LAKESCOUNTI" IïNDEPEND)EN T- and WAUKEGANWEEKY SUN VOL XVt No. 25. LIBERTYVILLE, LAtKE COUNTYS, ILLINOIS, FItIDAY, MARCHl 22, 1907-12 Pageus $ 1. -,0 P PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. _________________________ t s ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ SCKTER EO TOWNSHIIP CAJCLJSeS Local Poiitien 1'rove rMore Quiet Thala Vusss$ nt Spring 1Nomnaitonls. IN MOST CASES LITTLE ÔPPOI31ION Polticalhy Ilis l noff ysar ln Lake county polticai ircléa and thinge qwere unusuali>' ijuite. The supervisoril, tire few wbo vers nominatal,&Aa eraiebfii mnai tônteste on tireir band@. (ititr- vise t4grewas itile dîbug oulin haoae sr îvo o rtaîes smorse tiisuî hue licket lu a town leing placed l inte M1I. fl miomt 45 iti' ceuus i 15ie sriel-atiý,nL as4 th iti u'îiiiliisat4 1hua.' 1ru oppooirioli. Varionsa' iiinatloas ai. talulait-d be-lov: AT ANTIOCit SIMMONS DEFEATS KEt4NEDY. At Anîlueh qil>surleLy thre oui>' ciit-tt wblih cagne û u t the 11u111îeuýu cîliVa@ for tira office of supervisas'. Te e set ii thre ticket van nominated vîlluout opposition and thre nosintlons man elpetiot as tire debaetd candidate for supervisor esinouum e ievili ot t tsy for tise eeetionad i naine viii pot appeor Independent -unaha@bas tn sgse d. THE NOMINIATIONS. Supervlsor. Ernest immona.. . ..................I1«4 Frak a~ .................... 141 Town lrk ................Wa. Rir r Amesor............ d........HBermn 110. Collftor .... ................Perey oirwe Comm. of HIglivi>'......Richard Rays, IN WARREN. la Warre, but eus ticket vas phplcd la th-ISil, tirs RepubheAn. Ie iplowe; ............ . ...... IL election vote on thse qusotioha o! est& lshint e township biglé sebool :uua tsheilrnes sebool and i;ise te pan, tire movemeal for a township b4 eebooi carrnes, tuset the Woodnuan Ié for the preantadl îdter tu, erft a bui isrg for v-iruol pu rposes exclusively. WEST OEERFIELD. Culctos'................Geo. H. (lutl Town Cerk .................. H. Mls Asessor ..................... .. A. Frau Comum. Higli.leprientative liert E. Gibbons. MURRAY WINS IN NEWPORT. la thes caucue at Newport Saturda Supervieos' John Murray' defeated JJ> C Crawford lu>' a vota u 9t (J Tirere was îlot no munit excitemert o tirs conhet astwa exiected fron reporte tirt bad come from te towni GRANT NOMINATES 1 TWO FULL TIOKE1 The township of Grant as uouai% ligit out et eection tire contesta wli viii dcile the towsnhip officers fort ensulng yens' both tlhe repubicans ai democnitspincing tickets la the fie Grant, aiva>', pia pulic, ai tirew tirrougir, owever, and la accustomed nomineting tvo tickets. Dom. ~Ret Towonebsck Cierk 'Asseaos' James Larkîn G. C. Mor Colector M. J. Fruend Barry Strstt Comm. o ighveys Martin Freund Jan. Del Constable E. E. Glii HW.C. W. MEYVER AGAIN FREMONT SUPERVISC At thea Premont townshsip canens C. W. Meyer, vbo bas serve the cour no long and Weil, va, agaîn nominal for tint office. Theire nmnai tirrongirout tire ticket are as folows: Bupervlsor .............. . C. W. Mui Tova Clo'k ..........Frnk Do] Asgemsr..............:...e-rank L4 Cohacetor ................... Hnry Luel Comm. et Blghways... Cris A. Hal WAUCONDA NOMINATIONS Thé catas hat satus'day vas ratl a lameasUais' itbtire exception of! figisI for justice oftie pence of thre uct end, À. E. Kirwan filall.y puttiagt olher contestant@ tosonut. Tire co piste liaI o1 nominees tohovs: Wowu Cark ................A. . Potw ju oftire Peace, N. E.. &. E. Kiri isjgwyfom...................y Du 8 . Bine and (3ao. Huson, and J, iJoues ad ey Seymour are ruaning tW atump for Justice and Colei LAKE ZURICH. 