LY, ÂPRIL 12, 1907-12 Pge 1~ 81.~oPg~IyEAR1 Ct.yIa'ogaatIgM tO lu ueul- re Ste la leb. Dnodae t en liursay, the. bouse recelvel thb, vo- nt of tbm luvestigatiug coMmaute« ndemnug conditions lau'the. nortb o cty, sud théiillbu!taaboli lis t -Jooqp,-iaoadavanced Vftiiout oppo' lin&.Sprbxgfiad. 1 . Six mouthbrst ouaf lift' may b. 'autel the.resorts o! Mayor Ghbf ty, but a figit for thelr Immedat iolilon vil! b. made. Represents- vs Apmadoc, Covey and Gibbons. e invetigallng ciomtte. rîdlel il argumentsa gslisst tlie bil. Signanot a smllar pague spot grow- il; op near lise siteo!lut te ,naval Dhool id Nort Chcago ver. foinil y the committe. an& the. nocesMt t atoppiug Ibis la urgai. le bi] elvauce4 affects both tilgbood sud NorthsChicago, probîi- ing sambons vitbilua- mle sud 'au ighh o! army pos or naval train- Lovers Morale nt Pont. Oing to £Hwgiool. te.department e the -laies, U. . A., informelt the ?uitlfe Fort Shieridan ln the vort iDet alu pont of mrais lu tise Uiuted Itle. Brigadier (louerai Carter raid tiiecommtte. lthe govermesnt iol nou Invest anY more moaeY lu lie fort sud itroopa vere belug tros- erredoieaviere ovisg tu thea dis- racelm ConditIons. The. commftte's report vas signed! W ail threo <f the. members that -vent b Mghvood. lsuotainodlaluevery espoct the. -harges ma"e agalut ligIool ard fonul ucliingla tiie vidaesefor '-the defease luveatlgtiom o! the.recordasoetbh Ili sudemomty oemrta or lAie natr ahowe0'dà» aastheli. tatt 1.1v éos t a u lsnaturefo M i tille sosylam 1ia muefoa avl au. h i.fe lg aise, thi e prt lfiI*Cod omtaus about 2M0 aces: thMathtei.riglt cg vay of Ivo nilmads puastirougiiýtkiÈwms; hbt about 300 voies vere casI at lbe clty lec- tics la 1905; titat tier. are 147 dvell- luge lu tbe village. lite o! wilcb are vadaOt or incomplets; thalt there are lua.541 tovu tiirteen saloons lu op- eratten an tvo vacant-, tva churchas (Ovedioii), tvo ment markets, a pont- office, tva gracery attires, one bakeu'y, one restauirantl. not casuectel viti âïlaou; oe asioe store. one drug store sud one fruit etore iltallan). Over tihe saloons and stores lier. are eleven places used for fliats or lvelllng places. Tier. are 153 dwell- ing places occupied. average lu eacis Oive, maklug an approximate popula- tion of 765. Part o! the district vos purchase by the Unted States for Fort Shieridan. There are forty dvellings lu Iis terrilory anud six buildings uel for stores, scbool. pho- lograph gllery aud purpases olier tban dvelllngs exclnslvely. Saloon Lcensea Coilectmd? No evideuce couil be founu that tise saloonlilcense o!f$750 a year vas collectai sud Information vas re- -celved hat large breverles controlled mont of the. saloona lnu ighwood. Since negro troops bave been quar- tered at F'art Sheridan. the. reporte say, the. Hlgbvood salooans have ual thrivel. as the. uegro.s are ual vel- came. But white troops are expected soon and tie commttee bellevea the. saloons shoul ta put out o! business befaro they came. A~ A ROOSEVELTIAN Tie Press Taises Coguizance o! Mn'a Adeptabulity ta Clrcumstauces sud Mer Worhy Ambitions. L'1A bn belo1glga ZeChales Wool- rIge o