b~a.k.d von soete use ail lm of the moeturs pro- *à* àlops about Bavai Iw ç.vr le as to. talw>d a - oqç@W am)fssclu. licence for thiesaaof intoxicattus wnrem4e audumn" iciIIquirs et any place nthla tno Mles . - othUe propetÏ-of tisa United Sites Pw~iI Deisein tisatbithe 'ure1 naval treluing station et Nos-Us Chi- ilg fer a mle sud an lahit040, M-,II., bhogre& OIbep~ ~ ~ ~~~~I lataotovî u i-"ti vo-y desabla uiat tisa h MUMeorvtluuor a&almlar mca. Use govermmot and of aIl eIlnuas- WM» àlew i the ats uli mof &4,Nutralaatlee4m .WiIyon psile5 iW n isestta f 1**b.ili gt o s uStwr *r Imie- eduies tise demand nîth *0"orsngy~ niut, it lu "i. tisaIuniesflue pGo up ne i -a- mses MII b euiea l1w te50 *ern.- VUM a mmoendm" thfat Use an viiinetsiat I. mowy nt.tis by amhegverbet ho bepassaSl. WHI et iti It moty ntoth# e M .«,g bll probbte asbcos sMi Uqtd tatue nival trainlmpUlig a m ile and anuisgtisof Fort se e Northis maille. LuM*Ie- or- Use naval acisool, If tisa m ii a m two milesces ecretary *es-ur .boen,. returnecd f te-tualf asi il uitemis.nenrly ail iugtu Suisy ud iters~eor tNorth Cbicage dy. w'day-lu Millcae Mseee teL Repuesy, thruegou s elltusc. D m n P.sot e n ogerewD I CT I -As ~l-y sm co e se ad-., ov- wt. Daem vas cuasouS 0t Vtobugtm ,fer aembo*ruee ul tbel said.boftact ~ee É Ws submtace OethUe nevepagers ail 0,cr the IM lailSUtic .newpfera 0ftise %&" ea bsc ti teanduSontL tic &M bOIve.. U sePoiS..! eaâl tc Goeno nseabout, ths e- No.lit illa kaow Uat Ue prima-y ~eS n e .onota thUs ib Dullettl o l Mre Usc .tl joi. Nioen:i la rs-es Language. "»s PrediesIlea t teha"e ex- il»sd busit e felnumbvno "f - -s h oiae mUt~ ~ ~~e Itltsascy sWhsiimil.1 ave *0sde u is ae IrcaZ-ty te P~ mthtie tue gaccravmiet veu Mr moi. lmoai traci-et epodtus1 Ps-n FmuseInterview. 0 The memàm tgo (ovus-isos- u SeNutmtth ie luglaltureetocf se lsreins-nte0Illnois.M, le a w, .v. nieh.Use SUN gIs-c todey UsetotUm l s- egIae ;'te United tts TheuoerUse aecolcfa s- dOR* saTO.et aor YUGA' - Deaobeeeantio Opd tomHaie *s-.q.Pe f uprleurfi atrdy, Unted Bwin eCsgo Jomn nas IFnMin e atens Uesmo- et Usoodie nd Vitos ecahe Imte etinfuenSefasi i eeth m sage on ovemnos- - e~ 9 Lett uer o. eseynoelu tCisgoeounoa- tle ebs taanaltrin. isas-lg beu l ocatud nuer oemg. Ili. provision ha te toce on thie property om tmprovumuista.t sma Tb* station la ituated o land et about 189 aes VUpeuMtotu te itedle *ssaeOetby the ulem ee lobaleS&bout oas-hat mile . atsChiasgo,and tmInds oebeilew for the saluas, n ta-y On Ue ooreof pubhl la-Use iterseso t sip-I ~* mId eseulelimlste utgaStuisfelure ots-ap-aeteble c I. il e e WIN Take eut FhWaiPaers Of lumwpeatlu wtth State at 0eau I. J. VAGEI LECTES - TO HEAD NEW CONCEAN. Overs evsnty4ovcn T susand Dollars Are tspr.mentei inthse uniial Ueeting Wlilch isFnelV Or- genîxe Investors. (Prost Wedîuendal'a Sun.) tookisoluereinlathe Waukegan Lace Mufaotming Coenlanî,represnting 774 abares, met ln the Grand AMsY Of tise Repushle Hall las! iglit anS et- tuer pedimaelasleew tise folldw- sg isecta luserve thse %taed tersa one Tur--LueMeDo»usouisL H. Tombaugis, T. H. Dorst. ST» yTur-John, A. Sutherlad. Ofe W. ]Buck., L J. Yagcr. Tira. Yers--W. B. Smith, DaviS E. Chas-k, C. F. ingalis. 