CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Feb 1907, p. 4

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LAKCE COUS' C 0 U NO T> ii I *l IUEU'..tUJ'IJ The Red Cloud Advertiser. ot M: - OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COU N4TY nesota. han the following gPod star '"l'h. other nigbt several ladiesa 3s.¶~ieboi N. . UILi' Esliae T..pioe N. ii LIeryve Eehng. ended a certain lodge and 81110 Ou lomeom No, 1. ImerstRaiuen«,55 SeNo. 4.Ud C vlan er eane hem were two or tbree mothers wil W55ELT. à»YEWI'W5O fl. ail. KNOWSou APCla mtt05 babies. Weil,. tamaie a long st« 08boRnPTiON PRICE 01.50 PL. YEAR 8TRIOTLY IN ADVANCE short, the babies were taken up In __________________________________________________the lodge room. aid tiiere left ta aie IùM% 14. JU8T ........................................ ....................... E.... ditor This was weil, but same fellow wi 9, R8.COI.CY-..................................... j......................yEditor TEWVU FI YFEBR UAýy à-1107. And, turtiier, It lsa asumed th -----e 1. oc-.- .iiei. *lahor4 ARMOUR ANO GG it a sate tht .. Odew Amurthere should flot be. The necessities Ia istatesocatsJbs creed AtOe ot lite, if nothiîg ese, should De free ,ad ie asocatesbascornred t ram monopoliation. Every year the « marketL and wIl send the retail peopie are swîndled out ot millions of, ifo. ta 45 or 5o cents a dozen. There dollars bY the manipulation of food 1 nt iaw ta prevent this sort of thing products by milionaires of the Armour Mtt tere la na apparent reasai wby stripe. fiEF ORM. We have ail sort of reform,. moral. in China tbey don't consider an egg @Olitic personal and pecullar. But fit ta eat until it bai been buriud ln the ground for tour motis. Mlen a» 0. Thomas Intraduced inta tbe I cames out, Iltaî as black ai jour Womuan leffislature a bloW at the bat and ameUs ta) beaven. It pqts ta t'ai-ripe egg that promises ta upset flight ail ideas of predigested food. *a cold torage business. Hie bill When we legisiate, therelore, an this h4em. it a misdenieanor for pny cor- pure food law. we want ta carefully pmtti" o t 5. stale or rotten sugs. consider, ail the. circumstances there- %lut viere are we ta draw the lune? unto appertaining. NOT SCARLET FEVER. oie eminent physilan. the bead ot but one persan eill innoculate b n- bis opinian liat the sjîpposed scarlet aven titis neir diagnosis, aiong cames ,lever noie prevaiiing» lu that cty, 15 Dr. Billinga, ackioe-ledgud ai the Dot asrlet lever, but "Duk's dis- beail ot the mudical profession.,e-ho ell," a malady that bas neariy ai says fitla scarlet fever aud tiat Itlu the. symptoma ai scarletlfever but lasln no manier attribulable ta, milk, ai tol tiat aliment. It was discavered otber doctors aver, or anyothur oie sui# diagiosed as different tram scar- thhng; that fi got started Jut ai a lot lever saine jeans aga b> Dr. Dulie, yeiloe- lever case may ln tbe sautb, sa abe practtiaier. Wburé it dif- aid became upidemlc for the reason feérs from the red lever le. that wble that ,climatie condtions uutud, ta- tt la not on fatal as carlut feyer, gether eith negligence ta properi>' It ls.much more contagiouu aid la as taie maseures to prevent the spread, distreuing tulte patient ai Is lse sainie as yelloe- fever or any album con- tw-in, scariet foyer. He alsa asys that tagiaus disesu gels under headway. It la low ln traveling, gingataIthe As the doctoru dsgree, no onu lu letÛ »île of a fee- blocks a day ln a cty, ta decide. INCREASE FOR POSTMEN. Letter carriers ail ovet te country, 000. There are about 900 railieay pos- snd particuiarly tu Illinais, are well tal cieris e-ho eill gel $100 a jean piesed eitb the recet act of the Inenease, tut. total of whiih wili bie Unitd Sate seateln hei faor.