a Weryiiubsbotnail records ta egg aIug, for mise st kle. .Not ut-1 lael vitb thoeual uetbols ousphe hay lb. noble Amerkcaiheu, sah. as ha. bacomeua adisciple o!thie rensilol1Me sudlae loylng tnaipio.»rouied ewg. Twlcs -recet4y as ebaslaid sgga viitiare. johke laside. Tiie ggs, noarlY iz Ines" lougm mure aveu-asfon1tavousil. The th lio i.bas bandadi tenlhbor to.l.t'd aspirante for o laylug s. ~ ~ ~ » thos a ois1 iu ta.gIve mplu Wbo r a u ga t i : qll l u A eetr ysm t ni a ileten sy4 a'moggs, hbaliseo u.iIwlou l ttamerosl mtiedl ltbe viit., iotwm tii.le itud th #b.l.-W.ok... 05Go Mw macoverlos For tfi. ,nllgbt.umt of lIs wonl at lIffl pgNthle viaots fom liat t, thema the bu. lasblouemi. lblas 07 mma" raid halï-. Ob@ibaas tdimpbole bo- i" aud Iispvbenaiioec5im Po10,atlase ab@ ztaittd lu ImIt a dl ,I~u vrJ tvolfhbXb uq; b etiissor 'noMed ber eh. va Uale ,te b. arstol lori' nug Nov *e.stielea eutuoI vlt bormiti- eaily muse thseIii.ogasitb tiie date Of lsyo ou the lu"idet moe m. Sibola etg«ml1pet ofthe s*nuly as*d'vakeaiho ovusi 1.aeb Movmng Dy tlckllug hMt uadr these il at" a ffratwir. eovsrnmeant Mas Rida on% Contracte for Work of Constuctiffl. ýWaablugton, Avril 6.-Tbe bureaua of navigation bas celle-i for bide On the. Construction vauof 01tii. Iaev lm* val tsang-slatlo at Nrth Chicago ta b. opemel on MaY 1. I 1 unde- cidel viietiser the conirset vi! bà for the. entire vonk or for aeparato struicturies. it la blleved, boveef. hal te coutraci viii b. for tii. entIre project, coaliug nearly 120,S 000 ol fars. Tii. vork viii bu under the, su- pervIieon o! CaptinAluAbert ROsa, Who la the caitdaut Of thhaâtton.M KWSLIN COeUNIY Somnue l'ne *0 Iao mia. PeaSen' tlauy *ontSinqui-im te Wadmes Msouene oe"lhlumaiWsualmugae le Me. myloy 09 the Iullrle coeu. viel au «M 16.1e amea,hsmuen.usrl due lkIt. le Wuum m.ia. T~M~~~BrtI 0 tPo-, - -w- ,v - bed hoUai wMoslsr mhn hsr It ifiibu temliel tuat lh. PWIso- léiIG 1l MAN GORDON NESBIT? er's repetition of tbg word ",Wauke- gan" and big mention af Waukegau usuies caused inquirles to be Institut- ed here, vithout avail until the SUN took np the. case. . lId a ftd Record? It la sait!d by those who dlaim ta recoguise Nesbit, wbo is beblnd the bars under the. name of Joseph Law- rence, tbat be hsd a bad record while ber. and vas suspected of hold-uPs. one man gaya that once he was just lu Urne to stay Neabt's band viion h. vas about to shoot a relative, a voman. Ieap Track of Convict. Thesasme maln states that Neshit vas caugtinluidabo, h. bas heard, and jsglld for burglory, escaplng. be- ing cacglt andl escaping again. The. second escape vags fot called to the sttention of tiie WaUkeganlIto vbo te- celi'ed tiie ioquirY. Wharmi*ilspeople Are. Neshit'. people are salal nov to r- aide laq Itockiord, 111. Tbey formerly made tbeir horne on St. John etrett. Waukegan.. >tava that tbe young man, vbo es- ýcaped arreat vii, bore, nov seemso embarked on a carer of crime vill b. received vwitb aatouiaiiment. SPICIAL TO THED DAILYSUN. Uprubiseld, DI., April 9.