CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Mar 1907, p. 4

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fC OU NTýY INDEPENDtNT OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUN~TY 00jSe"elb*ae No. 1. MSiltors Reidence Tolepltone No. 141. LbertyrUle Exc bange. tfEmma tlth Poteoace aI Liber%ite iî.,I. as Second Ciffl Mtter IUIIUIwrzLY Ât4V5tTISINC. RA7TES IADI KNOWN ON APPLICATION. OUB=RIPTION PRicE .50 r»PER VYEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE NXH UT......................................................... Edîtor t USTtU B. COLBY ......................................- City Editor KRIDAY. MAROFI 15, 1907. * EVERYBODY MUST VOTE. <itizmao of thia state who consider voter shall be charged witb a tax Of tqt UMt imetti la ton, valuabie ta bc $3 to, be collected witb the regular :tae b>' voUing at the primaries i taxes. If, bowever, be bas voted t the Ibeir respective parties, or wbo do last prlmary election. and censho1>w MM4 belieVe in ,mixing in politica,", to a statemqnt signed by the Judges of tke eSt of casting their votes at bils eleetion precInct to tbat effect, ci -qisétlon*. ma>' flnd themseives assena- that be was unable from slcknesa or ad 13 yearly as a penalty for snch infirmity ta vote, sucb a statemeut fl-actIoif a bll introduced by Rep- will be accepted by the assessment rugmtative Krape, o!f ireport, be- dfilaiiln lieu of the $3. Tbe bill pro- eomesga law. T littteill111 makes vides that this money coliected abail the speeflc provision that every male be applied 'to tbe mantenance ai Cltiaen of the state who la a qualified ronde and streets. THINKS PRESIDENT WILL RUN ^GAIN. In a notable nation wlde Inuary *et an b>' the Record-Herald the sen- - tIment lI favor of tbe re-election Of Thoedoe Rosevet la found power- - fut amoug ail classes aud lu al sec- tions. The senior Illinois senstor. aI- * ways coservstive lu politîcal Judg- tient, sud not stampedable, coucodes thse probable renamînatian of the Presideut. Iin is leIter ta the Ree- ord-Herald be aya: - "Iltinoia bas been heart set on Roosevel, aud, 1 have no ides butt -- whItlie will be compeited t*uîls- tb part o! the 'aise statesman sud bend ta is coutry's wishes."' Other lettera are equaly empbtie but variant lu motive sud argument. There Is a generai disposition to dis- credit the sacreduesa o! the anti-thîrd term superstition, as unnecessar>' ta proteci the country froni s prolonga- tion of the adminstrationî o! an unfit lresldent. and nInjurionîs fetter ta free chalce wbeu as at the present lime It would tireveît te country froin profiti ug fron t he continued ser%,cro o!tb-e mo5t capleu andjtt man lusight...- REPUBLICANS ENDORSE ADMINISTRATION. Republicaus, ln' uomiuating every "unted' witb tbe reform element and councilutan seeling re-election, as predlct tat, combination wili eleet well asthie Reltublican Iayor. endors- liussey mayor and Zitt treasurer. ed the present administration. Messrs. They also figure witb tbemt dissatia- John Morrow and Manu won out lied Repubicans and men disappoint- handily sud theirs were tbe 01113 ai- ed inone way and anotber of wicb dermauic contesta. the other councl Ibere are always tu be forind s nain. me on tbe ticket aud Mayor Blulock ber lu every party. baving no opposition wbatever lu the It promises ta be a flgt along part>' primaries. lites, witb tbe Democrats taking ad- This phase of tbe politîcai situation vattage ot every argument possible le dlleconcerting