CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 May 1907, p. 11

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WANT ,,,*IV Willfys*>' "Ps. wiy doeosthes man n eh piclure kep s bull dog end or' sirm ioek In hie bedroemr" Pasu "Tiecasism cloik lies off and moks the bull dog eeg,'>, end tis toqp ru-ecs.sroun edpulle tist sor ttaehed te lie man'* eles; lis wates hlm Wlly SBoy: "Ge«, ho must sloop hist"l PA: "Holeduqes'@ emeeneo ah', ýtins--sa siaspy tint ilu poer ARyEN'. PIOS FOR SALE-5 pie. 'i J CGoi 9,S)i1MONEV TO LOAN-Oit iîriî i .ibertyvill.-. li .11 l Ietat',su'i.'irity - BE.. H. MlL î.iilii'î t vilue. bs 1SI FOR SALE-i'; ,,,it'n pher îi- Etigihilu.tsi rgitrY. FuICANK lit:uut.. I-USE WANTD-t lins' n Lbbi,-ýrt 'V Gayotake. i.51 lue' 2:'iif FORSAL-W s61 aie<i i- d.siCARPET WEAVER-I1H f9tî.stnnt St able lon u tireut. 1h M>INIî & Ari-TlN Waukegan. flaigr ariatm toi bu 28-tf rugs. B. L is~ii2012- LAND MONEY TO LOAN-Wr rulakt, FOR SALE-Buff WYzil'î,tl. fouil- mipecilty of l) lng iie'3lir bîxîlnr fuil iuor stoun'- id iîl'Iai PurPOue.w enfi ros )%iun&straiuu. Eggs. :i(icents ir setrir$g Als'r~i. 5-tf W. Pi- Juvkt 111.rII 21 tl ACRE PROPERTY-JWtustMiîreid Lii,. FOR SALE-I 40 acre ltin iu Fr, ixout ettJville C)porti(ten1 %j- lir et and 4vone wimbing tii lurchaie uu"<i aK "ast ternus. >uENI& i. 2M-tf ter:mg ogbUtl allîly. IAULNIM.I,6îîN. 123 -if Lbertyville. FARMS-Wte bave' a large lbt of Laits _______,____________ county forme to sel. alolbousesu and lits FOR SALE-Eigbtrt 'ui ioderii'bîîui* In village.' )Vîîîuuî & AUlSTN. 28-tf un MeKiuey a'.'.. Libetyill<', lot 10( ** * a 200. M»s. T. A. WELLS. 27-tf TEXAS LAND-We havé, the ver>' best -. snd cetapet land for the mOney ce b FOR SALE-Good driviîg tiorme >Young ba i n Texa&Panbanulle excellent prireSound and ail right. W. E. D. ludepot landl froin *4.50 to $1 () per acre. dent office.:0-. 29-tf iYrm& AVIsTiN. _______________ .. p WIRE FENCE-Just recived. a -ar FOR SALE-Modera baume, 9 "pme, 5 tuait of Anrcan wven wire fence.A lolate, bath, aty. bot vatdr bo, Pusom, Rlound Lains. 31-2 bard ývoouitetronghont. complets ini________________ everv dotail. Cook Avé' Libertyville, lLM EN.NE-0meisoe C. If. AVE1ILL. 21-tfME WAT -1 melbrt ________________________ 'teady vork, 20 cents pet bout. COr FOR SALE-Two lots. crner, Srd StJasN easae 1i and Hurbutt Court. Inluire Mus. M. J»- R -ma, Libertyvilie 2-t LOST-Large brown and white houed AY ~ausacreunaine "Jack.*' lttma a . eier.'ard El)Mu isl, Iiberij FOR SALE-Siingle eoîub bufi <rpitg- rville. tua eggs *1.00 pet 1.- .Fertility gîtant-___ille._________ anteit. FRANK BEutm, raymlake. 111. FOR SALE-A quantity of Ninety Da _____________________________ sed crn. Ma'. L. Hoi)usei, lockre--l FOR SALE-Bouse siudllot, 1(16 fot frotitage, (in Uiurî-li mtr.t ojij.uuite Cook usoperty. Suitabir for remidene ir FOR SALE-Cbester White boers seul business bock. lias. F. C. KmHLrL, for service. Pedigres furiiiedî. Enwi Libertyville. 23-tf F. GOOK. Rtockiefeller, I11.1. R. F. 1). No. _________________ S-ti FOR SALE CHEAP-Store building sheds and lot iu Ivaulioe. Addres . 