-The bouse today advaucel M. Apmaioc' bil prcblblllng the &miouns vilaluone &l one.eigtb mi4 of any mllltany pont or' navaltraining staico! ofbe goverameutlnluthe.statho thiid - a In odai- This W the bll simol ta abohlsb Chicago Offooteur 11900 uIls *t% 10E Le kemUa' Iltflb2 BOAT WÂS SWÂMPEI> BT ]RIOR WAVEB Tii. ral drowulug of thi essMOn occurred Sunday oveulug &bout 6.00 o dlock at Fox Lake vbi.z Johnr Bagiuaki, of thieflhUSnanpolice station Oft Claicag, a veli kaovu officer. met bis1 destb lu the. waterv of the. lake. Witb hig son, joli» Bagluohni, Jr., andc a pby"iean.Dr. claqisaiuof! Chugo; be vas retum¶ing lu a rOw boat t- the Foi Lake @station aller sponding tbe daY bunting st Grau akeah. Owlng ta the. igh wvyouthe. openboat vas taklng vater Try fat, the . vir Pleshing large quautîties ),! il o,-er the gain- vhaes. Tus vas kept out as much ma pasible by bailing and the men lîoPed ta, cross tii. ako safely. Justeas tbey vers roundiug the. Point of Crab Appe islsnd between t!he isiand ad vbst in known as Hasting's point1 a boayaun awamped the boat and it1 sanor vitii tiiet.__-- 1 The. two youager mes sscco.ded lu svimmiag t. tii. shore but ii. aider Man u umbored as ho vas vitb bis1 bumiig elotiisammmi la tii cold waters. Authoritim weve.notWe d uI tii. 1 vas dr&ggsd ail dey ".dal snd Tuesy Iu vain. Tii. deal man, vas 51 yeaaolI a-d bad boom a polie offlSr in Obicago for aJ greeat amay yoeais.nBsas lu the. Baynaaet dot.nHo d la hbis obu Wisho soumeteresomo vailo epaporo sel a quatty a9 monsy. 1'I acet oeeuured ser iiibjuturo un as, ntoMdsmen*"Atin he witMss d i to vmuiho 1 Imm eldpllug bis 0wh u inde Iabi..ltBmpts th vavus worm rollug vF«7 hlgh malmg the trip m an open boat a TrY hasardons ose. COURT DOCKU 15s OfUNG PRÉPARWD M&ny Cases are Entored on Couauty Court Oocket-Highwood Cases Conninued. Depaty Couty Clerk ilevelyn A.q Hende. la nov making op tho caualy< court docket. vbich shows lise foibav- ing caes enlerel:1 T. B. ,ieffrey & C. agalust Schleicis- er ,assuimp. W. O'Neai aganst F. T. Fovier, ap- Deal. A. Pick & Sans sud Charles Zahn &Co. agausl George H. Browu, sp- pol; a case liat concerna the posse- sion o! the fixtures ta lthe belunet Brsntly saloon. L. C. Prîce vs. Mary Oaks et ai. Jas. Lyon va. F. La Rule. Jno. Mines sud Jua. J. Doye. appas!. C- Felustein vs. Jake Petoaki., sp- pesi. Scblessow vs. Kamnmer. assump. A. Diamoul vs- A. Rovkin. appeai. peope vs. G. W. Krag, amaiut sud bsltery, appas!. R. W. Hook va. J. C. Cunnilgbom. People vs. George Pappua. Peopie vs. leassPoleski. Pepev.LwoOpai, lai' vite sauadoumeut and child abandoumeul. Miller .-rg. Co. vs. Charles Craw- fard, assump. M. Sciavartz vs. Messrs. Meyer &1 Frank, ssaump-. J. R. Dady vs. Leo Moirmanu, as. aunmp. McNeill & Hlgglnm vs- Wsre., ap- Tise Hihwood hquor cases viicb isave been continuai frous terus ho1 terus for go long a tînle are an lhe cal fo Mouday viien tise term open$. ASUtPb OR AWAKE Autuoritlos 0O B.r on Amer-Barrin- ton *sys Avais. bul Evesybody El»e Doubtful. iSays the,_Wsuiouda Lader:' u. fth leveopel visa th tOvu of 13 est vas mmli Barriastou SOI whmp despîte, Chi- wbîcb ailw Ub* tc i;dopte tbe Jabls ine b ave ont ont mnq* maluol t.eope a car- bal ocrs ar -<llppimgs stating tiiat v» are ta l ly. Votera of Barnlotdl pturnO.! Ont vltii luteret,- - ilîls ,anno b- sajudigsa" dOrks. A vote of 27g, vos oe t sli.judiclal au. cf Cook coajlty-,IOà wa wnt the, vorid to knavt" veA" verY mueii avake asol.lutJeI Why tha jokte bas been playeai de the tavn la an The oily elaQU* Of the mystery tbat cS b. glyon 44thi5tbad telephono connectionS î« cofused tiie report, for à 1% luovupositlv(4y that tbase vbo soi the11 noa said there vas no vo"a lm drange trmitmesas ve are not le ihidistrict. W. bope ail papois vii pread thia dentliuas apily athey spread.tiihe uaitrutii, GROSS P01MA N Rifl&S I1MSEL!F PIhysiciaeFormnenly»wifShermervili. i Suicides viii ýC*rbolic Acid whie Ocapondent. Dr. John Mchael loser. a ph % elcîsu o! Ohma Plut, foruserly of Shermer-1 ville asol ia l ake county, vas fomndt del upHarts.! street lu £v- amtam ItiiIay, A amaîl baIlle la- belel OsiOhlC e mdl95 per cent,' va m u f u" nr lt4 bMy. Thse Ev- ansIopolice are né the. opinion that Dr.Do cern r mited suicide. The phiaClga »d beers mucb de- presse! aveu- hh. aiméesofbils Young 8o6 John,. vbo "ieauoon11Iwth Pne. moula lu St.I M% 'sTraining Scbcol. Tii. culmilm ti <any troubles la suplosel ta have eaused hlm ta end bis Me.. Tii. falire cf the Mllailauee Av- enue Bonk la eaM to he responsible fer the mst ot WIlgm uGot, agul 00, SU 'Waeiuboïueý"ffsoe. Chicago, vbo Mcnfay vas. Soml deal lu bIs joua villatv. bgflo e.ds--ouut the body and ~ a icnw lu lie bealw Despouinut baousehe ugai 01 ai voit. John ËSuïmnaf Wut Ohio s1 àICii àWkidie M ouday o nlu MMw.lf lu lb. iieMeuý On* Ticket in Field fa; Vlage lictibon D.clared Iliegai sndd s Thrdwm Oui At bah. Villa Monday lb. ticket for tb, village offices vilci 1e headel by Cadiate Bradlçy for lise office or lre-ident vas declared llegal sud vas~ tbrovu oui. Thse othfer ticket. vich la beadel by Picsid et Harisaier, vil! probabhy have no oî)positiou 5 lise poila. Objections w-uc raised agalust lie1 opposlng ballot e hivh claimel smong . other hingsa t ti he necessary 5 per cent af lb. coteis lhad ual signed ils petition. A meeting of iît village board vas calel Mouday e'. ng and Village At- n.y P. n. Percute was asked to b. prsen.Attorwe NI. S. Miller rep- resetel lie cour -ted ticket. Mi'. Persons gcrý c fls decision thal tue ticket was illzal sud the, board alen decided so. MILLER BILL S MEETING* !AVOR President of Lake Counif Ags'lcultu,-al Association SIarts New Oopart- ment lu Methods of Assstmont t0 Faire. A telephone ru, ssage frous Senator Curtis at Springlield Thui'sday moru. ing stales tIasa te ball I No. 365, tu aid a! tise county rairs of Illinuois lInra- duced by Senaror (Srtis aetula sses- sIon, but backed lY SaPervlaci' Miller o! lAie caunhi. îussed the, utiez- -body et Springfield that daY, recoiviug tbtllrynlne affirmative votes vitb no votes cmet agalost IL. The.bblîl now gues aver 1etthe iso#igý for its corstceratlou. It abould PAUst taIbody au t Ijrlaon. of the.Msit. oquftablo measurrs ever brougit lie- ffl're i.legslature. - 1rOtofore tie stat bas~ given escis falit- la the.stale, regardiesa c! lils MO eor Importance, the MM ol f 1200. mbu- bilîl No. 365 the faitse esded lay lb. stale ou a Iror ratarpe, tisaI 1% each fair la givena a teUe e amosanisIo! 