CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Apr 1907, p. 10

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PoisrUéeniIluldo himmed lan Ure..fat dey, 0f th.campali$ KislMe m4litradla thUre puddle of dîmie It hue created fer thie edificatlon <~odspa'* isti obligation te the Dembrats require. tht ho fur- pli W fflgn a"fe flee oy f bheli" Hoha. sucibeded very well, buttUic laUtmupetlé . tae'D rOat apurrinhl Powier tea fuilcus finish, bn ie iltery.efforts wlli faly rel with nauseous nothumige Stands, and vilifIccatnAt etrcpan tatements of fuel aend docent ute gunit la thee O.mocratiocampalgm logfan. Ayting te, wîn" la PLwI 11W@ mer c He i. as eugaged te.Mt sas chief ausaisinator of r*PUUOtalc *yidtlvedn#rgthre eoda t. the. bet of hia ibil ty. An uuenviable vocaF tIOKtba br âe, but It afforda an oppotuLty to keep ln the. linuuigit, whlch le a Vlmllot with Fewier. He ia iT wth s blo i rlght ncw sud thre few MMaaM deeniuiys of the. campalgu are Il to00 sh9w tetosuit hlm. Tirat ho wilmoke a furlous end spectacular finish lu the usuas Fowier »aY Yeu Mmtsurred, but wll It ge iiumsy anythIngt. WAITING FOI"TMAT ANSE 140W about 1he1 brlbery chargelMr. Nussyl lit. Powler said lajour advrtlsement Mouday, "'Watch for detalied auawer1 t. bribery charges," end the. public la patently watchin. m o have harped on evsry trivial Issu you ccuid di@ up, for deys, buta net a word about the brlbery mater or the. ceai dédent ea. Whet have Yeu ta say relative ta your excessive charges foi lumber nigd the cty or yout miniture electril ilght plant (for franchise holding puiposeo> oouistiug of, a-gaeoin.eanglue, a fow fout of ire, s polo aud a inilgloale Whi net explalu thom, mattere to th$ voter?, They have a rlght ta knew your version of l,,lu vlOm of your soicitation cf tiroir support. il le esesatial.tirs Man who-wiehoo te ire Mayor shouid .nlightsn the citzene m te tranacetions ire md wlit the city and whIeh are subjecte of genoral dbsecuslen nom sas tiroymore etthti.lIme cf generai eenomaticfl. If' y,.dld net une ail your pi en sd sbilty te 9gel rcten ad fron- ehlse frent tire every opporttuity snd upoun termea micir et the. time' amessi e indignatIon of the enitre commonity, the votera would lîke ta icn* It Thot la miraI joliamr rpoatediy cu c. If y«eenue Mayor, liike, *111 jeu treat tirose attsmpting te secure envissqsd franchies sa llberaiiy n you denandsd the cty desI miti Il miii ire a scrry twc yoara for Waukoea if yen do. If y, bOeliraont liii. nayor' end iter y«u shculd find Uiat ho wns pal$q hie Ue bande of an uganffiud bond et franchise grsbbher, tin.irrn g.wleuu«W m efon as orter., adj Y" u i con ieu attention te tW0 0 gl9*ug ompsiguprom-iand Silie shouid lut iaugh, sny, .memidntfliajar Ye?1- 1 MW' SMId*0 lilm.e w masI efr ganrbliug liai ire mu.90eing ta mlia 0"omS emagcu mio wold Iwohi. oia O. We esu ndsAmud «W0ret ing Wb ~me rea ltltsbit euvpdmdedet sMM e1 cur gOOd citisen. #m, Iaulomset ilbm w Ih laidm *0trailH 0fie main suspporters Uika 4iraways gîlve 10 peareSM ta 0anyue miro iroipe hm m maI a dok If=ietoMayo, ~miko, iii i lokamlr the Citj% Interest Mim pssiee * rfeumeo er til &M I te sleuaeeperoe sur tIIIIIII 1le riPoil0 eOll i4 Nmew Lawwu* >UOk@ It Inpos- 81i for ' Yàï te Fin. THEN WOULD IT TRV TO lMAX£ THOSPARK 4'WET' Four of Paffltesle The$ 5Colenida" WeuidM ire icght lt. Thiri Town to Cary Elecion for Olvekeepers (From