01 curry combs, brushe*s, whips. tie ropefi etc., are Just what you wili be lookihig for this spring. Grqstake llardwareStore. W14. r.e RMKOEIN. Propdietore -e rfi PRAIRIE CITY SEEDERS IIOOSIER DRILLS Figure WitIi You SCHANCK BROS., MARCM CLÉARING SALE. GROCER lES. 22 Ilb Granulateti engar for ............... ................$ 0 14 bar@ Oriental Famaly soap .....;....................... es Fins Evaporatel A pple# fper 11) .......lov lOt E Z libye Pttlleh ...... ....... .... 3 cs e PA lm o n ............. . ........................ s 3 lb cas Green Gage Plume-........................... a 15,e Reins Pork asti Bëaus......................*....... Caue Corn ateau......................................... Ose sweet Chocolats a ,'ake............................... Os Cabmanaumutard................................. Ic 51lb box Domino S.g.................... . . . ........ 39C 5Ot Dietz Lanterne................................ ................ 3 C 45c Granite Dinh Pans ......- .............................. .. 30C" 65e Granite Dnh Pau@ .............. ............................ z 4 pkg uatt'tng Tacks ...................................... ........... Ose DRY 00008. 2 funuches Shelve Pappr. ........... O 25e Bleeve Proleetorn.. 14c 21-k Corset Cuvers ..................... 19C 50Cc Cri.t Covere .... ase 6ile Corset ('vn ............. ....... 48C 77)C Ngbt Goivs..... soc 50,-utslunDrawers .....,............ 33C 2Ue White Aprotns 19c té, Niear 811k Llsings ..... ....... b02c 25c Liulng tSatines ile. 75e O.veralim ............ .......................................... L.adies' anti ciilre'e tëeies iuietihoop, ailli deecet audwooi underwesr, ladie' sud nes' ool seaeters, aIl mixai audwvoal dresa gotie, Our fulîl linocof mittene. felt uben. ant vmi oteîstili gît aIt st. Higtey & CarIieId Dept. Store * MY SPECIALS: 4 Uselag Durwture !ramiqagPcures* GEORGE E. STRANG f* rurnitire Deale and L:oSeud IJdertaker* lu".' 15 per cent discount on-. f ur BIaukets, fur Coats Fur Robes and ail winter goods ilarness and Hlorse Goods of ail Descriptions CHAS. H. KAISER Llbertyvtlie Ï-.. -Illinois Dr. D'RED jOCffeim ISPECIAL ATTENTION LTo out of Town Orders 0 And Shipping Tradeé Telephone No. 46 LibertyviloExchange IRAKER end CONI'ECTIONER HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED. W£ -DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS 4lÂKECOUNTV INI «N'f, KRIDAY MARCH 8, 1907 Wni. Edwardoq, of Wauktgan,. tran- 1Naw isthétUrne of year t> feêd toek sacteti business ben- Monday. food. W. en the sale itzpiits for the ild Fred Tucker andf wife who bave @,pent I'liab15 1f.Delmsestovk foo d, Grays. the paetyear in Chicago have returned laits Pb&rtnacy. ta Haineuvi lIe te work for Cham. [Dr. Dunn, of Chiiagii. îflivered a very jeveland on thé atterehàli farni. able addross te the ladies Iriday p. ni. Mise Tbeo 8Smith spent Mondai' ud' Mmr. W. B. Riley ef t Tuéi4day tae se Tuesday visiting frieuds sud relatives In ber wister who ls very siek ut Detroit Waukegan. Mici. Jimmie Mogg had the misfortune te The B. 1. G. wilI entprtain ata bave i.gain explode Iset week leeving bard tme social Thursday eveniug et a very bati woundj outhe second fluger tbe home tibui. lti Turner. et bis right baud. It hecsme necomary for Dr. Clark wbo bas bail hlm In charge Dr. andl Mm. J. M. l'aimer, Mir. J. . te amputate a part of hie inger. A Walto ansd Um Alite Strang weî conninli was calied wlth Dr. Foley taken initi t order of Esatern Starre SatnMay sud hbain now iu charge of a Tueeder eveuiug. 