£S GOUNTY'INDPItJNJ LY, FEBRIJARV 1là, 1907 o f Obe lSatsfled Purchaser j, s'Nlrket the Puresi Goods are lfound aour Shekves s I. mi BECAUSE Atlas Flour makethe best bread RMCUSE Atlas Flour makes the most bread enCUSE AtlasFlour is alw ays a sure euceu Trg ourold lime Buckwheat Ilour ýSMJTH, & DAVIS LEADERS The Troduq gPlace Trigg4 oni a Local Items of Intemet to Uiberbgvlle Readers Pkliked Up liereend Tiere Baud lu jour locale. A. C. Atos, lowfeloelectoiaoft)eerfield. Born, Friday, Feb. 8, ta lMr. and lire. vaainluLbertyvtle Wedueeday. . 1ý AdiusCiea o. erge OriIelagraduaily impraviugI Normon Gror., af Chicago, epent Sun.-te nlleeaiiuetr.wes tlay witb the John cjtokor fitnlMmr. Id. C. Martn anad lre. J. F. St. Valentin'@ day. lWer,. you Cuéevgtdi,!ukguWdtiiy remeutbered by your (?) Frieude? Mr. *and Ulie."-. P. Dymond are uow intesoutb wbere tbey %-ili @pend ithe P. L. Siadtteld, utl Volo, was in Liber- remtiind.-r of the, ululer. Tiîey loft tlant tyviilie Wedneiday upon business andi Friday. seeiug f riende. Mir. enliMm. Heury K..rn entertained lir. Louis Protine aud son Fred, of soute thirty fiaondsaia a card partye Racine, apent Sunday wîîh ber parents. Wedunesday il .ÀA i,mt enjoyablet Mlr. and Mr. W. J. Fuiler.' tinte wae bad by aIl pri-teut. Rsfresb- Rose Taylor, af Elgin, attended the. ment@ wers served. niauquerade Friday uîght and remaiued Ti atra iPetYteriau chîurch nier Sunday lu Lbertyviile vietitg aml cup ispl i sul the friendo. crigBody as nntiipated J. L Carrail and Ray Savery, of that henightb.aal-dtoGirandi Rapide, Grylaite, @pont Sunday lu Libert lie. Mich., andfoliai ielo there mighi Ti. ubrtvileboys hadl Mter hbeno servie". waite up. Spriug mut soboe.. l>uwu lu }ogan's Albert Morey arriretithe latter part Ailey Carlilirickeonai pet bull frog was ai lait week front Englaud uhere hli a.s nging glibiy Wedneedav am be tosedt »pent the greater n art of the ululer filfe« ta h which ho brouîght for thar wiib Ieformer neigLbors. Iprposef tamTezas. Vie%vm weather brougbt the gond naturel uaninmal out The. towushuîîp Suuday ichool offiteers for a day's exere. uteet Thursday night (tonightm at the ThmeoftePlsvrincuh si. E. churcb uwhere thte Epwortit îiague Tar ea it. rs.trancuc after the meeting will serve tuent a 8remaking active pr.î.aratiou, for a 0 supse-tai Wta b. held at tii. 'hureit Thursda suppen. eveuinlc, Feb. 28. -F. ,i, ithe neat f.u Mise Hazel Hutchinson, daughter of weeks yon najy expertt )liohar animnatl te laIe Morris EButccinson, uho %vas disi-uuisof a ajter @t>-> e m iE'@ taod, well kuown by the aider residents of uîavanuatisedressig andther ifeectable Lberlyvile, vis4ited a fewday. retetly eoumpounds. More partiitauris later. et;theW. eat'hoe.At a meeting af the lPankers' Associa W. E. Lainele goiug about wltlî bis tian (A the northeait dit oî o!01llinoist thumib in a sujng. 1Heesys h. was uuing beld ait the First Natal bank build'n gesoline ta dlean clties when it augbt lu Chicago, Tuesday, Fei, -. J. 8. llridle5 tire fron thtei.tove -and burll e i aer of the. Firot Natîniai batik a1 member altuoqt ta tihe borie. titis place watt iiouoned h.