CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Mar 1907, p. 5

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LAKE OOUNTY INDE)P.NDBjNT, FRLIDA.Y, MARCHI 8, igo7' - if gou want the best jjou want the best.'.1jIf gou - ugtbesenfd pou for the best gou get the best - of us*' Nethuso but pure foeds in Our store. We -carrq no doubtful brandu. 1The lieut s pure aend- dile pure le liest amd costs but very flîtie more thon wmt ationm b.5W.protect the heatth or Our cus- tomnrs b4 excudidlqcheap aduterated b.d. re. O ur sheIves. J,.E.TRI GG 5 LIBERTY VILLE ILNI We eau give you pointers-ask us about rem- nants. We have some loft over endse-enough -for a large room, whieh wiIl be dispased of for a gong. The Ihie we carry will give you complote satiei- faction. We have papers and bordera at al prices, f rom ý5 cents the roll to as higli as you want to go. We alwags sell lots of Wall Paper Wl-t? SMITH & DAVIS TEA AND COFFEB LEADERS Libertyville, Ill. 0949 The Way. of Weiden fi Local Items of Interest te Ujbertgve Readers By MAX KOHNER. b g rouiay 1 wiii ut tnîp l) t. il Son aa Picked UnlHere andVlle desvripti.îu of ths nid town, nîy formeèr boland the uîany (iueer tiigé 'ou ~ 444444444444t44444*i*46* i4*4444 Q44 ééiIté in î, hn you look v. ih Anierican __________________________________ ____ Wi,.edeu bas about i140010 iniabitante Get ready for Eaîter ait NIs. Protiue's. Mr. aud Mrs. a. S. îîîîrîtutt e ..Il earé ag -il; d fi nd echiae Jaké é 110W D . niirror sud plate glatis for American Mrtin. Borndrrugfr, Sunday, Marh 3 t o Mr. a id trudp asint exclusirèi'y. lu tact the JdMoore jse Itossesor of a fine Mrs. Del finyder, a sun. A inerican demand for toreigu ierchan- uew bongrah. Aothr agu o spiîî l.a apeur.d.dise bItS brought great îropeity i&a new hongrap. Aothe sin ofsprng lns plwaed.short titue to our, faruieriy very pour Mia.. Bertha Mason le épeuding thé Thé fiet lftebon een a n.mountain district. populariy calied week lu the cty. Mrs. Protine l gettiug in lier Easatr I rtoaptalz. lhélie our acres which Missa&farjarie Meaker, daughtpir of 8id gootia. Cali and se ber liué. I l bard toit 3ielded a Pcant outl.- Medier, bas the chicken poix. lr lo1.l)wsspuloaa it îtence, le neglected; white the formera àlrxBob. Donm lliet Mndaj wihsad their familles work in fatorisa or J. M. Fuller aud son James, spetII. Louis Protia. a Ratine. Maté linon lace or very fine baud eu.- Suuday with bis parents bare. Born, to Mr. sud litre. Clarence Flagg. broideriés lu their bomes@I wili bring Mr. aud Mis. L. Z. Protine sud @ou Thuréday nlgbt Feb. 28. a daughler. @une samples home). Our towu lie» je Fred, of Raciné, spent Bu dywitiîh .< rralsvry a la broad valleji; to thé forth sud oeiltthé relatives hors. 'J. J. J o ean eyilit asMountains Mes very suddeuiy and Thé yste Wrkea wii ire home witb fnolImproveinen'ts in h@ con- teepi! witb théir coverng o éuow, Th yteWreswl ieadition. broken bere aud there by émnail patelles masquerade hlaat their bail on Mon- ,Rémember the " Bard Tiiuem" parity t of biack looklng woods. day niglt Mar. 18 thé town bail net Thuréday evéniug, lu thé nid part of thé towu. pily Theré wiil hée a bard tiues party on Martb 14. surrouudsd waii anud deep moult, tbe Tlîursday éveing Mai. 14 at théetII Thé W. C. T. U. wiil i rl at thé home forth sud aouth entrances guarded by bail under theauopiceot thé Q et Q club. of Mes Sarah Morse on Tueoday Mar. hunge towers, thé bouses sud the Rat- Manager J. W. Thomupson, of the 12, at 2:30- haus (city ball) date back to the XV snd a buines tp fie C C.Carpate atut sgarî*~ XVI tb century'; but lu the new part, thé Cryst&I Spring Co., i le nabsns rp S .C apniraotogr ft.buildings, public sud private would do tO WiuuiRég. He will lie gone aunme tén Drop hlm a postai and hé will seYou. crédit tu a large Américan clty. Bult dayo or more. Are you lnteresitsd? 