c JNTY WVAU 14IBYJVTYVILLE, LAKE. OQUNTYS INDILPEN»'ENT. 4IWFBKY SUN B. FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1907-12 Pages 8$1.50, PER YBAR IN ÂDVÂ&NC Firesiet arringtosi. ,RACES lre bruine out lu the englue roan A O ~ Q ) of the Barrlugtou tountiry at 9 o'eiocl< AINNO N R D Wedueeday mornug. The lire depart- ~ ,y met respoudedte th le alam Prompt- FO R JULY liyaud th, d ethe lireunuder central wîthîn fiteen minutes. The darnage viii net exceeti $350, ulyeovered by Batry Elamies Circuleatlwoni ong Insurauce. Hauban IHomuth. the en-L Rereemen fer Lbertyville guser. stoti bravel aat is peut sud Race viicisope CIruIt gave the alanm by blawiug the laun- __________open_ ircui dry whltle. Work at the 1iaundry bai 1 .net been luternsipted no do net besi- 526.200UP IN STAKES lata lu sendlug yaur work lu as usuai. ON THE IGUT EVENTS. Troiting sud Paclng Races t b. SMALL CtIILD US Evened Up and Rlght Races Ro-O ~ T EA I main te b. Anueunced et O E T D A H $1m00Rach. Waukegan infant Thirteen Menthe Old Tv<î trottiug meets are thus tar falu mbo Tub of Hot Water and achedulea for the Lîbertyvlle truck Death Resulte. thîs yeux.a one wiliita a mtions. ou Jly 4 anti Friday atternon the tlitrteu-1 the other viii be the openiug of the monIbe-oli chilti of Mr. aud Mrs. Johnr Great Western Circuit July 16 tu 19; "itock, of 908 Tenti street. feu i nà Inclusive. a tbree day met that bide a -tub oi boiling hot water sud wasa -fair te be ot great importance. ieraiiy cookedtu t deatb. . The. tact that tl e i opeiug ot blieu caiimiuing the wails hati loftt the. Great Western Circunit vil caunt a tub of vater standing ou the itoar. t iggeiy witb the gate eceipts. The cilid vas jlaying about theo 9Entrien jor thitimeet wviiiclose oom sud tell In tte tub beati irst. May 6, and tolowing are the stakes sud vas there for a moment before thue far: 00the umen or tie mther, via vas lu 2:20 trotting ....... .........200 uanîainlug roam. saw IL The lat-t 2:15 tottinz ........... ...... 200() ter rusbed into the. room. grabbedth lee 2:12 trotting.-................ 1.5'00 cbill& and puileti it out, but l vas ton r 2:25 trottiug for 3yearolds.... 600 late.c 2:13 paciug.................. 5000t 2:25 pacing .................. 2.000 2:08 pscing............... ...1500COMMAI'<DMENTS 2:20 paclug for 3year«oid ... 6001 There are aisea elgt races aio 100 AS NOW RÉVISED eadb ta be annouuced Inter. h le posible, accordlug te a barne- man*o magazine tbat Eti Geers viii bol An Up ta Date Revision of the TanM et the truck vitli hie tbis yeer'e tain. Comman dments as understood by nus seusational teature, Williaum . the Mail Order Houpes ofet he William . le natif te be capable, oi Country. baatlng anything that Geere labas a thue tam. sud Geers la tie Worde- mont temoue relusmali. Tbe ten commaudmenta as rcvlsed The anauncement of!h meet le ta fit the mati order catalogue boenn made lu the magazine sud bears the plan: signature of J. . Grldley. ecretary ai Fiat iou saoliseliyour farmâ the truck asociation. products tor cash vheuever you eau, W11A1 WmuL. rnCoC but nt te es; ve do net buy ftram 'ou. Or 51111 ESAT~ Second-Yon s"albelifee ur sMats- Unis the tersa if hl Lon Ien UmentaBld tbur ail roisneel trm us et James fientr-nSodt. lbu Ma tes fovote~o tues of vbicb vere -made knovn ua nedwit y Mdonday. the viow, vho vas Mrs. Tlirt-Ton sMail senti the moue> Rhlneiender Ste*art. eceives but $fi.