c ô uN TV INDfPfNDfT 1a e S OFFI<Il. AL *A R 0F LAKE GOOINTY AÀ Ii.&vv huader aliowor o~iovr<f lt)»HlnDua o* e . o' eeoeeepoe tht.1 Ity 1taIMoudlYannV" h 4mwoh u om i peste ai -e__WMl. lBi ,as Seond Cl"an Matin grotuiMe - wblil lahirmetn Frlday ev.nlng at the 41.,an oeChirmhàn i lived wtblft on. mal @L,4it " m.tSUUIom A»M »M LIrKowi< Oen PIXictOS home o Mr. aundMm Averil. *of1"eburcelmli honyeam 0»Un*0 ON P*ICE ýi.&0 PER VEAU STRICTLY IN ADVANCE tes ui" sPayi., otf Bloit, wis., bora mieuh 15, ý1411 and ded )fi" .~.îau~aa lataa ~14.107. be wilén on. day of àxl1 IL CL«.tor eAdum i n5 o a. bs<tv*t n lbr dead rtn ber ni1' S018 . ................... . . ....................... OtY £41 ý Il44 1erOetalb.to I-be blfati ausof *1Mr. and Mut. Roy = 0 b.ta y W o 1 F D1 ..& C , 90.joue, of 0GOm& ýO:W htleb lut Oi, ubm xep e bew yM AYý ] RCH 22,1907.eay. W. .t.ontOur SIMt7o neIlvédtaeto s IsCOU! 1 Uelop- Mr. ai àMs. Joues hlat111r1h081 r neai. IOSw d~ uai lr.y 1 A& To VouS CI IOAEN.lbbmrd Ames. ofChifago, wu hrsrovln a buof Inenavuab v ysu elidenlaucbol D chldenhavte vork ta do t home, do over Sond", lIos.M b pwouatme. ýàM oV '.14thure uintudylng aDoOU nv fad 0 te o t eD V. startvns, of tibicago, ocçupled Sho.Issu ta >mountaber foés u ae you, give youI' acliol boys s&d giril* p'pibs mi5ud.hé1 fOOt eln, .,M. Il crao tea" Haeonnoarlshlng& careloUly prwgO aled 0, or W* rqrotta 10 w t 5ey.- OIDt0,K..ZJ. tiud, of!&Souciera Grove-; Caol 4e hi bihoiDo you kflow do you jet 111.35have abythla thM.ad t a s an euwone 'io UdhUai Jro! theold homosh mie âjibt tiiey bave la tboe #t baud? -Do You ue thft they farebciIdftii haviu W crlilever. E Ïr ibwri E,Wlir ougoot son, 414a.bo çoam or aulthin about lits early lu lied aud thét U'dy have plety pmemtulon A luseng takeu a 10 PY5V iri a5s go loafing a wldow, Am or bow maay obldren are ofolleep' Are yeu vatcbtulthst somlte torpreo&of*$-bim». ..,a u 1 Qm nlly ud two @sg re ares w vtb thm ? Perbape Urne every. d a it onva boutdoorWe auBtliurgetusec atioti1DS iO Q cblldm, 'ont brotmer.C. B. Bao, deStge on Weiliand ther oom- plan? Andi hmaqv e u rcbed and dis-: takea aitlthélova n etin« h.uplg»osrMâe1 kZ b iue re A. M.. Bubb*e ugb oaut h ome ln ovrdt e ujlamiton eeyboy cniin baetet u o b et i Laa 6t6 o,<>; a"a llbrothw M * or do you tbluk thieblamle la oable o.ar -eï ou fng them ito or throe Years lurertall d.a te t idsant rlatireo and a haust, Mi n ué id? Aviit a hesebolandgaag hor onfdece y ostrwtatheso n, lle t rieh. & THE5 CHIÇCAQO TRIBUNE. operatai. -bereavement. JULDso? A. Màsos a soeforty Yeat s a or there- ahar e. Htoo, 1a a brIglit, active lire. A. C. RItharde and daugbter lamiIy. abqtRobert W. patt»ruofl homme a Young foel oir hoan made hia mark Myrtievîaîted ber aIter, Mm. Conrad ;;ý on the Chicaza Tribune. Jae la th. nevsDapter vorld.. Pattorau'u and anily, o! Chicaga, Saturday sud Card of Thanfre. »M bad just bought out Home.O