1 ad'. tram large blocks of atone (or cernent lu Miss Blanche 'Irlggs bacnteeu laid up Mis@ Allima Biati jes taking a vacation imitation) lu artietie, architectural the paît tew days with thé grippe and Idoane me ii'weeks aîîd s iviitiug ai deigusi, very higli ceilings even lu the Miss Fannie Taylor bas beau takiug lber ber nid home lu Iowa. upper floore (thé iaw forbide auy oeil' placé lu the Trlggs market. lugeéinu uew buildings unden 9* lest; Don' yo' tergit dat sr co-u show Engsoir Stevene sud Fireuian Elmér muet of themu are tousiderablv igher) Tbuzday an' Friday nigbt. Bishop au' Henry= Peu'pentoîduy ight at the with oeemiug dioregard for thé vale nt Murray a' (Gardner an' a lot n* otheli eu' Lawreuaé boule. spacec, even bonns built for reting pur, culubed gemmen wil l é thar. Mr. and Me. Guy Hubf.ard hîavemovèd poses uale au iposing impression. Jake (ioidenherg bac purclamed ,f to Libertyville. Tiîey will Malle their 1 t ls a wOnder tu nie, bhow tb@ el an Krau Fata is ouéeandtwî ~home lu the Bolseuitittage. rent thora -én0chéatu. My brother oeeuf. Fran Paka i% boue ad to ltspies three rooma lequel ta ix ut ours) formeriy Wouiridge, property. '1J,îj Fralei madei a liiitiuss t'P tO large kitrisu on the ilrd Ilour roomu for Pauta W~it farrîu.tlis c oming"yéar. 1brtylile WédueBdalu' und icaliid Ou a servant and garrot rouîm Itthe top floor Tailor made stirts tu order. materiai numuber ut triend» whlliehre. is aiwaya naéd for thuse purposafonu inciudéd. $5'. Spring styles; aisu Thé Ceuîery s0cietN a ili meettut the thée fotrtiî fluorarud iauudry lu thé' base- Gillttsîetticoats ronde tao rder. New home ot Mréi. Farnuîîî aulriday after- ment in a new building. esluile, val. Aim M. (;EHINOE, Agent., noom.i. is réqneé.ted thiat ail who are -Where Rente Corne i'igh. 22-2 able tu do an hé preserit Hé pays the' exIiorbitaný l é umiof Mccé. E. A. iiuhop las béen risiting il"' L. E. Hackley ie agaita*qulle ill at hie 310 Marks of $7., per suîîîîM. The llast tew daàys at lier old home uit Frank-'homle and bas beoén îu a teu-corntiaose furituré (haudmadé> sud humgings aie foirt, fai. $lhe bas been gone iq*nce condition 'or several lait . twilig ta inpruportiou ta thé higlît uof the m-atuîis, Satmrday and wiii r,turn the latter is gréai age bis filliiu.c autinug cou- flu«ebcina snd bric-a-brac lire idicul- Part oi the' wéét. siderahie alarm. Heé c' cîghty yéars ni oudly cbeap sud theréforé much îM Thé dan" girén et thé town hall age tbis montb. évidence: snd thé ensemble mîalles aur Tuesda.v iiglit by soîie ut theé 'married Théré May hée soule v.ilty holiées iu bomnes louk véry cheap, sud tawdry in people'* %as a succds ansd a pleaotut Liberty vie yet alî titi"" aI adventice companfson. But wheu it cornes to time %vas liidfy ail preseut. Thé - -îouesto enlu théeî\î'Eîc\uENT wauî Modern comfornts sud couveniences wé tendancre, bowever, waé rather ight. colmun corne arouud i a fcu day su ad MaVe theM béai by a mile. Thir M~ or Ill Dîr. Hattie