YCLLNOT FIND -BARGAINS EQUAL TO THESE ~~ 14mice. and Chidron'. Fine 'e FMu& black, Lis Ladie.' Fift. Lace IIoo, entire laue or boot lace, Worth $50.gj For opring opeaing.... 19C - - - - - - - - - - W *19 I . e e -e e anession of style abiolutely new and- sekdtvey attrac- tive his, with the low prices which have m=ðis store Lakce County's most popular shopping center, pronme the most attractive weekt for shopping we have ever had the picasure to provide. We hmrewihftend a cordial invitation to yourself and friends to visit this beautiful exhibit during our Third Annual Spring Opening-in fact you can. only appreciate our fforts by maing. our store. a personal visit. q Extra Valu u in u oas dra nee la egtakan In Our ahowinge 01jouaty amrneoaesta, embedy- and Ml a dservdfashleou h *a t LeOM Sakfr101ttsd,8suli- Fltted, ma a nn ial Effectaoui - lins.18aOesof rare bsajty. roïefisent, stabllity aujsillfl fslienngand th@PI.rcea willl meut the appreval 0oraIl. "adie' AI-WOol Bliack Broaticlotis coatu, Ladies',lUbt-Plttîng Covert jtack, bali tât ltted Prince Cbap -bac, very bandsomely talloreti ant i i vide aboulders. satin lîneti, a coat tbrogot 70 amn. o tbat la Posltlvely showu everywbere Srîu ut, 87.0 garensfo foi'~~~ 800.froisale. .. ................., Sprnt Opeulng Sale -. ... 6.4... Ladies, Ai-WoOl Black Broadelotb Jac- kets. lune tbrhiougisout vîtis ierceriseti sateen, an excellent $7.60 va.. for Ursprint .9 Opeulng Sale............. 39 'Atieu' Hautisoue 1L008e . Black Box Conte. madie up in lateat sprint mix- turs,nome vîtis self Coller aud nmre wlith black vlvet. This oat l1 not Offereti elsewhere at legs than 8.0 for our Sprint (>Penlng Sale ............. 2.981 Ladies Ail-Woel Double Twlsted Tan Cevert Tîght.fittlng Jackcets, satin fined, turned back cufRa, talloreti trap* boh baclu sud front, s pood valu e t 810.00, for Our i r Openngs sle...........49 Ladies' 24-lucb Sprint Coats, oa. bag Ladies' 50-Inch Sprint Cosa, matie up haIlt tlbt Prince Chap or entiri lu bantisome Novelty Mixtures, very tlgbt lttlug. THE novelty coat of t beautifullY tallorei anti trlmmed, for sesson, àbown ou Blats street aiv OrSprint Opening 67 legs than $12.00. for our f Sale . ............. .5 Sprint OpenZ Sale . . ........ beautiful Sîsck Taffeta Sli Pony Cot-Thra.4ourthe ler4th aleevea, satin lined, ta-lmmed wlth bésutiful militai-y braid effeects, the obehbo tei mamen, cant bu duplîcateal eleewhare for le" then 010.0%, ".98 Nmeelalfor Oura pring Openg Bale......................71 Fine Craveneted Ramn Coats $39 Strictly waterproof Cravenette Bain COat. wortb foi- ,Y $10.00, for Our sprlng Openîng Sale.................... .9 Beauttful Satin liubberfled Cravenete Bain COU»., verY fine for street wear andi drvn& Wvanted watarprooi, for Our SRring M 7 5 Openlng Sale ................... aeour extremely hazîduome 811k Jumper Buits, alt colon, epeo- iaSee nduced for thi. spring opening Sale to Lekpthe hsgaIu la New u.kwomI chic styles ~in Modish If ilinery In Our *ulllnerY (epartrnent we are showling 1by ft the finest lUne of