CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 May 1907, p. 5

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il About Now YVou need somnething a, littie out of' the ordinary to urge on gour Iagging appetite. The nice crisp greeni things of springtime alWas get to Trigg's Market forst., JE. TRIGOGS RTYv VILLE . ILI .LINW 'ba I .. III L y. Il. 1We Make thte olilowing Prices 4 cana No. 2 Pie Peclias................................. 25c 4 caneaIakesi Beans ............ ........ ............... 23c 13 ibà. Corn Ileal ....................................... 25c l Ira. Prunes ........................................... 25c 6 Ia. Bekiug Soda ..................................... 23c 17 Io. Wesbinrg Soda ................................... Zsc i packa g ndnaso Washiug Soda ..................... lic 2 Ibo. Arhncklees Arioan Coffeea........................... 23c 6 Io. Corn Slaeb.................. ....................25e 1,1jIo. Smoking Tohacco................................. Zic 4; LarniiCiimnayse........................ ... ........... 25C f; bottles- Machina Oil .................................... S 1Ilb. Irewster'e Plainr Chacruate ............... .......... Zoc 1 -eoc îputcka Pratt's Homse Food........................ 4fc 1 49-lb. eau-k Vitas Flour ................... ......... ....fl.>c S1-1b. packages Bird Seesi...............................2e 1 11). Drsunaas' Cocoanul .................. .............. Zàc SMITH_& DAVIS TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS 1 OTJnTY, rL.oeiItems off Intetst a Plcked Uui Ne TIckts for the e irghli cral atr&iu- tuent usale et Luirel Vs. Tb@e noon train noir top@ regrulairl.v FRWÂY, MAY 10, 1907 t. LiwpkReaders e eInd Th#.* b444440144*.44 Tise bigas éhoel entertainirîmeut Fr1- day nîglat Mal, 10. Mise Amy Y Me,I U.larry. dewnt a few deaysa wlthm blonds leu,- t lus t-ai. Thre W. C. T. U. wiii meet with Mca. Surah MasonTuteayaftunoun Mayl4. Benjamin James who lins bau-n (-on. 11usd ta bis bodme or a ofile iseks je aguin ont. , ise Clara Anderson. oft'iia relative ai Mus. Colby. us vu"-iting ut the M. B. Calby hanse. lte about tlme for U" t,.,l.giuî t,,thial of saunemretw ofaicealuitirug Decona- thou day. WN Ben tbý .- cunàuittees?! There viilba dauc ut tii. iown hall Tburedayesn u 23 gi ven by thre Lucky V'" Slddoo date and Lucky 17 should go vwéi0toffetie.. Boss Taylos Was in Libertyville the lest ai thse vis., Be lait Tuaeduy for Teaes tojotubis mot,,r îud senter at San Angeto. làra. Hersa» H. Meyvurs and daughtor Helena and M». HurrY Bales and dangberarl seming tîis wpek ber, witbtisir M.ufe, ri. and Mrs@. B. J. The Mal party Aiven ut the tav bhill Usd1 Fr145aiglit vas. a rare snccess. There velu ove eight y .ourples ou the floar and &gegelne go'l ue Was b.d by ail pust. - Ni» em esaga, the Firet M. Ve'.curuis at Morclux Sun, Iowa, was paiuted willi Bradley & Vroouian PaInt. R. painting iras al relluirad tilt seven yen. 1later. laIld by F. B. Love]]. SHO0ES A Comp ete Line of In- fants,' Chilclren's a n d Ladies' Oxfords -and, fil c p fi stop between lera uni] tii"ciL'. Miss Lidua Lee and mnother spaudiuug there seak itli relatives aud frienls ut fOak Park.i Lester -Statian. brother of lits,1)...A. Young hbse beu iitiug bere tbe plut feu dn>s. Heai4 froun St. Lum. Mlisses Ibuthl Norton andi Illacb Clîuîuuarî, oi Elgin,.