son,,Jaueph MedîlI Patterlofi, lathe unday. ~ th1 x arsneeta wuand but put bigabrother, Sain Young sociafiat, vho ha cauaed ao Oa An lie d aRollmMidy elgfbtores s rle ne arthi u Il I smanaglug edtar. Patter- moch comment of late by* hie aivanc-- 8Bi .Kuedley baq bsec on-lb. sIck istIanon durlng lbth euit llihecuaand de Mo u a Varight, tyllah fellowiand .4 viewsa. Hls e t Dpèrsnt taklns tôr a lw daya witb ab attack <of grippe. of onr dear littie boy. Mr. and hr. E la, p.edlly became intimate wlth the the course of agriculture lu Wlsou jXdIi famUly, go much go that be si n University. 'Ho la builfdinga mg The mâuy frieuds of Rey. A. J. Bye. JoNEa. ,Seally aurred a w 53 . welvl i pleased ta greet hlm again L -7 - ladà vhen Samn Medili dled, Jae made cenu ti 6z r lut Susday. hlm managlug editor. Wheu Joe d104. tyvUie. sud viii ltroduce lu Lak Ethel Koedler fi. spnding the week GQ~ t18 stock of the Tribune and the en- county mauy Innovation uew 10 the wilh relative et lgblaud Park. Frank Ruppert la reported vsry Uire contat ellijta. the banda of lita farmlng Industry. Robert Pattereoli Mms. P. 0.- Mitchell la 0ped* ag e loy ltb pneumonesnt prencent writf ng. oua4fr a Anther or Med<lll' chil- baa bult a bouse lately ln Waahing- day.sat the bedide ofer futher. Mr. Quito a nember people al Long Ori &«are ied loto the fumlly af Me- ton and lho Intenda ta devote bîmuel!. Roua@, of Rockefeller, who iaueilioily Il. and vîcnty arelvletîma of the grippe Cornlck, the gret reaper ma. Nov. lu future ta saety, ta travel, ta the Mia E. Tuliey lu vlatlcg with ber son, WIi But le l busy tiiing saine af X*el1 McCormlck, the non of that cultliatian of the fius arts aud ta mtx& Frank and lamily. land et present. =ulon, ha. purchaued 1Mr. Patterson's mngvlth tbe Four Hundred. Ble iceladfmla iet. Ms mi eIroLiberty ville, ville, @pent Sunday wlth bis parents, calIed bonm. lent veefi on accourt of CONVICTS AND COUNTRY RAOD. .Mr. snd Mm. P. 0. Mitchell. matbwç pIllueus. The queotioub of convct labor bu lag country ro..da. The road" of lui- lMr. and Mrs. J. Pester ontertaîned C. Çiomealsr sud Walter taok a ."me np vgalnn l hais, vhere lait noe are alaong the vont lun the tlir brother, Thomas, of Libertyville ta Lake Zurich Moiday. ysur'mnire thon $1.000,000 Worth of veut, and ye the famria ho are Bandai. MiSs Aima, Nlkoley spent several gpd"mu'~u fattred by convicts came comP.lied ta uul tbem do nothlug ta On Thursday, Mareb 14, accurred the.of tbeuput week wîth relatives tuta SApettlou vlth the producta o! tinprOve tbem. If the joiet coavint@ dealli ai Mn. J. A. Mason. Services Rceelr rt labl. vere put at vark on thon sund kept veo bld et the Hal Deycburc B Snday Àrla u una Wltman aP@] omasmlunth1e labor unions are them sutolh for a loiereat, 0the loTioO, intement et *Bail Day 1v4u puo i.jat vsek at the b »bbhyuiag t Sprlngfleld for the cou- rais mlgh ie Wmade equal ta thoe osmetery. Rev. A. JBas, ai