CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 May 1907, p. 3

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1JNDERrAKING *1'1 EORGE E. STRANG *rrMltlre D1ernd ami UMedUrtuker* BAIN AND STOUGIiTON WAGONS We Have them Farm Trucks Teaming Trucks Farm Wagons 'Llght Wagons 1 Ileavy and Light Wagons CaII. and Lýook Them1 Over SPRINGTIME FOR 1IANSSES De y"u fuil gou hmauofsaeeom e mw haumess or $miIelu repue..Il g v earemgoS tuet b. mSw. ComoueeUfne aid prilogt CHAS. IH. KAISER UbdltyvilIC IliBnois s~sps:ssss:sa--------e--e------- ---------------- RTMIENT TWnp SSn audý=pmwWaingto Grayislake and -------- vicinit, » -------------- 0 -------- Mr.TmWhite, of Long Lake, called 0. Weibw'f, BS-.; John Morne, Treas.; on f iend:sud telatives here Mouday. FP. .ffitsu, chief engluer. Ail the lire. men bae doue good work the paat year The Court of flonor bed a big ,Xiet sud dbsnveo mu(q, eredit. lùg Saturday eveinsansd lntiated about twenty-flve members. Dr. DtIme, of iiao made a proies. Misses Mary and Chrstine Deithorn s510!l al G bere Friday. are spending the week visting theïr AMr. and Mmr. Witt Edwards. of Wauke. brother Fred aud wile at Jobus@burg. gan viéited friëtids bere the iret of the lira. Johin Lenren Jr., returned lromnw7k Ottawa Thursday laut very much fli.- Mr. a"d lre tc c.Norrili, oi Fox proved lu bealtb. Lake, vlsted <.rays..îkî Monday and lire. lowmau wlio spent cumulerble- attuddthe M olrer, club bouquet. fore tant ini the Parker cottage at Grays- Rasy Heud.l-- of Libertv ville, wse lake in stoppîng at Butei Gardinier. eaililg ou oid fi rei l em~ Monday. Ioy aud Cash Pester are (faite oiek Mise Mary Hfiiok and lirm. Louis Hook wilb scariet lever. A nurse froin epentliasurday iii<'tîcago. Cldcago bas charge oi theru. MliRobert iiurvey in visiting iu Chas wigtmauepentsunday athome, Wauikega£L. Attorney Churchill aud iamiiy epent ira ai ed iie e itr Ronday at Libertyville witb frieudesud LouisUion rt the Lakeside bospital rlatives. Saiîurday sud l,îîud ber lu splendid Ray Bamciton, o! Chlîeago, was I condit. guestet the Ed Kappie home Sunday. lira. Fred Kuebiker underweut au Seveai o ou youg pepleattededoperation Satuîr day at t'le Prealbyterlsu the daucea at lÀbertyviiie aud Round optladi reported obdig Lake Frday aud Saturday eveniuge vrery ulcely. The social evening giveni by tbe B. 1.0. a. John Coînverse. o! Fox Lake, was club Frlday eveuuug waa greatiy thegjeto!AirdîîîdAis. ams Bov by ail w ho attendod. eîye1iody For thât tired feling try a bottie of LyzS lurrie wlio h a@ been empioyed our Bee Iron sud Wine. Grasîs e at tie Bitler ulSat market the past year Pbsrmscy. bas reélgued him î,îition fora more lue- rative one ithitlosing Bron. Rouait Madame@ShBermanu aud Palmer, of the Lake. -Woffian's Club o! Grayalake atteulded Loule (jarvr.iWueun lle the lia1 breakfast ut the Bul] bouse bis parants, wr.J'Arifda ud esnrday.i Cie given by tise Soia] Econosuice bryia n audy Club,.Tueay morning. h in rureor-d that the Mluos 1itii ui~u~s ~'~ ~u~s'~i S~?eTZ~Phil Flwryuaar the village hallba n day evening. A New England supper was sp<>ieu for andl tbought very favorable glven sud a very pianssut eveing spent. for a building ite. The building wlll lo two story with u large kitchen snd lir. Krusemark returned front ber dinning halls.1 visit in Cicago Tuesday. lie1uoo aukroIdl MisesEva i)ooitt leisnov empioyed st -the gueit of ber inter Mmr. Kirtsinger tbe Bon Ton dry gouaoe.