$90000. Thuru are somue 2,700 ltter Unltd Salesseîte hther faar.carriers ln the state, eaci aife-bon Io iii. bil provîdes for an lîcrease hi duien for a $120 anual Increase. tbe psy for posînien lu citles of the firt aggrugate af which e-hl ibe about $325.- anud second clauses, au eeuau for rural 000. The grand total eill bue h the mail carriers. Illinos la ta get the ieighborhood of $925.000 a yuar. 1111- ?*ioas ahane of lie Increase. tbe total 'nois wmli gethtic arguut shore oi any aiioual amount ta bie pald Its car- ulate ln the union. C tiers aid olicla being neanifi a rail- The action ai the senatu, soa the liai dollars out ai the $1922.850 ln- Sprngfiheld Neva, lu an Indication that - irmae for tic cîtiru country. lhe nieasnre *HIljieb enactud by the - Tierue-ilb. about 2,600 dlents ln present session of coigrusa. Postai thte potoffices ln tus state e-ho.we-fl eniployes ail aven lie land bave buen gel riereaies avraging $100. the total pusiing saniavemeul for mare pa>' for of e-ilch w11vie bu$250.000; 2,600 letter srsafni e. '1'elr cdatim isnot ni- carriers e-ha eill get a lue lîcrease, reasanable. and Ilitato ba pel tbat tbe aggregate of e-ich illlieb.S260,- thir ambition la about ta bue realizud. SAY$ SHURTLEFF 18 POPULAR. »Y"d Farga, lie ciever. poltical meula of slrcngtb, buig cool ai dlm.- 're-nrai lis Chcago Evenina Poet. bas tie iooiia-g comment on lie ppfflrtj af Speaker Shurtlef: :TMe position ai Speaker Ede-ard D. 1g«eef lu lie forty-Olfth generai as- sembl>' ta regardue-lithclose atten- tca b>' mai e-ho are walchig the tresdi of evets. The tact liaI he a reprtel ta b. ambitiaus aI sanie f u- lare'lme o ait l heb.governnr'. chahz passive, e-thliut beig iiscourteans. Auas remuat, e-bei he made a couains amaug lhe members at the close oi tie special sion, habefond no lifta- culyin' l mecrlut persanai piedgea ai support for re-eleci as speaker af lie preseit geierai assemblj. Thuin fan io bamaintalued bis reputaion for coirleuy and faimneas. Noie af the Repuiiicmns and vrj fee- ai tie Demacrats bave anytblg but geadi laie ual letracI f ram the Interest af ta speak af "Bd" Shurtf aMarengo. tke situation. ItlelBpenbapa uali to Shurtef tla e-eU lked. to, bjlie mach ta myat liISpeaker Iburttef seumie msmbeMUand the frieuds be msoug lhe members ai lie bouse aver maie. lu lie lettimature. Itlai. uggeut- e-hlch he proties la exceedigj pop .4 iy lias, eho are anxions ta aee ils,. Ris positou maies uiatlres- hlm resch ouI aller gubenualorlal.bou- oal',niait, ilueutWs. Tue speaker ors, are meune-ho e-i be able ta ielp ma"is poe-er e-hsl inhis mart ses- hlm e-heu il cornes to campawigs at.'teférti-farli gsuersi assc- tie "tte aud carijing primar>' qisu hi. fMe ezbbtei lbtheeasar>' .1- lIeus."1 Co n en ad talk oves diS suit question, spring end sommer stgles, sornlethsg te intercets Vu. soaithig dflerent. Decdded cut la boys clothés up te 12 grs, overcoets inctuded Tru.ks. Suit Cases Telescope Iý Yeu know the place. R- a joie ila bit mmli, cianged thie babies ij: f rom oie buggy ta the o tier, *blcb e-ý as flot poticed untîl the ladies got ng borne, ewheu they were liorrifieli to tii finud that the. babies