CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Mar 1907, p. 1

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LAKE COIJUNTY INDEPENDENT. and WAUKEGM4' EELY SUN__ VOL XV. NO. 24. -LIBICRTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, .ILUNOIS, FRIDAY, MARCHI 15, 1907-8 Pages 81.50 PER ekEAR IN AIiVANCE. APOSTLE 7 OF ZION. IS DEAD Who D"a iCSsmed W"e of Fomm C*W sULeader SYNOPSIS OF 1mis WONDERFUL CAREEP, Kte ies wldiW"of 1Forgsieis i - f uesTmeuig (romu mis Newm WlheW dLips prïibecw i te aelemd hlts lsumage Wu àa»OI~ 4. OT rT Tl! wo*LD, Tit LORD 15 COKI.'1 As soon as Dowie'. 'ieatb canme t0 the omcli attention of Zion*o Saturds:. Sfty telegrams vere sent to fity dlifferent branches by Major B. P. Morris, generai recorder. Almot as Many cablegrams were dspatched. Flaga ver, draped et half-mast. M len and vomen, hsrdly beiievlng thie nevs, wve. roused hby knocks on1 their doora to meet sad-feced mes. songera. Th.y told the. people thst "Dowl. i would nl. ln heuven with leas thel Christ snd that @il WOW& »s0.hlm'l *ain et thes millentum."l The elty leslirouded n grief. Dowrila'eDeatA B.d fSean.. Dovies lant worde vers: "Joy tu the Worid, The. Lord la Coe.." At midnigit lbe bad Iapsed uto un- consolousses. Thie attondins nurses and others about hlm ver, ail belley- mi. however. sndutU thoe erly boums et the davn hop.d for a mir. At lui tb.y kueu'hlie«vsfl and sent for Judge Barnes. vho came Just au Dovie breatliod bis lust. Pevious to this lie lad sang "Lead Kidly Liglit," the song quoted above Me vaonat reat. Hoe derdviale odnothae leny overseers, eiders or deacons about hlm n bs latter days and It s flot known vlio viii have charge of the i obseqluies. Wife and Son Coming. Telegrama vere sent Saturday mornAng to Mr@. Jane DowAe and A. t' J. Gladstone Dowie, who are et Den MacDhui. A reply received before noua s tii the effect Aat lrs. Dowie and her son would reat'h Clhlcago that iight, Voliva Issues Statemnent. .* The most mportant event of the lay atter the death of Dowie vas the Asuing of a reasatuting ktatetîtent Ay Overseer Voliv'a. H e says in substance n a 300 word letter to apîtear titis evening: DOw&'e departure Goes flot affect the church. Becausetof hie state of minc and body ho was a hindrance and hie death le a relief. Ail of hie defects ais henceforthi sand forever burled ln thie grave. Me. did à great work and wouldi have donc a greater .had he had tho' strength of mne!u and body. Voliva loved hlm for seven whole years only teck the. oversoership ha now holde because ho fait thst Zion would be ruined If Borne one did flot. Dowie wiil neyer b. forgotten. The istatement As regarded An a fa- vorable ligbt n Zon, aithougli some resent the mputation against Dowle -- as a indrance. The letter Aslaie- IlAved to ho slncere n substance and las eIllregarded. Hia.mmnd occupied wtb dreama and vl&ions as of yoro, bis thouglits on the ternal bcreafter, Saturday John1 Alexander Dowie, deposed first. apos- le of the Christian Catliollec clurch. *Is _lirstgençeal overseer and the ai- leged relncarnation of! NIAjah the Y Prophet. passed peacefully away at hie room AIn Shlob Flouse n Zion City, vbence lhe basn ot omrged for veeks, as related n thie SUN. "Jo>' te thesworld, The Lord ia corne." He sang a few houre blefore hl ided. His dreame ver. mlngled -vitliother songi and thoso vlio attended et hie death lied,. for be knew lie wasgoiqg fat, se thet lie gave marvelous mes- sageoi and prophecles to b.cliauded down b>' them te bis people. Detalls af thie Death. Pride>'Dovie vas perfecti>'aieu &M- ud uet but very veek. «ThilfAsa>'y lest nglt on eartli." ho ie aldfeebi>'. "Soon 1 saolienter th eesakngdom." viLi bhie