CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Apr 1907, p. 7

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0"r TALKS BY 1. T. GOOPMR. =-1 ai 10 - ds te. lite t . ota wIel cbmiu Aà m o le els bo s oe Oyet mmW,.. Ideh e *oa â Coup.,'.New Dlmm v M eii 5o p <h ome cshsud ems.Chembowel te mau -amu. asWbue tokint à*. sadÎej i b"l of ngaily, tho Wto ei he eodMe. use e a sapleofai biter. fro. <ho. vbhm &v itd "Fer its..urom I hare suffwed tra eisb md liver bu"".odidu»bome eoetlwedo. 1I ad h.querLAid0 sud mlweys taitfirod md vore eut.I hessd of CamPor'e-Now Dieoevrr--md baox its ue, Ait.. 1 ld ioihd o«e hott I s. onderfellyimproved. Co mtpudcagave weY ta a plmalotretulmity cf tho bovela m 1Ius e tter, *lep$ bot- ter sud lait botter <h.1 I ld Wfomnthe It inh ~S moddus. ihve ever baBy." imuel oos'sc. 1742 bMuas.> Ou mneoms vw, have «"ed<hm sem If. B. LOVELI Danybed roam papers.-......... -- ;- - ....1 c. 12c, 14c and 15c Othor Ppers from Oc up -Wtt îever Clrried a îiter &stock at ouch Iow prices. See them while the lino, is f ull and get a good choice. Spring Stock In Ail our spri ng stock of paints and papera, walL colora and anytbing you want for houe cleaning. A.k to me our new -wal palut-dead finish- Plateau Wall Paift. D.S A. YOUNG LU MBER -ALL KINDS- Good Grades at Fuir Prices. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULD- INGS, BRICK, LIME, ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT. SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE. ETC. G. H. SCI1MNCK Libertyville, 111. f. 13AIRSTO W MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite Monumenu s Cemetery Work of Every Descrption C.arrespondence bolicited 126 Genesee st Waiukegau Wiieé the Pace la Toc Bwlft. late .socIal arder af ubîcli you art- ameuber of great tndividual boeoit youi la Tales care! You mrv bu one afits meudicauts before you lnav Itl -4Jobua&. Rowland. "Fi-lIe>..the I121h;Ithouglt M mucl, If Bob bhiestarto. tie,. Il! lýe hll1,but I VIII ses viii I1oaa do." 0 -. The soucai of>. votée as I drap. 1 ped the. receiver seemefi <o part the. t mlsofailv. e resd neher -me tata 1 the. varli ai Tho s mehoua It blid1 neyer paema on. I lied been ittlas la m>.office, lot tlng the tap, adde tougl intOpers vile ICi over>. yard spellod "pauie" c la a contently relug vole., viion t the>. tal me that Brovulo>. an the1 Boor of the e«chauge vautod me at C the 'phone, and "qulck." Browule>. vas 1 our junior partzer and floor man. He talkel vithiaerush. Stock ezehauge 1 iloor men la pintes ut-ver lt tht-Ir1 speech bobhle.1 "Mr. Raudolph. It'. izzling .over1 bore, sud It'm gttlng htter over z«aoc oui. It's Rb-tbst laevidn 4 tll 3! 