- lu aivance ta gie.une the chanceta 000,000 or au Income tram that ent. gethe igondis tramthe tactory witi Lady George Cooper, aiter oi the ormny ewhlyuwliav muli-mllinareInhrit $0,00,00.ta vait partientiy a tew veeke b.- Others ofaiblloond relatives get ]th- cause tsat ta aur business methoti. eral bequeus. Fourth-You shail appi> te your Friands o!flire. Smith declare that nearesi citty tealad yon lu building aIe viii net be satisfieti vitb the pro- good roiade yeno may conveiiently visions matie for lier lu ibis testa- get the gondsisrtr the depot vblch meut sud wll cotestILh.yau buy tram us. for ve do net builti on the other baud fear la expresseti country roaiis. by Lard Cooper that-there la anotier Fiîîb-You sahbnl by churcb belle aud later viii. made Jut atter Mr. sud Interior flturee irom unansd tor- flmIth's marriage. aud wvilc le nov lu 1yard the mouey lu advauce, tor tbat the keeplug aiflirs. Smith. lu thla la aur business meihoti. snd yau shal Mir. Smth le bellevedte tahave madie coliecit ram lhe bueiness meibin yaur i*r more liberal provisions for hillsvlclulty as muci moue> ai yen cau widow fotbnhe veet ore oucuey frmAy- jtinr li enge t mor ebune rhe. Ai- BARN URNS iît thon tbey do, stillI t Io against our CATTLE AND HM SS country churclies. b>yu ol BssfSixtb-Yon shahlbyyu ol - rom us sud be your owu mecbauic, Farmer la Unabie te et id aud S in l order te drive tbe mechanhcs tram Barn Go Up ln Smoe, Follewing!yn,îr vlciity, for we wiebh itse. Passage of soit; Stock Surns aud. Sevet-You shall induce your Valuabie Farm Implemets Are neighbor ha buy everythiig from uns, Twisted aud Charred-Bolt Strikes as ve bave rnam for mure moey- lu Lbertyvlie Aise. 1thc e i smnAey there te leftinho yur cammunity, tihenaoner we co put iÀgtning struck tbe barn o! Mati ynur local merdhante oui o! business Wlckereheimer rieur Aptakisic Sun- sud charge ynu any price ve peuse. day eveulug at 9 'ciock, sud fireti the I Eigiii-You shah l lok ftien ai tbe building. vblcb, villi ail Ils contents, beautiful pîcinres lu aur catalogue, le asttaliose.se ynur visies viii increase. aud yau No aid couid lie procureti. viii senti lu a big order. althougb you Seven cave. five horses, valuabie are net lu immetilate neeti oi tie forai Implements sud tolse ver. ail goua, otberwiese you migil bave some detroyeti. The barn vai au oltiof. moue> leit ta buy ueceseary goods ni fai, but Its contents eve.Indispens- your local merchaute. able. ,Nltb-You shah bhave the me- The barn he a mile enuth o! the vil- chiantes vlio repair the gonds you buy lage of Aplakli. tram us bok the bill se you eau send In Libertyville a bouse belougiug ta lie mouey for lite abor tn us for uew George Morse vas strnck anti tlie onds. otiervise helevii nit notice chumuey ebattereti by a boit., There,'ar influence vas no iurtber damnage. 