lh, thé e m*to44'lm,.. bAng called h WN, isformer tlvely mxed up n'tlie scandale that attendelbis dsposition. SOAP AS FRANK HARTSCHILD.curà0 Watdiiras aw Hlm De.A vt as about Bfteen minutes to S. R M D Dowio vas sleeping quietl>'. HMAsE ÉD cbient lardly rose and tell vth the force of lis breathing. Pet uic colp* 11 SOMn he ceased ho breathe. Clesit>' Âutiocb schol Cur He vas dead aiter one of the mont AeAplatosoCr remarkable careers tht ever befeil Boy@ Who are Profae. tAie lot of min and after stalking acrons tIf. religionsstage o! tAie world, MERaDS&PgOVES A lit mont tragt-comlc figure.O UCES A vallarnes. frorn tbe thmuats of!TRLNGSCEi tho n"p follovers outeide thie door, gatbered lanthe. balle fearfuilly. Telk about a remedy for tbe naugb- The neye vas soon transmltted to ty habit of uelng swear vords. thie cit>' t large. A scho, malom near Antioch has1 Wl!. sud Son Not There.. agilcure tadite discounted snd mark- Thie bodelde ot the aged propliet ed dlown. vas poculieri>' patbstic. Wlien a pupil svears n echool. thus Noither hile vif. nor hi* son were vlating ail miles of school ethica there to comfort hl@ decllnlng doye. and ail principles of gentlemani>' *lTh.emoult of a quarrel or monthe conduct <oes ehe ago, they bave been n dIfferent Tell hlm to lie sshamed of himmeif campe. mother and son adliering Io every day for nîneteen days? Overseer General' Voliva and Dovie- Use the paddle on thé southeadt cor- tandin&-as alvaya alone. -ner .9f bl& 4noatomyly -Mns. DovAe viii receive a teiegram ., Tell Aile pa and muélsfiüiNtli -iu tbis mornlng announcing the tralc recommend the hickory limb? neye. . Not se.. f Gladstone vill recelve a duplIcate. Instead she stands hlm n the raid- Both are et Ben MaeDhui. , dle of the scbool room, orders hlm to Never l4ad à Doctor. svear In e streak for ffteen minutes, Taken 111 wtli vbet vas supposed and then washes hie moutb out witb to be paralysie a year ago lest Se 8a. tember, Dowie bas neyer recovered Ht ow heTeayWok O fuil>' n spîte Of reporta of good health. o th eryWksu. An sPite of this tact and dernon- Recently tbAs ýaIIant litie schocl stralng the remaikekble endurance me arn, abo took hold of a séhool anud fortitude of the turdy oAA man. that no,ýone coulA bandie because of he lias neyer sAce lie bae been Il Its bad boy,,vas borrlfied te hear one lied a Physicien or teken any mediine cfnrosbter as wonaubthe wdAn ber whetever, hie follovers state. Me Otos te agt odl e vsdeposed gant April, and bis deathbealg cornes nearly on te nnvese>'o! St>'lter echool. John," seeor- his deposîtion. teanvenr fdered. A Àt Ahe lime he lied ho step dovo John stayed to see wliat would hep)- and out hie early death waa predicted. Pen. This vhat did happen: "'Stand up," seid the teaclier. Tehn Alexander Dowie vas bor n n John vas curlous and b. stood. -diii urg May 25. 1847. Hesn e ,- Swear," seld the scliool ma'arn. rai yeans attending e tapeonogica and tbere vas a eteely glitter n ber ýemnary n lis native cît>' and then prtya e htboe ngo o vent to Sydney, New Southi Wales. eheepleli John If lie id not eer. He ws sudyug he octine ofthe He started ln, but lie eon ounA He vasgtudyalng he ctrihnes, ! he le as a mr. tyro n the art, tbet Cois egaional bc burcl is 0w en eaiugth ee'e r.perliaps others vho coulA that Christ. meant to cure the body as do tAie Joli btter. He besitated and Weil as tAie souI. HeeldA tlat prayer, 1110 1 savthAt steel>' glittor. Bo Aie accompauied Ai> the iaying on of resini.A bande, vould effect the. cur requireut The plucky s chool teacher made the hMe began the propeatloon or bisebqoy @year for ffiteen mlnutee etraiglit. ftAl busi'ecame too varin for hlm and W55Ai out Ails;moth. lis