CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Mar 1907, p. 4

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LAKE COUNTYINDICPENDENT, VRIiAY. MÂWRCif .~U 1 AKE COUN.MTY INDEPENDU«T OFFICIAL PAPER OF LAKCE COUÎNTY ONce Telapiroare 1. a datrr aRearri-ce Terepirone Nu. rt. racatarille Eza-eira. Entere a rtirhe Pastfice ar Litartyvtlie. lU., se Second Crer laatter tassuW551T.AnymRusgisuRAn CÉAne aNOWN ON £aPI.Ia.Tia UBSORIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVA«CEt FRANK H. JUST.. ............................................Editar LESTER B. COLBY ... ...... ............... .......... City Editorn FRIDAY, MARCH 8. 190O7. AS TO NEWSPAPER MEN. ove1Y lu a neigirboring claie a vise aJouta camate romntlrhe-nevepepers.1 âeisatar iras arisen ta, i iea pomt- Furtirarmora, tirere ta van>' rarol>' an1 pWsty saidaechaneal that ho dons nor anaor In a nevepapen statomeut. heleve irana ir wai horensleIra aNearhy avern> oaithom le tino. W. amwsper. - stbail accepitirhem ,as trus. izrd can a Tis unvanvantedal aithlie ac- vorifleal day by day sud year b>' yean. «foracy ai the average neuspaper Lat sayane vho aitonrs tram. th# haeebethe neceesar>' Justificationa. In>foia amontir tu galber hi inform- l on. could kaov tire trouble sud ation froni yard ai mautir anal ue o bo laBls entered Inmb on rire part oi mucir o! fit ylire accurate. Lai htma thame vir are rasponsible for the mak- see if any atIl: il iiie as accOais au lug of the average nayapapar tirat s nevapaper-an>' dal' paper. every Item enterirrginto il ry be Tire errorssfthnt croop lin nevs- coreet ouh citilamas bov. Idi-papens get there irecans user give un- cstsd vonhal ual be made. correct Informaton. Thon, toc. msny AIl tire nova that ve lbarra, al tire public mou are proue ta nepud4ae t Informatioan tiraI ve galber, comas tirir yards sitar tire>' final lie va>' tram navapapers. AIl]lire current tire public raceives ibeni-Excirauge.8 ITS.UP TO THE SUPERVISORS. Tis veekelieras the regular qur- daput>' shah ira alavweat. as weil ab t tari>' sessions ofaithe Loko Caunt>' la sel a maximumanta lie palal Iran- Board ai Supervisons. Tire nacassit>' aient Ira-p pan day. The salar>' ai the clenli anal iis de- ofa fixinag salaries oi doîruties In Count> prates la a ver>' materlal amaunt and t Cierak Henaleaar office vas brongirt ta yel adalea ta itis anotber Item the1 threattentinrof rthe board b>- Mr. Ha-o- canot>' must bear In conduet a! tira1 dees casutlit 'antrrrtcet airttreclerka aoffte-andairifaIhich i 111e cog- cent meeting abat ira- troîroseal ta ine. azanlîeis laken. tira aifirrnient bolta. air adaitiorial aleptaat $1200 pert>aar Tire suîîervieors w!11 firraib>' coorpani- ana laler anotirer aI $1600 lier year. son thal Lake caunt>' pays more clark Sa adverse vare expressions an al hira Inirabins iaricular office, lnchuding ides but one additîtoual deirut>' vas Mn. Herdees salar>', Iban a sinage iiredan sd Insîead ai ar $1200 a >ear oaIr-ncourat> Ira i% estate in lire sautet Mn. Henda-e us salal ta bave gone 10 ciasa.t tire airer extreme anal alioved biis nov Tire SUN iras sufficiently plroven ta deput>' an altogetirer inadequato tire sirîervsors the counl>' clerkh amount. Hovever this bat tamîrai- office le00 non bas il ever been seilf t>' anal unsatisiactorily adjusts mat- sustaunirag, f bat ils maintenance bas rers. sud itlaisup ta rire suparvisars beara tiousande rai dollars Ira exces ta niatermine iow mar-b salar> eacirofai is leglimaf a-earnirrgs. RUSHING INTO PRINT. S Il le qnaerhbaupepile Ir>'in tay>'demande tiraIlire Clarion, tire oppo- local papors againat eacir aIrer, try sition sireet espouse bis couce, totak