShrecL Bud Nevburn, af Cbicagochai-~ lengOi th vinner of the vludup and Dauny Goatian. vha van froin Peter- sou. announed that ha voulit Ogil Yaoy-I a1 iZ îvfflcit90120 poundr. 'COUNTY gBO'JY TO RMOVUR MILLIONS 1Fred Whitney, Son of Charte. Whitnoyo Getaa ubmussl5 Contruct fron Lloyd@. ,FORTUNE BANK 1N 1797 1 OF? ]ROLLAND COAST t According te a cabiegram te th. tChicago Delly Noma from Drln, Fred PT. Whitney, et Washtingtonl, D. C,, ho- lieved te Ila Fred Brown Whitney, of Waukegan, ha closeid a cotract with èthe Lloyd* for th. mleting of à sailing 1VOMIe that aink off the ceait of I-li lanud ln 1797 wth $8,000M00ln qspcie aboard. The Lioyds. It i.arumoreit. are ta yreceive 50 per ceit-taiv«eg-,' d Mr. Witney, vbo la tha elitest son o! Attorney Charles wbtuey, le cted sa acting for thc Lake Subinarine lBot CoMPany, Of vhich he a the *secetarY .zand treaunaer. This coin. rypany undrtakes the catract, t i un [deratoad and the sunlen vessel vili lbu raiBed vilb the aid of the aubia out. 'niere is mucli favorable Iluliock talk aud santie adve rse. Alderman Juilus F. 11idinger nia> aiso make lie ruion lhe tuayorally. HIe bas praven binseif an ideai alder- man for lic fouthi yard lu bis aev- ersi tennis sud lias lime sud agqlu demnslratud liaI be bae tic luleresîs o! tle city aI lange closeenuder cou- sidenation. He le immensely popular sud In a recent canspaign proveit bis etreugth tu the satisfaction ofaitIlpal- iticias. Fred W. Buck la lie present chair- mnuoaithe cit>' conmitleu orItie Re- puiblican part>' aut lu necelving en- couragement ta declane hbmsel! fin the nayoral chair. Mueisa aveli knovu business nian sud bas ual pre- viousiy huIt publie office. Partridge May', Ru. C'harles A. Partridge. a former ia>'- or ai tic cily sud à gootdaone, nay husd tic Citizeus' ticket If tiere ls oan sudns>, the va>' hings arc be- Ing siapeit up, headthle clunch vote as Ils candidate. Wie F'rank T. Favien ha. lime sud again aunounet that lie viii ual nualu the runansutslal ota candidate for nayan, thure lsa aFovlen nove- ment vhlch ls cxpectud ta pop at au>' moment. 'nie Demoonail Candidates. 'nie cil>' iemacnac 'la issplit uta tva perties, tle Jeffensanlan an aid Party deinacracy aud lie yaungen ele- meut, sud esc la is ighllng tic athen ma that if one faction pute out a can- didate the othen viii iailov suit viti- out fa11 sudd lcl s Rèpublican usayan lu lie effort ta bhat is rivai. William W. Peancu. for elght yeari mayon of Wauîkcgan, vilI probab>' tisaditie old schoil Democrals, vhie Arthur E. VtZil vii ead the youngen elemeat. Vilttisexpecled totacarry a numbun oi young Rupubican voles If ha makus tle rmn. Itlal unteriloat, hovever, liaI nelîter Peance noi, ZitI vill bun>' lbe atcet il because f the plit la 1h eDemns&tc Party a victory fan il la %-mmw1 "im eý Reformer Scores Oficlala and asejathut Waukegau la Thoroueghly »isgraood PITIES MANI DEATEN UP IN CUBS FIGHT. " -Itluoa shanie tiratthe pivatu * " citizens of Waukegan viii bave ta * " enfonce the lave. Itlu the duty 0 " of the officiais ta enforce thein. 