'T"--tovh estie behll bere Satrs -I4W* htsded. Tiroms eing na' EXCITING TIMES UP IN ANFIOCII Tale of Unlucky Jack, The Red Eye end the Unicene'd Huntiman Whose Hsnds would .lt Keep Sti. Jlack i)sury. ilî'îity gainé wardeii livinîg at Antiocli ,an iged boîtie of red eys.. tlree Chieagoatis anîl a tbox iii duelks eaused n mild sensatioinltihe village o! Alitlolii Wedremday ieîiig and as a rpsuit ofthte fracas 1Unlue6y: Jack went honme witla thie Iarget iack Antiochi ha@ i-ver .'xperîenred. Ths village apothiecary c>h )p, it les aid, taiheil to prownes enogi arnicra t ke tite lanieuemse out. Jack, ahoi" eattetitive tu hâ duiy, arrest an iiiitceit ytander lits'a hunIer.'l'ire nan wlîîî%vas nt tbe deput wawe eually îiî.iroum iet ratciîinq Lào5 train. Jack denrurred und lalid viojet tbandjs uîp. rntie wiîuidiw a*iauue.î The straiîg"ermlianîls heasuis eslil violent irid wlîi-n tii.tra inipull-iouti ULsu.-ky Jai'k vwap d%%Làa ft our fl'ut e-îîîbaknînl. ulîînis im aîk tîîrtiikie groe..liltg ini ti..- iluders. Mlr. Stranîger fililpel lthe lest sîep of iai.iet î'aieiî and waved a lond1 lareweii tii Jac.k. Tite iunter wavjinesialY owiied the docks anti aho thet warîtvn vas alter mades good bis emupe lîadiug the duels apua the train wtb thte aid of lie lrlend, tise tiird mnu, viile the .îtber two were la altercatlions. l'lie reil eye wasi te rillian in tbe case it *îît 'sced unacatbed. Jack va, the nae tiat got hart. No arisata vers LAKIE !offlT IN BASE $AU. WAR Two petitlon$., OuseFor s&c* otlss f4ainuSunday Ubas qRî DOWUE'lS fUNERAL US GRAND Staiely and lounpressive Services Maerk Obeequien of Once Great Leader.t CITY IN GRASIP 0F RBLIGOUS FLAR JTobs Alexander Dovie vas laid at rest ast Tburlsday afternoon inLu ake Mlound cemetery' afler tbe digglug <f hI@ grave bad bee¶r inte rrîîpted be- cause of thes iack o! a permit. 1 Thre ceremonles attendant o thie obseqiies vere-on amagnîficent scale. Roemains Lis in State. Freim 10 untîl 12 o'cîodk l1551 Trîlara. day thre body la> lu state lu Si!llîub Houes, thte palace titat Dowie bîiflt , rImn.eIf In the îîaimy laya of bi,3 Enterluîg. tbe vsiter vas ie. iîy Major Di. F. Morris. of theitîow d, funet ZMon Gards. wvlrbwhlchliotîle Once treatened te defy the militia eI thte tate of!Ililnois. At the beal of the catafalque was statloned Major S. 0. Morris. itr ite room were Freeman liliehue. )upl '- personal attendant lu bis ast days, ùnd Frank Hiatsflel, a ne'gro attenîd- sut and bodyguard. Services of the Day. At 130 private services -were bell over tbe body. Deacon 0. IL. Spelcb- er, one of the fev remaining -faitit- f ui," pseffded sud Dowieltes te thite number of about 250 ver, preseul. This, as their service. At 2 began thse public memnorlal service lu Suir hTabernacle. ,The scene presented vas simir 1te t vici rejoiced thse heat of the Inonder of ZMon City In his moigt ler- tous dey».. White Robea Choir Again. Perirapa for thse hest Umne lu thse isie tory o! Sicatisewvite rohed couir lua wlieb Dovis ot no m mnh pride via] Siti ndoccupled litapilce et*,4M4 or tiesgihery. .1*ei.~ee4uan tuaoo îleclared a tact by tî ofes i t he et tiret Vis fithfii lil Dowic t> tlie end. Thursday H. I'Tei Cie ion, 40 yesarS Old. man,irOf l"r j" 7 lbox factory eaad a fornicu i îlaîiur i Lite ('bîsiei JahoirC diîh. lit bis bomne ln Zod OitY. 1W. ftaîîî w the lust of. tue illegPil dli'ireiY prornpted fatalitleaB. fra- Lowis. a teacher finsthe Zloat îetîiiiiliiti. tution andasforais'decètr -.(lied nt tonsilitis et thse home of Il. 1). Blire field yesterdaY.Mand Mit'i Mare. %BUF gess. sona former d,îîî -'dien 'ruesday la Mon itY. 