Giatble, ostéopatic ivohie. order thé ad talen oui .ay îîîg thi thé foot hmgb stoves of giazed tUle, are very ian, i@ hère three evenmnge s week on a bouse in réented. Tii,-zmotral id plain. f réetdali; theu i iro toeres aar spécial case. Auyaue desriugtreatinet Adrertusel fel bsd. h;I ro tvs.aea t'at arage orcam oer hoe 21. Thé Methodisi clluîrt-i was crowded (jas la littie îîséd sud véry sparingly. Tnesday. Thuraday sud Satnrday evéuiugs lafter 11p. m. Sunday uigbt to l-ar N. D. Pratsat irce Chrstmas the torés do't even p. Evanston. speat about thé lamons ight.up their windows, altboogh they Frank Wilson, our tixologiat hbmsré- evaugelilt, thé laie 1h..glît L. Moody. keép open tili 8 l.m Bath mooins are turned Iront a riit with lits Parent@ lu Thé addréss aboundu'f in incidents oft&1111ositunkuctwtr. Thé lots- are én Noth Carolina antd la againudi bis ré- Mr. Moody'a work as a superintendént shliow that theY have Do yards ta pair benchinl thé rear of thé Hués of mission Suunday uh.i, a pastoral speat ni. Thé stores are nid atiîlouéd, îewelry store. Frank gnt baek Mouday worker, evaugelsi ani religiopas leader. dark sud dingy looking affalres, even sud is happy tut once more 'li in Liber- A union chir from ite l'resf.vtérlau aud' téw baving maodern show wmuda.wo. tyvilie. Methodst cougregaltillé turpisbed thé Every wiudow aud door is ciosed at Eteatb & Treptow, artiste, weré quite mnitie ion the occasion.i sig hymne that ight wtb a ilhuttér, made ni flexible thé tbiug tbs wek. Thirmuiti-coiored were communmil.the érpat meetings ni steel which eau hé rolièd up tigbtiy iu baud decorated postea-< of thé minstrel thé evaugeliat. Aitmore iuteréatiug dsy time (this buldé gond eren lu the efinw bavé be'éu sttracting lunch service bas fot heéneu' in Libertyville isigsel;tcties). They dlaim, thst witb. attention and probabiy havé gone a for muny wééks. ont thèe précautions thé windows - long way toward ceausing thé seats to _________wouid bhé smalbed sud thé contentes lie aitl s,.iIout. O éryKukmn tolen by moring-aud thé potîrer F. Tîtuse béhîud thé couan show promise'May obtaany-rckaon casinhèethegréth -gprcan0 us tîîat tiieré le a s.urprise in store for us, aySpharfr'e a ou uté'oor white trasi" of thé éouth carde wlîen we get thure. There is a certain towu ot Librtyt iii, ou thé 25tb day of »Md spades in stéaiing tIl alwayâ con. die nuthétiet ay f idered Arkansas thélilmit) sud béat utt.. utfîîystery, aomuting gond; îlot Auguét 1881:1 anti de ntefi fthem Ita hoiiaw. A sad î'ommetary ou fiiîé talent butt a tranger who la Marei 1!11)7 SI.. waa msrried to thé toreigners respect for thé law ut ftttke'tt t do uoîne Most excellent Atu iu-iiti'a.1 96 oewihw ia oiul r' i sitillîttu. W'. inter that a proute#ionsia rtîrKalîîîîJn ,10.faéwihweIéa 0îu'rriN'l elli'rtainer i.. tu . oma. aud taté part. weéksasgti, uf..'luîîtrscted typhoid feve'r Amîerua ini îiumlparisou tii tur national ,indifférent'.. fi i..liaiti f.' wlli b h lîre bath nighta. and iu spit oftif r.vr effort made forilr c The lawm are crtainly strict nugli' Hlacrve.yil. Hémry, the vtéran Cic'ago reorery éileit'hli.a rey to thé diseuse. hère ardénforceil with draciîiau harl- lîve ,to.îk t'orniifls. on mian su w-eh Hec but.ttauî ,i i th s littié cbld ni neéé-and tili thiering, figlitimîg Sat tnuwîî ii thiis icimity, (lied at Friday thrée îîitntt,,ui ire lier sud alan fîtr danc, talcs etc. witlîtîv,îîé wiîh daug. at fls lioiî 'juut tutu mouthe rom thé énoué îandl ttoridéadhy c.'