FRIDÂY, APItIL 12, 1907. Ix Frak Pivits Lot# Wtt', Ali loed Lover @et Rhl REVENQES SELF ON ALLEC DESOTROVEA WITH F1511 Climax la Capffl Whon Lover MaW Mushand Arie-led* la Lincoln Streft Waman Insane From Abuse? <PrOm Wédnesday's Sun.) The arrest of prank Poivita. Market treet, for wte heatiug ye terdaY late ln the aflernoon causa the revelaîlon of a queer domntf tangle .thiu rorning, tii. bisffett of vhich vas the dêthetivo ork ce, bnsband ln felgnlng te lie drunk tha be ulgbt discover bis vîfe a unfaltb fulneai. Pollitu vas arrested at the 1a ,dance of bis wite, vbo claimis that ,hb heat ber saaietully aud lu spite of i h)asteS rarnîngs, no that lire vlth hi~ finaily becane unhearable. Diffrent maory CaomasOut lfowever, vahen hecaseCain trial before Justice Wess a «tirer stOrY ca.e te liglt. il e tea IZ tangies heurtetlj ~~ in whl ch ti.mcabused hu*u ld'sab lcever werk te iecover Polivits clalmi that h. bas là lRuspecteS the ailegeS Iatirnay h tween bis vite, Who in tbe mothar a baba a fev veekg oid. and one bis hoarders, George yulatlis. Hie deterined ta vstcb yulatt sud fur this purpose wben Yulat InviteS hlm Out to Set a drink ni hefore lent he saya b.eut. Ha claims that TlattIs. suspec Of beiug bis vlfe's lover. pied bi vitb drink sud hat eugpetlng w * va uP. h. Pretended te ha drunk tbat Yulattis alînoat bail ta c Sun home. ~sUnfailhfuineaa. Inl tii%,.arket street homeIhlm ha sav thIngs that led hlm te eloSe that bo is le vsufi vttb ulali, thie IvO uttIng capeya, be OMlalipalruder the. lmp lion t be voas druni and aleeP.L Therefore ho arase.trom -bis b.d, mayaD d asasatel Tuattia vitb v sud addreshadfiiag itu ot of bOuse sud toniddlughlevrt , turu. Vulatim etuWarramnt. nie saltedt Justice Weiàs thi morning that Tulatie baS procu v arrant agaluat hum In casp the cil Max of a uarvy carear sud that - b. vould actually bave ta utand trialfor defending hua borne agaiust an siieged destroyer. Juatice Weiss dismlsetl im vi the varnlng ta leave drink atone a Dot taelieut bis vite, Who te, sierl Sh. carrneS ber baba in court. Tcara coursed dovn Polîvts' ch- as be vatcbed mother eud ba.I etili ha trembleS vith lages tbought of tha Incidents of forty-a houri ego thiat bad dirupted b bomne. Another Domstic Draina. At tie end of the. 1biits cama the opening or anoîber dl cetc drame,,ibis Oime 0.e thi puuzled the court sO comnpietaîy lh the vornan ln the case, vbo »Yabi resides on UÀncolu street ln No Chicago, vas raferred to a physîcla' to deterutIne wbeher ste i.saon Dlot. Queer Case Hr.. The woman laimi that ber b band heat and lit traated ber at Mous timea uutiltha cimra v reaehPd leat ulgbt, vbeu ha threv b Out of doors, OcautlY attIreS, ln thi middle of the nlgbt. Prom the same vonn lte POl bava bad tbrae othar complante or simlar nature anS yetarday, lu a Planation, a commutte. of ber trymten visiteS Chier Svanhrongb au, luforrned hlmn that the vounan la balanced addflot reaPousible for w site aays or does. The Illness of a brother eaitheb pilai la naid la bave unnere' camplately as be lis tbe onilyrelati heiden bar hubsaud vborn ae h lnutis country. Stile ataStory. Tie voman stuck ta ber storyo abuse anS vas llnally referred ta Dr' Kalovaky for examiaion as il la no kuovu viiethar ber busbaud l teqdiug Ébat mie la Insane tla noe hi'aliegted abusas or viiether aié reallY l0 Ot or bar mmnd.