JNTY IN. ENDENT. LjJXETYVMLL, LA&E <Jou1TY, niLLUf, FRIDAY, &PRIL 26,1907- 8 Pages 81.0 ERYE*R IN ADVANCE. "lpe wlso Frautci Nonm arri rotation* Ceptutd le I3mir ZI.. City ftrosgbold.a '^RI NG TOOI( PLACE -IN WEIIiSI COURT TODAY. ad Of Love Cuit Produces Common .5w Marriage Agreement wit- ntessd by Four and Lutter Ex- piainlng Relatlonshlpe. lcmiug lut., Zion City. the place n Whli hcy lied lu fear of the ~lnofa! ewarrant, Lucy Jane ~by. bîgli priesbs cf aleged free ~and the man said ta bc ber lover, ..hîir Balle, were errested lest ulalit et the famous -free love cout< llilead avenue anid]lrauglit ta Waîî- ktan. Captalu îialke. r- thIle Ziali îolb(e farce, liaslontg heid tbc warrant for thse erreat of the couple aud as %nont usnlie got the i at titheyd ae- ttîrued lii'tioutiîld a haras- sud rode la thelie lead avenue residence, Mdiss rosby sud Balle submitted ta arnoast vîthout resilace sud vere brouglit 10 Wauieegau et 9 lait nîglit aud lodged la the caunty jaili Arr«etd on Old Warrant. The warrant on wbi bbtey Veri- arnested Isalie camte oui- as blat tt vblci tbey lied ani provîdes for thoîr arreat for Illegaily living ta. setlier. As relebed lu the SUN at the timu', Miàs Crosby le said ta bu' the leader of a "free love" movemetît whlcb grew obuxilous ta Zin, no that war- rante Vere Iseued for ier and ber cllef prlest. Balle. The couple then lied tu Racine, Vhere tbey vent loinidiug vltb foi- lOyers until their nturn u M Zon asat niglit. Eider Bilas Mot, besd of tbe Wau- legan contingent of tbe cburci. la bbe complainna ituesa, elum Wh«s Arrsted. TuM arsaing vbon Boon in tbe cuuti Jol ant hir respectve coeIs. bathMi" rosby and Mr. Saila vers, the plieraus -cftglmuase.Tbey are tlioeouably discoaragtd in thoîr et- t«MU t t tescli the world a ucer re- lligion sd efused od w Nnterviewed. At 9 tbcY Vere stîli lu their bunite lu the city 151. "We wlll tel] car story an bthe stand sud lu the court. not before" abriated Miss Crosby. .earing Bofore Wela& l'hebearlng lok place liefore jus- tice Weiss at 1 Ibis afternoun. It was lu hie court that onlgluaily the case vas ta bave been trled. Walker Telle of Capture. Csaan Walker. cf ZMon City, ar- rlved lu Wankegan et noon sud tlId of bbe capture a!fIlie twa. A womnan Inoarmed hint vlen Railla sud Mines Crosby retraed ta Zinu auJlihe et aonce îroceeded ta thte GiI- ead avenue temple. Rapping on tlie doar lie was co- frcnted by a woman wha lied wben sie 55w who lier visitai- 'sas. i[le fol- lawcd ber lotothle bouse and itad un trouble lu piaclue the twa uider ar- reet. Show Letten and Agrement. Miss Crosby lise submitted a com- mou law manriage agreement ta <lie authorîties sud lit additioan is rlt- ten s leter ta bbc "civil authorities of Mion Ciby," lu whicb eiesasys that bliere la uothlug wroug lu the relation between licnecîf sud Balla, except bliat tliey live lu tlie same bouse. Plie auseta ho left lu peace sudsys the contract bebwoon ber sud Balle V55 made hin<lie presecce af eue W. Fce. The letters were itroduced aithbb trIal. SOUND OVER. Foaliah Prejudido Preventa Fros Love Apotie From Marrylng Legally. ReceutseofaI aprejadico againel the legal forta of marriage <bat uither dan explain cxcept that there