CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Feb 1907, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTI- INDE-PENDENT. * and IWAUKEGAN,.WEEKLY SUN VOL XV. NO. 20. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIL)AY, IIEBRUARY 1.5,19i07 -8 Pagffl $1.50~ PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. flSTTIME TIIES AGAI14 Girl Who AccepIci Mon hi Mietaite and efisoci An- other Serai tihe lrror 90 531H 880IN13 ALL OVR AT TUE 8 TART Dowu aI Port Sheridain. Mid the round of gayelles Incident tu army * pontt e. tva lovers ou their honey- * muon are celebralIug the culmination of s mont remarliable romance vhicb ouldoes the lave toies told by Gen- oral Chane Kug, * In the tory of the esnly love ait- venture ai Mrs. Josepht . Kuzuili, nov the bride of Lieutenant Kuzuli, formerly Mre. Amy Bay Sturgeon, ot St. I.auis, iere la snu nosuaI, c1,~l~- of t" iJettera I *rong envelî7pexùf&lý led ta ber utiramarriage, sud lb vaa before ber divorce that Mrs. Stungean sud tbe young army ofB"ce tel lu love. Lileutenant aud Mns.. Ktitnk vere marrîod lu Gaiveston. Tex.. where thei former Mns. fiurgeon ves vlelllug iten ouncle. Ho bas returned 'ta join thei Ntntb cavainy. Accsptsd Wroug Man. *Mies Amy Bay vas the daugitten of onueof the mont prominent familles lu St. Louis snd au a charmlng debît- tante vas sougitt ater by scores of sultors. Robert Stiîrgeon and a >-aîîug Vrginlan vere the tva iteeneet ri- valesud Il chance t rialtteyprpsi on the mamne day. Miss Bey vrole tva letters. Sit(- P) teudeit ane for the Virgnian. vho,a she vanted ta, accelit. The other wa.. (gr Stîîrgeon. Bbc uiaced Ibcm lu bbc 14-ong envelopes. The Virginlan rend hie letten aud disappeareit. Sturgeon joyfully rosit- ed la tehomne of te young womsn te cny hle deligitt, sud site, sorpriseit, but reallsiug the mistake, feared ta break &ta beart sud accepted te situation. Ths a mvage falfled. Sturgeon sud Mise Bay vere mar- nIed February 14, 1900. Their honey- moon vas paased lu New Orleanesud Europe. Titen thte girl grew cold sud for aI leaut tva ears they dld nt ocupy rhe saine aparmeuts. Stur- -geon, heart broken. secureit bis di- vorce October 30, 1906, the vlte not contestiuk. The huabanit, vha la sligbtly cnîppîed,. seht bilterly as he testifieit. Meantime, Lieutenant Kuxait vas satîoned aI Jefferson Baraclis. near St. Louis. andt Mre. Sturgeon vas snybody wiot hints 1 can lbe cured. l'il evPII go under the knImie. But the physicians are 'ail' i*eJidied agait me sud say 1 arn taking. If Ioi 1 muet be pretty good' at It, havlng re- mained lu thîs condition fer nune years. i bave't a cent. and noue of the hospittsls willi take me witbout mouey. My brother, Peter>' Baneonu, of 231 Chetnul sîreet, la psying my bi11 here, but ho cent do much. Hia wsges are simail aud ite bas a famiily ef bis owu. "When 1Iwavin the Saivation Army 1 uned to send money to my parents at Anandai, Norwfy. They are iu poor clrcnmstances, bot they dont lnow anything about mny being à- couvict, snd 1 donjiwant theni to knoy. They rslsed 'me rlgbt, and 1 neyer perjured The wamaiî says she la sufferlng t rom paraiyossuad rbeumatism, and oe lu prscllcatly the samne coniGtiont nov Ibat abc vas durlng the entîre lime of her confinement at Joliet. BDudesa ,he ba@ perlogilcal epelle or à oafuese and los or lpower REFU SES AID 0F COUNTV. Clinging teuaclously ta the belIet that ohe can yet be cured of tespinal