ta Democrats, wbo againat the administration and of the figure on electing a mayor sud city dîsaffection amnong a nu lucousider- treafurer and boped for a visible able number of Repablicans active beeaeb ln the Repubican aliguiment. lu their opposition ta certain of tbe Democrats 110w aim 10 bave Party nominees. RELIEF FOR SHIPPERS, The Bush bill, wIcb passeo tbe-iours ater receipt from tbe abîpper bouse Tbursday. sud wich ls expeet- or after recelpt front a couuectlng ral- ed to go throngh the senate thia week. road compan>'. The carrier la also re- qnired to, delîver cars ta 'tbe place of wll, ln addition ta, providing cheaper utloadiug wtbin twenty-four boars a!- tratsportatlou on tbe ralroads of I11- ter the cars reacb tbe yards of tbe nois. provde for other Improvemets compan>' at tbe point of destination. lu the matter of transportation facil- On tbe aotber baud. tbe aipper la re- lties. teudlug to relleve the strlugency quired to load cars witbia forty-eigbt o! freigt cars. lu generai. thebill b ous asuer recelvlug îhem.sund If lbe provides tbat an>' raiiroad compauy faits do so lie becomesableito for de- tht shaiL fait to deiver cars ta load- murrage chargea of $1 a car for eacb Ing pointa lu accordauce with tbe pro- twenty-tour hours' detay. If th- abip- visions set fortb lu tbe fregoing sball per faits tu begin the loading witbin pay demurrage charges of $1 per car forty-elgbt bours after receîiuyg cars per eaicb twenty-four hours' dota>' or hcIe l ed lable under thte act tu sut- fraction thereof. Sunday aud tegal bol- fer release of tîhe cars' and an ases ld;ays excepted. 'Demurrago begins 1<4 meut of $4 foi, eacr ar he detaius aud rut againat tbe carried tweuty-four failsta10 1d. I*have on bod a full1 une'o[ Moline larmn Tools, consistiog of Walkimg Plows, Sulky ~.Plows. Steel Lever Ilarrows. Disc Hlarrow& Harrow Crs pm Tooth liarrows, Corn Plantera, Walking and Rhliug Cultivators Milk Wagons, Truck Wagons, Buggies, Carts and Rond Wagons. Set up readg [or- use aanes 10w inUpnice, as the same goods cao ke bought for in Chicago. FLB~EGER LBIERoVILL THE 'ARGYLE "FLORSHEIM",exclusiveness sityle and ail-round comfort make a diret appeal to the man who -wan the best. Favorable impressions formed ~by first acquaintance are sren oueId by tb» soundest test tha tan b. sppliedto foctwear- the ton of! wear. LJRST LIFE iNSUR*ANOU When Terry MeGovern, tbe ligter, srance. had lapsed aud that thse$ vas Iu bealtb. ho toak ont a $10,000 could net recete tbe moue>'. There Insurance polie>'. For four years be upon Harris threatened ta eali the ai- regularl>' paid the premînuma wblcb. tenitli o Roosevelt ta It. sud the test wae ln a New York compan>'. Then mjI cottained a recelpt for the amount or the în-eîinin. witb the as- came bais lapse.of inensor>' sud falîre. sîîrauce tbat It woîld bo contiiued. Sam Harris, bis former manager, AI] of whtch shows thtthIe trenuons iearuing thîs. sent a check ta psy tbe lite hba u effectet t-son 5nInsurance premiani. He was told that the ln- compaties. SUPERVISOR EOWAROS US RIQHT. Suîoervisor Edwards at Tbursday's session ol the board Introdnced a reso- lution providing for audting of books of couuty officers 51 stated inter-vals. It was laid ou the table upon motioni ef Supervisor Lamey, wbo suggested that a bill was now hefore thelegis' lature wich. If passed, wouldc-ompel couuty oflIcers toa show their books to be audlted. Wbile the SUN does. nt belleve snch a bill wlil get