are msuy accordiug ta thei wha break thoir marriage vawa, Lucy Jane Cros- by sud Arthur Bales rcfused to talte out a license sud escape tbe cella lu lbe county lait that tbey wlll occapy utîl satlsfactony baud lasuspplied. At the hosrlug tiis ateruoon wlt- nesses heard Vere L. C. aa-a-olMrs. Spraguc. Mr. Foc. Mies Crosby sud Mr. Bales of thé~ colony, sud Captaiu Walieer. a reporter, Mns. Van Aredall aud otheroe ubside the colony. It wase eoVu that Miss Crosby and Bales bave lived togthor au mmi and wIte sînce soute tinte lu Januury. wheu tliey publicly acleuowlodged thomnelves liusbsud sud VIte. think- lng this *enougli lu the abatsetf 111- stois, accordîns to their tory. Tell of Flght., Tliey sloc told of the Iiglit to Ra- obbs wlieu thoy learned ofthte var- ran flp inst them sud douled, that vhÇ.ler. living togethor lu ex "ufSfmate cf fornIcatIon," as cug Od,-uMqing fiat bohoonslde lflm p - l b*acause et dlseïse, fa k ' Ioatem over toi THE 13tm RfAD UT by a local marriage aooording te thé lawe of the. state of rlol$ ur- fused. Tlioy daim that the coomio law marriage la sWil reognimd ln Wisconsin and havaacireet tu marriago asignet! by tour Ilu btt cate recentiy, alter the flgit. Ide Prom Camera. A reporter Vas la te court room wibli a camera and the efforts ef Mlise Crosby and Mfr. Bales In bide their faces tram the. oye of the In- strumont Vere amualng MIss Crosby puling dowu a sort of Vinter cap that ah. Voe, Bae$ tjsrnlng UP bis coat coller and both turning thelr haoiks. Justice Wlsa durIug the beariug, consured U. D. Carroll for, au apparent lack of trankneaa lu bis anevere to questions put liy State's Attorney Hanna. More Ares tt Foiiow. It lo ikely tblat other members of tbe colony. Vhibcoclis itsecifthe -compauy of tlie ord' vzllllieoan- rested sund sent over the rosd If thue Crosby case reaulte lu a complète conviction befote the circuit court. No raey testimouy deveioped duriug the lieariug sud bthe epostles of the pacalled free love secem tolie sincere '-.iWoefuIiy tnlsguided peuple. Ait lookIe rpllcily ta Mies Crosby for dlreetion sud their devotion la dag l11w. CREAMERY IS DOING IIUSTLING BUSINESS Round Lake Boiting Wonks takes 18,000 Paunds Oily-Aiea Manu- factures Ice and Clarifie& Product for, Bottling The batiling plant of <th.- Foîrest (lb-a Creaiuery Co. lis bein ruuaing witbî>ub a liteh iicae Febliîarv wlica the ina.lhiîery caslting $l0,000 iaistalied i.y the Cn-suîery Package 3Nitg. Co. wae; î-oraîîl.ted. The- priaient output of tii.. lilatit isshiipcd dailyafter beiug clsriiieii anîd poî-ked lu beuns ma(ke ice two ni-frig- ci-tor car being required. Te ice machine mas a cspscity ol lneeing three tons of ie per day bewides coaling ailtunlle ud a large storage routa. A separate englue le being ila- stalled for electrie light aud it in boped " in-w the gour future the Inn willl supply Round Lake ih eieetric ilit. Filtyox&s now contatavo s eUnd, su-d as the prive pald avereges à huis botter than any botsilng concrna a generai feeling ofutefaetioj, prevails. At preeut about 18,W00 punade pt mutk are reveived iu about au bour tine nd sut patron'@ qans are washed sud steaniçd immendiatcly.1 Mr. Juage ln basy st work with a force of hie assistants ta beautlfv Forest Mleu park whieh it le baped iii soi n l'e One id te attraction» of Round Lai. Siîale' trieso are pianted aroued te satiro square sud Inuit trees are siatti-red iîruînîlousl>- over the prémises, sud wiil lie eut by harse power andl we hiave gaad tassons te believe that tih.