r *IlmssWho Workesi ~ 115WMd Thaen ~..Ai.OftftluNALCON IN WIçÇm lE WoAtKFO aiCeeip lOf et Sing IliIand Was Therefor ILOfti SeepIng l l Anmchall'isM - lriends. Left Oail-aone altugu Ii, seepieg la s charira tue sOloon at 106 Waaie- U*tm 5Stroet ovnei sud operatoitbi cemia'Johnuson. Soudai nlgt, vbilo bis odutlpmO attended tue porformace a4 DU "-eioctric" teeter a hull blocke avian tuejaime Street, Ia1acHo- IkUYaa-1d15c porter. dilAi uddenli. johaqon apci bis onupaiota, vho 11.01 that NowaawvasIII, iaidbad Ir- uipa&filer. hlm. Howver, littho vas tIsoUgt o! l.th eas, as tbe man bas loa s Mk e atlrons timea for montes. Dink and DaMPucaS, Hfokal la a porter aItee Johensaon phaco, uni, leana sapîttoons and oueo ou th. place for drinks sud s - amSoiet. tebeete 0 -.ne aleeps lun e aeuata O.k alsee, la a place test in sali 1< bo dmp sud unbelthi. Sunisi evening b. ames vr lova asUsuat inn dan ot teM. h sug place, sud cosuplatiOOi <o!nOt fuel- - tniup sou Afler hi. vork vas doue bc am1 dovo lu a chiair sud vatcboi the «àm 41f510h1 h. fe11 ailleep. seme cr- johumaonstrierai. suggesi- ad tMu l go io tue nickel theater a Suif bNci avryansd i vas decied hi saus Hokala sleepng becauseof <hie Ttus anIle1.11thoemSauntJohnson Noisa lie dooir, Pette-; Find De"i Man Th5e slow vas ovca' fl ton in- %ta@. and lieu lohuaon camne back: to the 0000IL llsioshu* tue door, be otered vith Id I Mds&sd aav tuai Hokalavaw -e """MW âmlp slop. Cbùïaiw al. so naton In lul so we te uMIDOU, veut ta the »P *»re sleeping man and, grniaplu lub y tue chouder 111001 W » p tuereI" b. crie& 1> e dsoovrei thua Hokala la an ~t e comb nde *M ce =ýdimpueis caused 545. Wl n Finland. ibaa la bout tulrty year.ol and vIfé Stu landotho lani of hi 71Tno re a o chiliren. '$S demi ma0,hum been uneuploîs li te aeSo0 et hlbisJob I lohn me% xau ied u o place t"itteecould 'Me rIemains vers remoyei ta til L1*tm & - Case"amorgue atos a Po U»s lanqcooi. an tho laquent wvi Sho-d ut 4 Mondai afbonnoonl. 8410TRIAI WILS. HESULT IN NEIA TRIAL AT NEXT TERM. Molt, for- fletrial of Case of Peopl E.Apinet Conductor Krag, in Whieî NOtM-i Chicao People sro interesti la lieder arnseent. J Mondai ulgicî at il tue county cour lm. lap tee caae o! Scboessnv an Ma=cer founat impossible te agre Mdw iischarged, a mistial bein *eresut At 10 tue Jury came lu sud state ~ttitcouhinOt agree, but vas ri "(Iambel ei.iabo c Mdcieâ for an bourt . - b l, ' i5penéci, t1he ut the~ '4-01& lefrodmo th The case iI hav eunotuer ]Meeting- ow t ain gnausnm ah tue neit taras o!rourt. l ot« u' i h od0011f The motter as issue involves the devolope in a boy friend of the girl. Damuent o! notes tuaI Icamminl- dm P.Dlnfotw y aita vere part o! a parhuorahlp ogrfe- formuadet.thelan, fr n t ean ment m a dbt- rLino et coulis.y'o Iphemi Lekes WIrs Coiepuyîvilcb yards lu tue ShOBUs Court New&. novQ*Itta PeIibls-KIviWU' local plent, vasMondai soquithei The trial.ime nov at au end for ko . ummoSNeIY Doue of l a ffingo f ariminal saiut pro- teis têru o!fckcty court, but Mations ferrs letiaist hlm by the Par'ents o vil ie boad OECAhei111n,4 im.xresn Motion for r raaion lice ilmeet Car OETHAGhe<AL AmaLres ciao Pople Geore Ksg, INORECA$SESTIS