1Totli-You aball, lu case of accî- Thie stnrm vreaked amuit damage dent, selekins or ueed, apply ta your lu Wanlcegan sud alang thie northllocal dealers for aid anti credît, as ve shore, vbicb it strudlt au baur erlr do net knaw you-St. Paul Trade tbsu the eouuty. Journal. LAKE IFOREST MA BIG POLO MEET AT I1!ADS A BIG CLUB ON*!IJITSIA CLUB J. V. Farweil. Jr., Chouan Preaideni Grouuds Being Put in Shape fer of Chicago Commercial Club-lo National Polo Association Tourna- promisiug Young Man. meut te bu Held lu July. John Villiers Fai'veli, Jr., vlio ri- Extensive impravementa vI ibp day eveing vas eleÇtet preitient et matie et the Ouventela Club lu arWe the Commercial Club of Chicago, la ta place the polo fielu the tunt videly kuowu lu mercantile cireles. passible condition for the annuel beiug treasurer sud geri manager cliamploushiPe Of lie KRU" alPolo of thse John V. Prvell COInhssY. ne Asociation, vliioh yIlb. heMli er. tn aiuna& directar Of lie NtiOsal OU& thle veek of Jul> 19. efthle Rfpphhie anti prsde-t li te '-Thield.14lànov eue of 11e boit lu Fist StePavuCis' Socety. the vuat, but the bet poe4b1e tiimIa Ut. plzvell vaa bora lu 10888andti gu vIliib. proviid and ~ey e4 vas graduateti ienaie la 18790 ta opt g!SShW15Iby egneffal <weling and -r MARRIED Lake Couaty Jariat uniteti lu Mars lesWlth Umamabel Toil ofWauskegan. WAUKEGAN PEOPLE READ LICENSE WITH SURPRISE. Bride aud Groom Leave ou a Week's Trip When Wii Return te Make Home on North Genese. Street.. Satuttiai atterjnoon, near )o'cloc<, aI Ail Soniet Church lu Cicago, 11ev. Dr. Jeukin U.oyd Jones îînited liti nar-. riage County Judtge DeWltt I.,.Joues aud MLes Mabel M. Toi], irlendeé onîx attent -ng. TVhe bridai party but fon 1h. 2.19! train for Chicago and the outy intima- flou that Waukegau iu general hat af tic ceremotty was the î,ub1Ieation ai tie ilcense ln 'Chicago Itapers tits morning. The marriage ,nark'î tih.et etina. tion oi a romance sud contes at. tbe cuti qt an engagement iwrsistently de- nicd until practicaîl> the haut .of lie ceremn>' neither cantractiug hart>' being viliing ta admit the trulli o! ru- mors ta lhe effect that they were en- gageti. Witt Go ou Hoeymeon. lu the hart>'. besities the bride sud groom-to-be, ver. Louis Joues, son of Jutige Joues. win carne dowu irom Racine Academy ta attend the mar- niage: William L. Farmer. anti Mrs. Guy Shaw, tbe lait namiet a claie mate o! the bride ai Waterinau Hall. Saturday eveniug: atter the cereman>' Jutige aud lire. Joues left ou a honey- montrip. Their destination le hat annoneed. Atter a t#p that vii lat about a veek they wili return sud make their ham% aet the Joues resi- tieuce on North Genese. street. Sketch of Nowiy Married. . litge Joues lias servetil everai terme as county anti probete Iu4ge of sConc5auy. -Re be. longs ta venions latigea of pramineuce. Mie. Mabel Tait Joues ete h.eieder daughtar of Dean William Toit, ai Christ churcli. aud bai been Jutige Joues, privala secretary. Papere Make Mîstake. The Cbicago Ebrouicle lu priutiug tbe marriage Detcee iis moruiug matie a ludicrous mlatake liat ls cane- iug amîles ber. aud that vill prob- ably cail dovu a starm, ni vratli later. The liceuse reade: DeWitt L. Joues. 