% 4-mg ciosent one utf11w e ompristiiitheex-utivel A parly of youog tpeople front ber,. eonimiîte. lMr. Gridley iýthet. only Lake drove down ta Prairie View Sondal conut.y banuler ilose nigbit to witness the dédk-tor «y serviese ofthle Erangelicai <-urcil t Utit tplat...TIhegirls aofithe dustet fattry ta "ho W Tiie ideai weatier aud fine steighin1g their apreiation a1 tii.-efforts of our niadp the.ttip au enjayabie oau.. cty d a, MAtAi..aui Ail-otan. uho secured the la.ing ai a ualk for the. use1 Sopring paliti-s séeelu tue lavuing on 0i tih. girls, lust ueek hmuîght the tawu lits oars aud restingr for its second wiud. fater. a big baxsofainlutgars. Ye Wliatso doitig? Why tion't n-e bear gods! Oraftl CAbonot irplabic officiais Motr about wiî o ur neit ciîty dodo wili b. lept ire. froni temptun ion? The. neat t lbe. Andtheu, tam). soînebady'o got la îhlog ue know tiiey n iill- iayiuig side- Lwi Mnayuor. Suggestions are in aruier. waiks; ail aven taun. Tii. Epwortb Leagne entertatuimeni , l ».Dav~id fouglt4l-ig bac! ber at the- Union tjhurch lait Tiurstiay night hnufad arreted MîIly upou a was a very fair eveuing'e amusement. wajlat suorn ont l1.-bre Justice The. girls presented sainse pr.îty piture I:y charging hlm n i assault and minging the."Songe@utfithe Nations" and battery. Tii. case wtiu imieiasd eam-ed eoîtiderattie appleose whicb fromt the evidence brouclit the. malter le braughi thin îtban-k upolt the stage n seemeti ta, b. smutîtîl raekt-k lre. t number ai tintes. Hooghteliig admil in iibe-r teeti- t fubertyville ils fot Put-h au obscure ion atseW@aýrl' wta poker wben the ufîg.dasîani town after ail. Titis week n letter wao occut med. She chat-gel tiait lier husband reeiveti front an eaiteru E uropean îwu» nat supportiug h-r îî peri.vsayingI eountrv which bore no More deftnit@e tint ail,, i week . liati but one atidrese than Lbertyvilie, America, yet dollar upon whichi tii feeti herseif, it rettched the on. for wham it "0 1 huabanti sud tamly o reariy a hait meant. danteday oaybe w. wiii nti dum.u mi hidei Ti.lubu even need the. America. imîu atei cî tditiThuo mabaud Tii. tank fttr the %watser systeni at the. could 1 give them utiu han i hati.' *outy tarot i. goigug p lu tiret cises The wiletheoni-ri--- of ispendiîîgc s-hape anitmsnearing coipition. Prac- bis ail -over te lars for liquor and tîealiy ail the. wtrit exeept the tank uegieeting bis faiiuiîi and Honghtoliing,1 iiseit is doue tii. nassiv-.poteof ut eei examperateti, r.-îaîrked that ulien lie wtie-ii ulli boi t tbeing ln place. Mben gaI "tbis. dolla r- la-ad he woulîi leave the wark le doue, the, pour tarint ulil for thitiail." the tiret tinte lu ita hlstory have au ade- quae mysteuit for Sme fightiug purpomes Te Safest Way. and for dumestic use. Lilertviie hect-r îoailshav iten As well ai tlia- -heapeet andi eage.st Libetyvllecheker oars bve eenway oi rsmittittr nioueythbrougli the. quite busy this uluter and tiane ai aur mis abylA\K IIIAFT oid checker piayers have takeon a nW 2e a re a t yotiuiri- rvice aud respecttuily lease ai lite sud jon eau hear the click of solicit yoîîr patronage. tih. uvtdeu men durnug the, cold blowy FlES T NA.