~ for a couple of weeka. The Wamen'o club wili meut with lira. John Morse, lionday evenlng. L. Y. Sukes le transacting business lu Miagon City this weei. lir. sud lira. C. . BSmith bave rentsd thelr lover fiat tolin, sud UAi. Wm. Book, ai Waniegaus, vbo -W imovo bore lu the mmeafture.1 Mayor Batterohsii le again serviug ou Ilu fedral jury. lira. J. J4.ougabaugh caiied ou ber nister lie.Frdkuebier at the. Preshy- terlan loapital Chicago Tuasday. lira. Thso Gerlacb returned Tnosday more a visit with ber daughter lu Cheffl. LOUIS J, YEOMA THE PIANO MANI Mir. and lim. J. Loasman are enter- talniug relatives. George Carroll spent Suuday vith bis parents. MislmuMnule Buraudt le visiting relatives lu Chicago. lira Frank Burke la ou the aIliâlt. Wm. Ryau, of Chicago. spent Suuday with relatives bers. lir@. Schili sud daugbtar were ruilera on Mouday. lir. sud lirm.JobhnlcCanu visitsd relatives lu Chicago the past week. Cari North speut Buuday ut bis bomeis u aonaIAlbert liebîi, o!f retnout, made a b.usiueos tril to Vî.lo Saturday. 1 Gene Jeukm. of Waucouda, vas lu townul Monday. Miesere. Arthur aud ViliI Frost rmade ae businems tripî to Rtollins Tbureday. lieform, Arthjur Powere aud BarryJ Fuller, o! Wane,uda, were receut Volo visitore. 1 Rev. Joseph Rampe sijent last Mouday uni Tupedny iu Chicago. Mrs. Barry Nicbolis aud dsugliter Lovina are viitiug relatives lu Chicago.1 Mir. sud lMre. G. B. ltoslug, of Round Lake, attended ciurcb beres uuday lorenoon. Miss Lilliau Efinlgervisited ber mother, at Wancouda severai daya lest weesi. issesAuna aud Cara Rooiug wers the gueste of relatives lu Mcflsnry lest Saturday sud Buuday. Milsssliuldrod sud Clara Roasdeutcber vlslted relatives lu Elgin ttweek. lissera. Harvey aud Oscar sud Miss Emuma Hsaau nwere licienry callerst on. day lait veek. ,Ur. sud lira. Ben Roingepeut Sundaya wcth relatives at Platakea Bay. lir. sud lira, C. Babel etertaiued Mr. land li.John Babel, of Chicago sud lir. sud Mli. T. Wiukls, of licBeur, over Snuday. Aira.jaes*Kirwsu Who bas been quit. i during the past veek le sane- what better. Dr. J. Dawson. o! Waucouds la lu atteudance. AN110M. lirE d Little sud lUr». Overton are on the lck liat. lira. Sarahs Barna srrivedl home Mou- day after a winters visit with friands lu central Ililuoli. Whooplg rugi le spreadiug, among Il? th cie u o su su Si ~RtD jOCtIIEIM Teleishne No. .u~ A. 0. Gulidge i. sstertaling i senter, lire. Deard Who biisCistn ie Uhetyili Eebage Miss Katie Bwdon, ai Ras Hslgte J. M. Palmer retnrned Tueeday. lira.or _________________ -South Dakota. Palmter aecompauuiug ber am far ai MinesBuste Whitehead *Wstsd ber Chicao SPECIAL ATTENTION BAKER r dater, lir. Fred Kuober at the Preby- A. D. Bueil, o! Buriugtou. trasacted terlan hospitai Wdnesdsy. business ebesaeversl daya thi evesi. 1 and COPtII'CTUONER Dr. licDonald, of Lake Forest, We have put lu a fiue lire oa!ý attauded the social eveing given by the single sud double barueaaesl, reliable B. 1. . club. goodesud right prices. You bave butr To oui of Town Ordors luita look thein aver ta lu convincsd. Cal] UbHuieIm i ans Geidlu sd !amily movsd toansetu.JP.RBA. _______________________ ~~oregon viees tby"expet ta maie@ their ai e i,.J .BBAD future nomea.