'r, JEIDÂY M4~Oa 22, 1907 ______________ ______________________________________________________ w ______________________ >ibrushus, Whi@ lOm, Tie whtyw ilI b. looklng for" 'n g Pkt.ms, ~4G * NUSfldISr* 22 lb Svmnulmsd $aur fo.. ........i..........................IO 14 bain OtisMtal F"117 fl oP .............*........................ZI io c H z s "bPo l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 asSlo...... ........................................8 ...................... n ..a......an................ .........ltea ake...... .... . to Vau omm outar. ................. ...... -........2 5 bwetbo omIneo Bugar. .......-.... .. SO l t&M...s.. ............................. l 25o DManer Poil& ..... ...e................... ..... . 9 48.q i Pts ................. ........... ......... 0 65. Gaie1bPa....................-.............. 42< ........a.. ........k............ ;... DR'*00008. 9 bomebes Shelve Papor .........Oe 25e 51mev.protecomrs.. 14c 2be Coresi Co'er.... ..19C Scie Corbet WCore ...... l a9e Cornt Cover.. ......... 48 75e Net 1Gomma ...... jf 50 Umm*ilDeavem ... su 25e Wbite Aprond ..... 19 15e starSikLaon ..:::::Ï5< 5:m:gtuile. so 75ie Oieranes. .......... ........................ .fl .Ladies'm»d ebfldv.ne imece hast basmIl fleSse u vool endemwsr, ladie sud maus'* vool sweater.. mil muet sud vOOl drus, poodsI4 aur full lian of.mlttîes, fet robbets sud ovenboo ili tIkIy &CaMf d Dept. Store PRAIRIE CITY HOOSIER DRILLS you Know What They Ame Let U9 Figure Wlth YOU 8OHANOK BROS., I BLANKETS 15per cent discount on fur Robes a.id ail witer goods Barâess an« ir lo ods of ail Descriptions CHAS. H. KAISE3R - ' 'hlspbouc No. 46 Ubstigyhlo Rxehmags SPEOIAI. ATTmNIloN Tooiof Tairai Orue BAKER end O4tbOR Ub.rgvNe - Mfin" HI-EOtELS NO RBTAILERM SUPPLIED. WiEBxLIVBft TO AbJAOBNT TOWNS &oiui. 8ei antIH au* of ,Wtka a Ms h bibs beoihe moiil Md ak ailve dontola xuII*vn fmska uc m-ta ~8uadd~witk be ot mmbr Us Malueolu buas vovad fmpg Ambb »W u lvet mai ily mus movtsg laboé vbis tboy have mtentsd4 To. lalo M of liiMr. and -M- lu Pou"bell i6 ftny and bunlal aI Ovaiak e*tY. Jobhnliorrill base twtanod fram a visit viti bis son Deyo, mmd daughter, Mr.. Mi.b uthbaBeloi,1Wis. Boz. to Mrt. and Mm.. Ohan. Critten. deo, Jr.,- a baby boy, let Wednesday.j ,Buster carde, hookleo and Esater post carde at the Grayslake PbavmacY. Seveval robins and black bIrdo have booM noiicd by aur ciicus .wich tact Mv.. Waltèv Eiodfrey le able ta be oi1 agMal.mter suffrtsg au attack ot la grippe.1 Mr. mandUv.. Otto Wald--z. andj lmÉlybave retiived ota isr summer bhume north of to ws alter sponding the iînter in Chcago.9 Abert Pick and son, of Chicago, spont 8undmy at thi. Pick fans. Yoa will >nôt nim .Il by usinagNoxali nante. Tbsy are gaurmnteod. Gray».. You vill need nmre ot aur daliy Buster pertumens bon, Grays=k li. Oeol. Tisos, lim. R. N. Rick.y mmd Amn. Rd