%%ene up for tire May purt.v reruiiing fou' e day or mo witb frinds lera. Naît veek Tbnraday the uiarried people wiii bold another dunes for wlîlcb invitation@saevnov out. Tbere wlli eu ire place orchestra, with a traip druun. Geo. A. Busse, af Chîcego, brother oi Mayor Bie, spent Monday uigbt ut thre Newcastle surraute tu bis aunmmer home1 ut Fox Lake. Have you gaI yaur paie aud lins ready for asisbing*-? A few bava tu-s i. bing b. genmraly sefer it bas1 beeu pr.tty cald.9 Nov in a goosi lime ta dlean op about tbe borne, If you have put Il off no te, 'on sbonld gel buoy. Makre your &bare ai tbe tavn lok good.1 Miss Ethel DoWlis on Tuesday eo-- t.loed ber ebool yen a ocher oi the lush district and la nov ut ber borne lu Racine visera abe vîlI remetn. In lire. Pratine'a viedov t. a heauti. tui g rien oetrich plume tramn a green oâtricb wblch bas been duavlng cau- siderahie attention. Bert Heus and Mir. Beck, oi Nortb. weterndental sboi, vere up far the May party vioiting their trieur Charles Young. Mir. Hesla a brother of Miss Launa Heua. Arthur.- Jolley graduaIs oi Cunoçek meiool of Oratoryv vIra iii entertalu at the higI r acool luefll entertalument t a cousiunifone af the studente in the sabool. Misse Grace Caler. Jlm Clark and L. 0. Turner and famiiy arrlved Saturday lurn Seira, AWa, wbore tisey @pont the viuiter. Tise brouglit along a littiesosulliern a nvi tlum. Carl Ericson bas tise bost gardon lu tavu se tân. Carli as, usbous onione. paraey and a dosee vaile o IsmthIngs tisaI betokesa sprlng np sud' IousUlug. Any mn tau cen .ha btte, bas got ta go nmre. Il t. repovled tisaI a uew tour engis roundiboe le ttaie bsilt bars. the S thiat lhe aid round bouasliasbenu eold givuedtse rutherao adalermIent ver, not wearng vhite plug bale. Be ilnmedttely advloed thal they purebase tber n sd have tbera charged totahie village. W. B. Hogan, af Blgbvaod. vas lu Lilurtyvils the tiret of tbe veek. Ilt. rnmor.d lue t. oudeavorlug ta purcbase a saloon business boe or ta tari another @ample room. Other Hlghwood saloon men have viaited the tavu sud at leaut ane affer vas made for the gpeliman Mars buffet. Borne indivWIual vima poseess es au abenut sert ofaind Ibis veek brouglit a roll af bille ta a Liisertyvifle hank sud vent out Ieaving the "vad" upon thse aheli vitbout depoitiug il. The caebler aitervard discoveresi the maney wblch lu boldoawaaitirrg tIre avuer. Anybody who bas mislaid a rollllbaitlutter hualle nround and gel il. Oving 10 Ithe lulenegs of tise asason local iaed meu are unable ta euppiy thein cnstarners. Farmera ara tibis yenm torced ta foeod rach later tha nouuai ansi cou auetiy are .bnyiug inuîch grain TIrfe:te dealers bave beau cleaned out eompieteiy and as tihe condition pre- vuilselsevisere are baving tbe greuteet ditlculty Il u nelasiug mre a tock. Libertyrlle show windows vitin utise past yeur or so bava greatly Improvesi in appearunca. lierchaute araermalienu rthat a good show vlndow lielpe ta ssii gooda. Thre next tinure you welk tlrougb town just fiolebise vartousi windows and eouupure tbam wilib yaur roeollectione of thre sautns windows. but a couple of yeara lu tise past. Wilile (lunno's boras becarue frigbi enesi ut thre red bouse cieaning maciue whicli was peratlug at the Dnraud borne Mouday nigbî and rau evay tbraviurg Gannan tram the rlg. Bborty Miler who vus vitb hlm vas se Ibrown out but landes ou bis fieltise