CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Feb 1907, p. 8

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:io feared tbt tiiey wouit b. taled heaviy or he mprovenent. Nov, througb tbe mediumi of a bill K t tg b. introduce athle prenant session L Y 4~ R o! the legllature.iis objection may ho removed. It, lu proposetotahaveW R the, rad but by the. state convct labor. Tusla-i permit the. vOrnbt- Jobu 1>0710, Ttust.d Englunse lug doue cbeaply, and t viii remove et Power Plaet Esc.ivo ln a measure the. complalut mate by 2,800 Vlts sud De@ thefree voricinimen of tbe couapeti-ACI NTWTES D tion througi prison made goada. 1 r DN WTB IDB It vill b. necessary troita opas a 1 I OR1-Y i- O bill. proviling ftheii.road, vhicb la slpvlestdigo abx te b. constructed o! macadam. It viiiA81,wie tnigo o be avid throuhfae flloing t roua vblcb be vastaking voltage odiceag d broi udbfne ollhngoifthe rea<diPg nd a struggle te recover oitObiag sh rmioathedtc. o ti imasît. turing vbiçbh. egrauiiot a smlab abe osatiof tilbdisance.lnliv. vire, couseidthe det.or tJohn Ilinislalehgh sîst i b. ougbtomin Doyle, enineer ut tbe paver plent of to line ln aituogblttsnracina x-the. Nortb Shiore lectric Company on inta tt.ta E. Spring Street, Sunday morniug t cbauge.teu minutes te Il. Figh ForLoca Opton. Tvonty-threbundret voaetfelec- FigutFo LoalOpio.A-- trlcity passod turough Doyle's body, Cburh sd prohibitioni leaders of Wakgnare leadng the Lats coun-à ty agt for tii. local option bill 01er-1 ed at ibis sa buo f the, leglaature anaý jror t»lgr .u5atti'ftlblt. the quartera of Souator Tiffany' sud otber local legialaters Letter ote b sent eut vithin the nehi fev tays urge action of an ag- gressive lclnd. OLJAYLf SNID TO teen of vave action lu the barber. M A. .R--V-.!N. As *nearli' as cau be determined. the s r VD C presesorae.line la sas abevu hi'dot- 4et lin., mariie "shore line., priî, Rumrd lHe viii Agaîn Suat Sults 190.',Tiier. bas been conalderable Against Liquo ealeosio a nd thua eramion et the sbor. Immelateli' Roopen Fight. SORtà Of the. barbor entrance, and t lae h eetyogaie rubo therfer coaidretn.mariq te the Leits Counti' Lav aud Order sain' tue ubere end e! tue piè e >- tague lu Waukegan la mal' prepan- lend tue bauntari' lin.e!fthe. Unte îng for von lun tue cty, botu aithte Mtat-os flti.coming aprin election and againati 1The river ant barbon bill nov h.- saloons. Thi, ork fer the eiectlon la 11bré CORgrema provites funda doue mnostli' ii'the gedetizen Menet for building thii preposet pio, mevement e! the chunciies, but as tue eUd should teI .hbeeome & iav,,It l1%sMme mon bhong te botb sacieties .aspecflte t uild tlis pler turing tue the enter league is lu ise. eqsulu eo. I bave, tuoreforo, te - That tue above la tino vas etatd vifi tabe mch m.asnre as mai' b. nocesssaite ilve tue riXt te the Vafl M Satou te udthtu lsiore en M the pion lu Washngton treet as As tis ill imunt home a lav on os' bere -Manda 4, 1907, If at ail. It la dotsiet tnthe tii di'o! Wauiiegan shali tare .arly action lu tuas matter,t Se tlat ork coua b.proceedet vitia eu lu iasheomling season. Ver réoapectfuily, (Signet> W. V. JUDSON, Major, Crps of Engineers, U. 8. A. Maor Bulock Io e! the opinion lUit part oetue funds vîli be expent- *4 te tnsdgeshsallov spots lu lhe barbuandtte make oaeane ni- Mem. The souadinga nov show shal- 10v spots lu places. Tii. ciii' action yull constat meneli' la giag the. gevernunent a nlgt te gonsluead vltb ila vonk. The citi' leases tramn the governiuenu froni year te yeur.