- ,l.vated drive- wili sooan ac orered with sud. QUUN4TIN ENTER- TAINS TI BOARD Vernon Superviser who lias Growing Popularily. Peseta Feliow Members -le a Mani ighiy Reapecled and of Sturdy Stuif. At t tlw-clom'se <iltht sî-ilal isesioni of thie board onimspervisurs Supervisear Quentin of Veruan eutcnbaiued the lard ut Hotei Edwuud, Waukegann. wh.'rc su elabarat.' spnuad lied been prepared. It ma@u au occasion ot gaadieiiawsbiIî aud Mnr. Queubin wisa is lu great favar ou te bonard welded anather lluk lu hie papa- larity chain. Vernon'@ sutiervisar lias cîîîe ta lie One of tae mast usefuliniember onu te tboard. Ho tik an activ(' part ut te Ilarcitmeeting lu luvestigeling aven- chargea au prnting bille wheu tite cauuty Vans aved over $600 ln cause- quence. Die rec<mumended that bille eub- initted by the Waukegau Gazette lie eut taI. snount wViiclias dane by te bonard. He is a memben of te uew purohaintç cumtuitte. nue aIfilie mant important, aud le looked ta witlî ta sitit Mesers. Ciavflaf Warieu and Hareuberger, ai 1eerfieid, ta invetigate reforme Viicl wili save Laltecauuîy utauy hundreds of dollars annuaily. Vernon le fortunste lu lier superviser sud lb la boped holieylho retained ln hie position îudefiliteiy.. Ho le of tie timber tram which chairman of the organisa- tion are chonue and thougi youag ou the board th@ INpEPENEIfT beleves the Urne la neot tan distant wbeu that honor Wl» le temdered hlm. Tne. iarriage of Chrles Sabine sud OWWo F lhor vua celohrateid by El- 'W mmlag oot Atthfe reaple aefthe býmeontlaaAeepron* *tï* p ver. vetOraun s 31V wIDç St Hotel Mid-* land iln Chlcagg, tugh deccdediy a Lake. county sMMWaukegeu mati. Hie son.,IU A. Lj SOV 0o-f Hyde Park. Who enlîstol lInf1: Var tram Wau- kegan, was tbe yoaugest saldier ta un llst troua. Wmske,. Jamna Lov l remavein %Vau- kegan ftmChlca»on ou titMay 1, sud LaCe oouUly eau surely cdaim hlm as a lýaCeecolit, man. W.. B. Ulllgr, Chhirmait of the Board of Ssspdrvisor Chooer Comiitte.mCae for the vear APTER ANNOUNCEMIENT QLIENTIN B%'NQUETS Last Friday at tlie ." i t the bioard af Labo Caunty su,, uvsure, Citai rmatt W. E. Mill-, t, nîincet bhIs lst ot staRdn , flinas' elgi'i sa STANDING COMMI - EES. The fallowing arc tti- r , oîi mîttees oft<he- Board h ylor for- the year 1907: l'homm, W. Laueon'. Great- Sfory of Love and Finance Blegin@ lu this Issne INDEPEN4DENT GIVES ITO RtEADERS A MARE TREAT Thte IritgEET thiâ,Teek le pré,scut. itîg ta its eaders te firet installaient uf the great stony, "Friday tbc lRbh" b Thoinsa W. Lawâsît, the mas iwii titrougl ibis revelatione ai thte metitads oi thc mneiyed Intereeete oft tiis c>nu lies set the country look.ing. Thiti iii ail proisalility the greatent tory that a couantry ncwoaper hlie rrrua ton thc lieuit af ils readers. Friday the 333h. l-riîiav the I lth is n stîîna-(ilitre îîuîd inautce. It le tii,-tale tiiet lijjde te reader aslx bonne].1ltis a ebary iof un-1 nmaai itreagtiianistl einlereiiigte)li de i-xtroun-i. lbtelle tif apasionate liii at s muttfor an s n aitaile] taplut tands1 unequal'd tinte ie-entai-c-. Tho"'. a-li tiîgl.'