Il qou want the beet gou want the best. If Vou bug the best end pag for the best you get the best of us. Nothing but pure foods in ur store. We CArrq 0>io«btfil branide. The best is pure end the. pure Io best end coas ttveig lutile 'not t laillon food&. We protect the health of our cas- tomers bg exdudiqg chcap adulterated féods from our shelves. je E, TRIGGS LIBERMYILL! a ILLINOIS* T'S Til To Begin to Thinkr,-About We caui give you pointers-ask us about rem- nants. We have sone ieft over end@-enough for a large room, which wili be disposed of for a Song. *boo@ The Ue we carry will give you complete satis- faction. We have paperB and borders at al prices, from 5 cents the roll to as high ais you want to go. We alwags- sell lots of Wall Paper WJIY? SMITHi & DAVIS, TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS Lîbeftyville, 111. John 8. Jausmon. John S. Jatitisoit, one of the hen * Local items of interest te Iibertgvile Readers t 1knotvitre.j1,.eî, ti ofLiblertyvville and b Lake utity pjînsetiaicay et im home Picked Un IMmreand iher n w-tve oit Tuesdtty, Marcli 12, i tii being due to hie tidvanîed years ~* 44*44444444q4Q**>e44*444*4*4* *4 twrîtttunatire thont t,, uny alier cause. _____________________________________________ le Iit .en ii ailiiîtg Itetltit for Homne liard tisite, party tonght tt the twtt Mfr. and Mr@. Wm. Tbttîî, Ot ilirît, tfmut..and Iim -ndl-as lotîked foi-lv his hall. HuPhe's Orchestra. arle viaiting at the J. L.. Hutghes htonte. watelierm The net MYtitie Workt.r card party Tite Cemetry Society wilî I weet wý1 eam borît lu Coiuîtli(o(urtty, e wilI occur On SaturdaY evening Mar. 16. Mrs. E. W. Dr 1ryu Ndy.~rc<u, i, 8r twhctpae gMssWinnile lnty, ut Chcago, spent March 15. lite citnt hi, lîuybood. At the age of 21 l)unday vieitîng et the Protine houte. Mas. Mary E. Banteit lettrestttday for 1ltt, caught the wcstern sprt and a viitlInber former boulte et Kingston, t<eni d i tu l'W-insin sttling in Tom MeGuire lm bark alter spenidng New york. flite expectm tu lie goit, ienocita cocuty wiiere lie tollowed the tie coiS sinler itionthe idowu near St. severail Ietkg. Louls. , Mr. aumi Mas. Fraak Kennedy and son pursuit of fariting. He. was united in Frank Penka, and family, have moved Roy, of Milbua. visited tiser Satunday uturriage to Misa Matilda Weaver, ta Omryslake where tliey will farmt i@i and Suoday whbJ. L. Hughes and Sept. 29, 1857. couiug year. famlly takint la the mirtetrel show. la 18467 he removed ta Lhertyville Frank lKernn ttîl remins single. But Tite Prs.bytenian Ladies Aid soeiety township wlteîe lie fermeS until sixteen as a substitut, bought e talking wîî aientet aitit homus of Mr&. Allie Davis y eargo wltenlhe retired and camse tu machine the other day. onT rae aternaon. Marcit 21. A betvl ilaeopsoIideing AI Kilchman rtte firet of te week large attendaaae ln desired as there willLirtsleilgeopastidciin purcbaoed several lt, la the Kuebker ho work. days. subdIviiiion of Paul MdacOuffin. The M. B. Colby Mercantile Co., naw Beideft hi@ widow Le leeves tires Fred Enderlîn a leur days agi) lost ha« lnftallsd two telephonfta, hotit No. chidren: Dr. Honier P. Jamison, oh vahieble blooded tilter doo hicb hC 29. lu caingup titeilrîti ask for No.29) Milîburn; %Irs. Florence M. Seavey, 01 considers worth $100. It intlougbt be grocery dept. or 0o 29ddry goutds Kanss n ereB aioo animal was ettiter stolen or pQioued. departîient whilch ever is deired and uaaSlcreB eîoo save yoursef trouble. Cherry Valley. II. The lmuerai wes on A bIlrtitday party waA given [.etIl' . Mu- Harrison Brown has oît i Ier Tltunsday witt irterientin the Lakeoide arren Moda nl vegt et. ihmet yaS bue on Division St.. to lobenrt Higgins enîtery. Th e . ýH. F. Lawlir a ver lasof enn asset yawîooincitarg.of Selautit-levator and otîthieateil at te obsequies. nnbro shoolmates whîo kept things innîler yard. Mr. Hîigîwi %il] rentiove lively for the tite,. his family frot Anti(oti t tttti, place in ln in fmous le on a vacéation and bas the Bear future. CertifIcat. Number 1. guise to hilsold borne near (lalesbu rg. nie A rDy Ast nsuai len's frintds in«icit tt lias EgnerA.<raS,. ttl," frcight State of!Ilinlois, County or Lake.-ss. une to gtit spiced but lie will prolal left the latter part Of ttt-t wcck for tite To Frank H. T. Potter, Wl'nthrop Har- 1 î tenonce more. lsb bedide ofbis fatber V. (utitescitically t>r & Dock Comp.any, a corporation, Teitor made stkirts ta ortler. niterial Mn. (irandiri Sr., ismiut f the *liîct Company, a corporation. Joseph included, $5. t6pring mitylves; a'ct, engacer, la tbe employ f thte St. Paul Wrilght, George E. Dawson, Triîetee, (illIcte pettieoatà;otade taortler. New systelit. Westernt Telsîthone iaîuacturing saniplee. Cai. D a.Gl1u~ n. Lest Fridsg nigltt liii l ro)ttne enter- Company, a corporation, Almira J.1 24-1g tentaincîl a iumber . i ha 'O' und] girl Chase, l2sses A. Baldwin., Triiste. Frank Sltaddlc. of Evcnly. la.. wicl th isFI qs*tege t hi@ huli'sýl it ail- twenty. and He(tnyýR. Baldwin, Sticcessor ltu Aàn, Lee. le vicitlng trienîls in Litberty. îoitriMepresérnt. Th- wo le parti' <t! rfllint., P?_jto tie- unknovn awuurs vl#te end dwhchefetir ïicS' week-' hiisytiurg ,;jIk-wpnt ~or pîtartes ihterýësted_: Shuîddle. utfLtvetand. Colt,.. s ttiso vimiit- ina ebody atter suppe-r utji rît-4 a v.ery ing inthti i tiity and at [nier, ittrettedl part of t ie wii1i.- Talte notice Titat ait a le of lots (irttv..e ieitgt tcThuereceofd tLi'. .iitnde[lt,4* and lands for taxes nnd as essments. Toiigitt(Ttnrcd~ on,. titiavduly made ln thse Coitty otf Lake anti liard ites rarty. Ail Wtt, go Milttusi e ltiassociation th S ee ut Saeo îtoe .J l' eirpr wear ibiîir oluI cithlem. Tite patrty the m. E. church i lt,,î ljl, r îviîle >cliased oit lie 26th day oftue, A. tD., cttitildl teati* 90041uit ue i.,ail wto served teoiccr8 aij d er itisbande 1905. attend undt wîlI b sëiiettugf.!a anti wivem. A Proxr ii ou.iong te Lot One (1) In Vtthroî. Harbtor novelty tu say t,. I~et. A liard urnets sultjecîs at hand han , iiîraîtg-d. In fractional Section Two (2), Towtn- luncheun cii b e.rLw . hip Forty-slx (46) North, Range Thc Epworth Leagît,. ha-. tien dit ilied Twelve (12), East of tie Third Princi- Wëlei & MciDonald, ounr local cOn- int two section, f-1i u î.teintkership pal Menidiais, lu Lake Couuty, Illinois, traettîne. bave severai exceillent contractetcontent for tie cOrititz tti)ree ,rîtontits. (coetaining 105.26 acres) for lte de- altîng te Latkeshoure ln vicw for the. The aide haviag th- ii,. ttîuit total lunquent state, county, towu, i'oad and î.oming