1LOTS-W rt,' exclusive agents for li lINI<EiENlIRNT. Wtter unly. 29-4 in B. J. Grimes' subdivision, the choire _______________________________lots in Lberty ville. Ihiiî&Ait FOR RENT-Blaekmitb sbop aeid bouse and lot at Halflt)ay . Apply Mue. ---- ALFRoED 'rAî.4N ,P. (P ii. i%-'iew, LOST OR STOLEN-4J0 Sooday Iiw Ilit. 28-4 full gruau collie deg, %vite sith te ____________________________Spota. ltevvrd for rtur . A. PAi Do FOR SALE-Phaeton witti dia!t and Round Lake. f9i-1 pote. Neai -lV new. Will seil ceiep for ud casti. lits;. M. i'iîi'î', lRocîkefeller, 111. FOR SALE-10rone bouse, near 2S-4 uew, at IRussell, [Il.. lquir,- tndepeudi __________________ -__office. - RAW GOOSE FEATHERS-i have a quaatity lu Dritt viitoe condition for sale. FOR RENT-Ai i eigt rou bouse i MISS CL.AA ILLER.l iit'YVille. 111. istern wel and eity water, lial as 29-tf grouud. Apffly to PAlI. MAidjurFI __________________________ ibertyvile. :31-t FOR SALE-Brown mate and colt and staltian coming 4 years otd. J. H. FOR SALE-Modern' 7 rous hou WmLL@, Rockefeller, 111. 2$9-tf bath elettrie ight, lient aîid etc., e ________________________________ianîd southr front co ner lot, large bait FOR SALE-10 to, 15 tons wild hay. 31-tf J. A. MCATE, Lîbertyvil]e luqiret Cone frmEveett ~ WANTE-Farm near Libertyti WANTED-Goot trong reltable girl or l arge or Rural, lu excbange for myt woman. Pthone 121 iertyvîlle or buildings' bouses and vacant lots addres Mr. Wood., Westerflil place, Chicago. Buildings wetl rented andif 1eau ire Inproved su as to pyg Prairie Viw. 111. 29-tf interest. AUeSTINCEXENT, Libertyvi 81ý FOR, SALE-*4000 hîys one of thrF OOP inet modern bouses os Milwaukee ave- WANTEOD-Two girls; one for kitt nue. Rigt in town. Seo MCDOriÂLD and ane fur store. FRg» jocRII 28-4 Libertyville. 3- FOR ALEIluibettireit top buggy,J ln gaait codition, Joui LESnTER, Lber- tyile. 30-tf FOR SALE--South aide, usa four flat building, location gausi, tenante irt dlass, rn-t ini advisuce, bg interest on price. if you vasi au Incoma lecmala ptopeu'tvn u siri ya-o ahI nul have tu pay ouI one dollar for repaire for mierai rearu, me me about this at once. JAs. <G. Sa-tn, Waukegau. 80-4_ FOR SALE-A couple 0f1gaMOMMIilgt- npi aut.s e colt *60 -tlsemu for cuareot $40 viii oeil for 4MS Iasin gootrapair. A.Cl.MAiaâv Llbetyve-lîsiI. "99-tf FOR $UL.E-Olseap; ltaS eetanad lre« héing lallons, ml ngwbW*t o>'*I~Js . rgiter lu tire Amd*&* WANTED-.10b in mast arkt 5zqperieaced baud. Address indepente YOL CAN' GE -tTIIi WAUKEGANI DAILY -SUN 'Aug Mght .fter6930 a cowvn ta Our place at Newport. As vs palilleC575. ILnt mueatoa stepped o It or hioffice ans, ntthe Mybusnless befare YOD et thse «OUhletBt hpeem, a , l.rn that 0#4, ,,rk au.,i.,cd thot a lady irad caine mnt asbe"mu os oai u r rath"l Ou and boat prticularly saliett ses Tire. as a toisA tauch, of apisal ailI shako out itte ln mare vays ths Mr. Brownley. lu thre charmirig voice as&sire spabe one. '*Wha thé deuce can slie ire. camng filet vas lrretlsttble. and va