adantgeof ny ett jel- Tire Clarion editonruma>'bava no ira- ta tta alvatag ofan>'Pei>' ei-lreet vbataver sud rua>'agree par- ans>' on 111 feelng tbst may exisl irc- sni>'vty iaBa ricle. But tvoon oppnsition navepapers, cape- tire Baxao ls tira"irateal' abeat In hlie ciali>' lu cases where tirea u>'e a mmnd anal ho rushes tira abusive rusn- persoual or part>' intarest. uscript Juinpint. Thns, Tire Bazan prinis an article This v rong. tirt me>' or nia>' not ho correct as ta Hanoat nevspapers are raady ta, tactsoor tiraI nia>' aiter In point ai mako bannet corrections vban the>' vlev fronutirhe opinion o! tireair- are necassar>'. Honeet nevepapers -.-Jeolor. Ir> ta sea thIrnge igirti> sud ana Tire objectar nover thinire aicalllng - Ibsuicul for corrections afinlaccu- * on the erittar of tir Bazoo, explaining nacles. titge, anal tryiug tu gel a decent cor- Anal innîbermore, ironoat nouspapens ptian oran anexplanation. viiill ira ephayed against eacb aIrer No. Ha salle maeasttal>' ino the b>' Interesteal parties, but viii ask that S-lleo! tira Clarian, ubuttons bis malIers atislsue ire tatou up villatire moat.anal taaes rm ai an side pockal shoot tiraI matasntire mistake. whlch s bulky>'rail of manuacipi perbape af moatntir Xe tume le flot a rultake aI an abusive andl jersonal nature andal al, but tire trutirtoc, calli>'siateal. RURAL PAXCEL DELIVERV. Tirs Illinois Retai Merchanle' Arsao- da-iveaing of gonds salai voîrla le anai ciation an arganizslloar composa-afim tllOsslbIliil>. Est-ar aow the>' have' troubles soonigb to tram tlirairir a 40,00 business men.,iras decirlealta tire average man gray' long ira-ore bis appôse tire rural parcel dalivery -11. Urne. At lresent tira catalagare baora- Mensai self-protection, anal aver>' es rueat shane sanie of tira profits ulirh effort viiiire ruade ta dafeat tira pas- railroade anal express companies, lut cage ai tira measuro. Il is tire apin- If b>'tire passage ai tire free parcel Ion ai tire association thiat sirorala ibis deliver>'blitire govarrumenl siroola bill beconie a lau, tire catalague mail crt down tire axpenses ai tiresa bigi avaler bouses voulal iramare fini>' lu- marchants. Il lae>' tin se. hov gara- trencheai than aven; tiraitiraedelicit ai anal anal boy serions lira disasten ta the postalffe departutent voulal iratir rtail counur>'merciranta voulal ha. matoniali>' increasedan aad tiratanuad- Insteari of tire simali stores scattareal ditional bondon vonlal ie put upon tire ahi aven tire lanal, eacir doing ils mdi- texpayers. Tire action ai tire Illinois vuai irusiness anal giviug its cusiaru- Retail Menebanta' Association yl a retireir manayle yarth, tire commer- hav .tire support ai organisations of ciel busiaesofthliracountry'voolal lu a ILenature aIl aven lire country'. a comparativel>' sbort lime ira con- Tire Interesis oi the rotaîl marchant. ceqirateal lu a fav ai tire langer citles. ai on.e tate are InenIcal vilir trace 'liais vonlal vork giest Injur>'ta tire lu olir n 5150, sud avory wvireI a eentira countnry, tirangirthererua>' ho genoral>' belleveal tiraisiroula tire pan- lirasevira viii as>'tiratInlutire course cel deliver>' bil hocome a lau, a a! a century ornosail might prove a crusirig blasa vould be sîrucet a ahIgond iiring. Havever ttrie ma e>'htie cautry marchante. A concontrateni rural districts are satiefled l vii con- sftnt iii no danbt be lade ion tire ditians as tire>' nov exist. Tire peoplo dotet oaiIbi ll. Lttera uilai ie lu Ibenido ual yant tiroir moufi>'ta vnlttou ta o unessmen, sudn clone go ta the largo citez, non are the>' * l vii h latunturneal ta bagisiate tire auxions ta binug about s condition ln danger ont ai existence. vite no business confît tirnive cave Il hardI>' seonis possible that tira that ai agriculture. Prouperitla irre bili viiDue. 