îb..brughes, wldpo, tie tpe Lt wbat you viii b. looking o We Irnve a Few toe Low to Cilse out G6CHANOK EDROS.,- Bargal ns l3argalns 8~rgains Stili .Thauklng the people for their generous patron- age durlug the sale of the. past week which greaty rodusbed eur dock we vil continue the samie tRilsweek in certalu Hnuine whlch vo a",~ overstookod. Call and examie the gooda. Thauking you for puit f&Nors. IiiIe &CarW4,ldOpt. Store, * MMY SP!CIAtLS * si., Urg.wINORAKING * !rulfreDemies amiUcousesi Uuiutdt CHAS. Il.KIR Ubertyville. Iliois a ---------------4 ami COVECIONER To out of Townu orders Lletvle - ii And 8Ipn r ^N AD RETAILRU SUPPL f JI DIUCE, Edftos. -befi Central TIinoiie$maand Hoard ?erWaing te(lrayalake and -------vilnty-I Xr.. James Brown clstost thie bome or Lo Fox et Bouud LaBe Mondai. 'j. D. Rlci treuactod busines st Waukeg sa Sturday. Her bT.i. aunof Obleagol, transcted bulunbore nday.- . Henry Kdwards, of Waakoen. wu looklafti miteIspolit Isailurese.bore Monday. Win. Edward., of Wank.ge, trans; .acisd buWan haro OMtuuule., TUi.mény fride of lmie Wlcke vil h a to bar tib . h a s turned te hie.hme ad le cery mueb mproved. 1lire. oo.Tbqe4r wonstot the. Lekmlde Shaler *îéla atuÏdàui. L P. ritiaugo' and vif. ver, la Chicaglonombijinus Mondez. Mr, _Cooke and vIle, of W.nkegan, vers tao. gabstathie Meulcolai home~ .$uuday,' l Cara Palmer of Wauk.ga clato relatives bore lrom Frlday unti gaturdow. MMaky Wilson of Zeuda.habases the pe go0f, Um ieussleWhlteh.ad the pont veok. Dr. E. £ Crua. aad Mr. Wm.~ att.d.dthe Q.et Q rocoption at lb. tyvillo Fmr y veulug. Niss Suai. Whitehead acccouwauiod hi Umis.May Wilson visitsait t ke- gan Fridair. Mr. aud lire. Tom Walsh "pet, Setur-0 daY ln Obleago aud vccnity. Miss rene Q'Brleu spent Setnrday and SundaY St ber home lu Chiesgo. Fred FlarT one of Orayalake'. harbera. Carl Bizlsr, of Freeport, i. the gueet ofj hi. brother, J. E. Bialer. Mir. and lits. C. A. Crittonden moyed into the Burge cottage Monday. lire. Wlukel vialted lu Chcago Mon.C day. Dou't faou to bear tbo Orpben Musica club, Friday evenlng at the omraishu opera bon*. f Mi" Marcia Wbselesr clalt.dber sester la Chicago Seturday and Snuday... À Pretty lnatwieof love fo a Domu without tihe psrfah vas howu tuis lueta week wben muem 0f the. Cougrola. tional ctfrch at Orsiake Miais aI Mn. redaqent Monday lu Chicago. XM ague_«r returued f;rsa s dut 'tw# ber tbeW" ept Waukegau. Abuet Plary sud vif. nov ccpy the i rg husosi Fred Flory' brr$hop in b. b"lbdlng. MuioU Atvsl &peut Saturday nlght . la Olà1m.th vîtusàsie on, Donj. AiveW ebthlrd dogreesInUMaàmnav. Slm*. . In.tebl oft bast vesk for the bo qmsWpinKause wbors @oovill. qpa&ue.k for ber bealth. - . UWammn fflch and bis noIser speut Ndubmn ud vife viii murs loto b»yzwhome ou Weetflold CborWOtltkn, Jr., sud "famul i mo mýf frous the country to tbe Mo "sà E. J. Hlgley gaVe a cord pat ibelber c.f thelrIr Muds Tues* lWdfflg. Tisose rom, ont of towu Dr. IL N. Clark and famlly wli 'move inta«t». oisWashhurn homse àceted by, Mv. Ya»ey'people this vssk. Mr. 11uYWW d hlem xsocsd bis stock of shos ta chimagowhere hos viiconduct a eho" florq Méo VlilaSaukiq, of IUalnscille, wu@ a guet os Mio ttuby Smith Tussde1. slc vtb malri afê C ie beu7t, Th. e kothalltesamo pluffl 66u fut gem.. Tofflia vevening. fScore. of orstamau2 as-la tfacof cf bb Shool teani. TIs. ast gaine thon vers .no scores mede on ..ither side. Tii. WOUU.m'sClwiel meet wlîh Mn., A. 0. gulihdg Moela.vev*ning. Ml. Ia Kpsle vigited over Sunday wlbfbuud IObago.f Dr.