vers bath "Up ta nov thre girl bas stoal up te ln at tbis ime an Saturday, jus! aires wlllug ta torget vs hat lunch valt- tue mclolir a man and bas been able air4Il alîve men aret i a rush ta shake îug un an tire Trlb«man. . ta teady thre judge ustil ho présente tire ieat and dtrt of business for food 'Step latea my oCie, Miss Bandes. an exterlor that holde <ows suspicion andt thretend air au ail outdloors9"'and ail ny tisse ls yanre," saI BI, as as te iis reani <annelaI condition. ai- 91 "'led Bob. Tison ire said. -Shovlbe openel thesdoatrbtveirsofctrog sesasRlratudtsa- ber in."and mine. Ater 1 irad sient a note te 1mars lavyor, trom, tiers itiles» vay Anther minutead le iraditeisan- ity vif-s. mntus vsmigirihie delayex tirey put on tb. serews ta abake ont swer.for aunirour or tvo, 1 settled. dovu ta hl@, holdings la the Ait Liue, unet A lady entered. vatt farnRoInlatire gaeaClofice, and bave a lin. on fi that tire jUge la ".Mr. Bravaley?" Sire vaitei as ta- Il vas a long vatt. Ttti minutes averboard. Tire aid geatlemn cea ltan tomakesur ha as he Vr.vent Into an bour and an haut into kesp thifigs gaing for Mlx Menths stat a akesue e as ir Vi-tva before Bob and Miss Sand* came lnevtiatjaaiing "nY et thre wa O mat o ni eg-yan vma areamelaashave Bah ioved. out. After Le had put ber lu a cabr for remaimnnitrust fondi, aofviricirho iras Iàhr aend eviral Bob meant;s o doid ,a tac 4àtY Eteodber hatli, ire saidln sa tans curlausly soms tva millions. and virile bis vile, fo ire ad, ver lIt naiugt o breasothnHrar a te yiarnd "t ams BeiiahBSanda. o! Sandi Land.- latent: "Jim. 1 have Sot ta tue vîitir viraleau invalid. kuovi the luise ia vâ,iralhe aet.Prer Insefris ofuaWbo ne JoHayrva Il ire y arNa lng, , 'irglnla. Your people knov aur yo. got ta get soute of your ilaodai-1la9morne trouble. sire daems ot suspect a Peieaitr epati lutrs ta a! areno Mn d o ttfalsS i t ra<peuple, Mr'. Brovsiey. roirabiy weillvice. Suppose've l'ustle asngjetao e bléréal Position. Hisetaugiter gays aL pissntatiOtck exlannatausti ro. you arle otng tad Batiyn bq,îs1esugir for You ta place me.' yachrt and atter lundi you teli Kats vs M outIren isblov came. tirat day a! ale taunation s to ecroage rutro and vée.atied h laydealIis buinib' "Of tire iudge ILee Sanda'?" askei bave somne business logo 0ver. I da't tire p1a31,viren Riiant jammed tire thbe su pricantouroin arroving thae fnd nit vira ve is dov r f n Bob. as ire ield out iis irand,. ant to keep tint girl waltlng amy stock out ot slgirt and scuttîi ber tir satpres FuryersnietBob bv on lc hv 5- vrO i arn Judge Les Sanai 'oliteat longer tirsu passible for auan avr 1i Fftiers bankers and partaéret la tire BrOvsleY etered tire stock «xchragetira fluor tbat tire 3southerai garnblbng d.sre. atdeasels oe irebhad paid back tire tort> thaumaud. blod tiat mage b? grardfatbîer. On haizt cet bsard. oese !ths oeseba vitir lntereat. and ont Couy i>Laita ugsose of bis trips bacie tram New York,.biplng valesat start oftirse Imagia- liftY tbousand ta bis creditton pan.