CAPITAL Tic tril ok place lu Chicago, sentit casa, ______Ta__GorgeKusvicero DoMou. nov resudes With bie vas taIton cuder aivisemeut- KraiieadImliadte uyw u vas assesseit $44 icî a lury for alleged Office 0f Gonasil Munegor l'a klmîn- wlf evu minutesî. sud thu ur a nt a»ulýo rak:Valtt o orth tlledPre.id.nt A. C. a verdict aI complutu sud unanlMuxan Chicago vbo last nummer la ciiud Front WiII toive ln aqiti ia have pnrled up 15 cents out a treel This C5padty. Dolanbas a hôst o! trilnda lu Waee- ca fsoecord, sitar wblch. vicen ho 1kegan vico ylbu pleasei 10 heu refuai dtu pay, it la alleged tue con- ' The Konosha Blactric Ra>'mmcoc-, tuaIie.naine ls cluared a! the duclon, Kra uasaulted bia para ili viIh tha neglsteu' oI deeds charge againat It for monîha. r Motion for i ra naIluth4 ue asf0!S. af Henosha Countî ffiday, Ibre Proved An Alibi. aev&astaagaint MoyenrA& Frank vas ameradments tb its articles O! OrFgari- I At tue hoarlng. vhich bas buen tu lson tkera undar advisemerat. . zatioi vbldh -tond la Show tuat lie' progreass ince Monday. Dlan proved L________ compaiy ls planning great extensionLs a complet. alibi and vas shovra ta hi o!fIas business ira Kenosha and the guillls. DUES IN ACCIECNT snading territori. The assanît vas zupposei ta have £fWl~I ~ bofinit ameudmeut ta the articles taken place lu Lincoln Park at 4 ane para tru 51,00 la*Ithe eanti aft:rieo. lolan aleowed !atrle h Itlaistalned taith stok ata beu lna treet district belvuen 1 and GRAND SECRETARV OF I£ASTERNdIided imb ten thousaui ahanes of a 6olc !Iuda h ssl STAR la DEAD. par value o! $100 uacb. aîîegeî ta bave talen place. _____________The neil ameudment maie Increai- Why Girl Accuici Hlm-Whipd. oull Pour Storles Down Elevae Shaft es lice numbur o! lieu membuns o! the Heliens sbovud, accordlng ta a Wou 0< -~Boiti O! Directons a! the comparai to Ikegan mane vho* attcallud on thf Of Payer Building et Peorie Whcre liv Instead of theenusd. i proviies case, wiei the girl accused hlm. 8h6 Was Vieting MaaonlIo Quarter. test the direalars of tbe aompauy Tualimoni revealei that vhen thq AMagIng for Grand Ldge Smsh. saol bu stockholdurs of the conmpare. parents o! tue girl founn ber lu a 6.1l 0 The o0fcera o! the compani are cale candît.ion the>' askti Who val namei as a preaieut. - a vlco-prest- responiile for It, sud vhuu sbý - SPECIAL TO THO DAILT SUN. dent, a secretary and a tresaurer. vouli not tellI tey are aîîegeî ta havq k_ Peoria, Ill., April 27.-Mrs. MaIe The office a! guverai manager of the, vblpped han nutil shu accusei Dolav 1- Chester, voli Itnowu ta Esateru Star compani bas hera elimlnated sud bie 1vicoIlives lu the saute building lnra " »merof <Waukegan c aapteet, grand dattes yl bu taken ic tbe preoladoulîîerenî flot. " iOCtr o!flice Osier o! lbe Eastern o!flice comparai. The articles state, Tiens Dolan claimud test abc vs Star, telllclown the elovator shalt. or lest A. C. Fi-ast la the preideut o foreid Into tue accusation -sud mal tu, he aye o Bl'et ieotoay sud vas lb. compara>'-but no stateiet 10Is iaillingly. Iaer ber teatimon akilidInstantly. madie as b lice Idanity o! thee thon sImeced tlacamea a-1 1alockiealiars. Itleisciainiud by men the