vent An Melbourne, vhere ln 1878 There las one boy neer Antiocl i e lie set up the. "FreOClristian Teber- .east vlio never aveers. lu tact lie nacle." Peter vas regtng n thie me' le the next president of the vil- country, and lie began bis prectice or lage antl-profanit>' longue. laytng on of bandes." There vas Herea One for "Rubbernoke."1 more Opposition anAdlie left Australie. The same teecher lied trouble wltb lu 1898 lie landeA n San Francisco. the stock rural "rubberneck," the Be la ie bs ife and two chidren and stildent wbo rses out of bis seat anA littie mone>'. Dowles money-getting cranes bis neck toverd the wndow ability vas scon emonstratled. lie ever>' time be bears e rig go by. gathered sufficheni fonds to go to The scbooi ma'arn took e fev samn- Chicago n 1892. Tiien began the re- pies of this kind o! pupil and made marisable career vlilcb soon attracted tbemn ait on the outaide vlndow alle worldwide attention. Of the sohool bouse Windows vitb World's Fair New Rage. their legs, anA tise chili It ws th yea of he inds blowlng. il as he eero! heChicago They "rubber" no more. worlds fair anA Dowie set up a teb- GodCrsayVlges eronds. Theotiesthe exîmeltion The village of Antlocb laslouA ln its grun.the dcrnsbpopuddIraise of the girl and she bas receAv- ver t esodlings of those ho de ed an offer for a term o! several velOPed later. Tboy vero flot now.eas They held that disease vas a ver real thing. but vas due to evil. vblchbaAntioch vives vltb lProfane bs An turn, vas tAie vnrk of the dri l)ands are thinking l5! trylng ber methode and Antloch husband vith Dovie came before the Pteoptle vith a rtibberAng vwives are thinkirîg or us- ieculiarly strong Power of magnetiani,în erbhnek cue a compelliig force o! suggestion. The Igthe teacher i n ecueiton n iteoulesav oatl an aced. not the least excellent part of ber Thousanda enliited initder the han- vork stemtosta b sst uer of the mnt. Titey vert' conIvi ne- kl h ehdeta h ss ed that ho vas vliat ho proclaimed tame the country students who corne binîseif 10 ho, and possibly vhat n under ber care, suth as tbe above tvo. bis hysteria Ito beiieved iimsei! 10, ho, a second Eliah. WVithitî a fev MRS. TRUMBULL WAS years ho lied fitted up palatisA quar-l ters and maintained bornes. scitools. CHIRISTIAN WORK[R a bank, a weeki>' paper and variotu otber Institutions to promoto his Former Lake Couniy Woman Who echemes. He paid thousands of dollars weekly Passed Away in Chicago this Wec k to refit the largeet balla n Chicago Was Associsted wvith Lete Fran ces and these vere packed to bear hirn E. Willard. rant about the newepapere who de. ln the death o! Mns. Adelia Trum- nounced hAm, the lîreachers and med- bult, n ChicgMna teWu. Ical men. He and ie faml>'lved n'cg, onyteWue regel state. Hie son, Gladstone, grad-i gain Womenle Christian Temperance uated from one o! the beat unverai- Union los*e ether its foundcer, or ane tien n thie country and bis daugliter OftherfodreWdesate ebr likevise vas veli educated. o!ther lacal tesclancdthewmbn's - He vent ta New York lu a specai O h oa epeacrwmne» train, accornpanied b>' a large retinuei ciet>'-ttended the funeral servIces o! servants anA no end o! baggege. whîoh ver. AisIA in tAie Oakwood From Nev York Ae sailed for Europe, ccmOtery chapel et 2, lu a body. payig $1500for tatecom on he t la not un,,îkol> thet a spécial mcm- ptaernGraf,0alfor see.ooIne on Aie orial meeting selîl 134 oall*d to houar seamierInraWldsea.t AneLodonth* memor>' of the departed. This (%el __eAAnroa-sat1a ti .Mte 19l of coursa coame mucAi ater, proli Duye ZMon Ctly for Millions. abi>' ln a few days..1 Then cerne the executlon of an- FrienA tu the lete Frances