'l'le Mork dons by nurseslu very serions condition. the Stas w# sid to ta the bout.A James Bersciiberger, foreman on the fine banquet wus served aiter the initia- Pick farm,transct-ed baginee in Chicago. tien by thie youug petilîle of the lodge. Monday. F . D. Batershali aud family eqpent George Thayer accompanied by MNr.1 Friday sud Saturday in Chicago. Thayer's littie daughter Mollie, visited Oso. Richardson tralimated basiness Mir@. Thayer at the hosepiltal set in Chcago 1'ueM3. Thursday. Mir@. eouler 8heçiard uied at the 1T7ere wa- quite a crowd ont Friday county bouse SundaY a ud was huried .'eI;gta eujoy the concert given by Tesay at the Volît îî.etery. the Orpheau CL at the opera bouse wbih vhins a firet clama entertaininent j in M. and lMre. (iD.urbîan, have every way. Mr. Guilidge, principal of moved from Round l.ake te the west aur bigh echool, who took it upon roomO of the departiîiiît houoesof Jobn bimeeli te bring these high eisse Waabburu on Plmer ave. entertainment ute na ur tawu liasibIen Tdm Strang andtfiiîiiljy have nliyei poorly rewarded for hie efforts îîaving froini a !arm near t vou ("utre juta the been the looser of ..me$2.1 or '$"0 Mike ioser houe.' î.a-t îof the Wiscousjn eonal Thoeuetertainimnii ave ail Central railwvay. beigh clam ad sudeîcationai andi iv. regret te chronicie 'the laek uf iiere8t, Lon Frank 'rai-Jî.. business in Chao. Laugabough wholias li-enu(éon-. Mr@. Oso. Thaper n eporteti nuch 11usd t his home for the.. îast tbret. hetter sud le xpetîliiiî8esuou. montbs with a- core fotot, rt'siîned 1hi@ r hfe u c ~i.î li duties et the Art Stuioic fiago Moin- Dr. sa.rn iilii. day.Tedy Mr.,aijîl lIre., t) (rrnsby . of G<m4iv, F. B. I.orell, oai i.urty ville. trani trantiaetýtl lusjîess iii rayslake Mou. scted bus4inegs ber Tu-i.v.. day. SPeial Minstrel eiîwut fiiertyviill 'T'E. Iloor.. canidate for our next SaLtnrday nigbt , Its wî,tiwile. cuevisir lias been epeîîdiig soie tiit5 The lbasket hllon iîî. llayeil a iong val li. n hilu fripnde the panttwo %weeks sud bard fougbt gîclît..Tuî.sday eveuing sud sy thia s are iîîîking very favîir. with s scoreoffl to 11ini favor ol tie able tii hlm. It le k nowu that several high echeol girlm. Ati..r the gante the have promisedte t vote for Mm. M owte, tentm was ta k su tii il,,.lioîîie of mime who seldomu promise their vote. Auna Battershali viîjtaiiî tf the tean. Win. Cleveandl leit Satumday for $an- Wbere there wu@ a uiviieou arranged Fraueito, Calif., wbere he will join bis lîy the offltbre, wbiil î î1»in the nature brother, D. D. Clevelantd agage in of a surprise te îlie tiîîîî. The youui carpenter work. lait swerse eterttiîw iet h severai B. heran ud vis eeutSuuayvocal sud lustruiiîîîital seietlohs hy E. . Sermn ad wle pen Sudymiss..Auna Batt-i vîl ansd Irene at Wheeling. O'Brien. Rtfing tii tht-jr borne@ ut au Chao. Kuebker aud eau Chas. were early bour alter [Lîîti very piese Chicago vistors Tuenday. sut eveuang. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE'OPTICIAN eLadies Ai'i eîty viilntest ai Word mali'i s Ibat Peter Jorgenean înuus o! lare. Win. Smtith au Wedsesi. a former ]liticcer ai Waukegan. hal attemnoon imar. 13. AIl memibere pumthaseili.luai'î.anti lot in Anadatirt lustet t beTprosent as Ibi le the Oklohoiiý. îî liv' be reeully niaved bih ial mîeeting aud eiectitîu of ofien. Ianilyaiud .iiîvt,ýl ta pratice aw. Tii andt tire. %otleÀ§e enlertainel at epeak" tr-Il lîf,vrtlie new ativeuture. iTuecsday eveuing. the pîîpuîar magazines may be pur.-<Addition! Libe'tyffle - at the GrayulaePbarmacy. as Dora anti Bertha Bebnt, of E. G. Alîlcuî spendisg a week or tut mout, calieti ou frieudshere îaouday. biers tting lianos witb beatiquarlen. i Humas' Jeu i'll- itore. ,n tut tm. ant] lin. Frank Davis, Jr. ________ ny, auline pounti boy.NOIE E. A. Crane snd Win. Sage epentNTI. àeday p. m nu'iuCbicago. To lthe ta\ ayes of!he o tv c ,Palmer sud Win. Pestermîmausactel Warren, Iuvîi lhit 1 teBraweher & Dlxi te ait Whesling Wedseslay. stors in (duri..Wednsmtays antiat Hi & Bangs' store. in Wauksau aturday B.Spalfori, of uilnespolie,ije Of eacb cteek. H»wIN RAY, piug et the Gardisier hotel fr a few 21-3 Town coîloctor, sud lire. Lou liraI ay, of Hlgb- àvisiteti the former% gradifather, London'a Brnoke Travelo Far. kW. Bradway wbo le very loy. A correspondent of the Tintes tell inpa Wash wbo in making his cf seelug..Jle -cuntry air lilled wivi e lth thieldaughter, Mrre. Eti s0nt 64 mules awuy tramibohemetropc han bail te misfortunetc, al an sd lis.lie askeil as eephord wbere1 ul ilstebadîy li Tfro.tat îm. 'l' lie answer wae: " avsry edrla etlmnsu acaîllIL uiondiiu i rt tu the winte poor beaut.linltcmsuth ow er1 i Anna Amanu, of Round Lake wbe lrte t h uvbr he guest ai ber elstoef, Mn. Paui covered i ltlî hiacil." yWedneoday. ______________ sa Theo Smthbhas resigued. hem ou at the pastoffice. ' j - D . is Wntrslevey ic abler honte jI'8yslak'e jakeri bhituey St. RUSSELL li Jol are h w e in Russell AeasRestauu'aqt 7 tbm. ýea1sand Lumche Serive Miurrie entertaineti lbe uiniser lover e i er su ad Mn.. John Itonuer visitel FRESH OYSTERS ris brotheresud sisteme Snday. yau waut iiliair eut lu the Isteel CIGARS and CANDIES caîl on Bert Eddy. e. Samali Young spetit a fev tain l LAI'NiRY OFFICEI eerans last week. Plione No. 19. rW. B. Lewin is meting as contiort- as can be expecteil but lb will ha MISS EMMA GERLACH, Pmop. etinte betore ho wll b. arounti. _______________ e. Lewis le very loy. es Brove spent Tnesday watb Mmer@.TI 5~ T rele vbo le very eick. IT9S IVIL. . aud Mire. R. E. Lewis @petit a fewý with bis parents lasI week. PA VN'T UP re. E. A. Reevas is quate porly ,in. ewis Bennettî i. ual improvaugsa hie Our Nox-all Ready ls bail bopel for. Mixed Peinte will do tE ien Barbara Chaise returuot Ilfromu ber in Milvaukes Monday afternoon. work. Plice« right se Graco Carpenter, oi Solo .n Mille, Goods guaranteed h eau apeudlug asots blme vitb Misen by Neliila. I. Psdriek sud iaanbly vers makiug Gragslake,,Pharmacg ewell tailla an thmfir many fr'lendé lie t day. They loftior Canada Saburtiay. iGragalake 'luIi"i GRAYSLM<E . DEPARTMENT F.J. DRUCE, Editor - Plhone Centrai Thingis Soee and Hoard Pertaining to (irayu<Iake and * I I $ f I p 5 p p i I p s i a f t Tm e n e o Pty 0 s