smuumter. This wéek ttteY attendane fothe ttii.. wî11tl" e,.rtPcted' bridge, village, thistie and district Practically closeS a deal for the.lbuiding tii turnisi reffrernntmndt. ttt.rain thi.echo ae eiSeSasse ie, tîta #t),OO oue a hae tc pansuhhrs.'The, averag. attetitance for ou for thc year A. D., 1904, and salit tif soute titre, ýmure under advimenient. February was lwenty 'tri. premises were taxeS -for saliS year lu Latit year tlîcy diS a fine lut ouliding Madame Cheiro, plat. . -iiîcateti autih narreo! Wiuthrop Harbor & Dock in the saine viclnlty. the, Newcastle hotel tira t tite.Titis is Company, anS tie time of redemption Te ii tfilday parti wliici. wam held tic tiret tins, a irett ..... iaitiist htas tiercof frons saldt sale will expire on Saturday ni~îMri 9, in honor ot ever vi@ited Lbriit.antd her the 26tli day of June, A. D., 1907. Miss Tille Y, allcnter's eightcencd birtli- presence ln canslng îttti tereet. Rdmto a s aeo rle tiay, et lier home nortit ut thié village Site promises to reail s. ir liast iet fredesai l as metmade oetortic was very weil attendeS, a"out twenty. and futnreaecuretely. foee-lit.crannouncedat.aith five beingglireient. The evening watt tent lu the ceifî it.t ujoft Iis office ,Of ch, County Clerk of sstd mtîstly spent witit gaines anS dancing, paper. County of L.ake. th ui atfurnishied iiy Waliter's heLadies Ail ai. t., , ite Presliy. E.h-J.3H PuntihER. newspittnognupli. Agoodtiigieecasmliedterian cliurch i le titca shadaw _________________ r lty ail, social, somechlng if aii innovationt it E, F Applecy lias returîtei front ai)thcie social lhue, ta b e I.A'in tuhei churcit Certificate Number 2. extended triltot Michigan aven te ceeue parer on Tbursda '.î.ity g Mardi 2M. State o!Ilîlinois, County oi l.ake.-ss.« tif bis carly ailroatling day, ut .7: At Tlhe idea je ta cast t i... diîffereîît ladies» To Frank H. T. PotIer. Wiuthrop flar-f tint timeliraud Rapide ballepopulation achadows upon 1he , ittilanS lu clli tte tr&fuscupa.acrto l. tif 29),000)and nuw ii lias 100,000. He sliedows ru te lt,-s't hiSSer. Tite r&Dc opnacroain muade aestop tif one day et iîui.g.t andl lady anSdte sI.îritq.gues with che M Wlnthnop Harbor Waier & Siiîtlly llî&e.dvilie, eallil on Cbins. Ray andti eladow. Fitrsnîotice wililibe gireli Comnpany, a col-porattoît, Robent Roîy furnîly anSdljîcilu bent RyEni attl elufutciteeventt iii niý\tlttcek's pape r. Cowde, Josephs Wrighti, George E. s1ent oit, day et Maichigan Cilty vîsitiiig ________ Dawson, Truste, es, en Tl K. Conitte who le artlilt*fur tvie [arker Methodisi Services. pîhone Manufactttrlng Comtpany, a Car Cu. corptarationtt Almaira J. Chase,. Jesse Mars. fi. il. Trtinîb..ii, cli kntt'.tnlu Sîteciail iii )s ti,jil services aiii hi A. Baldwin,, Trustee. and Henry R. ILe cîtînt y, dietl et lier hotet in beid ut tii-u1 u i every cveu'ong nxt 1 Baldwint, Stîccessor In Trust. and to Cliicago Paiaday munning aneuS c ekal it 7: tii. Tht. ubecet lar Sunday the uttitowu owîters ortparties It- iiîterred et Waukegan on Weduestiay teenitg ttull G I.. let Eaayta ttceCitrist- 1terested.' Ktrî.t M n. and Mre. Trumbeliil t .ri iitîtuinah egSi Take Notice Tiat ni a sale uf lots liveti iti Lake r.iuity. een, ego ta sung iitîtil îa> er duriug these services tîîtd lands lot, taxes aitd assessmeuts. tilte formter tauglit witing schot Ail ti-nd iti t .ittreilta be preseit- dîyuaeit i otîyift.k n Iter tuti ii ttttc ueeityplatcc njîîingStateutfhIllitnois, E. J.HeydeckcrIp:r c c..ittîderatil,- reputatio tînetii art. Notice utflteiîîcraticCaucus. 