Hoob. onetafila.d t thi gutmetea tar Tmesday svenlng. AUl Who atteadel report a ven plosanmt Dr. EA. Crame atteudeil tbe weddlng of Miis os.onm onaviDe mmd 1Mr. Ohms. rgton at Obicago Wedaedai.., Ur. iavsbâil At»eliand wl!.enter- tainet iabout .lxly o!fIliir frleudeutaithe etrsSrm pae ednes0"» tvena #»d ivevyibin a s rvod la the. aot ~~~~r 0psM. md Uv.. Atveli r eo~u eiAlao* Mthe -pavy tvei 't buon of thesmosi psminanmd eue- mouluh sammt. ai ib eaon M iatd7 R.B. shernma peni antr ed businessat hall, Round [ab, Moaia Ï. i. ami by Chflag eiblcngo, wuveee Te Mdi tamlly move o 10 Oblog àmok, of GarDe, alleion 16 Umiclm buas be b ~awood, ot Ohamiol Laie ~aofJohaburg, vlsts hanig vited la JmiOS'SII vd ent througb lb.e otiou sark tranowctsd bulums rmssay. .Parnier wes a Waukfgan raid and lie.M )illet, of Labo YW"tig frind, bore liomday. Unslfred and Euh! onombe «e Carne, of Oak Park, are ad here., sebker and wile retursed quma .pveral weeks trip ln the li.ýfJan-oil, r.lr lb. muet esaon. M d atMre.. tior@,w -ttaCNamra, ai RWUssIafttie gu.tsa ofWalter GodfroY Mis.$'M"a Pradaor reclved word TiieMaot ut thedeath ui ber fathor, Riley Contai resudut near Rockefeler. J. QO. tly 1vieited bis parente aI ad M , e«dSattie Creob. Ulie., he. hué *0 e mtgo is 114bratber Alred Reid The- [aidAis Aid society wîll nest wltb Uts jrud Wilbur next wesk tedmee- Uusvq. U. J. aud W'. B. Higley of thie H. s BAalawal, 01Cicago, Rsi. Wallon'. rîlmes of boys i.ill gv so"ia Wtbe church nmît Kmdy %vnn.Gme mol encourage bhe boys. Ra1preh med the entlre etectot me!ciàilseofa hiiley & CanlW eItv viii o amnoun(ce tu thir patron. mmd teà bailteuetbat w. are hersantd *'ill apeolate a fair ahane o! thoîr hPaia gs.We ill have au alucet msatIre mtrv .tak oi dry goods, up to bdate, mda t pri-8e. liai v uit you. Our stock of gruverlsld omltmm ueels by noue. wahfoou speasitr. Wmutop APU sucosoors ofai lgloyA Ov4el( ERNEST R. MOORE' DEPEATS !DWARDS At Orylake Caucus Nominations mrs Moîtly by Ac.lamaton-Rdwàrde and Rosing to Sun Indépenldant After boing Dseated li Caùcue. At tb. common caaum sld at Gvale. làke Uatuvday by the umiUd poIftiSI puios ol1 Avoc iowmmbp ithe lollowiffg won e omionations mode for ithé towasbp offim 10 b. eleted Tuesday 1Apvil 2. 1 Nominations. oruvior ................. ...E.1110019v Town . Gsvk............... oy Ada.. COoIMl ... ................ *VISB jusi" of me. .... .. .W. chW"i oàsum.o Blghways.......Jobsa-mrvis Thi .o* eets wblch oesuvsd were for ouprviS ud mail comur of Iilgwmys. For supevisor a. I. Moote definsd he l.pasont supsvvlso, ILC. Edwmrds wt a vote o 126to 94and hjgwmy commvai.omev eovw s 4t vs. dofeatet wltb a voe of 100 to 98. Tb@. deteated candàtdats.14 rumov.d wii file pethtlons mnd rua indeoiadest. Ail zbe ather umlaatilojEwemmd.by acclîmaton, mnd lua bssiustances nomàination la equlymieut tu election. RUSSUL Dr. H. 0. B. Youg