Weduedare Sun.) julins Leegeler, candidate for mer' or of Hlghweod, bias declared to frnadeulti if Hlghwood goeu "dry" t viii probably ble anncxed to Higit- land Parc, as it vill not lie able ta finance Itzelf. Then one oftwo courues ii liel open to the Inhabitantu of the nortir allure suburli that lias been so ter- di>' lndicted of dtvckeeptug by the "ate sud aven the nation. Wili Tliey Cet "Repeateru?" That course lae ether tu "lay down" and eut out -thre divekeeping or to colonise- Highland Park wth "re- pestera" alter the Chicago leshien anid darry tire election or thlrse or four yeeae lence. go tirat the Park vii li e louee ftihe north shlore people as. sert tirat Higliwood la flot above the latter expédient, whleli vould ürPate a tutoie. Ciovsr Logllatlon. At the. saine lime it develops why a mile sud su elghtli vas flied as the radil Ue of 1the proposed prohibitionl A mile aud -an elght la i the exact distance between Higliwood and Hlighliand Park ahd badl hie limita been placed aet a mile there would lisTe bseena eighth of a mile left lu Hlgliwood for a Roten Row. IN TOW. CASEt <VSom Wednesday's Sun.) SPECIAL TO TEE DAILY SUN. New York, AprIl l0.-Dlstrict At-1 terne>' Jerome today tbld lhe Thav jurera l tat lie>' bailbeen wauderlug1 tirrougir flelds of romance for Ivo9 days, reftriag ta Deiruas' speech. ETrMs case la ont one ot tape brut o! Ufldo," lie stated grlmly. I*1er Ihoedenonnced £veiyu Nesbit Tiavs star>' as taise. leferriug te lier as the "'augel cbuld," ire stâted tirat she "aivays sesmed reody te go ta the buman ocele h aripped but of vîrlue." If you dQt own a Lin Coat- He7s ,a sple"ddopnnt\o ~a 1Cmv- eet-beRà am et d ts as co4m cthr weSr as it ia seiviceable for r ainY ar To.mnoifow we Mtl on sle a biugasesoilmezt of tle newest 1907 types of Rak Coatsa-. $ 12.50 to $MO.OO 'whch under noui rade conditons sa ldmciat.$I 5.O0 $25.00, and at thee prices du7 'ýould bl i g vàm aIs one ol dmee ceats yen will be coireu2ly cad, f«r or simnei aid have as lashionable a Sçrtin ove-gaîm any in can want. Top Coats, whilc flot fo- Vct watber, ar e " caoud" l d $12.50,10-$k5OO Md y.uwiflfeel tigh fwIth thevvomj. -tr. -V% t Ucpartmcnt isr-- om 0 Or as6 band fin% Hat*- TM7 Tan.are 4k M bisyear. Nodn ç96e mot n emsy am apperace,50C lm i o. ,ao. bo ibn mma. H*, yHswtt Saili te hv le sadin S mtllI- aident Yesterdmy FLUI ADOMPANIED BIY MR& * M. $CULLYI Cathsd Ia Furnture af HouasO bl and Thon Fied Hus- band Aliegea DIRECTS TAKiNGO0F FURNI. TURE FROM PLAT THEN SKIPS.1 I I I I I I I I I I 4-I Hewltt stops Toking of Piano, lbin berg, the Purchaser Swms aOut Repievîn Writ. ,,Co)ntln»ed on page 9.) Mrs. Hart-y liewltt, wlfe of the owner of lthe Hewitt tireater, cafe aud b'uffet on Shrerîian rmail,sud MiaM Williaum Scrrlly, wlfe or llewitt'a bar tender. yestérday afternuon departed WaukegauIo iithe' muet sensatlonal uanner lt4aI ihe c-lt> bas experleuced lu Iti irlstory. Mrg. Hewitt sold imeatl>' ail t"i i'urnItiire lu lite flat lu which the>' iived Iuntte Schwatz block, et liber- Idan road aird Water street, tuaJ . Biumberg for $132. ber huuubaud know- lug uoting or te transaction, thon colleotefi the nioiîey aud leit. Mrs. Scmlly tan)k ber etottues fronq ber owu trumuk. appropriated ber bua- band'a, aud left wlth Mrs. Hewitt. Thre Seuilys boarded Wlth the Hew- Humband Toid of Happenings. Mr. Hewîi tdid uot kuow of thre transaction mittil the