'h. keïepu up tli'aco ies- ri- jew lauîor. tii. nmphur vît) overftow 'tht- street' -cnd cet tut the hinles and lto the. country, sud ouansa a tel hou mach terrtbor>. vîilho burusdii over b>. to-morrov. Tht- baya havo 1 bogged me ta ask you tu throv baur- t self Into tho breach sud ta> Tbey agres yau are tii. oui> bope ý nov." *'Are yau sur, Fred. tbat thls la1 Bob's vork?" 1 saked. "Have yau mien hlm?", "Y. .1 have just came frou bIs1 «Mr. R&ndeîph. t'a Slzzllng Over Mert allies, aldsidI1vasintagel ont. lies on tb. ar-pati, Mi. Eeudolp- mdli. then 1 ever sav hlm. Tic luit Ue ho broke toote vai chili's pis>. to hie moud to-is>.. Mother ent me yard tblm morulng that sie au test ulîhit te spelvas comiiug. Ho bmd hoou op ta es ber and alsters, sud mothor thomgt tram bis toue bo vai about ta diseppeer sgalu. Wiion the tli meof aiebisood, and 1 re- mombrci lth. day, 1 vas cii-aid be migittseckebMs vent bore. Also 1 board of bis btIci about tavu tMI long stor ulduight. The minute I opea.i Mis office. bar ho. bey atme UIt. c pauthor. I tli hlmI hast ouI>. droppedlit<n ou y rounds for au or- Idi-, as tue> ver. rnaing off right suai-t, and I dldn't knov but b, ulgit like ta pick pnome bei-galas. 'Bar- gaies!' ho roered,.'don't you knov tbe de>.? Don't rou nleov It la Fi-lis>, thc 13h? Go bmek ta thet hell-pt and soit, seIl!' 'Sel!lviit sud boy much" I1 askei. 'Anythlng, ever>.- îblug. Gîve tue thleves evcfy sars tue>. vil! tale. and vhen tho> vont tek. an>. more. rm aie muci m-a.u dova tuer ci-apu until tht-y apit up ai! tue>. bave huan bu>.lng for th. tant three maths!' Golng ot 1 mcl Jlmx Holiday ad Fr-ak Svmcrush-1 lng ln. Tue>. are eviientl>. ozecutlug Bo's oriers, and have liesa pauna AuU-PopiO'mot for aiboni-. The>. vil! la ou the iboor egala la a fev mllutes. no 1 thouulit it sager tu -e >.u efore 1 started te soit Mr. - olph tuey cananttire mac of «y>tiiuig la beme.andi if1 tg throu stocks over, I vl iii. gavellesie oi tes mlsrntem, tht iri Ve ht. ousOo adosesa 1 Ia p et Ut mIaulest.e e. Çf .!.keWO vat viiihap- 'tu .8t.nto,.r Y. APRIL 26, 1907 nlammee YM asgreduatel frotom Hoverd,*eamamate and Pl .m.Bob Di'.murl if etRichmond, Pl IsL, vWugr ffl lui ie. He.wona'~ 'clamns Iat , rat' Meteal. We hmd hW, four yeua tàethet t SL Peu-sl h prevlo to 10entelmg Nrvard. No 81 girl and lover vu. fonder than v.Ofilu My peplo bu uiB and ta spore.- sud wlh th k B b«*iaiedorthern bar". rne.. ,»rmmevleya vere Pour aM oiiurob ami, ,ýb theY .hall the brillîlant, *11e UbW f the. aId a.mlrt-&olfgsseby m th. roanetic, 'sa!em.togo.oe" xio4dupille aof s. befr.tho Mr yg, vben mutheru progality am" bà*egty ver. found bed beon fingerlag ibe tM te.. hy.waeg viir«vrvaerrs (a« ir mcd mon's ïye ad ton millions eru b Om m~Utina. 5ln the o 10<101Of theîr Julep- PrIe. value, ev'ery feu mftute% 1 WI glusseA sure this uethie vork of Bob Broy- pBobs f gthor oh.mti. lg, uhatel le>. No onse me la Wall salt all .Zpiletraasouticoare thermsonae the. Daver, the. nore, su th de I-o. hiountli o thre aid tht- sent tb crueit>. ta rip tuis ai tii.