'lie adoption voulal in a large measur nov. Tire passage meau serions tieasîen, If uot ruin, tu ai tira ires parcel dllvary bill vould al o! thea malian menchaute lu tie recrate bard lias lu tirecountnry dis- S autry districts. To compote vit icts, Ttla maniiestly ual a desirable tire big mail arder hanses lu Chicaga, neaure. fIlle ta, h. hopeal that con- NewYTork anal aIrer large citiez lu tire gressi ii turnut alavu. j OUR SPRJNG LUNE Our smng lâne of cassimeres and worsteds * osdits amelîre. If gou are in need of any. thiq in dths line coli and exâamime goods and ~. ge prices5 Our uprimq Une of dreas shees h~Uorcheim and Magers make. are arrivimg <daig DIUBBER LMTS $3.50$3.75 and $4.00 SIzâ t. fit r!verjbod E~. ýW5PARKIIURST SCI1ANK'S BLOCK open-~ g ter- sa for rn and groat a andl womeu 055011 0 logs if the Dtirat Il can- gthat boing c rail- sibis FREiGH-T UY TROLLEY. The movement among tbosç con- ment. nected witb the electric rallways et The large city will galii by the Illinoisand otber states te secure the Ing ot new fines lut contributing Irrivilege of carrying freight, wbere ritory.. Thre increased facilitieî such a provision bas nlot always been shipruent of the, mllk and garder granted. le one wblch je attracting orchard praclucts wlIl be of considerable attention. At tiret value. As population irrereags tlronghit It might be counted as an- thre netwoa-k of trolley Dites biec other menace te the prosperity of thre more lutricate, there is every ri stesan raliroada. 1to believe that it viiili e witb oic lu tbe case of passanger business te the business or the profits c the accepted opinion af the informant steam rroads. The chances are seerna ta be that the electric roade rc wyul brin& decided gain to ail have ln many Instances eut fuie the cerned. business afthre gsoeam roade te a lncidentally Itlale orth. notlng notable degres, but it le believed that the condltlbne of rural Illte are thre genéral custoin af carrying freigbt gneatiy Improvedl by the electie by troiler-ffites vIlL.drat diminish thre roada. The- farmer who ovni volume of busineV af tire steam place, bus hie mail brougbt te his roads.jn~e résl surterers vili not ha by rural delivery, bas a telephoi the fae butithe teamaters, anrd a hie hanse, anad lives near the Il little thaught shows thqit thera vili ho a trolley, leada a far differenl a great gain te athere. Th0 saving ta than one af thre oldon time, whn the farmer ln thre long houle of hie an Isalated existence, fanding liti prodpco fram the faim ta thre rairoad cial enjoyasont except as ha "wr depat viii be matérial If a nov ireight tava" at the end of the weel Carrier btinge the dosired goade ta nov the long haule ovar induf hie doar or reliovos him aof the ne- naae may be rodnced ln nnmhe ceeeity of taking ii produce several yull h. still more the gainer.- miles ta tbe ordinary place of ship- hune. THE GAZETTE'S BILL. Tbe Gazette to andeavoring.ta bluff iarg $1 per iorau for makingi throngb at 'thie meeting a bill cnt $14.60 vaulal(cver tbat exponse rayerai bundred dallars et]ist "slon ave a liberal profit for tirei Hence at rate the SUN salal e of thre board of supervisors, anad suc- ballots and alloving for changel ceeded Tuesday ln secnning action 1,450 vonlal coat $23.20. Tbq which is te bning abaut reconsidéra- zette; charge as. as stateal, tieofaithe matter at Thuraday%â ses- Thé 'différence of $74 représente Bien. virat it CensaLaIecounty mare Tbe Gazette cbargeal Lake cannty privato Individuals for ils printin $1,209.82 