-,though elueiat mare lant anîd slaves tios ngos acir asr a thocimgird. sedir&boulesixir'sa oaks ybt as tiras irecoufid use, staike bis lundtand aaly ta brisgILu up at tire pool ihe- whedivg hu1e tousaJn ayeautslaves-yes. and graUdasatier ,ýto- seatir tire irookttibl ln quant of tire - it auielIvng upluas@iroe jaknyputou a card sans, an4-lose, and chanigeirarp of! mass asd vatercressas tint gt an l nea as1oti."I5ay tire aboie face Of the Broanb-Y îles- senssanbubiring cadence miii bts muay l t wu p ld tntak Wa Icen îytrsam sixbifgiuu'uii5etles and sains. Perhaps ILt asatire maa'sanoîcirlvonui male vce n 1are la my blond, ad virsuthi'ýy iegla southets accent tbat ibbled off the cetaiuaadearlV C histcas uoi twai na att s)ime. corsersanastedges o! certain yards coit an shae a irsmstm.xrn. n.u" a iebgbaaanit languldît jet oairramist tilem- auobehait eefaotheopetaire echange. eyes sîîddeniy shat spartiIf tirose selves togthert tirigave itlits as~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n LaLdbe1tr e tieoiatmicrobes ever gel nntleaaired Ihireli uslspetrbo-oeer ba et collage, and Ladi is banda full o! eonsb utr ieî-uî ay t atie mst oeser that business 30(i)d'ays ln tbe year. Be.- b icirr pyo teoo-ue-b Mtna-murrIluas hmir Ibt n e-er irar. sides Itandobîxir& Randlolluiba uboburest n-îîiiiï bd 1ba] vr ea comissons hebat th cofidntil lobs hassone head was ibrown Before t gmea !xxiiY coasclans of tire orders o! tvao!fthie bc: i bi sequst balioih irtii oc 11quen y_ thuogir ther a Va t tbe hi' breatir o! bers speiledIt Is way lato my bmain 1 ha Jut Psse] ny tirt-siro a!ofconflbet. Thé lips voie <raya ,lita tire breatir ot',some- ireaifeirng - i bal jxutpa<eîinîy bmry sceot sras-s tbe white teelbir aibijust ia rt orientail sec. Ntue nia blrtdaywhr mylin uîd dîl diienoaixta show thier edg,. anîd in ment. the security af a perfect mat- fi 4nly flet. For the prevbons six <i '<ns tire dr1tbs o! the eyen vas a dank-roil riage have ever comnimsd tu, constl- I 1Lad been gettbsg ready for'sIlob an baeta ot e1 blase tthaattsm1irov gaveniiicuntores tuteYme loya amy choses ose. yet toavent; hatbs iatrsa:-fnirsomet alan one gets la looklng tuS i somne as t aitood ient. lite ose dumb. air tairarasmyfahe sy iou l on avenlue o!fblak a h ntn longt n araatgrwtl getiiith hag tcoaIlsorblng tire details o! the lavelineas o! let uîygras gov s getln ule bng ocootive healigiri rounds a îuîive at ibis young stranger aira Lad su sud- tof avarY lrancb of aur ibusinesas,50 nIght. tn vp aam fie lcil tiri ane nytln bapen tame Twlce betare, va>' mc un "ut c"l- over me that hi-te Wa, a vonan la- thare lMe uno dieiturbance ln ielg as atLdaleb ixuaîne aeigtsmsvs ol o , treet s ffar ta andnlptith. wRas gaimiling tempter of Bob's. dii r in a understand ithat siratt ahicir ln ail tgow ais sanais Psibv ale ttirle arldpoker game il ur ont missm.iren a ages haa altirout vamning pietcedi A a ksoas susiasnpss ile tna Ifal' icrovd out Nea Yarke clasijavîs xed ,mess Lbearte and sous-love at irai an 555 ar buines ah rusas to arus hlm ont of a banad hy thre iner sight. Hai ttirea ot bees Katirerlue ways bas. Sa I wiii varie you labo my veilgLI of cola. Andi agaîn at tire Blatu'. wfe ast motier-Katherlue it. eut hous t Nev Lonidon ontire Blair ItandolpLîb. ho <ilied my love- Ky etraiu l iasjospne vrr Pq orld as the sooinda>' August sua fille /1! ,~-~thîe oldtfaabloned velI vtir nesîling 'i I ' .