& A. Cran e pont Weduesday iu Obiage.' Mr, W.. Brandstetter vislted ber lister t Waukegan Sunday. Mr. afd Mre.El1 Adams outortaiued Ir"soa t& .card l)arty Thuraday. AIl preseent repertod a very pbeas.t seulag. Miss Kitty McGrath i» visitiug friends obt Oak Park. Thi ed44W Aid e... if-ty mot vlth Mn. Wns. RWMeWedne.,dayfternoou. The aiteraooswoas dent iu bovlug aiter vhbln a £Tvry dainty lunchoon WBa. servul hi lirW.High.y.t Icuta on. Tii -SE!RT A Doctor's SUICIDES tomaet HmHoIie dicie dont Oves Ili Hmiti WAS FOR MANT YBABB A. FROINEN? PARIURE usAnale i --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---D ssrfled scboo] oigtsr rous Thur Clark Fordi Marabsa IOdett LOUI-S,; M J-w YvMAIN partyasWd lim. Dr. Jas ville ettsndlagt Mis re.Abibel I4E O. PTICIAà*N vM:=ponon atteudlug ber. speody recocery. Leo.he Cannuon thse (turneseboi Mi" Viuli la. The filinit of tb large lm. housesof Armuir'a on Reund Laie vu completodl lin. Md Hook tlailed Mondsensd relative, lu Chiego tie s vek. *Alouso Foulon sud die ver.e te of their ddughtet, lim. Chas. W gtmen Wedneeday. Mlise e0OBniei Lthe able asistait ateOur hlgiisebooisnte.ctelned tii.- hIgi echool club Thuredey eveaing. -T a ovenlng va. pweuetly epent i l Piyl saisaller vbicli refromhmoent e ve Evoe7o reporte a very os. nue ocf thoetats directora o! M:o . wvil epmset ie Weodman ball Marci 4. Hveiyn acordlaliy InviteiL The. assounmt cf Ernst Moon lfot caulliat.for oui nuit supervisor, bas met vitu great approval by Grayalake clitimmsu1 ~'~zzV'zz Mm. Job. Riaawdooeua a rocnit cbuseso elaltor. is)#&,'-; enht ,lstt.irelatives at liMr d e . m I siie a su uday vitis relatives i Mefleur. Umi.. MieSmit1h bas raturned, frosp Valpariso, Imd., vboro obo hubashon attening eciseol dunlng the. lest ev 1Mnr. John 'Ceeilg vislted relatives at Wluelia noverai dayc recetly. Mise. Effger bas be vitI ber liethor a6t Wanconda eversil day. Ibis veek. lit. and Mns.liWm. Dillon vislt.d M. aud Mr@. D. Dillon st Wankegen Uuîday lu Vôo. Mr. aid Mrn. Wm. Dllonu vlisled Mr. and Mms C. Dllost waukeganuunay. The naiy friends of Mes.C. Dilon vslI b. sorts to heer tuat mbo la in vry poor beeaIs. lira. Robert Paddock sud cbUdreu, of »"abga, ere tbe guestecof Mn@. Paddock ai"Pd sou Ray lut vesi. Ptapk Doweil, of Round Laie, sud Umes dibBitter, of Stofl. Lae, vers lu tevi Oundsy. Mr. and Mn.merýlin Ebley- of Stougb- ton, Win., von lthe gueste of the latter'. -poieMr.-and Mr$. Peter Hannon a evtday. lut Weei. lesea. Catherine Dovel -and Del *Convese. sd MstrRayinoui Liii, of Weêt Frenont speut Iuuday lu Vole. FEED QRMCIDNO. AU. KINOS. Wednesdaye mand S"rdays cob th » t" IlkA good etock et brand, Z , 00mera usal,011. cake -3 , e c les St15.12od owa LIED. TO ADJACENT TOWI4S I. LIZIZZI] ath o 1 > LAM Wm. TI tiaitor the Chao. J.rgii.on estertalnod hies other Um C. brother and 1lrothevr-l.av lMst Sunday. se wiug lu Chao. BotA k alied oufrlnds receetly. Dl o Saturday (jeo. Rieliardson traaetd business lir. j. lui Chicago r4eistly. stajina Miss. Kati., Roisg ia itod relatives ln MrsAii Chicago Sunday @md Mondai. The i Agiss Alniy White wu a (lrayolakecall. olWal