0 " Lavs are put on the statute boos 0 tu lie unforced. It la not rigltitnta enioroe Ihem lu one place sud nat0 tui anthur sud it Is ual fair tua e lîher Iocallty.0 '.Saine here think thalthie mater of saloons set open on Suuday shouid bu luit tla tue peapiu lu duRfer- ent locailc. State's Attorney Hanna dua, Attorney Onvis dues. But 1ha1 la not. right. If thievlug vere left ta 1the communilies, ln sanie places It vouid lie slioved. I vas tld iy onu o! lie men who did It, boy In Baunick City, Conn., private citizenu unforcud lhe lavu ai- ter a gang of bandits had tale pos- session of tic tavu. . "Tbey hungoflve men lu onu nigîl e ad the privais citizeus enfonced the 1laws. But itla1 a shame liaI they bad'la do it.'l 'nie save remarka vere mate uy Secretary T. R. Quayle, oi the Lake Caunly Law sud Orden League, ta a 'SUN rupresentalivu. lHe vas speaking of the situation la Wsule. ga.Say$ Gambling les1to Start. "1 hope the gond citizcus ai Wau- legan vili put their fot dova no*," jsmid Mr. Qbuayle. «'and Otglt bard." I Duriug hi$ tal he statudtIhal be batl rnue, the fint instance tu histary, probabi>'. l&y Whitney, a brothur ta F. B. Whitney, o! tle firmnoaiJames U Svay- un & Company. brokera ai Waulegan, did nul kuuw oi the cotract aud ax- presued surprise vien tld about IL. "My brother veut In Europe lu the Interesti o! the LaIe Company," he said, "but for vhat purpose 1 do ual kuov. Tic repart Is prababi>' Irue.'> lu a ltter recciveit yesterday le lu- ticated Ihat ten days ago M. Whit- ne>' vas lu Bertin. This le about the lime tiecocntract vas finisleit. M. Whituey vîli bu lu Londau lu a fcv daye.' M. Charles Whitney ls lu Cal- Ihonnis. BSL!YPLANT GUTS NEW A~AG!mmNT Wm, E. Bonder. of Indianapolis. Placed Uin Pterson, ai the Cube, suit Dauuy <loodman. o! Chcago, aI 120 pouuds. lvas a ix-round. lince-ninute-bout. Peterson, wus up agalut a cleverer figiter than hîmseel aud Ln au eariy round lhait us let eyu campietel>' clsi.Alrta i xiiinvsone ai gril sud grees.Ted- in Charge af Waukegan's Plner ctsian veut la Goodman. Brewing Company for Term of ears. Second Baut tha Best. The second bout vas lie best o! Because the plant hbsual tbuen psy- lhe eveung. "Sport" Cinistauman, Iug ase il sould psy ion lie lait six met HarrY Sulivan, ai thc Shinock on seven yeare. aud because thuy fut Alblutlc Club ai Chicago. 'nie tva lihe uetaifyoungen bloat lu lb. lu- met et 122 pounts lu a six-round. duslry, lie Bsîcys have teppet tbruc-minute' bout. tavu iran lie active mqaagemet of The tva vene evently inalceeiansuthle Ruile>' Brevlug (%upany 1sud the bout vas a prett>' ane. (lever William E. Beuder, af Indianapolis, footworl, biacling sut lnfigiting bas buen put lu charge an s len-year ualei theb rounds vith a ehate or contract as presideul nad general superiority fan the Waukegan boy. manager. 'Sport " hitmare stean buhlnd 'nie conipan>' vili aI once Increasel 1is punch..sud le Isude thten ai- iVa plant vti an office building, a uer tossr. Haith. had twtv more rounds botling bouse, a nev bolier plant and te travel b. voulit have brougt bils mare tarage roan sud thé fulli ca- ým home, but he gatt 11e fght au a pacil>' ai thé plant viii bu innnia welI-are"déitcision. tunet, mamehiiug uaha ual bitherto The rut round wv a aneit b>'lu- hein possible. Ugting sud clevar blacling, ani.thtic'ne meeting aI hicli lie changes honrs ver.eaveu. The saie vorl bal place vas helit Monday evaning mmd lb. second round, but Sport In lic compauy offices. The préect eiioreit up a sau télb tter. afficens are William E. Bender, prasi- Xxeltement camse lu lhe third round. dent; Dr. Fred Beiley, vice président; Wben about haffaven Sport got