saine as Ire lunys lands andi lncktly nelîber vas burt. Tiha borsvas atoppes inptauon. TIre village board la ils tinat meeting liondaynigt voled tamitae thre salaon liceu"e 8700 for the year andsi eepted applications for liceamse fron tise seveu cuboons now lu operation. TIre board voted ta torces aloons ta remu c lomed frorn losing Uinie Bainmduy aigbt ta openiug lima Moudey andi doriug tisat lime tu buve tisi curlaîns sianv andi lthe blinds ands areena eo fl;ed tisai auj part oi thre saloon canld lu pluiuiy smon framt tIre treet. Thîe uppolulmeuls ai tase naw hourd vere: Juy B. Moreoi eclIp treaturer and E. C. Young. street coin. nîlsloner. Denu!s Limbany wes duly biresi us marsisal. THE REASONS Over tva udresi WHY uew aecouuts bave heour opened witIr us dnung tise paslt ewt aronîba, nearly danbling aur deposita ln Ibis Rbomi lime, sbould bhaofinltereet to every reeder ai tIrissiolnm. Tlney ere sauuduand important reatious anditbe sBiere raions tonrtabicisyon, vîiether praprietar, meclienie, furmer, luborer, lark or irbet, sbonld vanî tu openrvitIrune ton. Coine lu andi talk Il aven witlbua. Your veliare de greaîiy Upor YOUR BA14K AwlýT as doslbe propeliy oftbecom Mtopuua tbeSTBILITae MEVCE of the bapir. Tisse. t.a noirb~ bank tisai ours, and -. '-4 batlarge 'mei "Wf RINDe ,A. N!W !ISII. ING 1101! Corey Trtggu Dl.covers that Butier'e Lakre te Fulil of Flali te, Ite Very Edgee. NOT A SUMMER RESORT: MORAL. FUSIl TH'ERE Fisher Who Wimhed to Practld,. Cast- lng Went to the Lake by Acci- dent; Tumbled Over When He Cet a Real Bite. Butier's Lake at Libertyville bas Dlot been fishefi for ten years-not matif tlula week.- Now ut lta helng flahed lui good earnest andi the fishers are belng rewarded by fine catches. The la<e laeflot noted as a summier reaort llke ma ily lakes or the country. IL ls filled largely wltb veeds ana rushes and Ira shores are flot blgbly nstutoPlcnlcs and summer cot- tages. Moreaiver. the flike bas ail this tîrne or at least thse greater* part of the land snrroundlng the Iake han bedu a ,rt of the Pope farin. Mr. Pope bas tor Years forbldden huniers and lall- era froeitsli waters. Ail the hasto wbich Years age, vere upon the vater have fallen tu decay or have been d-aged to Borne other place. The lakue bas been deserted by sportsmen. The tiret af the Week W. C. Trtggs a Liberty disciple of Izaak Walton, wanted ta try casting wit a uev pale ait reel. He anticlpated golng ta, nme happy fIshing ground aons.He wlsbed tu- practice eaetlng lu vater and nu valked aut ta the lake. Na bouts eethere of course no lie stood UPon the liait and tisrev a fiy lbook ou nto thUe lake. There vas a rust of 'water and hblbad a fine apeclrnu 01 Pickerel. la a iew minute% b, bart secnred four and retnrned to bave vltb the apecirnens vhlcb lie sboved In bisetrlends. The dtscovery bas wrought np the enthustaum aofmany more fgabaeaand l la expected blie lake yul lie svarned viblithem tht. aUmmer. Flsb are snid ta ble vondroualy plenti- fui there; mare no than lunsay lake lu the couuty aud aDl the rne the matter vas given Iltte tbougbb. lMr. Pape receutly sald tbe tfam and no opposition la novwexpectd ta Uie limbermen casting lu its waters. 