4f LRvu*,l., sau «04 tbu1matr e Pî YEMaUi 8TiTi.Ly IN AOVAN4CI 4*LfRAMSAWDU*T. gout abot th* mi1ut Iltg te mot lug ne» etthe Sui,.but tg UR m eau«,betek - et tid atia ahm- rais bo wqu< -- - -"' §tête fr~eJlg sitiia an lom l>ude y m who <aiuot peut sa ite*i over vWb" 6-vium au lb4w 1 bavP to mII emuda li ga It uolawffl f« a 1flaotto1g5*VtPE 8Im05* DWW5 ybs .ut mIt **-tp aIt il tosll 1 i fve t- u for ' ncbiM. .ordo; S$»'sal à. m itau tmw cod m mamy vUmlra utkc v5 pmq" Pend Maue. 1110 9ugc 18W PrtWtde ShovOruaft r.wth. t me ïuOft ttaui amecs.,tratn .1.1 sopTi olieWaolu l Umm by tic people et bûvo.utai& &0 ,cet»s tic ,ev" t be" auot kt ISStda< b" to me p"« bu b- g t ble mw i mî bsi gos *boum bmidmubeom vlflg cscompel aul tno ihwce1vvloi -iiae ud - m ,trsî'to top them dtd e.»Wgwes o a DATE NO. OFADU. Pëyt IIUAPUi MLi N*UANCU. Apel , 5,.........-. S, tbétat * oOm- pompes of oeucutiug fie buteo& ue, *0411si. 1O........... *m ieurncebeal- "ro8*h. 1!at «m wvi t bix e- Aa 4. 1906-..u...... oaU«"b ubjeci. esalva ad cueittut »reUlncm eol MaJ, 80, 1907.........,.4 ËMmb, h ovevu. Iffe. odme . re m S lepro. ~ w. oms, &bd labo *ave ck ea the reoeut dbs*« tu OSu T1h. popolarly of tbific t dai Netgt'*vil t II pie o ,a2far viet uiay * Ommwl t *0W18 e l noe-a. HOv ca w0i pafad vl d de limit.ù"-lirsow vthat yos hbave solushiuiS wNy u am O fges beand ailthie 'regalr clupslu Rrog«j onf an tmediaely levied a a ca euaug om tai e l a bimt«yia...e ~t*9f *7 Per cent orththe iu aig , ticcl$4 de.ret~m fi th. ompuaule car-in la aveed preiuums, uilon t i blet- wguiibd-.-P«eiflad houead&.YOD ih f etleat lla the. agm »«and prolierty owuers of the Sud yoiTsmidolng fh. Tii. vamd aye e u8.4*0o filamr tesehe n iuted StateuLe olimu ýi. ono» à'tw .nerlpost lW th *Moum rates largely "We hold tio ce sut of mmn b l - î pintof utertsOd s aip»IO. ac4uo - cout of the b le, to ho 1w rbltrry levy, in-l a poitile tui' [rom tuseftraeice, r cresse OIr dimniu au espense wilc y -the omb"ison. le a eeuglly * tex #PMOe ur. peoole, wht comis. »Y Da *Pelue. and va bleve tiat youa tabelp uOn1if joucan thlmk Op au ad scud 1* BaiDu à0 g 6 i 36Per by -causlag au ilivestlgation 0of thefor cbop empelmeut we vIant YOD te MIOS» oatiueme 1 mis o4'brw wlifei t.s, ystem 1*Idaeo om o1 oS ase Who Miver bYthe aaD»ly»« thedbocklu mgauled, a Publication of the. re- coluni. 0 Own te POnt 9 sftsof Meiê luelrymd a prouccu- , &d t pa padedlou cio utU.eesamaganat tii. lava. If EUTION RBSUM i ureascablu t-Iex atOlmOfueiid." -to sc g 1CLiKrikubori............£ CUBA. *be 0F Dy J. V. ruaL Laâ. Foest M. twdto eu fer s INmoIRION lis(Ica Tceer*bleouuatktegi ms ia al icgordfiag la Utc wereassreti tu th.m vho mmdc 18tii*tas" 0 e tugdom o 0"A mmd tlat tht. vs. tic oaly prepsru*lon for su clu-u viii Blet. rneu thon, bath for this lue aumii fl> 111et omn, coueBstu lo ChrWs our qieclaertusv, la tionght, vord wmd demi. E" mw a. am, vil kespîin Our ly appetilevhheRe tscs*0 00 hi d..nomela vhetAdau mMd Be£fallOf etes ast !*5 jjy apptite cotrol tii. mind sud vltb tic Imagpof0.11«lelt . iccone ,ntelco lmnial. loatuaai Gl oti-Ie mua ahoig_ ave tii. mi m trol tic body. .. la* tic dm7 flou estme let thortaWuait urel!île." 1ia4 $4 u auobeip g"dcominulfom with b ti. atber vue109. TIa.j a* adi bd tbcmslve. Évevyr lioe vedosa kuavu vrogac&t ve aie uanlg <lie ple et fli 1 seai allou by our ovuet, la additonuour cvimbertlum %* WWàMeve. 