*~J aristirast restfol aade-atter thls * 7'Interval. looklng hart at tire puit.1I danes anittire question-vira knavs ~ 10 irbut.tiat 1 tua migirt bave drtteit tram tire secure ascirorage of my abav TYan- kes blod anuitfloated lidu tire deep 9, vaters? ru- Beauty tise cynica sent.i la ttire eys tirs thereholten, or lu an angle of ' Ir limon-mers product o! hîme-llîirî. Bob wons al»Inlie ésitkien of 1h51 fl.ry, remenio, eotliem pffloem -~Pint' o! visa. desre-but Beulsir saunet r" o utrastYU a.ti.ue Il.ons et flaltlme1s, h Bands' v4p beautyI <eyond cavillu' tr lunch, on the Ily end cf tire h< Mm»ÎUn rrue b iresp h.* perlar to ail analysat, asntelaite as prdce o eivd iml.E the eveniai stat againt Ire tvtlight lievelIre vaBo , fat traSImOtuemInRe faire>' ru trm ciInae ho 1ber 1101011tg he ord fortra th miute ta for rise laitu. na e eh. so ki, lu heurbt mediugirlisir. but iaia u IeSneft iecr etbulcell 11'tnsI hi - a Igure Matursi>' modelai, hrias ut minehon.d as elototecr evo ht f tta res days and10 Pi«UoIb - cirmmlgly fuIl and rounded. yet b'b s-y viot,,teuîiis wu éid etoves y- to tiai esina t ml r Ia ai dvery perfection o! proportion ascaplai viseabut uilon out OutIai. Rtioomliiln hm ld suggestion a! "plumpness." Tihei& a .bsa aanac it tram aI Iat ab gt hMd b»lmel v tj- s~~~~~, urrausited ant croaneil vlth a venîtb I shci ineptho! rs elfafort ie. Il etioeadkjIsýjoMbtI, -o! dame golden hlair, resteit os a neciek i<a. ri l îgilitr ad tghr> i.'hv re lml layt ia I vulit have s em e t short ia it lie a ~ ou n t . U mg irno l> voai upthe Jlu. g i v ate r ta o It there a mi av lesdi-t colunin sprung lesgractousîy tc 1a m 11ut Iris rkd p «lt t Wall h. schs at th eoupraI f-romtttor. sudines vathetrtas dodtis aId gentlemitan ld t Ir.-ghlfor - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~~soultirs e oe l ise ô bas nteeverYtirmni possible for iris girl. Nao iet ni2.hv tii 0ia<i.p siroridrs rennti. I va aslir nea cfmy sîîng ou oa acral aTi i OIts ars ei eld oa".u idface. hovever. and flaly an the eye haadiOtMyt eai>iral u osire r mlWet irek sIlaea;Icudlh l Nth at o es glance a inev tably li ge e t ma e t to ou e s a t o l o jsgt hae t T t au c uî stua ii, dJui n Bt al 2 . . -~ .- t i e f a c e r s e - t î t e i , i t i r d i m p l e s M O i . m a c r e l s s su d I n v g o a a looi a t e e k n 1 l irs p l a ns1 c o sid a r e i t.p Liiether of the tful cheses. enterig ae t as 1 do.MisStsmeir j laugibg prateat againat tire saitdraop hMiseiBandteombar troubla. tiet ofi l otha rPlans int e uîa J Ibtat irought ltghtly tovu tire cornersIIAPOJ uteofiserosuç.bler.airr ishope tn it. and the gseta smentio«. e ua mouth toc, large perhaps tor hato ieadSnI anl'o f-aen ia n.Ji, nsybepe ireaut>'. if