3,270 IPIR!5 1IN A SINGLE NONTII Total Number of Flues ln Ut ilmd States and Canada Rmeasa Enormous Figure. Losees .byflre, la the United ibteo Md Canada during the moubli of Mardi reeahed a total of 824.315.876. In that Urne there wve. 8.370 ires. 406 aggregaiug lois..ofi 19.380,000. spread aver 677 cItles and tovus. Tbere vere 47 flue.s aab lnvolvlng a lois over $100,000. Sourth Bostion, VI. beands the lust vlth $1.000,W00. 2e York lu second vlth 8851.835s. Ohr biig boaes ver, Phîladelphla 8715.000; Plttslinrg 1670,000; Cincinnati $483. 000; Boston $286.000. lacnse anuary lot tliere bave beau 10.642 tires villi a ttallamon f874. 670.200-au average datly, vaste nat $830,000. Au active campalgu ta reducethe enormous lire lasses lu thts country lias lieuliagua by the Commfttee cm Construction of the National B«of Vrire Uuder*titers., A nev lidilng code embodYlng thie Idem, of leading experts an fire-proaf construction t. being dlstributed taune Mayore of ail cilles having a population of 5,000 or aver as veil as toail Chiai s of Pire Departments, Local Boards of Under- wrlters, Clvlc Bodies. Trade Orguni- zatiaus Commercial Bodies. Accompanylug thie repart la a joint I letter slgneil hy Premident George W. Burcheli and Secretury Charles G. J Smith, vhtcb says; "Lava governiug A contruction of hôtels, tbu.utres, scisools, hospituls and other buildings deslgned for public purposes are mant- festly as important ln amail townsand 1villages as lu citles, and shoulfi comse- quently ho as rigidly enforced. "lu view of ita Importance va ask you ta take officiai cngnlzunce*of thte subject and recommend action there- on to proper autborites." Arrn Broken lunFait. lire. M. A. Protîne fell dovo the rear @taire at bier store lromn the dweliing roouns above %Vednpsday erenlng su"- taluïug sarions injuries. One aon was L 1broken rit the elhow and one or More ribs were fractured. Herspetaces erebro .nfui d b. gls u br ae uarigh btiu uianer den v wsc tuadbybe trippgber dre s ud by the weui s i t ta a Methd n 'Serices. ie e tsermo refor ay 2 nidltle uo »dleurlyaSeriegl ti'mrugaudl MtlatIr oaîuit erîry ervice uth loealernîfurs.M 12 will be q thedaeveuing uta LeigbEelkJustbe" IT i tes anerma erv uirintae r eceandtrith e r résîidtyoNatna Al the ler.Offiel rord mo eingt Adjudict 'te ation otIce.tina Allbstryle o nd ntulor f Ise estaef Ber....,, Dstda io. saaadone cettsafonth IA"ocl ntnrods shonlît taka notice tisaIc l ln nnflawful 10 mut eny kind ai geais after JMa2 1, Alea that ail licecas. expirse onJumes1. No bunting until thej Boys wbo an e theahabit ai killlug sang bleds vitlaair guns and eliug-obots are probably u»t avare that sncb sport l t. lu violatioof aihue-tate law. and anya cr Wen ho mu .theu 1111a bird cmau v. tissu armisted andi finasi for everyf offense.1 Wiltiste openuag of aprng t haie vis patrontse onr ecroiante yull fild licter stocks t tast huai tan er. everc aby bl ise flon.Ounr business mmou ba e is ba mg asotudy of the vante ai is qnut> and îhey Wîi bave 01at-yo1'ar looking for lu stock. 