"' vu.wq, ~w' - -W'-- , t given hertA shows the firieet a'.sortme.nt at the lowist co nqistent With quality -,ll RiosFra** rails, /4, ............... 00 Malle Eiiaabeth, iPrenoisFIaI,, V4'8......12C Kieller Sprotten, BSnsoled, ln 01,Cil .. . ic Nerthern SBrand Norwsgian Smoked .... 4; Nanean, amoked ln 011.... :.............4 fleygn'a, ln Truffie sauce, ovai cafna, es..1c Arien, Rol Top Cae, fancy, V' ..... 1@ Mare Elizabeth, Bondeles, !/'o ..........2Uc Gustave Dora's Skinieas and Bonlets, V2'@. 34 DOMnic Sardéus5 Standard& in Oi1, 'V4%a 3 fer 10c, esa..... 4 Continental, linoi, Key' (ier 25c)>......... Continental, mustard, Koey, (0 for 25c)... 5 Standards ln Muatard, %le, 4 for 25c, oacI.. Sc OodLabel ln Mayonaine, %le ............l2c Underwood's in Tomate Sauce, %lea.....2c At»ac, Pink. No. jI......................100c Standard Red, !t' ............... 0 - ancy Red Aie"&c, N4. 1 ....... ..lic Marrimac, flat Canai, 1 ............ o -Beau"aa1colsmond,-... ...........' SothsCutlets, Ovai Cana, 1 ............. 2e Maiad Fni~tCoumbia River, V21&..15 Matllard, Franclest Columbia River, 1 . 1...0a Mallard,. Fancleat Columbia River, flat 1... .22e Marahie in alcrd, o n1...... Mamhaiai canaeNre1........ 1Oc GENUINE SLUE SACK. Underwocd's ln Mutard, Genuine, 1 ....20r Underw lde in Mutard, Goenuine, 2 . 3...Sio P. & R.8 ln Mutard, Genuine, à .......... 5c .B" kTromo Pichert ovni Cana, l.................... 15 Plicertla, Ov*i Canai, 2...... »............ 24 Plokerte Ovat Cana, 3..........34 Durnham & Morrlii'about packed, V2 ...25 orimw 'a £&Merril'à, %...............Oc0 Urnhan'a& Morriti ....................SOM Portand Ca-'@S ..................... 150 Dunbara Dry packs, N. MI.............. 20e Hamburger, lnu oly>, N. 1...............200 cavât i.Ruaalan Iinperted,! Wa0...... ............2$c Routeln Import&@.................58< COeMM Cod"t jFrfth fist,ecar S,SAM ............... Le 2 Peund Boxddesof the FIneft Pactced ... M 1lPund Brickus..........................10<c Uurn hem à Morrlt'1a...................18<c Dm'a Ltttieneck, Choice, 1I...........8< ~~C Cipi rnd o wtn StL darGadey, No. 32..s................8< ILurnht am £ Mo.ii',Fnsle.t.......... 12<o Stndrdrad Mie tk, No. 2 ............... 15c sceotash Standard Grade, 2...................... 1009 Cholce Grade, 2 ........... V............1a0 Fancy Qrad, 2 .......................... 15e Lima Ou-a Oxford'a, 2 .................. ....... 100 Standard, Packod Green, 2.............. 120 String Bean Standard, Green String, 2............... 10c Standard, Green, 3S...................... 10e Standard, Yeliow Wax, No. 2 .............00 Favorite Goiden Wax, No. 2 ...............12a R.d KIda.y Beana joan of Arc Brand, 2.................... 10c &&rnd Bas Standr' Grade,....................... 50 Standard Grade Plain, 3................1l00 Van Camp'a, I.......................... 100 Vn Campai, 2 ..........................150C Van Camp@, 3 .......................... 20C Burnham & Morrlli'a, 3........... ......la Eaiy Jurte, Wisconsin, Pack, 2 ...........00 Teophone, Lakeide Brand, No. 2 .........12a Champion of Engtand, Lakoalde No. 2..15c Sweet Wrnkled, Fanoy..................50 51S~ Little Gem, Lakeide Brand, 2.1..l8 Extra Sfted Eariy June, Lakeide, No. 2 . . .10 Extra Sifted Little Gem, Lakeaide 2 ...20c Tomnatoles Standard&, 3........................ 12c Extra Standarda, Large Cana, 3!/.---......1Me ]Rhubarb Choice Qualty, for aa&me or pie, No. 3 ...10 Soid Packed Hubi;à, For pie, No. 3 . 