'Tîesç.ibree dealbs have baa traîllitrîîi lto tsarnings fronp tie L. ori rVoiivas followers. Spirltualiut Treat Dowie. It bas been réported itiat Dowle hait been under secret ireatinient by spilitalists fer BYO e v&i, efore fis death * A psolilent s.irîrtalisr ls sald i. have vIsiteà hi' 'i'1ýeniI limi s witblîî tbat period. as a.s others purporting to 6e conVer«>, t w 1h tie sbades of the dead. Exodue Frmi Zion Cty. An exodus from ZMon C't' ý vý, and It le feared tisat Ciii i ii lirtl. reacb alarming Proittîli . <itOve flireeîî carloade of furitit, iii- itlft Zion 'Cty for points i ,-., (an- adis, North Dakota and l t i piu t, eently, More car have t1, i r- ta convey thre propertyc t rtîiier of familles tb Lima, Crut lý fiti Mies lntend to settle t,,', irr tii lands. ' Night and dey lndelitiw ii iii officer speclliy iOrn ii t l'aîîaui Walker ot theZMon Polît, xmil]ii îali( Dovle's grave iftes' Inretti;ýr2t îiti vandale vbo mIgit séet, ?o, iobs i' i decoratlons, -ad agaînst ' wuhtovi mlght labor la tis* lateresi t ofasiencte. Pear of aul ittO"lt oit ii' ipart (il etber cias of crlîiiii.l Ls ot .trong t l in..but preraîîutin teu lie taken., 1 V41 I le Secureiy. Dihwie 11 lé o sliecutiý, Tiev~ !the gra % t,îîîw excra- tos tobe Ila" isehvi hi'>,11aned piaclailly for tise Sut w iicb is gnar- vater " Mmd~rlar ront. Fred t o . e cf Wà a ve n.ta tea techarge of tise si.iilng of tbe Il. paoei UweuMhie Gethesmene WU f n~lte the Cross. *W le WM tg stop hi. alght 4àa"W top and hie III.... padel Wmy. But lhe iega ,to work ~>.aflvaf ga Ibs' ecoe iiu La it tire event vas seea the' arrangementagnanaan euuescmeun 0 in tise Brt petition 6e not grantel, Lie tirat Davis used. Firet the chroir, tiren hlm."l Forent la la a furore of exctement, tire robed officers,of tise ciurci tiren Tiene are tvo qu1thte remarkairlec Iftire outcome o!fyiricb yl probabi>' be tig htwr ai fJh lx igit knv ie iecucimiI îte guard, titen tire ligultarles. tiigSirtvreato!otuAe usil n 'l'hihursday mt nlgirt.Brnes in Address. entier Do oui tii .udge Darnes iti Tiure dnta !lefaiubl i- Judge V. V. Bernes delîverel te alnSbir Tagyote rte d leder la]gTe are dlded sov1e atireSna>blvl faneraI eulogy. Overseer Piper, wvi t Slo abra question. Tire village nov bas an or- rîulllbtrVlv n oi.Tlao aWrs dinance !osbidiug Sundny base bal gave an edîress aîso. Judge Barnes. ini'tie mont eloqueiu trir nd n ttmpttohav tisVohIxa vas unable to attend. talk titat bas Nier 1,ienh ieard lu tbec tiraulanattmpttobav tiisrepeaiel Songe suai; vers tirose titat came clty of tire waitetvlu-. îrid tire lare- t Yb'iu irt ae o hlretobe from the lips o! the dead prolîbet as5 veil o! Doxa l>, ,fl' i to Doiese nais Startol by Young Men& Club,. ire ireatitel bis let: ibody. lu tire vilage ls a club, knovu as 'Joy Conieti tuIitire Morniug" "Tire tallie t i îuIebanqn sa tire Young Men's Clubr, tirat vas "Jo>-1t te Worll, te Lord le Come." falien." leciarnîi tît jurîst, quollng.b e&y, startel iry Dr. Beoyle. Severai o! thte Leal. Kinlly i4girh He ten otit1inidilthe tings doue airu melbers decîdel Ibat titey vaulemi 10 The Funerai Prccessicn, b>'Dovie wviiintîuiitopinion ver>, I 412 pIe>' haIl on Sunda>', and accordîngi> lu tire funeral procession tire iearse greateal, nveriitig ail olirers b>,d started a petition t0 bave lire ordi- vas dravu by four mailikviie irorses tireir magnificence. ver nance repeaied. and vas itsoîf vwhite. Tire pahîbear- He listel titeni as iulovs:V tb@ Tirey look thte petition to Dr. Boyle ers, irouorary and acting, precedel IL. 1-Me faunded a cty.q 1. and ire immediately re!uesd ho sîgu. Tiren came lire remuant o!fte Zioni 2-Me founded an indasltry. 1 'Have I ual t eeu hberal vitir you?' Guard; il vas !olloved b>'tire Dovie 3-MHe unveied a great lruth tc lhe. TS e aaked. "I bave allovel you 10 famlly. relatives and close personal worid.t amoke and to pIe>' cardeaundho do frienda; tast came tire remuant o! tire 4-Me founded, sapervised the wrlt- wiii otirer thiings. 