1riaseil on the 27 th day of Jouie, A. tD.. Many irieîtts anttng tic aider pteople of 1905. L.ake coîuty ciii regret tii hear ut lien A cutwi, t-tt,.i nuiuratic voter, utftte iot Tco (2) Ilu Witthrait Harbor lu ptcing. Townu ut itlle-, Lake Cotîuty, Illt fractional Section Elersît (11), Towen- 1id ytokntw tîtat Libertyt-ilie hed a nuis. c-ljlii l.. liit ttown hall on ,-i D)ela Carmoni, 2u? Tte prise beauîy ut Seturday. Nlircli li. 1907, ut 2 ociock suit Forty sx(46) Norti. Range Chicaugo, diecovercd by tbe Chilcago p . for ti, , nu tise ot îekîng natîti. Telve (12), Easst of the TiirS Prin- nationîs foi th, fiiiiî.wing town Offirs: cipal Meridisu. lu Lake Cotty. 1111- Tribune atter an expenditure oh thou- Totrucierk, ita-se-teor, coliecto!on nomisla.exceîît Sottth 500 feet of West senSarot dollars in edvertimitg, lias a missittuc tig Il ii4)ways soutît district,) 44Q tee t ofSorths haIt aud except ail doubIe in this village! At least a score ititrît'.ut.tbelfiiaac.chtptofieStt44.feto or more youag gentlement of the village shol uv î.irdro fCosi acnc'.y) So rt of5.25etutSothaf.o!ot 0 caeradi isSivlidalile the ie aof________2 Sescrihed lu liook 128 of Deeds page tct dmei hitite 1 ieiag t263) (contalnlntg 138 acres) for the, Se- 1h, ~ ~ ~ I pithspblse ale papers ot Tinte l@ Noiey. linqueut stale. couuty. iowît. ruea t MiseCarcan. Now aieïi.wondernn if it inssu or if tie boys *,got togetlter" ou Do yîîtt riîiueîttly have to drive scitool taxes levieS anS assessed cher,- lie deal. It in even rumored thel lbhe several mtile-s tu ity your bils dtaeou for tise year A. D., 1904. anS sýld Peruna people and a face dope company tie risk of -arryi tiug urrency? premises were taxued for saiS year lu bave trieS ta get lien ta sign statentents Tite use oftlit. e cia accoîut wiil thinme of Witihrop Harbsor & Dock luiet she uses tîteir tinS of "ieeuty malle titis uselens nlk anS waste of tinte Company, eundte tins,-o! redemption mnater.t' unneeessary. 'tiu en auyr our illîs by thereof froin saiS sale wiil expire on Tic miastrel show turneS ouI good chekt clrotîgli cite mail, witit ebsolute te 27ti day o! Jue. A. D.. 1907. Satnrday higlit eepeciehly 515 lte ment- eafcty anS yîîur chieck when returned lii Redemption may ti maeeon or ite- ber@ of tic company do fine work alter us ic liciter tiîuî any alter recet. If fore saiS lest mentioned date eithtie getlagtheir stage frigat worn Sown by you have not a chtekingecOunt ce0 office of tie Couuty Clerk of sald *ouplelof alght expenience before audi-l n reno. iius. Courteous Couuty o! Lake. encsTtemiîsres fr ocl alnttreatittent anti eitolut, sefeiy. E. .1. HEYDECKER. SiS weil ail lires niglite, hawever and IE ATION LBANK Mci 7-3t Pîrcisaser. Seserve consmenation for lte show they J. L. Ta y lr, ' _________ pu, Up. Ech igît ea peclalîy mariris J. LTalr e S. .. GnIideyCasier Certificate Numben 4. c.unciglit Juin 1=Broic, of Waukegas, and____on________________ State o! Ilinois, ('otinty ot Lake.