furulture was belng removed front bis fliat. He F q rived just lu tirue te stop tire loeding o! à piano, for vhi, sione. lie pai $250. Binruberg Intmmediatel>' awOre out a vrit of replevlu agalit the. piano, wbihicr as loccd In the Ire rocm of the Northr Sire Dtstlillas Company, and tire mattér vas lal>' setied b>' givlug the. plano tu Suiuel1 Schwartz as cetotdian until lire MOat- ter eruruld w'h ettled or lira. Hevit canghit. The entîre matter la aus enuationai au alTair as bas itappenefi lu a long' tirue. Mr. Hewitt never dreaiud Of sucli a tring as bis vite leaviug mb sud ws more tirai eurpriaed wiro told that l&afuruiture vas boes muaveut out. Wife AclUd Straugeiy. He remerubers tiret Mis. Hewit liad been acting strangel>' latel>'. but lied thouglit nothlng O!f1IL Mouds>' bis virfe ailuc indmwbetlier lie voulmi rathér oel tire piano lu the flat or the oue iq thre tireater, asulie lo planning to discontinue tire Ibeater and lu- qteuded tuoel one. He replied teou. rlu the theater aud the matter dropped.l Work Cieveriy Dont. The motter firaI starled Monda>', wlien Mrs. }lewltt veut to Biumberg tand gave hlm a list of hoisaebold ar- tticles ah. destred t oeil. The hoat lu. Sciuded th7e piano, tva beda apd several other articles. She sald tbat sire ha-I two nets o!firoumeliold furriture sud tta t she ad lier itusband boitd dd IoBl n.Wifo Oct $132. Bluruberg bld $132 for the entîre b lut. mrs. ltewitt wauted more, bul ~fl nelly said ulie vould see ber hue- baund sud flud ont If tbe iurice was Bat- lstactor>'. * Site uever meutioued the motter' tu HewitI. but ye9terday retrred tu ilumberg sud tbld hlm site vas sali,- fled willi the price as was ber hua- Accordingl>' Blumbem'g took hlm wagon sud lveut to tire flat. His met I tarted to carryOut the furuiture wbile Mrs. Hewitt dlrectec tie ver and vaiteil for lier moue>', wbich ver te lie paid vlien the turuttrire vas de- £llvered. s cuily Warned Firat. Z A frleud sawav riwuageing ou and ycaling up tire ievt saioon, asaket Vscui>' if Hevitt vas movlug. Bcullî lurmediatel> veut' dovn ta tirefIL ThtiretnIwagon 1sdlirai Just e6M taklng ail tire articles liaiira-i hem sold excpt tireiano. Mns. Hevîtt had just teceied lier moue>' andliai * îvt irSlira. licu>'. Seuly lmmedWeO> elY-eil up Hevîtt sudtd bl 09m et ia vs gint Ou- stop the losdifg e! lb. piano on tire I llumritWagoni., *lugolibelea Repieviri Writ. Tbeu be vent t~a>&&Whléfor legau adyle sud Bhinbr*et te t i BeE I ruls' Oum, viré ere ie avnOutà writ ot repisYlu fer fbe Piano, vhlc hat been loeked Iu tEe distilllug comm psimy vaserooms, and Siedsu I :agaluet lfeultt The vrIiiof repleývit vas glven tI Pitier cste serve. leH eut t Ite ditini l comprii>'and wviansk« unwat til Revîtt ariri Vlt.befon lie ng thed, bel tre ievi î ~ gco» thblo .13', Rwitt ou d thw piano coulnet be tsXeiib>' Il hunted iu» lie trm8 t ie vif.. lIr.. tite gwo 1*0 e vaitet Bamum Every attrihute of the tiil'a art W thlenot ideas.of teUi er ude- l er bae ben mbo iin"4The welI aé A inDam.'ie how le t ho ont tb.the ef tan ex moly popular t' le for the woll (Ir ed young mani. 'flath le sa extrem foru ittlîîg CouL, 'with ig b mil i y sihouller, 1*11it saped farlog sh , oval aloevea *îid four but- ionà o - tbe vent, M44 up froiinthe fiûee.t quality of, ibriii p.tterun WOV n uspeuiasi t thim n tuyle gar- M t ia po sr priu.