.uita (aud imu iii. iswil. paéaéd s.vay. fine.'lber parndI.tts% rtti 'î'ésud tour sîsters. Ibère are dasmces etc.evéîy tcw uighta) A deatiî licî liasemî parnlyzed lunlis inwer For tIi..grie t' irwk eu huebaud and the and hummoral crimes moté rampîîant tban hIutte ant illisdaheencnfinéd to his homu e ittlesé tlt.t',"ipîrivt . na niottiîer's l inon ilawless land. entirily. Mr. Henry bail a great maîîy îni r. i..r's thé éynmîîatfîy sud Whaf Fred Alemnan la.C frienîls in Libert.vviile sud Late cnunty wlîo will regret very lîuch to hear ut ics prayér ot thirinjaîtny fiéndé. Thée 'The dry good stores keep oniy iecee déath. l-e uvs a close tnleîîd ut thé hate tumnai was ton t i fîir fate honte sud gouds, imumense stocts for theur salés- Soloruomi Keiséy saitd rield ini ofttén. roîîî thie itfiitchunch at Liberty- sud theretor.' munt of themu are pstt themr primé; théentioin stores îînly Tiiere are a few people about town vilé,,hier. Il, i i.îu'lér offliating. The notions; etc. l)èpartméîît stores are w-ho are liisbe ta fiud that ttîey ha~ve'tbtdy wass faidt-f irést in Latesidé trying to get a inot-hold, but tbèy are tumble into a buuuch of trouble some of ey taxed aimoat out ot existence. I cau do I thée days, it ispramistd. Thesé are the ""'tr th__________le wont ni tour tiftheir cdrensd théscity paretalidon t dite hoer oaMethodist Services. apprénticos sud then thlait thé time; the itypar sudon ta orde@ t atbut tien thé bosase a niy a hoorwaitér msalle thé mnd which la worée lu theé Thteitubje-t (ifthe morflug sermon atohre wbo mates the deep ltows and gives eiréét. Thé part névé.'baohéen anytua the %lethiodist lhurefi néit Sonday thé proper tillé toutiré. Oerdirettian- gond sud oui officiaise don't wsut ih to marniug wi tut'e 'A Gréi Nééd ut Unr ansi on Ma-. berexpeditor or Ma. Obéi- gsit ino »Adlr condition tise. i uow le. Church." Tii.. evening service wili hé hshmnamieipetor (you wauld fat Iltyou bavé basu drlvîug on thé park:beli di théeîésf iboun. Mr-. F. E. Wire i"ne. Fred Aleran is ailttilatter "grass" quit, and théreby sve trouble. wiil lesd the League. On thé 24th thé ail inane sud s féw more; of course hée Illaeudeestood that thé méembensat evaugelistie tbandl couslstiug 0ni sevenal couid ni bear it, bhé i to carry ail thé minstrél compsuy havé a choie ai-studeuta trom G(arret Biblicailuatitudé hbésé hésvy tities. f Bmt wnée to thé annimet oi lamons ta baud ouita thé wlil havé charge oft senvieles during thé mrchaut wbn addreéaééla lady costomer restofai Lhhtyvilée'o populace who sres dal. wittbhéwrang titie uléés it bé a igien wthaut thé pale, htinispossible the onué tbitaho la entitiéd ta. compsuy wiii taketé heprecaution ta, Card of Thanke. The barber shape are torture bave thé audience séarch ifr on coDCé5d Wé wish to thaut aur fielndw sud nid chambees with them estraight-bacted siug @bot@ sud ather wéàpofs betre neigîbore tor thI kinduessatiniwa sud chairs sud tlny bead reste. Au apprén- they begln utapasa thoran&round. Thée ituérîd'rdu uoa ée t dlice laihers your facé wvith s plsce of couîpafy lo réceiving unusoal suport, boeavemeut - Boatu h abroe h amo l in thé matter ot ticket salsfor Lîoerly- Mac. LIR iri N A Y letibadîin placé ni chsving papér, yu ville. Tbuesday sud Friday figute lA l ,Lla X>FM face la wmased witlî a @tuait rait, dippdr aivauce sales of tickets have sold ont in salle ice t-nid