1 arn burt tirat you Dovieltes, tire faitirful. to tire number Ing of snd published Leaessof Heai- ur eboul shart tins pelition aud brlug Il of about 200. ing, which lte namne cf th. maue. tirs to ue.' Schem Ali lin White. zine thet pramtuigated throughout the ajd Teyouug men.,iovever, have per- Tire Dovie funeral scireme lea ailunwcrid Dcwie's teacbings. i sted lncirculating the pethîhon sud virite. -evso iiig eIoil have man> naones, It le said. Dovieles in a vwhite casket, velgir- gretest vork.' leciarel Judgef va>' ' lug 400 pouada. It ls 11usd withtilend Barues.1 110o Graunde by Hciy Noms Schccl. for tire preservation o! the remains. Dowle Will Return un 1,000 Veas.,. Iu the petition. lit lea satel tiret tireviticir bave been embalmel. Qeo3ielulî-tsdarbdb bail grounds vonld be on grounds At tise ieal o! tire bier la a viIe Judge Bernes litIa seulogy vas thse that couneot direct!>' vîtirtire Bol>' lace canopy. long atîcîpiatel Duvle îeatli massage. Name scitool, en tire aouthern limita o! Dovle .iimseif la dressel lu bis Here it le: uthtie village. robes as EIjais IT., wvicir are wiie As Dowie pesseil uray' ho entrust. Mther Superici Intsrvenes. ln tire main, vîtir vas'-coiored front, mi .îuîge Bernes xlilutira vord tiret ii This aroused tire Motiter Superllke tirat o! au aucient jevisir bigir--THE MILLENIUM 18 COME AND i ton o! tirerlcouvent adst rssatlapia. WILL RETURN AND RULE FOR A Monof he onvnt nd he as tared PAt tire ueraI vwhite irorses drev THOUSAND VEARS."1 second petition, asking tirat thtire et lr iieiere iemsae ceid afmn liel sigrenot lra ted.Ta o rs ay White ls tire color o! Zion, as tire among tire beihevers and vas received signers , il§ra eioed. lrtdove bearlua lire olive braneir is th irevtisreverenco ity thue other,. Thurida>' and tire second Satnrday ybi aigirt.Tire mater viti tire îvo pe- Expected Reeurrecticn. iConhinuerlirsun page 12) i ORtittous vîli 'tome before tirevilliage Untir e hst moment tollovers of! bH. -council et lits meeting aext Tbnreday DovIe ntclp&ited a resnrrectfou and NEW EDITOR MAS tnt>' nlgit. are bienilng lire esnbalmlng fluid for ated tîhe tac t t one dil not tae place. NER VOUS ATTACIK Gcrgecusneaa of the Rabs. fons PIONEER 1!ARM ER Tire beautîful vite robe lunvirîci GONE TO BIEVOND Dovies bol>' ias been placedla1 the AlilBecuse Me saw Hie Noms lu the1 ayeD thîrd one made for hlma sînce ire a,- Paper-Roasts INDEPENDENT lpir 'Be h ieo trait apostle o! tire for Teiling Fects. Metzs John Bauman, Aged 79. Born Noar Chritian Catholic churcir." Begun bls Paris, Franco, and Eariy Settier:cf 4t Jul>', 1905, lil vas ual flilsirsd un- Titere in ail nl-gel cîltor oves' Northi &ple County is DemI. tIi about tire lime Dovie ieft for Ja- CiaowogtiWWlly"eddU, uralca easly the îoîîovîng Januar>'. Ciaovugt vrtsh'"ui p Tire robe constasa! seven pces, oves' nboriatters. île publiahe u iis tirer Johnu Bauman, vira ied at veel at typl!ylng, accordiug to Josepirus, tire pepersta a coluni r s suof local mixd lh i hî~ oms Dsas' Round Lake, vas oas of seven layeof coetlon, Tire undes'- vilîbpaient melicin se a sand siIoves'> rth Lraks county's eriiestsettlera, lie vas germent lo a! fins vite inen irom vesk baving tirs allegel papes' prlatal tie bor ar aislirccoig ote neck 10 tise aniles, Thte otirerligar nO«Apiear Parist France, ong 10sofmeul a ttgo tu meke up lire vest- la Waulegen. om-Ameicavira bt weny-oe yareofmente are eltirer o! ilS or finue ihen, He used 10 be a Do wrieita, 6eiddlel ait âge. Fie settiel soulir o! Libertyville and rlcisiy emirollered. a