trouble that bas confined bier to a lied or elght yearo, Inga Hauson. releas. cd lest Baturday from thepentenliary ai Jloliet, made an appeal y eterday toi lie telien care of ilu some Chicagoa b- pitl. tter attorney, William C'. Park-- er, will make an effort today to itud one or more charltaitly luiciîîied îer- qons wllilug lto rnisb sîîffIicenl tondeý to psy lier bospîlal expeuses. Harlow N. iggluîirtham, jresildent of the Chicago Home for Inîcurable$, -rit word to ler yesterday tbat site l .,i)e acceliteil at that institution. fI it she îrtested againsi belîîg takeri ritere. Site also refiised t be tatuen t lie (Cook Couîîty Hospital. SM! B 1LOWIERS AT, MiGUILAND. PARK Carry Sait Fom Poatoffice and ld 5k it Openu with Nitroglycenîns lu Vacant Sarn-Get Aboj $2,W oeshaIt Postage Stemps. Sate blowers robbcd the Highwood postomfce early Monday morîing, get- tlug $200,.lhait ot whicb vas tu post- age stampa. The money and elemps were locied in au troc ste weigbtng 350 pounida, wicb the thieves carnled freib e postoffice tb a vacant bhen lu the rear and blew open wiîh nitro- glycerine, The safe vas wreced sud It la lhought Its contente muet bave been wldely scalîered. Postmasten William Cumnlugs.thinls there iwene three or promineut aI the social fonctions a ai mnore robiers. for lb must have aiten. the posta ndtevenbualy feluIlu lave 1thal many la carry te saet the wîit the lieutenant. St. Louis eoclety vas startied a1 bbc second marriage. wblle Fot Shteridan la charmeit by bbchev member of te army colony. PAROLIE FOR INGA IIANSON Wîsnsn Sent to Joliet for Per- jury Rees.ed-Haa Kept Bed for Niue Yeare NOW 1'ENN1LBRS IN A CRICAGO HOSPITAL Iiidn't vant a pardon, because God linova 1 vas nt gulty, sud there vas nolhlng ta be pardoneit for" vas thte declanallon made yeterday by inga. Hanean, o Laite Bluff, panoled trom the Joiet pentetiary atter serv- fnatventy-seven moths o a faurlecu yoan sentence for aegeit perjury lu OOt5tIctiQi5 vith a pesoual lnjury damcige option sgainst te Chicago Cty Ilailay Campany. Heo attorney, William C. Parkter, gives a mare matenlal reasen. Under' t.e 1mw a pardnitawould have endeit tb'ceso era rahlglng auy future action Io concerned, vhile vlt thlie pale sho bas 6ivyearr lu vhîci t t appeal taite aupreme court. Tiis appeal. accariing ta te attorney, la ta be talionIf te $1,267 raised by John Anderson lu boitat of te voman turongit peplar suitscrlption can be seocnred. A prevous allempt tb gel thte uoney vas eaisted aslcoeastny by Ir.,Auderson, vito contouidedIt I vfiaa cnditional 1maIstond. A suit t-In assumpat vilI be itegun sgainet lls Hansen fl e ititast I» a roam t bie Qs'.oo Htel, sud le Unabhetolt niove. Wlgs qu oernïiitono.prol oq#agi&g a Qir!tniaziSMcl barn. Te Rais Cranbernies. Tite evamît lsnd along Fox river lu saidtot be good crsnberny landt, aud tiis sprlng A. D. Haveubil vili test oul about tonly acres vlbh a vlev tu establishlng a permanent c.ranberry tormu nean Aurons. If he succecits. il le likely much mansit landt aloug the Fox vilI be lurneditbo craubenry patches. Independuent Ice Ceuceru.' Deeda passei totday by vichi-a ter anme ciever snd legiimale engi- neering.,te Calîtornia îe Company, au association of Indejienitent Chcago and Cok counby consumera deairous tf bucking the trust, acquîrea valoable Lake county te lerritary and shlp- ptng isciitîe. The organsation la for the purpose of flgbiug the "trust" knickterbockier le Company sud luaiteadeit iy Rep- resentalive Antan emsk of Chicago. Atorney Juettn K. Orvis, of the irm ef Orvîs & Edvard. lu Wauke- gan, llte Independent campauy'e le- gaI representalîve and bas cugineered te deal. Aflsr Cock Fighters. Kenosha. Wl., Feb. 11.