LAKE £OLJNTy s1D1*;DJBNT5 i Attend Golden WdcUne. nillin ecituerad wlfe, of Wau- Tr 1 koean, atlsuded te Sgolien veddiug aivenway o! Mr. ncte ifltr ih . ....................134 lamd mther, Mr. and MnU rd F c lcb- Vacasu,...-.----'3 ner ,of Clybourn, Chicago, Sanday. p Rfat . C. mm...... ....44gr Mr. Ftechtner senior le 88 yearm oldPliau.,,....,..- .48 P_(Ld hie gond vi!. in OS. They have goelt rustons. é Nupn CnpuYofnen anla fr Il yar. Vote SaIand 4le. e Cntecels all .. ......................484 %Vi ltui8p Cm pa On f 1Tten re v fra i om.enonad Few-@tl Vo*. Ce"S Are spaai4ing............... 484 o »Slft .lt U. a. te gue lunaddition 10 tce l- u 0-ouu aTvuCmîîe t- iamily vere many.FeatîvlticeBov.....................484 lasted ail day. JOIRNSON BLUC3E) OVE£R. . ....................... 484 ai4 paeaarwisLL BR DP M M&ESRALL Uebeck...................... 484 ]F NCRUABED t00liEN Mrm 1nc'Ic - --~-~--.--Thetei!sUtso! Uic primar>' vere bal' ~~~~-MS M tIe rivicfUi cv- ~~The Republlcan tgvu primas-y Satur- letaned la lie viudpvm <of Uic SUN t« Wfth the of the ew guSaACÎM t 111f 'ORf day vaslow and not Dealytce - ofine ilidatel>' mter Uic countilngte ffl aoubeel, Balles-y C Ia poisessed- tire vote o! thc parti von polled. Thse o! the ballots by the judges and clerka. a1 ne e foud elthernl te Fîrmthistialan Churcit Suse First18l' Ot uterem 1la placed iy me 10'fey vr.rdby Many ldDames-- *, ltse g«"ra arniy. Christian Churcli for Ejeclthe Ucnamber o! offies vithont oppomi- oua inquiries on te remîlt vere an- ai '1>lm M !.vos-y latent modlet, oewfer-Mussey case up-Qther lion, wbilel cMWaay 4 la almply nion- meted over tise telepitone. Thse SUN ou li 1as . r1 MAre 6ed 01e4e, Pm. ~ jptepgtlu lectonars vai Ue only papes- 1<do tUus. Thcth, witt umiteresud caisofl, bri j.hun o r ÀÂtalmst Semvlmos. UN lgseathora every lime. n ~ee med ai p cfflday1untUc circuit cous-t. th- Ai a reenl of lte Pnimar>John AI- li'ue re the maeuM aà& bcuChriti"n Citurcit of WaùcganalIed fred .Johnson von out oveniEdyand wnyfthAivrai tu nce a even otter bateries lupape"9 aglathelite rt Chriatian Marsbalfor aiat,$ uPervlot-, At- Twendy gtir -t nieir Cote and 10 lii cChancitn -oegn, reopenlug te tormmy B. Id. ulnya won out for Thrdynit,4 el-Ctr rL" obaterisin au Str-et borne. Mr. and Mrs. Wlbur u reular arMY. îeTïtc OrsIp b fUttojs-t " chlvo evits, justic tmgo e peace and Clarence EL Hendee eietraled thitwels ty-amU Loui ais-u nexibtin t. he ThsealtonUa 0dmwuva a pin o!Hcksanld Charles E." Tiayer vere veddlng ânnversary vitit an ai>-f4 iÂmisfuir n t190. lc-me. ejecmeutfor vhice the complainIug :lectcd in the. nomination for con- orate entertaisment. ldU v Cbegue hve b. atnt ecin laagainat the Mrl'iritiu citurcit Runyard Won JustIceffIoht eing va. as cajoyable ai Uic, aâe t ý.4M - Th-&tige-- e -Wamkega.1oMh ILS.Devdller, The hotteat OgitI va.on Jusice 0f oveningm. Gamfes <of varioui tînds tg goum la babild an amour paejocsM. Graves, Thomai Taylor Sud the peacel In whlcit lunyand von Out vere played. mmie va. lndulged In gull ta Iolaatted 10 eacb g en ury Meyer. 