- 126'ad 15.00 "Spring Toppers" -11116 ('ost i,ituil bere in tiale front tihe Det o ni lartelioi lbin- estkswor.anaid ooverts ji pflain anid fancy efftst. 1 t in of the e surgie ilreaut- ou Englluîiyie, (ru i ittimg, with a Vary long shirt, bai ing a &*nter vent. The obllars are iii tire sane iateriai. Thea. <Costi are ;îartiissly attrietiçee fer botb Spriug ai Fat' wear. 12.." and -15.00 / I i JUVENILE CLOTINMG Juleuilu Jiotîint rUgng i6 six. from 2j to 1-e yearm, lun Suitéeruade up ilirumte.r Irowue Norfolk, Peter Pau md nickerbocker affecte, madle f ra» the fiucat quality of R 4 imported worsted tweedn, oheviots aud home aptin. l>riees range from $1.49 Ileite $8~.wF At a coded by ail ounoisseiré;niethilidru's einî.iep thst -the Globe l>epartineul Store" shows the moat compnenolýo range, ns to, the thre. important facto, quality, style and pî.re, se any store in the stat.e o Ilbineis, fot exeludirM the iargest city eataiîlithmeortm. sois *.mb rm oTho m tsmeFI lus s a ui uvearing onit he vlt ofreplevin sud AqWU 'v Cj atanlrltttbrrce imacif. contil net le found. 'Hewtt bad une a58 Ia genaliWil Fltmpatrlcek as irut lUeu- cause le hold the woman as filurbeca tenant lu succeecill iidee wbo wnu lnes the one vro mueat uvear ont lbhe LE O 'lI~ retire at the end of bis mlree Year warrant and Mis., HevîttIvaA let go W58adI N O fl pertod of euistmnenm. Lie tenant Up- agalu. Hewttt thînkusitle lat nov lun ~ u~g ton succeed hiîsel! arnd a uceeuoer t.>ileago. ý APrw L lOIR for L~etratBalrsrnw. Who Ilta Oolug agalu e inte ocilce of the dis- ruruored yl retire wltbh lendite. ttlllug corupan>'. li told BIrmberg - The cause of the retîrement lun nt and Levy tiret bis wlfe bai gomue sud kuowu, but Itl le sald ltaI theme iran tirat the> could uot set the plano,. RmraaetatDr aas been nome friction bteleen commis- It vas beblud locluci douo uesaet tDa'rHors sloued officers ever mince Heudee sud Trouble Imminent. Wiii be Run for Position liairetow found Il Impossible 10 go te F'or inn minutes argumments vere the fSpringield eucampmeut last yeftr. lhick aud trouble seemed Imminent, af Captain ITitere are raniams tbat a cerupalgu Le,>' declared lie vould get a searcli_________le beiug couductedl forý a dark biorne warrant te.thue piano titrougli the for captain. lus naime lo belug kept roof If necessar>'. 'r lte (lreenberg MANY MORE MEN TO quiet, but lie le said ro be among mca of Lake count>'," lie deciared. BE ENLISTEO SCON. prcviously meutlorîci for tite pont lu Schwsrtz as Peacemaker. case Carîtai Smith sitauld not 110 FluaIt>' pence vas restorci vbeu - -closen. Damn! Scrvars oieredte at aseus-Captalu Smiti yl liecithosen, but Samîuo!Sthw an fe fredboitpaties - Big Guns Meurt an Increased Quota theumsmer>lloued are Firat Lieu- til tire trial on AprIli16. Hewltt stel- and Battery Hestda WiII Have 10 tenant l-lenlee andi Sergeaut Aibin ed that lie Iutended te repievin the Oel More Enlilsmente 10 Keep Seifert. furniture that Bluruberg liad taken Up 10 Mark. ,Thre battery ueiti lnce rmen la tfromt the fiat and Blumberg is now 5f-- ia'rdle Its new $50.000 equipruent of ter Mis. Hevitt, saylug yesterdsy be big galle, the gettlug o! wbich viii wonid sweer out a warrant against (Prom WdrîeeiBay's Suri.) eletCpluSrituah ro. ber for securlug moue>' under taise Juat as Michael Ilurtsey. Frarnk T. abilît>'. pretenetes. le iI nieuost o!fte rmen at preseut 0 Po ler and Fride We'Icit ang le enroled wiii stick tr another terni, , poillical cr pe 0rr t ie r uloors n I e sa ne are b und to leave sud s trea eveulug of April 16. Ttrc-da.