Sul- I. C. Boalu>, secr.tary-treaanrer, and van on thre ropes. A rigbt to thc 15v direclors, Williams E. Bonder, E. D. dassotthc Chicago boy sud Sport Beaie>', Dra. Kanavel sud Fred Beale>' raineit igts sud leils ou bili. ,uII- a! Chicago, sud k C. BesIe>'. livan bacloit ava>',turniag, sud vas M. Bender la an experieucet brev- raheit clear acroa stic ring totaîecry minuasd has hantiet large Inter- Oipposte ropes viti Uiheoks balhlug. ests for years. Thierc viii ha a ru- 11e o bth Itéesa! the bead. The caPItalîzallon ai tic compan>'. >mg savreit hm. 'Th. crovit vent Thc pnaducls ai the Besie>' con- -jiê."d for sevral seconda aler lie pan>' arc excellent sud bave ion yeas 'l"e hesridu * e o. enjoye a vida aile. Tic>' induite wu a Wffi1r trociger la heur, lie "Home Brev"I branit, Malt MUMsencefpoter suit ale. RIEV. UAVLIE POINTS- OUT CiTYllS SiAME dent City. Citizen Drive. Away. "Deirable residents and honorable familles do nat mave ta a city for mach attractions, Ia fact, I have It on undeniabie authority tiat a promînent resideut af Waulcegan, onu vhose naine leudi muater ta lie city, vas seeking ta 'àlspose of his beautiful home lu order ta, movu avsy. "This gentleman gave ai his ra- sou the groving lawleuens of thie City. Hpe, Citizen& WiII Pight. *"I hope that the goad peaple of Waulegan viii set their fot dova novanit Oglt bard."l Mr. Quayle asked the location of the Horitt vaudeville Iheater, vhieh Io1 to a pened Mauday, andt ashoit if lie reporter knuv vhat cas af shovs vanld b. put on. "That viii bu a tongh place," lie said. lu speaking of Ithe churcif censua tlihat 10 ta bu laken ln W&ukegs.n by the differeut churches, Mr.. Quayle aileit several questians and did ual seein acquaiutcd villi the details of the sciieme. "They vii liever tale that cenaus in a day," lie sald. "Everybody bas ieis avideas about ruunlug a City," lie added. Wlieu aiked wlhat the league vas Planning sud also vliat stepa vould bu talon ln the Cty, Mr. Quayle ru- turucit no Information beyoud sayiug that he hoped the people would âglil hard. CUIURCIIES I!NLIST AID Or TUE VOTERS WiII 806k to Malte the Vole% of the Churchman Count ln Comîng Elactlonv-.Law and Order League Behind $tep. With the launcing of tic scheme in censua thc churcli vote aud ta pledge thie èhurch vote ta vote for ai- 1 t,! .w Iuvu as an atra-- --- - about the fint Saturday in Mardi. municipal politics i boomlng and more than a little'is gaing on among the men who are actlvely Intereated. Tlh. prospects are that there yl be a tliree-cornered iglit ail the vay th'rough this year. the tva aId parties. Democrat and Republican, haviug to conteud against a third factor, the or- gantzed churcli vote, vhich may put ont a third ticket, thie (itizena'. This la a posslbulity, but not a probabllity. Candidates for Mayor. A candidate for mayor on the Re- publican tickett la Mayor Bullock, the present executive. who xnay lay dlaim ta the moet succesefil Improvement administration that a Wsukegan may- or han ever bad, bringing 10 compife- tion mure Improvuments than ail pre- viaus administrations put togtier aud iaving good prospects of settiingi ml 201~ -- dL Information froin periectiy reliabled sources that gamblung duns ver. la reapen lu tle city sud statudthlaI bu bat been in anc limseuf. Wber e vould ual stae.1 H l ama eated Iliat a prauxInent citizen vas ta leave Waulegan sud gave as