--d And Shipping Trado HOTELS AND RETILEUS SU PPLIEO Thse baye at bigh achoolasentait b ave Women'u Club Etertiaine. da cuitivated a fad for red hoalery receutly. WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWNS We vauden if they bave suy of fileul g t The aunuai meeting oi thse Womin'seh c aid lest about the fiuai examiuatioo!. club Muuday igbt at vblcb time tise C]i 1 regîsiar cicetioSi o! officera vaasbeld 1 pp~pêpp*p*p-----------S;BOSS*O*S150 Mlr. and Mrs. E. Wald, of Lais Villa, res@uite inris social aller meetinsdvi viiled bere Saturday. banq1uet ait whicb tise huebande o!tbltev Miss Flareuce Smith rsturned fron varior ladies vers guesta as vei an a 1 Chiago Wednesday vbere shehasi besu few frreurir. The ladies of the club vers Hi spnis everal daye. dre,.eed tri represeut some ai the Engihisau spend1nguitti nid sno!ofthse costumes vers Do you vant sometbiug ta touch that botir aipqropriate sud original. The p O O D PI~ N TIN Gthea spot. Grayalaka pharnacy. airîided that the i!e know howV as... tiile Ouraug syrp gee rgbt to buIil ît iiaig byAttheebsing eed i n g Io a necessary element of business succeB. Orders lire. Eucid Rendes, of Kenosba, ls the toe l.11t1.rrîge. t tse busness etn '-'laced guest of relatives fbers. t.rrl' iuyFrench litera- w for Job Printihig pl. dWth US WilIbe prcimptly ~< itors. 'l'lîe !oiloving afficer e ve and eorrectly executed. Rush jobs our delight eietiou o! officere lant vesi. The Vice pi- îrsidaetlr . nlSe., Mise officere were re.eiected st iollows: A. A. Hutarui, Se., Mise lancia Wbeeler; lidlillen, chie!; F. C. Wlbur, Pres.; Trease, li. Bulard. The metin u banuetuiwa e hd a i b omle o.lir Joiju V ruhburn vha proved lbereif a Charning hlitese. Ni ROUND LAKE. l uAre lJutge'sigsiee frot Chicago speut oi reienil. c itîig laon he ainlitbeieg Wewish t; sueaita our aim is to giveyou ij,ýR:,i-gison h an rbigF and ,gpoil dean Meqlhandise. apRihrsnjonte@kls. d 4 ali-o 8 tCaned Cora fou. 25c ChadreeuM's a.dkurei fs, e e s s I C ion dcal don ilsdeincaur Crackd Mohe ai Jaa I.Li5 thiedkIIercUaeà. ANl Unenne a 5c ir. and lire. Bd Brown sud lire. Coffee fo1c7 us forJaya 00 LdiW s' l1rNI WIfS ANLimuuirainant trausacted business lu Chicago lao'l 125c Phil Flarysud vile mmd. tà business ba~ra !Fine Japn Tua UnbIeAdss%$Wutus tr~r ipv raysaelionday afteruoon. 22; Io o $ 00 (04a6 2 C Sauiel Tannant, Henry Nelso n BeDc Rosiug called on irieud e be S unday. k IM M 1 esWalbgresp vas a pleasant coliler - ers Suriday aSlqi2oon. MisesBarbarimnan lsow vorkiîrg lélbdueOrC for Aiarîn Brun. Misesc Katie. Frances sud brother. D - Jas Ro4iug spent bunday at Ihtir bonis lu Volo. 4. 1 Mise Bertaaud'Trasie Wagner valled an frieuds hber@ Monday. E<%)pI5AU59 Mr. and Idr.-lilUe bave came onti f ~ f ramtcthe e hlUnelatbeir cottage ut r., - the laie d.1 telu#lomer suontha. Aiany Improvelents ar e iig made ih ai cernent sidowalks, etc. Tlesey the eleetrlc ligbt plant isaa are tblug. Lot tise g o oA go ou. Ae uev 5 sud 10 cente store lu the Les building. LOON LAKIE Geo. Miler sud danghtar Vers s&peut WtordatvinuChicago. Tii. Misses yau, a! Chicao, ar Pending sure tune vith li. sd lira Volt on tise Ryau farm. Chas. Richarde sud famil y bave moved 0their new bore lu Antiocis. W. ame orry to loue thent froinaur midat. Dan Sheeban made s business trip tb sieusgo the pait veek. W. Palmer la vlsltiug vitb hie son >hnm on the Deerng Tarn near Fox aike. LONG LAKE Mise Kats Cievel@eutant eral leys lu Chicago the iAeitiftheweei. Atez O'Bayie bas nelnnned ta ltsbore crs alter @pouding the vinter lu 'hicago. Wii Rocker visited frieuda at Mous.