-Sheriff Chere Pfennig le lnvesîlgating a bg cockiug main held aI' Central Park, nortit of Kenosha, Baurday nîght iandt Sunday mornlng, sud lb lu prob- able he WIII seoli ta arnest promînent chîciten fauciers o Kenosita, Rtaciue, Milwvaukee sud Chitcago for bbc part they ha tui te aftaîr. More titan 200 peeple gallbered about tb it pInsd eeventeen matches vero polod off during te ulght. Itla letaimod te Keqesuha sud Chicago sparts von a langenommOf moey. Il vas te fret min heldl bore titis season, but Il Io statad titat tf tueoScislis do. not lu.j terft*l'à »rie e namwtl h pu0l1 fLIPuFLOP' MACHIINE SUCCESS Claylomu-Dean'.la omserssating maechito Bts e Put Ibn li 1 ta s.' how. MAN IÉýDg$ -IN CAR AND> PERFURMS STUNT Cîsytoît C. Dean, of lvanitoe. iii îîeaulng iis ambitions. some insu y cars ago be coucelveit the ldea titat if he couîd Suid a docile automobîîile aud subtleulnly train t so tatIit woîîld cal front hua hanit antdio lits iidding to te calent of t'jrîîli soutersaulla luli teair ite coulit gel rtcit. ite coud get il b tnuirn soniir- seulte viti a niailnli uie toiglti t coulit gel jîcher and if t cotd îJe la- duced to10toîmi wo oiersautts wl'h two imen Ilti Irt. 'aiill t hrivf* a Ycterday t lleit,, i., u -hînîîl< <tk's'maci. hop,, lits a' ofiii rélîlace those he qrew auid admitted thatlite vas a 1ev riha shorI. The Wallace Hageti cck p fle will lunI tbc act ou thie suiwiuhî. IVtu the trie iiis uf Craudaîl spu i gg b c0ii ci'l', sensallonal fetrixa fot Il, It willl h0e a sucess. Th- , wil havv MIr. I)emtus Mllep flPop dîctîile faîîinu hii'tnre next fall. Thte metbod et Sni,îht îîrnlng la simple. A vetgbt t olsaie 1,h00 poundjide eued opon a Iir h(ainsm are so arrauged 1h a ii the falliugz iof a lever the autocariix lorne mky- isard, turus aud land& 1)11) gtî. To niake two turne lu the ah. a cotoplete double samersanît. l leu' a mtster <of 14verage. Il la two .MIniî ailtis andr FIGURES ON TH1E TAX QU ESTION, % hast lte larlusaTuwneshlîss Vs ltPav-Aieo 'ai at te GRAND) AND) lETTIT JuRORs ARE I9RAWN Fillowlng la the suiotint (i taxes ltai te la collectors of Lakte cout- ty vili coltect hu i tevarions lowns, tite figures haslttg leen furnisheit by Co'îuy Clerk- Albert b. Heridee: a davuverd dash, C hi.iîi througîri Bentont. ................$ 39711.357 saiae and a "finis" Ihîtit ilI cth er bing Mn. Crandait big iîtiiiiy nextfaiti oir itriish suether Iltlhijob tonrbbc inieralier and s11kîîr ri o the casitet malier. This palier charges , h.i oflîtiary ni-. tices. Cardé; ofithuukb ;, d lodue îe5)- tubuions. Our sp5ee i ii erseil fnr Our NWANTABS. aî~i, tii; thers. Are thcy paying you -, * CLAYTON IEA N'siMVENTION. This la the autormobile somersaulting device lflvented by an Ivanhoe manl and adopted after a trial et Libe. ;yvkile yesterday by the Wallace Ha- genbeck shows. ln the "act" which le to be perfomed by the "Gregg Twins," the autocar willi turu a double somersault and leap a gap from a high tower. The picture represents a wooden ln the scat of the car. A manl went over yesterday. bile aI iis word of commaud rase. Iîîrned suit landed squrare artd cire- futly-amtd tere 'aas a maen lutthe