E. WAA- other of the. man's greet PrOJects- lard anA tAie founder' o!thie Women's the purcliese of 6,000 acres o! land as Christian Temperence Union In. Weu- a site for Zion City', anA the nezt day, kegen, a lirancb o! tAie aider for tihe a caîl upon Ais people for another ceuso!tm rectbtsFans 1.000,000. kl o, niede isieE. WIllerd's. evqrlasttng monument. Foliovingoleki>'o n eae 4esive the death o! mr.. Trumbuil ceueed shee. ovi heen calipiviforl vdespread grief n LAke canA>. tAie regeneration of London. He v as1 The late Mes. Trumbuhi vas the jeered anAdliocted and molihed. He vife o!%Illai H. Trumbul and ied vie encrptoa te cbenead t m1et tthie northade farnil> résidence n don, oeceptAonhae Me reatment re 1Chicago o! Pneumonia Monda>' mont- don on>' e bve Aieti'atet r- Ing. 8h. bailicou A11l about a veeli. 1peeted, and tlien Ae abandoned -the Thie funeral wiii be beld ah 247 vnofrh meto Opeils. efotsiNorth Clark street, 'at 12:130 Wedfle- r !bi otspcauer efot1 day, sud tbence b>' the 2 o'clock train vue tet fw or tliO reoer 14,on90o! inWankegan, vhere tihe burial wvii Greter18v Yîl.~ ctber14 193.tek.e place n Oakvood. Mis. Tra. ,et spécial train4 bearing "rme- bu» vwas a cousin to Deput>' Ctunty _blng lite 4,000 or tli falthhfl, l b TrsuerTi. lIT the preoliet, loft Chlefga for teAi sue r Pt'>' r-ies. a.e.Trn ý ~, . rai. S.@& "1 bun il & mge c~,sthe. tisn The latisiii. Trumbull vas reared noan WaucooudandmIsAAtas man>' years alter Ails that$lhe renuoved -to Waukegan. thiû ho Evenstosi and fitai- )y' ta Chlkago.* hn Evauston obhs camte lAstt ttîucbitit tAie jets France.19. -Wlard. the great est sou] that temperance ever ln- spired. Slie vnrk.A vith the' creat leader lntAie good cause for many years and fouaded tie - Waukegi brandi of Fraucs.EL W1iiard's mem- oria, the Wome's Christiant Temîter- ance Union. Fluet Plesdent W. T. U. lins. Trumbaui vas one o! the rend- ng figuresn thie WOîtis' Temîter- suce Unioni, as tih est 'itanization. whIch later liecame o n aitxiliery o! the Woimens'eChlitAan Temperance Union, vas knovu. She vas preeent et the irst meet- ng AilcAi vas hAidAla titi-Methodist cboncli on April 5, 187&. andti as elect- ed its firit pssident, Site vas presi- dent for tvo >eare sud vas alsq the second secrotary 'o!f tue organization, serving for anther tvo >"cars. 1 lier nante repeatedly alipeers t 04 pb agqso! thte secretary's ~k4îie~ nlcbnnctoî vth vork' Againest tAie saloeï, 1 The other Offce re. The others vitevoe Rtr wlib Mrs. Truumbul vere lirs. 1. R. Lyon, vice preident; Um E. Pat'tridge, nov lrs. Dr. Carter, secretsi, ansd Mrs. L. Warren, treasurer. The very firat vork of thle organi- zatioîÇ' vas tAie organization otf tomn perance bande Inuthb. AlfA t, tt Sanda>' schools. Had Young iMlens Roomae. Anothen early vork v a-,t'ie estab- lishment o! noomes, wbi"it the ladies rented andAIAu vhh as Iocated the Public librar>'. 1h vas ftlt( A ottt as a place in wbicli young inttit nigbt gather. The iret constItution was travn tilt b>' lire. VanDemark, stil livinug in Waukegan, anAdlire. Marrett. The ladies n on of tit'est-A>' nîoet- nge consldored tAie proiriet.v o!fvis- Alng the diffrentsot « k 't iers and a«king them not to taki- ott licenses. TAie ladies decided At w,îu not adylis- aile. Sunda>' Clotlug 'Law Troubles.1 Mention Asemalunmade un the Min-1 ut, o! vork lu looklng up lb, Sun-1 day closing lav snd t s stated tbAt1 not mach progresai was made ln ts enforcement. Bo thon, as nov, the 8u08sV lawVUvasvliated. .