« .This menning Mayor William S. Bulock recelvet s telegrani front flsyar 04« uin*PimeIsof Pro-, 's ?rif'Ir ud Couvrae-. ma& roem Cgratuiutes ONZTUINO DOINO IN TED gWzigT BYE AND BYE On the day beore Mayor Buliocl recslvetheusfollovlug letter. vhicb abows vhat the goverument plans *for the. toollovigyear are: Milvaukee. Wls, Feb. 5. 1907. Hon. W. 8. Bullock, Mayon of Wau- kogal, Il.: fleur Sir.-Tbere la sent you bers- wltb, unten sepanate caver a bine- pint map of Waukegan banbor,1ll., on vbicb la abovo the, prornsed new ooutb pler. «'rkemvwiii note that the inabore eu& e1thte propoe pler la at the foot- of the vesterly bouudary lin. of United States property. Tbe portion of the present suth pier, between the outer end 01 propased pler and the sabe inse, la ta b. emovet. tbereby form-. l1« a stilllng basin wblch It la be. ilevet viii cause a materlal diminua, gou5 W*U7 knowevu a~i ni vsn»U.f respected. Eis deathla I.a .orrov te aU bic tio"&,ant scquaintauces. Mr., Doyle belonged ta 1h. Wood- Usai, the Foresters gnd the Bioctricai Ufnesa 'Assoiation. Walmers-Rsardon 'Wedding. At 7: 30 p.m. Tuestai', at the' paraon- ageof et iCburcb of tbe Immaculate Conception, Fathen Gavin unitet ln marriage Miss Pearl Agnek Rékrton end WinaMio O. Welmers. The. crs. mony vas vituessed only hi' the rela- tives. The. bride and groom toit fer a tev taya' trip south last evening, afttr vbleb tbey viii return andt viiib. at homo on County street. A vsttlng supper vas served aet the home o! the brdes parents et 617 Bluff stroot.' The vettlng vas unknown te soi' of tiie fMondae ofttheyoung couple aot viien it vas learued tty aur prise.wvaSgenerai. Mrs. Wolmers la oeeof WaukOgan'a cbanming young ladies. 0,«g - * operatar lu the local tee 1&ne 'b MK VWeT-o,ï!Î leone4iuCtê meut popu- Ian snd mont succesaful barb.ra of the. di'. recently buying thiIeai sbep. flothbave frieuda vitiiouninumber1 spd viien t4.ey retnrn tbey viii un- doubtedly recelve ubeir best congratu. lattons togetiier with their celebra- tious. DEÜOCRATS ARC TO G!T TOG!TII!R Opposhng Faction ta Bury Habh- If So Tbsy wiIl Have gond Chance tn Win in Coming Spring Election. A significant and Interesting tevel. opinent, wicb may brlng about on, of the cloest contesta ever bebvesu the Repulcan. ,aud Democratic par- ties, et tbe coming election, la declan- ed ta b. aimait certain. le 2,300 Volta passed tbrough his body. Tbere i. a Split ln the. Democratlc hi' oevue ochauma nus Inormation us absluteli' correct. Eviteuce le' being colectet against salaons ber. and- lu la more thua O1 probable that tue -second cliapter"1- .J Iu bis refornamovement lu tueecti'lL O vIii not b. long lu getting under full Meetings o! the executîve commit. TE J - uently aut two are planued for this veek. Thie exact plans etftth. league _________________ bave nt bean given ot, but la 1k.