lance, ire camne out lu loyal support o! eers sud lu 1868 bougil lire pressaI Carroll Mcunds of Floral Tributes. tire liquor trefie, bit attacissd bis nome ,,ks ferai jut souti ofthtie E. J. & E relway It vas expected tirt et faut a car- tû e spaper as 1ubIiiisir. A versa- eau d& Mivaukee avenue. toal of floral offeringsu nlire sent tiI. man lile ltat shonl bars notice. ivia He vas unte ln arrag t Mne'. ta Zion befare tire sud o!flise de>'. We noticeil hum. WVe tld the vorl merruegeTire room la Suilonnoue virere tire r,À. Henry>'MeNeur, bai! @!stes' o! Orea Luce. bol>' la>'lu alate *abaukel w1thabout it tlu tirs hesttif ouns'abilit>'. W@ ton o! iertyville, Whro stîli liv aItirhe viite floyers eat b>' cirutrcies Inla 11tram vithout bina jmt as tise tacts etor Rouad Lake home vier ie>' iyave othor cîties, operativea lanZmon fac- voe and thle poor subiet Sot iervousu lived for a numirér of years "cas.silg torieald personai inonda. riYou are personal," ho crisd. Tep, vs th 1eplace ots o! Lhbsrtyvhle. BIS Tire grave Io e concresbox mut deair as ue esat e gagree iir'Into liseertir. Il yUll h. coverel vils are. Nevrupapereotten Pt Cat wqy. ami sdeal>' s tlu ono t 0 bi,10se i concret. aldsealel. Itla1, ielievel it Tire>'aven sometimes priaI psopWs' 'on' sddetlyut a oe o e st. ne wuvas maserve a. tise fouadation for ea Daso lu thei ls' nomas, oor Ns'. Z9 y'aw f l fago. Tise f1»" @vaas 1 t menstiashaJt. Nor.,ths Chicag~oEditor, gIW tap aMd 4 s'q re tsLIi,7vS k. dethll5Vades v5i3Wt5I U1 ldoa't Mtae tislnga 80 to beait. W. 1 wbm w* t m ta4r tbe îa" fg aa 4oa m valS but do't betteb~. , 1 à àâât at. e , Illo.m. tbt lm M V491 HIGI1WOOD F!6.â-iS FOR EXISTENCE u',.iî, e ler.4Array Tiij-s ~e Av'. cA."ili!t i Quyle andi I', bus' f',r [,ives PhUIITIN EANNEST - AT 41»RINOFhEL.D Il he dives oh Highwood are killiing fifty people a year."-T. R. Quayle. IýQuayle is a liar."-Highwood sa- oonkeepers ln unison. "Fourteen inqueste heid in High- wood fram tldnuary 1, 1900, ta October 1, 1906, lirîluiae."-Official figures of Coroner J. L. Taylor of Lake z.oun.,. Thte ilixodsalooni meni are figiti lit;, fori, he ver>' exiistence of titeir ituslnesses. Iiliwti, îî.'f the Qiayleit Rumsey blhl pasises, taililie wilîid troi the map. Iiiiwod leiii.i isise(Ilauî iii - pli etertel. tihi.liquiîr lercsasav. Details o! Deaths. 'lo leteuil theniseha is. r iiir uairi.'s. thi lo on s tiiii til lage <f Ii- 'a îod fron auritlllation. tlîey are 1)ire- sentlng before tire comnittee wltbh bas the tilîl rip for roview tiîesL,'lz- traAécou dIng lu startis " tlîeue bave been In Deerhilowalhill, it ,ianuary 1, 1900. te Otober I. lu. just ifty-&ix caties o! deattiî werc t1e coi-oners services were required. Of these fourteen Inquests were beldlui- fligbwood and tbe îemainder lut lil larnd Park. Several of tire leatbe vere accidenît- ah lrowîîlngs, ralvwa>' accidents andl from natrîral causes. Que man vas f rozen lu leatb. Tireavoeeseverai suicides. Titreo vere Infante, ons be- ing found lu tire lake, virere lit bal evldently been titrown by an unnatîl- rai parent. Twc i4undred In List. But tirree dealirs from ahcoirohism in thre irole llftY-six cases conld ire found. Titere vitre two murdlere and once thte coroners jury rendes'ed a verdict o! deatit front a vound caused by someone unkuowu. To be sure tire record la not a good one. lut an ordsrly tOuTa or 'YactattY, virere 1ev and order la held in -bi regard. tise reooord would re maflip pailta M&. t1 gamiriing tbey admit. But le not Ibis comnion lu al] othes' toas lire>' viii ask yorî. Monture Wiii Pesa. Hlowever, federai Influsnce bebind lthe measure praclhcally hasures is passage aud men wvio bave been Io Spîrinigfield and