- vie sunday. Walter Bykes visitad Miss Louise Huson at the Lakeside bospitai Chicago Suuday. lire. John flua sud lutile nepbev le @pouding soins tinte ut the home of!lber pareuto. Mre. Jay Grabani and Alice hienebsu wers Grayelake cailers louduy. Roy Dovus sud vifs cam.- ouît fnîsu hbe citS Fniday snd returned Moîîdsy. MMLURN Mn. aud Mmr. A.-K. -Bain traneaced business lu Chicago lest Tbursday. F. Bairetaw, a! Waiîkegaii, vus s Miliburu cahierlhast vesi. Arthur Simpson, Couuiy Su i.tof ochoals, calied ou the l)odgesuHica day echoole last veek. A reporter for one of the Chicago Po prwas ont thie wuy laet vesi ta learu mors of the purticulars oi Bilent James Bmith. Mr. sud lMr@. R. L. Straug 1sf t Thur@- day ta attend a concert sud vieilt thefr eau Leon et Rochester returnisg Frlday. Clarence Bouner, a! Chicago, speut Suuday vitb bis parents. Misas Aunie licCredis, ai D.erfield, vieited bier sicier sud tîrotser aven Suînday. Miss Insu Pollock, a! Chicago, »pont Suudayrvitb bier mother. 1Norînsu Adams vl.lted Saturday sud Sudsy vitb Richard Pantell. Rsv. A. W. Saffard vent Miondaj te akttend a convention sud viait ait Whestan rsturuing. Wedueuday ai thit veek. Mre. Josephine Matbewvsvisitdeveaý days lu Waukegan the latter part ai tIti esi. C. E. topic Leesonsifrom the Ptiachî IV Jaseph. Ps. 10.: 16-24. Slmeoi Aines, leader. Mise Ethel Amas teachen ai the Brovi eclinol vas aici saversi days hast voeu 1but le lutter at preemunt Witiug. The C. E. business meeting vll lie bob tat the bains o!fBiger Cannon, FridaN evenlug, Miay 10. Ail C. B. vonier coume. flobet Admie fW dwtsV , formerly of I wu i bvs unlsd lu llibura cemeery Slondsy, AprIl 29. Air. Adams bas besu a helpleesIuvalild for tue puat ton yemr. Um FiEdti Stewart sud Abert1uhlse wera marrled Wsdneeday, May 1, at the home ai the bride'@ parents. airnsd lire. John Stewart, ai St. Anthony Pari, Miln. Miss Edilb le a daughter of John Stewart formerly of Miliburu sud grand-daugbter, aiflir. Rockaday, osf Waukegan. Mir. Scbuize is a rising lvugph cau sud lMr. sud lire. physle i e thiir future homne lu Carleton, Minu. RUSSELL. The Ladies Aid society met test Thurs- day witb lire. A. Murria, there wae a tg*od atteudauce. The ladies voted to hava a .oWlbIe the 24th -1flIly. Furiber notice yull lu glven later. The uext 'meeting wil lu witb lir@. H. F. Siver. The Mounut Rest ceustery saciety met witb Mre. A. C. Crris Wsduesday alter- noon. The Sunday echoal had ite aunual eiection Suuday. lir@. A. Dixon vas eleted Suiît., lirs. A. C. Cornes, Asilut. Supt.. Mrti. Corrna, Sec.sud Tresa., Jas Clisse. Librarian, lira.@. &G. Murr., Aisist. Librarian, Mattie Garder and Myrtie Corris organios. Wuruer Colby aud famiiy spent Sun.- day.!at 1. 0. Colby'e. lire. Sarab Young lef t Saturday for Freutout, Neb.. ta epeud soins time with ber daugbter, Mre. F. A. Mumre. Dr. Young sud family accourpaiel ber ai far as Chicago, lira. R. G. Murrie vas a Chicago visitor Friday. J. R. Corrne sud wife were Kenoaba viitore Frlday. IRDudiey Neveu jea ou the elck liet.