4o per cent o! the paUtmIs 1pald by i. Tns each fîsf*IoWf.ea .ft=oe b.ate. BUT $10 ialksa jobs A.. Lewis MHead( Wl!! vh ils liite Nom"l $a Second Cboice VOLIVA AN OUTCAST IN APORTLE'S WILL The mautle of leadership a! Johin Alexander Dowle la bequestiies by blmn to Jobhn A. Lewis, bis close per- oual frieul sud sdvlser. Tii. at yl sud testament of tihe IMal irt aposîlo ln ZMon vas offered for probate flday sud the final 'ajabes o! thé. founder af lhe Chriatian Catbolic Apostollc churcb vil! ta maie court records. Gladstone Dowlu la flet$10, taulie psld lm- gald. Ioin A. Lewis aunounced hc ouaid acOept the, trust Impoacd upon hlm iiy Dr. Dovle despîte the, fact tiaI ltý useant great personal sacrifice ou bis part, sud liaI b. vould at once as- sume thie position of general overseer. Mie sld be bsolutely bellevedlnlutle power of tiie dead leader tu name bts own succeosr anid hhat b. vonltake op tiie batle to se. that lie visies or Dovi, ver. darriol out lu every de- tan.' Kuovlng bis estato vould b. amail bocause of adlverse legal décsions, Dr. Dovk n ie bisvl!, urgol Levis ta cary is contentions ta tise court a! lass rîsori. and, abonlb.ho ally loe. tuere., tacall,.mpcour erably frcontueg tbeeWvo r.- uminel tinop nilua-.fetime. sud thon, lun oueece. deilwvat abould b. doe vt mtI mail omblee remaliug. NotinqGmte .Voilva. Tiist no part of! is-estte tu latafsil loto the. baudsa!fthe qiiurcb ao long ameWihbair Glenn Valiva la et tue e bia la t» e l dea ta be rehi ietveeu the Unes. sltbougb all refereouce ta tbis condition e! affaira taàatutdiouhy avMtolelenluthe. actuai varlinu eoftthe Il Il Il I~i uugb Judgo bandis lias ni Dr. Dvi. lu the imuted BSW salI Attor'ney Dm11 C. WeW Il tie tue vii!for prbaismi, ilsme h« nover boom ettuï int tb. yulprobabiy -vil! a y addit1où te. Dcvi. ovue lalu Executors usuel luaithe vil!are Jobhn A. Lewis. Fielding IL Wllhlte and James F. Pelera. Tus Provision la maie ujat, should Levis refuse ta accept the trust Imposed upon blu, Wllile la ta take up the vork as has been drectel. The viii vas signai on Augaiml 6, 1906, sud vas vil- uemsed by 4. E. Arrînglon, W. L. Braueu sud Hugb H. Grant. Tise nevly apopinlel genersi aven- seer Issuel a lypevritten stalemeut severai pages long, lie grester por- tion o! hilci vas devotel ta pralaiug lie life sud vork o!flise firt apostle. ,*At an early date," h.sasys, "voe must letermine lefiultely tue malter o! an ecclesasticai nsudirituel lead- er. sud, second, lb. rearganizalion o! lie foui' great lepartmneula that are pecuilar 10 Zon-lo-wît: eccleslastical, elucallonai, pollîlcal sud iandiai. "To brng about this fundameutal sud Important reorganîzallon yull r.