througb the leila lature, there la of course always the chance, sud by another sessioni of the board there eau bc no excuse for de- lay on that account. as It wili thet b. definitel>' knowî wbetber or not a state law wltl have accompliabed wbat Il la clalaned will be. Atdlting of books af eouuty ofleers la Just as neceasar>' as the iialatcing o! acSouta o! prîvate concerta. Let the tas payera kuplw where tbey are SB. upervisor Edulards le- to be higbiy coSmended for bis initIative, and whlle for the time ha ham beet side-tracked, he la bouud to have the support of thse board eveutuahi>'. ve believe at fitanext sesaion,as thse movenieut la a migbty poputar one wlth the people sud there la ta g004 excuse for not conduîcting the count'a affaire lu a business-like rmanner. AS TO "KATINO UAIES."l Harper's Weekly, witb tbe Tbaw case lii mnd. las an aliegorical stary wbicliacsee ta Indicate that the dis- etosure, ater bis death, of Stanford Wite's character wasa not sncb a sur- prise and revelatlon to the conamunit>' lu whicb he mnoved as sone o! bis friends wold bave the public belleve. sud an explanation is given o! the rea- sou that be was toterated I good su- cIet>' lT4e. "as- le given ë~f a man Who had thfie ,mfiïor'ne ta be aftetiiwth a mania for eatlug babies. He waa an. extraardinarymnuof Oany giftsansd engagilng qulities. He was valtiable ta soelety, but over bis splendid career always bang the sbadow of bis re- markable propeusit>'. Tbe precise de- meanars sud particutara concerning il were not definîtel>' .k-own 10otan>' persans. A few men who bad a mia- *foaur noyu SflO E Iiscon wr-il ,*,dtoour Youth 1 Reîdera. s -s-.-. SECOND PRIZE ST The prise @tory' coittest 1mat ended by t eseed a« thougb searly aven>' boy and gir a Peronnal intereat ln tii.@ories. Nasve wlsh the boys sand glrieatu give ila soie Il eorien for ne. Tbtie time, we wli annouce THÉ PR Firet Prime,................... Second Prime ........... . Third Pris................ Fourth Pria............... RUM SGOVERNING e1. Wnlte-plalnly, on oune aide of pape, e 5. W rite Dot more than 200 words. 8. Stick ta your subjet. 4. Bu cfreful of yonr gramînar, puneti ýwith.4he judgee. e 5. Wben yen, bave your etor>' no comI eno bettet mail ilta PRiZiI EDITOR, Thei. THlIS CONTI.ST wilI close SAUDYNIGHT March 23. nia 111<. bia doabtless knew absinte. aGas vaur &toriesaln ueure til 1>; a god man>' other men knew weîî dae. Only a 11" bave been r.- euough; and there was practicahi>' a cOIved sa far and liour chances publie propert>' ln the kuowledges that are good la wln a prise. Ail be lied, and gratilied, caunibalistic lu- siories must be allowed to figure CinatiOtaO! mucb grester Inteusit>' in the coniesi. anid more e-rions scape than tbsee that conamonlY obtained amoug care- less men. There wss au hauest M Ambition ln Lîfe. pejudlce agaluast hlm. PersoasMy coneldeethle Indulgence tçmpeetdîl-B! ELI IEIQT tO 5 tics o! 4epoi:4 wtditi y< ln lf tAausl,.,ity>s the -éame 'Îofmi-tfttb blin. Sfnsitive,,Ouso of aiut- anbitïioua is to leCoîruea stomachs instinctivel>' roae against' rîr l-tIwt oearslliu hlm. Yet be 'ans toteratedl. for.afler iteow. dg.' lu1grantîlar. uruatiin al,ý nobody liadtet-or seen binu vat aaîîd sé-àà.îIlu g 5 aie abie itatwit. baby. ueçç artie-tesanud short stinles fs'î It la a ver>' good way o! tohittC the stor>'. Other mouna-ho "eat ba'-!,". 1,1,11 i n nut ti) gvl a littîr 4-4tIin I ma>- uuderstand fron t ilthat th-ir ,' 1w euuîîry, have n gardoën aud rais. propensit>' fl ot idden fr-tîn der-ot tîînîultry-,-r.