>hle d a bs at y ta *"e tnb i"sped been rpped during the. lest 20 Min- and t SP yoagS dvbi erbs and av utes. Tii. lght befr. 1hal ea- mudit sn e. yornng lapn B brs s sd Bah lu the. theter lobby. 1 gave amldson paet.pnBb l hlm closeoscrutiny adBaMW the eld00 t orie 1blh ora ail mec bout knew Mmc>. a varianommfer siternoon. p the. meauing. Tii. big brava .>..s as Bob aud I pe4dlitdodan the S wre setona paco; tihe autor coners Charles, and ofie n c a cold, crspy of the bandsome moth ver. dravu nigbt as vo eset l my ehaating-box onau i bard sud tenue sue tbough veighted. the Cape Cal sboM . ai we matched -ci As I bal my vît. vîth me ît vas uop for aur futur*.. 1 vas to have the Impossible ta follav hlm. but Wheubo Inutide nn of thegpont banilg bout.a] 1 got bomee I called up ies bouse aud uses af Raudoîph &8eRandolph. sndlit is clubs, tutoulng ta agit him tarun Bab vaa eventueilly ta represent my a, up and amoke, a cigar vlth me, but father's dru ou tii. baor ofthe' stock coutidlacets buna iiere. 1 ied eîcbmcge. "Fid de tuanauoffce,' BobL cgaln"'in.tlie moi-int vîthout succeà àés.ed ta gay, "a the fluor of theV -bu( oten just--beforo noon tbe iT&pe -stock cîchinge lu Jouit the 'chimne>.. begau, ta JlumIt sd flash and suari, 1Pace ta raasý my bae.cake in." Sa remembered Bobs ugly moud, and al] wlen aur coltege deym vere over my I porteuded. ah!. nid isther1taact as iw agaluat the Fred Bravniey vas Boba youugeaî val lunbis officeè, mad tried us b>' hie e brother. 12 years him junior. ihibs teste, and proud- ve bath were wbenv been vlth Randolpb & Randoîph îrom dad said: "Jim. trou sud Ilolb have tbe day ho toit college, and for over chosen vo!!. You, Jlm. Ut'(- luat the sq & year hadlbt-en aur moet trustt-d' hap ta stop int my aboe-.i.ajol Bob la I stock excbange man. Bob Brovn- cut ta a tbirty-aeoand and sios fuuotrth lt-y. vien bluself. vas as fond of is for the flaur." Praud vi'o re fot E 'baby brother,' ai hoe called hlm.aansgo much becauseeof uhat mi failiers lis beautîful sautheru mothor vas ai decigion nieaut for our fut ure, for bath butwhenthe evilbad ota ucweknev vo should Set Imb the- busi-, 101h butuhenthe evilbcd utsa ail rigbt. but because aur jucît- mont vas indarsed b>. one we bth b tbougbt aisnr lntslllbip as man c cauid ho lu mytbîug pertainfug taA buslnesa affars. I Bob vas thon 22 sud 1 s yaar nid- tr-i one ai Your rav.boued New Eng' aud lads, nat muSh for prettinesa, I ut villing ta welgb la race-day withV MY .Of theus for ste&&dless and stay- lng Qualitie.; Bab sa bandsomo ai I tbey mad. thom, six feet tait lu big a gym andaIs stragitas an arrav, vlth tii. fai-m afan Ilain, and anc ar thaleo cleen, brsse, sii-far-hearI-natb-c Iug'for.palicy. amilni faces tu whlcli men yleld