~TIONAL BtA NK day. lu several Itack rooma about taun.Lt-tvili. M ilbum aiso baiioame aid timers lu the JL.Tn iorri ' v.vlle, i. rdeCebr checiter war. Waukegau bshan unoe J .TyoPrs 1 3 riiy a- more. Why not get tagether sud sel which taun ha. the beet bunch of! Methodist Services. playem? Rten. C. M. tee-d patiofthte GaJge@ It le rumored antong thte trajumen Lake churcit will ireachin the nioruiug thtt 9 hog train cOmIug tram the service.llabthevénîing tle paasor uil West wili, after the uew schedule wbicb oach upon -Prun-tical Christianity." will go lain e ffect nery soou, becameg Me. J. IB. ia wîîtnuilcouducit the @prtie top bhem negulariy. itle 5League seile. aiea asivdetii train arniving hoem St 10:50 TeJno uau lign aa froun Chicago anti r.turniug at 12-26 TeJura &t.eve illa whNn' willi b. dlsontinuesl. Tou, il sdSuppernte enl0 gaohit&val iti adbirtbday andti îl pressait a programu. LhbertyvUle uil le givnualater train m uie ill-sra rmd.t et nigt uhieb now @top@ ai Deerfieldlhosper i I mrdfonfi t belng rutbraugh ta Ibis jplae. igit oa dock amnd tie charge uil ho 1f isten cents fortildren and twenty-five Theiiew frelght rate wbich hms just for adulte. VThe tolloututgtlathe mena gone mIat efferttui lu one panuleular whicii they assure us ieverygood Iudeed:i item bâesa signaifetlupon Lberty. Bullet* vi Industriely. Hretofore macaroni Red Lead oa. been subjeci ta a bigu rate ai frigbî Sputde thg ai% 11.5 shppag expensive. Catied Wily Nou li w ite new rate t will ho one af Myter the. ceepest produe ta tb. sblpped. Punkt, G ras ad Blueli Wby île rate-'ou macaroni wuaorigi. S %% ceto uailY Placed bigh la unil known asith la by noaumanne a praduet lisble ta @poil PebtrnSnie dorng shipmnt. rsyeinSvcs The Apha lt.rny ~lî~ iter. The. foiiouimg are thie subjecte for Sun- ThiedAlaitii.hoerai r. * e ete-da, Feb. 17: Wened ateveoine outr.J.L.Taylor 1030 a. rm._"ltecoucilltoa.' sunda genteeni gabot onty 15d15 7 p. m.--Cbists endorsement of the Md getlemn* eg pnmsut. The Uncouventional. bouse wuaidaintily deconated uitb n4 _________ heants uggestive of the time, St. Valen- tlne's eve. Progesive ganes uer. Noie played an ferlbralrefrebmptsaad Tiiere are agmeat umaey d newspapers a social turne eparty broke up. Tli tteeaiNi.liEtEtt 0)rOnOSubceauMDbe ladies uer. lu costume repreaeniative afi used lu urapîuing .1.. A large bondie the. titi, e oneluebook sud th geuhirnen 1fon fine t-ente. sach wnm saune article suggestive ofa tits.Theevain w a ar »aroa. FEED GRINDING. ALI. KINOS. Mrs. E. E. Sprague, ulte of Lyman Wdedy n audy poaoueone at Libertyvil's earies ensdy u Stady settiers and merchants uho C - Cruebiug and griniuing fine coan sud auay many jeans aga, died inlu imiaocoi uhroughtwo iiiii. A gaodostock ai lait ue aud was burled 9Suda oHr tiranid, midlugs, cornu, conumMeai, ail dsathb came ai thi e ai091 jeans. Mr. cake meal, Selitiiicier'i Stock food, Spnague wu@e lu the eariy days a notary wbeat anti chin-kei t -,d, etc., etc. pulinsd mal etai. man a. ueîî au a (G. H. flotAýnt-K, Li.ertyvilll.. 