Chicagao lbw muMms. B. Bein abýoý t anew peit ,aryon- baut.or lbannt bear nov TbI&ImllY bave the simpathy of theF s«W et Joietsatire co, whueicou-la the *A$heh»rfbebueta-tThi e of Mms.Richard Lairents 'aw ea b. employed vithout com- vithe h.conviots lmmfla luJoli e " muft u aterbr veWili ailsdsd lt ait urday. El peit ith Ires mme. It la urged, tac, peliiieuulren. thlng broqgbt a S ood price. ~tbM.UfIaproaunt pefltmtlary at Jollet AileIton yoar' wark <if 1hle ôrst m NisMmhl1n0rueminaeke vho la.î lulalmya uavhoebmle, the on Dtaulscountry rSaa b.vane0fV5WJ 8ailg aitHEllDsy vWsted villiber ni «M1 are sol p o*ded wttbsufficeatt 1e tffrgiaof the $tete vould lbe lu.'ersb&, -ai Mid ~ot& hI .res Ille1f.the»e ceausd iay mMons Ditdollars. L.ud Mr. sud Mu. Enii redirleko, of re S0 d è» ba t «the irpuate. sf1 o««the e ecould hlie for Arlugon Helghis, speai Snnday t --------- A, ChiWso paper maya. Doubilles Iviceaos Muc e il; tbrlngs nov, sud the Pettis e m y. .e tift aire. Tb» vulteauT la -taa vwl u provu.fiaellties lb. pro4uo. Mr. and Mm. IHoînis, of Aurore, opst ow slia aê am olorguuly teson o! tii.fume vould urov b. veek vlth . P. 'Hutcblsou sud -be abaundons&. ut lb. Planqat a litfis ieslalature vant&ta 1 0d 1eConfirmation services yul bcfield la des~iiots~nwbolyaatmfmi-stae good et the mmsine litIb el u ihq t. Paul'% Evangellalcburch L8 tie i ot lvefbo seei finthuir sud lit yl selt f8 Suday, Match ».. W *ïï et heoemylos et5va* on dutheli-Tii. Saten familles attendsdl b __ _ __ _ __ _ ___il_ _ __ _ __i1 Weuai.1no.UMn. Masos TI Du a ofcera C. B. BEouonsud I la kuoiru lhrougbautthlb couty. Un. J. C Bngo returued home Salut day altsver ndmiua mouth in the.veut. U AII'IM lAMrm. Fred Parsons spn i dywt ---- ----- VVA UCONDAOvreuceieaiand Atout E. P. Kasios sud bnly'Bud Kr. sud Mns. Frank Petetmon vi.Itsd EARRMNTOtt over Sunday witb the Kutebson iamilly. IdaAnaSotW â& e 04Ben Baie.,of Canada, vWuted vllh hie Mr uaSoi4. asa f olk durcg te yu',ea the home of ber sater lu Engb il aita urin tbeweek isad vas roubi outihorsfor A&REmBuer Joaday ,damn thel. Mtt Malmalibas let for igbwood Mies Eva PoU s eitalien up a pa -Saturday. The funeral ueMSlcem Oafd hall, MIoaday eveulag, April 1. a'hsre b bas ecred a ýposiIon in a lion in Delevali, Wli.. lb. home of lier mother, Ms. Ce Dr. . W.Wlloa, ! o&ati,babrbr &hop. Mns. WiII Smioîer sud Sou, aI Chicago, Church just uorth oI Barrington. b*ilqmesuemler alnrday. Cha». Marey coled.on iecds In thu su e st w. ekvitb the Todd ly ialy Limer Peckh4m Vicoa i Rek Jr. sud Mm. 0. W. Cnvway sud son vilàty ncsutly. cv ebue u aiyvi ave Pavera, Carence Ia nsd Mi Jqf, lat on Wmesdsy for Goldfied, Frank Bouoy, of Lake Zurich, Was a for Iudtakna the fini vsek in April. Paweng attended lb. basket s» Sur.. viiere they vili make their future atudicafler. Mr. sud lMn: R. M. Vaut vlslted Bobemian hall near Algauquil bouA number of our peope