ît tei read bhc »tory wiii lave Mîjute titg ta regret. Thomas W, Laweon, Thomtîas W. Lawmou te a man lîrouii uentiy in <lie pubick eye. ne la trou in li$ iasiglit intu hîtmau nature. A para- grai h ane tfriue bis a înderfui tary i.iiatd (anse cvry mani(ad VouiSî te) rend ib The haragnapli ii- *Tisw Ss i-a's more paVer- lui titan thte-garmerant, mare poweniul tisa the caurts, légisature, caugrese, aud te président of te United States i-aubiau-d, tliat it sisoiluteiycontrols lte foundabion upon wlic-i they ret-be uianey cf <he nation. But Mny power in greater, a bbonsand. ye". a million tienne; greater <han thers,". The stary. "Frlday Itie ldth," la etreonvitit pathos; mouey maduese, and a predexsinatiag love-love suche as rsîrely e 9lst. Bs ile vail means. LE!TER IROU 0KM. IIOMA tHOM fS!D Soulliveat la Setling up Faitlsases a Former Lake county Man who lhas Taken Cisim in far Counry-Co-w Chips the Fuel. Zera il.Laaitis, a ane time Làke1 coutyuîn a-hohalinas tmeadedaclaim1 at Ctîpid Ok la., sud is a oubecrilier of te laus)EcatDEiarin altter it wbk- b haex-4 tends te crédit upan bis yeîiuw label Ion aucîber seasoa maya: "This part ai Oklahoma is settling up fast. Since 1I eainelhere tira years ait laud batcattid ta-eît for a litauîitead wil oeilar $5001 for te quarter sectiati. 'rite anceiobection ta thiis runtry lie taI w-e are ffIra n tartet. Tua, tere latta tirnier for fuel and te mont1 ofth<le settiers lin-n owchilps. Thie mîîath moar anbas been cuider <han1 Mairdi -causiderable '<a-criblacahd wiads Inîten titi- ansd eset, If tWi Editar ecr-r cmes dawn <bis wa.y we will stant up a geuthe wind tbat wil <ski- sud itouse, Editar. gnlp sud ail. Witb-r wrieat hauts god. Our princi- pal erope are wiuter witeab, brauei cora, kafir c?'ru and Milan utaize," MORE PARENTS Of VETERANS 1FOUJ40 Mrs, Margaret J. Clark, of Lbertyville lise Son who le Veleran of Civil War-Aieo Janes Low le Pallier of Veteran. As a resait ef <the BLN'S receut write-up offtblers sud matheso civil Var veteraus several more bey been dlscavered sud sdded ta bhec roi- of honor. The flet sa fer la as fol- Iowa: Parents of Voterans. P. lS. Greculeaf, Wanltegsu. Mre, J. K. Stearns us.<aruco Mre. Margaret J, Clark.,Llbertyvilie. James Lev, Waukegau, Mms. Margaret J. Clark. Mre, Margaret J. Clark. mother of J. Fletcher Clark, of Libentyvllle,j wltb viom Blie maltes lier home,g came te Lake couuîy as a girl linbe yean 1839, seltliug Vîihber paeta. M. sud Mrs. Thoula' J. Hagerty. lu EIs towuship. lie soa, E. R. Clarb. vlio nov reuldea lu Colorado Springs,j Colo., le a civil war-*4etema. Mre. Clark lp briglit sud amartIsud lias a strong meumoryvhicb eneblos liont torecito mauy luterest.Ig hap- peningsetfove a>àbaoi eatury mNo. It vas ettii. Hageryqaixe hstafi Coantry Was nev fibai une «t te Vsry Birut religions meetls* Z4". *ma* vsbeld. lie$VIII1b, #4 lersoti l a Jol.. Afler <bis atiiautiticetu0xt an Ad- Jourumout Vas tabeit sud Superviser Quentin enbertaiuîed <lie entlne body et dinner at ite Hotei Edmund. The board