- 1>' tiat tuey viii iie atarted inl opera- ion moon. Medîcsl Aid Immedlately. Dayle vas lrnmediateiy takeai dovu Wauk.ganitss go South. byii Musser, Whe carrnet i acroésathe Mr. and Mns. G. B. Watraus sud room nd s tarte o te yen ouhlm. Frank Watrous, o! North Geoesee'AtiSiciai respiration vas steatili' lu- street, the Steelu, o! Shierian mat, ducet. bactora vers aIse lmmediateii' aud the Legnards, o! North Genes;aeeand at ithin tan minutes Dr. Fa- streot, Ieft yestentay for Inta, ley vas vorklug over him. Seau atten viiers tisi' l l oin the Waukegan Dr. FoIe>', Dra. fleinton, Gouniei' aud colani' alreati' tiers. Tiie Watrausea Bellova arrlved snd aIl four venket viii proceot onvard te Cuba. Tiey over tue Injuret man fer a long Ume. viii b. 'gene for ai]uta smeti. IFluallyi lu am seeu tiat the vork _____________ vas bopelesa, so the Larsen & Conrad Say DeerRseld# are Afraid. 'ambula nce vas callet aud the body' at Washington, lunasubtance as fol- Iova: . et hall- stand lorteta, clamt t o! Juniper sud Water treets. Houa. pasued $50,000 appropriation tbe DeerBelt teamn la suffering o! a Bon 55v Accident. for Wuk.gmn harbor. 1 congratui lie cbrouic came ot colt test, as lb bas Bpsidea Doi'le sut Musser, the day y.u~~~~ sattrul euta epe< tvice cancellet gamea vti the Ma- ollen, George Bolman, aud Deile's Weuakn . mghyutePO4 o u oos for no statet reason. 4-'earnoid sou, Harod, vers lu the Gau e ORGEEDMUO The Deereits had a game wlti the paver house.. This la the appropriation that vas Maronne a moublu ga that theY Cm, - Tbe lnquest vas bet lu the reconimendet by the riversanaut ar-ý celle at the lest moment sut Sabun- Larsen & Conrad morgue et 4 o'clock et or omte receuli' sut mention. day ulgit thesmethIg tok Place, Monday' s eneuiera i It yul possible provide for au ex- and tbluk tho fleemfilds are afraît of paver plant tor tus lent uvelve i'eara. tentsd brealcyster, the extension of an evemvbelmlng defoot. H. vas a competoent engiaiser sut the soutu pler te sa point soubh o! bhe bat a nomeof et lai voi' careful 'fluas Brais & Iran Comlpany' foun- Narrowly Escpos Deth. aroutht. plant. He bat, t loca; on dUri, or lust nati o! the citi' iots, sud Tinradai Thomas DeltaIs a twtv occasions, savedthte lite et em- *or a Possîieextension ofthebe cti' uarrov escape tram ljuri' sut aveu ployez who have beau^ sevoreli' *ecks. tuus lncnoasîug th ii.cîy'lu - death aithe Dugdaieo rsang of the shoobet t the plant and bis det le, Mont etrom u lt tsuit bas long ha veau aide eioctric. He vas trlvlng tuorefore, the mors Apeutot. sedeitles,. troua the governenu acrons the, tracko, b. dlaims, viien, Ibis ban anduthte sieoftbis face oklng up, be mer a car canig laioug vers bumnlot hetI 3sle ity, as vas tram tenorti. lb gave no avaing the b idtetf lIabody'. PU - lia ALL" S hi' hll or wviltise may, * sud ho Talter 55v *oâ Acient., M~ASIJR! vhpped up and gt acreis.the tru.cks .Titr spultnotl - - ma~~Jut lu trasta mve blusel! sutd.MaWskgasattiis aniiit tmiweda la 8ud Seat Wbeather or No outit. ..ean "t t or int aad Wll Ps'obab Use Convc et »' dacietadti I.dber d ting ours b!Con- Chai-manRoertson, vie, vitu bis th'a5uPPe5t"onwas that Dole bt s'ucion. vIte, lsautMudlavia, lut., vnitea Wsu- 8slipiuet asneatt abc"v e. ostatet kegou tienda tuat Mns.. Rohrtsou's tbAt Doyle but .ivs>ssetdbigi lai Ex.SeuarOdieW. Johuson, Wmii. isati la mncb Improvedthe istrat. the esteoan-et the compani', bal been -T. Lcvls and Frsuk ILu Bull are ment aie boas nutegone. They- ex-. knev.u as a vin? caroful min, sut ,' M=«, te 15cm, mei~bers e! tueh c ertnu eerbre auHiglu- tint bis teuth vas a dégp regret. ~*settiis Drive Association vhlch vas ]and Park the itu. WlEs ad Cihitien SurvIve. «Oubdls n Milvaukee Tuesdytnv -_______--M. Dolai' ifsrvtve# iii" is vite Mayor Unbumu M. Becker as prnu- Ceunti' Tresurer Arn..' ofice la b.