1. Fourten era placeS! la nomination as directors, but tisa stockboders Se- c" eS ta a staff cf nine would ho enongis anS voeduS Uat tlis, nasserve thi-e year terse. Ti, ater tise pruient on and tno year men are out ail eluctions ntwil a tor threa years. Ik-fuows oa t iomr are leeted an- *nuaîly nis thes nun ireelurate and that Uera are awcys six isoî-os-rs lu pravcnt e sudden change le organt- isation anS intee huitse stock diviSeS ansong tise people niso are luvestias. Seven Uosanud tisea undred anS foe-ly.fur votes nana cant, ons. Of tisoee preuent representing prextae, ail voting hins doua by abers,, -lc sae. cunting a vota. Foloins ara tise oflcars ehcted to hod ofice Use rt yenr: Preidnt-IL. J.ager. vice Presdat-F. W. Bucks. Secretary-W. B. Smith. Treasurer-T. H. Dumat. Committe on By-Laws - Messrs. iYaser, Snst. Ingalls anS Drt. Afttr tise meeting Artisur Stevan- man maie an addraus that ttracted attentions. a he le an expert makar o! trtmmng lace aud bas beau employaS at Zio Cty and lu EngIanS for years as e preclîcal manufacturer anS opes-tor of plants. Mc gpoke encouraginghy anS could sac notiing but auccs ton tise Weu- kegan La&ce Manufacturing Comspany. Thc nen oacers nl t once basin lie ý oiilitence of Use Company bitaking ot tisa thirS and lest lu- ospos-alle papers tor tise concemu et Springfield anS by bugluefins an up-to- 7dateandeu anterprlsiisg adersisng cam gste ttract emal nvtors. Van'St (Fions Wedneadlay's Sunl.) 0. écandal. jueotte railmoad Seapany conuu! tor-s assoithUaI tise tougbest huncis cf Osunke anS Ssorderie siaong theu nisola nos-bis&boie come f mcm Laise Foiest, Useca-aSicof lise Lais. Oounn Law euS Os-derm ge, anS tiesai- ng place of Sacretary Thsomas Quaylu of Use lague. -Tissi sa tisat ei.h evening a gani of labo-ers anS nondescripts boards tise eectrie cas-s et Laite Forest and rides te Higbnood. Tiare Usu Lakse Foret bh ci ets druka" bnS oxards theu latent home comninscas, getting off et luis Forst atter Iippisss boîles euS aingint and aisns Cela aUlthe nay ta Use vMage. Lake Forest le a -proibition tenu. Wors-id'e Pissa-mgRcoes-. wiat se reardeS os Ushe voI'a ehens-lasrecord buba e estaliabeo bi alec use on fiavbso fBye hablas 4geralis, Tiey nul""dedla ubemp GVITY IEAbTOVNTU TI& V91DICT CUEtAION Fred Fmi Charge of SteouiIa Captain Smith and Aides ta $20 Feo .pm lIn a Tilt Lai la F.rmlngi Dm Te«aRestaurant Orgmmttn WILLIAM M-IND NOW ON MILITARY FETE DAY TRIAL FOR LARCENY. ON NATIONAL ONE trîpe Clalme Jury ln Brown Cae Troope Prom Chicage MUhittia and Na Purjured IlmIf by Verdît-Evàn val Reservos, proli Fort Sheri- Brown of Zlon Die- -dan and Proue CIy et Wauke- chargcd. gan te Partilpata. (Frons Wadueedays Sun) (Fro- W dediaSun.) Neal Powell, chargeS with teling Captelu A. V.=Snstl, 0f Battery C., $20 fionsa afrieud. was yesterdey e!-Ilîlinois National Guerd, asnoinced ternoon Ireed fronsçustody nisea tise tiis nsornng tist tise local artiliery jury la Iils ec a rbo ~a verdict oltlbody nouaiS isasd thoAPrtisof Jîîiy1 o1e g!Isltry" Tisje *W.gut but a celebismonfor- WaeWOs ud L.aite ton minutes buoce it4wvioi lit ede- ouaty thls eua. Cli".. Thentional hoiday nul'ha maie a Powell bas beau lu these OOnty jeu mlItas-y gela day tiîs y.ar-aud Wau- saating trial, but bt ite esily daim- kusan nIll ha furulaiod tmotd- ed ail the tins. that ho wold ha fraed ulng dor lay of bIne ai od oIn ia et bie trial bucau» eoIra not suiltY. perade 0f record broskiug eugtb and He was defendud by Attornay . V. streuti, i a pgesbt -of sumnser Ourla.sports neyer surpasseS lu be gîven James Brens Dlacheged. et lectrie Park. and la a displa% or James Bown. of $ yIl e, ne" sicttl nlth arma, big OU& anaid ise] ao discharged o.in ca frons tise tactic book sncb ila *»use ver lie- Justice court, nheho ho16wau eOnviOffl fore seen outilS. a go*eusment iii on a charga ot selluz'lîquor nithout tary reservation. a licene ons a.warrant aworu ot bh1i ,Wî i-llaId Më*Utn« "onu. - Harm StrIpe of WiLnkegau. A meeting