rolim m eI l I Auction Sas. The uuderoigued iiaving ohdie s k ,t,"o th mpl ad Jeero wii oeliet pulice utit thieilz em p il eanti tacwher of <J i prent4:se ; nise South of BitL~ wiii .rîpv a wek'cnîrtiî iest tif Pikeville "'O P. n. a ~t ffem tiftîtiagi> us orttu-easît o Autioel ovn Thursdae $avgnt tieointe tif August Meyer i<.n foi c ctc' es 1(1 popeloek 141. an ariiva rsut wi'iting. D ctao ivii..stoil,, î'îîîsisting 0 ai 1 Frn Cordesandi ('tas. Hans trou- "mares tuu itis.iniiudiug the efirt inese inthe eity last veek ie)iterîi Mtorganî stitîllon, Elt Ttrday If he tells YOU f0 take Ayer's andil several exeejtionally goô ctiares anoint tît: WiO eailof thé, lo KWiliîe Cordes lias hireîl tut tt> S. Cherry Pectoral for your daàimy' stock inithe eoîîuty, icil** Keier foir the arumuier. CUho brnha 1ev. J. fluente, of Sorti Nortblleld, svr ouhofracil Iul blouifJerse.y.sud s nuImbée niad sevral alleluer oueGuernkw%,s andtî Hoîsteins; 75 bi< ryMaeaeerlpastîral rishr n day trouble, then take 19. If he has cîuding a registereti lolsnd Cia The tumnniy ws geaty eockd mythifie better, dico talle that. '0 brooti sowm e,îd forepi The cmmunty ws gretly hockd ï)pige ai varions sizes; 100<fu (e ta hear of tbe death of Richard LaFrauusà But ve kn@w7wbat he wilI Say; 13PlYmouth Rock liens, turkeys. dut*s t, who died alter oui>, a few tsys of lium es for dotr haeu d hs fi lown mcieyJen of peumnia t ba bone areh2.uew and lu iret claire condition:lê aFuserai services were beld Inl the cougb medicine over 60 years. P. andl 2% H. P. Fairbanks-oe SLutheran cburcb Tuesday alternoon, sti ho seo» AsMM te er e, lins englues, 1200 poul Do'La 1ev. Hummel officiateri. He baaves al d cal, bet - ssd bnasowe wlf., aud tbree chiltiren to moun ti " ,W" M«1 oi#"illeth ot s peraorwibjaud, su powera, IL fose. Their mauy friendesymnpathise i55Z55 sb~~melland.cpum jsck, rcil rsain hé te witb them in ther lime of bereavemieut. ansd belts for power conection; &Wi rd >_ .. 16-i. B"ssEnsilage ctter *th ag y ""'"~~ "'""""~ b~.~IF' bredd. had sud 35-lt elevatorso A P Uw.utàua. pIste. Grain anti cors biaderse, ly t,. i iD PL% .u. rakes barroive trage, wagons bob.ls lire. E.Kelly, of Chicago, i ste v%7mm"M meutt ng ^.,@, b. l o at. b mltsh it WithMr@.Joh MeCnn.water plant, 50 new iilk cane, a 5-toi .F. Gillinge aud famîly have inoyed ta Kept"h be 5 pa» milh 00 of Pitiens scale sud stock rack, seav" G R udd AYomu 'l810 t beditlmve. n ets of single sud double barunsea&t a(§ Thas. Rùd uad J. Ryau calléolu __________________ mail torilesudndtteusils tof every kitill friiite l WaiswrthSatrda. f500 bu sur corn, 600 bu cair, 60 tou fries NliQin la n lias rturd tbe G RNE al eeticorn.bran etc. This stock ci d ie NeleQilula pujdt cG R I animali sud machinery le ail of the hWm liane ini Chicagoalletr #sjteudiug sev er al quality and reprefteté a large invesi. weeks witlu relatives bere.f Miens 'irgiîîa Partiane,tif Ilesiaines. meut but wili bc sold ta the bighss Mn.Iteoku aneaiee i pt i erai tisys iitît adie lialliiwiy liliders regardiese of pis ISuntlay with friende lucre. durlng the week. STIl.LUAN B.UJAitiFett, Owner fMrs l.'iîrîy, of lilieyvill.