wiling friendlijess. sud vomues, Idleti>. Bob's t-esvwer. se big sud round and purple-brav ase su fngli liuIIdogÉa, unfathomnablo. ai anc. mild sud stema. ltb a childiali cone-sud-go perpioxit>.: bis nose sai atraiglt ms thougl ieleed by a mme- trfor a Gi-o.k medalion, vîtu 't i cUrved Upa ta correspond, Mcd c i.I hi-aid for.lied. whose wbiteneas via 8toff y c luxuriance af hair that Sueo ltele.but vas ai thesaime rarepurle-bownas bis oye,. But liuws e ipse af Rob's bend that gavrebis good looks thelr crown. Who- ever baiseon a hunch af tvo-year.oid calts lu a long-grass Kentucky pad- dock. vheu the- darky boy lots tat- ~bis shrilîl ubîsti,- a: taklng-up tîme,*- la ure ta remem ber ane that tii-ev up ls ht-ad snd keilt it poised ta2 maire sure lit had c .aught the- cal!. Grace. strugth snduharnossed vs>.- yard leadership are there penmalfltd. Borne sncb suggestions was ever lu tbe carriage ai Bah s -hapeiy lisadtand -'i vigorous figure, aud diill lndeed vouîd ho the man or waman wbo ialled ta ,e dGttîng Motter Every Second.» fBrovule>. vas by ai! odds anc ai the *lan of Uob-and is option duringthebm hndsomest mca 1 have over seen, Pâlitt ireo hallbeauen ercieedbut hosides that. lic vas a sterling, mayatlme--mother and brtiier b"i man:y, unaffected f-itaw, as true as ta take their place viti anl the rest sbeetcamnraevends c irnad te ai tht- varld, for thon Bab knev nout ord redee al kiudred, no frlends. Ail the vide PcriasaIt was because it-s father's9 vorld vas ta hlm dnrlng thoee pe- deathliit saddlcd tulb's youth vlth riada a Jungle peapied vlth sav tIle beavy respousi:bîlities or husband- animais mcd reptiles ta haut and figt ing aud dlrectlag is family's slim and tear and kilt. financos that hi' lokte business as a It la bardiy nocessar>. for me tua wlo ateai.W nee h expîsin vho Randaiph & Randlpli are. oillce oi Randlpb & ltaudolpb àu the For more thmc 60 years the name baisme dey, and on its auniverssry, e spokn fr Itelfla verypar ofyear ister. my father summoned un spaen orlteîi dl t-vem art ga- juta bis office for a sort af tally-up chines are lnstalled. No reliront!l Ia s camlug. r ls wctbled vi wt flunced. lia gi-ot "industri" pro. plasure un h and: hild wt jected. vîthout b>. force ai habit, bat-."plusi yaus md tabc avt ai>:ot 1 n-handing a by-your-Ieave aofBsn- doueu expctatobs have ad y t doipb & Raadolph, mcd ever>. nstandn yeprais.1hvhllm whien ontering the. markeet for loins, e>.. on bath ai yau sud I vant you kuova that th favor ot tbe raremont 1- ta 1110v that the kiud oaiinduit>. sud American bunkers lasosmthlug vhlch ! business intelligence you have shoya muet ho rockaned vltli, 1 prde My. ibu v ould bave wan yau recognition self tb.iat the.endaofton lamc>. bankîng bouse an 'the street.' ygAra 1 have hall the belu ar lin. i vint ou bath lu tht- firua-Jmata