nl h o bOI sous., at $tritpe @eys 'Jury Parjure&." which tiheade of Use Fûurtis (f iii Mr. ts-tpe, wisen seeu today, @nid. Celebration Comsmitse null organi1ze '*The jury parjureS unanselves lu tise for action, and sometins lu îazzl- face of the oath thet ail the jurors the aye, amouse the national pridu ait(] took tlu tand by the law and the evi- tisrill the tiy lastoi bu lb. resuîi. dance« 1 hast no Ideasncb e Segîsion -nould ho returnad anS tise defeudant The following nUl ho asked te o hînsaîf was surpriseS." operate: Mr. Stripe bold one of the Jurymen Èvcry unîfonssed bo0y lns W*ukegan. tisaI h. conaldered tise jury bail par- Thse Grand Army of thé Repuhlic. jureS Itzeaf hy Ita daclalun. *eîîcry C, 1. N ., wth ts new _ Two Pleed Oulty. 150,00 equipment, tpchu eit in the ,5*oàfMarinUla yesterdey piead agtu of glancile, flty lu a chirs. of larceny anSdnau A detehment of treepe from For Buned $50 anS ouste nisicis ha peId andSheluridanu. naas 41charged. Ha e u rruted fe A detschment of nt*vt mîlitia frm stealins junis froinstise -paner tation Chîcago. of tisa Chicago & Milnaukee Electrlc A mlitîs detacisment from Chicago. eit Highwood. Battes-y C nl eppear for tia. lii.4 £ye, T, Brown, tise Zion Qity youth tisa nîthisis nan gauas. nicl wili niso nec erresteil for stealîn 120 o bput togetiser b»an ordnance ufficer fro miss totur parent. pleanSguilty lia afew dayas n l thonbha useS ini lu tisa charge iis mornhsg andS7n@tise reguler drill, lain nsiitiset iaie released Surins good bebavior. Tisasons. changes due btiste Sif.- ceiii charge wuasitricisen fions tise focket ciarater of tise big gens frutti lie. te hoe -etumued at any Umes upon re- od anS abandonud <alliage. quest oft tie statua attornuy, 580 tise 7h. representativua of Use di f. renii charge liiluvlly bangs over thst ho)'. local organisations nad aboî ,w iii l'iNew osn Trial,.ho asied lu put tUsaIsbioulderit 4, the On trial aon le tise ese0f William niseel and aid lu, mekins fihe îda >i i IlinS. Hind le chas-saS nitis steallus bg succasa UsaI it nill ho. thea proeeuda of e ralîroad ticket of What Program Will Be. the Nortiswentern rallwey tishaeTisa progranst for the day, pr--a-a solS et Highliand Pasrk. Ckas tor wnici ara bagua n a mjin- ai* TorueEntoait Case. Ho l. bain- defunded isy Atos-neye uta too smon, wnul ho: B. IL.unayard and E. J. Dady. The Parade ia tihe norniug. u.-:r noon. defuesu made a motlisI tis ýte jury Pieute-ail day et El-àctics Park, be Instructed to ratura a verdict of nutis fature events lunithe afiernoon **not gsilty"* for varianse ressens anS evening. emons thans helug that tisa punisis- DrIJI anS base halgil ie- ii tise af- ment for the crime nwu unconstltas- ternoon. troopa uslng tli- base bal tiouia as It wnu unjust. belng Oua year disunond before anS atter tie gaine ta lu Use paniteutiary. Tise Motion wuasdlplay thisiakll lu arfaiis militai-y. overi-uled. Tise proceeds ot tise îlay ilI ha Tise cases ot Mary J. Faukner vs. useS for tisa ne lIaI il-iy c tiimory. the Cty of Waukegen and of MinaI. Geriîn vu. tise Cty of Highland Park- sera botfi sattied a ha dsaud. Sehool Pupîle Prenanut. ' .D > L Thissaternoon tise pupils of tUs e W ..5'E elgisti grade et tha Nothscseool, t» A ?U 1 tise nulubar o! eventy, nere lu et- ON DJUIIILK tendance t tisa court under thisd- rection of Principal Welcis. Tise vieit:T I H J R Wus mae lu conaction nis Ushe W ALSH JURY study tof ctvics and nas e practi.al ________ densontratiou of nisat tise pupils bava been studylus. (Promn Wednesday's Suin.) New Casa. John W. Beulay, oft Wiîkegan, la Julia Lous. Smiths Slyfield StACYoocf tise jurynen v liii nlou vs. Evelyu Styfleld et a]. Bill for Par- April 6 ber itisa triailii oisJohR. tîtion. Walshs of Chicago on tie feteralint- dictnat of -mlspplicaliuîiiofiifunda A A~~ ln tisa Chicago National Biank and ]RABMA O wE nisonl dacide bis fte. Mr. Besiey nes pich-ed ýcsterday. Five otisar Waukegan liien em e o LON LRtisa jury liat. but tlîey rîuulîl not b-t aunsmoned as Iheir iîaiiis-iwure rmis- PASSES AWAYaple.