1..0 IPOmpkf n Table Grade, Ready for pie, 3 .............100c Red, Sugar, Smalt, .....................5 Lare ke, ek4 bot 24nÏ. fit, 2 ....... Fsncy 'Uted, 2 ........................ 2« Fancy Sliced, 2 .......................... 24 Mawallan ripe, extra fiavor, No. 3 .........8ne Michigan, Pie Grade, S ...................100c Standard ln Syrup, 3...................:20c :Monogram, ln aYrup, extra fancy, No. 3..35 Matiard ln Symp, râo,3 .........23e 'Standard Grade, 3^.....................18<S cGreen Gage, Maiterd Fancy, 3. ............ 2U cGreen Gage, Standard, 3................l8c cLoggiesa Eagie Brand, 2.................. 1c cBurnisam & Morrlii's Fane>' 2 ........... 7< Ed Raspbes cFano>' ln Syrup, 2 .......................158 r Black Hetrias Standard, for Pie, 2 .............15 c Auparn Green Tipa, 1.........................23 cExtra Fano>', No. 2V2,, long casesa..........3c soue Tomato, Sunny ida, 2..................10o .Tomate, Snyder' 3............... 23e cConsomme, Fran *M erlcan, 3 .... ...33c MOO 1urer .n 2,nr33nea diam chowd'ar, *urinham A M rrlil'...10C Cam Chowder, urnham & Morril'a, 3..25e Cond«asd WM --Pet," Baby Sîze.,...............5Sc '-Pet," Famiiy 8S»m............. .........100c Eagie Brand, Famlly Sîze................. 15G Patriebe, Famiiy Sîze.................... 100 Peerioe, Baby S81a........ *....*........ 50 M lgisiand, Famliy Six:.......... ...... 12e Veai Leaf, Llbby's amil........... 0 Veal Loaf. Lbby'@a1..................... .23e Corned 9..f, 1I......................... 15c Potted Ham, Basf and Tongua, '/2 .......1c Potted 'Ham, V ..................... S 014rPkik sand Relishes Olive Cita, Imported ine. Jau. lat, are lu- swected by the government, and -muet haa&bo- tutol>' pure t eadut>. We -have ounisand fresis stock pure Italen Cli, Evor>' bottie or cen gusranteed. amuit Bottlie, Rae's finest ................ 25c Medium botte. Ras finoat..............5SOC Lattis bottie, Roue Inoaf ........ .......890e Quart Cana, Ra'* or Atonini'a ........... 950 yGailon cana, Rae'a finest......... 1$1.55 !/ Galion cana, Antenin's..............1$1.75 1 Galion cae, Res finaude.............$275 1 Galion eaua, Antoninle ............. .9 Saiad 011, blended>, 1 pi botule..........25c Picklese lu bttaiea, 100 and .............. 25e Clive@, 10e, 15c, 25o and ............. ... 35c PEARL ONIONS, <Importedi), for Mayon- aise or Sai Dreaetng ................ 50o Cepere, Frenchs, ln halea, l5oand .........25e MInI Sauce, ln bottles..................1lit Tobaco Sauce, Motihonnyse.............. 45o Worcetearhre Sauce, Les £ Perrin'a ...24 Pepper Sauce, Red......................50 Popper Sauce, Green....................50 $sea Dreing, My Wile's, 15c sud.... 2c Oystar Cocktail, Snydera ................. 22o Catoup, Snyder's, Blue Label or Richelieu. .19c 1Mat Vnegar, Croas à Bisokwella ........... Marooci o chaulies COLORED RED. O#mlaime ................ *.............. Ise V plut size................ .......~... 25C 1 Quart sze ...................... ......5 1 Quart. sîze............................ 70e e msb.aoms MacMouulea, No. 1...................... 35 f«sMone, No. 1/41@............17e arelNo. 1 ......................... 29 1Pàce by Doses on Applicatjn Thse numbera after thse items deignate size of, cana, vîz: 1-Formerly known as a 1 pound. 2-Formerly known as a 2 pound. 3-Formeriy kniown as a 3 pound. On account of thse new Pure Food Law. deal- ers are not allowed to designate cane by weight. jPhonpo 109 Orders Gven Prompt Attention PhoneI109 Beo'awise quote a fow iutemuting prioes on h7igh 'quality artiuies1 of food, There is fna way to coovince yourýelf t at y ou sbaould £trado bore thaaa hy compariug tise vainea we offer with the vainet4 offered by otiserà. * Lyon'& Standard CeSsee, &&me as served ln 5 Pounda tiaud Plcked Navy> Bean,.. ktchen demonstration, ragular 3fc lb, durlng for . ................................ 