- (Prom Wednaidays Sun.) Puraulng bis caznpalgn of alan P. T. lfovier today sept a man tuo ertyvillelu Inquant or information MMsi la a erioual a ttack upon BÏYN editonR.euliing the hopelq MMeaot hi& Oght lu hahalf or Huu be »hki te divert attention from 1 Fvier 8140 proposes ho publiaI Og<»bfe t g5dcharacter" ilun C#mai IPpiâg froni Chicago 9 Auap~ t tUme ha vas aid ÎP - dtiti tng Shln Wwaisis 3 SrtWa'111deCorset Cevers et= nrwhte.dalmty ir.014 laa~~~S L a d ies' Labr*. NVIth. embroldt,i and *dC~C~r laLe inmrtimà yokce toti,en r» Cvrs fw r o t a t ie e k Y o uf r v o ic M a cle w ith a litt e p e p luni ikirt beiow the 'vaist.t (a p ro x M ON.y 3 3 o f h w ol sa e rls. n e gln..t.h..a so t mw39 css re y o f h e in us i e .t y o ursetl f, thisf poruitIn adtioandto this'maufctue's al efe wil patetourt rire c aeuly seled tock on th ag the same basis, in order to make Saturday and Monday the record-breaking days for this section. Be on hand.early ,morning to be among the first to make your selection. Saturdoy and Monda y OnIy.i A daYfflgh, aswo.e la m1kleh te mel MANII AI TintE!.S SALE Messaline Waists, $3.98 ,iî,,ijieSilk %Vaimt i ii ail colors with â,and l ong mlunIes, ail elcekantis trim- 1114.d i tii tuedal joli tîtîet ifront. sud back. Ymiîr îiirecrî cilleoiîeuof unr niagniiceat Osotit<f *.0vaille~s it $3,e98 MANUFACTURE» SSALE $15-00 Suies de. at $9.98 5T'IlIs amrtameutembraceson, .5 £Suit amOtnt--aboiutely noue r*mavv. This u neconsIse cd Itelg m 'as leoP u rn nd PrinSC " bp eff dca, in Pq >ie rsau fancy effeeta, ineluule « 'o . I /vue In plaids. stripet..the@"a ant ,jerpjada, uauy with silk braid, ilald colora. inverteil ceai and full plaited skirtt. viii plaits flowinir tree froni the up& mil kBees $ 9 Man ofactu rera8 sale price...... $4.75.,fr ThsamteI m braces voile, Panamna, noveltY veaves, in plaids and overplaids. Your in rea-ecd ohoice froni this arofolly selected s-tock or shirts, Worth uP Io 810.00, Satîirday aud -Nonday only, man- el facturer's "ale price L75 MANUFACTIJRER'S SALE T DI amrmen incude sevralstyles of &lso litons, Princ QaÇ atIi cteb.. -your nurebervdcai.fOnour autire stock cd suit& valueil up to $J6.00. Sol mut on. or Ivo 0' a style, bust tie most oOmprse .siv.essor%- metcfdvldual amotien %bat Insu.. jou as the -*m w el !detinctive ;%ens.Th sirts are- the «ore. full plaited, aide anc ~ecta, Ililu sauggLY about the hi vi tb 8 braMi flar.att lb t- i tom tt tate absoIutey sec ai 555ùthj Cont Tou bat 4s u n t if p urc a sel" b cb v i het ore itatarday or ater neat $1 9 MotaýManufacturers sale price...$ 49 $1,69 feir Skrts in soid olors, brown, black and ble, algo fancy mixturesl full plisted ce acta, o n trimmed with braid andI buttons and traps of the. saine material. On. pecially attractive skirt just like the ut-manu- facture's Sale price t A 'J '-i. $4.98 for $7.50 Jiteus 'l'bese Coats coma in b"aon d tanbrut- cloi.b aud faucy mixtures, fuil) sa linatI, eiiii.tight fttig bani, talloweeme ansd box fronts, absolu4dey,01.50rs usoau facturer'ài Sale Pries only G lo e C ara t,4 1.téj 75 v~ Ready-to-wear out of i store SatwMay morpbg, will b SUPerior Creation, each with a distinctive differece , ~l~ both character and style whlch is unprocurable elsewhere. "4There is never that smnuto the. Glob. nilinery." The more popular ideas corne in Bumt, Bro~n es Green and Chamn ge.AUi re very daintily trimmed with daisies, roses, large wIngs, coque, -pkums, ctr Aznongthe new shapes are the small drooping brirns andmmall turban effecta, an arrayt*tWinl bring forth an expression of praise and admiration fvmfrm ti motdsnerested party. Without a doubt the rnost beautihil selection ever clered at the pruce ............................. ......... I.