___ (PÉrom Wednesdays Sun) $62,000 TO BE EXPENDED ESward Grahamn, o! Long Laite. IN WAUKEGAN HARBOR WORI 1forrnerly a naîl kuownu iotaîkeeper o!f- V ibat place, passeaitewy liunday even- * omWednes<i'un.t) - Ing et about 7 o'clock et tise Preusy- 3Fry-to touad .olas î. i tterlan Hospital iu Chicago, after anu ic-w iosn olr u Initie. frabout e yeer. Hie, Sentisexpended on Waui<egaii lai lom this wes Sue ta Brlght's iseese. trom saua accordlng ta ait lri-,i-ien giv- nisich ie haiba beau a long iieras-, en a Milwaukee palier bY Nlajuir W. V. Tise deceased, naîl kuownu tismigi- Judson, of tise ensgineering Sapas-i out tisa country, nas about 40 yes a of aea and ne. neyer marrieS. About tuesnt of tise great lakîs. a yaar ago hie hotel, nicis as rus Tise amenti:nili ha ScruteS (o ru. lu partuerabip nîtis bis birother et tise building thish uore endSofthlie 80n0 West unS of Liing Laks. e, a umaS lr.t rdtn h airadt ine. tien bu bas not beau active a lu * d piredglng tsalaie as. I thu isoli fi. 1 ae ear u te ,aus Me nwu a cousin of Supervisor T. E. Os-ebns, f Log Las.. ISISS HIGH SCHOOL LUFUT C4LIECE BILL IS NOW A LAI NLDINIS l% OSE BT FALL (i Wednesdays Sun.) . r -CIA TO THE DALY qUN. » <Frons Wednedays untSprinugfield,.i.. Marc is20,.. .41 A, Luise Fo-at Concige snl e an- houa. loSedy passeS thisblîl nt Mr ?y abled 10 recetve 300 -atuon tbga.ie bGbos, ef Lke couuty. piovidIng lm - Iy 200 atudenta by tise addition of tise anfnexation of tamritory t to bOn i ou nen buldings nistoiWnbe .bip higis achool districts for bit* complutudl anS ree4y fer oeccupuçi aoisool purposas. ,g by September 1, aocouSlag to the Tisa bill bas beau Sascuilsed flly Il s ter_ 0 tieU ontéol nu rII 1is SN W AU Eý WSpRALROmAD CH«IEp TLLS 0F If* TERESTINO TRIP. Charles Wbyte la li Chtiao today. James Orr, or Wadsworth, w5BaJls iatu, radt Ftrank Lanson la out &fierair brouglit ItbWa.ukegau Monday ulgbt MeJohneW. D.an turCorede week ofIllnau f tphol feer. the victtm 0of anaccident. EHa le an Jh .DKy nteCu»o wees o Ilnea tyboi feer. old Mau and la sufferlng fionsiInjuries Hia Travels.-Admite Thot C4usetry Uncle Tom'a Caila made gond et about the head and ftactured ribe. Exeded Expectatlons. the Schwartz last nlgbt. Orr tefi from M, am iwagon. i 1 (From Wedneaday's Sun.) Tomorrow evenlng the LAka Forest Th. bush achool girls evtdently be- A J. Perrin, general agent of thse Collage Oie. Club appears at the Ileve, la the "iteUsous lte," for be- Dulutb, South Shore & Atlantic, re. Christ Churcis Parlah Houa. ln the aides playing the. Lake hlbiBs choôl turned yesterday fions Mexico, wbera openlng performance of the season. girls ftiday nlgbt bore, they bava ai- ho and Mrs. Perrin have apent the Thiomas Hoyle, rapresentlng: the no arranged a lie wlth tbe Oak raeprtoAnyste we' American Building and Engineering Park hlgh sebool girls for the after- grcateriron. ny' beawea Reports, vlsitlug Waukegau yaster- nS. "It's more of a place than i day. 1 Th. Berry olgar store la bains reno, thought,, sald Mr. Perrin, "and ln- The clty committeeacieets thls ev-'vate and redecorated.'1 finîtely1 wealthier. Monterrey, Toi. enîng In the offce of City &ttorney The United State xpress Cons- reon, Guadalajara and Vera Cruz are Persons to arrange for tise comnins pany 1l lia new quartera on Wash- ail great business cities and Mexico canspaigu. ingtou atreet City, thse national capital, la sirnpiy a Friday uight ths, local hlgb achlool One o0f tb. large Hlgley plates of hummer. Th. week belore 1 sot basket ball teauna (girls and boy@) glams ln baing put lu today to replace theré, tiey opened a new poatofice meet thea teama frggn Laits blgb gchoî a broken one. Ithat coat $1.800.000 gold. Thse steel of Chicago ln tIbeWlôcal yanem. J The Knlghte te Pythies, uniform work ls up for a.national theater that i John Oonvley buas old a teins of rank. wU asueter lu Friday ulght the willc*Mt et leat *12,000,000 and 1bhrliez In W. Wells, of Uilf Day, and 22d, iSsetead of the 29th. probably more. ,Four or fIve blocks îthe purcbaser took home Jhe. animais Ms a Rsnusn netîe donstreet tisey bave the founidatiosi today.MasnuMe r ber fri enat br bornedlaid for a congressional building that B toay.a nuberof br fiand ether omewill coat aven more than«the theater. Zin COnsrvatory of Music, Art on Park avenue lest nigbt. ut, etsxyastsyhv e Land Oratory will give a faculty con. The. Oasso Atblettc Club wiill old modeleS the national palaeo% et a cert toinorro eveing tisat nsany a privaI. dance et Mohrmann & Wet, cuit ot nearly $4,000,00, and bult Waukeganites nul attend. _-osalHUll Weduesday aveniug April 3. bospitals, achools, aslums, observa- L Today la Neal Don Day the vorld T7%0 Central achool cbildren are to- tories and other public buildings at 1 var and Sunday "Il b, celebrated as day vWetins thse circuit court tu see a cost of at leant $25,000,00,. oui rTemperance, Sunday togather with anlie worklgs:The leason le an In- nîoney. ioccasion for observins bis natal date. atructive one. 1*They not only bave the monkey to T. À. Lenson. assistant auperintend- Tiser. nill ha a meeting of the LOy things with, Sontisera, but they eut of tise Nortisnaatern; F. R. Pe. Waukegan Commercial. Association have the true Latin love of tisa ar- chin. division superinteudaint, and tomorron ovanins et the counicil tisitie and beautiful. W. want la the other Nortbwestern oMetciais era chaniber. postoffice two or tbree tiines mast tu hore. yeterday on business,. DieS, et Arliugtou. S. D., Ma h 6.look around. 1 don't bulleva I ever W. 1. Rainer dafeated Frank Eiffler David Dillon, brother of C. Dillon anS saw a handsorner building anyniiere. et bowling lu two gaulas Monday Mis R. V. FlUta of this city. Mr. it la bîîilt of white limesione and night, ttie lst being 208 to X66 and Dillon nas boru et volo. 111. C. D'ion el xborately embeliabed nits carvlng thse second 206 te, 142. The 4. S. and bas gone to Ariingtcss to attend thse after thse pattern o! a Venetian pal- W. firemen bowl the forensen thîs av- funeral. sc. Away up lu thse dunse they have ening. W. V. H. Rose, paymastef of thse re produced thse coats of armes of ev- Sttsery' natiôn In the postal unsion and A postal recelved by Deputy mant et work on the United Sae around thse aides have carved lu thse County Clark Henidee yesterday fions naval station et Norths Chicago, was marbie panels the history of thse postal 0 WiII Itinas, non lu Salems, Ohio, an- lu Racina, Saturday. and wili prob- service ln Mexico. Thse cew theater. snurces tisat ha la thse proud father o! ably make- bit bead quartera there t Wa toîui, was designed by native. a ian pound baby girl. , urins tisa construction ofthtie station, architecte lu conspatition. alter inuch aitudy of style and