kuowvrIn10 avor tire saloon Inrereettel heteir frieîîds upun tIroir retgrn 'Ibere ls no bope, thte ernasîrre ha golug thirnugir." Coroner Taylor telle thte SUN tse asse'rtionr Iat but fourteen luqueste bave been bell in Hlgirvool lu six years le trus. but la an unfaîr nom- tiarison lu titat usarly aitviolent deatita lu that village result lu tire corpse belng taken to Highrland Park, virere tirere le an undertaker, couse. quently many o! tire luquesta bell lu ilghland Park are tire result of deetsIneluHîgirvood. Doubtiess te temperence people ait Springfield viii not ovarlook explaining Ibis In tire commîttee and members o! tire legis- leture, tirereby puncturlng tire argu- ment viricir bas been boisterel up by tire comparison lu question. Too, tire deatir rate. at least tirs cal] for coroner's services, iras falîsu off materiliy In tire past year or on. Prom January i1b o ctoirer 1 o! lest yeas' but Ivo Inquests vere beld lu Hlgttvaod. Armed With Figures. Armel vitir tiese figures emiesarles o! the saloon faction are nov lu Springfield 0and 111e 10 Matie T. -R. Quayle appear as a eeneatlouahist sud pervertes o! tire trutr, viren It ls 10 i Interest bo do o. Tirey accuse hlm, o! utterlug libelouis falseirools about tem and their business. Tise>' yul even se>' btirte Sprilng- fiel commltlee that Quayle dlecussed Nitb one of tire ieadlng men amoag the saloonkeepers. termed b>' hlm a dîvekeeper. tise idvî,ablity o! l'book- Ing Up" vwils them. lHe ailovel a prioe to ire set and an offer made blua snd then retuaed tomalte tir el, sttng tiret Il vas 'vworts more in f im 10 be lied up vitir saloon men." Highwood'a Rsputation Unjust. "Higbvool bas gainel tire reputa- lion of bqln ra bell bisl," saîd a sa. loon man in a reportes' yeeterdey, 'but If yott yul youref visît il et an>' lime youn vîl Ind it auderly>' e bove ail decent. 1 viii admit mucir. We are lu tire saloon buiness, but vs bave been wv'riiigeq. If vs are sha- nIag b>' sellling llqgor no leus la 1Qusyle slrinnîg b>' tefii a seu lies."' Titus thie sainoonkeepers ire agrI- Ing orut et Spriugfield thîs veek tise fbattie viricir yul make tbemt victors or Quayle vîctor, th ir gir Iesîisvl) meen tire desertIono! Hîgirvool os l% continuane, lu tire passage os non-passage o! tirs "mile and an eigistis" billvirich ir viirestriet theu sehuIng o! liqîuos' vitin tiret istance of an>' irmy pont depenîs tise exIst en'sce of Higirvood. "igirvool ln full o! rotteiaseu and Etghvod la misrepresented ad thse vtclm of lIars,"-Blookespeu'. Tise Unitd Statea goverumeat bau at lauaI ta#en dUewalossalaucof thb" m lisvodt Vplapus spo Ti .titi,' tte iiedic saffo Il ofte et ak"i, THEUL COURTJI¶ isinion iiof thebidix tceiit --a id ut riai ait IS STILL. geie upi"!ai1îof thetir tGRIiNDING grc! tllkes, tU. S. armi:, .ltire rti general Of tbe ar 1"y i V iaihHtin't Brigadier Gene rat ORtilite1 ht (ýýii lanyvCage.@ l>lpsssefi utTis o! Dil of!thi etoi ls il epiî lt i;.' Wtek-Court('atiir e improved over former %-as withtît Mr )n exception of te lhst i Foi fi Si e. dan, xaichbcliesays is liait. Thv report ftîrtber rvs:llt it, MANY ZiON CASES figures *Io show tbe mirtlî î,.îtCOIIÉ TOTRIAL tbe soidiers and fronu the tit'.