- andthtroe. luOa, IlAyloii, andt 8; 4éct imut Miciel Loger, socretari'. ing renevatet sud repapered so tint kiarett, agot '4, and Ifanesila, qiet 3. propouotSheridan Or laie t vIIi come up te tus paco--iaet ne- il. la aisoe uvIve by bis putien, four ý.twvte be n Milwaukee ant ceti' b>' otuon Offces ln tue lbuiing Blteras 1and is'çularu e la Milwaukee. ýbf»abtesaa. bongdreamed-ot vblch have oue-tureugi tue jssnioHe Ome0115 1Wankepnt*eOlvo e ya r peaot s te Lt tue procoas. Tie Âmes decentuons ar aga t reo Wlseeasia te t* amwhre ot %WV, e f W&M thWoogh te i59t aristic mutdesIaborat. aqpl tii. -P~ pl hWu,$. -IRftu uttwq .~,Ia bis es. If repl.bntPluti ranka precluding posshbllty of euc- csa at election, of ettier ex-Mayor Pearce or Mr. Arthur Zitt. If eltiier becomes the Democratic nominee for muayor-that li. conceded. Zitt for TreasurorL A politician and close observer of rclty affaire this norning sald, in ref- erence to the, Bye candidates for the iRepublican nomination for etty treSa- urer, "Wel, vboever lande It vIll bave ka fight on bis bande te vin at elec Iton. 1 think Arthur Zitt will h. the mwi C. & M. Eectii Endeavora 1 Soecurs Silo for Sig PoýWer Plant-Mans' Osalu Tied Unauccetmfully., Agents ot A. C. Frest, etftthe Chi- cage & Mlwaukee £Iectrlê Relhresd, are labenîng wîtia mîght and main te clos. up bis- deai fer a power lieus. site undor tihîMIL Hardi' a day passes but sanie engl- ueer visite some praperty owuer vltb a bondIe o! plans and an offer for land aud buildings. The lateat 10 recelve an offer ant sertouali' entertain It a W. H. Day, of tbe W. H. Dow Manufacturing Comi- pani'. Ilaussait that the 1Dov deal la ail closetl excepitute excisuge o! Peve win Pilant ersn. mIn evof tviei caeos eort c the Frost agents te close the demi or te get contracte for under the biHl lant, the paver plant seema secure for Waukegsn, lus location bere ha- Iug ouI>' a matter o! tîme aud pa- -- -- ieuce. Democratie uominee for db>' tres- llUndth ue bill pranWti'ovuers are urer vîthout a question, and yen wyul sait net i'et te bave Mrned tue ibene- sec the Vitu folievlng supporting fits et unibet action aud are s31d to Pearce for mayor. Nov tiees vll be he still -uing tue bammen againat a "ioop-up' that ls gaîng to give a eaci tier ta ube detriment ofa! nY couple o! candidatei a merri' fln, as snd al teals pending. I figure witi Peance sut Zitt togeuber Neyer for a marnent since the. SUN you vili bave a Democratic mayor aud mentigned defiiteli' tbe tact biat the CRY teasuer."power plant vas to be located unden cibi a candeatsurernoina tue bil bave attempta ta get laot Rionuorlicyan anidrate forP.omDe. ceaset, but not a deal bas been closel tionfor uti'treaurer5Y5 . ~' ansu, lu tact, tue triais at acquIrement Welf,' E. P. Bidinger, E. Ssutrneyer, bave even îet te îav suite and trou- Robeft Srart aut Wm, lFarmer. be uuending. ______________Laud Tiat la Sought. JIJOS MARIED.Laudt tat la sougit mcludea the Bmrvsfl facttri' it., tue Wrigt land, Prebate Judg. of Lvingstone .ciaty the Gouri' land, part o! the Kirk BOCeus a m..i.t i.auLake u. land, sud the. Dow site. « tyut>' os 14. Prsctioslli' al are nov 11usd up ln W. W. Louterbdck, prbate jutge e! shape for tue louing et a demi, but no Livngaon ouay,111 wa untpdlamoney bas pait aver yet. Uvinate couti' 11., vn ul 1 lu ateqt tnegetiatlons te ho reportet Mainiage tedai ta BIen Brui, ofan their. tieta ire vîtu tue Dov ait the lame coaaty, b>' Dr. Wbippls, 0& Barvell people.