his neamau the groving lav- lessacsof lie cil>'. The mn's naine Mr. Quayle said he hadIn l confidence. Expiains Rot Ca.. "And liaI evidence Iu lie Rot case, vieru the tva vilausses disagrued as ta vîcîhur île>' hsd bren scnvcd b>' s mn or a roman. I could bave sethicit thaI questiaut. Wieu tic>' vent In a voman vas bebiud the bar. The>' or- durcit heurs and a litlIe vbiskcy. *"Whie the vaman vas getling lie drnka, a inu cane Iu and ehe haudeit lhe liquor ta uns sud le plankei tti dovu ou the bar. The>' fargol vbici anc they hait pald." 'nhe taik turuei tot the necenl bouts huld b>' 1h Cuba Atiletic Club In hheir usil. *"Yauina>' print thii," said! Mn. Quayle. "sud pnInt It vont for word. Cele Boxars Teugis. I havit peruiodth scSanuli in lb. SUN and Gazette conceninag Uic prognain vicre Illta relatei t t, t.1ev- en$ vas $truck vithha bok au the Jaw; and IhaI b. dropped it lihanits anutlurnei ta ral tu his corner; sud Ihat thon lbe othe o buh booed hlm tu thc rigirl Mito athse leit untl th. ponrfelor felu nuconalous againsl the ropes; sut atterwrnt vin be caMa round asîcit viat hait bappenet ".For davnigilbrulalit>' thii equais au>' Prise fiait I havc crer reait about. "I aIma re"itIhat prise gllers iron Chicago b"sdbec» attracleit ler. for lie bout, anc offerug tla Oglt anyaue lu tie vont ut 120 pounds veigit. I cau h&rtly concelve hov the ag ai Waulegan coulit have Irsileit mare cOmplelel>' lu tie duit. "Wlat villi vide -oen saloon" o Lhuudsy, genuin. prise Aleta vbi:i are, callei *tbiati szhbtsiLa candidates via viii "enfance lic laya lu ltter snd spirit," lie Prohibition- lite ai lie cil>' are gettlug busy sud hope ta poili a neccad-breakinÉ vote Ibis city ciection, a vote liatIin lime lliey anticipatu viii land theni vbat Ihu>' visb for tis .cil>'. Tc undertandthle situation Il la uccesiany thal an analysis bu mate ai lie Lake Caunty Law sud Order League. Tharo ire two classes In.hlnbgue. 1-Tii. prohibition clous tht la figiting lhe saloon. 2-The cou that ls fightlng mieged corruptioniata In public office, 1mw breikers, creitors of and panderers 10 vice and crime and tsaI ha» no par- ticular enmit>' against tie saloon, but oni>' agmînalt the violators of the iaws and lhe ordinances. Slartiug aI Oirel as a niavumeut keeplng, robulng booz joints, blinit pige,.Ilire urlei' shoots snd aller tigs liaI. rhile relatei t tîe sas- loons, dan not bu caileil Identical viti lien, tic 15v aud order luagua an- ganizedt b fight Hlghvoad by people o! the natI shore same inuls aga bas nov become nunnuaieitas' lie rigîleous foof th. saloon aud has lbravu day» the trunchea» ta the liquar mn. ln othe wordu, lhe Wouknon an id Laiks counly prou. have succeeodd wiore In.«Il cher places tluey have falled: thoy have aulnted the mun who cherîsies ne porticutiai enflIt>' agUinut th. saloon, bul Whoe deirse te Me tie me. obeyed, wlt thlisemu. Whe wl$hes tu figitthelsoion, aiid te dewn Il The sciem eof lb. organisation,, at Oirst kuavu as the Mou'e Chisian Union, but nov as a bÉanob af tic Lake Couty Lav and Onder League. churci goer wti àa vol and piedgê iim to thaInterest01of "w enfOrice- ment." But as s mater et isct. Probibition- ls are. at the bout spd front o! Uic moevement 0" br this elevef« q flt-tale * i4~ll 4 gip» w8t 1 Candidates. for Aldermen. 1 Demacratic aldermanic candidatea. bave not yet iteveloped tun £dottai the wards. 