blgh-v'ae bats titat bave ever been shown It Wautkegau. Hpere are the very laient crteattous lu sîring and summrr millnery-smart, tiressy effectO, calciitmtd to Please Close foliowers of fashlon-hîîî we do pot want te aîmlt,,alt t, yoti on style alone. Iemaiimae ne make olir prices ose of the strotîgest buylng lucentives. on*.etofi". Basaus mout stylleh amalturban effecti, ba s chiffon drape t timmlug sind two quils.between rosettes of bmaid; ail arouind bandeau, wbh itus a goond head sine; colora black, white . bronti, iiavy. cbaiipagie, 91>21Y.IIgii.bine, pink. redt andti uscn0l.95. A meut b«noming turban, made of lmported brali: JaR,lk drapeti arotînd crown anmd bmnmght to a rosette for side trirmling withbsmalî bmmkle; CoUd IileI;mtk. white, brown, uavy, llght bliie, pick >sud Deautlfuî ittie turban, cones ln biaèk only: made ofI lu- pored Germiaii miaid; bas cbiffon or sllk drapeti arommmd crown andi briniand tone of the season's latent large pins Is usedta t off-net te qîtili t*lmmniug, $1.45. A gor at fgondi qmaity; ail aroud baudeaua la beatifuv draped anti caugbt wilh rlbbon aud' mall Jmmw rose trlmtnings: trliings llght bine, ait' coor ribbou, $2.25.1 Great Dardains in Msawa This deparinent ls so COMPlete anti the values offereti are se Unuisually gi-est that net ilng legs thap a personailnlspectiln cau give a correct Idea or tii. sa vinu; sd satlafacticu lu store for our customei-a. moait s Peint te examine each item listed here sud tlien lok for otiier equal vales e bave provIdeti for this Sprug OPenlug iSale, but bave flot thse sPace te Itealse. LADIR'S PFULL SIZE MWUBLIN DRAWERS AT lsc.--Openorled ruffled spd.trlmmed wlth lace or Insertion, eor six '-ows Of hmtth ino, YOU'll search awhili before yeu find aqual values slewh.re aetBSU, for Our Spm-lng Opeinq gi* l......... EXTRA FINE LARGE UMBRELLA DRAWERS 40e,-lu ail lmaginabl& tl,, LAISPULL SIZE NIGHT GOWNS AT U8c-Matie up lu ânue long cletb trîmmei with flue Swing embroldery. This lot Inluîtes au elegantaas meut of slmP-over Nlght Cana. Worth $2.00. but speclal for our Sprlng opeliig Sale.................. LADIES' 35c CORSET COVERS AT 12c-Rlcbîy trimmned i wlb lace ant;.bY' rlbou.Tbe golike bot cakes, and. as we bave but 1,00o, b.eavy Wilie tbey asat, for Our Sprlng 12cb ýets. Openlng Sale.............................................. * ued LADIES' 11.00 NIGH-T GOWNS AT 4oe-Made up lu fiue aoft Ilulabeti SaW our terlal. trimmed i wth lace or embroliery, for 18Sprlig Oîeitlg Sale.......................................... 4 'I I Corset Covers 49c LADIES' HANDSOME $1.00 CORSET COV. VERS AT 49c-Nainsock iront and back yoke, valenciennes insertion, beading and ribbon, neclt finished wlth lace edge, emn- broidery, medalliona and lace Insertion pf.nels, the riclest $1.00 cover ln the country épecial for our . 