CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Feb 1907, p. 2

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171fIAflA .*. L, B, MAIN VAUCOND Coresponldenltaud Agent y, J. ery's suclian bihllu moura hIiis piper. Lhduled aiChiricao, mas lir ai iseEtel Iace andi. Wla Feua h h been la fctire pais mont in 1 Ote Poiler sud LeslieTumbnuli Dii'vistor.siiturdsy and ýT. Ovaliile reparlng ta adda ai ker01nom book@m ta lecireulallug ,ad ilaceSordinglY offerrg plakoute ai 12 centse eci. They. lom Plortmce(irame vlsited mitir ber vowl m Estela at Wauk.gau Situr- A"andé Sndai. 4nsfta furphy, of Chicago, epent Sua- hie tb osse boe.. D. Hfe ) . Murphy attended the of lI iber mther at Higiwaod lait Tire notion of the Frankt Thoasa laptin app iniuanather section ai Th% mani local triends of 1ev. sud M.F.N. Lapini, ai Barriugton, iii lie lnturted ta learu tiat they are 'ijpa noties vacatian at iptem ifin r ooking for s six dollar vaino for two dollar., eail t the .Wncoaspharmae>'. We regret to report thai Mis%. M. S. MU. pbo huiéesbeen seriouel>' ii for sons. «Jae su obeâter. M. W. A. Deputy Sacitett, ai Elgin, fm &i -a ffli e&Mrc'hlber. ihe firt of lir week. » ie B0. L.Harrison @pent the luit ai tb. avai at lire homeofa ber parente, 1fr. and >Mneý John Badge sud1 saiter Esthrer, vlsited waur tire atte'e teir, sud Mr@. Oea. Ray an M(10 Mncie Gerberwmi asraibeeu au *lns ei lit le on tire gain. A aumbei of Miss Beasle Biomo frende «"prss ber Tbureday oveulug and as vey enoY"bitIno mas lied hi ail mita otsa" did da lunch mai sevved st 12. *m.0e. Ot lasagaiu able ta he ot . X. sud Mmfr.. Oa.MillUasd 4*tbw eLuella, villedoaI M. aud Mnm Rimer Gomùlier epeutl unday ilir Ms rolaivo at Long G ove., Mm pJinu arlistbai been on ltre " n<e uidmseffnsegll "*r pâin aine rend rides.. M» e meIr l ultrese, Miss Wright,. Sup.rb $698 M. sud 1Mr@.. d.M.Burgeslunthee dli. We have natlced thal R. R. Kmierly's naine ase uctianeer iras boeenvery irequently prlated ou the msny anctioni bille mhilch avoappeared in this viciulty. It le evidet tire people realisee .wQrlh af a good taîker. Mu. . W. Conwsi and sou Jo@eph. af Lions, la, are gueste aI lie home of the former'@ parente, 1fr. sud 1fr. Chai. Davlil. Tire Encire Clubi mai etertained at i borne aif1Mr. sud 1Mr.. C. E. Jenkr Tuesdai eveiug. Harrison Bras. bargain sle itili continues ta attraet crowds ta ti store. Artur Coruelêse been rernaved t< tki, Prebiteristi hospitai in the Ci aber. e i ii underga a course of trestmnt. The Nom Eugand supper gven b ythe, laies ai the M. E. eh--i uli .W bail lait Saturdsy eveing wai n pieaelng succee, lie receipts amounling ta about $26. Quebec to lbisld. TFFrnch Coarch staliion Queiec mili be sohd aI auctiou ai the home of Frauk Thomnas lu Rocktefeler, Ill., Tuosday feèb. 26, '07 as1fr. Thomas. tiii manager0ftbre ci. goiug mail. At tlirse. ine aU aif1Mr. Thornau gemonal propert i mlihoosld, nothini but eariag apparel belng reserved. Usual terme la gaver. terni of credit ,Çuebec thlie bert teo han luii 1 -a-ronL ts ta't- Aai8 edebre pet, prodriced mare colts and o grestor value tbarq n>' aIrer sire lIn h counny. Mise Wright, thoe chool minses spet Baturday sud uday at