dalph & Randaîpii. I bave dan., notb- leara hie vay round so bot-an stop lug ta mai the. great came, My fa. inta uy eaho os;u. Rab, ta tue . h. liter and unce .crestel, bu, eu oraithe flrm'asets W oustock ex. ta edd ta lits sterling reputation forIchn. honet dealiîg, fearlem ,ol.ionmd- Bob', face vent red sud thon pale methode, and &el-round lstegrit>.. vith happlut-as as he reacheo6 for MaY iBraotreets sud OtherMerantle fathers baud. monacbe "Y la reportlUg Reedaîpli "I'i very gratefiîta You, air. fer I& Randolph: "lWaeuii lt>. millions mare go tlian yardS eaas>m.,but I sud uDverd, credit mufmtui." î1 int ta talk Iis proposition ftiyours eu take. but mue!! pi-ame fter :hle avoir- vlth Jilthore tiret. He khou for h. report wue abot theé sam, me botter thonan syoue e. luaithe h. di>. I let 00111<. an Mme<to t vorld, cul Ive same Ideau I'd 111e te offce ta "«aruthe f* Bt , aae,"~ tbrasslieut vîth hlm." aithe survvo-af a>Mygru feber 'Speak up bore, Bob," sali >. pride, but If you wii loJt me bave the. prtc. af a stock excliange seat on my note. and vill givo me the chance. Whon 1 get thie bang Of the rapos, ta bandlene sofaithe.firma airdera, 1 @hall b. just as mnicholden ta you sud J.ia, air, arnd abal! te.! a lot bat- tTo hp <ontinue<ll Reat Ette Tramsers «:Ir.e.fimhed 8y - meoa- I*Ice County TitIs & Truot Co. àbetracte of Titie. Titleu uarantesd Umni eaipp eBldg. Waukein, 111. April 20, 1907. Mary H. Latta ta Mary Breakweil. south part lot 47, Highwood. Q. C., $100. Minnie. E. Smith and bins. ta Frank Patovaki, lot 19, blocs 20, Wasbburn Springs. W., D., $150. Chicago Titie & Trust Ca. ta C. Il. and C. W. Paige, lot U .block 2, Chi- cago Highlands. Deed. $310. Ernst Bock ta Ella L. Case, block 1 and lot 2, bla-ck 2, SIiady Nook sub. In Sec. 14, West Antloch Tp. and land adJoIning. W. D., $54i. IF. P. Crandon an:d wlre ta Mary Larsau. vest 38 ft. lot 2, block 14. ,Vashburn Springs. W. D., $275. C. M. Jepsan and wlfe tu L. M. Jep- son, lot In N. E. 14 See:2r,. Waitconda ru. WA. B.. $1, B. Zbysenakl and vire ta A. ski aud -vifs, lots 23 and 34, 'tasiburu Park. W. D..,$12r J. F. Smulskî and wlfe Io senski, Iots 33 sud 34, block burn Park. W. D., $325. Rîle>' Hil! and vile et ai. tr Hill, part north %~ Sec. 25. M Tp.. sien lots 1 ta 30, block additioni ta Waucanda. Q. C Sylvester Johnson et ai. Harman, lot 6. block 1, ai block 2, Waodlaad Bluff, N( caga. Deetis, Si. John Baldvwinand îfo ta A. Horan, lais 8 sud 9, bioci, tub. Lake Forest. W. D3., $1 Beulai E. Brlgham ta remporance Society', lot 2. [add and Geoerge's add. W W'. D3., $600. Breta M. Brlgbam ta Sîvaîti persuce Society,. lot 1, block and Gt-orge's add. Waiikegaiî $600. Wm. Witmlngton aud vIfe1 7ossman. lots 2 and 3, bloci mngton's sub. Round Lake. $400. T. J. Bave ant i vIe ta E Hill, lot 11, bidck 67, lghiî