21; Mary M. Toit. 18. The lutige ant i is bride probabîr siatedti Ieir ages as *Iegal." IFRE! LOVERS WANT SAME JAIL CELL Man sud Womcan helti in Custody in Waukegen Compiain ageinat Restreint in Lake ceunty Jail. Lucy Jane Crosby anti ber allegeti lover andi husianti, Arthur Bales., are nit taking ileir confinement eau>'y aud lave somne kicks ta register against tic motiel 1511 ai Illinois, liat of Lake cunut>'. Thein kick andt lai o! hem tfrientis la lIaI île>' are net permittedte taoc- cupy lhesaime cli turing ther cou- finement anti muci surprise vas ex- pressed t i ur separation b>' licir frieuds ibis marnîug uhen blie> came ta vIIl. Bales ant isls Crosby oppose lie legal form ot marriage b>' certificat. anti preacher anti do nitcoositen hemeelves manriet Inl the ontiluar>' andi legal sens. oi tle lerm anti the>' sa>' tic isci lItaiboti are afflîcleti viit iseaee la a bar ta perfect mat- Ticin case lase attracteti mucb lu- tereel. Wceatisay us>' vere faceti at an the ail steps, atten haviug hitiden ther faces anti foras ram lie camera ail aternoon dgitnng lie beer- ig In Justice Weiss' court anti mate ta hav'e tlii pielunes taken. Lue>' Crosby, anti Arthur Bales, lie couple vie Mme tîme ago appmert In the. oflice of lie registen aitees lu thta .dtY'anti ssbed tht aua igne- met Qi aartlage b0tveen tien b. uegteredti itsut the formation etf a vetidingubav,ee C.'ti le eut et lisir fie love rop. 117 be« indioeet by lie grand jury of Zil>a Cil> for 1h- Rleagetu R th"e their. pstw> grand jurn la OE bave bien enabi agreemntiwbleb file lu lhie <lIt preat ai their mmt lie nngbihtTti tlie pair are ilili the usuel vay te for tber lm niteiiW 'been heid ta the W bonds whlch they le ta ftirnish. The thbey atemptedl to vas prê'sented as Miage, but it avalilet le now thmigbt Ibat lis ta get married inl eescape pufflsbmentý, lu Bani>' Dey* Clark Corser..of BentaiWrtelbo-k of Poem« andti etae auusicrlpt TIME OF WRITINYG WAS BACIN 40!* Old Man Mas Troceute in Shape af HMis Early Efforts in Versfication-- The Libérty Tri- 'n Full. Clark Crier, pet r' t -i-tiOa loin Alexandier Durv, thvi nle fountier of Zion vas i 1ýý-.'uhed, lias lu hie Possessionu 0: 1, Cte utosi valuaile bz:ako lu lie ,i' The boak la a il ùii omniîouî vritiug papers, but 1:'Iiittttthil- teen poeius liai vere 'ýî tIen bY Mn. Corser vien bc vas a r.mii - ýotîlger man, anti It la ton this i ou iai at prizels the book. The poems veme -mîJIISrillen Ilu SauthpOrt, Wls.. n I Fiioxsha, anti the dates are lu tle 4v The openug pi nu- is "Illinos Sang," anti la a reLtil "iof the ativan- tages anti gioris nif 1.- claie. The lest ou, ls "Tie 011ld a-elAr's l*' ment, anti talle Of iq .,frtownve e cause he has.ueven marrieti. ()u. paem, -,The jlartor of Gar- land,*" la a sihrihuI rtîtiance.fil telle oi lie neaclng et a Tttkisl princees b>' an Eýnglteimas. i, carryiug lier ta lotion. oi bis finding oui ber nobilil>' andi carsying b~er hoine again amiti msi> adventsnei. anti o! bisefinal Mar- rage ta ber. AncUser poenî. T2ex oVol- uanteenu." la a truc SiOr>' lelitinkrIlle departume tram New York of a regi- met ai soldiers anti o! the death of ail of tbem tiraugi choIera. Tva sentimenîtal poce. ,"Te Con- tract" anti '\then We Dvell ou tic Lips," are also la the little volume. ils complele cotntenta are:"Ihus Sang,", 'The 'ai-tan ai Galaut.' 