16c this saie 4 peunda $1.00 Feue>' Saute Clera Prunes, ..a...u.d........................... e package........ ..... ...... ..... lmportod Macçaroni, Spaghetti or Vrmicollil, C Dr. Pric's Baking Powder, a pakag . .. ...................... 12c1 pound casu............. ................ 39c Phýlps Creani of Suckwhest, 5 pouud package........................ 10 Poun package ................................ igwot Caiforula Naval Orangea, e«Ch . ................................. 28c 45e lIc Dr. Prîco's Food .. . s package .............................. 6 pound Bag Graham Fleur, for .......... .......................... Largo Port Limon Baane&, eaci.. ..i............................... 8c 14c lIc N»nhwoed Faim ifm. Phd Preserves Guaraa<oed Absow~lu y Pire Spioed Gropea, Peacb Butter, Peuoh Marmasiae5Gincered Frut, Cab Apple J'e1!, Seeed Grape Tormblre 15c, Pint lare Sto. Quart Jans60c0. Coaphi. ime quart ealJr erFr 5qur z L« caurrit Ses .t 6. WUMamieses .. go tensudother Irsendsof orhe ae@P erway think il; better toi take the- ,000 that thse bill now provides for' wis and aurvey of the Iower lkis' ;ppl and watt two years for a deep erway ,appropriationi. Prement mlii Cleara Way. Iey point out that thse peodlng bill gns up ail existing large projecta. tisat there wili he a fine chance gt provision for the deep waterw*y the. next bill. EXCUANGE-1-OUBC and lot pay- big Interest foi* Lake cotinty farni. ses G. Smith. w-lt  i I I I I I 1~ i I I I o i t t oe o o i o i i i 1 0 Thie Enera taton sd AterThe auy oar hsae in tie word. ce 111.10< im Mony. irodillea nrefe audandfctral taae plnbor t lh maacue oflprotise adl-0nj 1O 11E T M .1T)CACH ien of thee 1700,00ofbuiedns are n SOA WH TUNEDTRI huildiinda ofinalitae wre ad P.Wan-d TOi FeingJaehS dor, heChcao t a prablthree tI il ofW oul- Jame £ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~tse MiakeEeti aie Cm Inapaeme w l ed ompietodwltl wths angBterrii be eten tise pla a adtions aiib in oieation T mb ia nSati2o,5ntandtAl'ontis er a ddtIons pare ho ulnthe onti. c couterof he ffce nd adeoffwîh wot oft ile mden lath-on ad- nid "Mbi ANW t fiNBas D cutln myailandspofchas atho wreaahnd . n&T codidgtocas ht sR.paad teopne. n1 "A ais cam91e t14ordtise Chio at lepoae htl fte )Idjin whY icketaentndng udow nd cuted a n I aat1iae ta h forh a rotuit tIet flbloK ewoah He pata hl il cl prto *yn do not knw." hodu copdby1a 1 98 corieodfa th fIande of wtnwetis e r Rn ln oa ouprsuttIann faring osatthtisesticket cash,"o lopeng In isiay dircin. onCmaylngsce erd anrd two focatha biligis.Copay "A gmatne ckt,"cthlned Bd Lr usi eadiud oe whrd, "ad sabndngnoveandtise u- gto M>B ett ter a rltntiet oKenosisa ieu ng mifrMcie tima a ltr 'ii ebtn tse ey a. 79 0 Iandn on tanbrdig flsnse Eand C FL OR ,LO A E ctonsatliondaing sume." ice Bsidord'ofe s n hs iectisen. A HINES TOERL andow lode b.Howsuae10t wotbor"andwaa a ndiver ahe ort Tisetseond auknega ace o- teunci, but hoe w h'ensad 805 anymeeiln for taeîdiZenAîy Sh anercopmelu tweCon 0fttehepblerîIT Ftd. As Ing fon bte ardge ot ta tise 5sdasarsutndts utui . Beor uta faceshtis ack ofthe o* i MndrdA IESnuil disURsIon i fice. tisehd-upe raked netisels.l on o tc usrio tr a coter runlnwao n a ie opea short Tiesecoind tatWaukegan Lce torm- dAsw. I l cparth aot