*aliUhoeéWork -o! thes "Aevwu to Interview laeuwbo ver. knovo te, drink n aufnadeavor to couvert tliem. Several vehi knovn naines appeer on the pages vliere committees ver. ap- pointed to see thet. TAis plan vas leter given up. VICTIM 0F BRAIN STORM ARRESTED The Puzzle of thg .,Thre*iecee o! Cloth or the Reason The>' Thought Him Crazy-Had an Exaggerated Ego. An Insanie 'iti usitaken Imb cas tody Thursday ),Y Wauconda's chiel of piolice, W'Lîîtîliupbere. He had been varuderittt itiolesl> about the precistets o! th it'liture as tliaugb look- ing for sonteoiw. 111,vas feirI>' veli dressed. tit thii, tvas a distrauglit look n lbAs eýe, Be vas fottii etttinu by the roadisidt pieciîg tbrt-t'tuinatits o! chotb 10- gether. Th( tw-t, about an Inch vide antd perhaps a fto ot long. Tbere vas a mautte, of gîet moment vbich Beerned t10 îit:zlii, ibeclouded mmnd. Cottld hoe do it? tîttiti bie? That vas the questionu. Proof of Insanit>'. The officer. Ati i iirted.aseked bAu vbat if vaslite ftitlie liad ho do. Me As said to have totlî imt that h.e musA meke their navot t siuit of clothes out o! the pioces o! cioth. The NNaticouttia utayor elles et scales. 'ils weiglitt a oniy e matter o! estimate. Stîtît'se>' 295 pounde, but At As ait opeut question. That an>' man could blt'ti' lie coulA perform tAie miracle wtt, iteuned b>' the of- ficitai a sure aign of brein stormn. t vas flot believet i ie coulA even bypo- theticaly robe the avordupole a! tAie mayon Aln en albbre-. ated a costume. The supposition was thet Aie muet bie euffering vith sut exaggereted ego bence lie vas detained. He As stil try inttg1 solve the puz- zle. If lie succeeda hoe yul go te ZMon andAnmnounce hintself as a reincarne- ton o! Ademes origintal taihor. CAMP LOGAN wULL G!T IMPROVMITS Contracte WiI Soon Bi Lot for th%~ Excavation; Six Concreftssud Friame S3lacsokeare Aieo te ho Cou.otruotod -Within Laet State Appi'opriatiol. Contracte are soon 10 ha lot for Aie erection o! six concrete barracks et Camp Logan anA for tAie erectton o! a canal for the naval neserves fromttAie leke front ta the barneokas. This canal, vhich leAssov partiehi>' excaveted, ling one foot and six nobes Aeep, eigbttfest vide anA a mile long, vihi be made tvent>'-lve feet vide end tires feet deep, an that tAie naval resenves Au camping tAme vIhA Ae enabled to rov ub frontAihe laks., vbere tAie>' viià~Uor tioir The vhole Cpo IiIi mBO ap e ObO rtb wtWion . t REMAINS IN JAIL Lake Fortattié Cî.iiege "Ilsifies"l 1 Laugulshs la Count>' jait- Father AttempAsielease ADNth ITS IT 18 (JOING TOUGH WITH M Attorney' Ira C. Hoopes. father o! Richard Boopes. the boy Reffles of bLake Forest at.esiet on State's Attor- ney' Banna Thursdey in eut effort -to arrange baiA for hAe son. L Hoopes Ait Indiana vould ho perfect- ]y' ahi. tu get bail], but AnIllinois ho yul have to seek steties 10 iiack hAut eup before he dan hring about the ne- lease o! bis son. fi As knovn Abat lie tolA State's At- tome>'Banna o! the bAoy's fal f rom il bicycle tnd o! .>u i des. thet the o!f fécta o! tAie faîl miglit have made hbe son a kleptomanAac. liovever. ho Adid net tallitas thougihebcvould onu phasizo ihis point. Waived Examination. At Leake Forest Attorney' Hoolies acted as Ail sosn's counsel before Juîs- tice Mfltlevs anA waived exantinetk 't on the points ahiIssue. The boy vas bound over Att borude o! $2.000. An effort vas made ho ne- duce'Ibis bond Ioda>' vitheut success. Hoopes viii baveho bhut backers. Court vas calleA et Lake Foi-eat at 9:20 Thursae>'a. m. anA lasted bîut a short tinte, because o! the unvllling- ness o! the defense ho let tAie detale O! its case become public. Tbe etolon pnopemty bas ail heen rostored aud nov an effort yull ho made to got leniency of the prosecul- ing vituesses. Howèver, State's Attorney' Banna ma>' refuse ta let Hoopes off su easlly. PIight of a Good Father. Tîteeda>' morning he retumned ho Waukegan anA Anfarmed Stnte's Attor- ne>' Manne and SAiemiff Grin that to raise an $1,000 bond vas Impossible for hlm. Me coulA rais, $500 and no tmare. 