Wsukegsu. W&ter Gosmeillor, of Long Grave. bai been spendiug s tom days vsitint wtb is indesud reistivea. orge Ot bas purciamidanew pauy. MYwEPALL ANDr WINTE SAPLS ARE »W ont exhmml W. mvituIyeu ta Cali a L.ook them ome WM. JAJINS. TIE TAILOR. inMlLK RaéWOTON. The .Juniorv Lanueof tbeaMm chancir gave s socIa a Sodi'. hall ou Fvday" evenlug Feis. 15. The prooss mre 020. i A Lincoln prorm mai given under the auspices aIte G. A. R. au the1 eeigof Fei. 12, ln ibeir hall.J Msclnumbers oi vocal duels sudt quartets sud a cornet duel snd aiseasu addreeO hi Prof. Fulton mere ioature" of tire progrsu. lThere mai a gOod sîten- dance sud ail enjoyed the oveuiug. Y1Mr. sud Mue. "Landau, of<'D.enfield, sn peut sevoral dayî ai ibis week bare. à Lest Saturday oveuiug occurred ltheq death oi John Laudmer, su aid resideut fi Lake cou.rly aud Ibis comumunly If He mas over erghty-otght yeaueaildsu lebai lived ber.slthe greater part ai bis lue Tire tuneral services mer. hold frin the Saiençburecbn ou sdai atternoon bi Rev. Heefele. Ho leavos ta mettru tma sorte,'flv.daughiers, olgirteenrnd- ehidren sud olevea greal.grand uldron. lire. Houry i Oesuad Mise Rieks iLaulmer, ima daughtere reside ber. 1f r. sud Mr@. Albrt Kamperi, of Milnnesota are lhe parente ofa sbaby girl. teTbey are mou kuowu ber. being former byresidonte. of 1 Mr. sud Mue. H. 0. Miller attended ,tire fumeraI of the farmers aunt lu Chicago Mandai. Miss Leurs Bomut i lesuffering front aua attack ai la grippe. Prof. C. S. Horn, ai Chicaga, gsve band instructiane te lhe girlesud boys bande Tuesday siternoan sud eveuiug. Be bai@'uet r.turued tramn a two weeks fi trip to, Texai sud ailier sonîberu states. li M4isses Noa Plagge sud Amy Gsatt w er. Chicaga visitara Thuuedey. .,1 LOG GROVE i. The saleet ai WI Roder mai meil at- t. tendod lait Tuesday. Everythiug said su forsa gond prie.. 1fr. sud Mues. Roder et, latenrt! ta iuoveto-Plath in lutbeesr ofi future. eh Hleuri Cordes wbo bai lbcou aorkiug for. Mat Iinat.uroek thee nit sear bits present. Frankt Stabi etertained tao i couse ie eMeyer@ boys froinAlgoi Reig htole pat meel. 1fr.. M. Umideustocit, tool a tnip tu Palatine lait aeeit Weduedsy. Mn.. Wii Lundua sPent SaturîlaY miti ber parents. Christ Eissier purcliaped tise Phiip Voung'e§ place at Queatins Corner. Con- sideration 02600. Wore Son emeinber.d hy Sour friend St. Valentine'e day. S. Keler had bie mood sawed Mouday. Ruthr Miller be detainsd iroin echool ou acount oais bad cougi. Walter Gosamiller mira bai ieeu viait- ing milir relatives aI Dlstnond Laite and pRockefellor the puaI meel eturnied home Sundsy accompauied hi hie cousin 7sser Gomilier. It in repanled that Mr. Um'idestotl ine geliing along nieely lu lie hospital in 1-- I KUw- . à,r*tb las 'gà1 ized onit te, wu l Lin eratock f or lthé ummer. b0jr Pobrns rj*isstberi spopulrmonibfor Tis tisse ai yMr your espri sds" actaf total psopla. bmtbdays. are o on ur, 1dmoaajmoe Tm LeyorqYeru8perceflhlttbe eaobdMy. We wauttaupplyvou r FütNtioa! Bank ai Llherlyvjlle. la Ibe liadw&mare lIyou are Aholute saty -le better Iban a blgh lu- plannunaste, b-ild mes un belore L.. teregt nte.ciaeýgvour orderforadware.1 H Ba 1 SpÉ ___________________ anesetc. Gilipleetsark ed ROOoePHLER bugged Patton'@pine re din,. Tam WDslaenoutlhe sick flot. aBouetcir . alsl ee Gog ataler le ill mitb tbeelp. Bernad waale aeistilg Mr. CronkbIte TibS. je O DE mi duriug tire forgiar'. absence. inEl Utr. sud 1fr..Poter, af Peoria, have f M 1.0 il o 46 i ta"n uouussoa ai tire Norton place . rine Vlem 0v0.0amcko 4 Il Mfr. Patter wma nage the pany fur u per barrail.h for Mfr. Simpbon, of Chicago. Mr Mr. and Mis. L. Roder sttended thelr Mr son WII's sale oif arr iniplements mear VôLo Sunc Long Grave. __ We Mn@. J. Rou@e bai been quit. 111 the C. G . Bacon, of Llbertyvllle, made a b1 psut week. business trip ta Volo asat mek. Secul The Ladies' Aid willlmeet mîth r@u. MmmueWloo on ae o Depew Weduesday, Fei. 27 at 2 oclock. ss Ma Snde atoeai. oudLaLeab Au oyster sapper williho. given by tihe snHeSnray aIbone. 0 acO ,hl ladies of tbe A id SociètY lu the ne* ar M ue erof ber t, M . W liO'00 future. fieldbfast t ai huthend Sunday. el C. Schreel, af Chcago, slopped biers uSady Pr ie wu ta DuPage Co., ThuredaY. Bd Mille and Hsrry Kîrwagg, af Wîu- b>,m prof. A. Wlimlington viiled Saturday conda mere et tbe Cash store lait Sstnt. bot sud Sunday at hie borne at Cristal Lakte. day. you. Mfr. Mddletau o! the ciiy enjoyed Joe Rosiug sud eleter iCalle, of Round wi Ssturday sud Bunday with is famllY Lake, mere at home Suudsi. ai i wbo are taylng dit tie borne ai Rev. m rs..Chai. Raught, ai W'aukegan, lait l)epew and nolier.1 spent several dais lait voek at the Be Mns. Herrickt eturned Wededsî tu Raught isrm. lu W pack ber bansebold goods ta be sont Mue. Mat Stefies, of Jnhusbur-g, vlsted BI norlir where UTr. Herrickt holdesposition. relatives ber. recenly. ' 551 The valitiu. sacial at tb. home ao Mue Syvester Wegener sud daughter, rJO. W. Bergirorit last Thuredai eveiug wa Cl1.1.7-1.11Frernont, visited tbe iormner'$ t a success finueclly as Weil ais oclparetM.adiy .Sbl eea n nearîy 50 belug presgent. parenlt,1f. udu. . lbl eea E MisCors Thomnas oi thie place suddaP.y. lat eld nd.oh - làiir e Mr. l)ales. oi St. Louis, mer. marrie, lu P. S. i tsdeyldtfsud JhnEfigr , Chicago, Tlîursday uf last week. Their wJohln M7Iri l anest Fidi gfo rieu& wek ha. rsp~caiilesijcee JoheW M ,ai oxbee duorIug for and joy îhrougb their journeci af liie. paguer5 wee I okaiednlrb Niffl.Mail>l» Rudolî,b @peut Sundai Mises Frances ltoging lesat borne aga! 1,'A i ith ber parents at River View. aler an abseuce oi two or tbgree mnontthe. H Liet your mn" ea rru ler cent atthle E. Riceardsou, of Round Lake, wa@ Vir8t National Bank oi Libertyille. e.u nlre udyli ek Absointe safety la better tiau a highIn'bel unu- r-so dylatwek teret note. Misses Elele Waitou, Kate Frost sudI Hellen Raymond were iu MeHeury lait ' W'ARRENTON Friday aiternoon. McMUt Hertel and chilîdren, of y Mn@. Wrn. hehockid l on the micit liet. Fremont. are visitirrg tie forirera the RuthHaseyut aukea:î letheparents.,1Mr. und1 Mr#. tosiug a few days N guest ai Misge AlieBurke. MieseMillie Roselcer basmreigued Um Katie Rudd opent Sund mitis ber position at Round Lakte sud le nomhol ber parents. IÎ at home.N Mfr. and Mu. John Losman pent Quite a namnber ai tue Volo younuni Sunday In Chicago. popie attended the play dit the Central *MamieOualtf Taukegan. veited Or" boe. u lcien a Dai fr hd . Sila.. eveuiug. M r.. John McCanu le entortuiuiug ber Ou Wedanesdav Februani 13 lu Wanke- -saler, MUlmsNeufse Quinlan. gan. oeccrred tire rarriage o01Mise w' ~' estSairda evuiu Mis Jhasn mands Banson and Ban Townsend.