wits t ise8andnue rsof ltheo asnauy as ftiebtt a of mytreort shoft hlcf. arewîng b coltrne l susre onathe o licstahabenhldupsaetin tesoon I ut fstc sbsrb p a s sent ln once a woek. buy la stuated at Beeston ln Noting j "He got ail tisere was-$25.95. ham, Engiand, wisence came ait of tise Makea lits Gtaway. Dowie lace makera. "'Then, whlle I wans stîlidazed. hoe WiltiCabie tb Hold. mai1e for tise door." lndicatlng tise I la now lu, operatian witiste new' o1 door leading out of tise station. faclng eat patterns on tise machines and aa o West. tise tîme for tise sale expirpa Marcis 1. "As soon as 1'issu way recoverod tise heada or tise temporary organisa- ci from thse hock 1 ran ta tise door 'of f tise office, openeil ft and rais out to tion of etockholders were lnstructed f eewbich way tise robber went. Ho by motion 10 table and Elnd outb turnad cant. wisethor or not tise sale could not lhe "Juat tison a car came ln and Super- pot off for a few daya. Intendent lies isappenoil to hconaie of Tise requeat 19 made tu reise capital Ita passengors. 1 reported tO hlm. lu Waukegan to thse amount of aboute Thore was no pursult aoftihe hold-up.' $37.500. or oneisalf of tise eventhUal Reports te the Police. Ater tise rabiser>' Bedord was taken capitalization of tise concern. wilb C by Superintendent Ives and tise car wIllieho$75,000. Wednesday wouid hoe crew tisat came lu atter tise hold-up tise lant day on wilh tise Waukegan ta Norths Chicago Junction. ou tise way tuvestIgators could sale ln order to ta Highwood. Ciief Swanbrough reacis Beeston on lime. and It la fcar. howèer, lisad lu tise meantîme heard ed that tise stlpuiated amount could of thse robbery and iutercopted tisent ib ralsed by that day. car at tise junction, 80 that Bedord Tise next meeting wilii h heid Mion- and tise party returnod ta WatikegandaeolnSt5utieGnd ry to render a report. dyeeiga nteGadAm An outsider il la climed. isad hierd Hall, sud al Interested or desîros ofa a ioud about for iseip ln tise eiectric iuvestluig even for one sisaro are luvit- station and hied teiepisoasd from tise ed ta attend. Shoares oil ti1100. Esese grocery store or apme sther 40 per cent dowu. West aide point. If W5aukegan sentis a dèlegatlan 50 Bedord bold tise police tise samte England l wIli bc wltis full power la star> tisat hi o lId tise SUN. Why ise did not report dlrectiy btiste police Iurchase. la a myster>'. Recolvea, Encouragement May Have Piottod Robiser>'. Thse patterna s ow on the machines taFrlday Itedord was unatile ta xili o einet tisere by tise Maukegau- ste whelher the robbery wa, tise re- lites and sanîtles iîaiied off, aller suit of a plot of several day' stand- whilcisau alsemînt xilie made to salI lssg or donc on tise Impulse of a mo- tise year's oisput before tise plant lita ment, tisetresuit of a temptatlon that poth mainsrel mto,1 foliowed tise exposure of tise money u rts ahnsael oin lis reacis of tise tiief'a banda. sometiig eaally passible. -1 have beets oxcecting t," ho salitChiscago binyers stato lisat tise proj. nid te a SUN reporter thia mornlng. ct leasa red of scces ram tise -Night bisorlentet, wiliio1iwas out in start sud seùm to tiîuk that Il ilii thse furnace room, i1ihourd à quser psy Investors 25 per cent ut least . whistie, and comn tug th ie door and a-hile tisey give ail manuer of amsur- iooklng I tiste station, i waas tartied auce tisaItisere will bc a market for to siee two mon thora, eue of whom tepoutfryast oe wes peering about tise ticket office lu- ts rdc o er 0cre tenti>'. Luter tise two loft" Lace