CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Feb 1907, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPiENIRNT, Fit.DlAY, FEBRUARy 22,,1907 Ir Vou want the best gou want the best. If gou 4M bauy the best muid pay [or the best geage -*d '1u.Pdtigbut-pure lb.d.-i Our store. We- *ý arrq no doubtful brands. The best is pure end *the pure lu best end costs but verg itde more tii.. *Imitation oods. We protect the bealth of Our cus- touers by excluding cheap adulterated foods [rom *Our shelves. J. E. TRIGOS, *LIB!RTY VILLE ILLI401S Ils TI ME To Begin to Think About We can give you pointers-ask us about remý nants. We have @ome left over ends-enough for a large room, wbieh will be disposed of for a soflg. The line wtt carry will give you complete satio- -faction. Wtt have papers and borders at al prices, f romn.5 cents the. roll to as higli as you, want to go. We uIways seil lots of Wall Paper wII-Y? SMITHI &'DAVIS TEA AND CÔPFEE LEADERS 6 Local Stems of lnterest to Uibertuovile Readers li * ~Pocked Un Ilere end Theet UmissCarik-Appley bas bei-n laid ul? Mi-.. ealbafert ibyco iittiedtî with the grîi. (~usa>atrlo Q et q dwune- Friday night i tt'ijs ii-k J. B. Morne à fa., .ib.riyvllp*t new at tiie town hall. lothiee, have openeil fier-lbuisness.fil Mrg. W. J. Fuller eje-ut Suîday iNlfe H y[ok ber daughtër. Mri. Louis I'rotine ut' Melvin Dolg in naw hiîî-or( n a Racine. 1 paisenger ou the maun i it fe llte C. 11 Liard Mai-titireamd Martin Amaî(î(. telà. St. P. railway. Prairi- e i ilitsent Saturday vilf( Fred ?lrdbaorot morýt-ie i t o,,!(r tlIà, Arthur Meyero. ai-ch f1a1:, the KelgeY larm to tiie- The lemnn(-roip le reporter! ta havi truînmitt farta north ((f tîîwiî whilietl . failed yet liq) doubt tlicre wîll hi- .enuighî purchased laat flu. tii baud(]arannid. S. tS. Whiepe.r undt éon-, RoyeXJet t(î1 NOTICE. hiave tenon for Canada arbore the.-vIvili l, ti esnwasat h tii sîeîl ii- cinier lrowu dog Brownle, (oni .11(1124,1"aî1 -CariLEjcksan nîay have a piet bull fi(,g will kindly returu hbintet,(Wau. Reler, but Fr..d Craker len't for hehind for li- 'ark are, Libertyville. 1IIl,,1 wiIl get bas a googe in is oop. - the reward and nu qu..sitieîtiiashd. E. J. Madail a. maveit lek ta.,. Litiertvv-Ille front Rt-kefeller wlîeeblt- bas ben living ilice faut Rummner. normes et Auction. M.L C. Martin ha. conîplted bis wark' iaturday. March 2.I191)7, îtneîiî iC iîaganie(.ltagai!> ready ta tati- ut 12 atlok noon. Ni.- iill>pi2 ui, bis trade ai painting udi palsmr [formes weighiug 110() tii 15001 II)m at liaugilig. umy farîi, fortnerly tireI id l.y ii-h tarin A locai yauth ha. disaov.-r.