had been es, îrY'ebaigei. After mauy teleîuione mes- Inta sages. mucli trouble and loti of anx- 8P. let', ithe babies ee replnced.' viti Lat1 flied lu that couditla fer. ilte. Many independent men everiwberc h thuse states, a few years bardi lu their liveu, were hiurd laborers. Tbe prudent. ,)eulless begiuer tu the e-orid la- bore for e-ses se-bile, saves s uurpius eith e-iiicb ta buy olei or laid for Uinseif, theî labors on is ownetac count tor anothur e-hile, and at ieigth hîrés auotber îew begînner ta help lm .Tuls la the met andl generoîls and praspemoa systuni whicb opens the way t a sD.-iven bope toa al, aid causeqiient enerzy aid-progres aid lmprovent of condition toalal. No mceniliving ampmore wortlîî ta b. trusted than tiose wbo toil up tram poverty-ioie les inclined ta take ai toucb aught whicb tiey bave pot honiestiy earned.-Abraham Lincoîn. DELIVERED THE 00008. Representative Ciperfield eai des- not mae, a grandstand pis>' aid go Ignateli by the Illinois legisialure to ta 5priigld ta wtncau the caisuni- taie enatar Culloni bis credentials ai mation. He tayed lu Washington and lits representative ln the seiste for atteided ta bite dut>'. W. are glad ta anotier term of six yeans: Chipper. kîoe- liaI Mn. Cuiior'a healhh i. good. Oield discharged is duty ta the satis- Lait e-iter hob il a serions attack faction of himselt aid af Cullom au and b.e-eut sauth ta Florîda, wee Weel. he next six years thc aid mai he recavered. He lu uow lu mucb bet- f5111 retain is seat h l the Unitedi tcr shape than bu ha& been for some States senate. It eili be observed. ycars, whereat theu country willlr.. liat, baying made. h ilgt, bu dIS Jalce. ai Rai ci ed c'4 es A 6000 LAW FOR ILLINOIS. Mriu.lR-éseéll-gage bai' Wtte u a- M.. ta puy marc, but if tate of New- York an inhuitance tax thert i. a decrease tic state will paj if $625,000. This la 1 pur cent of ber tutu di fference. N'ew York tile 62,600,000 tihe amaunt appraised by riecelved ovur $3,000,000 a yean tramt te uxeculors as tic total vaine of le ie neiac a.ltta tt n a bond, stoek. mrtgage or otheri etate. Thii. amuît nia>' be lncrue- for decreased If the appnaisene lu- ýras. or decruase the amount of thec !ate. In case of an increazu Bru. Ê DOWN IN1 Billiy Sunday lu loiel> converliug1 lie mutole populace of Kankakue.t Rcntiy Henry' (olI e-ai Iien f or ' perjur>'. H.e-as sunlunced te the1 penIteniar>' on te-o triais prevhoîis ta ibis aie, but baS secureli a rciearlng. The jury weci ouI after hearlng thec evidence and for tlenI> houru thu>'i stoli il te 1 for conviction, bol that onu nisuted liat he coulnt brlng lu a verdict ai gtît>'aid se he requcaluil that tic>' ball a prayer meeting. Hec kuet domi andS lid Ibe Lord ail tlb. LAKE COUNTY TOGET 400 Scualor Hopkins, ai Illinois, bas ln traduceli a bille-bci la Sesigned la eiable thirteen Illinous counies ta get public laids duceIbeni under aId arts of congres. Legilalian bath lu tutuflMies grants ta tie stale ai Illinois al se-amp aid overfloe-ed laid, aid lncase af the tal- ler, the stipulation e-ai made that an equal area, could bu relocaled on tbe public domain hi alier parts ai theu ulatu. The ceunlies rccehved scrip froni Ur WIo efot5* b4n-writethe abat St*ry Cash Prlges OUR OFFRU. %. irili publlsh tIi. prlze-wlcning itorix.e snd reserve tb ii.rglit taï publisb sncb others as we rnay wloh. Al inuit ho pWlyl sigurd giving the. uddreia of the writter. Prises. inrt Priae............ .............................