l.C.. $6,367.28. Anna B. Devere ta Estelle aot 11, blocke 67, Highland 1 CJ., 06,367.18. A. J. Mr.Vey sud wvue ti Duan, part ltC329, -Lake Fai D., $2,500. J. J. Sullivan and vite toA lt-r an# wve, uorthvest par Sander lin'm euh. Wauleegan. $300. John Vonung sud vîfe ta oeil, 121 acres lu Sec. 13, Est rp. W. D., $9,600. Helen E. Dîver and hue. Waiulus, lot 5, block 2,tVai ver's suli. North Chicago. $250. Wm. Kulest ta A. E. Schoi 23, block 42, Lake Bluff. 1'000. H. C. Niemeyer aud vife and Wtm. Kehe, 9 acres lu Sec. 25, Ela Tp. WV. D.. $475 Rapbsei De Clercq ta El Clercq. lot 9, Fox Lake sub.1 Grant Tp. Deed, $1. Samue!H. Kemp sud vif, ut-i Clark, 60 acres ln S. E 9, Ela Tp. Q. C., $30. Gea. Knox and vile ta J. - tek, lot 5, block 58, Lake Bluf $800. Chicago Tîtie & Trust Cc Ont-sun, lot 10, block 32. Highlands. Deed, $350. Chas. H. Ferry et ai. to Crosse>., part blocks 27, 33 North add. ta Lake Bluff.9 Aneas Peterson sud vIfe. Kelly, part lot 1, block 1, Chi Antîach. Q. C., $1. Rasa Thompsansd bue. and E. L. Murray', about 1M1 Sec. 4, Cuba Tp., anmd lu Sec. couda. Tp. W. D., ,10,000. Patk. sud Frank Gaîlf United States, lot 8, biack1 Fart Sheridan sub. W. D., Hermione Roman ta Thorpe, lot 1, block 32, Norti W. 13., $350. 0. R. Lyoan sd vile taD ors5 lot 16, lot suh. of Fair Waukegau. W. D3., $550. Helen E. Diver and hus.t Scyter, lti12, block 1, Ward sub., North Chicago. W. 1) F. B. Harper ta HermînE lots 28 sud 29, block 51, N cago. Deed, $575. F. N. Tomllusou sud vIf( mine Roman, lots 28 and 29, North Chicago. Q. C., $1. E. A. Cummîngs and vife Patrie, lot 1, block 10, . Highlands. W. D.. $500. Jane G. Flune>' ta .rank uarth bal! lot S, block 11,. Highlands. W. D.,1.,200. Ad& E. Mclntasa and bus Wolf, lot 5 sud t-ast 7 il. tei "K"Barrlugtan. W. D., $1 H. T. Bîrcb and vife ta Er bat-bot, 20 sertes ou Green: jumt saath of Highland Pari $27.600. G. E. Sayier andvlife te Thorpo, lot 2, blacke 8, Norté W. D., $600. !1907. block S, IWNTs m A D S "Corne in Ouf of he Wct' Oily Bli'> wante a kis, sittin n he i relin. Why thould e.d*Ay him this? Answeru ver>. pleins Con the fire of love b. warm (hsed my Ieug-all With the. wotns aof thae torm puttina cutthwe emk? Som folk@ nover know eflough to escaeutii.wet; bit @round and se>'. "It's tough!"--doomod*to vain regrot $tore in full and stock is fine, stifi nobody buys. Corne enaîde andcd cea t pins. Secreti ADVERTISI#, I2OR SALjE-En«ii s str puppits MONEY-TO LOAN-tin me"d-t*w PligiltM& ta regi.try. Fi"IANK Rts'. relate tecurityr Bcx. HI. MLLa, Libsi Grayseate. 111. 2810-lt) tville, Il. FOR SALE'-We gtillii ast' a lt-w desir. HOUSE WAN.TED-Abousin lhx[bIoeY 4111ëh0. 8tOMU..* Y ,.,, & ,, M, ,ille, ta reit. E. A. Bissas. 