resituics itessmions to- rnora-ow. The caîîervlaors iîad <lie lest ltind o! a <lie and lliey feol gratotal o Suporviser Queutîn for the satlstac- tien given by <lie meai. T'. ethodiet citacî cas tlorougbly, 6Weend by hieLaCe Cunt.Oqpms Air Cealng eompsuy t<bis *6 . eaovelty 01 the ute Tbo meuin eurely dosaa u là Job.Ta,'h m da$ Dow Md US OFTFEN ON TIRE Moodoo Seema le Follov Ferry Reoeta Zion Coty-Zion De- partment l<lghte Plame. MONDAY MORNINO MRB. FERRY PINDS F IRE Smokc pattntg ntm betVeett the Valle of kllcbett aîîd iantntryate residence of Il. W. Ferry, on Sheridani raad, near Moni City. gare aarulng o! fine ta Mra. Fer-ry tatirec 9 atîd l0 o'clacl Monday ittturttiiiît-. Mrs. Ferry ai ionce duislatclicîla girl ta tlie fields critnre ail the nt folks wcre vorklng, she beiîîg alotie ita tbe banse illi ler niatiet atd the girl, sud thon witli great iitesettee ofif mmd tclephoned: for thte Zion ire (lelarî- meut, -whicli savedth le total destruco- tian of tlicfine resideuce. Fin. a Mysteious One. The fia-e le aofutystenlaus arîgiti Mrs, Ferry final uoiiced suiobe denaely paarntg omît trom betai-en the wafls of the main bouse atnd the kitchen, wlilch la a twa story afair liull< ot while bbc pan<ry la a One sbory structure a'lth a parcli. She ciimbed toe li tc sud tiie'-e saw mare emake. Thon- la a tank lu the blouse anîd froua thle, tbrou'gh a base, sie pottred water atthbbcpaint at whicli titi emoke emerged te e abeblien arnonti Ibere V55 lionne. The emoke coablnualuxta pour ot ahe finaliy Iurned lun<lie alarm. Depatmentls Gallent Woniç. The lire deparbment dld same gai- lant work ai subduiug thelifamtes. Wheo Mr. Ferry came fruai bbe fields Vilhlitbs men lie seized au axe sudripped open bbc wals 0of the bouae VibhlisIlaai, anthat'tbbcfiremen could reacli the source of tbc fine Iu- aide the cr5115. Atter blard wark tlie reaideuce Wço prouounced safe. Rnoms ta sutten acre<lie palry sud percl oun<lie aide, thie kiQmg and other parts of <lielieuse. Hsd nob ,lic fia-cdepartrnent ara-lved wheu It dld, tue wVloe bouse would bave -ges t plu smok rebult enlireiy sud other perle o!fh bline stsory resldefice vili bave 10 le c leaued and nedecorabed bocause of amolte damage. Place Under Hoodoo. Sa mnmeroas bave beeauth<liries at tlie Ferry pace durlng tlie past 1ev yoar <bnat: some belleve the resideuce ta lieunudea- <le epel ef a boodan. Girl Proves Firebug. 1< la net long egaoliaI Ma-s. Ferry, Si-., forccd a confession 1rmit<le lips af Pearl Newman. an orphan girl wbem she mercifuîiy toak farn thc LakltuffaitOrphsusge. bial sine bad blirice atbernpted to tProe<lieplace, once wilih rage sud nil sud another lime wlth wood sud ail, Vhicbbce third tîme sho succeeeded ln gettlng a blaze sbarted bliat dld nome damage. Tramps Stant Maystacks. At allier timtes rampe bave si-i tbe Ferry liay on atraw elaclta alite sud <bey bave blszed out bhe ni-Vs af the spel! ta bbc world, Newman Gl'a Fate. The Newman girl Vas babea hack ta tlie orpuanage aud <lie niabaan ilually asked <bat alie liecanimitled la bbc Home for Juvenile Offeudera. a-hlcb vias dune after site lad trled ta set fia-e b <lie arphsuage. lb la alleged, TMESE WILL WEO. Charlea F. Babine, 36, Zion Ctly; Jeunie Gladys Fischer, 22. Jas, G. Brnbeck, 36, Chicago; Eusa McQuald, 35. 