- complainte front witich sailiîte- i "'11h necnlîlo h or iated probably from thte tis iir fol, the week, last Frlday ater- records, the conclusion ls (hait lit" , - i. Jaduge Wrighrt adjourned chotrut wood le at tire btooni of the ýWhoi' oiti't intîl Monday at 1i o'ciocki, vheu savor) mess. liti, criminel docket vas cailed wlth This le thte third rat) tl'at tlhe i"rthe second paie] of jurors. titis ~ ,I r1e0lîtuigîiilîxt,.ii Tbree caises were on tise Cali for series being, as follows: :. niy The Éliret Itudolpis Zollinger, 1-T'he Lake Shore. Law and 0-1' initeii for, bur-glary. Zollinter lm. League which discovered te vtc ajnC, -igit 1rr'îling s Zion City homte. it niee o! Highwaod, the tOwn on VI c t, aiiegod. and shot tbe Owner of thse frontier of the post. îiisPeter Rlpi, Iutb e baud. 2-Generai Carter's letter to Wcist-. Much Work Compi.ted. incton, ehowing moral conditons. !The cases dlsposed of lni tbe'circt 3-The surgeon generals, report ta . Thtrsday Wolre: t'ient sosnghati ' Ktitarli s., A. Sctîoeseow vs. John The ighr xiviilibe ciitihiitou i -*anmîer, appeai. J.inieut vas en- Illghwood le wtped off thie face of h i iu-îfr te lt i itif! and a motUon mal)or leaéli ip iit . rtiiithte dpfendaxit fora new triai mlt ci eati-ti¾l uPofrlicilere1îwas overrîîled.&il apptent lu the î». lifeo tespeciita i teail o seît a'i iblclate court avas granted ujîder bond hutte~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~!, <i îiutsI eroat$2001 (o bc filed ln, tweuty dayâ, New Phase Just Now. 1 Thirt%' laya' rime la allowed for ilitag Thte figbt le jattI eglnting to t' lt e bill of exception. sonme aiarmlng proportions. A Judgment o! $20.0 vas entered lu It bas been carrled hefore tçIllret case of A. Gray vs. FranacisIl. tary Metcalf and biat eariîed hiý \Wells and Jetnule A. Wells. Tire de- tention se Ibat he lbas askel te rt ai 'fendants made a motion for a new o! Illinois to dlean up Higbhyuod or. triai. the Intimation le, tbere wiili e titl Ooupley-Husa.y -Cas. Oropped. more appropriations for Fort Sbertlaiî. The caue of Artlur Gourley et ai. Springfild, Ill., Marcb 18-The rteiev. Hîchaee Hussey vas dismlssed on of the dives of Highwood. bllgbt of motion of the pieintlffs and tise court the garrldbu St Fort Sheridan an"il troubles between tire dîferent conm. eye-sore o! thre nortir shore, wlll 11,popules are ai an end, et leaut for the .ovtivA Nvu -h-yWith. LI îî h. re------ csrtte e on ese r wen e o-e sîditeraton ! the h roblblt n- h sldero!ntoicthé bi rIthInged saofingtoxmies o! a llnr onetan Aeek go mmes o ofmmlt ot. Aistened 10 deerso f the mmtee grso ned oderpns f th tw ta made theni5 oit. up atralght lu amaze- ment. he saloonhtte Ill present tiseir & If *umau A eppear compuatible vitisstrict veraclty, and e varm sessIon le looked for. Lest veek saine o! tire members oh tire commitîe evIncel bostlllty tri- yard tire measure and tMe lime Den- nia E. Gibbons, o! Deerfield, Io ex. petel -to argue for tse defeat.o! te Jalsis H. GarnIson et ai. vs. Elne CQ Presse et ai., bill 10 foreclose. Judg' ment of! IN.0i entered againat Jfenry Arn.Largo Appeal Bond.19 Tise case of R. W. Coen ver. F. E. Hoist et al., vas dlsmlsed for veut tof compuiate vIls Cuie. An appeal vas grated undsr iodao el$2,000 tqe 0»g4 la twenty de, TM%ý A4ee gated ala the os *. a suit for apecile performance. Tise case of Tiseodore Worts, va. Catherine Schumuck allie Catherine Cosmean, in e billto ennui marrligo vis set for Miaréb s25 at 1 o'clock. session, but. sent word titat ire vanted 'hie crImlnel docket o!flte circuit ta ire ieard lu olpposhllou itefore te court openel on Manday vith bll vas reporlel out. JIulgs Donune]!