2Mi 8, R. Zb- ______________ FOR SALE-24'2 sces stock sud dai 8W's-LArNO MONEY. TO LOAN-We make latin. % Mile tsautbea8t ai Wauconm t W'allacc e otlt'tf b,.uing iant'>'for btilJdil,z Lake î'outity I11, fmproved witb ue flaucanda çîirPc1Iss-%80 isIrtl u lott,,. fvîu& bouse,lbarn sud ut-Il sud millIte 2, Hil'I I . 2t-tf neesary'out buildings, orchard tint! $600.iad tint-'fi-t-hvaté'i-poud: Clos.1 ta J. M. ACRE PROPERTY-Juitside Lb ib- c los. cusett Mae affer. nd lot 8.ertYville corporation lui prie m sa I I@ antt.Saeofr ,ortb Ch,- easy bei-ms5. YNIO & AtsTi..28-tf82 Acre Stock euS Ssii-y taraiSi ____________________ ----__ esI ai lenviev, Cook countyl, --- th aidts ai MIlvkee Ave. airo Margaret FARMS-We bai-t-'a large liat of Lak'e with good bouse and bei-n ne 2. Holl's couaC' ItinîS taestil. aiseabouses, andSlots paintedan sd lieurouf. on bar-n. <l i,062.50. In village. DrisoND & At-STtN.. 28-tf orard sacrfice for$150 per sera. S -utJ -@0î0o~ 120 Acre Farrm-Near Blue Iled block 1 TEXAS LANO-We lhave the vriy hoat utiles fi-utaM'dlotbla station tupmoi Vaukt-gan. aud cheapestlansd for the mnu->.ta iv viii gaod liouse, sud- hat% aMi. baS lu Tsxas Pa'nbandle excellent prairie buildings. GOWOrciierd and 27 e taja Temna lafId frous $4,50 ta $10 lier acte. tituber andti tetre excellent fer dit il, LadS 28-ti Dy]dOat> 8&AUSTIN. lai-e $100 per Acre. W. HBave seversl god fbrueshlun -W ..FOR SALE-Moadern bouse. 9 mrout, 5 heo sld cbeeP fer cash. Addrems ut ta Jenlo logets, batb, patri, bot vate et 1aIJaRN B. Oviusseyavu, il$ Aubb 1 ýk 2, Wiî- bard vood ibi-oughoul, complote lBd. Ch'iao. < ~,~ ever>'detail. Cook Ave. Liber-îl, 111 C. B. ATERLL.211 CARPET WEAVER-119 ûbetm1 sble FOR SALE-Two loto, coi-uer Or S, ag... adndrk su uibutCourt. Inquire Mus. M. J. s B. Hill, BAtTE., Libortyvilie. 23-t1 FOR SALE-hi Wyandotte Park.__Q.__________ fllbloodol stock sud vlnte< ar. FOR SALE--Singlo comb bugf Orpini- telu. ggs 50 cmte 'el sWli1 te Frank ton ea01.00 per 15. Fertility iguet- W. DuPBv.R rest. W. e. Lr FR.&X aiGisyalal.-. -------TO-- km nlOAbbe , maty ui Àme! Kel- FOR SALE-flous. and lot, 166 fout5pet v i nteflt . o.Z. J.y* t lot 11, frOnt&ge. an (liai-chtmusot opposite (aCook rceco tr. et. sudi siaet.-Ie. W- ., 13.. ri.Sitble for reaidonmo.i-r .(ousemiMlane, buaismiblock. Mas. F. C. KwDÂàLL, F. R. Bis- libortyvîlle. 28-tf FOR SALE-140e-riea mmte I AnîlociAujone viehiug ta pureom (mi 'FOR SALE CAEAPO-Store -buIlding, o-tmiouid appl>.. PAvti A, ktoquw te Ueo. s5hedo auSd- lot lu Ivanhot-. Addroms Y.* 29tf Lbryil rd & Di NM ENDE , let<.bter anl>'. 29-" _______________ W. 13.. .FORSALE-Eigbt rouai iodern lit >ppers, liFOR RENT-Blacksmith uibap anaSon McKinley &y@., Libor:yvIlot * ALFREDilAcIF P. 0. pra« e Viw, Li te Fred2"- GIRL WAN1tE-oaod gtirl for=a ta Fred ~~~batimpwnork. Mus.C.. aval1 8- W. iV- FOR SAL-Pheotan itb shafisud ville,.i19. polo. Nosrly ieu'. Wililoeilicbeap for - lt-cIra De cash. Mri-. M. Pose. ltockefoller, 111. O UEBEC-Tbe Freh cousit be4 ln Sec. 2, 28-4 duet-hie Wolf î untallon, VIS te laSm. (lOuwv. qManager, - E14, St-c, RAW GOOSE FEATMERS-l have sa _____________ quntily in liraI rIas. coudition: foi-sale.GIL W ~ - A.MIo-MItas CIAse MILLIER, Littertyville. 