1Ira M. imane. Anbluch, 39; Mar- garet A. Moan, 27. Carl Ernst, 29, Lake Zutrich; Ida Reese. 26. David Nichlson,. Chicago, 50; Jeu- nie h McLeutmau, 38. Bravn Caialcic, De Kalfi, 22; Ika Conteubîc, 20. Michael Arbac, 20; Johantia Lu- veclc. North Chilcago, 19. Ang. Freye, 30, Rtockefeller; Atnnie Helusclion, 19. Mat Garc, 25; Mary Setîtîbi. 19. Michael J. Cauley, Higbwood. 46; Sarali Fischier, 36. MILE ANYD EIGHfTiI BILL IS MOVING Meneure to Provide for Temporance Zone about Anmy and Nevy Poate la being Advanced Rapidly. SPECIAL TO THE DAILY SUN. Sprngfield, Ill., April 23-The son- ate this mnorning advanced te third reading, illiott opposition, Mn. Ap- matlac's hanse bibI prohibiling the es- tablishmmont of a saloon vithîn 0one sud Que-eîglib lmes of auy goveru- mont fort or naval station lu tue state.- The bibi vas ameuded by Mfr. Tif- fany wîbli the consent of tue Law sand brder Leagne ar Lake oount y, su amendmont by vhici lomepr of Bigbvood vilI have »il jaxuur 1, 19M, to close up tliel buuIgee& Il fder the otlial buIthe C0oo.1 woem vulbave b t HI, um lieeo i gottes Sffl 71 larly in the i utereat cf the Balcon. keepers of North Chicago, wbo, are bit by the bill,se it status that s. loons e&hallot lie otabulalied Vithin co and one-elghti mille of0f iy naval training gchool, and'the ne. naval training achool belugestabllslied peer Laàke Bluff brings fourteen Northi Chi. cagO saloonkoopers within the. prohi- bition limite of the meansure. The bill wll likely bo pasaod this week 1by the senate as the bonne ton- curred In the emendment of Tiffany.' DOWI!E S D!AD Y!T POWER STILL !fELT Eight Separate and Distinct Stories in Which Dowie's Namne la Men- tloned Appear in Tele- graphie. Oowie's last words: "I wiII corne back and reign Sîter a thaussnd years., The resi facto: Though dead, Oowie seorne ta livo stili. Remuarlalîe as the above assertion Seerna, it l8 the trutli and Sunday m1s the day on whieh Ithe Issue was tested. Dowie la living through the press agent. S,îch a fertile source of capy a-bile lie ljved, both tliroîîgh hîmacîlf and tliraugh the welrd rnaglîîlngs of newspaper men Who Vere hie con- tenîpararles, lie la sell the fountain b ead for a set of legeuda concernIug bilm that are epringlug up and ýhe [mereat excuse le taken tof 9 Men- tion of hie name. Soma Exemples More. Foilowlng are seine exaxmiîles. as gatbered from telegraphlc dispatches that appeared in the Suudsy papers and s publlalied ln the SUN yester day: 1-New capital for Zion lace foc. tory. , 3-Vollva baud of porlierslke Sai- vatuon arrny beglue lu Chicesê F -Mrs. Dowle la etarvlug at White îlaite, Midi. wl rt oko 4-Mn. Dw130 l wit boko the lite of lier husband. &-Mrs. L. Staey of 0 New York City. cammits suicide becauso flowle le de&&. -7V1l efs bîlay et Cincinnati. 