LA"E COUNTY INDEPZNDEN'r, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 1907 SKATES9 That's Ail We have the kind you waM t a any prce you vAnt to Eveorything in the Hardware lino Plumbing dons al ail times, Hardware Stm WM. r. FRHIBfIN. Propiietor.. . .... . W Bargai ns Bargai BargainsSti 'I'lankiin, the People for their generotit'Pa t.qd daring the @ile of the patit weekv greatly reduced our stock, we wiIl contifllM sale tht' week ini certain lines ini whh wi overstocked. Call and examine the goods. Thaiiking yon for putt favors. mIley & Carfield Dept. SI *KEEP WARM * By buqioog one or two of those * WARM- COMIORTS ai *Strangs Furniture Stoi Ora yslake - *Illinois '944é4444 4 4&* :o: sautsMr. Dollar, tif :Iowa, ié 111 t s: GRAYSLAKE .. DIEPARTM ENT Mr. and !ilreHenry Siiepard spent The Smuart ý*tw t ieetathie burineO .Nloi oa evut~ ________F. J.DRUCE, Editor -Pitons Central several days iniicljago the pat week. Of Wil 5 etI-, atqlrdiYeei iug Misse I riera Aies andMire..M ThnaThe litte son of Mr. and Mrs..Chaisaeb eW23. Ma' v e wriait.b.-better thiinlitt ,were sisitinit in Roreeewmaie ThnsSeen a.nd Hoard Pertainlng to Grayslake and lis they have iteeo ail iietil.eari attend. >We'lnesrlay. __________________~e MO.W etai l rcoerîitei aM Wun t ci.bstinn~.j i was a Waukega b uuas ft11-11111111Viinity WI -all reveigfrmaRussell for snitiith Mrs. Lcwin sle îrW-lrcdy GVaTas 1A ONA vtssvers attait of the gril) anid iseiow able staying wîth Lina Williauîoun. Bruce rSteliens. of Waukegan, n toMaou.T.Edwarîls and sîster w Lîî-eluis hrtbdîay with the bhuie Iz lier. J. S. Zeran and E. M. Meteolf Mra Ire. flans etrtalned lier four. Mr. DeiranaMd f ofyetBaitiesville, aicre in Libertyville Thursday in attend eeanvstrsli r-.s. lhui-id a tavelbrnt0u te dauglitera front Lihertyville Sunday. -i r',oreadfml eIoved ltotherooins iii Claunî-y Moore' na n nthe S. S. îounty olllcerv& cn r'5Mnoaad ail slea"retlait Thursday tehveng ine houte. Monday. nec-tion. bpen viitiug with the Oliv!ve ad rtrigMna ven rti e thed bi ilay and ay S cytok F ainailton, of lliîcage, -iliet Sun- The î.oiîitteç t forr isrn.~etn o IFuka ai s Dleu andays stay in Cicago. I the ohig cty li , friday. oit i e dy aos aieaguei-t idf Ed Kapple aîlt ti, nn' ý Puwr~?i has, very ou*-; MIu kne aertune il o a B luf l sCreBtr1RMnayfr4 Urs Jhnf4viîe e Koas v#ies lerfamiklv. esefui ever $160000 Î, i;;g ledged_ Fitulkuer. of Warren, spent Sunday with lire. W. R. Stewart gave a dianer' nu rFidrrî Stra.On Eriutay evenitîg, Feal..7),the fB. 1 ' i. I aving $-40.00 @sou lto-raise. Thejy an- . .Faulkner paty- edn -il etthe pesa vt:' tirs. Ed Lusk rtr dfroin Zion CitY club, eotaed abci -ut fflgueete bing, ticipate no toublein getting this. aMCrb ~~ï * aîîiûîgthîe ad deésWrMr. ad M m st Loaetnr9dleo tegik is. Ben-S e iti andere. died. ., Monday, alter a week s v~igt wth relaprset e Id. W. A. hall tu enioy tie' ýThe cingregatiee at the Christian Trurîîan Ailie@, of Montana.,lbas beeat Stewart, etf(3uruee aIse Mr. ami Mra. tives is-v. caio. Progressive gainas were1 churcL Sundcyiorning was crne et the vigititig with relatives liete. Jfohn Hughes ot Libertyville. tyd and primsawardKd. Miis Robert arg.t.,il, nmbr of years. The- es-' Lare