- tue counti cl.rk's office. Botb are tram Péotlac, ni. Supeu'i.ndent R.aigno. General constructioù supeintend- Plant vihib. eut, Fredericks, the rmin wvoba hba Tiie mont eapestie andu1p-to-t ste îcharge !)f. the construction vork of machiner pôshhdble 16leIng Inasite the.Chicago & Mlvaukee Electrie at the NrthiShoe sEiectnic Campany' raiea n t hits section for a fev years pover plant lbtbthe fot of Waten pasb, bas nealguet bis position end is street ,en the lak. -sean teo bave tornsss Ct', vibere The plant vill b. lu,'operationu ehi'b as atcepted a Ouinlar position' next fnl]. The dtaleifcausedt hi'te' vlth /a large .electrnie hue. John bheaviness an utrticaci' cftue ma.! Scott, for sa long tume ovenbeat con- cne"beiug pb utI., The building i, tructlon slulent»endent, bas been ap, pefecîi' irepnoot ant inifas neanlY ' 5'potedtote>r. Frederucla'splace and perfect example o!, Ooaructiou a.ils5 nov lu charge o! tue vork Ini possible. - that depurbuatut. fiti meu are velI ,kuovu lu Kena- The YELLOW Là*EL in paeto ou stan as a resulu t. ftisir c(o nnection te MONT e0( ~ltir papier, 4itu tue rellreat comiiau'. Mr. Fret. ~Wtcluthe ,7',42 L.on srièko u i.ons q the hast kuevo bn1lt ______' , rm ofe lqctu'io ronds "14b0*-seubrx eh* y .la u isrt-F;Poil@ MAkESMno XEY AZ41» LUAVESTUE CliTY Waukegmu People on tus sont sutd voit sites Who vituia ton da7t bave purolucst an iÏiett>bele sy!ptram suagnttrmout e!ton dit net kuovvin tui' ers getting or tuey vouit îusver have bonght as tuai' dit. The agent, aljetdte have issu trom Cilcago, matsbis heatiquarters et a loca l iveri' stable, viier. b.o msluufactlure t tbe allege4 villainens campou" nd ut viioho le tliveret ut lu a buggy bi' tue lBve.gallen kg. Adveoae oh Pure Foot. Whotisr tus agent vau an atvcate o! tue pure foot la*u or not la an opon Thisla us oy iomade hie syrup, lt Ia rfpor-Wd b>' ye toknq s puli from wbhias afew me- sas efors ii.ehorsso hn tlw-sthsl Iad féc, diti' as It w» anso ovrt vihlthé. ailva frm the honse meethe, ho woult put éther, suigsr. caler, vnter ad ther chemîcale IntO the mooptale ad stIr the whoe th# iagvii a tflt.Until ItW88 Of h le o.nslstnoy oh, Molasse. Thp la th, stuff tiat is le alioge tojiave sait for a "fiu, table si'muP." -vi" ~--,DJsaantTests. '11.mixtaure inl.plemant tuas "délautn fé'ié 10P"%$n, lb la uitj. lb vas ninely a rav cienilcal coni- Pound that peuple lu their sohas. senn- es, vromiht asu'oe. The stuif. vlci vas tastedt hi'te omployeWs ar the.stable, us tescnuhed as bainni a plesaut sravharry >-s. ver sud a black colon, Put up la i ve sud eue gallion hazreh t Icket g00d, amelet gaad andt tastet gond. SoIt Muci la ityI>. The "manufacturer" le alleget to bave vonket lu the cil>' for nearli' a veek, tniving about lu hie mugi>' sud teking entera, tien comlng bock al making tue "i'rup" ,lu the bars. pal. Hoe got a goot pice fon is aros aut tiffenont People estimats tie amoua it sa betveen fitti' aut 0u6 nudrot gailona. ail among Ignorant people, t ln sait. People ioeking for someting cieap sud violeseme. lb la clainied that th, man cout nat ho presecutet, as h.olis sait net te bave repreaented hi. vares. menslY keepuni atill as te oy w lu vasande sud o! viat. The game la a nev eue. Its alleget originato loti Wsukogau Tuenaai. SE EX TO .BIJ UNDER THE! MILL "0hî ema nrp of building thelo10 to Eacine fram tiala cty aid bua Is put ltu the. amble treois t& the. souti a 55 F.Utu t batvoon boes nd -Uvanston. Mr.___ Scott l igu 50a Mnsuor vide xpet.Rov. Whipp. Unit.. Ooupla n hi r once la but Idio lotrie und ad H ouse an the Clock Ohimot a sa "K& O ttb ceesoor tu Mr. »-roder- Niw Day. lew.Keaa ev.Standing ln ths dim lit, inteoror c Counti cionk lisndee's oilice et, Mia. Pas.d Away ln Chicgo.. m*tt Baturilso, Milton . i O lkk1r. The romains of Mrs, Harry 0. nturo s»luesn, snd Misa Blmzabotil Wells, ofa! bicao, arriveor eson thesaB unett, vouaiat. h of ChicagdBo, 13:16 train for interS«ti fl. uoaco. er. unitoti n marnat. by Sey. John Mis. Wells dio ed aCiqago dar befor. A. 3. Wbipple, Wouk««an4 Dirryiug yesterday and t be funernal v Utidhart1sofl. thtis morning,- Intermont being bore. The. tene vas a picturesque one, 8o42e timo mgo a ciUld of theo«a luside, ligâa and sbadows and 'the fsinIIY vas bured bore. Mr. Wells' Bili of thebo hur. Outside, the, <lad, Peuple are tram Wauconda, but mrs. tbe sparkie eoftiie snow. the romalfe Wella' people ane WaUkegantes. of the. lots.stat iit trip te, Waikfl.' Bride and groom ver. jublilat vhen RUTI MA501 55the knt::as tiedan vteCoti TO 13L MAWIRED Cuenoats at a banquett at the Moel, - Schwvartz, vbene -thgy spent' tbéir oaugher of S*Aator Maso. tu Wsd- housymoon. 1 Oaind Mterety . fartns Aeal 'Fey cdaim tuai ney ver. unauie te Wh.n 8h@ W&$S uppos"d te bave reacb Waukegan atuan carlier bour Wntten Love Lsttsntooontortionist ttatIvaneesrenostu MiSRt aoduhe e- county cierk 4nd hie miniateniai aide Beator William B. Masen. le to b fonttelrbedvt ela telve kcople married, sccording ta the latent In- te delptâ hecue f9-âi-.frOMbertom, 147 Wibcahotd Clerk Hendee uR over long dis forton.boulear- hago. Un abtance ln the afteruoofi Baturday and mat o boleart, Chîga. 8h. as temade arrangements tu have hum enset vrely uvnhaWakoanvier uuethe meeof Cod of Lo)ve by, Issuing tli' formernfrmtidon a lttat îhicense sud getting 1ev. Whipple e Tua iformaion bs it hat tbesay to perforinthe, ceneanony. la » sine s- 14.1, -_-__-_-__-_ _ Olen Ellyn. and lu la unterstood- tuar State of îios County or! Lake, 8%. a famlly gailaertaug in to e b. bIt ure. lu tihe Circuit Court of L.ake Ceunty. day nlgbt for the. purpose of makiug a 1to t. Marcb term A. D. 1907. formt anounemet o theongge- In Chancery. No. 3291. formi anounemet o theengge- Mary E. Foev.. Cyrus E. Porter, ment, says tbe Chicago Jlournal.' Lottie M. Porter Jane 1. Porter, Eliza- Though Misa Mason ls one of the beth D. Porter, ltdward P. liodge. niast popular Young vomen in ber net Julia C. Tukey. F'rances M. .lamioson, mie came loin prominence about n Sàrai White Dodge. Norman A.Louglu, year "Frank Bl. Gillmere. Mary A. Qilimore. yerago viien lt vas