ha. otu vo ick but la omre btter ftbougb flot a b le ta attend ta bis protessional dutie. Mm .E. A. Reorem le et111 quite poa-rly. jLewIs Bennett le Impraning slowly. UNFr. W.». Lewin le very 10w. sit~Ufr aa. eted, for hi@ new bonbe Elmv or H. mmsd tarily Silil rmaIn where they are for tb. preent lin,.. Juilge N. H. Welch, Speuo.r Welch and Ur@. E. J. Wékàb mnd Sui. ýWeeh ai Oblcago attmendilJames Welches fInnoal. GlbertGoebons ha. hoon laidnuesd *up witb sc"tic nbumtisu for a week. Caumu paosi off very quletly. J - D. largelWator supervisor. b Mr. and lire. Obloaeden, Ut. amdmd v.. Tom oCOoullougb andcbildrsu of Guvuee epent Snnday wlth Mutrie brothero. Mies Hasel Thalu visitsd a te w days in Waubegan met veek. Mrs. Frank Yul., of Somoro. viglted ssveral day. lest ileok witb ber . mothon and alo ber daughtev, lirs. Jamne Thon,. .John 1.ube and son Carl, of Liberty-. ville, visie Guy Hughes the puit vo.. Uv. mmd Mv.. Win. Thomi Br., visited lir. and lis. John Hughes, ai Libsrty- ville, a t.v days v.caiy., 1 ev. Safford attented 8Bnaday scbo Suai. Coufrenne lest Fvltay st Lberty- ville. Uts. A. K. Bain visit MvUr.. 1. D. Hugbo& of (ar.isslutTaesday. MisAgues e loflst Tueêtdy of lest wesb to vlsltd relatives la Lake Forest totumniag houe Satutdmy. Lld White esa a short lime viti bis parents, 1Ur. and Uv.. W. J. White Goea. SaBord, of Clg ousSant da., and remins ilintil ùonffdO7 vtb Uv.. Rabi stranmgin entertainng liber dangblsr, Mvc.. avor, or Ch" V.gor ota short tlme. Wmn. Thom, Jr. lot Tuesday for Texas to loobsifter bhdues. iefsta bo bas thora. à f 1c . d attma *teL .1 o. LOOri LAM EIH Ciyton sud lmmly bave moved outa a large #%tock tarm 'bean Lake Forest. We are oviry ta las. tbem.; Fnink Smith, of Ohlcago, vislted a few ilsys the paet week wlth relative@.. 4Wpbard Book, Jo. mmd Mabel Rbymer visIWiTuesday in Chicago. UM-. Ledrie vlsited wlth trieude ln OblopWe.daY. U.LRogbsssend Vu 0s4ofUlb.rt- vobs vistod i wi rM. " malMvIL 0. Ur. JIas mm" a budee trip to GiSo0 1p0 #sk A unir deov 1 ladm bd atptbe Long Lake stationt. AnM f -Oad impl In badly msil'at *Whm. Mr. Doltas Mmd otbON ai40 IoaO, &. LDowns and IP (her ai ohicao, spot Buadsfai t âi Whiw:a lit. and Mm.Jobns04of, ai isg spet Bumday with ber pavet.mm brother bore. Tha.. Murphy camel out itons Ch"cf Monda, he w work fo 40I clonvere. James Welsb ia recoverlng troin bis reoent lits... Mm, Cloyeland and daughtov Kate were Round Lakoenfliers Monda!. you. will mime the tunes af yonr Ille If L u mIps tbe Enster, bail at Amann'a a&l Round Lake April 1. 'Ed Grahamni ded Suudaà- eveuing at the Preebyteriau houpitali inCh"cago Mr. Graham hau boom la poor beaih fr1 mouths and ouveral weeks 8<0 was; taken ta thé hospital whsre It wam haped b. wouid recover but Bright*& diaease b.d nmade recovery. Iposible. Of a quit ,rotLJ ip-wiq, oN" A pathy wltb the relatives lu tiei sorrow.1 Dan Walsh went ta Amtloch Monday, We arm <lad ta bear that Ja. . uddlhy le Improvrng fast. John Wollo traneacted business ln Waukegan last Tueday. Mis.. John Mormu went Ù) Waukirm Wmt Ffiday ta bes ber daughtev, M. Wil Ward who le vMry ick. John Tpielon and, Iamily have emlgrated ta Russell. . 