3 Wbhe At bas licou reported Abat At- tonne>' Moopes laa man o! veaitb, ho doeseahe, aud states that lie As 1cornpamatlvohy poër. Me Will not Aoweveri relax Ails e!- forts ta get bail for Ails boy, vbo If lie As lnot soon released viii ectual>' bave peAidtAie penalty' o! hie mlsdeeds vithout Aavlng lied tAie farmalit>' o! a trial. Takes Prison Life Weil. Sheriffe aofficers se>' that young Boopes takes JaiA life veil, wltb thie sge o! the polieheA anA habituai cnirninai, anA accepta tAie bard heds, the good fane, and the enforc.ed sur- fveillance as tbough h be d been used h o tbern ail bAs hife. M elas saA rarel>' ta have the "blues" and 10 sing anA carouso viti the oIson prlsoners, vage, Araunks on- honing up, anA petty criminels, as fer as the limiteA ruies o! the jeli vAli plermit. Me la a liandsome young feIlov but the police demii that ho As "bad.' that bis heart lA rong. and that bc v iAih be acriminel again ver>' likel>' If ho goes free. Shock Feit at Celiege. - Thene vas e distinct sitock felt at' 1college wheut Hooîues' arreat vas att- uuutinced. Saiti a coilege studeutt titis weeh' "Hoopes v-as veli liked and vas sono o! the boys. tiovever ho was ai- vays dAstrusted and vas suspttcteti ut petty thefts In the dormAtorles et- ithougit lie vas îuever catîgbt v-ith the egooda so 10 spoak." M e nevor studied ver>' bard and ws tknovn for caroiesa deportmoîtt. Fether Hciii Broken. tThe iather la heurt brokeut ovor the' alieged feul of bis son.. aithougli ho tries te conceai the faet vlth admuir- eble nerve and politeneas. Sols choke bis words vbile ho directs the stoîta to free the erring boy aud hoturne this face ave>' front tb. attoruneys wbo are aidiuug or are ho prosocute hie son h o bide the tears which viii conte It spite of bis meA>'y efforts to keoil them eback. Later-As vo go ta pre@s we ern that nHoopsbs eo>n eleaseti on bail. k. AierA Boopes, lie Lake Forest Coiloge "Raffes," in free f rom custody. Mis bail o! $1.000 vas this morning supplied f0 the sherif! b>' President Clarence E. Smithi, o! Ah. People's Bank, sfter tAie sura ad been deposAt ed An the bank b>' Moopes' father. WAUCOINDA RAISfS CHAMPION L!MON Golden Egg tsa Whopper With a Oust àt Measure of Nemrly 20 inchss-Blg e Thinge Grow in Wauconda. y Lemnon or pumpkln,,,which? * Mas Wilbur Colc, o! Wauconda, *succoded An crossing tAie lemon vine * iA h.hepumpkiu tree? ýt It look& 11k.e apumpklu, but ace e lke a lemaon. Hie friande luelet it la -We bave bau Vermeil asainet -chronlolng Aiels ateet produot lest vo Wo M"80.4 o! yelAov Jeuisahle." aun th* Waucouda oorre«poudont. lie an>' other va>' you vent Io moasureIlu.1 lA aise s guaranteed te have the'orig- nal pucker. WVibur bas alva>', borne the repui- Ation o! toillng the trthb nov and tlien, aud wbc o sys he grev At oui a lemon tree Iltla thoîugbt b. la ell;ng vliet appoars like the trutb et least. Hie prize iemon as now on exhibition et the SUYN'S Waticonde office, btie Grahanm pbermacy. Borne montAis ego la tiftie lemon came te gledden the lorte leunon tree whlcb bed been rîudeiy torn from lits native sol] and ranspianted An tbe sufn>' Cooke bey windov. Texîdeni>' lb. mother tree reared tht' 11111e lemon. Ilbgrev anA gnov util t ho- came burdensom to ilAs paent. ts evolved into the superlative o! al] that s lomon. The Ieuaousimo vas plucked bbe other day and a leain auîled it tu tovu. It s the fatteat lemnut ever seen An Waucoiude. M r. Cooh-î tboughtuto!presonting t to ProsAdent Roosevelt, but bore vas a diflictuli>'. Be id noh vent to band the