ý Little Frances Neveul bas been qute sick but ia lutter at praeut. Thera wilii lu aFourtb of July clebra- tian at Russelîl. Lovera ai fins bors e ould cali sud mes Murrie Brou. nev imported Clydes- dais. BHe te s dandy. HAINESVL& lira. Fritcb, lis. Summera, Wileq Lyon@ansd Mlr@. F. Tucier vers Chicago caliera test veek. Air. Commings, of LaCroase vislted ber mother, li. Bassu Satundsy. lira. John Christian la vlstlng Juer daughter, lira. Wikinsou et Cbereuug. Wre. Shauke, oi LeCrosée., ainu cama ta Haineeville to attend to thé. tilllg of bis tend boe. one day lait week a little son arnlved at tise home of Airsud lira. Clarmaq Wilkinson who raSentiy removed t0 Clumuug. The Warren > eustery association wi meet vIl lire. b0e Yos. Wednaaday afternoou liay 15. Almsa . Rosu, goï. 1 IzWzzIJý Eh Harris bad te on. of hie boraesdailuo day mormng. Perey Gonyo, of Loon LoSk0' bie uncie, A. Gonyo sdfslF lira. Taylor, aiof egs speudiug the wvekai vii er lir. Ain wbo le III. - Dr. liartin sud vile, f LIh vlited Jas. Trlggs sud famiyb Aire. folph Chard am d retîîrned ta Chîcago Suaday week'e visit vltb relatives houp. E«- Brown, oi Round Laie,1 coller iu this viinity lait Tbur49 Tbe choir wili ment vus MW Claphuin, Baturday eveuiug te1I nme epeAlimuunie for tbegiUidai convention ta lu held at tolie June 2. Roade Go "Easy." A French mariner thînksa afi bay lu taken of the favorableî &t tte edge of a c yelone for t#M ug navigation. By mesue of 'atIonâ wIth the barorueter sudj ustruments. be wnuld ascatgt' direction lu vhich thése aoi la mnd no saae the courses of tli hat fi would be carrted aiong> fWesp of thse atmorrphere vitblu loming tuvolved in thé dangerot jar of thse aO»m. Music Alwm *0dB"14. Anfaiysis 2o. 41 , b7im N 6r40à 'r.. Sp" lire Stuber.sud lima.T. b@ iso Obicaglo, are viaiting rehativea hone. A A bi>reiday PartY WS vas lre nluho- of hUp Deteyêr alurday negt Il 9in hi it-coud blrtisday. AnL sujoyable tire lareported. * We regret ta s 'tist John S. Sh.. is not lreproved tis week. John Sbeily thinis of takiug a course In German. 1Jaum Cnddihy bas acePtsd a pou.k lion i lu kegau. Quite a numbar oi lis peopio arousit i bers attended lbe piclura show at tihe, achool Moudey evenng. Misa Grace Mullen @peut Suuday la Kenosba. lie Mir. sud lire. John Sunderlin, o!f Do Chicago, epeut Snnday bore. Aira. Clarence Wooley sud lias Cors Huai vlsltod lu Wauiegau Baturday. g b- NOTICE. The Freucb draft et.aliiou Dewey No. 460 viii make the season of 1907 at Grulbesebarn 1% miles uortb af Traib. bop. Terme t lnéuers$12. H. C. W. lMaY£, Owner. 822 FRED,lianffer. Grayisake -Bakçrg and Restaurot Muais amid LuschesServed at ail houes FRESM OY8TERS CIGARS and CANDifS LAUNDET OFF!CEJ Phone No.. 19. MISS EMMA GERLA,AIS Prop. Rave yon auy Laundry to .end away-if so I would appreciate pour patronage-Basket goes thursday morning. J. .ý ii>,Y Agent for Burfiigtom Laundry Office aS Orayaluk Ptarnscy FRIDAY 13th _ç> - et bu4t cd tu ut$16 MALUW r badI iCd It for Il, %ducI Ca. b. ki E. w. PARMI J8. Mo"K SMITHI & OAý I baveplf $250.00 r es lus a n. Rp 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tbe

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