0111e Welles pent Bond"y on the towu lino. MEr. and Mm. C. Riley, 01 Waukegan, visited at the Lee borne Suuday. James Wolcb died at his home ln Roseran-, Saturday niglit. Fuueral Mouday at the M. E. chucb Itomocran. Several of WIiI Btiehrta ailY were conflued ta the bouge with the grip luet week. Mm. Minnie Lux and Miss Emma 1Keydeckor made a trip ta <ion C ity ldiot Wedmeeday. Dr. Young in oaq the .1 is Ha mm,. T. Ho<amvtsted bot doter, Un. Vudiby Monday. I GRANGRHAML eenlug woa a <uai sce.. mm iea Pattisvsn &id Mmes mt SàsPbard started for Cali aThu.. da". N. P. swSwmao£peut a tsw 4ay la auoeh5" bMwek. 0"d.7Book and 1mi11,bave movsd on lb. 1. P. Wools.,fav Mr. and lim. ?matk t md famli' *peut Banday at ClaveansW~oss. Min lvaomssObpinanMteni nday et boni.. W. K. Wilson vIatodluInVosn vl. Amen,, They Are New Obllged te 1U MW dlmp.evsmso Th 1s valy ln Thslv St.lus.-ÀCW Dus ta Fallurst leCOW#Y. Thoeu»esOM 01aiLOO well a8 theo tixer oecuattuao wîll ho obllged to, 1.e.a when tbey begls hbulr ari of April. lu the tatae' t G lands and improvemeaito te arately fimd and shah, laa Sectton 308, o! lbo rvwl the stalo. wblch wus emmu dit not lia. effet u»..", vies It must ha rlgtdlY, a Tiare are other fontvu law aleo tiat wiil beboo" U ors inastuty, lest tiey WU iet beforo tioy Uha ga Reporte frota noml* <1@ o!th sae .mbiîet % Ao ail mantfoua O b M»O.0 the. riglat kînt of book& wore orderet tIom a Chu vhli bâ afle te mm»ie for lie newvfro4ultsmasgt*. aequence la liaI the sMese vildt viitictheproper boom their wovk toui ex"-v books for uost of the cou orderet tram a St.lousB kopt up ta date wtth lb. 44 Anotior provisIon -et Il Ileves the county treammunf vonk. Il places la liS 58 iboard of revlev thiemti real emate aMd Impoe Thii.will fie dose by ptibg daily newspaper. ftvupriY ty treaurer bat tiaL bar* aller. Woeon 1Legas Uses A u'ouonapplaetotath* e guaflans lt aantvocal Wood**a let Whbb via vs by hl*,uncle. vbO 4104 Mté, bous.,eNorequ"t vasdi tie voua 10k th* w1 ofed et Gder eng b4 Thora la a remnariabls tel th*c besteficlal efel prothiO on lie goneral boaltiuL en la liovummdy asut lie lant»» caà aimInt ce 5117 frain ont, ibonuatioue other dlemes dio %0 "a« soi ta tie bIcot, a btes oesmpet th, notic0et ci ý - _________ - 'A. K .. M otenueute*u.e, 01 The basket bell boe plavut a.good Electvi a le 5gWork. Jobs Jamiman lest Thav.day as one ai liv <a«» Tussdmy avenlg vhi àMor R.D. Wyns * oellb. mma- pal! beavreru. r ai 81ta il lu z o fay t ehbla b0ol tvof the Chicago &Mlwaukee Rlec* Word iras receivet bayrsttTuoda, Uvr..Heury Faulluet vitedt ila r tablu. 