$108U00 Pecond Pria .........................................2 50 Third Pris ................................... ........10o Fourth Prise-........................4..... 140W JUDOFS WILI. 01010!. The Judgese wli examnine the. original letters wrtten by the. ebuIdreu taking loto uuuiderat'lon; ucatusessa. eleries.uoft bugfit, origiltyaof ides, comind of language and tii. gêerai appearane. of tii. story Tihe ou. that Io tbougbt t tah oitbe g roin ail staudpolote wiil rousti' ti priae. The. judge wiii b. periitted to tba he tii. q.of the wrlter loto con- sidersatan if tbey eslit. Koie I Have Earn.d Monsy. Wboui1 we-a littru girl manies gave w.e ben$formY very oe-u. ie-as very giail for 1h iihd chiehet.m. 1tid rÀ aqnima that 1 would set Ibe henuon sanie es sud hatcb lutIle chiceeu. liii.talil me tbatcoui ii-wleed. bet tiheu» ou tede eg and I waited foÎ tbree weee for smre uttle chicekenq but thene wers nons tiee.. i eas gettiug ailli. dlsuouragedfor thers iras no itile chîchens tiere, but une day iwent ta the. Dnt aud 1 heard a queer lle "peep pee" 1 pcisdi of«idWueiani tiers wu@ fourt utthe 'cutet little chîchens tbey wr,. aIl ewbite they lookeil likeil lîttieenaovs-balle. -tooah thain tL tii. bonne sud pot tbem Inà baiket. ~the neut day1 eot ta the Dont ag"in Mid ail of lb. ggse-ensbatcheil but te-o 1 tan)k thora tathe bouse ad mamma said they %ver@ b4d gu h thrsw thenime-a>'. leu ho.. itie cllhno grw up iî hbig chiekene, In tel. ml i a"d iesd 111ty ents. 1i like ta rmil hb_ oteir boyhv.rsdmn. HOwÂRn tLL'OXaml, Rohflir II How 1 Have Earned Mon.y. i uIç esrned money Rby trading. i traded a bai bueliel of apple. for a lîttie blaek dug idten cents. i alterward sold tii. dg for flftj ce. This w. wben 1 was eIgbt jears aid. Wben i wam t.waeive J gota settiîg ai duck effl, but i aujy raied tire dock. I etthiiuntil tiei. ca unier aiad ]a-set abotihirty. i uiilpped soin, ta Chicago and got Tour dollars and flfty 1 eltflà î4 ntîit 'î rs stoo and froînl tiam lnture oie enninier and that brougbtot i.fty eeuil a wee-k. These. are golof i IIP W&a 1 Ibave eamned I9MUPnY. TOM SIDii AIl, Age 14. ' Ebete-le - - - e.,,. )t te " centre a Pound "'"' s'" Haie 1Have Earned Money. a .ecuril>' cars bereutoveil tram a- 1tei-ireotnChi. ti ideah bihe inftl>'depasit box exceptilii ithe ti-es-.îighcd nabout te-a poundis. $otuat letteur 1I nahoed cari h Piaiei E-lie aian alice î'nîîn 1 qî i made te-cidollars li ait. Wit h, hb iIpëd qcultivati,, liacil, ul andhuakedl. gate court. 2011 A~~ sOINx Eau. Farniora iniitite; i got the secondl wet Wahington, St., Waukegau. I ri. e-ai lire. dollars,, i litd a charp In uic. ilurits. My KANKAKEE. .ouctare we-ai one-dollar miii fuurty.tinee tacts ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 4i i aeaî eiutdîn Hi Have Earned Money. jents. Ih tire suturaiis i bock cari and lacsofleit lheas ad -leuetherd h.v- r)a ail no er> o ie 1l ng o~t ir..ents a muidh. I didnual avo tu ofenrth heri o th oherelv.arme 1îbu, ti"ooilostever>' ils>. tte op ni>'totalise- onemplI ni>' rm. 1l caughti 'iii.skunk adfu u4mo u.becausu, for lis part. ubc neyer lînacationîl ieil) unilla ,iîalaaar i 1ii ahy-iv cnt fou r mueirand. mont-y b>' e-rking for maranta. %Wib Igtegt.he tren;te or tii. sku ai îiropoaed tu givu lricmail fleur>' badsirh, gives rite mosie>'for it.. i help ber b>' for fiior of i îsrteIatOt i-ad a nee- trialilee-niS lieb Goli- wasbing, %-aihing dii...m sweeping aid cen t, for and ltIie olier te-a I Eat tes Kruiîg the Miuoir. She gave me ,1b Ibo for,. lii nitre, darneS If bu diS. The cieven juror n.riug - Iieyt lu nw(r" n oundl Lake.. llstened mi ae-estruck soute. 