15-12 nircant sud ne¶gotiated a great rny tisais anti transferaiea ofland lu île_________________ limes uhan the country 'wuiyoung. Tiie menany ai bath lMr. sud Mmn. fiprague tilii hves wuhitail Ith. olden YOIJ CAN GIT THE! settiene. The masqulerade last Friday ulghti wu the minet suesieful dance field thi uei5 m tir ier.mue lageeepione.ofsntua oouan a D. wimp. ast! u. 8mai. tof Iltinols Lake Countr, se. To John Cook,.lk: D. Cook sud'Ciirne Cook Whesftin and:the uukaown heurs 01 James Cook. deceaied. boire at 1mw sud legaees. se fa iion iJames Cook doceasbd. tlie Yo r esnnotified tiat apvhiuuatin bai been miade te Ile County Court of Laies ('aunîty Illinois, for ltetînobate oalle ie l 0f James âooi deceaied. and liaI lb.he artua of lie ?roo! of sald itslli h een set be sig Courlt ortlielait dt7aif ebruari A. D.19M. allie euon Io159-a noirlo tie toenuonn. lte Court Bouaslnta ukegaîn &MtI Ceunty. witen sud wiere rou eau appuar, l non se Bt, aud show caus, If uiy ronbave wby said wuillsbould not te adamitled 10 Liebate. An.auaT U. Emma.t Januant- te. m19D7 -CaunaiClork. State ni Illinois Gouat, of Lake. sà: Iu lb. Circuit Court of Lake (JouaI, 'M à Fea Li. lm0. HenrjO.Dieu.,.Peter L. BevnsaPeaisl V. b"au utnlw IL lByBus vsa «e E. ama e 0le oi Bth, Clars 2. Saiti snd lie. ia 1h la tiSesn,&aNo. M. Balafstoy sldvit liai the defendant Jouais loi thula DoutIa releftnof ltse s=tatlefl .0 and tu: bierealdnne sud rosio ad4ni s bà n led tu Noetce a tiirefore bereby givan 10 lite =5d et lois 1hlthle above amei colplsasaa usd temb iIl or eoamlait ln lIai a summouster.pnlau P utosd couat, the abo5 ie na toada'L le & ~ hla1ion isvarqi u Wakelaan. lit, Janu)a ,SI. ltf. usH.Rina oa p ante .solliciter. me-4 Btat. of Imlno als laotea ir o et Lake Conu Xaroi Terni, A. D. iont. Wiiamn O. Babora, OuresE.Dudley Fred Kuebker and £lles Kuehker. bis ulfe. Ia Obanoery. Goa. No. sma Batt. corafdvhl lthai lie defendant Cjîare u udlssnul a ressident of ltbe BIaI. o0 Ilinuois. eVsild the.défendants Fred Kuebker sud Elen Kuebkîr. bie ut!., bath Loue out(A lie caae o0f illgis u r vtng thi.r resldenuoe andt Pouste ofieaddre bavngbeen flled l insthe 01ce o! the Clark of altCourt. Notice1ti irefore berebi aiven lt t.mad Obat-hes B. iiudls - Fred Lebker and Elle~ Kue lier, bis wiTa. liaI lie above umei coi ainant flid bis billof complalal lIt sialdpcourt ou lie.chan cary aide thereofac lias a stîmutns tb,-reupontIsennedout cfMsif ujourt aainett1h. niov snaietdefounss rtrale ounlis itreldan cftlieTormoîa Circuit(lourt 0f Laite Coanît aatebiai the Court Hi-lise lu auku luasi aulycfLaeou tietI onda,71n NÙ'anti.ADI.Lmias aale thi su reQu iita di ubîc itdIigetlill tdlus. LEWINO5 ROCKWAY. Olerk. Watuk,-au. l111. Jan. XHi. 0. PautlMatoaltu. Oomplitants Bolicitor. ms-t Notice of First Meeting of Oredilors. la tie Distrit tCourt of lie United iStages for lhe Nurtheru District of Aillnteq. lu lie malter uft Heur- 8. Anlia. Baukrupl. it Banknutlo. No. muet.