'Nev York volîtteers." 'panlisuenîs o! Englauti.'-Rihtriai Lay,'Lib- cri>' Tree.«' ,Sir RobertlPeel,' "King Arthur Hati Tiree Song," "TIc Coin- ifaci.' hîtW e )veillou tic UApe,, "He Was Sncb a Nce Yoîug Man. 'Tii. Rolling pi,,.",anti-'The Oit Badlelors l.aîîii) -'. Follavîng i,i t examîtle oi lie hunes: LhhtlEWIY TRE. lu a chaiot (if li.lt t ram tle regions a! day Tic Godît, . ut(ifLiîberty camie. Tan thioîauti t(,II liaIs dîrectedth îe va>' Anti ilîher i îthle dame. A tain budultîiiig ittel irom tie gar-g dtiesalov'-. Wbere uii-tý,i.i- tIimillions îtgree. Sic brougil iii li baud as a pletige1 of lier lot,- Andt e lii- t Ait-ie itanietiLiberty' Tree. Tic cericaut ii -îiuck dccli in tic groantd; Uike a iatait'- iInnrisiet and bore.1 Tic famne uofituitus trev lic na- tions uiiiid Tc seek ontul ut -aceailc shnre. Uumiudtîtlofninutîeor distinctiton, île>' caîti'- For iteclineit itI lrothere agrce; With anc alitrit etîtovedthîe anc frientisitii îrsueti, Andti drtetîll was Lberty' Tree. Benail Ilt fitir lie ixe tIcPatIn- arcîs of nId Their tircid ini catenîment lie>' Rte, Unvexeti vitt ine î~troubles ai silver anti gotl. Tic cares ofthîe grand andtihti greah. Witi tumber andtar tile>' ad Engisuti suppîheti. Anti soppor-teil lier povera an the sea; Hem battIes 1It10yfooglit vitiaul gel- l ing a groal, Fan lie thc hoîtorai Lient>'Tree. Bu t lest. oi. le avains, 'is a tale moal profane. Hoy ail lie iyrannical poer- King, Cemmons anti LOYrt ar unilusg lu main- To eut dovu tbis suqisu et ours. Prom lie easeta othe veut 1110v lie tumpet tb armne Tbraugh the landltih lee.nundti f t Uet lie fan andtihle jepr IL. nuite y ibi a cheer 'M dgt eo our Ilhëty Tries. TCRWIL *-% i 66G-%Sp pfver. Axel Rantistron anti Oscar Sur- $tery oetihe Capture- BROT11ERS" Lavîuskl seemed nat to tir. ai th~e ~ pureuit et ail sud cash>y led ail. ARRESTED He abould ho eniereti BgBinet tance routier, the police tlilnk. Steve Lev.noki Charea iWltb eJna ny. a quarter mile south - o! AseaultingNNWîuke$gan People Werreutj.,lhe vas dtiven foina Leade Police Long !Chose l)ocket. _______________Assistant Chie! o! Police Tyrreil vaultati froni bis rîg anti rau alaug IS RUN MANY MILES the mai untîl h. catight np vîth tbe BEFORE FINALLY CAUGHT panting LavinakI. vinni be tIon - - nalibeti anti brought back tc, Waukeý Brother Caughtlin Saloon White Tryiu:g gan lu triumph, tharoîîgbly tireti butj a vînîter as always., .10, secure Bail for Otier via Lavinski tien for the tiret lime was Taken int Custoci- showet signe ot being tatigueti, anti wien Intervieweti by a S17N reporter. H-ia bouse surroundeti by police offi- iu hotîr ailer le lad been lodged- lit cers knoirg hat arrats wre otlie cty mii. as stI11 pautlng. cen knwig laiwarant wre ut He rmath>' coutesset i al chargest f6r hie arrest on three charges ef as- madet agaiant hlm lu bis qucer broken1 &sut aud battery, Steve Lavlnski Mon- Etîglisi,. andi ee nieitieti to tirowE daoy uWio-riing gavé ttie Waukegau p o_ý tin 'Mfothé nle ercles of the court,. lice their longeaI aud meet tresul Brother Captured, Tee. dis. to tue a cltia- oi the' afair. mait The pursuit began when Lavueski ut ni Steve a'isti brother John1 