-d tht- elne and a bail mles utrt i ,1 t Wutî.onda, pluraai 1graile fruit., He sy- If yole ,,, at ke 00-., hc., lo'Iii""11 1 11.F J. malre thun nue yau double up and thtti Berry. Sale %,ill star! silarl( ut nuoan Iail theîre im. ta it. i 11ild f!inih befare 3 p. fi , nsamte makret itie traine for Clîlago. ThàItarmes are a Mrs. C. C. Bulkle.v btien q(llie il] ifor c(-iOei lot and bigh àlafsi jîuality for *thei puât w'ek. Slw hâteben titreatu-elledgenieral purpocesfor ltint.rouit and ail with punionia amdi-iruçliat(aui- luit uork, -4 tea 6 years il horm bisesf im moinewbat btter. jguaranted aa. represomei -il rî-.-ted witb Thei Sari Frunîjiseanîl have jumt ((r(l.-rcu great i-are for .ouuîieI---,- îtend kinîf ,4(g) neiv pianos, thei-papir. t-ll u disposisiton, itSix- Zlt if .tciiitt5,baye, Alte-r pamming throglîtie eartb (juîui, brawus and blaeke.miîauuil-e single or chine. En-rN horst i ii fi- maId on Mrs. 1-arry lioI-s and ilunglîter, of li@ iprmets ta ligitet lurTIti-publie (lai-ugo. v isitect witli M rt. Bales jel in, itl iI, coinl-e aid exi-i i ie t lie staol iar,.-(t. M r. il M s.Nl.-ycrs, Sl(t-liia s-l(re the en bt lat)m. itili b(~.01(1 les-n liitlCInli i-t t a--ks [lit i-tON l% Y until dat-ofai n. b- sud 1i-1, til1 (itier i r,-.-î1î-rî 9. tlle hanîmer. Six iuuaien ,- iii, o-il l le We uua-n and I tierfor mie( 7,Olgiveji il de-iired aonîîî -i.-cui-l (3tIi v illag.- 'à f ilert> Ville -setr (1(11rave- Wucinda banik at 6 îpert -iirii( (dure [liet bonds. l'vie and t Ici (1(5 auCame ta the Glyuch ftief tli- iteu-l IitIi-atitoit. LAK E E luIl NTY SA'ri(i NAri. letlot (if itar5ei anld liiT i -vîfi-re-i B,%, le.21-2t jeu Lakecaunt.y. AI...%,l m-Ilie- bl~-1 it as ru-igieil lis 1oitiait ihoicei- oar. bet quehî.it iiti,îh- a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~III it(ili îrbrl( - I--iu tl (n ) ul. land China ti (us I re-(landl i- uu nelfII g-itiete, Hiir i t4uii. Ontario, Can teltistere(l. Pedigree - i- e t uiale- 1- lt-t,- .l(e..a --ire-d a ltisitialN vitb î,tlti-a'ilitres, f -t. k~tu tI.Eauiait %Vesitigtumefirin tuf , g1F 1li u .Po clct iiifl Il~ iipriaproiising FI iijEi . .1- ii- .1 iiit'làb ris! iitetn,.of I vatibiiti-, iuave(l9 te) Liet tire iti-t tf ti-,au-i-k und Mlorte Profitable 'unit Safér t --(t ~ ~ ) tioifii-ih 113 the W ire E iii- ('l. Thuîi leepiug 3011r i.i. t lborne, IRi - , s i î-i t ia-lhiîuîist . 'ulitit a v-ar îinttinîus t iîîtuîa soVuN î i.'it Niti t agt le. i u -. là[ ,îîî tliil rgî iinI va bt- . llist îîd u,. iiui i i-h ret-i-itly i 1-il ýiJ -i iré-unt, bis.tral-. tut thé(-rat~te If :1pMr t-i-t'! 1 i iîhiinl ifîcît rcî-eilîîofetu 1.-nr-i Inui it ai-Wasla $l (n)ll OCtiii2elti-d I-,it-sittety,i t i tating, huit a liiuvy uîi, 1iiug aitîîle lent] colrt-ous tr-ta-, *Maselsîiieniigran aalite,]-Libti3s I-e F 1i u S T- \ A T'É 1 0 NAI, B A uN K Leiuire - 112 A. F.& A. M. -igrnui-l uniîiirty hl. i tIi-. îîîside. %a-am -keut-ilîîut iti--tri-ite j L Tu lr. -.1 , itidlevII-t. ineer *ilf thlit lilii- Nouwttil. ilice.. 'ull met _________ the rinîig'! l>îti't fi l iek t îii' - fi tr-liiomîes.