-.tustIi lthe C 'ttuuttgL. &Urt. ,d Z XOU Z I] giîe..s . m.atMrs. i.. i. meyer init d week0 Oa'tug ta the suride-n detat tRichar nihl@ atrl etn illleleda Tiie .E. i'.ctt'iet3' lielti their mgitiar LaFruiitz i wili seil et public tati i koqry erly.nieting, Mardlie hlaiiiithl loulliites. iieetiug Taeday(i' ti ftuarufornterly kuown à'ti Rev.ady ill t ltiýecanm 4s veiliTîg ut tire itonnîe tf the misivs Charle Klèppier june 1imiles uarth0 11v.Uay vlilii~rl t lieca Bs I.il' l-rtttiLoiig..Griîve and ituile West of Pra1ri In the e. utu..MiCreiiMissAniei o lte ,.iik; View ituSaturduv, March ,1,0,. - Mfr. Kelly lias hetililii('I1iiagoti a iii rie, . îîeucing at 1 Itio"oe harp anl~u hb Fred licOuire whiihouit ltlite liosiiliil Thei iii,'. l)i'its S.vieîy .f trefainiug iipleinents, stock. ete.' ar undergoiug air operatian. foiliwe: IHarst. 12 viearms ad wt 14S Mise, Shaw lias returîjel toteii l l'ri',t-liiivLi ii vii-i are lainuii g tii borses 10 years tîlîl ut 1100, hors.4 Mu t i.. tLati . îî Ma iîil is. ey m iti ý i t i e bnin e:yearm old ti t1200, 2 colts 3 ye s e k afe dg fe lluli it e' f Mr.î,'lid i.. M hriîdyeenn,,bkt.u.yearling tcoit. 3 cows wi*I aif Hi l'on. v acîtît M. *tIves lîy sdt, SMcaring i in lua ~" Bertha Frazier, of k îiii'k vvliiiî.%Ir.'and iti fîîîily. t.ul,4ofa enlefes tokhst,1 over Studay ivitîtlin tOliver. îChiiagoi.liaNýi.. iiiietloun the terni i uly, 4e arrlung llrh, stons 50WI Le Jantes Oliver ije ntkinirîîa vîtM fl iirîierlv ii îîî.tl N. . J. ytie. 1witlî pige. 3 choas, fuIl blood joirxi Richond wit bi daigher, rs. Marîleil, li 1tîli. Fîl. 26, M is Edua 1 l)urOe boat, 200 busees cora, am ig Hunter. (;. %Wilt. li 'tîiiNutllalt teniet. Misesbusees calte. 10 hushelasised cure, .X ig The liases Taylor andi leudal hae Enais wlell kuticyti in Deertieilar]ti)ba19 pittatase, V) toue timnotbY 19 hara ho ieen at home fotr a few dae. foruutemîs liveii tt Waiitegaîi. t' wil 1tack hay, 2 loade corn staîke. Durl le W'ni. tielling bas moveti ou tI.he tîtuke their llîîîîîe lu Colorîadoî. binder new, Deeiug auower sew, r141 te Melville luarnt; Chances Edivards tif pîtt w, Deering torn bindeor 1" I. I]MOIeîl lias ittuveti into the Gellinia Mm. andîlMmc. Franîk E, MaIerasd ctam planter new wtitît check- mw sm àd lianes; Johniî [uncan, of Russell anti. rîilîlren vititeti witl Mmr. %i.yt"parents Pire, seoder, timoty seetier, pulverigs 'e IImetutymfait; Wn. and MeCamtby ini Chicago Mfcîitav. sulky cultivstijr, 2 baud cultivaton 19 bas m~oved auto the Brooternimutwett 8. P. Hutclilucout vislted lu Waakegaaî 2 walkiug plow@e, 2 sets work barsem ail of Milîhumu. Friti y. heavy single hartsseilt singlebharem )y J. D. Mur ry is ini Wuukegati thI i vteklto y Irandiy, uvîtîtfoiîerjy a'trketi in 2 etsIlynets, 50 grain baga, lins '" stteuîling the meeting of tire huard of the ta)wer, ise Itoi t. fom talonilis, Win. wagon, bob siî'igh, mi.prlng. wa n upeFv.'ars. lMr. Bell bas takeu bis position. DOW, liglit buggy, top bugl ne George Ityau, sos af James Ryau aocutter, wbeei harrow, gIuDsnea Tg the Votera of Premont Twp. kiîed by s train at Mtîudav in Iowa. o rg ecoiétnwt The'budy w< broughtt eeledtmongh, bay rack, @et dump hoerd Iwil teas candidate for the ttollaua- Tueiay night. I"uneraîmlce rssn S, a et fr2 t *tion for the office of tai coîlector. of beld lu the Catholie churcb iii Hlandwer cane, iorke, eltovelesud a quaatlWy Fremont township at the eomnng Park Frlday mni. HghadOther articles wo numuemonswbimson" caucus. 