Monday. îLre honoa. es orerîce Smipth ai vcsirrgrnone 1e xeleta Elip Brewer and friand, MisgJs .oni Mr. and Mrs. îafiord and M lsFoute hrMss ayTwe. voiLkvstdflve~JeogbugcpU ices and Mrs. C. H. Tmuylor.collent02 Mis laneAns. ietedMis tabe h. cona lmo LFloreSmth seind peially the music which at ail sevie@e*oesat houle over Sundcy also (Chai. enjoyed a sleigh ride and diner vIt' WiksSaîîdc ed unday ai he .coonoatli rof ae. Foret e a veilrv 01 îav e heinteresi Lai mater- Braver, of Milwaukee. r.CH.Tyo.fH-oy prettyluecheoandas sdrved t eayguasîs dupifîlw ie 4ýthe location et a ois iss Ethel Amas, of Wadeorth Modcy ins J., C. Riley Lahm eigeilLispoitin lutderts irtîli lied t'leviuetm ideet iniiter. There will Le amission- vsitel over Sundcy ritt Kate Oelllng. Mrs4. Wil White and Mr». Jooopbis astl-poeo etr nd h;L iisoher. l und e araw - id )piu-arY rally ut the Il o'-lock service Sun- Methews. and Mr. and VrsSaftord e.IW l)'n eley Lai acceterd i postn. Iliiddenasilslatday. Ne uisionarycollectioe Lut avery T. .Edwards entertaine'd Ch"nc on Mm.Hall saiet Hickory an old lady, Don.Hile hanaccptedthe ositon.ititerestînurngram ot misioncry tailisEdirards and tamily almouMr. Pedrick lu ber POiL year. in Carfielu entertain Risso-r lalth Board Meeta. îtrpel î îsc a ee r. artuîily lait Sunday. frtmdCiagoOvthea e isrd et lealth e lîd .Thîe s-enieg sublject will La the M 1 edl m ueUrrd alr W. F. Wenthworth iras a Chfeup Threin Chicagol-aLeof htalvemet tard ted. hef ak n ii pnaiad a errd ayo uinesscaller Moeday. The Ita eris oftalk on"Notable iru-re ,î homne over ffuaday vturning tu Richiard Townsend, of Round LOt" lFeb. 15 tu stablslil t-s govereiug thre Claracters in the Olul Testament' thelia -y Siluiday accitipanied hy Iiss Mise Lucy Trotter, of Evanston, la transaetettLuainess bLeaMoeday. quaraniie of cofltuuriîis uiseaies such lÂnottrer Corepoaent.l I1Ivie Tayl[or. again le oui midet. Mise MaLle Wka accopanieul by las scarlet lever, smilil 3ox and diptlieria. lrs. H.i.B. Ylong cdcilrG fon (ertrude Northrop wias at Louis A. W. afford la-It vieil hie Miss Irane Amas visitait Lonhe Wcko at 1Accorditng tu the mtfbt- board of hecalth RusselIl visited wiL Mris. Young'@ parants Sunduîy. datqgLter, Mmi. Wheaton lenlVbsatîon Ite thL es aida Lospitai Monday. hmar oeotliros dptdaprtftewekalwdy. atro- Msse MayMcCasky an CarilDr. anidlira. Jameffon ment to Liber- itrn- 54k hits ntiaer, Mrs. Waite ScarlAt fever cait- (lt»i- quarntined tissMy Mlcky n an IMR y ville Sueday tu meethe doctor's parsts w eh mvdItteCntnW hu isix veeke. tLe patitrît je net alloweul to î o erlost tte lly ei ie father le very sick andt Mrau'J&nisor tte on the Wsterlleld place Mondîiy. te go te sehool or mingl,- wiîlî otirer people 1 na.clttiletra tepeet lenileon Huntingion andl R. D). Cook etayed to bellp taire cars o! hlm. Te iethe wthpidof Mndy until permuit te l,, -ly thîe attend., ie etcie ladte oreport that Park (i rania--i4.l lisînait tIhe county meat Vr .E eea aeadne ~ re ie hieg in auch a condition tlîat iheyîg4Lîtii uw f, vriting. lîda party lait Wedneeday. Plaec wm vear erse nalil-te put ituop. ga. ri. CttF - .Mv. Shidrick, ofthîe Kee & Chadeil Col,. laid for twelve. - ~ ~ Le ee idM.TL-ývillfge