reprted fnom red R. Glimrore, -Auna Glliinore, Nel. New York tbat a luve letten, alleged t le E. Hawkins, Eugene O. Hauwkns, b ave been vrltten hy ber and sget Heniry B.' Fenton, Melissa A. Trueà- *'Ruh,"hadbeentoud l theeffctsdeli, lndividually andes ole punvlv. "Rub."batbee fond n te efeca ng Executrix of the laât yul and of J. W. Martine. a babertasher's ltestament o!f.1oslab M. Truesdoîl, de- clerk. Martine formerly had been alce«eet Henry Slhepard. "Staples & -i snd, altbough the utmeet efforts vore mate tu revive bum, the. abock bad boon tee great. Almost instant dest Fal Causot Death. Tii. exact nature of thé accident la net kuovu, excepu that Doyle alippet, and, lu attempting te save hummelf, grabhed or bit the. lve vire. Tben, taliing bac, bis bead stnuck an angle bar uPrlgbt and s contact vas formed. Doyle vas taking voltage data and vwu standing on i box. Near bum atood Gerald Musser, au electrlcal en- gineer In the. emploi' ef the compani' lu Evanstan, vbo vas vorlting vlth hlm, Stippsd, Orabb.d LIVe Wlne. The supposition ie tbat Doyle re. ceived a aligit sbock, and jumped baci. lu jumping b. alipped. In- atinctively be grabbet vit ieis aud suad aelzed a beavlly cbarged vire, calleil the 'bus bar. Still falling, bis n'ead atruck the angle ban, tbe con. tact vas made'sud thie entire cbarge YEGfiS*NI WELERj contortionist lu the Nickel Plate cin5 Cadvell Co,. N. Y.." Staples & Cadvell cas and bat been arnembet on a charge &, Co.,. ucyr M. Wright, Charles P. et teain $1,00 fm ie mpoyes.Wiard, Trustee. Nelson A. Steele. stealng116000fron hl emloyns.Lake Coulnly. Illinois, "Unonovueirs Martine vas a prefesslonai "heurt or devisees of Henni' S. Feulon. t,ý- breaker," accortînq to ube Nev Yerk coaseil,- andt "unknovu evners 0f tie lispatcee andso vien ue vas anreat- esabhal! o! the uortb cuit quarter, til more titan 2,000, love lettens front and the nortii eust quarter a! tiC youug vomen aiaven the country ausout ca:tqarln &«tice:10,andee wen. fount lu a truuk ln bis&rmont. n;rîîvest quarter o! section il (ex. Moset o! tbe letters cleset vlth the ce bý tat part thereo! cauvoyed hi' lr suggestive comment, "hum ti.." A. i'enlon and vite te James Hartrsy ,Amoug the îettera vas one vrltuou sund M. J. Helfman iii' eet rocartet- lu tbe recarder'. oilce o! LakCOan- on United States sonate stationery tbi, Iinlois lu Book 121 o e!@"otsat and signed "Ruth." Senater Mason page 241). andtht. aortu voit quarter denlet emnphalicaily for bis daugbter o! the soutb vest quarter 4f section that It vas mie vbo bat wrlîteu ta 11, ail lu Tovusip 45 North, Rangeý the adventaarer. 10 East o! tbe Third Principal Mentd- tan.,. Among ehotographs fount ln Mur. Satisfacleny aihidavît bavlug: been tlne's possession vs one o! Mra. iBlet ilàithe office o! the. Clerk o! lii George W. Keppel. the noted Lonton Court, tbat bis defendauts Jane 1. Por- beaauity and favorite ot King Ew bd er, Jolia C. Tukey. Sarah Witue kvr, D[oilge, Norman A. Lough. Frank B. and one o! a famous ceuntesawithha Gilimore. Mary A. Gilînione, Fred R. ggy repubation., Gilimore and Auna Gilîmare. ail ne- Misa Mason vas agaîn brought ln tde out o! the State o!Illinois so that process cannet b. menvet upon them iaromiuence m'hen abe declaret bl or any o! tieni, sud that tb. defend- Intention of stutylng lav. Oie look a Sots Hennry S. Fenlan: "Staples & course lu an easten av caîlege and Cadwell Co.. N. Y.