1lrlc railway. bei mti coMpletedtri ftna bedeth oDr. H. E. JamWimoa .father son Rimer over Suudmy. R. A. TalIon Who va. fovmlY n- aer the entîte' ilgbl of vay et! bleJobhn Jamison ai LihertyvIlle. M. .D ur u v.T ploet i ii.Qraslks barac, he tamtii Cte hMlwaukee lu Mr. mmd 1(Mvs..Wm. Thom Or. tel# us Rdvardis, ere OhIýffl visilor luat vek collet, ou ftlents bors eWdassday. Ho campany wti seeralcotraclars tbevbave haaght a home ID Lihertyhille Ul an Ov êet&e ej t vas on i w fv rou Tronto, Oa.. t who lll he givet, n nOPPorunitylota ad vli movo their about May 1. MisllcbOvrsel vta.o Vitor, Oolo. 1 bld an seeral 'plee o o vo. ilburu. la..wili ho Uhortyville.s lest wmek lu Wanbegan. The baske hall ttae vill hboItan MrF. ynn tatet Satnrday tiat l Is . We egrt very mucli ta lae Flornce Nartrobvas returnot Itou meeting soit Tnesday evenlng ai order ta hatesthie compellon of lie theM. a two weeke viait wîti relatives la Mie tavu hall admission 10 cents. .ne hat I. compauy liat tetla Mr@. Dr. jaaisoîï returued bom rne beag«ant(lIen F, Ilynm (lame aaeai 8:15. subthIe w or ! lWagnome Oa ibLurtyvilIo Friday aber.e se has been Janmee Weleh i oIt reeldeniot af Mime Viola Shauks,.or nHaivlle, wes t e bIgerct cut andon t ts manuer eîtaying the pagt ath with the coannry passet away Saturday evenîn8,fa the gnet ai Miesnitnby Smith Wednee- assue I cml tor o!tie road dutr'. parents. He ha. hoon n poar boalila for ous ,n day. wwU.lIla fa montis. Wee glaul t- note tbat Mitr. tine. Howa@s711yearodait Thefia slco Mi'. Kte('osmn, f uectie, a. The Il eeeu bore aIat Mlau- Abiî,&Id M.tr-edie is on the gain nnd was heit Monday torenoon ira-, thé <d". SiiBgi. tarnîerly aieLakomc.unty ha beeu calling kec iIIconttl.ctedl on tic same able ta sit up) a Short tile mchddy. Its cra hurch, luterment lu Mouat un . airi. ntgiiv lity lhe psprin unlnch1vthat al lie otier Prostot jioigeueuo obme etmeey lew days sut renewiug acqqalulanee. lhmes are lhatt v iii be practically AThemy are onetfodeaton aI Ra aestr Ret ceend-r pFOR SALE-4iood al arount work devoid ai' cuirvqg. Il le exPectodtltiat Aean Mare houeferon afo da rlaca- m - " MR tie cars whl make lie twentY-three tl ClM.eelan, Heen ard, PMeae, OI N LA E A~ lake, fil. _________mnutes. Margaret Whte, Olive Cleveland. Raht. Thisi lenu Aprîl faol, -tien vili b he b~ Libertyville Poud a Let.Banner and Luon. .biggeItasuce o1 the meison Aprn1 lot J. A.. H a itn.olLînoeWet. .t pl:T i l dae learned Uanday eveulng at Auaffu'è bal. tel.WMon and Oun noulside the _____________ jA. amnof1smI Girayjsale -_________________N:l. Va., gays -At test 1 bave fount lthéke! Iho1 Thom@.. 