matil. Fan rthie us t e Hughes --qu1te 5ii witili uaut îune day thIs reek. Mm.. Van Alatiée's eice, lMra. <sda MmLo kadMvi Cllre;(êto t laince eali ti r cuitand Ge. i*rcno preurtnura. Dooilittle sipent Monday ili Chiagoi. irhe ii a licensad iî,cigater teo ct as Ry Dizon visiteul isunclewtîise-vv V .leresen îera iWn e alrLk eetaltl-eIy tumigatOr. leu.u..i cegor1,4sic tWnhoiHrrSiuiay -kaguuuu luîing tfîr a positionrîin tLe înreumonia, tingéraiait Hickory lTli. Winî. Sagae s-rri Senday %nitlî friands diseamin au chonîîil,-.h- patiernt ndsah, Mvs. H. Hillîand daurliters e u 'ireWutgaitAN'ire' Wove. Mms. Dr, Jameson gave a dinner ?1éi in Chicago. the famil « vyl lue ,juwiîitiried untilémurh staviesi for thaîr nec hot, -lieur Mr. Leiedte. oetValparaise, lrîî., us day lait,. Among tLe eut 0o! taè* Cha. urkur hiletrurmugalpl-'til encetheir Phalusd-nîIirs it nlvisi*. Brd . iiting hie daughter. Mie. tF. C. visiter. vera Mr. aed Mvi.,Wilby , Che a ram. ulay ahlpttrioo iigs-d uîud able te go ont- Thueslame w illwiHrar,11.Sehuiiiaiher at 1remeut. Rsel tr.lfaI Liting dy itrtistio ua pdlytanlestricltv etoveau fiil,.- triirIgiîed of Dr. .lolley andl It.W. Cliii eden iens- ore l etnie ung enlsons.00Ha is u-es-u ierig.the pîuiel. Offlceu-r.-u ttirdit f 1eth, un Chicago on bîrsineRsaFi iday. R. Bl. INapîleîiu 'havoneau sclint a tam MisRuhy Gilliegs ltt FFnday tfur tore beciijare:ns Dv. H 'E.peShalh,- li 1 .Palmern. iixou vs a asu a Ciiagi viiter ils ilays at lis fonrmer honte lui Kankaeeafav ds visit wlth relatives aed triombda Mr. anrd ra. Johin Hullavil visiteul et' Dr. W N Clark, W uuu 1lc-ter aid T. A..'ma.cuît i-îîs rst tWefn Harvauv.i froni Saturrduy until Tuesday. Ryeolds. ,Miss Maille Lake- eitevtains-d ac teir Mike Olieiauf lia@ udiposeul oit is at Maseser Will and E. Cannon cow uno Igirl fiends at lier Lorne Satuvdcy , teain. inis Ieimeta hs the buryev. Elmsr Caenoe-Suedcv. Eimer lb»Meý 3trs. Geo. MiacNariana, eofItussell. i s - ,venn.~ening 1 is chie te Le up eit preeel vriting. - I home j Harry Burine itannn nerecting a Firek, tW the guest o! ier pavants Wultpr (,udfrey WADSWORTH. The Pleacurs CIlubmet aet theaouet vf emoidern aira on is tariethus Mre aircbaekso with qp.bà - andl utriail. IVr 't.Ansîîîîlr.Wî cIîMv. and Mmr. Applayard Fiday eveeuiug. laerig hé ced héa Wek obb Earcast Moore lia@ aneounced i lu-!i.j ers eanIlon env strni tsSuuday. Mies@Ps-ar il lilenheck, -of Wcukegen. Aug. Voelliîîg Jr., whvloias heen spenul- ahwanbrsit druWe. a tpution te mun fuir sepervisov this spriiig. and Miss M-Credy, et Millhurn,vi»ited aiingthe, imnten ut Momenca Lai ratuvneu Vicier Gilliulge, of Rosecrane, vi; Mr. More liq iral tholîglit et through- eonSel u ashl ule i Stewarts duriug Ls- waek. cndisenoei ploed by H. L. Fisher. yuLh relatives Sunday. out Lkeceunty iii c mariet god i-han- fine ecitle le Trueslilli tat weak. -4 Misneailty Tht- Suri-ces Club gaveac Valetine Mr. ced VIls. E. J. Jouas entertainadit irt Nelson returei from Urbémé,ble ai er ndMisety.Doly- Pt-niWr , airle veryrier social et tuie hli1Thursdcy eveeieg. A ac uuribev et tieuds andl nighborls lait ing @peut severel. weeks li the agrhul. M. Gi-o. Itiedriets visitaul et Liber- beul tLe victim ouitlîîrail