responalbilty vas sblfted. ia The, ahove speclal telegram la Ibhe lu a position ta Itnov thiallthe. stock______ SUN yull cause grief amoug Lake o! lbe comparai le nov being affalai in cout mambors o! tue Orier o! tue <or soileand ties ltI la indini' resuy Pastar Resigns for Chair. £aalorn star. purchasers. il la Itoovu Ibat a large Dr. Willianp H. Tnainnm. o! Il The loteolire. Chester vas aneong block of!'the stock lIovned in Final Christian Churcie t Utîca au - tue granit afftcersw v b ied Wauke- KonoBba. Cîlarao streats, nolei for is shor t son chapler lait fait sui dt a todai The suenugntb ta .b. articles of pthi sailoga and vise aaws, gaeotI an laborato ceremSni ciie Iatoi organisation wevoladsoplai ai the cieunctenotice tva veekBagi) o tstb Z su entire aftos a and eveulug. annueal meeting o! tuee tockieoldoni voli claie bis vork vllh il lune 20. a; Hone om Su CW Chicago. of tue coupeici hehi a 'Moute aïo, Satuniai, April 27, b.c losoti a coi IThe nest gradttaise ssaon viii but tueî have jut beesa maie a Mat- trat wth tue Scicool o!flice Evange le be "dI lu Po.r nl; extl<ansd ire. tenr<of record. ,Theo lucresa ln the. It, a lae traiinngs sciool for ml I- 'Cheaten vas probsili vialng Peonla stock la in keepinif vite tue fliing o! ionaries uni evangellt lu Tenue mg 10 arrange for il. -The Monii- coma the retient trnjet deed vblih vas giîen ose., la becom'o ead o! the dopai k are'la the Mayer hUdine on ~ the 1t e mou" . a one OlOmillion dollars ment lnu llsrev sud Nov Testumie foqrtie ao, sud Wauegaun ameu hieb vas t b.oecnrod on a bond Gneek, sud yUl bengiom it lh Il sud star uombers arew0fthee opinion ian,"sboni on sopember18. la lia!lMra. hester munit haye ftllou fr0111 bli trill. boet. m- lr-Chooher <saPut Matroic o!r id Quen u ta oi bapter in Chiago, an theeset ide,'sud bas s"rves Grand aron 01 tue UMIs lodge, Md At tee time 0< uer dealh hae- vas L UJ E > A thee vosd.s ýAt lb. lime ibe visitAi d hoie the vagrand secretary of tuq a.6 ___is ""&TH SEWING le Thought Soya seil Son ta Death. o- Wte the detteo! bis sou Bunday MaHE A JonBontlId te titeonties . Itwshebellet the. date vas due o 1 ____________________________ a evers beitlngtue boy bai rocelvod r. aI tue banda o! plaiinatei n austockte aPai orgnf S O T AiSB day nishI. . organized Il; bai a capitalilc o! HO T AL S B W He bâti sons out ltoutee alîeî back 126,o vbich vas arard lu- L. T. COOPER- ofii. bouse. Lalor ho cameo andt ld ceaied 10 $50.000 aud again ln $160. a! boia;btoesci ather boya. The 000. efaller slihe bai cnlod al niget.bu u Lakte Lino ln Prospec CONSTIPATION, hoe .ilu incoranectioci vite tue iern :d The iutlaoritlouvore notitietiad s ai s 5tuat bave been annnced dur- 1 cou tell & P««&. vii.in ecmstipe au oxaiination b>' Dr. Kalavaki rs u iS Mvd, i asaldhou ulit. Ticoir oouiexlàl causot i hm ta alite thal theo îoth People cloie la M. Frost and oteur or pcilow. f vwu dues lamsiue apponiîctia pnduni, ofiale o! the couepaicithsl the Ken- oes e. rsdot, à it tram sny b.atUng. osha Electric Ralîai Comlpany, ani t<u. looIt nd i ad Stit(Bs Attorney nln a b n nt lice Chicago sud Miwaukee co-eloy ww e notlflid, but whou told of the doclar's psuî, mai urdertako