attendcd the relatives ln Waukegaai Saturday. Mouday eveing. The boye fui <lias Phiflipe, of Libert ville, W a4tsrte4noflst lu lb. M. W. A. hall luit Rlv Thomas vii pnacb tu the LU. E. aérerai quartet numbteri vitl et the lb home of Dr. C.rW..vi: 4rday eveùlng,. and aIl ame agreed churcli Snnday eveulng ac 4 ePwr uacmalt Moauy.tha Mr Huon aver plasn a formerfy pastor of the churcb. Henry A. Scbeler re.Iding soi Aftn.lice ai Eaater potals la belng eaberballir. Samuel Bale let for Canada Tneeday of tbis village le reported quibe iliI dlqdourmd et the Waucouda pharmacy. Bpriua bai desesnded upan Us venicg. Rev. and M r. F. N. -Lapham 'e TPh. isses yrtie and AgnesMurray nnhrkdd hYsuve ret amout aof - - -I aturday aiter a month'e van Olugavlalore Salnrday. ralfroadtalt. Wlaetiitroubl? I LA" EZMRI< jFloride. tir. aud Mn. R. M. Barker,aof ChiuaAbuier Patter sud Geoge Praît made - 1 Quite a nupiber from aunt blgb WMgose ai netfidi..nd7.. fYiu rPt 0mdLkM hIi dBu fChcagovwbo hau senior clams expert ta take tii H. T. Omsu Saturday sud Sunday lait wtek, the former tu mais prepara- been vlîtîug ber aiter, Mms. ouis Seip coayTahr'sexiaminstoauInt ta helistr am a tians for rovlng ta tht Placeil the returned home Tneday. March 23. A'ta HU vuIRund Lak,. fnd. MisesAnaWeyletzer sud Luths ixon Came ta the Y. M. C. A. roame edA pan iRoundL1e.Mndy The nuniher o oandidt a e 0b. en ramarred iu Chicaga laut voek day évung, Match 2.1 and e Mm gMargret Hudson, o Chicaga, làiti db h doeWro ttorTual'. Conratuatacns extende vnn fmscada" 11evek t br om ner urnoit méting bam bue lacemed ta 25. train te r --ny rieuts. wefcome. the k c huàDéatse Bras. nmarket ha. besu apened Mrs. a. sehasfer laion tb.eslck flot. Mr. sud Mn. »James IdcKai ý -,-_m g _ for. ýbualnonsd turptotgal n ~ h<~went ta Aigan uluat vesl' ho nleq bivte."urned ls UUr teuscte buifilAli té eek. f eaIMr. M.,Kay'a laîber. Dors teNy. ud n. , S.MuCein The highwlnd sud moderato toupera.- Mr.hud KMn. Charle Schof a, a! Chcaga Dor, t Mr. ndMm.W.B. e are of lent Saturday took lb. les ot of have been vlatig th former' aot iB aieedal uanng. a 18 lb baby boy. aut lakets d the mnds o!floca] suglen aover Suuday. Uutrdys uouinetlons on fini page. are szcosdtngly active. Frank' Allson vho bua besu vallonq __________________________________________________ lb.hecreaisry heu Ibo isvnier returneu ___________________________________________ t'O 1'hi. home in Oberon, Wl.., lut ve Mr. sud Mn. Geor Frank le1 o org(M iburadey. rlt d aMLast %Chag bgbisout thone. Al kindeof -Buater postale aetLdesUî O.frauk's. AI'ioGi - Jr and Mu. Wm. Rbw.An of I N au. A Genite old kue, vbp bave bhua vl.tb*grlativuen sd fisudu hors. aince F r145 ired home Henry 13111mmn hppsd a car of caille "qhve MW 6 a [undl Uns of Moins ru. iotChicago W«oday. Ge b e ~.,.. .