- quire the esruest sud most iearty ca. operatlon of every member o! Zion via bas lie desîre for lhe succeis o! tMZon lu bis beart, sud vho la villlng bo sacrifice persoas ambition, sud lay I sle ail grlevances, real or imagi- nary, aud aitIl iI viil, worklng togeli- er for the. cousIn go! His kinglous. viien traitb sud equlty sas!!relgu su- preme." Named for Spiritual Leader. Daniel G. Bryant, overseer for At- tics, vas among lhe mont pramnenly mentloned for spirituai leader. Will- lus H. Piper .of Chicago, vas suggest- .1. Tiss. vi a balfollovel Voliva lu tie aplît o! a yesr ago usslntalned tbsl Overseer Lewis voul certalnly usme hlm for tii, place. MEN'S CLUB B1USY AT LAKE F'OREST Lois Willi b. SoId aud Proceels Umed For Park sud Club Houa. by acheme *slng Agi. talod. Wntes Mayor David Jackson lu the Lake Forester o! tast veex: k! At lie last meeting of the Lake Forest Meu's Club a proposition vas sUbuillel la thie embers vhicb 'if il e au be put thirough vonlta My minI jbe one of the, finest tilugea t an a I vor bappened lu Lake, Forest* Ain option uas leen secured on bert or lb. ctty, et an approatiati prIe. p4,000. t. This eau bé subdivld0d M t &ive At losat elghty-seven lots, aootY efty test vide, aàcotiple* or lots son- tainiug about one sa'. gOd l tupeW tlUlariy favorable locatIins, sel a largopfoce ou Green Bay road. *Iilc cao elhber b. sol off lu acte or, sii- dM401 mb ntolots. Aftor altâIsese pieces bave boom aubtzâ%tfd there AtMI romain aboli six acres SItla e.sthmated that a fair Price for t*e lots vonld be about $800 or 8M0 oh, the. ancrage. justea" cf selllug tbem aIKt ts prlge, the plan la to seil! the, ta the. meâbfers of tii. Men'. Club. on an lu. staàliqiot aciieme At an av5rage priai. of Abot 1$0.-' This vil! pay for tbe viiole plece of grotind sud caver expeuses, and vil! loir. grounal not ouly for a club bouge but for a .psrk vblcb the club-t vould dedîcate ta tbe clty.d In thls vay the, members, of eii club-vould be benelited sud tb. clty voul tbe nefted to tiie extent no! a public park In vhicb nun douit a play-t grouud voul ho maltaine by IL. Tii. main question vil!l be boy toi finance the sebeme for the tirst year.1 Hovever.,,j! the membera, anozt aof visot recogn lze lhe value of the plan, vil! nunite lnboostlng It, undoubtedlyt tisefrIendsofo!thse club lu Lake Forest wili se. that Il Is carrled out. t VOLIVA W!AKENS t DURING MEETING Reuadma from Mis Staîsmant Regard- lasg Forcing ail Ziontes te Sign Oath of Alidgance. Qver»eor Volîva vealtened lu a com- ferenco vlth tiie officers of!iei. hurch yetmrdai snd psme l lelinel. ta yo ce". Imm blà u ltIniatumi tiit al Poo610 luZlon cty muat aigu a te- agirai of qimboran sd alleglauco te hlm b X&1 ior bue niiefllafrosi Itii.m i* Mvalatausd ti gasunml. Out Mol. Tirouglu Cellng cf Gusrd- Housem snd R.ach Duoued by Uslng Blankeis a Ropes. Details o! e meuatlanai guard bouse delivery au Fort Sheridan have como ta llght vithin tva laya. Dlgglng a haie turougb lb. roof of th. fort guard bonse. privates Roi Dayesud Clemaou bled tire. bleu- kela tagether sud asud to tue ground o! the. reservatlon. Tbey scurriel for siseller. but au thîs moment ln the dan san eleclric car raauded tie curvesud iUs search llgbt fol! upon tiiet, reveallng tiens tn thse slgiil o! sguard via pursaiel lieus. Tiey rau againsi a barbel vire fence lu makiug tiseir escape sud ou, vas recaptairel. Suulay tva mare. Privales Mougold sud Mann, escapel. Tic usual r.