tose or Monday luNt. us tIse os Wm. A Roeîng tranaacted business lu Mr. aud Chicago Wedneeday. eolire. Aire. DI Brown la ieportsd on the slck gl<on by, lât. otflWanke John Beuzuan l iseW reporteIl quit. UMs Mdl slck and ie u nder Dr. Ilors Can. -mina., v Chas. Mason speut %fondsai d Tues. vlth ber day in Chieago. e.1o of W Thse M Mnq. Bobt Firet Adheve Potage Stamp. The La The fisst adhoici, postage stamp meeting1 vas the English o»n. eU black and Stewart was Issued about 1840. The . Ont Amer. date. Ican postage stampi were lssu.d about Thse C. E laie.Yoursell a 24:14.( American Mu$b«ud$ &"d Wlvss. Ettià Btr An English wrlter tu duscusslnE thse Mr. Br( place of wolnuan5 vrkera declares Wrrled that ln AnieriCa "voclèhalve. not the Woîtwor ane recognir.ed plac e as orkert that Mné. Jc tbey have in Franco. 'The tYPical Jennette1 Âmes-jean ubaBd still feela that It tbe grlppx la bis dulv to make fuouey-and lhis ae wfeî as to I "datjghter, __________gan, the Dogrntsi ODeffn.d. bat! typh4 It was . )ouglas iJerrohd Who detined getting al dogniatisnl as. "puppsl icorneto nma,. w. tur îy:' a happîy 1440f nivise vit. va merr Tise peu Mach to Chanbge )4ls plans. taglia "TYes. 1I lteiided te buy that hotel Dennis i on the l'Ill, but Aft*r 1ibhad atald a at MillCiý week there and #@Md Sur bil,.1 dld net member have enuuusgbmouey î.ft.-ll Motte recommet pur Rides-e.- Gra% Our No-Il Ready Mu Mixed Wluh i ii do the work. Prims rlght Goodsetrueed CG Gragslui"hanmiss MetsCherry Pectoral la nos Impie 000gb yrup. l laa s-ft medlolme, a doctor's Wim. Jecures bard cassu% The enneiieneb Win I ssi t pot preniso a ml"ea" nort,-vmesut pli north.oat of Anu" 14 commsencsîg ua: lollowisig dmerihsd, ol lîve stock, Coati mare@ and coite, la rogistered Morgaun aid severel excoei ares aud olts; fuit blocd ea cludinargso, a hrsi.v, rdli bort, commoîIl. knovn by PVU l a" desprat cU8Cs, el;pigs of un aiuses: &rossghout Lake couuty aes * fi'SB cou l01 anima, pfrgu. Pli-oth Rc ep turkmd ck onmmtted aucided lu à c uq g irii. tfil) g muacbla'rj ondeucy sisortly beforesl B.& Musveî sublaP.ad l2%ieBtcNP. ibl rdar moralng lu thse h Aemu sss'aotai. .ad2 H .Ian i hi. homo *tthe coriser of mperator vîts budi"d n Hickory streets, W@uk=gma andte.untstak lle 2 r cy ver ii1 beeka.lupoeaml aose e1r in». buhmbeou for thé-la. BoR ues llsPCafter id ers a suifer frémi tomach plete radin adcr ld at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %t tIo eaeaue k barrova deug., wagons, 1 'nple of vek ago. hoene. bS m. cttg toola, boat$, asm grip sud tItis wlth bie 'Wateir Plant. 50 uew sa1 i iaes trouble euram A blot alUsei aisde dstock mraéý Iug esiteie 0 uabe f single sand double à"a wa aid ihabutcher _bol,____ __ _ e d ernbsva etc. , ile pn tie. Mr. aid AMr. Aari.' . a usxsoe, 4 s th bas oaly u th! Ar. and Mmr. C. B. Wooiridge, o0 (E.1 oa. ut flied ton reappear asd Ire. L.bertyxille, spieut Suidsay vitb (G. M. v ent te séerch for, hlm. Tract and famlly. AUCTICIS SALI. m face doveverd rvetied'Airs. G. H. Hertel la ver7 sick et The aud.i'eld vil. ssg ai f renzied semane brouglit P-ust vrting. Dr. Taylor, of Libierty. auctien non thoPlus kIewx. eeins attending ber. -1 -Cronkisite Mrm one ..mille sors aiëd the authoritiei 10bert AhArt, Bd Titis. and Jothn ad M'p4i1%d v vs keu to Tauti.aetitt àiuployod