'rie>'pairnof etues. rualized liat thîey uuee tti galitislfi $ometinieo 1go ta my groudmasandl How 1 Have Eanned Money. wIth an obstînale unaiie-ha baseS île belip ber and carry lussch for my uncicu. 1aneees er"l n aetid For e-hici tii.>'give nie IIuaey fori a' --e ct tOlî ml ave Ltue judgment on fathIinutad of mrks. buy haitrlbb.î,u. Alten 1 carry moud a in urbe ii insu> differnt îs'.i.s anS en tie>' conseuted taircIetHenry go tbe honse farn taisnaid sheli crnifor M ch 1hetIaîied ontiuirlen ëi-birkouts with n adoniton Dt todo s anythe riiekens 1 take'cire outhtesbaby.,wheà*e itldthre 4bcsio ail a amoiton alladosoa 1 amn ou- ai thuive suîfontussarr e s em l-frthe lounrtds uf .uiy, 1 soleil the.,. marc. who write eitb the loft lit. ie-rate. futte-sit' li::re rti a lxani. Ti. ______tis ,star>' wiiliie lethand. veragedile-o id One hlaitpouncles eaielé. Ei. E ag,.oa )erfield. liaking a total of eight dollars aid ACRES FROM OOVERNMENT. j ihîeTeen cents. the erreal lnd ofic, enitlig thns ne day 1 bellied oneuighbor teprunt lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H ge1a adofc.esiln hn owIHave Larneil Money.' potatiesfor e ichh.gavetire nue mare publie laids hIn Il 1 bavo- eemj Qeriedniosue hn ave i f érntid uiiked elev,.n bislelml of cornl, fun îy finletheHop was. ue ntorer1 iaveil p ion ndfathien. lie gave uic fciiîr c-ts a huehel, kins bill provîdea tiaet the daIm nay oatil it tusMr. Fitcj-iufor e-iiiri1irec-eiveil lua&Il 1i crireciforky-fiîun cents. b.e made good i other fiaI... ien on te-enty cents. Be Sd ualo give i scîid nubiens aid aid irai tut a Certlleles utiandna cî orsiee ioiiîylttirsî, but atter a tee-peudiler for w eb1 igaIte-a dollars. Certfictes utaandig cit fr divlie b 10hme ita a cte mil gave Laut sommrer 1Ibouiotpigeanis for te-eut>'- 101.984 acres. Sstribuled aniong thc ie an order. -.Heu Ici tolilrue ta g flirtecents a pair. i have aieO cartied mîlloing coniec: aven ta, a certain stare aid get ilt eX maie>' for ea-hiig a Inic automobile Laie. 00;Osiatn, .52; Brea, hange for cash a-bieit I dd une nlgbî fort tventy cn@tiean liur. Lake 40; Gllain, ,52; Brea, eAnotier dasy iaihed my sotier iliche Tii...aresmneaf thi e a>us "Haie 1 8229; flcnry, 13.818; ]Fayetu, 5,051; e-ould bite motoici, u errndi aid dorit bave étamnod money." Christian, 1500; Lawrence, 20646; aud do other tbingo about-lie boucfan îor A îe-gî. . hl'DtIiEI. 89,'ii1EERaî Tax-ci, 1.94; ase 1,80;Warenber bbc dilil»suand 1 Iboogit Ita ver>' i. F. 1). ça. 1. Hal l Da>. Tazwll, 3,90; Cse, ,88; Warengao pila s ariniaonej. aid Hundurson (jontly), 801; Moui- I aIsaeo-ould run rranils fanaa neigh- 1.le, 17627; Merceer, 91; . eu400. bar or wieci 1 eouid alten ecelve al Haie IHave Earned Monoy. NO CORNER FOR A UTOMOBILE FUEL.. An automiobicleuestbelmeun Nee-exert an influence uon thb, York aid' Boston has demonstrated detrhmentai ta crera sud cor liaI kerosen. n loolaepa-high' prie..if auj changez aidSicba ar pec~mecîaiîsni are neceasar>' le tical tor use i niotar vuicles. Tbree automobillul opportunit>' ta cars ai lie sanie type aid mnufac- e-litram oie fuel ta anoti, ture-wena provlded eith gailne, ie genius ma>' be nlei keroueue ail lisastured l iohal, eaeb maie tien simple ande-It reijing solelj ilion anc ai lie fuels. range oi the. nehanilcal khua' Tue