tbe vof o! sice>-d. TI ug report state St es ftuer coul building a liue voit tram Keoaha to Isoveloeseso bave a poal-iorloipe eld if hoicote&conuect vite tue laies regbons. Th"symem>'il .6d The fateer <jid n t 1anditheiater Wte tue Issue o! tue nov stock of lice p.louoos a- vas droppeit. thIe Ieula ElOctrie RilvaY Cou- lus.. if LIspdi puny nov direclaus vill undonitdiylm - b ic be eectei thle. compani, and th-ese w in b.do, i tta Prince" mon mai briug new capital ta tee aid f y ofteplana a!oftheecomparai tan ex- AItee present lime tue Cbicago SaUvaz.zona". ~. sud Milwaukee le belus kept prtti nît buai oi ulsllgtheelinos ha Mlvan- lb a. on v g* sell gejed lom X"b, sal smson as tuese' linos are " en & goq - o>@'y oowltodlai.thought liat tue com- der et ils solllo r if pugommi.li. pmni vihob.foi-cd o0taie saine stops bha-ethp I o' 1W »Mdi.ga hW to mda aya>to geloAto tue conter o!fcetus, PoIh5 s ki 1 21= aa.WIte tueoe grtPOa çt eti vc ociéoo.li o 4 I theli omot~abiof the terolIgillI tal e ps aver' dflel i tegIse 10 bullilu fsders.1for local Ai Y* 60 d»?Im4-m as qn u bv 111 eUtmne-olesw o. eolt liews New ubu.vwl W d& e malu maaose t b e..-teI vPMrnosW Court-4 DRAMATICA -43 Orly à Wou liko.Itsai o Zýi ;>, .=.7. end»" itt i -b"« bmet lUP =lEDk ba" l 0ei Mlpd oum lave il11 ear.1 <- 1 1 e 1 - ad ri we ho t Il inouisOourm fLkeOut Tins ~s7 ~S #U* WUy o selt 00mx. W ill.va. n ?ua.angte. mto i hr"lf i VgothBacetruafo nd' SWESIUNO L.EMOS.pubie nontIU tic a rh ik OOthtWLl.OL OOE _______Md___ l " lu -th7et W.ue let ue - Mme %b Pey uated wlIt; GeMand eof pm i u o hMon uT»8"7ite Rgiou4m h *iaiflO i i 116M«. M udbt iddOt ». &'a~5 . folo- i*I*get0; fthé tehe out nifÏofltohosie al!or..WION, 1 Iii k s.9 LM>Ntlo haCt t nuorso oukeslaMoi u- lia theU.i NaieO R ta Ouascioaiing 100, ersor là* id -eano ioig's, '0 ~ fnat peu ÉTooatueur WeaesIeafl P.oW& AdCota akU llol c ~OUdW O0dtit 511110W0CI det lae HoientcbdW id a ndg e.et Pubieordor' fice an Lo eClo y ~ 16to . Toll ame w4. Tho ffal W a8000o te oit*o Ian u, lu 800k Afo @Plathe, o arcdbytebuv itigo!W tortinlg eor hld n te ciy,%,-lthero>!. "'**- eloian. evehmngtmi n rm the » Waablu h- -1-.1C. 09riiron lber pecia h(7 eri n Chancer>060 . hav ett bisba- flng yeanshomt. affairaauui ie. splakor se.e assied ostamtrr l" an t an'eAditina-_t________ Wu eii. au 0lheasoahm et the Hotarcwartz ho spoko. l'un byore aanu .udyb h ag Attmuo Wllim . Wisamae aSthe o! lîlinola, Cofn Laete ss ilscoeonf 1cted4."Tue ooe Ru, t T ae M l on of h e m oe n-er Md. oLitern .BookAi oan- Bnamtn, L o n ot pied bythheas wss scheduled, b lug tQcuse, crwuankAtai vbheimslca tnels aof J. s.JOHNge PP. Fbc~slid Up itth an atacf Dnaiherp affaio ra n th mi;liaeudle reaa lag ratsD.Pas aigHevnlme. as bncedin tbesitthgie- t a fnsheaersoneICai theSpa. thgowe, ANina W. FlA.g. Ida07. Àtota etWorthbito u. wb did nby lur te 11lirraI pl"andh a ony n- Wg. tW.Ld.Maid ar-laegn,c oter.f Pulwse pathoe n one ilimPtWshaeat och f luloofo u- IlliChnoiCeyJoues, ofLkse. isn gaine hr"uhe ou and via l. sodt tloaalta ho ased tospeak Luter N. Panko nd heinjor'deisees t ith as e sc ue, get ing rebt hadbeggedontuaiteei ae epa-o rsu Flg.esossed', rstsD.v« ,, "un. ot o! tr timas es adItheat. Game wa e ed ou teprograin. baySrned ta S t kow, heorsWor devis Ida o : Lyma wca te t th n o th se eto e Tn tho ietade to tue god n-red du Alserso bt Wd. add.BDe- lioe-u: bte.Pis Ice ýe hlug at ttue eene b ltof cEas D . Benain L. Flang. J, -as otMfAfutimes OC. bR. H lOA e. peakr uiaed on th bu pt.bd e ro egam admlniatrtor odIe oltele o! Bmua Btnt the end. -.o the O (I o e pand menteardbygel ng-aw - aduine,..Flagg.d" ucuasd. n knlrorfl McMaou. 