makera of Zion. experts lu Ho descrîbes tiis Incident as takina tiseir trade, ang Rome ofthie Most cou- place et 8:06 Wednosday nlgist, or servatîve moubyed peuple lu W'aske- about tise saine timie that thse hold-up> gais are lnve@tlng. took place Thurada>' nigit._________ At tise lime thse hold-up enter tise place Bedard was countîng bis cash $750,000 FOR aud mailg bis report up ta date so NA A <U~~ that lho could lbave for hie shome eaSNAVAL SCI10 L Hlgbwood on tise 9 o'clock car. Hoeisas a wlfe lu Highwood Sud bc- Congresman FousSuccoeds In Gotting tore bis employment as vent aIde sta- Tisai Mucis Attowed for Building* tion agent was on tise lino ln varlous a tto ie capacltiea. Ho bas a good roputation e tio ie and tolae a straightforward story. Lant nlght hi ona isucis frigistened Wasinlgtoni, 0. C., Fois. 13-Rop-1 alter bis experlence. Ho la 26 years resentative . .Fosa . .hisa . .ucceeded old. iu gotting througis the iou» au nDescription of Hold-up. appropriation cf $760,000 for tise con- Bedord glveas toiiowing deacrlp- struction of buildlng% et tise grent tion of tise hold-up for tise henefit ef lakes naval training station nieur Chi- tise poice: cage. Tiso plana for this stMien were Medum buUld; welght, 150 Pound$, approvsd b>' the navy>'dspertmnent S fouee 10 Inehea tt; mmd>'mustache; 1 blook estuC hat and deris ciotis; ne soememnthe ego. Il wli b. neleo. overeoat snry for the next congres. te make ap. People ln tise autiying districts propriation@ befora tise station canen b bhould look for Ibis man and report compttai tetise Wauk«ma police or ta electric Washngton, Feb. 13.-Tisere le road men tise Instant tise>' spot is. mucis taik of kilhlng tise river and * isarbor bill lutise sonate. Senator ST r :o W % V1 Scot bas statoil that If tise 0hio river s~~I~<IM ANVla flot given three more dams hoe will T1O SPMNI $700.000 Imtate Senator Carter sud taIs tise - moaure 10 deatis. j Wi Ereci Plant and Ballin Manufacture There lanmuch trong feeling of New Praoducit the P. and R. agaluat tise bac kers of tise bill on tise Fauc. .part of the aenators front Ohio, Ken- tutky, West Vîrginla aud Penseyl' Thse United States Steel Corpora- tanta. * tien wIi tilsayear expeud $7000000 on They have torrned a combinatlan It taint ut Wa-ukegan, tIl., tise*Amerý wltis a determinatlon tu force Into thei 119-4t 10721 rhis 13 IkýSitve-y four k-ast C, ce For Saving Honey n a snsart Suit or Overcot- our Grea-Esd-of-Season Sale clss ibis week., As the styke fbrie -and ssze assortments are bacdly broken and Fs we never carry one season's gbods over into dwt next, we now oAfer our entire stock of Men'aand Y'oung Men7s Suite and Over- coats ai Cost and Leui To expeulite aclection for you, we bave divided, ai Suit, auJ Overgarmnehl, according t o price, into three groupe-every group contaifsng ail sizes but not every aize un every style. Read on: GrOIuP 1. contains single andl double-breasted Sack Suite and medium and exîrcme length Overcoais tisat were big value ai $12.50 arîsd - now osy . " 5 Crouap 2. consists of finely custom-iailored single andl dou- ble-breasted Suite and Overcoats of latest vogue, that wcre $18 and $20, now onlIy;.o.p . $12.75 GrU ,comprises Over- coats and1 single and double- breasted Suits us handaomné im- ported and domcstic fabrice of newesî weaves, that were $22-50 and $30 $ 37 nCw onIy ..$ 3 7 Riemember ibis is your last opporturnly -sale closes Saturday night. 227 North Genesee stil The only hotisi3 in WauLkgan Thnt solits igal'n- to consuniersafthlle actîîal wIIoleefale pice't