cala Went tbroqîgb ta Botaine-tb- the average huner about, a "im out dols>' of iy kiud. sud noiexs- Wben tic relative eoeil ai poeamsistwe-a n hle -«certai- fuels t.liefinitely' osabsed mient ai tic relative vlue of the tbmeu bilesi ehi iaarllj taie fuels for long -distance uni, aid the cheaper fiui, If other consic reativeocothle fults. ane uqual. lu Ibis leCisian Ut Ie Sa uterettus te note tiat auto-' triai eili feel a heiples la nmfiats have tiseraige ai fuils, h. may bave a proafrenh becaupe Ibe abuit>' 10 iuterobsage e-hi bie milla. Li ae market nsequeul H A s lu tho l ama jgive an I-ve ana:i su il atl¶1 ta sel îer, Yai- am' d upon. ta lie ra Ibmi lhe Ibihagatl& bledge a1 Durlng machine." and Nee- ,tetreenougi t .' i autania- Wbeî11 ta the lnthbe box Iderallas Laitsa' tie perles- bail ta pie papa e-r earid i i 5itomo- ba. gamma ibbais w HOMUSIEKES1 RATHE-LOS ANULES LIMITED. Al Moneaeekesa' tickets a»e an sae vha Blecttnie igtd ltra, Chicago tea O jýh. NoS'hhWestera Une traus pointe Lon Angeles every day hu the jear, la Wbguanthe Orst and third le-5 liaithre Isys sraute. via Chf- 1 ani& 4&yof uMui oat Iverv 10e- rates cage & Nortb-Weteru. Uilaur.Paciile are-a fer theropd trip tu points throuagi- and Sait LaieIaute. *âpieudd equfp- iav.a i 1 sel . he est, sud oti- nient af the. mail modem sud am- liaI1Ibd - hlue @peu"almbe-ratas fan aie- pse e canactur, secamuadating ail 1h had ecloatisti' ýWtickets suie days'lu classes af travel.e-heu pal -Wbt'andse Match te Colarado, W>'. Pullmian drae-lng roani and prîvate and I go4 onand al be Black Mill%, and ta Pa. campartmunt sleeinig cana, Pullman sud getc 'iOM ornaI points daj durlng Marci tourlat sleeping cana aid composite cars of th ~a ffiPi. 'observation car*. Double iert iun and mn uA getsTue Nortb-Western touist cars auj 1700.tram Chilcago. dos« u Une for partculsn- , Close connecthan e-iih trais ai The arbn North-WesternnUne fnom Wscnliual ge WHY NOT VISIT CALIFORNIA Points. A Fon fu lufammison appi>' ta osar- Th. e-iter? Tuere e-hi b. aunese- est Agent The North-Western ULne.., ciy lie rai?.dur.log Marci and - H« Api-Clilt'second-class oie-e-aY - -lo sar tickets $3800 tramn Chîcago. A cor- and solil rcpauding reductianinh rates miii b. Cigars and, Laundry -wbîie i Ofie acaflain mades tram ail poits on Thc North- Tobatcco Ofic eld il Wester'n ine. bunlidie S pur dai>' aid pesaually coiducted rSesîru tours affer mauY ailvaitages te the o M S A(( ur îei travuler umnoug he-u Mtaour service : TT aegas a ai Pullman' taurist leePti.a carsIdi se]. TI througb e-ttiaît changeChihcago tla . dled' San Franciaco, Le Angeles or Port. Ton-e 1' olg. ua,,line-icb a double berti cosîs T nsonau Pr'o or id Icont 019 8u 700.' Isid sl-laisi radîtrip tickets&eitb -»daiolma Very lIbers! returu Iiiati ame .01 Onde.'. Tahswfor' R re "M" dafiy. ConeuvOtthc* et tAgent Cd ag ies and ' Pt ln, r leeila The. ldush-Wutern Uinsfor fulli ln. t.- : - LAAmiq. Agu 14) years. i finajslahe. pw 1 Have Earned Maney. girl, teeve jeaseaitae. Aid fiitan ltle, et-f Deetfheid. ubool MaOl ovin>'da>. gvacation 1 mlay at uny grand-1 - heip ber. I eaih di. iies, s- r, serob, aid do m.anyats bat 1 a=i mIrons inaun'li ta do. gvacation beteen Chrnistmias vYeam estai e-ith ber. Aid taent home a gve iii, maie>' fi bu>' %ic- coat. 1 ut . 