for printing 57,382 ballots for der practIces an part af i tseG tihé last county election. For pnblisb- and vbich have for years been Ing the ballot lnne Issue of tbe tenancod. paper $148 vas cbarged. WYe eubmit ta any .printer oq The ballot publisbod tank a pagr-ýthér befahloving estîmiale -ofth spoce and at tbe Gaiette's rate of 15 of the Job: Thre stock for the4 cents an Inch andl vbicbis wbat le 67,000, ballots cosl leas than cbarged ail Waukegan and otirer ae- Thre total 174 typeý changesaio vertisers, legs varions discounts, linos eacb vere worth. ta lie Il wouid amount ta Juet $18. The Con- say $1 escir, or 1174. Tbe ipress ty vas asked ta pqy $148 and because $200, Il vas a work-aud-tun uJol the bill vas cut ta $74 tbe Gazette ts ouly a part ai thre ballots were pi up Iu arma witb dire tbreata nf ven- on tva aides at tiret. The plate geance.. $5 eacb set sud tva vere iiseal, For printing 1,450 specimen ballots ing a total oi $454. Beiug a rutl on stock cnating les than $1 and mak- considerable overtime vas. req lng twenty-nlne type changes, Ib te and tis ve yull say amounîr Giazette cbarged $97. During the cain- $100, vhich It aid nat. Then ad paign thre SUN solal several tbousand for saine adalitional comiposition af tire saine specimen ballots lo can- and incidentais sud you bave $61 idates at $6 par thousanal. 0f The Gazette aks Lake cour course there vere no type changes lu pay $1,209.82. If tire aupervisoraB tirase printed for use oi candidates% ta aquander severai bundred l but figuring each change roquired a ai thre tax payera' maney they bahf baer, vhich It did net, andl allov- allov thre bill, athervise nt. Offca flz naltrthe u, ty Cerk oftri 5 Certificate Number 2. Couni>' ai Lake. State ai Illinois, Caruty ai Lake.-ss. E. J. HEYDECKI(R, To Frank H. T. Potier. Wintirrop Han- Mcir-7'3 Purchrarrer. bor & Dock Company,. a corporation. Wintirrop Harbror Water & Suppiy Certificats Numben 4. Company, a corporationa, Rabert Roy Stale oaI llinois, Caunot>fa Lake-as. Covie, Joseph Wrigirt, George E. To Franrk t. T. Patter. Winthroir Har- Dawson. Trustes, - Western Tele bar & Dock Company, a corporation. tpboue anufactorting Company, a Wintbroîr Harbor Water & SupIY corporation. Aimîra J. Chasse, Jesse Comipany,. a corporatian, Joseph A. Baldwvin, Trustee, anal Henry R. Wright, George E. DawsnrTrstee, Balwin, Successor tu Trust, ana l t Western Telephane Manofaci.uring tire unknovîr avuars Or parties ln- Comipany, a corporation, AlmIra J. terealeai. Cirase, Jesse A. Baldwiîn, Trusteea, Take Notice Tirat ai a sale ot lots andl Heury' R. Baldwin, Successor ln ana landa for taxes anda sessanenle, Trust, anal ta the unkaunûw avrarrs drly made In tbe Count>' of Lake sud or parties Interesteal: taieoaI lîlinois, E. J. Hayaleciter Pur* TaIre notice Tiratetat sale ai lots chaseal on tire 27tir day ai June. A. D., and lands for taxes andal seaaenents, 1905. 1 dul>' madeira tire Couni>' ai Lake anal LtiTva (2) ira Wintirrop Harbor in Staté oaIllinrois, E. J. Heyaleclrer pur- tractional Section Eleven (11), Town- ciraseal ou the 221h day ai June, A. D., amip Farty-six (46) Nantir. Range 1905. Twalve (12),Fasat ai theaThird Pnin- Lot Tbree (3) lu Winthrop Harbor cipal Monîdian. ln Laite Coiinty, 1111nlu iractional -Sectian Elevan (11), unais. oexcept South 500 feat af West Township rtny-six (46) Nantir. Range 440 foot ai Nortirh aIt anal excapt ail Twebve (12). East ai the Thmnal Pnin- ihat part ai the Saisih 484.3 foot of cipal faerdiar, lu Lake Count>', liii- North 758.25 foot ai Nantir iaIt ai lot unots, cortaanîng 153 acres) ion tire de- 2 describe lin ibook 128 ai Deeda page linquent state. caunty, ton, rnaa anal 263) (containing 138 acres) for tire de- bridge, village anal district echool linquont state, COUnlY, tavu, road anal taxes levieri anal assesseal tiron for echool taxes iovied anda sesseal tire.