-1 i uisb 144lire Mojîli 1<> folk. - ýt andute îîdsrtp uy atoires sand poeîîî 10W R*ATBIS. -W E$ST DAILY UNTIL'APRI L 30 VIA TII CHIICAGO MILWAUKEE AND ST, PAUL RAILWAY Low onewoga colodist tickets to the west. onorth- west ami southwest wil k on sale daalgutil April 30. These tickets are good in TOURISI St! !PERS. in which the rate [or a double berthf [rom Chicago to the Paa'ric coast is $7. The table below will give gou an~ idea regarding the cost of the<lrip. Sanan Emeioo,L"aLnlllfl" ad U tuessi fl5MOn:uS41 (0140 al many othLeroints In oal Iàbt. Blicatie TaomaPrtlàd sud mavtepilliOrsoiatd s15 3 Oi a<5a9" q& ,$10 (K)e K)s-290 .....lato ............ Spkn.WÎI.udo a. Other poisWabtt S. 0 50 $W 50 M48214e 80 S-27 50 $2 i Oveff sud fritigb olumbra - apen.Diue 00 70 $ber~ 2 95 $0 58125 I12625$20 ante w lptnr- .. ...... iliuss. Iot .sud lnterrmediate p-ýta ta bierâh rogul& rates U5 0 0 6704 #18 9 as 2$,à) 25Sasas1900s a-e hiafher .............. i- For complete Winf»tioni free, regartchxg rates. routes and irain service [rom vour station, cati on the nerest agent of ibis railway or address F. A. MILLER CHiCAGJ, MILWAUKCEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY CHICAGO - hêBfrttt "q CiIOICE,-FIELD S EEDS' Five Kindsofo Clover, Tlmiothy $eed Rqm Sced, Blue Grass, Red Top Seed0ats, Seed Corn, etc., etc. i- H- CHANCJ LIE RTY VILLE - - ILUNOIS5 amsgm::gumsesu: ------------------- suIiII~ Notice of R.pubflcan Ceucu.. A caucusa of the Republican votera ai the Town of Libertyville, Lake Count>', Illinois, wlll be beld lnthte town ball on 8aturda>', Narci 16, 1907, at 2 o'ciock p. m. for the purpose of makitg nomnatioans for tbe foitowlug towu osecers: Town clerk. aeesor, colietor, colu- iuieeioner of hlghwaya (soutb, district,) a ehool trustee, constable (to ilivacancy.) * (3 W. MILLER *Township Committee{ Howàýav DMàsoN (E. L. DÂvuse Notice.' 1 would b. pieaWedta have ail those owlug me for gravei cati and settle. 28.2BYON COLBY. st $tory. rORY CONTE8T. thfispaper wa-ne a tltiug 4tce. IL 1 ' n Lak,î county elîher ivraie un Look 'are propoeing a second contet. W. î.îngIt sund tu ond"avor tu witc go&»a casa subuect: "My Amîbition inLu ite." IRIZES. ............ ...... .00 r t i ..................00 Choice. antos ................Iet .10 ane>' Santos,............... .. 180 .................50 Fins Oid Maracaibo,........... 200 0 THE CONTEST. Mrnican java.................. 22 oni>'. Boston Mochaond Java ......... 280 Liberty Combination, per peund ..8Me ~ Te.. e, Lb tuation aud.speliing. A rsywil contachoie. 8 .Japi , .th 50c . . . 8 AcuayFane>'8. 0. Jepan, ConeKmgrade .. me Ceon and findia, a ep@eat.-- 00e- f nplehe sud good thut you cati make. Il Best Englflr eakfast......... O0e INE5DXLlbertyvile, 111 Young Hyson or Gunpowder... Oft - Formosa O0l80a af rare quai ....00e fi.W. UL RA EEVaose sud bledv ro»mmgpd ibis TIOC and 64a perfemt iefuycft munie of a-bit-b Fanq Calfornfa Prune, par lb ..ot 1 amn ver>' fond.. Gallon eat Table S, cap..........»SeC Anotb, r Deoe f lu> ambition. la to Quart rais Table Styrup..- .......... Mil travel. FIit ti viiltic ewondera of my 2-1b. eau N. 0& )Molase.......... 109 own e un î'; te tliuqoaofori-ago land . Sbredded Co o nut (ln Bu k) per Ili... 200 fin th( -a> Iwisb taularu the mannera Seeded Raisini, pundkg......sac andhicustoma a the différent iationp. Tiauk 'iuiaed ratspk.3 Thie 'iil bellpme linlu>'writiug. Postumu (3real arge pkg .......... 