0v. tho a Mbaceaon avarylhing you Few frontLibortyvilie have avalled1 tseneelves of the opportunlty af vidu s.fl bt theatre ati Wauks. ge iltla lait thre electrie rallvey ve - l or on«lMeMnrau a Ibatre car n0w taiet. a n lunlemethera t. dornand on shw aovegbLs and aiten tht. t. ual feuud neessent. Tbe patronag 1 O tbe tissareImm frouaueyvlle lias ibeau veryuager of late.4 F. IL Marali bas rtnrnsd tise fretrn Memnpbt.s ad otbersantheru pointe. Be reports very itlte doirsg at Memphie t 'Inx Baron Gatton, an old Ehb. etvlie barse. being the OUoui' nsu fa, ta vok oun jbltter tbani 30. Up her.mails any borsest. doing as veil or lutter tian thut. Ilsaabi w, get to on aecount ai thre vater. It ls thanghl Gere villi bon hring bis string up bere e ase ta associate with gond bomes.. E. C. Yiung wblle urnodeling tbe aid Darby bouse wbicb lu receutly pur. cliased found uluon tearing baose a rnauliug an aid card bearing qualual Iettering and i)noid iasbioned waod cnt. The cird vas an asivertisrent ai tise Wankegan fair and according ta -,;. W. Parkhnret and uther aid timers muet have been 1rnted luneéther 1874 ar 1875. It is probl:ue il gat uailed be- iud tise mouling et the lime the hanse9 was built andi lias remaîned ther.e ver1 since. Il is a pour job ai prnting fram1 a ur present standards but noue the les intereâtina la tli-. 1 yauneued n,, %room mouiding whan1 youclean luituS. .S ic'k bas any style to a ntchu vouîr pser or uaod-wrrk. 81-2 W. C. T. U. lnstituste. The annuel slriiug lustiturte aI tise W. C. T. fi. of Lakte uouuty wili lu baid ettise M. E. liiirchIn tuWukern on Tburaduy andi Friday of tis week. The feature of the itatte tau addrees by Mils Frances Eriitii. ai Ohio, au Frlday eveniug. Notice 10 tthe Publie. I bave beau so uo vrr mn aflaIs isy vau that 1 muet forbiuîl ufymare trespassing on my land eault Jtihs river. Yon have nearlyiy mmd ny lowers and terne andi at Urnes my gardi.'f, plcked my brnes, bru downulny i-nces, set ire to My tries, mun my i-tIle and, rabiits and1 9tieequirrelm %uttliyoor doge ad ebot tsern and itine a destructive nuisance. Yon eau eanue tuu the spring and lison the weal bunk of the river. My garden aud prk nd tureet are my door yard *.! I vaunt lu î'ujav tisern vtis My unvitesi friendm. C. C. COPELÂSO. 324 Summan Schedule. f Acardiumg to the new sebedule wicb bas juet goreientb affect Llhert viiie's *train servive foi- (lie entamer vîl lue Lv iibertyvill- Arr Chitago 4;i15 .............. :3 :5-Dally ........... .ais:1 V 7:21-i..........82 7:5-2DullY ........... 10:06 ai........1501 7:(2,.,............... .... ..........80 7:2u Sun. 0111Y.......5:25 a 7:.51 BUn. ouuy ..... O :5 Lv Liluertys ille Arr Chicago 7:45. . .....5:30 4 :0 ............. .... :62 5:1 ....... ...........0 6:86........ .. .......îs li .o id -M gs . . Sun. 0411--9:2 Everythlng, ln Jewelry ANDREW IJUSS IILLItOIS UBERTYVILLE cou- lise lted. Ser orn- - Shoes. We Also Carry the W. U Doutlas .ia-nd PI Gents' Footwear ai Prices Ranglng from booght 1.OS0 ards off Embro la 41uend 61 gard sample leMig in Nw- or& ln janarg. We hâve thex on sale tids week et littie-am hall their actuel Value. Tyegcorne ln à vOlet oUt .-ptterns, front the narrowest eu insertion up to 45 inch Ilouncings and4 Most off lte.are verg fine goods. spd sertlons; 'however there is quitealo showg patteras off coarser tesctuee W194 corset covers andi underskirts wNi we [rom 1lOc TO 2t~Â 2.901i P. P. Dywou, Pris. 030. A. WMeuw. VIce Pru.f em ý LAKE CO.' NATIONAL DIICTORS &QGSCHWBRMNlc? C. . GALLOAY PAUL MieGUFFNM ~ A r- F. WRIGH FP. P. ml II.ÂHRNESS m m 1 amn now Iocated in the new store in J. Bit. Trlggs building on Sprague street. Th%@ sbop turne ont as good work ms eau lwedone in the state. Olve ns atrial. SOLICIT TOUR TRÀDE AID AM TTT OI) <IV!E UA, O. 1. LUCE Libertg'tille 0 0

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