-tira year A. D. 1904, anal salal premisea an for tire yean A. D., 1904. anal salal vere taxeal for sia yeajrantire name premisas were taxeal fon salal yean in af Witbrop Harbor & Dock Campanay, tire naine ai Winthrop Harbor & Dock and tire lime ai renienption uirereof Company,. analtire tua aif redemption i rom saai sale vili expire au the 27tir tiricoi ironi salal sale vili expira On day ai June. A. D., 1907. tira 27tb day ai June. A. D., 1907. Redemptian May ho made on or b.- Redemptian nisy be mnade arr or Ibe- fore salai ast menttaneal data aItirah fore raid all mentioneal Osto ai tir a oce af tire Cout>'Clark ai salal- affice a! tire Count>' Clerk ai eaid Coant>' of Lake. Caunt>' of Lake. E. J. HEYDHCKER, 1 E. J. HEYDECKER. Nlch-7-Pt Purciraser. Mcir-7-3t Parciraser. Certificat* Number 1. State ai Illinois, Cotlnty aift.ake.-ss. To Frank-H. T. Patter. Wintbrop Har- bar & Dock Company, a corporation, Wintirrop Harbor Water & Supply Company, a corporation, JoBepir Wrigbt, George E. Dawson, Trustee, Western Telephone Manuiacturing Company, a corporation, Almira J. Cirase, Jesse A. Balalvit, Trustee, and Henry R. Baldvin, Succeasor ln Trust, and ta the unknown owuers or parties Intereateal: Take notice That et a sale of lots andl lande for taxes sud sasssments, duly ruade ln thre Caunty ai Lake andl State oi Illinois, E. J. Heydecker prqr- cirased on tihe 261h day of June, A. D., 1905. Let One (1) ln Wintbrop Haror ln iraciional Section Tvq (2), Town- amip FartY-six (46) Nortb, Range Tvelve (12), East ai the Tirird Princi- pal Meridian, in Laike Connty. Illinaois, (cantaining 10.26 acres) for tbe de- linquent stato. connty, tovn. raad aud bridge, village, tiristie aad district scirool taxes levied andl assesseal thora- ou for thre Year A. D.,.'1904, and saal premnies were taxeal for eadyoar lu 'the naine ai Winthrop Harbor & Dock Company. andl the Urne af redemption theneof tram salal saie vihi expire on the 2Mr day of June.. .a"1907 %W"ma bemae no~r h aat mqwate M4- Ate FEEO GRINOINO. ALL KINOS. Wadnesdays and Saturdays Crumiring aiid grinding fine corn aud coi) tirrougla two Mills. A good stoala of lirand i, rrailngra, coin, cornmmal, ail cake rir-ra, claunackerm'sStock tood,. wiaami vairailken feed, etc., etc. Gi. H. 4aAK Libertyville. 15-12 Notice Tirarreatînîany abri newrrpapa-rs eit tire I\ILIENDENT ~voffice Wviici cn ire1 usa-ainl wraîalug e. A large bundis for fi ce aente. ciga Taiý Ças sud Laundry1 bacco office LoEW ry fLAGG Tonsor*ol Parior Orders Tak., en f Mufflines and'- Razm put P RIZE-CONTEST WhGO>ý.fourbaya and girls ça wr-itë the Best Story. Cash Prizes Off rd ta.out Yathful Readers. SECOND PRIZE STORY CONTESTi ý'iie Prse stol-3'conte»t juét esided by tisr paîsrr wua ai tairiiig sureesm It seeaned as thourli aearly every boy and girl in Lakie euuuty eitirer moate orr tak as peronal intereat ln the storie. Now we are propoolng a maeord contest. W. wlsla the iroym aald girls to give it soare thunglit arnd t<r enateavor ta> write good atojes ýr us. This tirai, we wiil asanouneas a nbWet:*MvAtjaarinLe. THE PRIME, a door rirai i-rase4---------------------s.00C ll ne ira Second Prize..--..........-................-........20 I>egoFé Lb lue of Third Pnîze----------------------------............... 100Ohoice sant@s, ................ Ill it Ile Forth rize .... ......Fancy *8"t«e.................. ..S8 t Iled ..... i i........................