1 wouid like the support af the Réiag tguler terme. votera sud wîiI appreciate the alid-of my Services at tbe Christian cburch Sun- MiRe. Racoaie LAFIIA.TI, Prop. friandls. AaRHR W. HALL. day as failows: Bible Sebool aI 10 &AiiRicwWàWt;îER, AucI. O'ciock 0. W. Metcaif àlupt., preachiug OUBU S CONIsud Breaking o! Breadl at i1 o'cîock Y. P. S. C. E. st 0:45; eveuiug service sti Osfe SUCC..b Bou 7:30. Momiug tapie: "Hantiiug it-r Tire vonuge@t laugbter of W. R. Snmith DoIu' eveuîug topac "The Wrestler." Pembape no breel of fouise~ a' is et preoeuit under the doctors rare. Tire choir ivilf rentier special nunthera ýt the couctmy wlth orela force aseio We aire curry ta repart aur ueighbom. lîttîsesrvices. John S. Zerau, Minîster. S. C. Buft OrPiugtos. Neyer hefo Fredl Grever, lu pour heîlth. tueb jtreet1 cetiteryo Wau Boa, ta, Mr. and Mme. William Stbckei,, LONG LAKE. . aif owîe a eoay l t a daugbter. Alare doingwiel.' A cigar igos iéPh aba Willianm. So i ebte. Miss Abtlie Wilson Who bsh e1 ugue Wietbybv Tir cht2efaeory"' e'ta the Stadardfor about toua' Tm beefatr uetng wascà .pendiug the wintem wltiîlitem niec e be swhîcb tinte tbey ierecompar n, I utccetlough nîot 'ieavlly atten~dd returnedtlaIir hante ut Ourses a tew knows lai the shomn, todajI Thipe, wen. votel matiefactamy andi wilI Jolis Clevelandi waei a Grîtyclake taller show lu Amerc d fortunats 9 le retI for another yeam. Satumday. the bIeetie hat ean carry away ti leg Auk Lohutuan aud fauî wil vlimuse Augumt tîtunsnI was s Guru....coller ribhon lu tbe larger shows toa wb osto hie farin tbjtîwesk. Itwias recently Saturday. conîpelition bas heconte Of teLs tiîrchamed ai L. Peters rneur Lake@ Witt Hucker visiteti Mouaville frienide nature. Tlue popularltyoftbe.ii.S itarnee.., We are sttrmy ta lane goad Susdsy. Oriutoele.ruot confluiei ta auj J neigban..E. Clevelandi aud sou John epeut djetrit but reaches every stah, John Thieu anti wife, of Piumb Grave, Monday lu Chicago. terrltory lu Anuerîc. tO maie a businessti a iithr The S. C. Bli Orplngtons have « ctMaaiii u hi r u vstIes MiseLouiseRuas s@pettsafew laye tasly flled a long .f ait as a =$à brother loudsy. htrthis wesk witb ber aunit bers. erpaIl fo01a- no other bredIu lire. William Quentin sud da gtr Misses Mande sud fIsabel Elijtt Wr av Il the good qualities Nmmi May aejet retumueti front a vieIt of Chicago vieltore tibis wesk. this bn.ed. anlyere bn eaq tes dbyswith rlatives ut Park BRige, Ail Ccaonsd Libertyville. They badal s Guy look vas a Waukegan vieltor Iul, dai iohaeb.hi. u oi very pleasant tinte. this wesk. tho strongeet rivai the Leginou e" onmeet, "n 'Daual !tJs lII Born, tulMr. aud lire. Auguet Lobmau, Eu Grabamt is sîawly intproving. vînter en a telale tarcin W bys Saindai morslng, Marcb 3, a dangbter. H. Gibert bas beau doing @unte dot.. and Rocks ont of t smms Fred Follette le somewhat uiler the narpeuter womk for Everet Culver piear gethber. They irequntly hgatui veather at plement. He le botherel liasaville thie ek. liremouthe or age sud kesi> wonIa with bls rbeumsatiom. b eiug aiU ready ta hateh thair hioé Our vinter sehool closes thie week GA ESL fore the America vauiation bsgla te, alter a tralgbt us of ive monthe. A tabletoitiyr nupa~ su ad Mire. H. L. "ockln anti sou WiiI Suyder'aebciltiren are recovsring Ihbeir bodies titan auj cther fli ofI lbh Henry, o! Palatise, were boe Sunday front theur lîSSes. saine welghb. Thoir Rms la cd a t PO- callini an lir. Bockelman'e parents. The Cuebinan famîly bave iovedti t deliclons fiavor sud cas1 only, ba Ve Mises Alta Witt, of Park Ridige, marieaCblao where Mir. Cuehuisu bas secured i catod by thots who.havet.sm.a t.'