( d, J"t atuda'yeveiùgmiesJohsonThe bride id îhedsughterof 1fr. anddlire. col isud ber pupils gave a basket social sud Peter ganeon, oi Voloansd the groomn's a entertaiunsseathe Warentau echoal. tset reside near Round Lakte. Miss Tire proceede mere $29.35 wbich miii be Itui Hrvey nIof rayslake, scted au Gi kuned for the .llbras!y. . brides» niaid aud Delimer Townseut. s o ai .Mr@. Johnu 'iebockid l visitiug mitir cousin üf the groom wag het man. The J relatives boe. young couple have ua:rnèy lrlend:ilu ibis Ps c 6~9S-sve Sto Tui. spaitively I>se greateal Cloak toffor tiraIirai ever beon made. 'liese Cloaks are thre kid that are soid at anymirere tram 817 ta 026, sud tirir value le so apparent tiraI evîa tire mont siteplical muet ireooueinced Tg m»0 tbomsilte rejj»z.their value. Look aItishent in oui windows. W. Soniht Theiu CI.aJks at 30e ou the Dollar Aud me are giviug aut, autarers tire full beneil of thie toila- nate parchase. Thre umetulrer i. tire one wmiaora the lau ma" Fou am rcP the bfflei. Oiug te, thée fiel.tiras m are large purcraseresud disont ailbis, me more the £aored ases wheu trie superir surplus stock wm a sioilos. So ab44tebqd M.. W. ?rchauet »0 leStgolU1.r* loegsy Cbks TII.V an Worth&$7 to,3. 1MiUfte g Tireme Coite are exict dixpllcalu of tiose b..utitli garmerria e otfer il last Saturda>'aI es. 8(1 Taé entirt, lot pf 79 ment like hot - cke, sud leapth iar ie>' mol ml ud uswto mwie Mr. on a CI.diu'6.98 of lues reinaricable valint, salisfiod mitis once mare pnovitîrc eanlcla- civet>' that thie store !eade in bath low pice sud the bighst grade goade. These Cloaki are ual ouly a splendid invesîte t for Ibis Winu- ter'@ mear, lît lie>' represeut s remariribie ssviug for next FaIL. Tire> are standard lu ever>' respect, and ylibc ais tvlish neit l'al as e o anre igirsuom. Tbfiuk of it; imo month's mear Ibis Winter, and then a liandsoone Closk for udxt Faîl aI oui>'$6 .98! Once more me erephatrcalîy atite that a like off or canuot be matIe agaîn. Next FaIt tire carne garuntm iii cont aetsu>'store $i17 ta, 026. LiaI week's experionce lesds ne la urge tlira) ou corne cari>' toa void dàs- appointment. We aima ofer a etare sme so. equal values in CastoeS. ldi b wus sdm t Al our Chikirca'a Wiiter Coais t ilaue tran 50a ou the dollar. The aise assornt ié ca omplote. 04dms nd S, e AU WWr oOdS MLileX LOw ?M"S 04ms durleg thele marrial li9. r lii ruoUe on thé farm now Vle by1Mr. sud 1Mrm.Riehard Te 6ngsf dollghtm are nom, returnlng C and alusit and lu tihe distance the specter et bouse eleaniug appears. arge Wirts wbo le @offlag wltb a er abisos le Doltnmuch botter. We Emma Fieber visited with fieude gin faut week. * Christeuson ml inauveta Liberty- thîs week. heW. C. T. U. wll meet witb Miss ryPayns Frlday of tis eek *t 2-80. I.Burch @pont luet Saturday aud lay et Valperlso, lad. ïean inforrned tuat M