at the Rounid Dsmu o Conrad cndertaklîg rmorne Lakie .houe.commeuacsng et 12:80 lle 11 coroner'. leuest ichicîs Albert Wagner lsstendoumoving thite lollorvlng >d5eoexi Ir s Thrgirday. îe to the Smith feai et Round Lake. n1lked ie lut feu, biI.le, promineut formericior ieorge Shober le moving -froest oà a1te. biha .0~P for yoan aand vieil knowniS tratton farni to the yrfarim thie ht ormi s week. 3 hot;r ht ui a li rryone le central Lake coltiabres yea@ýOu oisii'sd ti. ut a yeer mgo h.ie old bis about 2 000 hmuaobels ut o Am moving t te ak-olvrd g. wern plivaer;1 hoa liebs eu employed b)y . Ceme and hear "Ys olde tysîse Synge. hm..Uulteruse., Se hi@ departmnent ethr,. iug meeting at(tiae cburcb Friday MAX71ss G. BEnsauvw.ue eveing Mer. 1. Gives usder -tIse eu.- W. H. APPLzy, Anc. bdo fiuencliy ani l5%picû'of oG(urnee W. C. T. (7., tickets 25c..à n.~l~ lffculieec~sld lph h ittendeî, E. E. Roue aid E. Uloiue et Auction. h is despoudeno,. i M..lietcelf voere isChicago . onday earge famllyof êhuldren atteîdi.g tie annuel meeting cf1Lthe Saturday. Mam-b 2, 1O7. Qom ttied inLake couity. 1 nllk uhîppers union. Tbey are pro.et 12 o'CdOck noom, Iwo soaednt haïr opinion as te th@ enouit bornes volabiuog 1100 toe, J tolederived froin mernberebip lu this nmy farce, formsrl tii.ul i WILIJR iorgaisiton.one and a baill miles Dno f iWw ct f Soosk, hau beon The Woodmen initdated a nnoter osf Laieo., Ille, nov ig hom Jr ai vle ber. caidato. Seturday nuglit. The Berry. Sailes tge e se u idtiemi ehipped Ftester' eta of Waukegme voWsand Oubicieu.<>.P. *0D.uit .s b.thetrsainfor wp "M.. Pos ed diii degro. von. A royal choies lot .Bd àM Ia. McCreadie teacher o! thse Boad ttMlà'erepovlSd. purlamrpoesWo DI visited ler brothar aud Av.iydeligl rg a n asr.ndered vovn "at p or hma re', lîsda il suuday. Ou Wa.blugtoi'e b hildy b hIo pupils g.<%aisTiIuresM st visted hi.@sdeter, Mns. of tb. pvlnsvy depertnent ortheS..iooL greet en em uam~ tt fron Thuraday natif A very iterstlng usvvloe va. tt o f diasosition. SIX aaë ho t,*Suudey meraing.at the Christian chureA4 tbrovusan les gav sdisetPerbajuthe mont e oireabi vuasunh~sd as.Si nda.original jgicon by' H. D. Hughes. The or chine. Every'hormiit Miennae tillinuLibierty-- mlng he b.choir vu hlghuy i@ M tII 15Ib4KUbI4 tiedccter's father. eonneudeéd.innyf.t>Om" Id McCreadie la very l1 Bibs. ecbcol 10 a. n.., swacng sud Iselor.lbheam"sbut a ao de. Mmr. David Wbite and bnaiing of bremd eut il o djocksuje tuA$o.sleU4tp Miller, ber dauglilers are Of th@se estusn Exondes.." Tiie choir n euil dsteid o Ber friende hope for e vilIqer a ecillectloîs and George tW ýuond bnSi'd. ry. Delalel yuli Bing one of bis enjoyeblo nieo i 1-1yc f. S nesured bie studIo. et solos. buC ot in bei.. oi Aionday of thia veek. Leslie, son o! H. C..Haines enterWaledin luLaie cuny Asevii i.ieooiaccompanled lier s numbor of hie younqgfiaonde hWadms. choie hbor, bet quOlty4 tyvule Wdne.ay. day, thse omcaion boegtIeitloc.PlniC e r., vas Wenea uve. suis I11s. rgltnid. P CedIrei pa rtof l st esi. Postoffice a une.ss, U nion. ; J-, aa Miwakeeannvemryof ie iht.astm. P F. J t Woidt, of Wadàevorth, ss WChicagR.. KSE P, n. J cures. B LKusLAe Little Harvey Chiam la seoiy 111 nul Waukegai, visiaitedvlth pnunie. A, eunncl of doctoe làunday et Mt.MeCreadle's vewu uMdondayon tIse case. Ail hope 1 Murrie, o! Grayelse, is for bis epeedy recovery. vdays vits ler nothor, Mm. Dalrymple la vieltinghberdaughter, Gjeorge Broger, ni W ie. Mrn. lues Aiauser. Suuday vith fn issbr. 