broke out ofthle back door ot the ý attured at Sheridan roati andti house ah which hé wasa topptug, nearjt \Vater treet ti>'Officer William Bel- McKinley and McAliter avenues, ounIlhiskl ville he wus niaking au at- thie south aide, and ended tan miles letfPt tn gel a saloonkeeper la got ave>. a quarter mile souti, et Warren- Steve Luvinskis bail. ton Greve, when Assistant Chiai ofi The Police tielieve liai the tva Police Tyrreil, hatîcas, ceates anti plaunedt t gel away trou, Watikegan veatieu, Jumped troim a buggy that hé on tle next Irai,, were îley releaseti hati lmpreesd int service te nab La- together on hail. vinskl 5aslie was driven Itt a corner Prisouer Wrluglug Wet. b>' a posse of tarm hands. Chargd wih May Crmes. When caugit Lavinskis cltie Ciaretivits Ma>' rime. er. soaketi tram eveat. Hie psut Tic tva brothere, Jobn sud Steve legs vere tiripplng vti mund anti1 LALvinski, are ciargeti by tihe police vaten that le got lu hog ansd Mmrs vith mati> crimes, anti are kuavu as along tie va>'. the "Ga8pipc Brohers' rtrm eir He matie no resisiance ta Ciief Tyr- manuer of asisauîliug a victlm viti a raIl aud vas taken la ite buggg leugi of gaspipe. near Warreuton haIttiesti. Their tiret offense was about tva Laie Monday aiternonuhobe istila montis ago. vlen. as reporteti exclu- recoverei. lHe tatedaiual li titi a elvel lli e SUN. tic>' assauttqti a kuov iiavfanrlie bai mn anti that b. sugar refluer> man vitb a pipe ant iehati n n ecause lbe tbought lie vasà escapei over tic fence surmuntitus about toib. liehot tiovu.à lie vonks lu lie nigit. 1 u distinction ta hîs reati> contes-i Wlien questionei Moudsy noonu by a ans eamlier iln lie day, i. lien de-q SUN reporter tiey vere readY totadat- nieti everythlug anti put It op ta lhe, mit the crime, but saldt lai Ibe>' titi afleers to prove liair cas.1 not knev the name oi their victim Asketi vielien lie vai ever underi except ibat il vas "Joe.." errnt betore. b. deniedti lit beoliati Second Offeuse Saine Thlng. been. lHe atilet ha1b eeie. t 440 'rhlrsecndoffense asae a epeti- McKinle aenue.b«ere John CleW Itli tallegedti lai they va>lalti a Pogie Tlilnk me la Wetedf. - engar refluer>' vorkman on hieii Te police are o!fbthe opinion liat home tram vork eleclion nigbt anti Laviniki la vanieti elsevliere for e beai hlm up vith the indispensabli, serious crime, ant i yl endeavon tai pipe. odhmalogaposbe1 Laut Offense Fatal. hot1l ilnga osbe It le allegedt lai Mautay ulgit lley repeatedti cr ustial strenunous per- DOWIE'S LADAU formance b>- vaylayiug Jae Stanskls. ,* A LV R a sugar refluer>' laborer, on Market IS O A 511R streei as lhe came oul ni a resort. aud - heat MWm up horribl>'. lien maklng Apostle's Triumpiai Carrnage Pur- ther escape home. secure lu the bu-;: îstb eevil ieya o lie! liai thie lime, as on the ther tvo -ae y aavleLieya o occasions, tîey vonîti escape the po.! Lettiug outinh Parties. lice.1 The> titi not reckon vilb the de- John'Alexautier Davies private lan- heclive abilit>' andt ot speeti iOf fl dau, bulît ta hilsortier tIre. years ago cers T>rrell ant i Hcks, vho caplureti bath atter lie moal sensallonal chas.e anti uset ln bils trlumphai tours ai lu tle asnnle oi lie