--50 Flie01< Maracaibo,...........20o tl u RULES GOVERNING TMIE CONTEST. Mexcearjleva.................. Zao ,ontto Writeplanlyun oe aie o paler oly.Sois, Moche send Java-------...Sicl sut 1.Wrie plinl, o anclae a papr aly.Liberty Oomblnation, par peund.. -" k., If o2. Writent mors tham,200 varda. forent 8. stick tu yonn subject. Opar Lb anr, ire 4. Be carsi ni 01 fr rainaa, punctuation aud spelliug. Aceuraey wîîî couni hoieaS. O. iaplar. vorth 50e. ..8" -Tri- vltb tbe judgee. Fancy 8. 0. Jupon,60oe grade. .500 - rosonisu andte, a spocial at . O 5., Wirs you bave ycanr etoa-y sa complete and gond tirai yau eau maIre it Best Eagllsh breakfast ......... 800f no botter madi lt tu1'RIZE EIIITOR, Tire IrsansLibertyvilie, Ili. Young tysoar or Granpowdsa.608 le ad N. Y. FULLCWEAM CI-EESE . 180 onfce. How 1 Have Earned Morley. Laît stiauler my tifo brotbers;ns-d ta Faney Californie, Prunes, par lb-..100 cimen TirOtiret maney l ever eaimnedi- was for work lu tire brick yard; tirey gare une five Galion enu Table Svnp ........... 3" le, te opeing tgrat forente, a veek for filing a biaoaiofboy for Quart eau Table Byrup ............. 10c 5 heoanug1. ai our aeiglîbor wirothe bore,2-lb. eau N. 0. lHalasses---------.8SO le Ga- drives tirraug iour ield weliie gom to Lssteuurmani nedtogo liiai- w»%%oade Sbreaded Cocoanut (in BulIr> pernlb .. M $97. palatine, he gives rare a nickel aveny time i JtIo" o b.Is ni ianl pick fioue.a-andl ruake them ira ,Beedai onpudpa..........a a us 1opnth gtefr in. 'Ilt ulIn'fur fi-.e ent- a abouquet. id edivi lsne Uukg--------. Bthan wheu I visitedinay muni Aire gave nieas 1 ahlea s-Il youag pigeon»; 1 soldquit. a PItira niCemeal, large pkg ..........2c ngun- nickel every day ion ieeding and aivarag fêe tnPillner 1 att u punaIlre ize rap an a-rant&pk......... Z laatte lier ciiekleus vaier. li&na 7ypare rid. coun- liA WaTTPrairi[Va-. hubile ta sa-p- ny letter in print. pettijoirn'e Breakfast Food. perpiag. .12i - k.F.Si, 13 V yeam orad Prairie Raisin Breakfast Fond pe-r plrg.lie BAKERS CHOCOLATE, cake . '. lW earth Nov 1 Have E*rnedMoney. f- AKEWR'8 OCOA h-2 lb. clin . . 22c entîre Lafft faiI hitciiea ip tWrr rad lItrnes; Haw l'Heae Earned Money. FnyHslRe i.;....8 taNew Navy Benne pe-r 1li............ oc fe9utoan nid wagon. i vent ira aur woorie î armoita-lAya-arm aid and i1lhave aarued Sbiled Pop (Corn per Ilia...........U < -O aurai gattreeaidry vood aad lark,.(hart nua.y iragondraray wajls. 1 l1ui ak lied Date 7 lem..........296 afu4or ; toads, fllei tire waod liue,.tilpair rof l'entera rhrlia,laaa a isa niug sud ( ranuhateai Yeiiov Corn u leli 1.. & iciai lenie fa atart tire ire in tira- rrrnirrrg. tis m'inter i1calai tht-ni for llity cenis. Aria & Hammer Soda, p-r pkg... Sc work 1garî r- cfor it. Tiren I bnY adi -Irle!iAnatirer vay tiat i Parnellmai iny vas Sard!nes lu ail per rean............Ucil ri ndatgruarnieaulairai htie billsard %tiren 1r hal. king carin for tint-a cents o a uhai. mustard Sardineslie-r r-ara..........0SC coante it a-arrer t grta iittie Talke off for il, ha@tstiulrer aur aeigirbor gave ma lrported Sardine@ per i-au.--lie ýsc sa otirrresrc, omure riranif> ct-vets but 1I itt,î iren sud 1 raisa.raltwenî-trvaî ittie 1iil, r-an Salmon ........ ......... tz nmsk- gat meonretlaiarg a-vea-ny e 011lt ir- i ii ciikens. Tirera1isoid ti tfor twenyuive plut Sottie Catoup..............itc h jofr .~arra nI it nrreleMIr;Ceasr, ncit@ Jr rpair. .Ad anotirer timait 1 iMonanch Condenee Miliepan tan. . SOC iretr, tir-ysiake. earret naey was ast emmurer vhren yacht-club Assoit Sorap per eau-.. SOC ai 10 tira czrwranihar. lur rr uttiliig tice b eauEariy June Pesa.........iZe12 id $46 1 i nrmpai twentv-lire cent. a d <y 2beufve oi------- [, luit Hov i Have Earned Moey ay hast week ïa % eUt tutht- aeigibore Il lb eau Bakea Beane------------...1to ;00. 