2hf ai. i 2 2 2le.th Lthe programt as fer as possible. Fuw heirs or devisees of Juilus C. Smiith,, Marquardt, as. I1 1 0 O 0 te of those vhoae namea vere printud as 'iceaed", Mary M. Ladd' sud "un-' lUth, lb ........ ) 1 7 0 1 speakers were called uOpon. kn 'owu owuerso! lot 10 lu Block 8 In Heimerti. P.. O 0 1 i (0 le Tboseevbo vere callud upon, on the tue tiret Addition te thu North aide of Dettmairi c.I.._ 1 1 8 1 l. other band, received tue natuai bouquet Little Font. now lu 1the City o! Wau- Worth'ton. Ir. & p..1n 3:0 O0 La --of lemons-from the smillug genins kegan. Lots 3 aud 4 lu Mallory's Ru-Igtockinger. 3h. .-.1 () 3 I .e of the feut at telboot veru tood Subdivision of Block 5 lu Smith and, Pumkin, r! -O.. 4) 0 0 re UP by 1the hanquelers sud made marks Adamns' North Addition te Waukeffan. *Stone, If - .. .. n O O 0 n, for kindly but sometimes clevur and Lut 10 in Block 10 lu Bord du Lac- - a truhful arcass. ýBluffs sud Lot i3 lu Block 1 lu Sly- Total-----------..4 6 21 6 6 Prent Pin to Wandel. fleld's Subdivision. al ituated lu the WAt'KEGAN. R. H. P.O. A. .. as The feature event of the evunluz County of Lakte and Biate Of Illinois", Ryan,b. lb---------23 0o 0 e was the presenting o! s solid gold and Bradford E. Simmlons, lu Parti- Thomas, c--------..I 2 10 1 (0 y Eik' pin with a diamond lu the borna tion, Gon. No. 3293. . Deunia. cf.--------.O0O( 0 O ' ndof the elk huad tb Past Exaltud ]Ruler Pursuant te a decree made and un- King, If----------I1 I 2 t> 0 id la .*tdl wonR n terui by the Circuit Court et sai Donavan, 2h----------3 2 2 2 0 Wlltiam F. a ucdul bo .M l-Counnu. ln tieuabove eutilled cause[Wîîîîams. . -.2 3 1 O O The presuntation waa nmade by ou tha 261h day o! March. A. D. 1907, Hanford. lb-...2 4 6 0 1 Toasîmaster W'ess and Mr. Wendel, the underaignod, George W. Pied. as R. Pulse, sas - 3 1 0 O ce Speclal Muter lu Chancery. of the pulse, . p-----2 3 O 2 ad bho la a falîtul Elk aud a vastly Circuit Court o! Lake Connty, Illinois,. >r popular man, respouded feellugly.i Mr. iii on Tueaday the 201h day of Mai, Total----------1. 6 19 21 5 3 le W endel bas tue baty god w of0 A. D. 1907t at oue o'ciock lu tue aler- *Btted for H elînurilu sevnth. iAîthewhole lodge. noe of ald day,et teaset mit 1 34 Amngte seath of eakeve otrance of the Court Rouge, lu the Maniboo... 0O0O0O0O0O0' 4- 4 Ae LM.ng tha pekE.R.;0te CeiugCty of Wankegan, Couti of Lakte aukegan... 