seat. Claytou C. Deant lîanit vwitît jar. Il vas the irsi lime ttaI amatn hsdtitared ta ride the ituckirrg autocar. Bè ,fore he ited tricdit i upoti cheatu subi jecta, uameiy, bags of sand. The youg man isho rode te car is Hai Crandaîl, a itarlug terfornier af deing trickts, wvit ravels vitithbie mammobt Wallace Hageuîbeck shows sud earnn big maney for daily uefyig deatit during the sitow season. XVit hlm vas Fred 0. Gregg. who will set as manager efthbie performance viicit te-show vili put on ibis comtintg suimmer. Mr. Gregg hintacif la anc of te fsans Gregg Brothters,. Denson Tisins' as te flaring postera detue titcm. The Ivo Greggs present al sorts ot darlng aund dangerous cycle novelîles, looping te loup, leaplîg te gap, sud doiug varions hei-curling stîtisfor teedificalion at te piblic. Hal Crandaîl. vha denonstrated bbc abilit.vof Mr. Desn's automobile la tara somnersaiulla, will grêat'-lm- prove ite tricit. He praposei to10turn s double somesollunte car ait1he tep of a lall over. The car vîli landt turpon an Incllned plane sud about dovo il ai a erriffic rate et specit. At te bttom vilI be a "gap'" and fiIlaisover tis gap taI litecar vî tl aite Ils sensatUonal plonge. lutis "itnriting mit-air somesuit and losp te gap ln su autemobile, as te bilîboards yl read, ho vîll he se- companicit iy a lady to mate te slunI lite more thrillllng.' Yesberitay atLlhetyvllle te som- ersault vas highly succesaful. Il vonket i lIe s citsrm, as about haIft he village viticit vas wstehlug Il ex- pectanîly vill snirm . Mn. Craniteli laites iatsraliy ta Ibhese tInga. H-, hait neyer seen the thlng vont but a copule of!limes,'but l loetitgon o > hlm sud ho hait faitit. 1.. i .To ho sure ho *as bthereit a Ilîle1 by a fev hrotten btne itichi hait ot mucittmoae titan iteabot, vhicithe ne- ceiveit lncter opeiments, but te joyfr»ty entired lite the pealime. 211e partuer, 0reM ~bsunaiseait hIg troubles. lit àhoid e40hu'on ie MILLER Off FOR STATE CAPITOL Lake Courly Superviser on Two Errands WiilWaî k for Bill and Attend Stale Fair Meeting. Skiîîei*vi> \\ V. Miller Ilt fur Spingfibeldii i.ii îOun [u imptor- tant ecranti Onte la tie i iîtg of iis bllfoi, te asesruii urvtalon uf cal- piorationis, îîîlî,\i in e bauds ot Senas- tor Tiffanyi, iiIil ali ter la la attend te ic t iiig ,i îiiy tain officiais of te sruuiu-. io illî have Ilîcir firai conventioinîi mid - fo tarta ticritti- tent oîîniaiii. If theum-aiiiii. . ila ternte u-dai- beuîtr 'ilt ii lut lahave tbbc aae of Illliois uil i .,er approaliiutis toi, thete iifitihî\îirionts couiit,3ains. Sutîervs ciii M i . represenisthsrle Lakte couîiiý iî uni iatIon Boit la sure la lie hei nl imi iiIliorganizall iîîîaaIf- fecteut. Fevier ta Seli Autes. Tuesaty eveiiî. P . T. Fovler leftuit a. buiness tripi (oiDetroit, Micit.. îe- tuonnug Friday. Wiulle Il la not knevn. Ifl amitl iaIMr. Favler la con Idering entering the automobile business and that is trip la concern- ed wth this nat-r. He recenlly li ned down an ofer to, be the Cook cnîutty agent for a prominent autonmobile. Upon is relt) n rtday ho vili leave ou a trip te Western pointe. DECISION P08MCNED Tii. Judges in uiiINOPENT- DENT Prize gt6viy contest owing te the grênt number of stories seul us have bain unabie te decîde upon thelwinsurs this wesk. A third instaiienocf the stories are publilhod Iu this issue aud it la hoPe flxt week to couchide the contest aud pub- 1 liahttihe namnes of the prize wlns. We are very sorry not to be able 40 gise 4, namnes of tiie winuers ait hiS " but our defethat a fair 5 Just deci- 1. bs mde, f-o>, Ste hoid the. matter oser another w*ek. No tonies tN4iived &inca lst Staturday nigitav w*Jmitted Newptort. ............ Antiocit............. Grant ................. Avon......... Wart ci J.'aukegan.............. lber-tyvill .. . . Freinant .............. IVauconta ,.......... Cubla . .. . . . Ela..................... Vernon . .............. West Deertlî'ld ........... 10i.210. 41 19216.98 6;744 .57 17.:W1:t.31 152,34.. 11 33,3l9î). 2o1 9.229. 26 17.17 7. 80 2:1.2316.,S WVest Dperfield.........I114,399. 11 Total.............$i(O.9;;. .1 Shtields and Deertield collectoi s quallfled hetore the above tabulation w aile. hezîce the figures for, these rwo towns are flot î,resented. Ela an(d Av.on collr-ctora filod Iheli bqnds this afr ertioont and recel ved thieir books. For the Rajîroade. The f,,..wlnig figures reliresent *i hc sînimint s of t axes for the ralroada <of the county: C4. & N. W ...... .........2,187 e2. & N...................3861 L.. J. & E .................9.8 C. M/ & St. P....... ...... 13,969.5t) W. C ...................... 9,513.n7 W. M. V ................... 685.27 i(1. & M. E................ 31,303.83 W. F. L. & W............... 211.74 Total .................. 194,652.94 Naines drawn b% Sherlif Griffin for the jurncs for the Marcit term of the circuit court are ai follows: Grand Jury-March 4. I.. A. Mitchell antd H. W. Ferry. tie ft on. E. A. llee'es. Ne%% port. Rlay Pierce, John Thayer, Autloch Janmes Lachman, Grant. M'. Malker. Avons.' Frank Hook. Warren. C. Il. .lbrechl. W'alter Snyder, A. D. Webbîl, F. E. %Iuumford, Waukegan. Sidney Burrldge, ClinIon Sltoop. Shields. .1. M'. Millet, LUbertyvîlle. Martin Wagner. Fremont. H. 1M. Davis, Wanconda. Willilam Boyer. Ela. H. Holtje, Vernon. George Roclienback, Deerfield. H. A. Holmes. Decrfleld. The Petit Jury. Memibers p lthe lpetit jury are. W~. C. Beuster E. C2. Machler, E. L. Ferry and W. Ni. Hanks, Benlon; George fBrowe, Newport; P. K. Blunt, Bei) tHaysrodt, Jay Hakcock, Antioch; John Rose. J. B. Graitain, Grant; Joe Pes- ter, Ray Minrle. Guy Hook, Avon; lamies Stîeesity. L. D. Potter. James Blrown, \Ntîîîcoiidtî: Barney Wetzel, A. Strang, Ed McMeNaiiatiîan, E. Webb. Waukegatî; Carl Vogt, Emil Benziger, W. A. Schumn , Shields; Charles pBrice, Gus Long, J. A4. Bradley, Liber- cty%-Il1, Frantk Kniggc, Fremont; Peter Stadtlield, Wanconda: Fred Wolf,. Cuba: Ii. L. Paèkes. C2. G. Small, Ela; M. Bock. Vernoni; Lincoln Pet- ils. F. Sacker, W~est Deerfield; J. Il. Shields, .4. .Ford. Deeriield. March 17. Jîîrors called for March 17 are: J. tB. Cunningham, J. A. LaBelle, J. H. aPaxton, Benton; J. Bartiett. E. Mar- in. Newport; W. E. Dean, Frankt rNEW PHlONE LUNE a TO rx LAKE eCounty Seat to, Be Conne cle d with Lake Region via Gurnee-Will Reiseve Libertyvilie Exchange. Manager J. H. Janscofethlie Chi- cage Telephoinie Company, titIs mono- Iug annuiicu t that te Company voulut aîîunîenect lolI lînes la Gîrue anit Fox Laiete l provide ior an im-_ metse Increase un te volume of traite. The sltary Ilne nov i la Liberty-1 ville andthebb Liberbyvîlle btusiness le~ hecome so large Ibat itlalealvays crovtet suit people tartiter out are, harter bo get. The company 4au ne franchises. botý may not mate te mîstatte et preceed- ing withoul Ibem. Thec farmera' lhues