Presldeutt a ienton. Thus the greateat lhoni o! tteun cl] s doomed to vaste its- S .cidAma oit 'atconda air. A letnu nine andi a bel! nches lonug bas been i raised lt Lake coult'v lu a trtutbfuîi l.aAe cottutîy fat mer. \ext. MATII!W ATKINSON h GOIES TO REWARD J Weil Knovn and Prominent Fermier Pascd Away Lest Frida>' ai Home Neer Rondout. f Mattbev Atkingouu. o! Rouidouh. agedJ 64 yeare anA 5 nuonthe, thie helovetu busbauU o! Serah Akinson. fiee No- Ian .1s Aead.c Me vas tAie fethor o! John J., WAi-f fam, liattbew, Erwin, RAvin, Josephv anA Vincent AtkAneon and lins. George J Lynch;, anA a brotier o! Sister Mary Agpes. lirs. Mary Bradley, lirs. Mary O'Connell anAdlire. BAvard Baron. 'TAie deatb look place Fida>' auda the funeral vas heldaie 10 o'ciock siuI St. Patrlck's cburch Sunday. COUNTYIS FIRST p SOLDIR DitSd Served TAre. MontAis OnI>' ta R- sulit sud'Served Through the Wer, Main o f the. Lam tateRetlim eno ,a..zeiA lianzer thie first man Ila'en- hst on thie i-st celi b>' Prestident Lin- coIn for civil van voluntcors, anA one of the ila* mou fe ho muitered ont. AIeA at. 1:30 Sundey mornnng at ils borne at Laeke Villa anA viiilibe ln- berred lu tAie village plot Tuesday ah 2.a Mauzer vas 65 yesns old. Be bl is been III for a year anda ehai! on more, but e sevou-e colA set An lest Thurs- de>' anAdlie hall to go to licd. Be f neyer arase egein. TAie late Mn. Matuzer lbaves. le-C aides the vidow, tico sonstandadtc daugbter. Be served one tori-n as trcasturer o! Lake count>' An 1882. His Birst etulisu- ment lnthAe cAviv-ar lasteti for thi-e months anA ho vas the BrstaI LaIt couinA>' man ta reapont Iotatie fBrs ceIl. He re-enlistuA andtirernusned vitb lite gu est annules aittil tle finual nutsternug otut, butte (netofo!the latu-t Lake coututy i' tutett reach huone. MAN AND GIRL ARE J BRAZEN IN COURT Arneshed on Charge of Co-Hahilalion Malles Cov ni Love Befone Eyea of Specimios-Refuse Lawyen suda Adruitting Facta Plead nlot Guilty. r Seatu-ul. w lb lhe ther prîsoners, andtirarignet i ctitthenu hetoro Judge c W.rAight, Tîtesda>'Amande Block I antd Charles Sanson gave an exhibi-0 lion 10 the' attortneys and spectatonsD ti the eciu'tcourt roonu o! defiance aitA brazennesq tAbat exceeded an>'- thing ce yet vitnessed lu a local court. t There vas no slnglng or prayer, 'asI An the Justice court, but the two setv anA vblspened, iaughed. belli eacb others bande, vitAi frequent giances Aat vere lai deflaut et bAie peoplet watcbAng tiemr. At one lAme thi. girl sort vitAi ber anm' around Sanson, apparenti>' Indif- ferent IotahAe gaze o! the roomfuh o! people.t WAien tAie>'ver. caied an,. lapleed, botli stand up togetber. Sanson était- eA te ausver for boîli. but Judge Wright stopped bAm and lied tAie girl anever for liersel!. Rcfused Aid of Livycu. Wben asked f tie>' hall an attor. ne>' or moue>' ta limre one. bolAi au- seeed no. "Do you vaut tAie court to appoint one?"' asked Judge WrigAh. ::No," calleA Sausoi louAi>'. t 'Do you?" asked tAie mAge or thie girl. Quentioningl>' ais ooked aethle man vho vas ludicted vîtihber anA tien turnlng f0 tAie mAge salA. "Sarne."- Plesd Not Cuilt. TAien 'botb pleaded not* guilin l tAie satie vay, Zolinger calllng 1louAi>', "We're not guilt>,' anAdi igirl ansvoring wihi a locnic "S1fmmo2 Saneon vonld frequenti> smille, botc Lusuail>' lihd Aigebaud. Thse girlC >kopt looklug around the roeq sudt 0tien Vith &s slilA to M LUo Irei 11101né .eu. t lkereoMA...5e- me i COURT, IS BUSY ALI THIS WEEK Judge Wright Presidesaai Besich inuc of Judge Doneil>. who Wli Relies Nlm nAgaiu FrorntMis Dues Dtarig tise Coming Week SPECIAL TERM MAY HAVE TO BE CALLED Yerdict of Ont Thou"audDolahi ish Stsmberg-Wamner Su:t-VbwtM ansd lloopés ludicted b>' Grand Jury The jury on tAie second trial o! the rase o!ftabegvs. t'Aie 'aue O. gar Refinen>' Centpan>' et 6:30 Thura- day roturned a verdict Ani faver or tht' plaintif! for $81,000 dàmages, $1,80Ô wss asked An the bil.' The itury' vent ont et 3 o'clock sud returned after three and one-lf heurs' delibenetlon. The case vas tAie second trial, tie jury An the first one lest December havlng dleagreed. Auks For New Trial. Toda>' Attorney' Stearne, for tAie re- fiuer>'. made a motion fon e nov trial. 