0 3 2 2 4 3 2-16 ai- ve.R .Igla .R;W. Weiss, sud tte o!flIllunois, seîl 10 tue bigh- Hm tnDnvn aebt- 4 W. F. Wandel, Potmuster Cbarlea G0. esu d boit bidder tue folloFlug do- Hm u-oaa. Ba ia e.Watrous, Connty Clerk Hendee. L. O. acribed real estate. situated lu tue Pulse, Ryan. Stolen baes-itiau 2, Ut Brockway, &ttorney A. F- tearns. Couty a! lA5ae and State of Illinois, Thomas 1. King 1, Douavan 1. R. ut Danîr eL.Cice, Damz AI-.l Blck8, u iPeFial ed- 1. Pulse 1, immerson 1. DoIt- hieaculr, ttrny Rlp Ddy ndDr Lot 10, I W ,I h is d man I. Warthingtou 1. Base ou balla ,Goie Doorbeclier. dition te the Nortlc. aideof iUttle Fort. -Off'Puise,-. tl- on-> Ple Neauly avery one about tIlle mabog- in tue Cty of Waukegan. Connty of 9; by Heluerl. 7; by Wortulugtou. 1. = nY la tact had te say aometuing on Lako and tite of Illino in, excopt a Mita-Off- Helmeri. 14; o& Worthing- P"an Impromaptu sublect riglit of vay six (6) tost lu vidîli off ton. 6. Tlme-Two heurt. Attend- Tc vary the spegking tuere wu5 tue Soute side of«saLt In luaccor- ance-1,200. Umpire-Obukneckt. munie, bth vocal sud Inatimeflt8l. dance vlth the provisions o! a certain The sweli Elegant Menu. 6004 hi Henry' C. Hutahizson and Notes of the Gama. Following le tue avull elugaut vite te Henry K. Otratford, datai Donavan started the bail rolliug lu menu tuat Hoat Dailey servud the May 27th, 1864, recorded la the Re- the second wilh a boamer. çatberlng o! alxty or more:. corder'i office of Laire Ceunti, 11W - auford vent nome with tbe stick, menu. nois, lu Book 36 o! Deeds at page 278; getîiug tour bits out o! rive limes up. Mauhattan Co)cktail sali lot te bu sli subject 1 te e mort- -Cimiers" was aiso there witbIbre Blue Points on Hal! Sheli gage thureon nov buld by onu Joseph fine binglus. Celery Olives W. Harlow. Jou Pulse gaI s double and tva sin- Consomme lu Cupe. Alsô Lots 3 aud 4 lu Malirî's Ro- glus out aI tour limtes et bat. Pianked Lakte Buperlor Whiluiisb. Subdivision o! Blockt 6, lu Smth sud Douavan sud Ryau vorked s pretty Sllced Cucumbers. Aiam's North Addition te Waxikugan. double steailunlbhe firh. Bnalsed Jack Sulpe ou Toast lu the County of Lakte and State of King made s fine nunning catch of Burgundy Illinois. Sald lots ta h o sli subject a surely tbrue-bagger Iu tue slxlb. - Speclal Baked Potatous te the montgage Ihereon nov hli hy McMabou rohbed King of a bit In __Green Pesa onu Cbaunceg J. Joues. the tlfth. speariug a bard hune drive Fresie Obimi, Salai ýAse lot 10, lu Blockt 10 lu Bord du wit onue haud. Xeapolitan lau Cream Cake L.ac Bluffs, a plat o! vbtcb subdivl- Donavitu rau outInlu ight'lield sud Cammembert Chuesu sien vas Oued for record lu the Ru- gsthered lu a higb lly. Cate Noir corderas office o!sasld Lakte County. lu Keep the gmî omIto up! 'l'assIed Crackers Book C o! Plats, at page 37. Also tôt 13. in Block 1, lu Slyfield's PRETGSI EGE Subdivision, a plat o! vhIcb subdivi- , ECNAE I EGE 110 CLARK CORSER CAME alun wau filed lu the Recorder'@ office AcdordiliL tothe ruturns as present- UN 14TII! ýTIIIRIIES Plats, at page 25. C league are nov: pnetgsl h Mud Terme of sale: Cash. Waukegar-1,000. fel- Dated at Wsukegau Ilîlinois, April Port Wasblugtûn-,OOO. ,e On Way te Bentan Where He hsa 22nd, A. D. 1907. Rivervew-1,000. 