1adTbhet eeire.I itepoiton<fgune o l. ev Tbc declalWt lled clalme tUal by 28 votes ever Botaford. Iunte rc1 udrfeamuaet erc.l Th gut m ode mchorne r 'tepnfte bu- nnAivreeetdfomfrlt upsTsnnsunloome <of te sanes guele recelved U cfl a "*sel Se vepocle the rciWntso er aIl ornr fou bhed 79 mor vo. ttn Edd Ucprie for thein ltil ad addream. hoM tic r so l df7lb.rebattes-yonvddybac ýMinEdithtDanaiîn furnisited lte£ '" je fthe ba10 y ws- ha F a d7Urc tr~on Jal second e Incrcaid" e ov 110.0. viten U IlbdbcDlapIn ea Thet oal vole Poled vas 490 and M le * ls uu bvea ptet U ooiti sc.onMs 1Ther% tones tO-hîese6 wvesdefective. o,ù. .Holîsîcin Relis-e. «"Aimct tal îmbd They en te visé Edvardie ld the papera. The Vole. Ater liirty.tvo years in lte Saloon a lyciaI a liio! el abaoia a min- 8,eriây4tus.y Case Roopencd. Tite nesulîs o!fte eleclion vene: . businesaslt tis city, Chitian 1101. aie. Tbey ,"Srooe-abol, npid fi 1A cae 0f Athur goarley, John ~supei-vloor.% Steinl, o! Wahington alreet, hu.SONd -1. Thse Oempleise £quipment. <lnri yand David Q. Hart, c-Part- lThe comsplote equipmuet reelê nera, vs. Michael Huisey, for &re, lldward Conrad....... ........ 484 hum business 10 lite Scitoenhofen aurdai constata o!ftour gnona,pais ou UheCca"efor 9$,000 damaes. Aulmetanlsupcrvisor. BrevlniCompan>' tour Dhoe,- four caissons, tvrelve TTcecos la iteSecond taItha.nteen Joitnson...................... 223 M. HoUstelas rellnement ie necO, »Mta of barnes for the gune and ied agmiDmI Baise>'. Thte SI'it va. ddy . ....... .............. 144 gtaled by, -coltu 111I beclU.Ho twelvcfor th. iMitera, Ivo sota for for the mantenance o! an option Marshtal ..................... 91 tas an excellent business and ha. ru su Iofo it. Husoseydeclred ey forfeted ltrgu o e el ak-i lbhé baggag wagoc n w h nd vblcit ey declredey dld not Town Cles-I. Il 7ng ot m for yca rsela hc-f -. éage wagon. BeideS Uiea e Ucbut hoe gored. Huteblnson ............484 gaon'the oldeut sao np e n bas equtpunet o! lbe guna ta lacluded. The lait la for damages that tbcy Asesu l.' ite oneillage pgnv mbholiteof ay. oronance offier Cor»ning daim vwilI remuIt f t.eoplion ils not W.Bdmal m.. o...d.......484 sbeng <ne 0f li pnder 11cr.,eo! a A crdnaaceofficr rom thgc%arm'saianed. A deniufrer by te defens sudhr oknsmi ifyOr un e » gad HIlhaaMt bure On lte Oral Came wai aastalued. collecter man stock. HeBeuoidles viit bisfam- ual Mt octhe gens.Nov O ."t eu« case ld oday ver.: Thomson ... .................484 Ily at 110 North County -Street. Het b et Up rtc gfornthnider as n Il Barry Bradici v& GOs-msBradisi, Justice of te Peace ha.been >Osord viti thUcprealdency ~th bill icuit ia le Vl $ft ore Eerom ane. a. Renyard . ................... 176 o!flthe RalaltI Lquor Des].?' Associa- wdard ell reln n mon sai Uhegu-9WAjtou and Mrs. Aton Jactaewitc, Botiford ... ...................148 lion oc agtap omioll em il el inpction la bold. appeaL liydeckrr .................. 91 A ierican mcla> and locig circlea. i w - -I - 2 e,40 I ring the -$5.98 ýto this-- id for that amounze W inter H aslf Puice seew Uful ( ,k can he pur- ver'.béfore and neyer <v vk o vs apwepiled a la ik DU thcygot ambArt à 1 'heap. u mmaf 0 imiteardof bol thgm ou m.e a<8s. 5o, gîving our cuatomena th. ,9ge. Our ceuh looked me, good te the maaufmO- mivnaglin.La. 1 g t M iderl sa li .d allge sslan iligrpdeho. whou aplbyt mmd Pmmmel lyTenubatreestouad uert the ire Mlst cnfledto brer hndome on EN 00MB T~>RESHie"Ti reiatrt on8hthe «n acd- EUT ASÂILÂN UuAET promie ao! hhr i cpurtd ec meo sie Peh.,e hndeng Ilitmult mdin ciedand br hoes. nBÇU who ree»deeùxn T B'e la In btd ho- sa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ es oedufu nthvsgmàyiin <Fr InjWeuesad'îSun.