î' t du ir ialo * Ii-ltî tv iii iitiuelsi, NNlie alîlusar and id îîîîf iti. i-,, i iuei i-)]nit eir ;t ilàî- l ilin uî Ta ltii-u- oi the i iglit. -i filai i v, a id l li a- s. ii -tfuii of t i and - uwIiti- iteii-village.iisi ;.iiiuacîti -itiïe-sare îlna-tieiug lfiîr te biit- li- ituits a hihl tIti-arc t, gît thrluiigi. CI,ýilu litre fuer tlle lig eshow. l ir- s file i-astI-r! tirain Ns ivii pro- ru-u - ài tl i- ILI. t (nltona f le- iî liai-s ---iîga lattor3 sei îua.wlî.-rcluiniert, t iw-h(N i-i u t i o tiiiiiii ut tie tIti-a i-t tli -tîoiîitlg suiutnmer tiil tenu- Newaustle Il,'. littîir(iay EF,1>2-3. fCnt uit- emptuleii-artictle. Thei-peole -Eyes -m nttii itar0 .t iri-i' ile iii i-w and it uîlie their- - îlîntty ru-nains am et lu confidence it Wdîgsaînry dn ttt ahipears tîtat tîtere is a fair chanu-e o e aisatoeydne h getting tht-m tai-aine bu-e. TPle faetory INDEPENDEN'P office la correct. (ilI enîlîltîv frîuia sev-nty-li vi- tii a huit- îlrcd bauds, itostît men anditfeu- iboys. >Fvral loc-alI îî-î)lave beëirt ugotiating SHORT TALK$ BY for maine littIe limre andiil lt lme iil tient L T O P R i-eutsN Ntl fitla w. L. O P R Thti-gentlemtan iii titi-Prembyteri au t-hurt-h uu-ll serve ta gaod ahI iasifni-it THE S'OMACH. t.yster supît-r. 'Plursday eiveuf iig._____ Feb. 2s. Thîey e'tteud teaail a most bearty invitation ta conme anîd sie tbem My but peopleffi stomeui do oeusesa serve and incidetally ta partuke. lo of trouble. 1 offred tu versiir@sesn Supper servedith te cburcb parlorsià rom douleurs in lt. 5:80ountil 8. Ater the fi-At a very ]uMn. interesting program wîlli hi-given iluh, te * Mi a., o main rentre. A six-plit-e orchestra o aaidk»el local talent wil hold forthr. Vocal salos mdb th and duets are aloslisted. Admission om.At inludiug supper andt rancirt 25 cents.1 oe thfr Don't miss it!chiMyM . W. C. Hait bas tt i ouai-ofi seint the * i ohn fret sprlng robin. Hi- saw it @ittingbu pe th upna tree braucb down lun bis bnck yadearly Tuesday morteiug. He.Ow e wonid't have @S-n t early If IL bad'tflt whibtl-d aud eawakened bilm. He was Q= : Wht haviug a dreami, sometblung abouît 9 W «l spriug elction, wbeu be heard the C. m. POWEL. aiin e fnsi.des ,welcome sounit. The spring melody misi, they hbld te dritteit in thi-ougi thetitinîdow sooth- agrée.whum. Tey hmpip.osom. la iughy andt seemed teta ay 'tget up m md 111isat for YearstW'Ph.d k Ua William." He rosie softly and ci--iptt t hm grave with Bihta iasnt, or bong the window lu bis pajamas and dis- troubl, or kidney consý .a4llmm- covered the 0 rat robinu of the sprlng. mer of disses., s nd thtti* J=w ~ev tendi Aured te..Of souser desse peuple Mr. Happy Mayer bas left tosen. w mistaîkeu, le was nusi«a but dbiu 91aptv iineit an ice gang vtte fakte@stsomacbs. As a motter of tact Whou the aud so hile cheerinl visage muet perforce sîomsch oivea out malle svftyt lmie l fade into itary. Hes