are ou a dîffernt itasîs, witicb ex- plaine Ihelr ighle in tis direction. haruder, W, H. Tiffany, Antioch; Lee Byron Colby, Warren; L. Patter, H. Hagen, W. Lar5en; L. Blsitop, A. L. Rlogers, Waokegsn; H. Knox, F. B. Harîman, J. D. Apîpleton, Shields; ',4qstin Trlpp, WV. Spelîman, H-. Ma- sou, Liberlyville; F. Morris, A. Beitm, Fremont; È. Roney, A. Beseley, Wau- couda, J. Kampert, Cuba. W. Krelden- berg, F. H. Htington, A. Sohims. Ela; E. Nutter, Vernon;: F. BlelmebI. WVest Deerfleld; B. L.. Stevens. J. L,. Lee, H. A. Bacon and WV. C. MeKenzit' Deerfield. STOLIE DÉCOYS IHE SETTIES 1115 FINE Grayslîske Man Says Act Waa Net Tiiefi butsa Jolie Perpelrated white in Liquor--Joke Amounts ta 810 aud Costo. L.ast 'aeek X'.illan i Wat, or Grays-. laite, aîîîeared lunte caiunty court aon an infoîrmat ion suplled ity State's Ai- torîîey Banna lu a peoplesa case and fliliad gtllt%. to te charge of petit 1er- ci-ris, for, whiili e vas Oîîced $10 and cusits.le pald and letI. AnJltilutîje SU'N, Wat andt anotier are alteged to have stolen a iiuniber ot lise decoy docks tromn Crayslake pecople and secreted thti. The dncka isere released ta pick iup food snd te iwners caîîglit themt andt nad te alleged affenders arrested. The llgitt fine isas thte resuotee lonig tînie, six weeks, titat Wnlte lias becu conlinedIth ie caîîuty jal, wlîlch libre lbauî atones for te offense, andt tite tact that the takling ofthtie decays was flot a theft but a driunkcen jolie. Walte le penîlent. VOLIVA ITELS THÉ LID CLAMP DOWI4 H-ie Efforts te Make Self Supreme by Reading Out thé Whole Ciiurch- His Final, Despairing Srtoke, Sas Member. lu a race with desil, Henry Roy- nolda, ot ZIon City, a young man lu the employ of tiie SUN, was defeated Frldoy, arrivlug et bie home et 3107 Ezeklel avenue over the eloctnic ine just alter hie father breathed his lest. John Wesley Reynolds vas for years a sufferer trom paralysie. Un- der the care of a Chticago physicien vito aideit hlm greally, bee hecame a couvert ta Dovie and removed i0 Zion City. It le claimed that Dowles lirayers belped hii. For the last titree years. however, lie bas growu worse and flday, whcn lhe felt hlm- Self dylng, hie sent for hie son.,ý Il am 'going,"' lhe said tn hîi e e loveit vite. "Senditfor Henry." There are tbree cbldreu bealdes tite vidow, Henry, enployed ai the SUN, and two girls. INJUNCTIOl(N CASE FAItSIN COURT John Bradley sud Olhere Fai lu Effort le Stop Collection of $2.500 Tex Levied for Lbertysille Townshiip High Sciiool. '1i'he îjuîit-iunt suit ,.Iirtle set iel iiti.lgu letîr~ ougeRobent Wright luy Juîlîli Brdley -anîd otitirs against the itiglu siituiul ivitrefoul Weiedav b.v Juulge Pliîîil.u ît Wotdituck Who Ieard argnuents nugariing teaia. Theliu'iîunitiou waalu esîNtain lte prlir olliialsi roin eolleetiug lte tax levied lest feu ad due tii year for the townisiilp uigli sebool tnd. Thue tthe tia ivili atîitdas levied and viii ho <ollecelt Iis sprlng. The ttal Itai levicit autiunts tu $2,500). The suit for injonction vas really iseleas, itlila sait, as aveunovwvîten tite tei ks collectaitlte truetees vii l odars ex podit i util ltecaca liq meetled se il they do titey vîlllie opersoually hiable snd it yl have la retond lte money lu case lte sit le l. Tios lte money viii ho raissitforthue biîgit sciool tint lte trostees iiil o elu poution 10 meke use tof IL.Il viiiperforces lay 1di util aucit tinte asm