> o Reisn ai 1 foma lat & fid, njurite rescath abut theO id 4 en ta$urda0,evninu ut ls muadfe and brdy ui. B Ti h mirl.aismed icreecti, ai f th ieadditdvtotlda ve baani qAlaeravnalarU anddetaaaaulted her ro W4m"Ys un.a)ec igtbr sta ietwlythe bonaneor. &1,T c av merhe . btued wuta dee hmlm mkekd fat -Ilu polie beofle tiat Uic m hec fae, olnehed lth 1er andliv., o r on i ainue andye- Thd er bkwrt «tmtd ot. teïmow l1uofte>tleyacddard tiiomlreldbfr ehe w en çAllter aenuea cnd up n d 10 utir 10 ud ite van, Th*e oop ditoit. bs gkd atiTheolisucema.elleve mliii beelevn itebe fce, llnhie effoti 10beradl tvct Orowning. veead e way~~~~~~~~ ortemmontlpdd eyhn the ey seliaI tedmuteotngttiou ut ne itd, iieh tl rtic.-t t 0 h auctonic e til eive te other,, the. desperado grabbed a Iiig tiiê Btret. e eot M of anov mda"forced ît Into Ho may have duekedlotohl@ home the oungwomals mutI.lnmediately &fiter lte amianît and a. yuagvorlal ouU. - donmiugotter clorthea have' rom. out Strulie In te Snow. 'con t Itflrectaaga&Wunnspectcd. Site vas gaine and would not give Poil«eHung on 10 Came. up. The. police arc hafisig on bt the ýGetInq e-hand y1re. sie drew ber cmie lite gnlm death anid are -promis nfilsmoaroe aber amillmnta foc, In- lnug 9me startli;gdeiolllucaéti rou' fictIng a doep scratch. . day to day. itoping 10 catch te gult: Me retletoad b>' ouglng ber-aboutla If ail lpossible. They itave.trmced ail clue dovi the moutit wlh hie hande In a', ettugfar and have matiy people ou the eompt te vreymnt ber from creaming. atnu vo savtheb.iatcss osifilant tIn la uspected that h. would bave come -ont of Uic Woods and go down outragcd iter itad not aid ,come atthua Browning avenue. Uie. Scratch ia Uncertain. Tvo mca came rnung f rom dîffer Whether or not te man hada eut directions and were vitiîn twenty scratcit on hiu face la uncertain. s] fee ofthemanandwomn rouuîn thougit Mina Decko toa itaI ait abot laheUic man lad the m ait'r dug ber nails imobislmfae as io te - abou lu it. ltchvite lit diaA ,dtacked iter. spled theni comlng 'eud vîit a curie* The police are not dependlng par Fîs Ott. ticularly on titis élue and wiii look Purmuit la1Hot One. turtiter. He made away cent serons the va- caut lots betvecn Mcàlister avenue I4OMESEEKERS' RATES. and lhe ccmetery, wlit one of lte two Homenekera' tickets are on sale via reacuers la bot pursuit. Tite North-WCIsII neo from point Thot hoe inew hle g.'ound la proven In Wisconsin lte Ont and Uird Tues tyý the fact ltaI bho jumpcd a wire day of each month at very loy s-atei fonce ltaI lite min -on lthe cbase for the round trip 10 points Uiroucg lcnew nothing about and the resit out te Wemt, nortitvet and soutb was thst the pursuer feu hhsdlong vest. Aigu apecil, 10w rate$ for Que againat end oves- the fonce, lomgovay colonîasi'ticketsnmsedaya l gs-ound snd anabiing tbm hlghwaymun Feitruary and Marci to1 Colorado, Wy I. gel &way. omins land lb.Blact Huila, and t10Pu Thc reenlt vai that tbc trail vasi cille Coast points alydm1>'ring liar bast, alhougi t Ila mornlng lte po- ad April. lice regained it at Marion atreet lad Ast Agnt$ Tihe Nos-ti-Wçoter dirownlng avenue, viiere anotter Une for parliculari. slurnlng togSbociTht>' u.Trunt Opeued sud Valmblut xiaotd- .On Ue eveulin cf Udor retoma 10 w privaI. setool the? arc attbadlag * St. i, ummiaêGrace and Fi> de prmer, of Wauteoaa, daugitere * will . Farmer, of Park avtnue, Warrant Swe dus tee Auet of MmaCrosby *sudRer MARET on bitIEMÂtU Fielg area unwarrantas avrt eut befe Juatice Wi1liam P. welm. ln Waul.egan for allemd linwnrai preoticeho 2i00Zienty, warned ef lier lmpeutlng deeM by Cbarles brennn, lte, mati Who me the amdav»Çt lit caueed ltae warante taobeulmuej, bat- urdia>' L.