was laaded on- thrown out ni order t0n. tu, the evening train a fi-w niglîts age When a poison féels tired sud duil and and Dipln sieing a carloa ofai lilytladI despoudent, laIodaji faesle sd do't 1-1mow workmi-n anuouned bis pi--sntes à hmIl~ a a poor msmory, a bend with a cheeri, l tHowdy gentlemen, tessela the moulb. a cotsd fougue, end thfstle Happy," undt procoeedtet maire othertroubles hens hable te believe s lot birmelf at haine. Hi- drifit inlte towîi of tiigs are te mater wltls ini. Nias Rorne nioutli ago rnîch a. hi- drîlteit chances #o one i's bis atmîach. leva out.Hi lia s bei-n a village characteri- fesn Cooper's New Di*Îsry bring book i-ver mince anit will prtobable îontinue "0 Ibeahîte to ou ny people in jusi ibis whéirever lie goes unitW Ill teep ou shaipe f0 belieeenut inluefmiss. Hers.a driitiiig. leser about il: 'More crossq walks fori Liberty villi- le a 111 uuered for a lond tine sithout cryiîig nietd. Oni Milwaukee avenune kuowing lust what wss themomtter Witte tramn the Lîbrtrilîle lîntel1 corner souti me. I soudain felt lite sstig. 1 toit there lm nat a ingle roitI4 raIt. Fronti ireatlin s wift. -My digetion was ex- 1 thei corner (if Sihool street îîarth tii-ne is extremety pour end whefn 1 did maiet floîît a tras. walk wltl tie ingle invaiably suffered ai lerw«rd. 1 was un lxejtioiîofaiFir ereet. Thei- luiineiî-ss sipated eud frequca tly sulevsed roffleumive sit-etion af the village hli abiotut hi'lf racking, violent beadacho. Wheu 1 heurd enough waît.. Merchants on t i îa. t ofwbaît teCooper rsi.sieewere doing i-ieof Mlwaukee avenue wi thte for othens 1 resolvei tet try them." THE INTERLOCUTOR I ln training for the minstrel show tlbs given ai the Union church early in March. Prom a pholograph taken fnom life aetc necent neheara. PresbylerinServices luferesîiing si-rNi-i-are in pi-i-ation forn niat S1undîî*y u tti-,Pr@s.yti-rian t-htreb. Sîîciiali mil uit huthservices bas bei-n seuureit. Everybady weli-ome. Tie Pestai wîll mpEat at tihi moruing service-an "The Secret oif $trengtbîî and ln thei-evening an Apiurpeinding thei Cb.lstnltttîre-. AUCTION SALE. Te utuitersigneit mli si-il ut îuublie aucetian un titi place kniîuiwit the craiikbit- farm oui- mil.e iastiof (,iliner and oui-unit a luait utilesi-itouthwe-i.vof iliamouit Lake an flonitay Maret 4 ealnmeu-iiîg ut 12:30 o'clat-k sharp tie fillawing dest-ribeîl prapenty ta mit: 16. cawn, 4 hi-avy- -ingers balance niilkeil silie laet all. 1 li-ifer. 181 utaîtths ulîl, tîay tenutai, hay ltiriu-9l .ears aid. -Clýer Whiti- hour. iîiilk c-ans, ulaek t-oit ttree Ni-ar, ahi sireul Cîy LJ-uvey aboiut 2,0(00 bush-ht tof uat. itai-k cuire mtaîts. Tower cîîltivaîur. tlir-e-tli lever drug. coun plant-er. -t doule- ltarnif. Vieuaiternis.. MARTIN (. Lir"ri titPruIt W . H-Ai-PLaiN. Aue. State ofIlhlinis, Canîîy fy ak .ae.