1I ri e ilp xc>'manima animer e-e plauted pick les aid I ch eamsof lieu and sametimes tuld «Ivewmelen eesaadey. I l ail about le-o dollars and ane na gar nie enaugb ta buy sanie »d a-iaf shois. JAMu i'rauaants, Deenôld lie I Have Earnsd tdonsir. a littis girl eigbt jean of qf. non. y e-asilg di"h. eatohing ad dtlviug simien.I il"1 brother and a ilttis shnter WD tak. cars ai. ai the s ta o lihili e-ltbcari mpé leolu s hîrry. IMy brother o t luàliee-wods almost evsry i bail e-aod lu aur Iittislelg tane cent a od. Ihelp tta eh the cilensand galien tie agg amme, glves mu oie out of eahi i0 oeil la an egg MaiauaI ls at le. 1 etemjystary lu printlIfh1do the pie ALtiIRA RocaUEUACa, I)eerlleld. lw h Ha"e Earned Man.y. aru tison.> 1 have ralseil ckeus hd tbeni for tsi cents a paunil for reieil dfout dollars.1I oughl id palil tire, dollars fot it aid fornseveu dollars. AI bonis 1 sage for te-o cents sailozen aid dfift>'cents a wesk. Lait jear bibon's boy gave me.Mune dock üd 1 set thei onden a bheu.lse it tht.. ducks aid one ai lieni The otber te-o I hept until tic>' id faurteen and on. bailf pounds >14d theor nensdollar aud fonly- lit. 1 bave a fax terrier dag and rie puppl., aoidtheorate-c s. Iphciidte-abuaielOtomatos ýdtinfaoueutohisrausiel. I baitofaitilfor iclabei 1 a luapitij of cru; .vpiu&Oslt fwmaofrlfyoe. eut miz = ameldleadLac e1 a c F F I I i c f c iug for e-li-h I heeamenicher h y sevetity- Olve cents. The othen jobc I gaI b>' driviug i-oww for a e-eli ta do farnier e-ho gave mie 1f y cents every time h drove . hein for hbm. Tiai i got a job e-tchuug cama for whicb 1gaI if t> cents a7day forthtroe.days. The nexl job e-ai ho.ig hie asout ai a large catit fleil for e-bicTh1h n.euivid lire dit&?@a. Other tus. s amusilmaie>' by rniiing srrands for tise uelgbbors for e-uni. gat §ve oeils aplece. At ottier lies. I dld odd job. anounilthlb onne.for saine vieigibor we-h ailte oaticfarn wank and did nal havi lIme ta do it bisef. The ail>' e-57ta eri nioney le ta ielp out e-heu jai ecm. Then wen you bave doue afe-nd job@ jon might gsI a botter payiig job sucb ai clerh or ai ornie. boy. WILLIE NAOEL, LibertYVîlle. Haie 1 Have Earned Moisi. 1 ami Ibirteen jears nid and bave earnsd-maney a Igood mai>' eays. 1 esrned uon.y by buahlng coanI uht aid gettiW ig Olteu entse for ever>' four baskets. Aid 1 gaI leity-lve conte far boelaiblisa ns hail a dey. Aid 1 out a ben an a utaof dock es and sli theni at ilty eil$a.ate.1 carrisil a pail of beau. up ta tb. .neigb- bore spd gaI 1v.esets. 1 cardaeS the moue>' fan abasket 40e-n toanainid mai sud b. gave me a 'nichel. 1 pckd te-a I lplched Irev;hundred p patte..bugs aid gaI; ton cents, Weli 1 bape ta cee w> IEq FiraT. Rockefeler. How 1I Hava Earned Monoy. Wien i1e-ai .about tsn jean. aid 1 huem a gentJemauinameil Mi. Hrt Coal. tuy uc alirsd te-nbrothers aid ni>- eif kpie!k.d straw Jien .for hbmie-o »eh.lHe paiS uis te- anad aie-bahf cents pnqur.Ho bail a big palci of rer>' u= = 21rle; lb>e- en. planteil lu noand aid llnet bave many weedc. The shedl that e-e tba hoatientvreai ail in tiefieldl. .-ouil pick foin quarte at a lime aid crery other hem>' 111511 Sickedl 1 mouiS est. h ste Ibent unîi 1 id ual like Ilici. I piekeil about le-elve quarts ails>'. t baS lots of fun. W. e-alked aven te ile bouse aid e-alkeil bark aI îigbî. It wai abaut four milles rm aur bouse. I1mdete-o dollars for mj@eeii, eecarrleil aur dibiea e-tIi us. Botne limes wmu and sat tigbl lu the patri sud lien wee oulil go ta lte bons.. I illnet @pendl my mouey but 1 gave il lte niy ft o r.