>' ýÇro*y,lte -heo" 0f a liSe Tfree lte" m., he h.oit>' wdithlier alleod pas-mour, snid tlebel * Th replIvaihalvitn Satus-da>' 2Capteain akrtead <of te Zion po- lice force, raided lte Crosby boume tei serve te waratamte e foun4 Uiat lte 1people te iough itail Sown. *Warranta were out allinst bot Um Crosby and ter allegedr pasamour t Balla. il informant Cave Warning. it Ttla reporled Ibat the Informant againet the tvo, Brenna", gave lhe warulng Uiat reeulted llit.he dgitI it le belleved ltaIlthe purýffl cf the le enable B, ald Mic» y Crosbyto te loIgally marrie* ln 1Cm. nomite . When grennue, bld th.m tbat inh lie I<dcaumed warrantastte iueUd w apilnet them, he alto idvimed tItel it gel married, prommlng Ibil bo would lnnol pfosecute If lb.>' dld. 11"ill Istand lte test," aaid]dins aCrosby, meaning ltaImite would not L.ltte thte legal vova <of, wediocli. le Ziosa Police on Good WBilc. t- Wiîh lte mtempted arreat <of "Mr%. Arthtur Bail$.,, nos Miss Lacy r- Crosby, citief prienteso! tbe CroS- >k< hylte mecclin ZVon City, te of1iais of ltaI community showed thal Ibey arc detes-minedtu0 dean mp lte rclig- toua plague spotms<of Lake counly. la M1aa Cosbty la a itadmome voman 'taf 38 ad cante 10 Zion Clty wli Uic sefollovera <of Voliva. of witom site vas esadevoled aditenent for a long perlod. gh enlerlng Uic Zion college and laklug th the miniterial couzee iti th1e Inen- 2' lion of beconalng a mlsslonary. ln Sarted Cuit of Her Own. _ iy. a- Laler te. started the. cuit that itu mb ince been nanued lte Croabylle fac- lion alitu been holding usgitly s neetingi et wvic il lah alesged te lau-lit roputed immoral practices. Iu- cluelng lte doctrines <of "free love," -0 càlled. jt la clalmed tat glu Crosby be' î ileved itersoîf about tu mlrmculOuialY conceive a savios- of te vorld. lu an interview with a SUN reporter Bat- urday te denled tis tIsory flnally. SWbei± aaked vitether or Dot site ls legnly niarrîrd to Arthtur Balls, witom site daimsa a§iter itusband, site sald wlit a dellaîdt tosof te iead. "I have told ny Father ln heaveui ail about il aud 1 do flot îîeed to tell any- on0e ele.'1 Hat Twenty DlacIples. Miss Crosby, or "lins. Balle.'"lbas about twenly aditenonts, slie daimts. Site disclalmed Charle Sansom, te otiter 'Iprophet" vito was boutud over 10 lte grand jary Friday, Il vilIl be remembered. At one time site t'z,ted tu bulld a temple on land ltaIsite leaies la Zion. ibutl wit5 topped. -. Her aditerenta ail reslded la one hou"setaI ionm Itlei of lIes-est tb noteltai lte SUN vas lte frsInevapaper 10 print a zlto<f Uic Crosbylte belitsanad 10 deicribelte founder 0fheUic mcc wblob denouncea thc loe] marriage and bellevezanld practicca .»OPrcIle coelrary.1temcalled civlMsed codea. Anellier SeusatlpmProsmed. Tl ta annonced lndlrocty ltatan. oer grcat .saiaton ill ho brouget 1êlghtI lanLion Monda>' -b> lte police. Witmt Il yull be la not divulged, bat l l'aitelicved 10 beo a partof Captai ýWalker'm able campalga agmiat lte crctic religions secte ltaI bhave been flaine«10ulte city ltat.Dovie fppuded. .'I'bre are nov Uine Lioniltea lu Uie mmaeIy jli.Thete Uree nov Uieve arc Iadolpb Zolinager. vibo luafglu"miCo bave @btot and vouaded Eider Ropp te a banglar raid; Charles an»aan ad SAielia lock, prophtlMad tig .prlestem o<f Ire. love.;.1 The waantau yee imsnd by lus- tics eWis Baturda>'. One vms for Mis LucyCroaby and te other for Arthur Dm11. rý