- yards are offereli for lie liii',.et large. Il la saipposel liaI ail hal tise connivence a! lie guarla. LAIKE FOREST AND 1ELECTIC AGIE Matter of Double Track so Long, Put off la aI Lait S.ttled-New Opot te b. But. Thse eieclia alroad. question bas been mtted in Laite Purent. At s meetlig Wedesy cvemlxag beveen lie ainiveralty trusteas, tue clty cou*- cil sud Mr. Frosu a dofitib under- standing wss reaebeld asaounmume papera caim'b. Iravu up the.rosI cà" proceed vitb Ita vonk. STii. rosIndéedl lmd ovuai W lb. Laie Porest Uuiversity on 1ili ta bll a depot. Tboy edul not sgr.o sas taprice. Mi'. V-c ofod $5,000 for lesa tuai, a bal! sera.-co land, but tisaI vould ual e eilSnld- ou-cl; lb. uulvorsity vaulea $M.0 Tu. malter hb en ldrggng mlcug in* luat Jue. On bacen ai Ibe lujunction gotton au >l'y lie uiiver- l t t ronal Could sot ou-m vu ils von susd tuehe tktilés, bMlsd, to sludtii. uooaverdoumof o a sin- gle tissi andio edepet, A oapro- - ve u "01& flaeohodTImneai saikttatter Ils,*l#7 eofuflibad takot tbo Poiton IbM-t va0 time te con- *-Q .te-nisbtha ettue gmmeraiPublie là themttr PaiS aou lthédouble traci and lhe ~ '~muot n e.vprou"e. The. li die« 'z y be ftmahtutuith i ga imiâ, t e., in . - WILL TXT AMD Gau sie,«b , J W er he7 abs, vbu w thu tbi« astnioomrlest mai y. Uns femil of maumgtev lu t,* ~mtI by a jur l b6 Qlrmoo4 y day aftersooo.MTe ff ai after the. jury b[= evIdence lu tii. cé or, dsys, sud I t ý a s ta Colîi rmaiel, *180' b*b. Tii. attorneys for Clouw*. zuovel lthe senteuce la. soseUM tuat s nov trial b. gratl.,Y lion vas talc« saler salima Vain moila n.adleIt*- Tbe lefoblait ami h I"£Ol been led'to alève hum tii. leSi alderatiofi ou the part of the lal the. verdict voasilb. on. of 4W ument. Itvas inovu liat luit long.deW4WoIý tii Jury 1Wk ai ma"% hom le afer ' ,~~ unesone. ý 6cqiutd! ad Moluds 0.15,0t tist" b. bitter oI jm t tor n000,b l' ii nis a ie , i u w U Nîcoillver. the auotho. lu the C'unly Court. Couuty court opoeeLMoS&W &W5 there vas a colisequemî ruai et bm nems lu selling cases for also prabate.d&y. ."' The common law locket opom Monday sud ou tue call for triai lu thou' orlo e lree llbtu saloon cases liaI have beoo tWi for an msuy terais, One ai the- me assa le« tu *4 circuit courtlea tsi!.f lie W* 'Brick Compauly agalma t tiiNet% western MUAtsry Amoseeuy for liai pans on lb. case ou premuls, h amaont invtai belug 1850. Doles Sauwimemo Again Wbe e ennm' ods lbamgls1 wuva bout to laie lbave cf tua *ogl i Aacntum'of Indîgoatlcon eemem and gssmerai debility." vult A.iL Ohalsiia,mTreadveil, K. '-T.,, NU *heulait lookal asIf tiiere unelu bave loft 1I vas persuailel Ni lrY loctrlo Bitters, sud 1 rajoice te tiaI they are curing m. 1Iammi' ding businmea&gain asai o,&&Mla allilgaio$ng aIaly." Beet OC ail l00 mediet»es. Guaranteel by Ir obahuuansbip hono $wu,*it t Laik. Couniy Supervisera Id, b Ueclded seoa-Tvwet mvewl0-- dates and Pesshby a Tlrd. , Msacb lutenosi le contai-e-I on ýb. lb. neit chau-usn o!fliseLs», but tvua vos ed il4t$o, yRlblaud Park, and Demie, Mr. Huttuutok aeroy bu hlt* W-I-IBEIGI.-4Yý", SUN m Ir e lm