~.., .e ~ ~Cac n.mnlullsa Olb.lonad an Hoeyi Mm u elin tarlativesin u >, H mO» iC.ts. SWingTOO& ttoýiw% Coru reho movultsi Ai ago 4r bsussl.One glu Our youW udit-r lad for bu gat MdRo 'wa- ~set Ut op rg ferMMruatey fielaond, Y. IL.14071 o! .i -bw a jioe . tt ~. ~ licgovbo sUej5v0oyaa ry ?,utbokaI bom nlIowa. Tng li a zto ho i dam atLongŽ- m doer t$ pet W"S eo. RB«14" val&*ru ud b ith M !Mr. c MVokwh lâ, ms A Mna me n rurs aMm Omde toucet Mu"v fov ak <a EU.Dssgboa atOmmd IlsBnnda Ch ut pg Ml . May F05151' viraWoteai ,> il lavele béi for*Ôm1400bu- bybmweno- MdsIam laieo e l fao W uosda. -s ai tii. bonist, s u a imaaitaç8I5gma M lair Uw o laowsaIbe omn , Wbn o eisa uasy A. Esrar d Sva mt#oymd b t . ALsWW D8a4W'a Ms. and Mss Sao.PUS»"taud ebildne ou~~ea lb.Sul>Mlas jsa.... *t t *Jff MWîrd J.r alkrei nd bon MTe. on the Tie tmales or . Prof.MA WiulGou eujyoansday tetfl onituy maceittmoforhe*" JUr ava..;.......silIi D<4su Suniit d i auishm >yt ai L Ie.t i BtVssas»se&i0Y.op e ibsy o*inlrt pê »n. -,0", O! oy aie fon lb cli' spnlSun are1 i 6.o11 l ti. od o,.. aiIOU Qeîae 1 rre«uaii -00 dm yvtsILJb flF g dae II.r ai W.l u .uo Wy wubaCiffld 081Wusabf iiis' MiirsKIeg asanotste nJaMmvoias, v~ ete . -e«o,,tf0E.. a" ome@a .r batle d fmilyaiD. lutUldateflllaC'lebSuF GleuIL0TableSvuf.....t Sd Tb@ sSuda ccmauidnsMa satssolm$er B are Cicagat u asice TaleSy"Il:.10 pw. de B o. 4.11 ved &Y orsd b e aorlJsIasi onfr thea Ileu . Mles......... .d fr1 a c viedonat bYL m e.u ftymp f benaudlscme su . lap tèryS gudd "CCoaublu u)pow r b...3 01 Biei ýeay. ciaun sbl ibpi lb. g o gethes aI lsee 0R01n, ofIr udpkg . ý s ,%lb. ho o m i.rlt.'sud Mn. test b rlbutOoel , plia heln hve9 Poium Cenlvlare kg......es Kv*trmor Iii. pa eu'.lb etomluvhcbse a.h>d ya y Ga às u.. mg uku~re vho knlev b ntemea vaslu >e. Y. *" rok sto 9i.,. 1 nd- Venoncemoeri. fsi a PslulesF per kg . . . -li Xisé Vaa o L8 O .sitl Ten .ai o g oad attena wce a -7AE lOOATcke 7 C.ome Ho n, bot aI ndIhrtyril, .. eu bunh sud the dait éy chaai Sndu a SA eu la ropA ...l...can.. .22 old lshmF,4udsy momanie by mile uîMo'ng e-nd a 1 lo o r be cuI Fancy end lce1 h ,......... . fi -and uaiono. ayIivel. dBiàèrd a t: Mev NavyBeaua24b.ei0. ...........OS "d lat Mr. vstu Mn. Bondmehor, yp&tk. udiWene, and t Mss JuucuShreldP oCar e(lB.....a l.....20 Boreli a Bulm l ba a el' dRoli , 0 pt .. -..... . . .12 uav e homeof g rlativW kes uPsd 2m lti t e ciounff tesekeeaI er sdnsl i e a..... WmDliaemt abuino tp p>selér, er. Iockmtac. - MiPotuta aine. pr ra.......oc is Vernaonreeuel. lipor <i Brdins0pu eau .... 150 NiseBnVbon sd aibrlere uadlIr oans LI.. lb u aK imWOn.......'a. ...c 0. Boso, of Lbertyvile, wa berut Botea iup..Ib....... ....M0 obuieon dy sai ee. tova o! a o., la memo, .ruDe ewe: y Baeb upa r lbt.Sou ....r.cen .lte hom foku lo <lya asIvee'.dva ity ub e.aalcgto b ol l PuopseCo n . b.......... ...0e B orp tuU .ad M@ th Ua*.IFar p elysîc l asonable tjoahep l b a al' Ben ........... Zo frday #ir.0115,ata .prset a l erl; hen y aurrion. I'Svlce ibl 