1Attorneys Cooke. Pope & Pope sud J. AK. Orvis represented Stamberg. TAie case o! Thomas Dugdaie vs. Fred Holet, an eppeal case, vas de- cided An favor o! Meist. The case yen for a bil o! $74. Ii vas tried anA tAie verdict returned vhile the 8tamberg jury vas ont. Spunner vs. Nagle Tada>'. The case botore tAie court toda>' le Spunner Brothers vs. lFrank Nagle. and la an appeal. The casela for a bil of 156 vlich tAie Spencers eaim le due them anA vAicAi Nagle dlaim. la net. Charles Whiitney represente the plaintif., C. T. Meydecker & Son, the defendent. Appeal MaInscase. Othe vork done b- tAie court toda>' vas conelderable. The case or Iva D. Haine*. adminlatretrix ofthebc ctat. 05.]Dsiiellainog. oneo e!tise Vikime o! the. exphbelon An tAie Warner Suail Refuer>' An 1904 againet tAie refluer>, a demurrer b>'tAie defendants vas nus- taineA. InahonA o! ashuing for Ï nev trial or leave ho amenA tlieir bil, the plantis made a motion fer an eppemi te the eppeilate court vith tAie same bil. , Orvis & EdAerAs are the attorneye for the plaintIff. R. . Potter and lienna & Miler for tAie defendenh. A default anA judgment of $22 An fa. for o! tAie plaintif! vas entered b>'tAie court IntAie case of the Mlinute Ah- tract Conmpan>' vs.'-Rose Gulman. A motion for continxance on tAie part of the defendaut in lthe case o! Williamn Rosted anA Jothn R. Conrad v-s. Werner Sugar Reinery vas denied b>' the court. The ease of J. W. Frye and Son anA o! H. M. Donîke vs. Mr. and lins. ileuir>*'vRoos veas settled anA Ais- aiiissoti. Howard Bonds Reiled. Tite boutAs o! WinAAeld Boyard, tAie Zlîti City man on vîtoî the grand jury roturned a truc hAll, for rape, vere relixed An the circuit court et $2,000. Henry Ester, o!fZMon, vas present as serturity. The itudge excused the puetit jury'- men vho are flot on the preseuit triai tintAI MonA>' et 1 orclock. Nev case ileA: Jantes M. G. Car- ter vs. Adelbert T. Rose, attacliment. State's Attorney' Manne ma>' ho cotupelled to caîl a special session et the grand jury for the administration o! justice lu criminel cases thie montAi. In fect ho announced Saturda>' at.- temnoon An tAie course o! a conversa- tion Abat vere one more felon>' adAcA ta the Moopes anA Vincent cass ho volA caill e peciai session. , TAire. or rnorq cases are necessar>' Moopes As te Lake Forest '"hmo2 . the alieged iepoiler o! the MoGu anA Chetflied-Tayloi liomes. Vincentla the licAlister avenue Jeas James, Jr. Botli Came are of unusns.l viclouanese anA ma>' ficessi. tate vitli ou. more Aie apcial ta- quisition. lu tAie suit for an mleged bill In tho circuit court PridAy>, lu vhicli SPunme lirotbens vers sulng Ftrank Nagle, the, jury Aecided An laer o! Nagie mand alloved no damages vbatever. The suit vas for repaira te a 100 ,Àhat Spunner brothers claimeA wp due tbern. C. T. Meydecker & OSe represented Nsgle, Charles Wlitae tAie plaintifse. TAie jury vas eut &boat an boum. No Anmwer ho QiaiS Motio#. An the~ motion thut vas mado te quasli the lndictments agaiat tbb- (ContAued oaopag.6) Mcl4eury Expleoesion tW lias lruh b. e t a the"mi of- Chieea.469awet tb- co-a-..' 5b.C b...Othe

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