i cl accident goul tume iiiiiibol. Tueiiday êesung ced Mr. aed Mis. R. levaI college. Mr. M tsville We giesdaly S ioiloto Luip' ai gl- afs-w uys lu The pepils uot the primcry rooni eit I). Cook Thiuvdcy. WIli Rielly spent Senday yuL kW, the Miruti Forvor favuîî the tiret u tChicagot recently wiii, îld acquaietanca. chool gave tlisir teecher. Miss Hawkins A. (6. Selîmareîan epent a feir ulys lai nîiother, lira. Rose* Rielly ln Wéheï" anuldaulitr Sma ! or yiuîiucteole njoed a irthday surprise Thursday aftereeeî. mse e nMenti-noe urhasing c coupla Roms Stwart, et Chcago,penut Mari ced Brt Johnson adduhe oj fOr ,glwpeejydaThey Lad a niles prograinîandtaaValeuie -of carloada o! Blig Four osait ecta whichyLLi ahrA .Seat will more ii tLe houne veceteul Iy trip te Waukegan ite et- ie vrlina 1hox. Le nov oSaisfor maee etc reasonahl thiîî fanîily. in preterence tu a nîg C. E. topi.- for FeL. 24,Il 'ril ice. Olea e,"vilI ceeltain cala villehMmr. H. D. ~Towerc»d lira. GànrtV re E. j. Higl m gtrnd fin.Taaimilesions tLe Kingdom in the Ilande4," hem heeet grown on huack groued ced vere Grayalakre visiturs Saturday. -~Saiurday luch uleasad iti-ithîe oui- The tNDEPENDEN»i ami the Chl-I- f. 42: 10-13, 16, 17. the other contaies ot grown on dlay C. E. teple, ForeM lgu tomIéI lok thars. cage Citroncle or inter Océan. daily, _________grouad. Kingdom'i le Ls Ilandi, las e2: 1X A. W. Bradwat'. ore of the ldasi for one yrar13.50. Thte INDEPEND-m i ELWLAE Aug. voelliifg Sr. vho Las heen etak. 16,16. JeesDenfîc,kbede b 4ô 4ô $ ettiers ii hlus vlinily, suffpe a clight ENT and the Weekly inter Oceau h ELW AE epastei oninceeeddvsi iLrltese -troke ô! paralysie Tuedey. 118.the FRONT PAGE ef this paper. Gevamy, lesg&WU on Mis vay home.NR O T The vonaset cLld ai OmaBIDet dwmm top oe* a WU Spongli and Atteaded te la a icieatl*ic CLOTH BUTTONS umaie te 16tegamy mteili. ,Oui ILadies rbbed Vets Hleavy fleeced ribbeulTvstsu, '60 valuets, 27c o~s. u*~àA00. Broadcloth in black and colors. Our 85c value, 69c ______________ "g ABOUT MAIL ORDEIS Linon Crash Pure limen crash, 18 inches wide, 150 vaine, lOc1 Maif orders are filfed ai afH limes wi*h te cave of personal select- lion. We viii et afî limes glad- Iy subetit @ampfes and ref ced màoney viten articles parchased are u n sa t»oa c to ry ..1 [I WHAT DOES IT NEANI t means that at tl __ _ _ _ __ _ _pT BASTING THREAD ....e PEARL BUTTONS, plain and fancy. a dez - SAFETY PINS, ....3C a card .... fine cnd bcavy ribited21 LADIES' HOikE, cash- li1C mers, a pair....... CHILDRENS GOLF plain ced faecy-....17 KID MITTENS, fh ladies and chitidrn'tU7) einbroldirsitcorneras 2c Nen's Furnisbinr Jersey mitens cnd glovesu blackly. . .........17 c .wooI Flanuel Shirt WOOI. FLANNEL SHIRTS- le grey. blue anrd red $1.85 value . . .......$1.35 1'Iled WooI Sweaters MIXED WOOL. SWEATERS- grey. vite, black ced bine, 73, $125 valIýes . . .... .... MIea's Woel Soz MEN'$ WOOi. SOX- al colors ced sies, 25e values . . ........ 7 Mews ine MuSers MEN'S FINE MUFFLUAS.- lce d vwhite Patterns, 8 regular 76Cves ... 