construction. botis îîbroed and lu the states. The Maxi- ~ cen nunister of finance, Mr. Liman- tour, tekes a great Interest lu ail arts and sciences, and la back:o U p ~o -ti? L~qa r II tere îsomet of this building by tise govarn- mnIunderstand. Whatavar restrictive measure bc- niJI realhse tha laopardy to theirhui. qsem to tise visitai- fionsthse cornes a law anS regulaes limite nae If a lot of divas ara allowed jut nortis tist the railroads have iselped wîtsin whlcis saloons nsay not biler- over. tisa "limit lina"' anS co-ol>erata Mexico more than anyting else, ha- ete et Hjghwood anS Norths Chicago, With tise retorm, elensent et toat.' to cause tisay have beau the principal on. resai la likaly: Just outaide tisat t'fie ratent of fighting to, prevent such factor lu bringing differant parts of linuit tise braneries will Soubtlaas a condition, tua country dloser togethar, promut- fostar a mon of saluons anS esorta The govarmmnt ls not goiug to n uiesngtain ewa such as are maintained et Higbwood. epend millions of dollars et the Nortb h n asns g ncetig a ns bdSle n and It la a toregona conclusion If sucis Chicago naval station If recruits are wîîicîî neyer usa<l to exist ln rsîxîco's conditions develop the govem nt to bc subleçted to tisa menace ot a population, lu the nId dalys therç uli ne Ils gi-uandeu effective Initu- .row of low saloons on'its vamy bar- wr pytevr lhadtevr ance t soeurs laglalation axteudîng ders, and sufflent testeralIinfluence wt're andythe hoe ranSths eryl tise saloon Ilmit tbrea -and possibly will ha brought ta bear to again ex- bur nStebuhomes arethern no four miles, tend thse saloon limit If sucis ara as_ aces orbusbtlualtecieno lu that avent Weukegauliquor deal- tabliabod. oua observes pleuty of souS homes of the legs expansive typa anS plenty of ers will fiud thenssalves lu the. saea Il nill depeisd greatly upon the, public aichools. George W. Hibbard. pradicamnent as Hlgisnood anS North liquor Interesta and tisa nutn .ber and formar general passanger agent of our Chicago saloolaite If the mlle anS oua- cisaracter of saloons adjacent to tiselUnea bas bis ion iu scisool tisereandai eigbth bill bacansas a Ian, wlslch It naval station wbha furtber exten- Aeiasgnrlynwfe doubtles wUl. sion of tise "Ilmit" ia demandeS by says Ansrians gauenlyfo ngeal If the saloon Iutaraats aa wlsa tbay tisagoverumnt ln future yars. tiatedungctioslfacin the e x nila capItal are b-.equata. lndeed. the OmslmDeflned. pAiiother Idem. t Asericans 1 matdSun thera ail seans- It WaH lioîsgias Jarrold who Safluad 7het Y & a ool andS bu money are ad ta boenajoying tsensselves and dognuatigtin as "puppylans comae to ma.-son partad; but It aenss ta me the their lifa Usera anS no mood to beava turity*' s happy plae of wise wtt. twu are luckt>lever to bave Sot tc. Ilvamy man of thora feals great con- gethor inthtise rt jslace.-Bphere. ildenca lu tisa country's fut ure." il fAý tu- Men's Spring Fashi eons if you want 10 know exactly what they are, juat step inadlook over ouf uew shipment of Suits and Top-. Coats. You wifI (md these elegent garments iepresentative of the Lateet Styes. Correct in evemy detail yet f ull of ini- dividuality, '-different" in many particulars, yet wbolly up to the moment iu generel effect. No danger csf meeting your double on every corner il you wear L A. B. ansd CO. Clothes ibis Season. Top Coats and Cravenette s $12050Oto_ $20,00 The Fiust Made CQothes 5<1uld i Wauke.a The L. A6Iel Etos.&odiestéer Kiwi. $1 6.00 to $30ý.00 Hleadquatten for Easter -Do auets 6 Un. by $1650 to $3.00 i iii Mi, s 1.4 lail 55 'i gr. sb