Waukegau police. Zion City' turing lie hvelve motithe Surround the Houte. tht tolloweti. bas heen purclased i a Sonda>' morîîhîg Jus Stanskis. tic' a hargain b>' a Janesvîlle, Wis.. liv- thirti man vhom lie brothers are ai-, et>-bar,, campauy. anti viilbeoneedt 1 legedt l have assaniteti, broke tram carr>- merr>- couptles ta the gay- hall- caver ant itadwawarrant Issuet inamanti ieavy-iearted mourners ta agalust t1cm., Hie tinme tic police lie cemeterles. lave ual on file, In tact, le titi uni and wo Jhn De warans vere le- PION EER EDITOR DEAD sueti out o! h court o! Justice Weiss. j Tien Assistant Chie! of Police Tyr- FORMERLY OWNED AND EDITE-D reil learitl by adroit luquirles wiere TH-E WEEKLY REPUBLICAN. bis quart>' vas, andt akiug viti ilm' Ohicer Hickse, île>'surroundedtheli bouse. vil tanu McKinley avenu eneuNow Promninent lu Lits Serveti riear McAlhter.. Under Hie Management; Loft Wou- kegan to Enter the Show Busines Sully Gets Warnlng. Which Has Sirice Teken Attention. Tyrreli Iak bils position at the- front door aud Hicks etthie back» Citncinnati, Aprîl 2.-J. A. Avemy, Tien thie officers rappeti. , titanager o! lie, Lyceum Theater oi Steve ILavlnskliraok varning anti- boltedt trougi tle rear doar befure iis city, die t ai bs home hoers tu- Officer Hicks arrivedt here tg preveni ,tght oi leart dîseane. Mn. Avenry hlm: Tien he speti ava>.. John re- vas baru at Avon, Ill., 59 yeara ega. mialueti lu the hanse. He vas velI known ilu theatmical cîr- Course et the Fugitive. dles lirougiout lie country. Here la tic course o! lie refugee John Aver>', btter emembencti lu andte ti vaofficere: Wuea s"onl"Aey a Lavinaki shoi îrom the door o! tle Wuea sJinè vr' a hanse l ln hcI hleld laken refuge. one Ofthe ticcy's8 pianeer nevapaper Itb tle streeci atndionia lic fiiesMen. Years cga lie ovuetianti editati west tram McAhister avetne, acrose tle Lake Conut>' Rapulican, viich Stînderluns pasture anti Gerges wa pubilieti over lb. Watnoae ibard- Grave. war.elore. h vas a veekly publics-. Crossîng these. le struck thec dcc- tdon anti on Ils jstaff vaeane nemi tiri outahBeivitiere sîrcet aud îonk vin bave mince become prominent. Belvitiere treect out. Fransk Mlhiser, SUN aivertiaiug He crossedthetI Tiernali, Wonley manager, leamned iei traite lu lie Re- anti [lady termne lu bis mati career. pubican office, viiere lie, vas lie The affilcers carceneti ailer lin fuih "decil." 1 tilt, anti Officer Hicks Ileti sevral XA. J.Perrin, oi Dulubth. novthé.lgon- abois. oral agent for the Dluti & South At Georges Grove Assestant Chief Shore, vas a carrier boy. >TyrreilIshedti is coat antirefit anti 9, B. Teger, snov hectiboolukeeper speedet oui. f tle Nationsi iluvelope Company', lu tb. Suntierliti pasture Officer vas a compaSItar. Hits edsi ishieustaI anti vent andi Skeieh ef Avery's Caner. fnl tiseheti ouvard. 7 Aven>' seltiout lie Repubican fnl At the4me place Asilstant Chtef 1>' te Partritige Brother.. af lie Ga- Tyrreli pressed loto service a hanse mette, anti veut Inta Cbienao take anti buggy. suid sonatines lu the roathle stivrt»ihlg management of Kohl but more often lu lie 1.eo, viii thein & Mlddefo' Cart simeet dîme vol grasses anti muti piltdieliehtri UMUMn. solis aapti hollove, îipeee&arle Tiom tlia'Itplace lie veut 10 Cinclu' L.vtlnski, viion be' abot a Inati. wbee éfor yens ie openaiedth le baht mile abeai. e4ob*in tVb stI rieitmsaun. Aftervard lh. tilMisea auble tie.p s4À0 gs loobngi wept leNortoI11,Va.. vhere lie eP@» -aidbut teoee MtêL 1*S ê* 5.