8 quart FI.UPED UNOIOWttAt- am-e hm" w éilt. tlin *rrivd . of new Sprng ehade ces face lo face with tho wbid lUp of the wIite's season ed s~~[ h former at <bs ,re must supersde the lter, rader diajmesthre <hre- mainsg sock. Al dea f !. bçeà cait ade, wtg jeu a7« umePP ý te Pur- cliss good. dean mew merchandise MIg»hw Of price "e4cttns. Your Lest Chance to choos VOUR LAST CHANCE TO CHOOSE-Aer mans wmter overcoat lun the bouse, none reserved, $10.00. Titese overcoatB conl black and Oxford Kersays. Mlons, Venetian and Serge lnlg. yuL îcflrî sîseves and silk velvet collars ln ail styles anditlangt.. rien' s SAs$10 MNS S T 15.012.50 IN MEAVY WEIGHT"-10».-These suis are made et pure vool black ced bLIe serges and grey aed fancy Worsteds, handkoeonaî talloeaitniaises rccghnggfroin 84 te 44. Eoys- - and Childrens'Overcoats' 130YS AND C1I1.REN'S OVEkCOATrS-Boya rasfer andi long ovencoti. Ma eAsslants, ages 3 te 16, $ 9 ail abtes and colora---------.......... - DoysTw,.Plce Sk U - tâ 2-I rECU SUIT*,alenlv- l a la A j season of the year when the TENNIS FLANNEL, ie plain aed faecv clore ....... * STOCK COLLARS,....8 ace d lace - UNBLEACEIED .6cIN 8c qualiy ........6 LACE ANI) IN,-ERTION Tcrehoun 3 lu.uie.. LADIE ; RIIiBED VESTS, .. 8 fli-s-ed- 25c valuas -.- i TAVtFIuTA Rf BUON, 1 ý4nlit ut, aIl cloA BOE AIPNS ....6C adozen ... PEARL BUTTONS, &II aliaadozon-c...7 Spuini Wash Goods, N.ttaghammet NOTTINGHAM NET- regular laue curtain patterns, 48 luetes vide .............. 1 9 Shm Ite Lawn $EER WHITE LAWN- very sheer witRe lêwlI, 40 lu. vide, 25e value ... Silu IIh. U t BI1.1< INISMED BATISTE- plain colora and auoral designo, our regular 26e value, at... ....................18 -Confetti Md Ihauleti COMFORTS AND ULAPÎWETS$. a big lice ef médium antditeavy veigiti comferis. prc EQ ut te thte qulck. led Sprifls *ED SPREAS-PFINE MAROEIL- LES SPREAOS, SLIGHTLY SOIL19D, MANV IN SUON A WAV THAT YOU WOULD MARDLY NOTIÇ14 AT ABOUT 11ALFp PRIÇu. Sunday -at lte Loine O! j Deltîeeyer. Of John Steb.. I. B. Lui va. a Wa*egan recently. J. iuichier entertaine tcouI Sunday. Mie. Bd Faulkner insoine baler T. Arthtur Simpeon, COn. Sept.08d viglted the achoole ln ti t lôWesb OnM atofflr <JcriaaueI Mise Nellis Doylse ltsavetaàI vWitit biv cousins, iliesemIsb*&# MIaggle Grahtamn luit vil. Quite a od ontyai tibS0 %0 Quveqe on t he L w atM> a bock on te maSttrin. . 1 lMzatisbelby le eelsetslàl cunMiseGer*a MliaMae OmM eJdoge la tithé gbo Wadsvorti are turneud lomeal uhlh for lte$Minlvse.gorn- eo Mnrabsp are 1Usd eMeLy . Tboseion ltheunI lt aie. MMa LUX, Mms.Martin Lui ud .Mst ailiore. - lre. Bd Doyle ndcildme eUv et te home of ber faterea a Mms.L StBlancd agtvl sons to Waukegat vW kvieg ceolterato na Mr. and Mrs. George Barilat *0 eveulng et RUBuaiir McntJY- RUSSUL Tite valentini socitblie.q scsses. Everone Lad caére Nir. Jackson of the Univeesi Obcgo as entrteinid &A .M or unday. fBewvllpieah010 Tb@ elel People are rOpottaitS40 on te gaie- Tihe 81v..' emilYare tehbavé'a reunion on tLi old tari e bioS.Il: O bande.- Thé many triends o! lira. e;,~ vers vevy mait piesedth 8111 citei Sundey mnieni, eh$ bq%1 confinei t te ebouse for lvo am J. J. Page, o! War*egati. 'UUI~ bis farte Modey. The Mises Nevyeor, 01Pb P aird vs IL.gel indeson arO b . veet... MieS arait Depve la lepa is. W. B. LeaMe.- Tu lt. tu Pffl el ASI 1 A large assortment of plaid silk belts, âH colore, 9C 1