7-À bandit cdaims that bclaei EliJah IV. 8-Gladatone Dowie VIII write a biography of Dowle. ATMIfTIC MATRON TROUMPCES tIUSB3AtD Norh iChicago Man rurns 10 Hie Fireaide Saturaled wlth Juice of the Corn and Geta severe Drubbing North Chicago contoast of at least ne woman Who le atibletlc enougli te get the beet otflier huabsnd. The Voman lu question le a for- elguer, sud liaî the miefortune telie tled ta a drunkàrd-uot an 'habituai ne, but ne Wobolas perlodîcel spells. Abuse& Wlfe and Child,'en. The "speli" lias heen upon hlu\ý the îiast week, sud lie las started for work every day, but toward eveuIug returns lu au lnt.oxlcated condition. abuaing bis Wlfe and tliree chuîdren frightfully. Woman Declares Riglits. Yesterday morulng bis wife, wlio la a strappiug plece of liumauity, de- clared to a neiglibor, "I give my man ne more chance; If lie corne home drîiuk toniglit, 1 bill hlm," aud she so Infaruîed lierliusbaud, Wlio Promised faltlifully ta go ta work yesterday. Dld Not Meed Warnlng. Along abaut 4 o'clock the provîder atnd pralectar uf the home came reel- lng li,. and firat got into au alterca- Lion wltli a nelalibor lie thon procoed. ed ta cal! bis wlte and chuîdren down Lanîd ta mako thinge lively geuerally. Ordered Chld to Takis Off Sh.... The wlfu was patient for some Urne, wbeu fiuallY the bruite of a huilbaad ordered his 6-year-old daugliter te take affbiseabus,. Thli chlld coulfi not do It quickly enougi tet satisfy hlm aud lie begau, curslng aud abueing ter ehametully. He fluaily plcked up a beer bottie sud raised It lu bie baud preparlng to tlirow it et the chlld. who lied lied ta the other aide of the room. Too0 Much For Mother. 'rhle Vas to mach for the mother to stand. She stepped beblud the lntoxicated man, sud snatching te bottle from lis baud, pulled the chair from under hlmu aud proceeded to give hlm a mach ueeded thrashiug. He trled to get up te throw the chair et lier. but ln a, moment lier athlOtic figure ov.rpow.red hlm. .Mode Hlm PieUd. Plie stood over him until lie plead for mercy, pronssng te go back te work sud let lire Vater alone for a while. The abused Vite sald 10 a noiglibor atterwerd, 'l no 111w to do Il, but 1 Butter 11k. this for ton years. 1 uo inciterStund It. i halât hlm untl le lishave," daoe memt IL I mole 'tl iiad vr ai 'RELATIVtS or srnnt ARE MANY "Silont"lfliflhe Demi MIia air* Une Numerous ]RelatIve. WhtoNMay Shore Fortuse ROSSBACH$ 0F WAUKEGAN AND EVANSTON INVOLVEO. Whlle M. Lived, Man Who Marrled Mm Ahînelander SOtwart $O>. po@ed 8 HNovi Nither ith Nor Nia. 1The budy ot James Henry Smlith. -sîbeat- Smithi, a miliionaîre tamouâ for bis eccentrice, lias annived lu Chi- caga. Wlle preîlmînarles have net been Madîe pîublic <ber- VIIfollewa a cou test for s divîde of an estate of $75,. <100,000 that wIII- brlug a score 0f seu- esatioasIincidents. Mrs, James Henry Sumith,. the dl- îrai-ced wite of William R. SteaatI ibi acconipsuy <lie body, Sud vilI l i met by Sitli's sîster. Lady Ma"y Cooper cf .LAudou. serions Fsmlly Dilficultiéa, lb la rnmorcd <bat serlous tamty difficalties have arisen, sud the. r.a.. tion bu Ma-s. Smith VIIIli e wie wlti manchIinteroat, Hie mother. Mn,. BeabnicO Stalflj naw 80 years aId. Is living atI 120 idge avenue, Evenstcn, and, al- kIhanglieefeels the Inffrmlties e1 age, abe- Io stilI s Weil preaenvod vo. Man, ebrong sud stunly. thou*l bowed wlti grief bocattsêOf th«e M expected dea 'lthcf ber son. ltboi idbecu tbc Intention et Mt. Smith ta prenant bis bride ta0 i motter for the tirot tîme OU ttor le tara tram the at. Sir (eo0Meand Lady Cooper lied pluaite te le Ila Evanston st th. same Umea4" dhèe vas te bave beau s famllY reustS sud a quiet celebratioi. RossbachlIn nit 8 lu Eveustou aiso e vtqo olr a& ters of 1Mr. @pul. Thel atMVI& Victer A. RosibM*it, !omly keliao if101- .sief bustnïa usn V iose iug <k are tu Chicago, sud M- ~Joha 3ig Mille, vite of a veillknowu f.lM tenia n lister. 