$ r'he announcement of this sale ini last Iuesday>s paperà an epoch-mieg event in the history of sîlk sales as stated at that Urne wepua anipot stock of short length. of black and fancy sOligu many of these itemts bad been delayed and are only being piaced on sale as this paper goos on Pr=a Saturday and Moeiday, we wMf continue givîng you these additional values of such far reaching chariater. MDnflTUDC C -ATU fIR rw TY M&COa AU Jr SLAKS Il1acE Taefeta itisei Taffeta Si1k, 3ô. luche. wide, "oil boled'. Dot a Yardi Worth les than Si1t50 aud thegrst- er parti-n actualiy Worthî S1.75 1u Importera Sale Price ....... ....... Diira Taot Illack Taft. ta Siik, 36 luches avide'. regutar Sieno quality, short le»gths ou. lui,î nty of gre*.t eu0otgh yardage for waistl Imiportera Sale Prieu.... ..... 9 Pancy Sl. Paucy Silka. 27 inclus wide jnht the tlilng for waist and rfffl s hig val ie St "75c Cmutrs Sae Prie, . ... 5 3MPURTERS SALE 0F SULIS Bilack Taffeta 511k, 37 luche. vide. a'ai "ty g4iar- auteed vorth &c ryard. Importera SalePr ........... 69c Japanuselk2 7 I"oet vide, al <Pions and ex- ceptlon al values 5stSc ho 65e s yod- > Irnpurterasate prîce........ Vaaq SuEs F'ancy Blika, $0 luche, vide, just the tbiug for sirt walats, an excaptlonsl value at 50e a 0 V a yard, lntporter'a Sale Priee Q. c Chiffon Tal IMPORTERS SALE 0F SILIC Paaey 8111 Suitiaga Faney Silk Suitingà. several places ln a moat coin prelienivê- range of deirable pattetug. ik buoglt regu ary ta sail t 8seana SI £ a yard. îîîiporter Sale Prîce ...... 9 1 ougee Silkc, 36 luches vide, wsrrantedl a pure fab. rie, muli lu tiil stassasfor vaiss sîits andI oats. Importera Sale Prit-e ....... ..... 85C IMPORTRs SALE 0F 5SU1 soit -aP a51k20 luches vide, plain elivas*4 Ahadsfor %st. skliu iand vaista. 4ie Imnporters Sale Pr e............... JapeneWtSiia. the !YaiUn"'ah j meaning soit anS vsbable ail regular ntc value. Importera sale ilek Taffeta silk, 36 luches vi4êfia shirt wat" dres or shirt lengtha.qdIgu s Sale Priee.............. ..... ...... ia Taffetas LAKE IMUPACTURERS' SALE Eton Bgy anid Jme Ui At ?faatvceurer's Price e6.«8 8 ýRDYA1 Eton Sieis m ,.rl a raeOf 'aisàat&cotb Of excellent worth Thepe tA OOM laplin lie, orwn ndblakmapy trimmenJ with .tdnd ltaittibnq Witt, sittaclte ouUirÀig thé etaît, fulli ide Plaitpci invertad and box lbtnîsksirt« wi&b 'fili ilowiug jlait bons thé,lîîîs and hn". Thffe e value tat have itever ha! re, toid Sale fric. SatirWM O dy miIfqday ........ ...... ... rosain lu1s41 lolors aud fancy Mw.ave effects, as plaids, @tripe% Chcks.h POU ui a'nd ovioraifis, rimn.ed vith il k lralîl, btitons sund strppînge Of the 0sanie material. An REmua! 'tit the regidar priee o! $10.06 antd $12.50.Él Maauf&cturers 5.1 Pd"e. ................ ......... .....6 9 àhIdreglilar iapender akirt efftect, fulpliaed style, epaulet ou dër straîts effacts, elegintly îailored suit modeled&6£ icbar.u.îeriétic fashion- Naafacturrs 38& iee............ ...