'the prospects are that there wiii not be mucli of a fighl except ln the second, whero there le mucli Re- publican feeling againat Aldermant Peter Mcburmaott, wn aa aays ab- lained bis seat hitherta by Republican votes, nal by De0ioeratic. The Re- publicans are nov seekiug a good man and among naines mentlaned are WilI' isin L. Fariner, Charles Thayér and Robent M. Ingails. It le reported that McDermott may TlE ýCOURT ORDIINANCE . Wankegu sfér a Orester S.wer Victoriou* Over Objecters CITY WILL PROCEBI) 9/ITM CONDEUMNTION The city of Waukegan mmy flw 9go etep dowu aud out under pruper cir- it------"s" -eth rihtofwa cuistaces bu i bi Oglln hlodfor th*, ravine sawer by condemn- gets ruuuing fast lie viii stick ta tien. vin. Accerding Io a decision mnade' by Other Aidermaice Candidates. Judge Joueg In the county court at 2 lu the first the hope. are that briday the city vins the ilret He$round ln the legal battie that lian beeu C'harles Crispa viii runa again. Heiwageit againat the greatest Improve- a good city official sud attends to the ment project Waukegau bas ever en- vanta of bis yard vith credIt, ai- terlained. tliougb nat much of a taller or hot air 'his la tie main paint ai the shooter. wil ecision ln favor of lie rigbt o! vay The atiier south side alderman vi ordinaunce for the suver: probably lie James Morrov ln tic Oirsi. The. ordinance as te the estab- anothur conscientlous and bard vork-lihetote wrlastind lag alderman. 2-The mode of acquiring the right Iu the third James Manviii again of way muet b. isnder the Iaw of ami-. make the rua If the gond people o! nefit demain, wiiich moine that tue bils balivlck have anylhing ta say. rgit of way muet ha condemned. .lim la a bustiler sud lias orIginaled The .dectalon which la of sa, much sonn' of thélt liv. liugw Ot 7thicte:ti;r, Iportaýce- ta tirl' city-at large',Waii amoug others favorlng a btter vater reudered lu tie nev couuty court suppiy. a nev city hall sud other city room Frlday lu tie preseuce of Improvements ns fast ai the city can Attoracyu Carke sud Pope for the ob- stand for thern. He lu thouglit muci jectars. A SUN reporter was the oaiy of sud always conmes up to the mark bevapaper in present. vith the people. What .iudge Jones Ruied. lu the fourth Alderman John Mon- lu bief, Judge Joues overruled ail rov wiii again run ta vin. HIe ls lhe objections except those relating ta city's mont conscientiou servant sud testimony of Mayor Buiiack sud other ils bardent vorklug city dad. No op- city oflilals lu regard to wbat the city position taluolced for agaluat hlm. ne pianued ta do lu the future, vhlcli bu le neveied muci amoug bis people, vere autained. via look forvard ta giving hli an-, -my firut impressions were againat ailier ter nd ui then some lu office. the proceedings,." ctated the Juriut ln He Io especialiy efficient lu Improve- elffect. ment vark and shows much public the rat question vas whether or spirit. nat the proceedings te' acquise shouid The city comnittue viii geltaI- gether soon on lie double prImary Is- sue. Mloit ai the connItteemen op- pose the ides o! joiuing vviti lhe Dem. ocrats sud doublIug up. The mnalter ie nat yul decidcd. but probabiy viii reicît lu a duciaian for separate pri- maries. The prImanies as nov annuuced viii bu held on tlee ral Biturday lu JULIUS F. 910 town prirnaries, wbici ister, aud the city await the