* 11 Mr, "osi ived ont-"tlb. 01cr aide aI)j hemat Praia n~d alse-c gaI-lin Tb i or t bix 4ut ran.......s,.......... e boston Mocheaand lavaL.... .0 LubartyCombinallon. p..' p.und. ..8M Choleta. D. tapa. eWorth 50e.. .35 rancy 8. D. taps, 600 grade Ceylii and Indue, asUpociaat. OC-» Best Egng#lai reahifast..........15:0 Yeugig Hyson or unp@*der ...SS ForMela Oolong oairam.qu.llty.. .Ofe Ws use and blali vrecmmend ibis e M. Y. FULL ORRAM CHIES£ Faemy Califorula Prunes, per lb ... i Jalian-fai TableSvrup ........... (bart eau TableSru......0 i-lb. cmi N. 0. Mlis .'. 0 Besded Raisin, au ig.... l'baihsgiviug ce=nsd urrants. pkg.iia PouumCe"ea. large 2raps Nits. 2 phgs .............. ail BAKEWS CHOCOLATE. cahe . , 17c BAKERS COCO^ i-2 lb. can ..22e, Facy Bead Mies 3lIbo..-.....lq New Navylkeawwpr lu i Sbelled Pop Cari pert-lb . - «1c Bulh Rallied (Ustoi7 Iso...........8<I Oraauiated Yellaw Cari bIsi put lb ...I< Arm & flamme, Soda, 10e phg ...t sardilils lualpreau 1lbcou aln......... ........lac Plut Batie Catsup per eau ....... 109 Monareb Coadeseed Id li petr au. 10c Yacht-Club Assorti Saup perceau ... 1c 2lb cou Early June Pea........... M 2 th cau eet Corn...........- . l0c 8 lb eai Baked ]Dens......... ....109 8 tbean Pnmpiui..............l10C 8 ib eau F«gPlu ............. 109 a ib eau Extra 1'ouatje ....... lui Package Fie Table Sait.......... k 10 itnsLeni o sap, ... ....35 10 " Cream Landry Suai)..409 10" Mapie Citysoap........... 40C 6 bars Wool Soap... -.». .......... au 10 bars Amrnenan Faniil « ;oal).. . .48c Boat Lump Stareb (lu bulki, lper lb .. .Sc Pound pakag.....' . se Perfietia y er1" ea..... Extra stroug " io=la-er- b -tit.. i Perfection illuing pMrbattle ... o 3 Ibo Wamiti gSoda... ...... ... licourene, pe-r cake .........-...:<l sapolla per cake .................. 7c iming S4un Store Poile ............ ti Agheoto@ If ste, ee.............. 5, dotai Claties Pins ...... ......... s Sun Lamp Chimneys ech .... tc E. E. ElýLSWORTM Ubertqvie, IIj. It touk 'ne a long turne te pikî quart for the huahes weor. bigle-r t han mi band and wouldid sratch nme. Idr. Coal Bleu pid ns twien ad one hait ceLnts a quart f rthem.. was very ban] work, but w. bad liot m offui. BEtuîx E. tiA1OIETr, Agmil 14. Autlacb, Il. F. D. No. 2. 1 arn a gitl tweîve >ears ofai q..1 euried tuisch moîey by wasbundib. Igt oic cent for wasbuîg aid wlpin dIsres wheani>' mather bail tau. l cbieheno. Sbm. times i used ta dry theisu faut that i loft a li111e river lu the. Caps and thon I wouid bave ta wipe theit uter. 1 arn four t..t iv. iches and tried ail hindi. of thung» e a amoîey. One 1 set a heu ou eleven but coachun .gge and ahe hstcbed niiie hichais and hiloed ail exeept te-,anad lbey wees F ty near white and gt mid up arit atb 'aoch and then 1 coud flot ttem. Oie Mine 1 bail a litebuÈcachun ebichen and my asmer n d 1 baptsadit. andiiamed it Efebut abed béeemai thbe bad tac, uic. a "ame. i bave tried ail indi of thunga but tbey auj se" for a wite. L A. FNAWTZ, Deshild. Suy s farm in famous Texas Panhande.. Witt niaks yau ricb. W. own larg tract. Prioe..aid terme iegt. Sueur- @iong te-le. monthi.00" =ta wantsd. For particl. wrlte & Saisieest Colonisatioui Co., oa- 1p011., Mi.16 FARM "MACHINIERY Of- ail Klnds wlth- Thoroughn.ess AND L)ispatch We are prepareil tu akh eh = 1l: cail itou lb.esanie as thoug i at braesenfaisteel. Tbl eaue patken prcs admcihi e newh apprclatil.We garause be doue b>' luis promusata sire satigaatios *ILLIAM ,LAYCOCK C!>1 1 k-r

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