tireecurai curne o! tire lips ba ttendBad a yo . ena bt rosn, im, t »Y but maie. IL a enlg xuiteypret h ginla. Tirs Vrgiaaandes don't tair LerumtCswol aeV g .. b~~~~~~tait hi-e nes-norlael>' erfc. ff thiritbonnets t a sother fainl>' lnITih'f'siud '. f-.isrigr.tisnsnle ae tire iroa t tins countyor ecehavrera, tantiat1 ~~st ~~~ ta aimait. foebedthe square, toit jaa almostmltrtoantîntitrel>cuns )cas low aithtie points abers tirey came Tr> aeiatirls eann.nn> , R E S ~ beieai tira asraas at the chia. suif- sth hae posItin sîce rinia vas pied alth a paver ut purpose. rare la itse u tate. Il I.aroshebs-mt say-1at~1 t>'y vomas. The combîsatian o! torabeat AI01orsut.f t lent «Jlm I! Tisse Microbes Evsi. Gel Unleashed, Theel be Milch e 10 Psy jand sitDnse vas seldon sasu. HdIng ln Virgisia lirai a Bands o! Sanda E 2on tie Flcoor." lbespssaeabd nnI vutLantini cas go ta tira iracir, tire: IO E>I I ib vs hasve Isterents ast gradnally putlev or a varsity boul rare, vues a autel>' have drives in ltirshetenlet aUnrted iaIttônttiraboser the mlPAR HO e-ne~~~~~~~~~~ Yoaaaiiefeet raeeiîa. utcrovit aioa a big vai t o!mous>' field for bts profession. But the great- tLnanti>' a irefonthe tasiand I LI , Tuset iter' deththee as o a ntleai Bob usîi vith a YetIireé est glory o! Beulah Sands a va hi-r baa or latheamonirosav enher- ti. I s alnOu afar' a ndIbrvnousoteiefthlmusuail>' sel cadet test ast eyes-large, fu, ver>' gray', sari blue. n ralo hsehnr o oo' Il strocks l kourafias ast Rnos tirrgitened me.,airîss- alîlace vas vîvîdt al îthe gîsmour of her per-lions. Tire présent jotie ia hall ettSl1OIEMAKING ' socs Cuss a "ireRndolirs"dollars ta Bobs ranis, ai tireganttalisosalît>'. fulo!enilies asdtetars andtuan aiI tadnt Cnav hlm persoualli.AN Os0e, fltterait a point becauseo! tiraI, ta tirea!flire iret rardu ire ignet irefane lha 1apiritlaltty ant passion; one Insagat ibougir my people anduiteIhava beaE AIND ru. 1ý., he rom of ale oney nd o thlck tramn ava>'back. Sants La»dng niRNG 'ast fanlai aorlà, namentous'cn tbeuv eYlens>',ttailyincet1ilmn t. ie<ns Ile' Irerlisit ail o! father's taorttne a aer .e tacs steamini Iac oca!ta blonde Mado na th e ntaur as laTire ut 0,mBils Il than tour millions, vbtch ire dividet vitir.,colt btsua wh. i refae semmevstacesoftarondirtiaexraoritlan>theOn aei l oso tOurutIrvo vilup amosg relatives suit chrittes. astdiraitpassei t ofrunimaman as the sjetlack eyaaie trnar tr satmtie u longsI ~s*- NE O% ODE 'letook canmnantfa abusinssa tigave 1oriiar>' tudesi breaks tiraI a>' bot:L- fley cleit lae bdratr>'cafat a rg lals ntl70art n1 hav t c îotsuunaîir-lil' ieS ytebu ohradfthrM eWNWYR OBE luso me anlucarne O! tva milionssand a bofl uhla la eta maiestu la eassitcuidbkbet. ailu ca- *"-* a'Vrgiie. etIIBUTwI LOC ltt hiat a year. circostancs. As boCaeaI Bo I ' et. 1 aftteait- Vigi in cah s Cirulutaces A 1 ookd r Bb tounaitmuiro! thîs girls purel>' phaI- atmIllaon on mo ho rea b a yen an- *... sBLO - zout Once mars I begget Bob lu camte tIhat day, waille ire Irii ttl eat aIcaltslatnl> s bssrnatn a m mbits, sot