7 ochaoo basket social vas Thse Warren Cerneteny Association vriii Mr.Lilial and fa.liy bave m Soveral fron hons valked ho beld vits lir. Ada Whltmore cico reme0 rougs. Wedueeday, Mercs 6. M idt f akeo, p m. J. H. Borner, A. H. The Oisnnfamlly mocal Moiday to dey vlthJ.PY oibm7 ind lir. W. B. Stewart tiseir uvw home rsceully pcreliaed o!f.Ra u.ihlj Strang eltended a dsier Mn. Mary Prim... P. k Douai la ahi. tuolie oit cge id lire. Georgé Stewart, C. W. Tocker'e sale ou Frlday vas veil e IvO yack'. Disse.. Stewhororf tineoios, alteaded. Tbey vilI nove te Ibeir uev H. Dalsigp vwa. Obleage lateeal, o!aMsuot oireshome in Liliertyvile lu afew day. rcstày.* idoterdsnMm. hort titi;Ths social conusitte. of lb. R. N. A. «au. mol vits Mn. Gr0 ,Tuesd tu temaeo . ANTIOM. mary ooclety met yith plans for a social lu tIse ner ire. ag, Wednesday, Fêlb 27. The marniege of George N. Vos.an ac Hayeoek mient S8"i Aid vîli bold their ,i lias tella Dixon oeurred un Sturday relatives heme. the hme o Urt FoIse. 28. Mey bapplnees attend tbom. Albet Dlbi. and faaiy m eh 7. Doi't forget tle e SidneyBook and fsamlly are movlug MT@evu. e.Edi gta Honet vih onLb.. P. Woolleî farm. bI ib lr.R .EtosadM. pIc.e wDetg The W. C. T. U. meetig uvas ît r .. .en quit. e e> l oLu.12: 1-8 Joabi.Air. aid Mn. Shelsnd on Wedoemday. R»SJousanqJe "à ervation meetiug. Mns. Letters have beu molveii t vrltthe leader. fsnly of W. Tucier statlag tIsaI tb.y BuMemo JI av cme oct Saturday aid rnacbed Iheir nev bomne lu Oklaboma hilinWu Heo Itsg Ai Monday vitb bie no, safety Md am plsasd vits tbo country. M.W .- ukraai#, Mr. aid Air@. W. F. (AvMe a po liM. sud MM 11a oev to The Misses Wilson eutertaned &tuis vesitoc à le Mattheve aid Airs. entmber et thelr young friands Satsd& hee have recovored froni evenlug and&ml report a gond tine. tay Ti"s puoer çaBsae Il olu R. C. Gibert noed hie fatmIy tte ic».. ems" frtisawsanlMd ock vas viditicg iseWeckegau Moîdey. Ilus. Ont epace la lem §John Ecîton, ol Weuie. Mi. and Mn. Wilson arecpenaing tIse U -1 v eek. Mmt. Fulton bas veskin Wackegai. ever at prenant wrltleg ln nieely._________________ ;hears tîset Eloser Pollock NEWPORT Monday. oe ormnyrayù ts e of MilI Creek parlsh viii etho urmInyIradyà teit Stat W. J. Whlite, und e collecter la oct. -- ,cred the suistaince ifl AMr. Ceperc u a soid bis farci to a oto takrecherge Offunerals Chicago maen. Conelderation $7,200. creis. Mr. Riondon la a Air. Caperon aud famlly viii nove to se parilitaid noeds ne Colorado mou. ln. W. regret te tepmrt tbg6t Thon. Tucios 227 Nosti _________________ vo bas beeun eeticisy iiî ie no botter. lake - Baken with relatives et Russell.Th ly o* Misa Nellie aid Gertrude l)elany of and Chicago, sput Suuday viti ibmr parents hors esteurant Mms. (YDovd, o! Iova, le vlsitlng wt relatives ber,. Il LURC111 SeiNed lit. and lin. Richard BSsea tteided - it U bursthe vodding of the iatter's aliter lu That oells t ailhouasWeckegai lest Wedoeday. .SH QYSTERS TCJvblue and CANDIES To tisetax =payeofllbthe uow o 1INDRY OFFICEI Warren, Iviibl the. Brucier & Dix': ion@ No. 19. & Bouge' @toeiSuWaneM Ota .w IMA GERL.ACH. Prop. 21-8To mtr