waier snd you are thé bouée sud an it has been arrsuged to * uruèd fode sud éxpeted to gir.' s titi give s apecial perormance ton faiurday. to thé barber aud aiso hie ssisdtant. G .tyu seste for Saturdsy nigbi. You ca't get s glass ai welter wfthnut Notue athes are toi. (i up-ii~ givng a tilt; wheu yau leavé a restaur- The wma wndefuiigtllnstila he uc niber sut ibère are threé or faur ta tipi, aiter s ktcher w-ajes wodertl tlinésareé l té nght at théelîntel troumîîtoumr tua éght. titeen.h laseiomu itcieusareati01Utcourse' ererything is very cheapies unies@ vacant. Whéu full, kitehaes are aiud y(uîa mîust always add thé clit(il usosily a-bnzz. But upan tIl day sud date thé titchén was fuIl yt @sient., ickles titist It tu. get tii.'attuai cnet. Réas! emo n tèîîewré dong thé cont- A steamut latitdry started bore a year ing. Thé scéne wns ai thé Préshyteian u tii ut oui u'î.of 'uar vterm1waty. h church. Wouén w-re hanielli4troam h t ng Yputhoei tfuua wu x i ufil htpraveIta titchén andl thougli tiéy ta-ed ta enter N tigV uloe eIwlswx ilhvt thé glaeé was forbad tiiemu. Geo etend tilîutatoNureinîlerg (s ity ut Botd was chioét hasher sud Lord oit tle CnPat3lltf eh~nmgnelmî o Cuiasine. Hé w-as a peàcht. h la numored eutiotitv. Tlitir foitiw-ar looksé as Ifiii tuaI Ietore, Delmonico sud Burky & Pays Better was uii Ilit' ft8i' hargain (-ouater, Miluare ai-aister bilm. Tlios. Corlet T a razor totssoftheît vimtawe 1896, mostly was boss waitér sud éawirta it that T a Pickles witlutt tilts, cuîlrse leathér. Thé meén nothngwa sèredial hdal uglî tawFar u'iuîisy bouts, thei hidren. ni the hé. Thé meu:.saupper given îy théeudlu lse uhzunoll(lipr masculine division oi thé chunci was a 1 isWhf to make contracta witiî an iîutlî thit'k woodèu soie sud s auccSooe. Evén thé wnméu had to con- with .'r-oWerg in central e tu auiu'rtg frn tIi.'tesotuth fPese iat thé suppér was gond. Thére " stp îîeahuriltIcieoté were r1aloysiers lu thé coup. About Lakef CuntY. Contracta étoile pavemients. a,%wen servéd and thé grass reipts and seeti cati be had at the Ca adhiluuthTat amonuted ta about $42.00. Thé estiug-Thdolifeviirsnte aog pienram srnsugd by avthé rst mén ai les lanand Ieer challs, but tlîéy éeimton 811 én-J F. P. Dyuo.,m, Prés. C. F. Wia, ~Cashlé Ian. A. WRIGHT, Vice Prés. F .KaiAst. C.sbhr LAKE CO. NATIONAL BANK< CAPITAL tejjy SURPLUS DIRECTORS Xi G. SHVERMAN C.R. GALLOWAY C. F. WRIGHT EW~ PAUL MâeGUFFIN m IIÂRNESS P. P. DYNMO mus I arn uow Iocated in the new store in J. Ell. TrIMg building on Sprague stre. This shop turne out es good work as cau lie done lu the étaie. Olve un a triai. SOLICIT TOUJR TI&M ND MASITTYOIJ SME R ÀA 11 0. 1. LUCE Libertgville Ion",qI arrived. We ean show you an excellent in ail the staple and fancy patterns; pink and bine Btripos, checks and plaide of different size, fancy plaids, plainr blues, pluks, grays, etc. We guarantee evory yard of theée gooda to and wear botter than anything In the markt our price. N. B.-Mr. Kohner bias purchaeed a goo4 - sprlng goode lu New York. Watch thisC far particul..ré. Repirer J eweler ANDREW t US S LIBERTY VILLE ILLINOIS NQW IS THIE TIME TO BUY. Gooi6 Se** Stamped Waists Stamped PiIIow Tops Stamped Corset Covers' Stamped Cenâter Plieces Stamped Doilies, Etc. Egjelet Embroiderg Corset Covers PilIow Sliams A irifle une for Choice Selection Libortyv ille Phono 29 filinols J!

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