ý1 fftrip tu tbis place Suntiay to Pull on ber a position at the stock yards. 1 Standard welgiibs an Cook 10 1bm. er parent@. lire. Ames le entertsning bier sinter, 8 Ibo., Cockèrele 8% Ibo., pqI.s# l isaFretia aud Eus Wiebart nmade a Mrs. Cann. 1foving brothei.es got 4 visit witb MisLydia Quentin last lMr. lioterman, af Avon Conter bas tat'edm w tana u -Suuday. moved cauto the Griffu feai. î~sta i oStudh Get>. Balte, af North Dlakota, le bers Athur Les e ndong @orne repair vork obtainable ha this couutry sud hava talkiug ctieap lande. lsie ilI returs tu on tbe Sean. tenant bouse. veapu baud5 2 ecickerols iran Ma'. Dakota with twa carloade of hurses A atumber front bore atteuded Mm. Scbadt, rof GoIb ,lad., wbh 1 W h whlicbhii ilpurciiese ilaClîluago. Glitrte fueratinluWankegan liaturday. mateil wlth 20 of ay buet bons. »_, Mm. sud lin.. Oea. Craker, o! Austin nov su assureil tact that the SIL.C WADSWOR'TH. vieli l Frank Nicholas anti îmlIî' Orpingtone are tIbmn foWI? 1Suntiay. ' aireaily the exlatlig prejdlcear The busy humt ot the woad sawî'ms ie Jas. Mog liI the mietortune ta ha vs then on accoutit of their white sklit lieard everywhere. a e.rtrIdIzsfpladt aud blow off the sud plnki leg s jeapidly dlsapparku i Et iie . n u ik it I uitof"'i lgn.Erspest people Sud that their table quaitW a id d Fibiti o tie ivhsitinugsemos. tie li urpaisseti by no other breel of fowW~ Mm. aundi lre. T. Stmting entertalueti you are ual alreatiy a breeder o* Compaîîny hum ntire vity Suitiay. WiII O'Neal sud tien Lo avlse gane lavis I wiIl bc very glati ta siiyoI ta Oklahoma for a tripi. few settings aofe1ge rom May Pe" fi Mmc. Ed ItiylPhi' uuved t.. Wauke- eastn. Vem trul yoaIre S galk G~~lage Lake Aid itou'lety ai the ME. RN éi Mise gaut u ili OUwr cbumcb viii meet 51 the IfointsI lre Rlla Es Mhvg isssNioe tutti ile 10 veS illas Wright au Thursday liar. 14!Gaalake. III Chitîgt usitîrsreciity.Viaîtome invitai. Mme. iNicholas. SPe. Alfred i hlade i.. et'ireriiig fraînthe___________ LOON LAIC. griuppe'. W RlEN 'at n e me alssbusinesseri Tire ttîaîîliuîe sehool lias teei closelWA t. ite city Montiay.tn ttre.pinslt %,t- îî,wiîîg tii ta the sickneoe Hamvey Chame leiqnuprovlnug tram hue GornesuAndersen sud Iamlho uit titeir tesclier. Mise Daisy Fanlkner. meent @@vers Masnse. novel to the Richardseft'niw* The len ilum hall luasehcauged bande, Mr. sud lire. Duslap attendeti the bas receully purchaeI tisa. lrowte auaw bire proprietar. fuserai o! Mm. GIibert ir i aturdav ise fun u Jui Srss Mies l'urie Bhime mi.. eowîy fin- Wuke .Albert Sorensen, of Chicago, apst 1roviîîg. Mr@. Assis lIey le uffeiug train a daiy îith thisir parente Mr. sudU Wili Ste'wart was itere on business severe attack of Ianealitis.. Sutrensen. ' ý q 44 446» 4b 1 -- - ------------ Affl,', -ETS