-ss. tiret cdans amateur, plaieS enSdutan. To Frnuk il. T. Poiten. Witiiroî tien- Mn. roderlet show, muei clevernesai bor & Dock Compîany, e corptorationt, and wili camne day break int protfes.- Winthhroît Harbsor W~ater & SupîtîlY louai stage work. Frons e business 1- I I IN Company, a corporations, Josephi standipoint as well as trot a pleenre- E D IS ON3F Wrght, George E. D)awson,. Trustee, able une te show stecoeSed. Ticket Western Telepione Mantîfacturing sales euS aSc on te progrons netteS iAN Comspanty. a corporatilon, Almira J. etbout *200, leasing a tain margin ut NDChsase, Jesse A. Badwit, Trustc, profit. anSdHeinry B . Baldwin, Siccegsor lit Tic council lieide, pasut)ng a bUile of ___Trusît, atit to thse ttîîhowît owtîers bis big enougli ta choke a lipelty aund ' Uf lor liarties ltterested: strong cnttt.ndcw od V IC T O R Take itotice Thitai a nisle o! lots n glit et is reguler uîonthi meting anS lantds for, taxes artS assessiseuts, succeeded lu closing np th, pending deal duly made lu tise Cotîîîty of Lake sud ton Ili ting tie villag~e streete anS gave Stale tif Itlinois, E. J. Hleydecker pur- lie rioti Sb.. lernc omupenyau a ,w u~u à Issed oit tise 271h day of Jue, A. D., new contrat ton tiresyeare o- 'WA£ F1 I U % 1915. tract bad icen praclicelly accepteS et a L A C HIWNA1 .4 Lot 'rre (3) lit WItrsop Herbor former meeting anS was lield up only ia lu !ractlosîal Section Eleven (11), urder ta get a few tinar concessions A DTwsi ot-t 4)Nri ag fron lit elclnl ~~opIesuel as10 alowTwelve (12), East o! the T.lirS Pria- the cty ta order tightte on et any lite cpiMnda.l an fat gtngit fi aRsa5 ~ ( ( fI ~ o;(containlrsg 153 acres) for lte dl- b, elondy. P vioualy thes vilage bu D S Ituquent state. county, towtt. noad and teigitta u l1Ite ledeiaya500 t'bridge, village anSddistrict school lamlg t hs ; ans âtt IeteDotaxes levied anS assessed tiereon loi .1". nm_ te -w -1.tai - I - a os Ren ed tapeie r A. D.. 1904, and said premIset r. 'L.adies Oxfords Patent gunmetal and vie! kid. From $ to $3, ail styles. BELTS Ail kinrim anîd sizes-elastic and tailored CAPS New spriîîg lne just received 'WALL'PAPER WVe bave~ a good line of Maxweii'g wal paper iii stock. Ail the newest patterns and colors. Will order from Alfred A. Peats also. Corne in and look at our salmi)lett. We are giving you access to two of thte largest paper houses in the U. S. yvvlle Phone 29 F. P. DysioNu, Pre,. 0E.a. A. WRIGHT, Vice Presl. Illinois C. F. WIatour, Cmahir 8. . KICas,, Asal. Cash], LAKE CO. NATIONAL, BANI< CAPITAL SUR PLUS 1$65OW0 DIRECTORS I IA. G. SHWERMAN 1 H.LC . ,MEYMDR C. R. GALLOWAY PAtJL MacGUFFN G. A. WFRH C. F. WRIGHT F. P.DYMOID NEW ." «IIRNESS -- s] 1 uni uow jocate ini tih, new store lu J. Eli. Triggs bilding an Sprau, treet. Tle s@hop tuneaout as good work as eau be dune in te sate. Give usea trial. ISOLICI YOUR TRÀDE AD ASK ThÀT YOUVE IR A 0. le LUCE SLi bertçjville Ilimois arrived. We can show you an excçllent in ail the staple and fancy patterns; pink and bine stripes, checks and plaide of different size, faney plaids, plain 2 blues, pinks, gpays, etc. We guarantee évery yard of these goode tb and wear better than anything in the market our price. N. B.-Mr. Kohner has purehased a good spring goode in New York. Wateh thie -far particulars. . . . . . . . Repaifer and J eweler, ANDRI3W ITUSS ILLINOIS LIBERTY ILLE