ru. Ada Smnitht famill wlll maTe te a auseile lu near future. Ber son Ray bas red a fine position lu tbe uew milit liug isctory ut iRound Laske. set week tbe dîrectors placet] a uew 1 lu thertehool boues belry, ta ,le the oune ccidently broken lait 'luces of Ivanhoe rosi estate seens te gosrlug. If Yon wlsh ta purchae or do It soon beltre liey get beyond Vm.Decker aud a friend, Mfr. Nemeons, .Libertyville, mere Ivanhoe vn.itors Suuijday. rrt Johnson le viwitiug with relatives isconsin. arry Fosket, af Evanston, §pent nurdsy sud Suudsy iu ti, place. un Vickermsu miro bas reeently urued front au exteuded visît lu igland mes an Ivanflos caller ueday §d week. Johnu«ss'Euglaud lu a odplace ta live but Arneriles amuch ter one. Tex Collector'e Notice will h. at F. H. Boyer'ss tore tt anhoýeveriisturdây *cotil Msrrh 10. iTaxes sre due beore that date.. L. KEILFi, collectur Freinnt Tgownshli, 21-2 1LAKEZMRC Uc. .m.Bcîas io ir dllit rllseesHannasi sud Bom . Sc iitl,,t iir puarente lier. river liupdey. Mr.. 0. Frankt and Mme A. Fruelici ws Ciicaga visilor. TueudeY. tug. Froeicli ehlîpeéd a carlosd rf oge ta Chicago Maondai. Wm. Rader ba rented tie Fieke batel nd miiloccupY il 1f arcli1. C.ari Ernest epent suuduy aI lanringlan. mille Foi sud iss Margarettlark cre Chicago visitais Weduosdey. ilet your money ready nom ai lie toi imotor milI ho avouad &Dy lune nom. Arnong tl b Ccgo iao- Monday vere Aug Fraelieh, Frankt Rouev. La)u &ary,VTe Shenning aud Henry «liitunas. A number from bere attsuded" the arty aI B. Kroppe Silurday @v-lag. Cloal(s $6.98 A T uR D Aa Whtmioi o l>m ry . n ie rm - ; te st f IO a0 le oould saure a furtirer raeucion. On> t poeuh offer obainad W. adhere muect rigidi>' b aur prinoipie of Dotaryug~d M O tire lot t a lomer prIoe, sud mi. mc couli don icsud triple aur over from n xtu e 1nother. A&t tiis ceieou me sacriiceallw in. i moue> ou tire parohase, me are gi'r4ngOur outorerte full benefit ter roode rcgardim taSetfco We Are, Pl anning N w For Our.Grand Spirlng, Openig - __________________________________subi__ W. Stitk O#wrTh %1 9J' UNDERTAKZR and EMBALMER Hall Day, Illinole Telephone Central DR. EDWARD V. SNMH IfficS and Residence opposite Aînsley'a store Rodceeler, Illinois Phone Libertyvllr 044 DitLR. I. .JOLLEY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Eyes t.eted Glisses properly fitted 'armera telephone lin.. Guru.., 111. Bar thelsatSndyS a. 1 . 1 r- iÙno il Bolet vliled elt rer. lena, iooPrlrrrr«dsy ailestveeir. Mr#. A. C. Rlichardesuaddlaugliter Myrte viited wlh l irer. S. L.. TIp i'riday. 1-. -.Magon cirent sudiriwitlîie, hirs. M. W. Kuedier arnd uotîrer. Mra. George GuIdler #pont Friday i ih 1Mr. and Mmn. Phil lIociterbaci sud 1Mr. and MnM. George Stanger, of WheeIiug. Titi sud Har>' Mitchell callel on relatives at l>iamand Laite. Clen Sitrali muid île teaus i ire ts to 1fr. Dickout this week. J. A Magoan wa a Wlweeinrg <aller Saturdai. 1fr. and tIre . . G.Mitchîell îipited. miti the latter*%s itrr ut iaiaond Lakte sud Rockefellerî. Mfr. snd TMrp. JairrTrril., ai Ecerett. called au Mre. . F:IL 1lr.,,îrt ad inatier StrmlrrvA. Mms. ierani .l,re,'î.t %irited in Chicago ifor two ,ditys iuî a t. Clin. Sî,agrre nlia <cam v4ýry mikfor- tau ai-ekc <ihgl ic. teinenîrreli recavered.