1h. mini. whici ehooses voeg tbkigi hu*apt ¶'bM eiâe to m"alusa esmciin té o us toticbei cod m P*ther1 vihi vuepromui luilît u d m t lel vue fmh109lêt4 of ?catooecl>ss fispromlsmi lub«aufamà# me9etm, vbS 9»1 mm tu ast oIL 1* ffsl gnSmi tu &Bai utlIadte' dll.d iprviiepe, beglea vl* = ckrle*m ur 0eaculte &L 1i. ov u0s9cI WyoW4mon- eba ata, f eky in lie. vlo becam ke h a t uhie beclesue e hum t tod a adl aveuuve 01 1iadummecb" sabbma smAiM bu g ~ ptslboy te tic paeldat oe Sia. 1.1.taâme, Umaofa efellovima vou vitliont oppo. ra QOar- .IL plagga. aima-4r.W. Ellcy. istov-Âugu« gblue WUT es*FtglLo. .gpsfllmu..Totalvote Cut, 49. - C. I Ume.l KnoxJci 5ace taxes up Dy &J lfeC f ~ UMI viiti eautmg .loum 4* te ors tet oby oaa A4 qý utoruce upoamililion>s laS U s id tht flu tic la0t ý e oould mt "mcutI lm #4 ~Itrcor thc clloed fact Om* d* rw la it debt e *5*,M0 C4 r0kces pruklangcurt.. "Wb ideatate dom ticevllage I me, ur .4.sàdcd Represeutafve Ap- 'uic04 hll lot and tes #M0 lots1 d"vula % *Iough, on wiclithe sep-g ti aswa**eiit vaa huIt "What ébisdoes It owni"1 'fIey bougt a apintlioz cart.i They ovg a , vuai seraper mnd thei equipacat of a volutecr lire depart- Ne. sdoitt*tbm lmtnotmuni street ' tm u bem d.ons- tiat no sever baildtiug bai bl bqgun betore lent noammer; tiat Mec p*y of the maYor "Ommd fmctl a ly pO a ye-, aud tiai tiare vas no otiar source of ex- 1I bave beaou vondertng where that 0.000 eufte," n aid Mr. Apms4loc, ."A vbole lot of people have been vodmrtne csomeistlilngandi 1 dont kuov vieve 1.*MWOt tuthough I vluli 1 dtd" reulOnici ilogan, vfi ha "i bave beamutvytnh for a Yeur ta gsit et oe 01 ticrecords, and bareu't uecicl et 1Iamiot on t«c lesde andWI Ou ti.thm." Tlrtee SUiu4ê«dsmer nkruPf WwlIa tiere uam *lrIpu mo- ula Uic, tova , *$M oir.re Omt twro gIocerlee se t aukat, c-e choc uhop.,oe ug la#U8 Tic baker bai gme. t b*uMt Hie assertions t Mtic vIllage8v4 825,000, lncluuim%8806,M ivuhv maied ly emplqmqe*b& erctvred a p«ald to a sâia tLL 1utsey lnks Foreat. "If lhe had, a bit at PrOPOrU i bu vould Bot idaatt& himself t1 thiI moveSntbaSId agma. "I bave nole trc.ts therellAd- atit" vas the ropy. " No, you hae»c't btesta outoldç your bucketi»p -uUosue," roarl Hogan. "t X»youg ind tblfat.-oli- bai me et s1,88enOa *be&t dom."« "Doq't smi t ic amy pAu4 tu "i dc't srMithe mmue!, but t don't kwov - ir ycmbai lu ft c ha& of 10sau a Suthsqthelies ýbl4,by hmêi Poili»adia veric ofdibr 4rb . - ' ret:um. Ti ran l ers lulenci ut Ogaver !A»s o5dlter7. Ocly vew u milu Y tti. and wue *bout 60-earc cf es.BO %>vtoerly wei i 80vone etttee epmusu t Oe 1k.,but b.d met mis hrug he emut wVier mR. nediàsîp*oaed trou Ogaver Lame sai the cloce @ titheluc ottiasseeou lset yca. ami bai mot bmc.ma ulu the eatglbodaooliffl ditit tgb& Tic lset tilt >i. w0rl au erercout Wb" hI vS dpovuci la. pvtty gond evltScetbmt hobai mot becs at won -t.' Semeeat Previons *ta i Jtâte ltheti var. Ti@ body VUe 00 bl, ieooesd that 1* vu. Iapemief ate tit wvichier or sot, tbe musb«u met vwl»afuel vluy, bat, Ifla çp«Uceauidicesi fia the,. dreiulW»vus scle" ml.Borne- of tithe rrimde out«I et dm ivil- luge believe fiat i e uvued *ta1gaver Laie vîith thc oslg 0< tbe lue eu&- sou ta-e go t.vcvI4 M4 Ilaulk.»,[cil ilrough OlS t &cUê va dovmd le- fore lic begumm .guW remploy- meut . Bo fat ad coui hq luaruci thc uaffrtuuate Mmiau 84 relatIveo lu tbis caunty. Tt a 6Bîth R*cýFd. Tbe firt quarters report ta <h. secrtary of @tâte an the matter ut bîrths for ]Gake couty, wau forward- cd Mouiday frofl tbe counfy lrkl8 s 00W. It sood 143 birfli. durlua the quarter. ane colored chIld beng bora and three pair of tvlus. Thec figures falov: Januury, maie 30, >c inae 46; Februauy, maie 32, tenu"l 20, Mardi, male 15, femnale 10. Coflcernig Feue Park. Fous Park, tii. park tiat North Ci-i cflago surgcene ota fuateturse, se nov matter of tact, as the oouuty court bue cauvsucith c ratuandam Bada the commisauloers n mUia&a t Uic tlme ln thc SUN bave been elecig :>,,m 1 EMMON$ jERER. LUMBER CO. EDWIN A. BISHROF, M"r rmam *Icue671,OS=. 47 LmriDauTYI I )7 Oxf lels are, Tic I ~ 1W the of1~ts "afit utouadatu, bc10ihW minea@smmssn le i ac etomes al reaebamuchur a m «oA e La cit omi pl rviere lm A . l"a. go me a