>, tîrere are ouly about lfiry-tbr(-e en stedtru' vill begin anotiter electior, of lgut- et preseut titis wiiimnaIre lte compie portance to Warrkegarr rowrî ai tflicruent emal and requtre Bonme tah Battery C armory unidrihe prospects itustliug ta bring up te quota to asU are tht tire carupalgut wIltlie keen point vitere it viiilieb malntained af- kead excltiug. ter tite electioru. ___________________Aprîl 22 le tire date set for th ireli- qAtrher-lcir ati iii > roIWeueof theu.) nrines of thé.rn-w affiers Inleuds tu mie ite esocial teature- Ira E. Pearsali. seulor partner lunlug o!the saeadIl o rh et b ti c st te u d ir re -e ll lst rte rt th e b ig th i g o ! th e b a tte ry a d it it tegroo> firru o! Pearsall & Cole' of lte arlillery rien wbose terme ex- thie erectlon of lte proposeil uew ar- dgrove, et $78 Grand avenue. ves yen- pire on liaI date, but April 16 will mary. vhicit lm to beglu -vith tire g tord"a aterncon uited la marrlagc secthie electîln. , itowering ofthfle trecs. there viiillie ~.vitir Misa Surah Golden, o! Southl The preseut samie. us emtoed club roore ud n gymnaste galore fer Chricago, et the home o! the bride s once betore lu the SUN, provides for the oMliers aud thte privates. pecte. _____________________ tt .1 Lo ke ei a ýh I. t tn or. At go -m- ouI tire ceromon>' sud the young couple viii arrive lu Waulcegan Thurday ev- en gtu maire tieir home ou Grand avenue lu one cf Miss Julia Mareh's bouses. ,Mr. Pearsali snd Mr. Cologrove are patInera lu tire Grand avenue gro- cet>'. Mr. Pearsail got ielu tait as clerlu for Carliart. Aftervard. lie vorkcd for Lyon sud leldel aud final- 1>' started sud completa-i a courue lu windov trlmruing t whlcb lie vorkcd on IStte streot lu CirtcMag 5 i Hanuqoud. mnd. After thIa lie àafl lu baslnou for biruselt and lias proTon lilmeelt ta e lert, vide avake aud tiroroul>' uaprlght. A yonug mai, ire ira ruade gond sud t"n sme -and irundrods o! is frieudnds grstriiste bminsud viair bis coatilmued sucoesu. liHe va. hotu sud ralted lu W&nke- gi. Due lrotber, Bob, - started lu bourbes» vitir mm but 1.1er let ta take a flue position lu tire quarter- masters 'depailmelil o! ýtire - Coin Preducîs plant. ne 0»ofetthe cPort. "Te mait dat koopo OndInW ud nlà i e r.. su -*',.Iàku"%« Ur te PERTINENT REMINDERS. The difference between $26000 snd $*00,00li what one dueli with Mu* »eY wo Id coat the city. -What wouid ho charge for hie lime for two yeairq et th. mre rate? The votera wouid do weiI to obuerve tin-horn gambler Weich'a oesoctier for moyor and thon vote the other way. The flme Slugers'alAciation hae on. more week to live. Welch, Fowler and Mussêy, the three seif-appolnted martyrs, wIlling te g1ve up everything for the clty's good. Won Mike on the square on the dock matter? Just look up the records and ses. Mussey reminds us of George Wa$lington-he'asao different. Ves, a city council %Woud be legai without Pets.. No, Mike wouldn't put Weich on the school board, 1ha1 le we demn'thfli ho would. If the votera of the second ward send Doerbeclcer to the councili, wsuic.e will have tout one represontative. Next Tuesdy thue votera wlli have an opportunity to exprgeep ok appbuoval of a campaign of viiificatlon and chare&.opi--c Imm t I...

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