2c 1 whh u ie th e eYelowstone National Oraile Nuis. 2 pkgs ..............sac Park MaîmoiCvi', the i'et-rified Pettijoit'a Breakfast Food. perpkig. 120 Foresof risns ud many other Raetat Breakfast F'ood per pkg .... lie lntresin plî-s. i. mucli travel sud BAIERS CHOCOLATE, cake., . 170 dose ~ ~ il lbevsu i be able tu write BAKER'S COCOA 1.2 Ili. cen . . 22e i n t u t i v e î ua s e i l 1 s e p a b m u a - t r i e s . F a t e P oH il d R k ê 8I bn.t > l . . . . . . . . . . . Z i afo eiriî homie 1'ai dev.te Nas' av. 1ieupr Ili .----------..US nîyelfta -rLng Oj l$AÏ%*and ptuina@beliedPop 'ar-n per lh ......-----US u k u hiai o n te .uiutA"iasnt î4olip uItLt Oild(ale 7 ia---------Z3 in> î3î~theTllorMid Re. y ' aonîît edàw <'èrb Vt'lf»iIpr b...Sc Arin * Màmans-r Soda, lier pkg- - -.: Sc Sardiues ln oli per cuti------------..Uýc My Ambition inlu b.. . ustard 8arines wî---------......0fo iinportc SrdintoircaI.15e By 'EIiENEZEII ALBIGRHT. j111) eau fSalmn .................. lac Lisrtrtl,~Plat liattle Caisup--------------..8fo - MonrIhCondoueeed Mittk li-r i-an.. SOC ig<iii a tuîv ,aine -voAr .,1.1 iabue Yacît-Clnh. Asaar-t oup pporeau-1..0SO liîs-d %Vitb iii>' graîdiarnut» ovep>' alune 2 lbt cui ariy .fuue Peam .....-----12 *i two 5tv Yoars 011,i. I bave Irisai to Piben sacet Corn ............... lo ýaie tlieni os-or>'tepq couhl. Wliîn3 Ili eau Baked Beauu ..... .tOc sii> xrantlfgut ler wnsnljvo.luaedta iup i bcan Pumptinàa..........1c lîla, mîilk anîd do lhie iJ4)rp, heiji boe snd 8 lb eau Lgg !lume .......... f plantcodrn. '3 1l)eau Ratra Tonatos--.........S 1 Sîlîdi. elpoîl my 'graîidluiailir 10 lara lenax Igoal) ......... .... 33c the gards-ti and pic-k r.'getabl,,s tu eat 10 - Crs-ar Laundry iloap-dU.4C sud geii. I Lst li 1beîped tîlcifthe 10 "Mapie C .Sî1------8 aphtes for sinter. i have bicped ni>'110 lbar@ Wooi Soap--------------...40 Ounile buseocr-Il "s-er-aIl tnes. Thisa 110 ban. Anierican Fanilv -Soali .... 4se minuter i bave triumed aIl tic aid deuid j BeetLuptch(u hui), per Ili.. .11, limbea whicb n itntle cut ofa Itai .Pt'undpcae oaSlarciî.... Sc appui' troan sd ali ea u ohI an 1) 0: Perf...pbe cat----------25e tree dowtanud gaI il n-ad>' for =Od. rauurngmmoia lier liattlie..- 10 Wlieu my inucie bs bsouafler woad 1i ýPerfection litlipr lotthls-.. .- I0 hurnipd hiouie fioni achasîl sund dld ail îîl î : ib@ Wsitiug Soda-------------...Sb -bîreb eas-liti]ilk-ing lafore lie' go .............l.r.ake....-------e i get ati the 'wdiidh, oal sud iudling sudiSapolîo lier cake-----------------...l7 euuî)tY aliltbs- ssbe. t niglît for udjýt RiminguiSnî t.îve Pdlimbiî----------Uc day. 1 iîring a psuaI fwater for iii>"Anbetae &fat@. eacb-------------...SÎe grsudmotii.r a-heu erer ebe 'ans i t 4 doszPu Ches Pius--------------....Sc i or- 14 sehol PI ver>'niornngutg aI i'~Son Lamp Chimneys, each-.....S lit wegl ami lslhe tbire for i>'E E EL 5y ORTI teai-ber. Noa i i) Dîot get a prini1 I E.EL - W0R whli, to Pieeni>' letter n lpîrinî .Je'qile l Last Chance thisMonth A Ladies (old W11tellfic> A (Gents (iold Wak'h 1ýIwo PRI!L8 Î F (Gîîeis the uîîn4ber of beatis in the bottle ini WilI Hackley's Drug Store window. _____-25 CE~NTS - Onea gues witli every bottie of BACKI[Y'3 II[YFHODR WtIH CORE be announced April lot. WILL HIACKLLW, Druggist, THENEW STORE.I READY FOR BUSINESS J. Be MORSE & CO. IIANBY BLOCK LIB!RTYVILLE Iz ffl ::':ýD rÂdmklLqq 1

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