11i" GIL. NT ale girl1 r. W).,2lî.îf gent-raI uunework. Mlin s a XPffl -f.W . Prairie Vit-w, 111. 5f U. te B. FOR, SALE-Brovn tsars and colt and Chicago 8aillion ouiog 4 years old. J. H. RODaiS WAt4TE-Two or WK'LLs§, itRleft-Iler, II1. 29-tf uufurnlsbed i-ouse luLibertyvléit i Novtonlight baube-keoplug. Adireme. a8 I and 42, FOR SALE-10te t 15 toue vilS hay.Idpaet Q. C.. $1. linquireat Coolie>' art, Everett. 20-S la W. H - LOST-itund gol bremtipl, eas Isad.WANTED-tiaod trolig i-chable g"rl or Cnve lt % u yhle par d opelg,* t vjftF oruan. Phone 121 Libertyviffe orcc 004W ltr 8 ndlenOt fo tJO1.addressa lra. Woodt, Westorfield place, FOR SALE-Quooid ilg bo rSeyu Q acres lu Prairie Vit-w, 111. 29-tf sound esudail rigbt. W. E. D. ledq *34, Wau--.0P dent office. Sç FOR SALE-6 renlt bous., couveleat lagher tea nd in gtrnd repair. Inqutre J. R. Mjng, WAN'TED-Getl.uen ai-lady to tu 1, Pray' 'Lbertyvîîîe. 111. 28- fuir meicantile boubsof $250,000 $400. -------------______If deeiable iithbouso» a>. bha MhiagrtFOR SALE-$4000abaons ai tuehe atqiiarters.Wekysliya ! Chcga.oit--t modem baume on lauke e ve- par-r ucd expoame, Ad.* I.H -nue. iglinlutown. Se. MCDOXLeÂr.n TROUe<,q.lfLamE9,125 PbMié r rounds, - -- - ---- op ta C. E. FOR SALE-Fou huchetsa ofKtag FOR BALE-OuaNo. 8S Qypiie 4 18& DIvers Pbillip s.ed cor-n. Hessisx Bstowx. t sd 2 Prairie State Wooisi% 0. $525. 28.2 qui-o MU NMue eaSie, (O="&m,. ie Roman, Iorlh Chi- re ta Her- block 31, ta Franke Waukegan Remzgar, Wakgau . ta Fred t 6, bocke 1,600. 'nât Wiu- Bs>. roanI k. ;W. D., D Floregte JiChicago. The. Prie of lM«eth. «The pie. of boultl a a maai-laui liaistlat just 26c, tue ot of a bS of O)r.Kine" NewvLU$. Pille. v-tm FOR SALE-Rubbe trd tpbg in goodcodtoas.LSEib. ty v lle. . 8 -tf F0>? SALE-,outh aide, -pewvfour fiat building, location gond, tonants fireli élas, relit in advance, bg Inereet - on prie,. If lau vau to nouia phuimo prapertr an vhlb y ou vin Dot hMve ta pa>. ont an. dolarfor repair for mveral yere. u bout ts ios e u lJ's. Q. FOR SALE-A couple ai geleilgbt. Ing plat. One coet $600Wini mil for te25 other rost $40 vîli sel! for $15. al good repaîr. A. C. MeURBT, Libertyvillo. lui. ' 29-tf FOR $ALI-Clieap. tliree standard bred trotttng stalis. ait reglterel. or eliubte te regleerla liii America TraWuqg R104Wt«,1iveto*e 147,0 liii; FOU#M0-Slx am i o lmmeu Ploe"' April 21. Ovmmr mm> WANTEO-TvO girls; 01» for and one foi- store. Funo.1 YOU CAN È 411,ië iiOU.ý$ 10 reni. PYNIOND IN AUSTIN. -lu .#

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