ý *T. i tre lora 0f Hlenr B. Arlun, f gltertyville. lut th- Ceun r, of Lake sud DittrIlafor'>stîla »aukrup .' WtIle .bereir gtiven, -Mtaon lhe 291h dal o J.,a-. A. D i. thea sai tier. BI RIEDUCTIONS. POP! FARU DMA NOW COMPLETED Deal Announced Last Week as P.nding Put Through-New Owners and their Object ln Purchas. a Myst.ry as Yet. The tipai whlch lait we.k vins aunouneed as pending and @oon ta ba cioeed whereby the. eatire Pope farm weot of Luberty ville won to be sold bas been put through. Wbat use tiie place will b. -put ta is yet.na mystery atîd detailo eau flot be Iearned from ny ujof thte persoas party thei transaction. A hurrl.d auction sale ha@ been arranged and Friday of tbis we.k aIl the. gootis wili be "oId. VTe purchaners wll tair. chargèeat au early date. OLD SETTLER DEAD. lire. Lyman Sprague, Formeriy cf Llb- ertyville, Pase Awîy ln City of Chicago et Home of Relatives. Mrs. Lyman Sprague died Friday at the home of the Hutchinsons. lu Chi- cago, et the age of 93. Mrs. Sprague. witb the fainily of Town Clerk George Hutchinson, camne west -In a large party tram New York state ln 1843. whlch makes ber ne of Laike nuitty's nid setilers. Train Smashes Box Cars. Saturday night, et about 7:4e. a passenger train bound for Lîbertyvilie, though mIsmanagemèot ôt "the Inter- locking switch systeni at Randout iiy a new tawerman, was sent mIat a aide tracit sud loto a Une -of- box cers which stood upon the-e44ing. The engiueer and firemau of the. train jumped lu timne ta sinve them- selves and as the, train hadt slowed down to take the curve auto the Mad- sou. division at a slow speed, n 1grat damage was doue though It took awrecker several bonis ta clear up the damage. Tihe passengers took the. eldetric ta L.bertyvilie and were nt much de- .ayd. Wreck at Ormsby. A flauge on a freight car braite early Suuday morniug. lettlng a !reight train ino the ditch ai Ormsby. on the C. M. & Si. P., just aver the state fiue ou the Madison division. No one wae Injured sud the. wrecker ad the. lin. dlean In a short iue. THE weather man say@ th&t Fehruary &bd -U"-' are to be colder than they have been for tes years. That means that you will bhave to Wear. warm goods for at least three more months. Our big reductions; on ail winter goode corne at a tie which will mean dollars to you before t he season ie over. Corne in and ne our goods and get Our prices. The-y will certainly please you. IAbertyville Phone 29 nfinois P. . DYUNI, p«.c.* P. WiaiCK*Wes GO. A. WlUIGT, Vice Pies. cm u um LAKE CO. NATIONAL BANK CAPTALte5000 SURPLUS 1$PÎ9W G. SHYRMAN C. I. GALLOWAY C. IF. VRGHT DIR!CTORS PAUL MâcGUFffl G. A. VI F. P. lmI I. 1 mImIÂRNESS nu à r now located ln the. new store in J. EiU. Trlgg building an SOprague street. ThIâ îuap ltomeout as good work as can be dons ln the state. 1ve n a trial. 1 SOLICIIYen ITWE M AIÀ51SI TYeTu MIV E À a I» O.- 1. LU CE 140 rt Ieér 1Oc 14 quart stamped 1 rînsing " paus made from -fair grade tin, good etrong riveted handies. You 1 neyer ffen ench a value for th e inoney even when goods were a good deal kitwer than they are today. Would be cheap at 20e Our ri c is nly) Special Sale of Graaitewi la B airait ON .ALL Let me prove to gou "ht noue can do gour repuis better than 1. If I eatu save yoîî mouey on Jewelry.will it tiot lia> youi to trade with me. And thon there le my reputation te) back Up the goade Isli. ANDREW IJUSS TEA ANDC Liboi wý People are learulng tbe value of oui wsut ails. The. Chicaga Dally Chrouicle for, onyl $2 If taken t the INDEPEN- DENT for on. jean lu advance. = ý=lM ý ý-l =315- (Aorzqý ý