1 Openlng Sale........... 49C tek. rely the flot 1 Rw% - $7.50 Skhi for $5.oo IfYuwanmto0 SecSm ea870 sW tfor ;;.00 corneIo.this "le, det oque et I"islot wo ff trrg or th.Sprint op"e - im imitW are fu'm *34 >bai Peals of d e box plah Sor te Cligie bide pIsted effecta, 010,1wetulusuna et Ih self Mr'49" a" * M Ladies' walklng skirt in gray, bine and black, olcly made, o* durable ruaterial, very wide andi fuit, Worth sa .Ir-eprIng t nl, Hand.ome talfeta isilk or voile eti.mt beautiful plalted o egt, a gi-est M100 value for our Spring Opening Sale................... FINE WH4ITE PETTICOATS AT Me. &and *1.9-that are warth douable-For the Sprlng Openlng w.e ar ga as a great epoo. Aity' a auperb asortment ef white Peritteuall=Ch wiiI bea apu ulne surprise. Ail are richly emboceii and'trimmsd and of r.d material. This offering is indasd worth most wmsFuf a$$.,,êL,... -- -.-*s.~ss Looli for the Bo ie i Vsewbee M z a .3 e -I A 3. o p fr C laisby lnfermat en, AboflaS Ir4Q Os J',laWI Ti-. foillowng liq of luterest to the b: ublâ lau b: An efforit tejet down the bara *at boaing la looked fer lu ithe b~- etiilO Wk if5e0NiPpe of a bill off b«tO "stlouie Clubs. The Me»s ave la id huffl a 0Mn, a"d st pissent the. mna ets 'b loff r.- niMaais eeot, but RIf l mt t generally that 5't» g,. pa-etiat the tollu e o-tIu *tlsleUc club maq» t Cng M ln Its prement te#Utt=e,,5.. lep08% uts osix-rounmd NIe-a ensta Clubs, the. flbters mftu lu tet;ing to undirgo Ml by doctors. M* t'at. n msay b. randere&i andtg q.iI~ lressacs of eg . - M physiclan before the. oponlng àêl' tapped. chleag. Wld a he& i. tOver thée Uuealocet te te proinoteru of thse b b. at ne%, but t l o u~~b thie blD viS ot ie oa thse.*club" eaa.be tbrov ube b glom us l wide %man Do ftra'sml u~ bitions o. Ti Ut W l lsy Tburodalr,bu v . the mmetity fts aWub a volI p.e t t u 48t en liformatlon :aealvl.a Iast vapln 5*mie Iiiuiw uImg ett ooktIty aAud soltenla olaleago. iidge Wlllsv pCwf wqIk er ot theeemlaq. kmew* Mh visions of thé bil pt*m,, aMd ,lu emdisooao. ss tu on. et the but, forra la ouvt pr #AdUNah*bwtt liropose tu Inreffs er ys "The bil la mmtg.gp~i g ~I1ewoe.'Pe.oml1 ItomIMMk Uothebat la the - t.f didt fer 1 am f the ophnigatba.m=4" -M«-Who aa à» q* ps mm tala saogeffla subs V OLIVA MAY PKE Wkat DOW* 4w q ay te Cmq Aroulmo e luhAit"r à Pmollowng élco.sy la thse hottella of Dovie, Wilbur Glana volnamm m seau proolains hbaself 51 . It la underaho dtba*t ieve la *gev a cuit lu tIGe ULVbl *ouis.. at OR DowleOs lgtiw* i eUDmte PNeS one w 04 ouê tbat t bu demufl eém » boder auw a ofWilhbur Wosn Vpll'sA. I' kvil bu reshl t at DowWldvua permel.l~Ied MOW mlag be b uif df statu t hsSh SsUe bhblical pq#gb.t S tey. UeWVeye, vWheu otivaesuw iteith ilOvuft be Seat timhobedi Mbte luebItdSma the. oie% m» M'as" Seu ytii Md ln prqeina- 4"a sa e , p~nlr MW tuai pevpglty yl.l la - Lue Dutish m e ra eoi st n aIdMs ebue t plu su , If htiot b. olwdbe «0 M. W, ai-vtwoe emments et M uZon clty. lae .thie o nt that la lee.loq acoWlaiby Doesanlite u Ir 014falthfulneug. sMW the.'10! teeleant tbst clmas t. le Tothom who observa Uk lu - oubthe elesuent caltaiiI ieor ta bIs silccesmotvU* '0l r eonai tb la t»u Peit 0* bmeb de was tel4 , Due of hm ababsti, Md"ti# -*ra" iii fle AMOUNT TO J, - - - - - - - e ïl. lt~d~ k, --0 M, Ilfinois.