1fr.. MIII.vea u lier mlothor. George A. -uuitue V brother, fermerly livécd lu Chingm' bat lias heaklu Plillae]phla for se»,- oral year. And Soute NapheO.g The uepliews are William S. XW00A ivice preeldeut of <lie City Nad"on BanC of.Evanston' sud George td,- 1fa sen, af Aberdeen, . SD1., Bsuperltis eut af the Aberdeen division cf tht Chicago, Milwaukee & St. 1Pa81 raS rond. Ma-.rea-derlelt P. Vo»., *04 o! an attorney lu Evauston. ila a anlum Mns. Vase lives at 1014 Maple svà*ésT Ni-w relatives te the lots Jume - Henry (Pient> Smith vene Sunt4gy discovered by tlie SUN. 1Tliey are <lie Dletmeye-s o! Wakse- gan dito a-e nelated te the los omnIfli mîllionaire bY Marriage onlt, 90 <t.. they wili net lie boefidliarles, cor will tbey malte suy effort te enter tu- ta the content cfr<lie New Torkera A lît o! people who an.ecoalpe10.. o, Sitlal as follove: - Mrs. Maggle Diettueyer a! Wadla- Worth. Miss Ailes Vole et Chicago. Mrs. Honace Gerry ot Waukffan.- Were Benoficlars of, Smth. The uîhldreu of at lest 0on., Mtr. phllip Dtetmeyer of Wadsvarth, hbave been heneficiaries of <lie lao mi], lousîne. The cild-eu are Lee DletMeY*r. Belle Dietmoyer. Phllip Dietmeyer, Jr They came talcbeach vltbhthotai champion bacliclon wbo marrled ErMM Rhiuelanden Stewart of <ho Nov Yorkt Pour Huudred earller lu bie lits vlien hc vas a bacheloer. At the time he donatod a buildiag te Lake Forest collage ho offerel10 educate <ho tires childrn eahthUn aortli shore echeol sud.csrrled ont bils Intentions taitbfully se tuaI te iii. la du. lu part thoeuiducatiOof et ie three menlionod. Later ho lest slgit of the famllY. DIMS MÔM KICK IN' IEAD 5V A tO 1Five Points Mat i Kcked in Sua. eto 1 Brain Succumbe affer Ton c* Unconsciouanis-AlonxO N-SI t he Vicbim. r Alter lyîng bon dayimS nt from the effects t ofln813 head by a herse, Sna 1240, Alonso N. SRS North Chicage.o, at~g ' ineyer regslned A coronesr»Y lmat evenlg sud rifAIU*<a Thden ta , 0 , fisO Miscelianeonsa CisFam-ey, Mur- ray, Johnson. Counby Fsrnm-Mcyct - tlnw, Gra- lian. Oounty Part Auditýug - Lamoy Roberna, Hunîngt, Erroneous Aasesaîrrî-îîts--Gibbis, Bd- yards, Appletoun. Eiectlon Pi-ecJnitt anid DIstrits- Raymond, Applelari. Nltrray,, Edncatiou--Graýhiti. Conrad, Clav. Feesud. Salaiics--îRobcrtson, John. son, Farloy. Finance- Hoitilî-rger, Sutherland, lAmey. Jndges of EI.tu-, u lou, 510e <ns, Suthierland.l Judlclary h hrT itiîi. lutGibs, Qîen- U. Llceoae-Appl-rîr1. IRaymond, Rob- erson. Pooa--Mu-î-ac N.,Ilvartlit, Edwards. Pubhic lhiIldingu-Conrad, Horn- berger, inions. Printing-ltert ir.:j Graham, Moyen, Purcbsiac(lic Quetntin, Horett- berger. Stale Chaii-lt-:jtrlerland,. Meyer, Reardan. PS'amîî Lanrd, Sinons. Farlcy, Gibbis. Bettlemeîî t wr' r i nty Treascîrer sud Caanty DtrkIlicarda, Huitbig- ton, Raymond. Settlement cciit h- iff sud Circuit Clerb-Queîît i, Lt r. y -Catîrd.