-s. Circuit Court af Lake Cougty. Match Termi A. D. 1907. .utahib Kukan, vit. James C. O'Coît tîtît and Hoaete W. Whli. lu Chaucery. 1No. 3272. Satlsfactory affildavit fithatheii de fe-ndanît Harace W. Wlls. canuat hb- tainid. andtitua! nîon dillîgent hnqnlry bis place tif ru ilient-e cannot i- as- ciirtaiiîed eut lItait rocess cannt i- sui'vedit ilîuuthiit ailg bei-n ilul the office tuf tht- Clerk of sahd Court Nailc,- is tIti r. hre herehy gl,-a ta thei sahit Hoai-ce -W. Willa, itefendaut. asi aforisuhu lthai the uhovi- nanieit Cailuahluant lî flld itis fBill nf ('omlpluint lu salit Couîrt, ouit te Chaicery situ the-it-tf, ainitftiat a suit)u mous titercupoît luedont iii salit Court agahuat titi aboya niami-itits-en- itant, retîîrnale ait titi- iret dÉLY ai tite terni i(,flthe Circuilt Couvirt ofLake ( -'otinty. to be helîl ut titi Court Hanît- lit Watîtcga n hsialid Lake Couiîty on titi First Miîitay af Mai-ch, A. D. 11507, as luit y -iw r-qir-d. anit with i-uit LEW'IS (0. ilIO(KWAY. W\aatîegaît. Illtois. .1 autîtvt ltit. X1). 1907. . V. Orvi, dmplaiiuits Sotlicitor. Adjudication. Pubi,- NoItce la e nbu ut-il thttiie ilubustii-irxecutor oi ih, hast wandiiilteat. Suiet-utfaiAnaGrahismtldeuia-îtd wliatend tl(e ConntyCourt of Lak.-,'utit, at a terni t -tret-catu e haltes titlleCourtiHouelit Waukeren. lu salit tIaiisy. oit the dr-v Mon- tI-.y -, fAtrit i-t.eail, ut---n aud vi-r, ai tisisons bavlngeilaInusi agalust salit utaIt- 4re notiii-itasd rAqueseil -d tu reai-ut ttte saine to salid Court tonraîiitiletums. Teos. B. (GÂasi. ,Exe-itsr. Wank-gan. II., Januari la.,i190-?1us- titate ofI llîiois Coi-aty of LaItes in thei-cousit UCourtaiLaite (munit iu tiie natter ni the Estate ot Titi-it Havesdtaese To Chirstoultai Flunegati. ine oi the legs. tees of titi salit Tiomirai Hayes. anti anc otber i-i-mon luteraeeuinsala t ite;.- Take Noti. hat n the 5. 'uNi il.of5,9 a-u A. D. 1i007. ai lui ocloîk A. M nioras titereltiter s liti-matterciau be haeu undani-ineul vii i-es-st lu thei-C Court iln Wauk-gsun. lu Pali Count Stat-, his final nreport as Exteutar o serstansd sithatt ieîssaue b. ati that theaostite lie doceuiaett si the. underaigned i tiuhsreifront bu office. At vi-h turne anti pisse iou are na lu bei-rasent If cou su de-Ire UmisHATs [Czeeutor 0f liii-Lest wIll and Test of Thomuas a siis, teiad. OcRVS & EnvARSs. Attorneyas iltateOf Illinolis Lauaty n1 Lake, es: lunithe cirIt (Jourt ni L.ake <0u Mcmii TerinA. D. 15el Hleury D. <.hoalie. Peter L. Evana. 