1i aLla b îoy teri yrare alal. is-"t aird siregavenmesa dozoir tpin lstuo esil a ib)eu Punipkius--------------...1§O rty ta suitnrduri-rg rary racatioan of mhanai for lier ai ten rente a pleceý for whicir1 Iil caui F m;Puaà..-------------.1to r visir I irlîrealtira-garlerrer ai theireinilga-war:received unue dolar anal tventy tet..aIlibcu Extra doilans iarni ta wrceitlie gnrai-n for vhich I got Tirer i ee gave- lae tift> rente for tiret10liais Lenox Soap ........------.Si5 yviii flve ca-at. arrirau'. 11 ira iii vay i eamned ark. i aira able ta esînmare but i10o Creeni laundry Soap..48e four dollars and tiff>'t-rat. Tiran i trnk rhave ta sty ironie erri liyir> nîber 10o liapie Citytioaip----------...43 enrale caud tatire peinture anal lrouglit funrir asntarae o sta>talle cana-arf. 10tiare Wool Boap .............. 430 Stirera biack for wicir Igril ive relis a' CLARS IniTHa. iarington. 10 bars Anieican Famiy toap -...-¶45< a trip My narrihen gave ure an P um trh i 22)!r l..I erer>' day aira viran i1iral a darsn i M- Poe up karcir lu iklare l tireuifr i evaten aente a dazen îô ou. Haw i Have Esrned Money e Lypckae Gau@ ....t ...c ..r- of aiur neigirbore. Anal tou have i gai I arn a big boy 7 >a-are rid. 1 vaun-rndEr etogmoL iaer-----le1c kM twenty-fnur dollarslu tire batik. . ;anal write. 1i8.go tVaaÉ.ays larrImai1 exretoBug ipel r bo le. - 10 fle LEMTRsiaMa-EirFr. Liirertyvilie. baves niaSpony. Ny Unelis Jua MCabs Pelbection inlg gaehi uni mea> Lent fait Carde Jim ak-aureue, par cake---------------.... Hw8Hava Earned Money. lçaveaire 25 c-entsfoawsin oui. One Sapoliro par cake-----------------...le i va aeiin lrueirg ud at asi aylraide undranarpplie tree ta)get an Riming Sun Stars Paihi.............-Oc 1 wa éelin blein an go a ashappie. A big liant brusfheal rae aaf my pouy Asbestos arita, eerha--------------..k comrmussibon an seveuîy-tive vente rna' but 1 gaitirhe apple. I toark lunch and 5 dozeir Clotires Pin@..-------------.i9 dosera.1Imoalaiiraiurdosera wirirr .ater ta tir enriathfielS-d and aarried Sun Lemp Ohironsys. eech-....OC amounteai tu thiacedollars.1aia vud and grat 25S cents for ailtirhat. enrarîraci whear i wamlti hrutithe Now 1i vaut a gun faolaunt rabîil vitîrB.E . L S O T - mailk aine of mni>eaighrirbrs uoraliveIlaar,!e ewVasa-y. ThilnsIatruce tory iaow 1 E WORTI liv. cenamts arair day far biriigiug lie earned mana. ' F.IrErl'ITTvanrra. L.i..-jfd I W .d1groccnae. . fasaea.I iontirrrad iran pape5) N ils an laong ane lae pleaees ait hie tale. a ha- pleraes-maeniaanal wurerr: Ssnirtarl Iar.tar lliouglawwar es, u (aa x-baugej 3ur r.ilapty tune if Yaru fecl i 1kei. Tire liavarian fierinair mainand Mwunirrn, as well iras tauent aur.Linukain motter, vire, iea arr oairajeAt tire soriaigatlrariarg,E tira-club. caîlertainurent air even ait thret tiroatre fat tire tait tireaitre ira Nureni. berg, une oi tire ineet ira Gerrraany, ire- tween tire acte rît tirefOpera Carmera1 i Mas lire occupiants ai tire Ir a-ttae ira thelinuffe 'atita" lu tire foyer. fi But itva>, at au nertaiarurrerat and hardi witir ny sieter lIi;1:.'10 a.ini. dur- iog Mardi-Graaitao, anadai)iing 1010 arin-rs anal epectatar.rui rnt une 'ariikan" mara (iratire full .ueauiug of tIhe warrd.