decision of niittet. City Committee The Republicanq members at present si Second-John Pilifi Third-flave Clarke Fourt-Johu Suthei Fifth-Fred W. E Dr. Magarlan., lu lhe conteat for V. Orvis bas anu candidate açid wyl ti tion. The preserit Penny L. Persons, litle aIea be a candidate Tic Ivo candidates ai via has so far been Llansg 227 No rth G 'rhî otnly h Wauke That Bel1s -cigai congnmerq at wholesale price lie Incorparated viii lie Imnproveient praceudings. He bas examiaed the statute carefuli> since tien aud there la saine trouble ln barmnizing nmre sections ai lie lav. The. second wass viether the proper- ty chould bu acquirad by purchas. by special &mmemnt or by the previe. Ions Of thes5W 0f1aminent demain, vhlch providea, for condamnation of lad sougit. The juriat tien expressei thlb opta- t on that thse ordinauce vas reaianable laud tiat attacla againal il ata r been troug enough ta break il dova. About Ouliying Proport>'. Tbqn lie touchet on lie natter o! assesalng outiyiug pruîîerty sud ex- pressed the opinion liat lieuMitter o! benefil sbouid bc decided by s jury, wiicb vas aiterward arranged foran sd lie question ai values viii bu taken up ln about tire veeki. Pnoperty affectet 18 that o! saine ai tle naet strennaus objectons, via ciaini-that tbey are a mrile and a bal! un lu-as away froni lie sever sud are therefore ual beuefitted. Tie question ai assessennlbenefit viii tierefore bu take up by a jury sud ducided In liaI vay. About Width oi Right of Way. Another question tiscussed vas IINGER. viethun or not tbç thirty-three foot - --- igbl of vay vas needed. thep ai-l hcame a monthh nance pnovidiug tIbis vidlb. Thc ant- commitîe llnviii eund htstet rnoe lie tovu coin- th:erht of a trhee aie edge sud traversai of privatu prop- Memnbers. enly wouid be necessar>'. On lie City' cammittee other baud, rootu vas necessary for ire: lite transportation aud cane of ina- att Dilgen. tenials for construction so lie îîirty- sunt, Dave Webb. tînce foot nîgîl ai vay vas luit. eCianlie Aiden. Me cur adFrt crIand. AI Brown. utAuruLnFi. uck, cîsîinsun; hiovever, anc Important Point a! the decision seuinedtot state. it l5 city attorney,.g. uecesssry for tbe ciLY tu acquire ils ucet bimseif ailand beforg tie construction o! lie tr> ion lic pasi- sever bugins. Cil>' attorney, Au lie sevur viii. vhen It le cou- ýs uudensbood vilii tructet. cul dlagoaaly acronsuthe ion re-uiectian. Cty>'lnilie ravines, sud as 1,500 no- ne the oni>' anus lices alone vere seul OuIta people ,munîloneit. afected, white proceedings cavereit aven n tlioueand pages, lhe Importance oi lie decisian can.,be aurnised, iev li te cil>' ualbelng toucicit by I i»u saine vay or other. e n ,MayOr Buliack. Cilty Attoney 'Per- S n 15 soa andaother city officias yul-e jubi- lant vian Ui>' enu le nfanmed ai lb. decîsion. Noue vuru present lu Uic Court nomat lie lime il vas rua- ',enesee St. dured sud huard of itl u>'tirougi at- tarueys via iad buen thune. Tlere vur inu>'objectons sud lie ouéin 1 18 is a bJections rau mb îletheu. dreds, a viole bushel basket aif0 ~gan pers ielng filet lu the case. I4YPNOTISM and Porsonal Magnatism ai tangîl ion $1 lu aur complote mail ra tocourse makes pernas instruction Un- s to neccasar>'. Itla s ritten ln lb. plan th cu lassguao rauoft Fe» u . WaukegaÈNews I LOUIS J, YEOMAN. THE JEWELER 1- 1 . b ti 1 Mareb, but' tbis la reg IL