4mk:....... fit dayo=ve nl Apn le p 1g . dr.R . oery a iIoo tucued ImpOvth@ B lb ea mmEr a erto.... ......50 Jhi. vW.ol noau dasn Aihu sd it . OU ôkept tli t elmn 01nubfr 10S arnes uox pe............. d utaMn on ato e. h gat of a ev vul Pcahn ha vas perfOcti 10 C e r au .........p. 4SO îom.friad. n madlea bns s ra u oi hebvre trriplJOs Im 10 " Mal iestySa ....... SU s hi Sna' t apnu vChkcaDroKIns'.11ev 0 ba sol .o........... .. lm Mise iées E b[éo 'n as erine e sloesave Hblason'@ uLi s. ted 10 brs ielct Fmll.... a.. .. ... III ivas d lluat0RaWesg ro ai Re ondLa Te cough sd cOthlud tremtedy , E Bsna plfneied bibll> pr e».. 10 wu@y eadfler e le s t ion spet i br Ove f li Ml, Du l àt. MOcsud 10. r ial e' Y& c l'selb.A o s ue ar c m . --1S b oue ber.. sit t , on r...Mys n aï 2Il m l cne .u........... Ie Win.- M. oJ e fson C ouver , a IFarl. , d w h s e ei n u g f f b xtr Ii a-b u S eeA ùm i... r.... . .. . 0S triph ome tolitpat fo! d yl we ht Ourl'pvysib.ieTAX a B PlNO iCU. P eiIlebau B ianpo@bo.......... C ilt a te , n. poinsalnt t h Note ieo! aen YOur duggd italor 1 lb. a.b~ O a1 day haltate Ceul, RundLak, M u-Dr.Citi' s Nll u ew t- 8le11 il ....pu log I ut4s euig pr 1 flu er ly nd »onscriS d I aujoti Ac8eRio« M xra, suef ....... ..1«' MrkWm.Dilon nd on rth orad mnt.1ceimtifth sta tm 5 or10DmseGlleos pu.... 10. Mt mm Jhn .To L C. 5wolluhoiWu . 5551113lm10Sun Lm LOhlrnsqu, mac. Sef bore bino nW = sWW: awellieahmriokedBlnchrdWll C» 1 alCtOmp I........ f ý9 ut Bunday. 1 e~~~Ot, Wu int. OHune. r. Kding@»O. 1 arEBTI&ap........... , mi" beT at a man uielal rmodlots for B.d ut- Lu pSOWtlat s )dpta I .. ýývry-&Str a vek'svoctio alantat er luqet -tes forthé»der1.0. T1104line OE SPECIA.......s bolebee.,.By te ree uMauat lr Zz cPaI.l u clasu....Bloc' Zi work- Mm j»tn Covert;tofCourt glomMlu..thé.Court NoumicOe Csityorcfnduandei., tsConi l di s ud.....ay Motsa, aU d S Cateyc Ii0u6" auii oliu mêlet..11 .....a.m . 28 0 .. .l Mie MuthaNaberbasgo e n a x~ ai obiers'talte thelU n- 81 Bihfnd P~rk------Mi. IIinu » thé o ti D-am ano! Jim, tire fl BiengsSo re aep o r" ......... ti vell c f"rom rvfitehée r purwn eacriedforndsnend lts axe Liberit y. I...... oropareilme . Barrhegaine.for5thésylarMire',4lot.............L.u.. buil Fe ahe, fWîéig al T o .C on uii an, i SecILo 28. Tovu 46 m fl , ..... von St f iéndTeRane, jasseseét ,Lu i n Aneo. x-t' . EV' LF.$W ORTCL a Yln ErOMilBnAN. Ril, atodherne forlnchrd.mplla viiil BeyReé, !Nowî,d arkaddéeed xra u . Si nner.1h dayfinné 0 é- NDRTKR tnmuLM I an adiece n W. Y M.C. . rome. . HRTDCKERobri ... s BailRichahd W, HHals lay.lili. aL .iî iuuayitetion an.T Temvrple. * W.hdayorJue.W .0 . elphoé enra Tiel at Heyd e or pure, a d o sfo d- pioluhi bi aiea n i.t MinMiler a Larageva h u oi 111e y or th udvi e -lu lA. ot.102. PE IL rulbetMaday10atat er ar' l vi he11cR . ueu adito, ae Bluff. ai alra- et ic Min ultre.Sbebas nubero! up s bthe the coume romInes u r té,pe ,,DJ.Y PE . la bl t tae ar.Hot» intheoCity adots 1,2, and A. ty Pridys ndPatwda aI Io vlI lnavealdclu oafuran ision avi ae f - ih lilcag. acsséd O ffic bou1:80 a. m.10tp. . Miune ose of L a als o bner.bMs goFretWoîî luthéIoamo e S L OusA f tinos - Nahag ailoreainto HighandPàrýto ule Mr. Tilm Séontheu 2,thDof 4,iue i. a%, s.