«,"Stapen & Cat- It vas sel it thtii.te tbat aielvîees&Co; a! nonher o e planuet to asmoclate bensel! vith ber iee fHenniy S. Fenion, deceaset." and "unkovu avers o! the es fatiier ln the 'practice o! the. lav. bal! o! lhe North Est Quarter, aud lie Nortb Esat Quarter o! the South More About Sheridan Road. IEst Quiruer (except the West 7 acres Mayor Shorburu M. Beckier, o! Mil- Ibereofi. ln section 10, andthe Nortu- wauke, u ben lectd peaientofveat quarter of section Il .(except yanke, as eeneieced readen O~that part thereaf conveyed by Ira A. the oev Sheridan drive aud Captalu Penhon and vite -I James Hartrai' William f. Levisansd former State sut M. J. Heffman by deet recordet Senabor OUla W. Johnson, o! Raclne, lutbe Recorder's Office o! Lake Coun- i', llinais, lu Book 121 o! Deets at vere selected as tvo o! the. board et page 241). andthe North West Quar- d1rectens. ber o! the soutb veat quarter o! sec- The uev association proposes tai get lion 11, ail lu Tawnship 46 Nanth, t okat once end make an effort ta Range 10 Est of the Third Principal ta vorkMernian" ou tue luquiri' cannt b. force tbe completion o! the. road. fount so tun procee cannet b. sorv- Tbey bave a nev plan o! baviug tbe et upon tbem or soi' o! tien aud roat bult by the, state, sud te this endutlpon tilmgent Inquiri'neitiier the place a bill yul be presentedth tehe state o! reahtonce nar peat office addnese! snyof'o!sait Isat usmed defeudants leglalatare te provide tar building the cau u. asceriainet. 1rond. One proposition la that tie Notice la therefor bereby given ta 1statea o!Illinois and Wisconsin con- the saIt abeve named de!endauts tuat tribute couvicu haier vark on the thei abeve named compiainaut hors- roat hIlci la te b. ixti' feet vide tofpM IBled ber 1Bill o! Complaint lu sut ulîto! mcauloi.sait ?lourt, on the. Chanceri' Site and uil of acaam.thereef, anuthat a aummoos tuereup- ou issueil eut a!fsit Court againat -Our WANT COLUMN cavons a muti-th above nameddetendauts returai- tibute oet&u able ou the Brst day o! the term a! Wetgstatioaury tons aithtuse Circuit Court o! Lake Conti',ta N beheldet he CurtHous inWau- II4UPEDSÇ! 15e scorrect kegan, in sait Lake Counti', on the grat; Mondai' ef Marci A. D. 1907, au taehi' lav roquinet. sud vbici suit ls still pendîng. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Clerk. liciter. - Pob 1-4t 1 - HYPNOTISM and Pýensnal Ide gnoihu r2,27 North <isemme St niastangit, for si lai aurcomplots Mau cusaireos patrsonnaliInstruction un- neessary. le isvriltten la the.plali The ouly hone ~ isguage of overy4day puple. Su>' The oly hose in cette guaranteet. Persoal instrit& tien. given viin en tsir. Ws also puubliitb a simail cours. lu oipah vvau gan sutd Concentration. 'We muarsutes tu " e odeousand chuahie dlases ér ,seftlly sud b' cor«noptec.Brol National InstttoiaScence, 314a.3U.7' dThat sella cigars Io> Indiana av., Cicago, M1. jnll eon@umere at the actuai' SOME BOCKS WORTH NIAVliI4- wholesale prico fith and 7tb Books Of Moses, Tba, Dovil's Legaci', The. Secrets 01 Clair. 19-4 Phno 072 voyance, Grat Bok let 400 o dtr.t* Phone1079 Sent pestpal4 lUe «M or th Iu

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