'ho slc. Lived waa met by Indiens. GEORGE W. FIELD, Otiier tteams--OOP. pr. Special Master lu Chancery. fe- Clark Corser came te Benton town Elam L. Clarke. Vatra oeFnd long lu the thîrtles ovur su Indian tril Solicitor for Complaînants. Found by an angry hushandInl bis mm0 sud vas saluted along the route by home, maklng the excuse tilat bu bai 6"d parties of red skias Who askui hlm corne ta his hoardlug place uet te seu ted whuru bu vas golng. Thuru vere no WHY PROPOSAL WAS SIJODEN- the prtty bosrding mistruss, but te 11* ouses betvuen Chicago sud Benlon ____speni the uigbt wltb a frieni, It la Is«ýon this trail wnen bu took ItL H. One Thing That Fond Vaouth Mai allegei, George Ustit, o! the sentil @Wp tela a story of s country violinlat vho TknNo huhto, aide, vas Mondai mornlug fOued 95 aud îr.was trued hi valves tura years afler TknN huh o. censh, havlug plead guilty te a disor- Ibis sud hai 0b uce ttrd"h~i derly conduct charge. àlh igb nate.t ersudatracTi 0s atiden!" As bu hear! The gngry hnsband vas William nib iaa r. the girl sefa ixlie e yrds the astrr Thackers, and bu sais Ibat vhen bu _____________ siced Young Iman rose ta biestuel:1icame home night betoro lutsI ho !und a~w'ua. ewîldurment. "Sudden!"' bu repeated Ustla )n bis bouse aud thal Untic assi RILL EA DlId h ein arlght? Mar", than two came theure tase bis vite. lice ~ ~ ~ years lasi Lo. bbelieve il vas, since I EU MWIS 11CI IraI met you. For sevural months -Mlked off and Wedded. Mud ,' yaler that I ou aaw iouon caslnal- Mrs. Carnie 110k, of Aftloch, wbo id A PL US tncesedgrsiually, very gradually, 1inla elI kuovn u Gaslu, hr 7.P A P A S nrae my visita. ht took six elle bas sevural pupila te whom elle bas sia menthe le gel on a formai callîns' hea giving piano lasons, surprlsed Applause la Thunderoacaend Compil basis: il boIt six metnthe more ta hcn ber friands a veak agoe lait Mouday menta Are Tilot;, Dr. Neshtt reizular visitor; six menthe more -t by blkiug off ta Chicago sud gettlng me*"aSeparateý Order of <al You by yaun Christiana nsine: marnled t0 Chester WbItmore, or Ot- Lancera. l la any uiying tbe laI 1ev mont'-. Iuva, lova, Who la a pi-aulueutlaliv mm_________that I bava venturu'l, witb mini mis yen lu Ibat city.' Tbey vilI soon tako sale ONE MUMOREO AND THIRTV iig-Yvn ahl-a baud. AiO nP their rosidence Ira Ottnmwa, and be EVOLIJTIONS; NO MISTAJCES- nov. aftei al Ibis gradnai develortcobrid'. mUy reri br otn i -< ~ment o! mi love, yon tell me tient w cogratllus Md TPhe Waukegan Rebekahes Saluniay declamation la so sudn. Do yeu celt- :113 ovonlng In Chicago camied off theoIb suiden?" "11 do, indeed." sh' IIAja Si mcby chiot honore at thaelghti-elghth an- replied calmly. "But.-fan abhat rea Representatives o!, .he clty of Lake nvrayceloébration o! the Odd Fol- son?'" The yauragJaiy replled., 1i oret vere ln«u akegu aturdayi n .~~ lelvrsir conference vîtie the oMfcers <ot the IO, Ktv a Brook'. Casino, aon Wabnâb soute degre of hauteur: '"ln'plî 1 CarraPraducla Reflinug Compmny roI- ave8nue,110.I1hadly inagîned ion wouîi dare ta atlvo ta te treatmnenl of alleged lu- my Thie dill put on hi tue Waukegau speak t0 me 11k. lieu for anothOl' tw juio-lns by-producta turned loto the ladiea fat surpased tuai. f Ivo coin- yars at lesat, corasiderlug yaur prus vaers of Lae Michigane b>'the cenu- paniea gr -tue' 044 Filiovethai ap: ont salai". 11 1 - e.- . .dva te ou taI- -- pl..