t m ubae v ofns &0a.ib r ve.u vilite. Inta the Oiran. tirs busnsas o!Raxutîluir & P 1Ranasiatonaluiibirarsg "Not yel, Jin." he repîled. "'egIvululir nL aii spag, i iraitblendiig o! Euglish tairnessa uL As- laughtln aid m.tI re v iore "Iseat suit boutnatirdisalholsasis kadmitgta1tir ai taAnualan tInta. tiauho w ueri s andaou unred hua 1tOadmt nmyseif ta I vas punsea. qunlit>' o! her cbarm vas aurai>' ln an trustes ter ionl mIl 1h. béat esat 'tse capital, anuit1I ant ta feal tiraIt l'i irait regarited'my nid collage Chuta -exaltation o! spirit of abîc iteabsmigtgi isarparton r onn.I .u rairi tr'ee t ccl any eeln ilinans ortnoi nu as tir etsîmentafl>'bar- malls tire dullesi conaclous. As sire tram viralse*toile, iraI Or latin .bs , ~If raisittogtirr s sau ilton Il ! esseit masni1iraite-r met, bul1 haev stood lookius ai Bob luni>' office tirai beau ver>'active la deaelepta< o Cut NT ?FAIIL TOSE "l m>' avumaiIg; Iben l'Il setle toWn hm neu tire sol oa!hoonir, it hSoof g& a!,gaetlye sei ultmnaadnlodh n b U IEO b> wlIr Yo, olman, nsu d ait idleteOdaî -okad fn tialn-ano, grac 1> IesaI ai ua utniî'as 3 trI - - OR I'R9' dont o! tira plov. andIf Borsnsgod girl bi-sI uEa'ibela.rgrty-teatiredtcunl'htokBrona h iv ln.créittfirIs beîug tempteit tjopdjm. st w>~ n irerira. ga ny lac ioSeard e gkarjue. ."W 8 11 pEas along about that tîme-vel. tirsu unialtithe rigiris o! proP« '.« é Ca iroieetre tadai.a i a e!rsifthe or Ar vas a k mine!, re'n v-cbrstca toraier. Butfit vas babil '!$h, *W'I* écaiste, sxceeulîuglî daitya>, ut, ad 1 tirluie boushabu es mine." dlat Bob have iis va>'. and 1 di goti) thougirsoutierner o! souiberies's.ver>' Suent ln lieo irsking afa 1. 4010 .~ He la a nd, ml1Ilaugreiton0. Bob pnoesJhlinla cons mu o ur 8zi aun«like tire typîcai brunette girl vira iris poor girl. viro. l st ru ie iltsiu asokit a upf on=b i rs ed s 101Noatiner.cames ont o! Dxie land.t. u ffclCOUl>'beaacti as thé IgV aougiraiosa cvmuWho . Nola oM any Pins >sars later. turing irleI igIe Tis girl ah.) came IInt u ofc'rotary, bas lust leannel thlI iaIsuiTHE O. Ir. CAR îonarogse vi rO bU d latoi taty affir, business and socIal.Xa imm t iaI July Salurda'. joat Inl ime to iIn.ici Reluisat amidiris car. croset obs rbI bu bot f51. Idulppîni allong as veil san ibW&g3qiterfete aihrtiraoutisg Bab Bravais>' ploel> retend ber taillei«. fascination. dollcia e delal vaon.l ~,~~~ << a tlaiootgsi vr vs iassmiptI euTok ft. i, BWiiiie 9 spW Prise iro presoles fer - o nthr>sit-iotav8ta C - shn istined ta divort my chu'. ireiieb- vUta la vonso, a mllm th a mMie« A ow 1,berneisol50110510$ thit the mlIaisiritnov ualsa1fore smootirflaini river o! existence sMd tealf t bis trustOublis as volt, THE LEROCA. 1 u a nàvt- Ïo h o a W me la sarneal, .4 èobr' ad tum toiemS aaltannatian of non d a hé e 011judg-ywoD, 7« uldmi oa gesy. elSet sig mt. al~w{ ' - ~ gttsbe oitnt thl~' ~ -.hire -otandul al calutlas craty 4 iaIje us oa allr. ee ,. 49 pos hav, at Ieoy a ngalifs shie i on, d et, 1 AgM %" B.esi- -a 01,

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