> tunda>' is tht- rmain day af danco,> anal eniertalunet1--rt-. ibler- ent c-outries different nmaanerlrm. Polit. People are Gymnaste. Thair social mannuere vaa-a-gaeariy fruni aura. Acquoiutalices rraeoing "on tire staret, toike off lbicr ta tulu ire level ai tiroir waiale; meeting ii man of presuanabi> higier social etaairraig tiey take off tir imhat.altihiagir-net acquainteai witir lana. TaIL, about a1 nuisance tire plie treet for rue! Tire lady walks an tire out aide; tira napkia id useai like s barberr@ towai, ganerahi>' bovaven It @irine@ tirroughir îleabsence. Visitons are exect latemakie tirerOnt eaul. It le an offense ta refuse anyliig offereal you te est or drink; you bava te cirasu yonr piate or aie lu tire attempt- ntlaerwise you show dieraspecit lethte culirana art ni your bosioe. With a pologies ta Tennyson 1 viilparndy iris, "flatter - 100 yesre af Europe thoan ans cycle ni Caihay" vitir: aBetten six day'. 'ses sicknese Ilion tiares aiay'e ai German irosp"taity." *Anal iliatla na fu b e elhiyan. Uood bye tilt next weok. WEaraEa', GESfArtàs, Es lm, '07. LirEaICTIaLLE lsrrEa-E.Niir: lia tire NIrEPENi)DEtIT nilaeia. 1iehaii came te banal hure auorring 1 see tiraits serious danger ira tireat.nirag tire lilerties af aur grandalaud glornaus Repra>ne hictrougir t-hase lagisîption of the muet datetabie type. A iiotoriet ' s ea- ing niracomptrop* aiSprinagfieiuld e ay aine freak legalatitîn, trying ta booam the anatrimunial market regardlem ofa thre viies ni tir eeak analloir. euffering bachelore. Are tirs> reseotable ion s beanii.terareale markt? Lett1h. surie Ire piaoed uratire proper sirnnider-tire etark analtirs doctors. ra tire Libertýy- ville locale oi Peb. 1 you wili notice tire arrIvaI ai tiare, girl babie-nat a aigu, of a boy. Nu , wonder, thea barg a courters are aven hoadeai; ipst llkshy aur ienai (erurakin rs eigirî or aille maniageobedaughtere and tire miiinary biseare geitiug -ieavy aven fon as stat. reproentative an esuator. (i dan't kuov Prom acrose the sea, 5000 miles evay, 1 vent taesucauraga tbe bacirelare a1 Libertyvîie ta raily for the battis for thoir L-iberty: (hem as Oa hearer; Midou, file Ulyse eat aidvie lu cuncil wa l Serceas iwvr as onaaerl-iif Isae, se legai aviser and (with proper mqtrietlons> ta bave aberge itithe ipommeq 4detot; iHsnry Gallo- wa-a, Fred Parkhuret airai(lard tu la-ad tira artiliery. Omnar tta ta t-ara- ai ltra nautiar>' irraiting iiiilemra nar nasiva-ar Sa-a-ai by thre gantier aex; Bill1 fia-lingp anal Jiara Clark con.riareetreluinrarrme- fia-m leaders oft aair-r; tira lira mreen witir Eodrlnin, Frank 'Appiey as liaad aif tire Ftraaiaorrtation nepartinenî; tira-Ci EdItrnta OIgirI vr.iirelias ierarigiien tran tire suord. as leader of tir.-(1t Guard vicr-i araarbutlier-en arrredral-e (t ra lt-ae iandarieiitm)a,î au itl, crabbedcal adieaded ai hlrn. . Wti urira a irata-lila-pe errai- lIre iiht ar as garam wovn. Yaanrs for n-e. MAi Koaraa.u. Gslnq One Better. LaI me preseut yau tu my bus- banal.' sali theo iaabiuahhe loadai ai sciet> asusire reseheti fan the belL "En- pundan me,"~ said the cahier. "but il migirt Bl ot econgenial. I met your betten hait tva yem & go ald vs hied a littie mleunderstandrag. "-Oh, but this la my aev lhn» "Air, thinledIfferent. Thoen puba bape iho la a botter botter lL No Suc, Luciti Filippo Tomarar becamnelire faîher ai tuins. Tirenurse prosenleal iersali beiGne hlm ulir botir. vireupon ire gave theru a irrred glauca anal ex- .chsimaed: "Ô, I suppose youbraught thrino sait 1i may reke my ciraice." -Ul Motta per Ihdere. It iaaneht.s o 1'4 .ah en&rrAS46 '<0 U-t 1%&4 JO&V< s. St.. j'torant Nndbi&va ,.tt +for ýâ&e3 to COWi<.. lMe. wIi Wll 01&0,1 Ihow-1 tw to ~ ~1'it f OU,.e* &ý4te- w0on't1 ~O r1 ttand? DYMOND& AUSTIN PROCOX .DG ',, TH NEW STOREI READY FOR BUSINESS J..B. MORSE & CO. IIAF4BY BLOCK LIBERT' LOUIS JU'YEOMAP THE JEWELER nf thp .1 ---- "'UYsia 1

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