1: 2.H. Helen Satiord GURME perfect pilîltiat mevIer dlmpettt me; leader. and far lie benofil of aotflallieotdM. s.l5,a4w a U u is lenDzn f U01 e iiià Cucuit v îi t rp i d iver a nd c h È0 01atO c o ti. eM v.ui a m. uk eg w fn e M threi.lan< t i v h. n D i a , ai R o rl, l i llIs pation,vilii gay: lais Dr. Kiag NeW RJunmiort Chriwgks vti Mv. Joh it lus oeI uis.Meals ami thsmm&es Sen'd Mi" e, 1 le. Jambson basf<oue a RDa teon a.2 ttehm 25e et P.B.Loe , ObleMes n ua m Se"dCiago for a ieeks vieIt ariii< friesi01fM110s1,Rbnu .Tapie "(lad'*Or aet oueand relatives. prl.N 1, rm1<iMdt INOL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~is Nettie Rase, Rbcitlr, bas b. Kee pe,'h.11 vc utn edr Mn. md ins A.R. Rchadp at am. RES VYTESvleîîîng Joe amnisoandstla nov vsIt-MmMn. .B. Laie le aPending lie i.eo Mr. and1 us.AJE Pfat UberMtyamlleRte 0snSlj ing in Waukegan. viti nelati*eq lu Cileaa. NotIiIpq 1< 01hloftu o L a cl ilren hem * .ndag CI-@, BAN IE rs. own, o! bleaga, pont Tues- O. E. tope tjr Marci 26 'Tblags lon rmady. AuI#»a OFFICE F W. Wentivartb and batrsou Warren. Women ot~bBiblet O ,1" 1Ties. le re repni an auRster Co. lions NIo. 19. lI e. .Michell, of Oak Park, wvA lag1:2.8. o MDate r OadtÇy S ne t l a c qiitb, Mâeoi81. 'AU ieout Fvldsy lut calllug on relatives sud Al~nmo !M II(erltv. luhn fc ofiIally aie.MS MAGMAIPo. viiting biasfel. melal iehome W@tdd ta4 aâl )un. HIcee'a motion la Lai. Villa, h____________ _ Mns. Spafford 1laitaid, ta viil ber l.St uîteev ib i lLa loa mpr u r tys armdaugltet, Un.. Mitebol aiWauzkugnfrieads ish ia bIn aturevs 0Ithé i wh te uj boeatFx1MO.'TOreturnlag Taesday. t, boue elFox . 55t% 'TO- Th laîlie oiGoaGeri, E.Bn Qulte a umber from bsn. atteste tlb. e l lit.T hemm d lil ts.Of w , G eS.d eU.rab o n$ ma" Mr. dedmb. oaue 8. ersth laieto. s.' Paer,Uv.. Vauàlitine antiV. Jhn :la, --Initheo Sreets"ai Orage Hall ak oit ofte aeCo .A. Strang, Rîbel MUctiîre ont Arthur toda esan., dsdC S. uolulon L bet"vi on lie Clark attend lb. pla, aI Orange Hall 51 r 1alt cSud Mr.y are. B. F. PAI qwtat Saturda,. 3AU"ArU làlitr uI yaimy taïeno li. Wm. remin alteuded el b. Innovai _____rd_______ n Our Not-U Ready Dr. Jamison laîber lait Tiur.day. m" Mminut ei, of. Wenrffl 1.1k.àacharna. ixed Èaînts ill Ido the FEEO ORINOINO. AL KINOS. ot Ainsor, an auOoirM #e MnU~ M air, 11). 10v rai tiat T .Snponatdnltr Hesn, f& splcy liernal, i Uthe tvime. LOUisa, work. PdeeC. rght 1 w.dnesdays muid Balurdays Waukegau, pnt Sunaty ila e W I ~'t~ ~ Goodit paranteed Cr u«iussu giuln fuegatu"boe Arnica ad8. ot âewUS*uit 8omi fOilo euhtiro.hf iltv e.Aod stock ai Robins, binebird. abnbarsbi et: thcNU"aWV laY haclol lt thu$u %PIIII uCg cake wa, Shmale'Stock fOOd., Ti eaool entetainmMIOMn h Fl woun&,UaingM.l enue. sbarns antd .et andi elaum fn, ete., eW.agh Wae is"ue ~ A foaSI skiu dimsoa. (JuranbePd 4aIF. EM L() n.5cem, botyll. 51 at oOtprions for 9-buk LOUIS-,J. YEOMWAN-I THE PIANO IPAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Ubeyvllle.- * Ijhlools t ,ggipa:iUuift5t.iIIi;;l:l~:î::hlIShîî:î:îII::::Iîx aamamaimamBOSSlzSS And blopplng Traie ý 1 peevvpffl ti 1 l'