-fg0117d18 GIVES A PECULI/ýR', EXC* MUcb reSted Young Eun bu odd Teeboeity fr ava&lma Punlemmnt. GAYS HE LIED WHEN'EN- LISTING; TOLD WRONG WElQI41 Aleges That shc&usef Thié Fi the MilItary Authoritles WiII Net b. AbIe te HoIld Hlm. C2harles Nelson, a Racine. Y"U nuIt, reieased fronm the etat e i"% last December, wliere lie lid,#.tri a tbree yeara' termi for burgiarl the N'ew York Leader deprtW store on Main street, Racine, . tag& beblnd the bars, tbis Urne a te400 prisoner, cbarged witb desertion, n3O the Racine Times. Upon bis release fronm the penite Mlary'.Nelson, came ta Racine s shorti> afterward enlisted ln the alry brandi or the reguiar army.M wui sent ta the. Jefferson baevea near St. Louis and a mouth agO 6 serted snd returne« ta Racine, wb4l be bas been vorlclng for a fact.oryÇ' Thursaaythe. pqllce receiveti iai 1mation that the &rMY althOs1UM were aiter Nelson for dfflrtipaS fflday morniug et 5 o'ciock b. wl arrested lu hie bed andi latge inluJO awaitins orders tram St. LOUIR M bis disposition. $*y* Ho la Exempt Nelson tree> admits that be~ serteti, but damna tbat thie slo ment 'bau no hold on hlm eelU mlerepresentei bis welgbst =', enhi*tetiand tliat as ho la veiglit ho eam not be serve out bis terni. Tti aaniuaugth tboceacslt 1situation visa belleve that the >mmn le up agait anoatiercS ý Th@ Poilsnbave reeeive< t A 06 Ovewrd £Pr bie à toffered by the 'gloverant WeUt cisimeti by ,Actint (MW 0( ol Hernie and sermnt, Martin Jhf vho effected ieiscapture, Ati Oft r eder. Nelson bla hemn missi! up Id*U poleiclaRacine for -nianarf 1»0' lu tact, ever minee kt was a41 boy. He fIrst camebintao OMIUnefl the tIm. of the attempt Ou the W*J Rev. Cheuey severai years *w, Attoruey M. B. Walker vnhbW by clearing Carbett, helti for~ crime, audvhie h. vas 4 the peultentiary a feliov -M ciaimed tiat Nelsoni madie tu Mie fuil oonlessiou ai t.he Ciiesie This coulti not lie pWttostd~ nnthlug Wa. doue concernint IL~ Desertion la a seriMéont4nU O 1 army and ti lai probable thetNe wilI lie given anotiler long t*WM» tîme et Faut Leavenwortli or other gaverumeut post. Roward la Offtreti. The paiicy of the arm> lu thie Me ter of revards for desertiexis 4 5used lu a gnrat order.JsIa "~ et Waahiugrm by G.eeai Bel,i of staff. mise, Crosby Hands Lqmon tu t. *4 Excuralonlats who bUy 0 Wedding Services. lieras a hotoe@ene that fug4 cellecd s fre, lovae pecti. It cames framx Luc Crsby,. pritestees eoauanieedfieé lu Moan City vaW e e. gil> marry on.eris se rbath are issesiei di 1 tufrliore a ceremony oftet là bunInvention. 1- It concerne elapement M kSt. Joe marriagea lunpalnuU a bis la vliat the. sereffe Û e ail abdorbing summer iopIe 3rlageliceusea u MW *ieW eoue eau go ou u-eM Jo. andi get inarrleti for a-What gondi la sncb a&cbeP bIt doesn't protect anti b" Llvery cîger ftSYS of Havana Wul tlcaliy cntttllg 0* eCuban cigare, p ýother e mail. t" voi~v.No. 81.