tohigitecteaimatter, novwllnte courts, fis setld. POPE'S AUCTION SALE TODAY Usidag, reb. 15 MRS. GINLEY DIES AGED Wau Otdet, Womîm in the State and Pomibly the Oldest la the United Slates LiVED IN WAUKEOAN P~OU HALF A CENTURY woukoganss odeet person. and lu msuy respects le most remaricable, Mr@. Margaret Gluley. of Lincoln, av- enue, ln dead aithle &geo of105 yecre Titis le the greateet number of years that any citizen of Waukegan or Lakte couuly hae ever resced. aud Mrs. Ginley, maY sonlay dcaims to ailg becu for some lime putI the oldeet person lu the ulule et lîlînote. If not lunlte UnItei tatesb. 13ema'rbbleWomsu's Stofy. The story of Mre. Ginleys Iliete là remaritable anc. as sihe bas long eut- lveit ber generalion vitit fev exCOeP tioua. and la also unique lu belig a reaideut in the Unitedt States vîthont beiug of Il, as she spolie only Gaellc, lte aid Irishitlongue. Titis la ber blograpby lu bief: Boru lu lreiaud Jauuary 3, 105 yenre igo. Came to America and ho& lived lu Wsukegau for 50 years. Neyer learued to epeak the LîglitI anguage, aIl of her conversation be. Inq cerrled on ln Galc, whicb 1ew in- teed, lu WaUkeg a ca peek. Speut the lait five yeurs of hon lif. ln bed, sayiug but litth, sud b.ine awake but àa mall portion of her time. Retalued the grestea iwmberof etber facisties te the -dey of bar deatb, With .Y tie exception that ber ioerintg WU - Impclred. Celebratsd *lrthdaye, The late lire. GInley stoPpod vth a relative, Mn. and lins. Schilling, Of 338 Lincoin avenue. durnna4h. lust, yeare of ber Ilite. Wit the litmost de 7. évallon huebsuit sud vif. have earid for the ceutenarian. meeting hbevu-r vaut neadtly sud vith ceor. For years before luis se. lived ou the "sands,'" the name given ta tM unde lte bitlfactory district, la Mra Giuiey's lime vacant of ailtusavesuMd bore and uuderbnuah. Flualiy she removed t bthe vest aide sud for a lime Uved ail alan. tsa- tiI thue Schiîllings boit -ber lu. Site bas celebrated onlY eue or lt» of ber blrlbdays @Incesite reaefflio 1 lte ege of 100, preferntng le romain tu1 bcd and sleep le bakiug part Ilu111- cleby. There have boou about two celebrations lu a medeet*vaY Xhen Mns. Glnley reacbsd. the ale of 100 ber relatives wrote hack to lm. [andt ta vonlty her yeens aud toui that site wvss ight lu ber asertions, lte parlait recorde bolng cdean LAKE 1!ORrST ffls QUIT 0Or $30.000- Cellage Receives Announcemneut ef Carnegie Gift-Pention laalto £1..,> te ijured Professer. Thete rustees of Lakte Forest (oBlee aunouneit SuudaY that word bZai heen receiveit frouu Audrev Carnée*,'# secrebary tIsaI $30,000 bas been glvO5 ton a uev dermitony aItlithe 115 lu anticipation ltaIlite maney vouli bce givouu, plans have beon repel. sud vont on the structure Wifl M sao. Tite trustees vere uotlfld ml* try the secretary efthte Caere Founitalon taI a Pension hbat bhoi avardeit Professer C. A. DeRvuOR, Vill. vas lujuneit ln NanttDakta s 1db uMOI mier. CLAIMI MYPNOTIOM. Clalming ltatte girl le ondetr* hypuatlc spoll. Cusales ItMple- Latte Geneva. te maklng su meure te relase et hWe Miss Auna Rumplo, an lS-yeer.411 vito vas arretteid hy Chiot et O'Haro on lest SaturdcYt tdM Dcehrgeof et ing bte eeUgt id etFred Llchten.le.t Kenosha county ecouciet, wO venteit on a chargee t grad Tite poice adMit tk4t ha Momeo vatri uute girl Wt vtIhforosaber te 4w hW btdlng. a»d that vh»tte 1 te, er, 04 Io

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