îr. 'racy atteuiàld buni. M . W it delt t %h o s e e i i t h et aluitFr alth im ii, .î<gl1t-r. Mcc. Chans. Overly @peut t Sud.%ut Hetîîtruud, Imd. Mrm. Ucur>' Sclrrdtr urrd mou Marr'bell, citiied ou bier iutber, VO... Mine Lanid Spsrague *peuît lait wek Tueeay miti tVrm. Jas Richards. Wiioieliw H. Stelliugg am ,,<j. Fry thse hired rushateo in.aStellingliîad tie wixiartarîe ta bave hie, linger. hlu> eut vrlth the eu. Mfr. audlMr@. John ('aralan. ai i) e e lid, ac re irairie Vie w aie Tueuday. 1fr. and Mie. Jack l'ester aud tciihr'ni vialted aiti reaties at Libertytille over$Snuday. Chas Stari 1.11 Sudsy forlrayslake r.-tar.rng Mouds>' milib.heioumciaid of 'ta!Mr. luchi(asr mia bai rpnted t1w. Village, Inn but do.m not expet tu runa s Imts!luinconuetiatsait it. Now tis village js erein ned oi a gobd bte] taeacomurodats bath Irunsieut ad otier boardere. M. W. Koedler made a businesstrip tu, Norrth Nortbllcld Thureda>'. liev. F. $ca.gmiller alter u asence af aven aa wekauoaajut uf mckîtee lias reumd hi. mark St tiChUicago Univerit. et ina evig Put grdIul ni," er r iw Sclnte. <if Chitago, amsisted I.>' iiv.inente of Nrrttlidand 11ev. Ei.ert. ai Highilad 'rk. il l-iu a tea ael ,'vival jîrearhîr«c c ,ery er.'uittg at 7:30 i. ru, iuu.htîy niîarultc: tIrs fRM. %lîru imielti svit< lier ruîter, %Irm. ilît.-..HiglnrdPark Sunde>' no ra nk triln vlisi1<I ivill tire bectinîger famils Sttindiîy. Mie. J. 4,. Erigel leit Tue«tlay for Kansas ta vimil bru Pare.nte, eile a iilie amay for a rîr.îrtli. TireC. E. soviety lieid ticir mouhly uinue. rteeing Tlîarsday evnitit ut .tie Itorletbaci ihomîe. Alter tic bnci. ri r oitasî 1î titre ivas held. Ligit r fr e tr ile t m s ac rei e . rA suri..iaty'as. gieti ut tic Eder ironie lest Tac<lay ev-nin. A1 flue tiare i.i repi ted lu i al. Mrr ad Mn,. Vaier Trianend aud daugîrter loue, f Iaueganu, spent several das aiti lire Hatcifea'uil>'. Barri, ta1Mr. and lire. Hernas brdaig a traby girl. Tire l)urcas Society nd aiti M". S. P. Hutrîrison Tuceda>'. Chiester Reia i vsited lu Detilld Sanda>'. b Mue. Smnithr, of LaGrange. Indiana, le vipi lug alts ber deulgiiter, Mire. E. R. Ernusierger. M@. Ed Tierrion epeut Moday lu ghernierviie. A numrniefaiOur littie folle are fsîli sulferlag fronu l irmumpe.> 11ev. George Decitinger le quît. lii ait preneut mritiag. situner Pei, of ebraeka, la Vlti A ij, moil-party mai held st P. P Wîilklualaut TuDe@dai svenlug sud gsite a number alttnded sud a gaod me mas beld by a]l. ~lIjirb Richardson trasected business la Cieago recentiy. aise Sarsir Foi le reported an tire Mise Jasioe Plary le nom smpioyed U Anffa iros. Misr. MairIe Seuwell's daifgbter le re- ported tqulte u" t iti pueuruonla. Adaru TItan le issu lu out tomu again. Cira.' Boolicit spent atuday aud.' Sumday miti inieudi u is vlnty. di Bromu transaced uirueiss lu Grsymabe Tuesday. . are Taraul pet Sunday at te -tÔelat Roues. aine lIsdi Wallon s1peut SundAy mitir parents ln Vola. ' . P. Wlltneon sud folles entertalnej Mies Mnde Lookt ironWaukegait 44 » 1 Cblemo after bis OP»rauOu- 496664* 1 PRAnm VIEW

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