1 V. ituenean sd Mary P. Rysus. vs Jet 0 mti, Jaunie lt-a Simith, Clerc E., esud <trac M Smith. Ln (JhanuarY. GositNo. t212 gatlslsctis nasvift esthtii.defs .tsunie lois Smittes nt a ni-aidant $ittenifIllinoisaneutglvlng ber ces and postofilce eairess bevlns tbeau, lb. Of f tnihei-Cii-rt of sali Court. Nolise le tii-nifore b-rau alven lsait JauntI lnO t h tint thbe abeve conu-ilsfanats nIel e ir billi of tuml salit court vin tIi chanceni aida lbere tiet s anons theraupon Issued ont court a asiustthli-ebauvemai-edteri- raturu eotut the tiret day oi tiie Teri Lîreult court iOf Lakae<Iiinti te lte the ci-tît Botuge lu Wetukegapfil t(lonuti ni Lake on lb.etMàont Margii1 A. 1it .aisie iii 1evrouii hI-behuit sîtîi ii endtu.tE--v tWait-iiati. Il., Janua iant( UituseH. liIeNO oinpilats i-ouei lit riteîtirvcuitCurt nI Lake C(otiti Mar-b Terni. A. D1. ic!. William Cl. $anitaru. Chuar].. K.Duîil-y Fred Kai-tiki KIt.-nKuitu.1 tiC 114wle.. Il. tiai-i-rY. (0n. No. tiMi iliitlsi.u lrare ffiduavit nthat I.tiie 1 L'anise. Dudler I.. ni-t u ai .dent -itti ubrp nf lenEebgtIlîlin, lui. iait t e ti deti-f t0I i-ne ontttilt.tu' ad hntLe oitureh - (luit ictem r',i-liti-uii-anîl tinitoffluti. i i l',- t-ui itid Iltic.t09120- ouith iii Siît ('tilt yNet lit sI th-ri-fire ielu't)y iti ntoi1 - 'tîaite . iiitt -Fr-t ia-u-ýr au ,o Ktiîtt-r. ivie. ihial th abuoli- I t uil utiunlnnustht-i-iu islàsuet noui -t;J iti--ii.-os tle tOrsi dey frtheTprt I lt ( i urt of Lake (muntytu b. ttu- couirtHi-usa lu Wantega. t,,,,,,tyy,, Le-.oauth. firet Me I Mrý-la. A. 1). lihi?, as le bytii isirequli iwlith suit la-sttitendues LvIWige0. IJEOOKWAy, waukegati. l1t .Jan. l.. PaliMeGuffl. Oouplalnamt'a 130 un rt ant of ssId rroveul: tsaid motifl.di las. sument )unty, sie E. Smithi fondent ni the. sidecoe Iled lu on. ant mdentg. m f tii. 4tr. 19-4 NOW. IS THE TIME TO BUY, Starvued Goois.... StaQmped Waists. Stamped PilIow Tops Stamped-Corset Covefs' Stamped-Ceter Poieceës Stamped Doilies, Etc. Egjelet Embroidery Corset Covers Pillow Shams A f ine Line for Choice Selecüon F. P. tvtviPres. CIVut. A. WiiiT. Vice Preuue. C. F. WîUGur.Oabh F. S. K cN, Aset. abo LAKE CO. NATIONAL BANK CAPTLiL6,o .o SURPLU $59X)0 DIRECTORS A. G. SHWERMAN IL C. W. MITU C. R. GALLOWAY PAUL MacGUFFIN G. A. WFJQW C.. F. WRIGHT F. P. DYM0 . IIÂARNESS il. "ns 1 ami now Iacated in the new store in J. EUl. Triggs building on fiprague @treet. The @hop turne out as gond work ms (anlbe loneiluthe state. ( atrial. 1 SOLICITYOUI TRÂDE AND ASK TT T OIIE NE, A O. 1. LUCE Libertgville I = Bought dixiç .t f rom a New 'Yoik Importer at a pricethat ettables is to seli them to our trade almost cheaper than what they usually pay for the'-so-called l'Engllsh TIorchonîs" which are cotton and don5t was uorw~ ia-if as well as the linoni laces wiII. Laces in all widths wl iinsertions Wo match. Heavy ones for pillow case trimmings; mediumi grades for înîîslin îînderwear, and very fine datuty patterns suitable for dress trimmiu>go. - '4,. M My F'uture Success DLPIzNDS UPON4 My Present Success IN sATrisFYING Tiîose lîo briîîg tluir watclies ai docks to nîimfor repqair.. iok for FUTURIESUCCESS ANDREW JIUSS LIBIERTV VILLE ILLINIOIS b. ïT ýNEW

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