- tavig e nia er og sud .ufforig lun es. d mu te ame cf Wm.fH.rSiner. aes Lbertyvlle, 11. ach al 8fiesh lae 1 una br eprt re teliman rdeption for lmtic aboyé e.l» Cool husban , ofNedaugbte r ad rs eat expire o u he2thé dey o J ane . 907 . UDER AKER v. sALMRr :haa, ma uaun c te eltiesY.sudC .rd. B E. J. HtYDECKER. va.a dugber f l. hla enr IlI.Purchaser alR e I inc posteA ' luAth un s.d vig eye r dlton andae alwer o u 0.thé 20111 day et ue. 906,E. J' eOffioeCend ta re h)il tPa vn bta tîkeo prayss l Hydcker puchaeed for GSpéciasa vnIllage sevileraofearaag su marere nthé da 14udi dvd -6 0-t18 locS12. imillel Iondy t etrtberwor inVole b,,k1Jueau add iion, fLaie Bluff,s ILR LYW ,D.0 lMi ul e y ilerath nmer 01 Anuaist eye aed l th nae o Rmnd. TemeoîLîeryife 4 ~~~~~~~. ~~~as vh u n .Hve.a arulu i t 1 , le, ie rardelàptiocandi x _____________________ a alear m r.ltJl lc 2 n ot ,3an l0A. oealous M .wiltn Hre i h ts lu g n stl ireou vihae or101 h icago H . assemCed fiehus9..m- ,m Ou O .f n thé nomîf iA fJ. r hlailrF R tow aler log sd sfféingIll«@. ailint h aua ddit m.HSion a dl Obe eare tomourâ be deartue a thé nmoo!f. eP fa il ujthé limve àe Cook furbandmoneoneygUtexpire fourtséno nd wtll expire en the 2_th dy _l._une 1907 ULnce ,mayot ltivesManh day cf JuBill190.E.J. HM,,ETDERUIt.MV.Sfl wasaaubterofte la Wil. 1Purchaer. te Henry Ou thé iSh day of ,ince 19Wa. . Offce ad RéieceoK iteu ly bain bd eroe pra lyi u' OHykr prchaed for Oénecaitaesfor- came to ivii o t ant NoSec . VillaTeno4fae mil hn ie ner1904.-lot of. lot 1, blck unS-llrJ11n i ,Y, ho Ld wi Meyr, ltherof À et M-Vera.esd lu lhe ane o! L. BC . oem- Phnealsotvil [&a ot bands. P. tu ey ofle i iil forlerad tmptlo iie pIre o tio i. 21hex-h 'seiOi jrus.r Smdw.jp r te t dy froleIM. Tt rug e C~1~>F Syesr1204 uudviOd 105 Z iot. . boci AN onIthe 2taddiof Villag e I ieD J.f asedeekerlu t.chana Esorue lss ee- pe;t 7, iyofrgheantdquartes0flot ve% sa ithOVO7 bttle o quSou tin additionu, anD 10in te nse a ie FnPainsaWd.th ier me A patchRy tiofor reil emption llexpise te vl - atiantIs sea lagl hp Lnc t isM nt da pin ie, 907h. B.cfJ. ni 120?. , .aasiae. pafs aprues s dib sua1 ara of ih. pries. VIII Ou te. 8th day of tm une m. .V. apolt.W umllel.vj ilWaeh Ov- purehasel for Spucllaesaeft or eh 1.poe agv aifuk te u 19ds , 5-lo! . loc 5, Lo x:s 1 ub- Iladde it BSc. 8cf IsSu6, R.agon12 In t he am is. f L~ . A. Tumpi;a s;fu r Ç bens nYhe Druggi Wl foii. Bmu.or rnexepucir e ute WULrwoslAYCC onteli day f Jue. 105.1.X hruhe Orets pmal l for GeCum aesof the !M! eV w lia Ur bit ou il. rýI VI ref r 5 M 9