>' on tire bencit. Tire Anolirer. membor vito antagonized firsl case la ire triedlhe tat o! Re- tire measure le Titomas Cnrran, vito doipis Zolinger o! Zioîî City-. hdiced rus a saloon lu addition to slitIug in for iarcea>'. tire irouse. Amoug tire spectatoîs o!fte court are Overseers Brasefield andl MCul- loimairo! tire Voliva forces ir i Zon. CAPT. SAPM BUYS Before thie callîng of the case. sev- eral jur.s'r akel lt.ire excusel for MOTEL DMUND varions reasous. Tbree, vissa asked. tbeir reason. repiiel tiret the>' bal Locales lu Waukegan Ver>' Suddeul>' noue. Jîîlge Donueil> smuliel d de- &fier Practicali>' Closiug DeaI in markied tiretire gusase lire>' vated Far Wst.10 serve tiren. Fer esl.The CrimInal Calendar. Tire complete criminel caienlar Calîtaîn 'assiuieNI. Sept bas liar-iras beau preparel b>' State' Ateorne>' citasel tire Hotel Edmîul, lte deai Hana aud calis for lire cases as fol' bavhug itecu complelel Titrssay aird lova: our Friday vîthi Bre. Sapir teit'lke Rudolpir Lllinger, burglar>'. captaluî took charge. Fritz Markus. te Cuaries flnson and Amande BlocS, former proprietor. vihi for a Ime re- fornication. ire ho private hfe. Neil Powell, lercen>'. le stalel Frîla>' morulng tiraIire infield Howvard, ripe. vould prebabl>' re-cuter busnesvit Eveii T. Brova. larcen>'. a bruffet but not for tire pressaI. He James Brovn, lîquor. yull resieîsvit iIs amliy et tire ho- John Golden, larcen>'. tel. William Hind, inrosu>' raliroal Tirs usv ovuer, Ceptain Saph, r le.ticket, veil kuovu as a. bustier, as a gond William Hial. embezaxhement rail business mati sud as an ail round goaldi'oad ticket. felow. Jospis Marinilla, ies'ceuy. Hs bas been a captaîn o! greal Charles Gordono, Perjur>'. boate on tirs great liSes for tirt>'- Charles Gordono, Perjur>'. elgitî straîgit yesrs, lurina viricir ftepisen Smithr. burgiar>'. lime be iras ered e reputation for Michael Uneisan, isseuit vlsh aiiît>'. Hie lu5t boat vas tise giaul veflon ors aud 0051 carrier, lise J. W. Itidde. Meazo Webb, Canada tietisa, Frila>' momna :tire captaîn sent In George P. Conra4, tippllng boiuse. hieh resignation as tise chie! offices' of Albert Smith,. tIpplua isouse. tire Ridle, visicir'bertis irestuli irsîl Joirn Hart, tlppling hous. tire commission for, Wuilam J. Weicis, tipplug ihoua». Tire reslgnatlon marks tire terraina- Franke Welanott. tipplilu bouse. lion o! tvenl>'-five ysars o! uniuterrupt- Elvas' Weicir, tîpplng houas. ed service au tire laes. Tite ast John Devine and John Goebirls' compan>' forwviicirthe uev ovuer O! lipliIlSEbouse. tire Hîmual yorkitd vas tire Bey- Elverd J. Welcis, gamIna rouse. goed Transportation Company>, ot Joobu Flanigan. tippliug oUm., Cleveland, ovner of some o! thte larg- Th isert lirree casas are om tis e sali est steamers ou tirelaktes, maethy ore, for tolay andtise cases on the,40cwa billet and coai carriers. -'vli folov la rotation. Cepialu Sapit ias been ln Wauke- ZotillfgSI' Oentsmeed.& gan au man>' occasions sud bas made Monley p. m. Rudolph2sIl~ hie bomerneute count>' for four >ears. vas seaiencel to an lnleterassn csnles'lug et Prairfe View.2 Be spent pes'iod, at Joliet for israrn>, bo1« tire vîntes' virs navigation ciosel convited on the one coni.IK lu Californie. means at ieîst a y'ear la tie sec ýReturning te made tte deal vilcira. lZollilger la expectel te wort hie, the SUN nov annonacea., Be ul va>' out b>' gond sehavior operate bdtSteirolel and lire bufft.Attorney' Pirmilee prodecdosw eàs Needed Improvemenhs viiiire maIfe. tificetes ni _ gond _cisreeW ftusa Cept. Bapir md mals ait arrangie-l points sas 'ta 5'S a1~ha'a nient, ho purcirese e Bots) et Idaho Oiree culhuughi poite la tw Sprilngs, but at tire ver>'lesat moment hois'favor tire deai feu tironair and tirs WenSe- veas ,isbva thst tise "a tom gn propositiont presenhed Itaeii, ln bIs trank Se vueO lae «« ý âý 1 ItlaI delnaitely announcel lsd lire vîtes' metes' wwmtbulè *m iiuffey liver>' tablie bas been sod, îaaaJePba4 voms ai l iWaukegiu pariles isougtist I, bira s BOY ,lie IOt Chicane mmm vili rua Il, cbeaulul lâtlls &a C mhen anoosQit ise viniotalg à rOMu 101lt tie eOM -at M DNotts S l Goasemabdot .V1110014 emtoda, ï 1 i 1 k't .Te ti b t r t: 9 L