CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 May 1907, p. 3

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A LÂKE OOINTY TJ, PRIDAY, MAY 17, 1907 MY, SPECUALS: smoq>fmdrm rramiq pctureA' * . ~UNDERTAKING 4 1' EORGE Eu STRANG * rutaiie Dealer and Licesed Undertaker 4 BAIN AND STOUQIITON WAGONS We Have them, Farm Trucks Teaming Trucks Farm Wagons Light Wagons Hieavy and Light Wagons Calt1 and Look Them Over SOHANOK BROS., HOME:u FURNISiIINGS Summer O2oods, Light Laprobes and H-orse Sheets Suit Casm and Valises A ver>' cholce assortmeot at remasdbe prices .CHAS. IH. KAISER Uibertyville Illinois UR!D OCllIEIMTtsphon. No. 46 rRED 001#0M Ubertyvillo Exehange SPECIAL ATTENTION BKg and COWEfCTIONER To out of Town Orders Libertyville - IIoiw And Shipping Trade MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUP PLIED WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS sa.sos ------ 0*06*6sp *ses*********** Skirts Jackets Sum mer Dress (Ioods An excepdoodl Une -Mrs. M. A. ProtUne Liobertueille = lifi is4 CHO«CE FIELID 'SIEDS Five Kimde of Clover, Tlmothy Seed Rape Smd, Blue Grass, Red Top Seed Oto, S.od corn, etc., etu. LIBP2RTY VILLE - - INI GRAYSLAKE .9. DÏPÂRTMENT 1F. J. DUCE, Editor - Phono Central Thing Soeen and Heard Perta.îning to Grayslake anid leý88Do@Mb oNMVicînity 0111141 VERTSIX 5AONApL1~'tIU t DO I iit*tt>f Heury Kuebker mae e humines trip tu, Chicagaotiouday. tire. Ma y Catlid and lire. Kete Watt visitel et Weukegan Mondey. Jaes . lctabe an aid resdent of Vole lied aI fie home lionlay D1).um. Pure White Catile soapifor 15 centâ et tîhe rayotake Phanmacy. lire. Allie Katîpte is speudtng the week witb berninotber et Hauneoille. Severatl oi the Eastern SÙ&S~ called on li. Fred Knebken et the Prestîyteniei bostîtal lest week. tir. and lira. Arthur Cook, of Guru.., were gueule et the Manicaini home SUn. day. Messe'. Planton and Krueinark viited et Ivenhoe Snnday. Mii.MaryTau lea Chicago, wao the gout of ber pa&rente S undey. Mismes Mary and Chrtine Deithoru raturned froni their viit et Jobueburg Sonday. _Yreeb fruit Sundaueset tbe Grayslake, We have put In a i1 ligie 0t inigle and double bbrneo. rhaiegood anîd rigbtprifee. Toulbat,.buttilloiîk Ilein aven taoeconvtned tait auid"eeme.8 J. P. H(ieiiiAii,. lins.Emima Harvt.y will euterleli tbe (IrayolaeLdie. Aid souî.ty at dinner et ber hogne in Wau k,.-it on Wediies- day, Miay 22. Ail iin-mil,ers shjoul plan ta attend. Captein Bradloy iof the Lauderdele scbo>oltrasated bu.îiîîîsmhtîreWtednes- day. On Friday seoîiîg, Nay 24 et the Uno hreh, lbenît i%le, thie Philoiniel club, of Waukegsn. iouiting o! about 30 girls valti. wîhl gîte a cantata entatled "Th@éUsa Friane a'Iea a agroup aidfasion aoulp. Mr8. Smith a ololsl ai much note Wit ho bcpnêsent and lira. A. E. Brown, Wunikeganéo renwned accaanpoetwlit hoe t th- piano. The munic lover. 0; Graymlake will mies a flue Ireet If ibey do not attend. Ad.[ miasion 3a a"25 'en te. 3ir. Rurmua, eFox Lake. lrnuawted bususis ber. onday.1 phaiiMm.lie J. M. Palumer and bidren loft Mr. andlire. Tom Wslsh vistted ta. Tue" efr sveral daym visit wlîb lirs. tives aI licenry Sunday. Palmersmother at Milton, Win. lir. and lira. El Washburn spent Sun- C. B. Combe, 0i1ltcfeury, called on day ai Lake Forest witibtbe parejgts ot fienla bern Weduesday. lira Waabburn. lm Ude Kapple. of Chicgo, apont Perey Gray, oi Chicago, was tho gueit Boudai at home. of lilasEthot Kapple Sundey. .. G.&Mut anud @ou Lee Who are Allen IlaLackhmi, of Chicago, spent *InpOY@d eai wpenter work at Twin Bunday at GagesLake. Lehée sPenSIDay et home. The btgb achool play te lu lake place Wttlls lillèn ea haaceepted a job et Frday evening liy 31 et theo ~prs utoeason work et Twin Lake@,. bouse. Don't forget the date.lMMs.WZI. EdWands and son Robert Jo. Garwood @peut Sunday et Wau« rtunol tu b Wkegan Saturday aller kegan. spendtng the. week wtbfinonde and relatives lutr.. Mir. and lira. Freeman Claw wora iaeobulte n ie ui tuetof tMr. and lira. Bd Wagner Sun- Pair, o euBcMlu, ered ieguet -y. - falir.ofhLà luffttweete, eogl 'HRenry Kiteben once a e ssdonce ooflirs. hue. B lgh e , o F cLa Grayelake and Who te now emplyed ~cUsfr@. e. iads tf(Fo Lakeey egneona dredge bosi et PWÀat a o redea rylkeTedy Bey hdtomisloriiune ta glet hi.a&M lilasAia Amann, of Round Lakko, brko d right band badly eul and e:ni severldeyos tht, week with ber1 brulséd in am acident coanected with aiter, Mr@s. Puai Toby. tbe englue. litas itanie ruce wiltleae oSeturday Oea. Thomeon transated buatuies t for, ber sMlusl Canada wbere sho wtll licKeiry lionday. @ pend thé, summer. Prof. Gnfltdge stimedlthé funeral of linUr lr. m(W)<. Traut entrtained is cousin John Henry Faulkner et thso lm ec from Chicago Saturday and Gurnee Monday. Bandai.1 W. are aervtng tbe lame kind of llaNomi Vaaey and sister, of Volo, chocolat. Sundamsalasye&r,,nuli asd." viilsI tlaer slter, ti. Frank.>avla,1 Graistake Pharmacy. Jr., Tneeda<.1 LOUIS J. YEOMAIN THE PIAN&%*§IO MAN lira. Fred Knehker roînued main thé bospilal Tuesdey eventug. r3h. vas accompeneel by a nurse and ber bus- baud ald lagetting elong uicely. Hanny Geery transactel business lu Chiega lianday. Rey. Jamem Wallon and iamily left Ibis week fanriEwnu, Ilîle., whére RLv. Waltan bas accep ted e a pli.r Wallon as a ver ahI. man wtt basvory Il laing lemily and their mauy Iriends ere ish them mnuch succoe. Mies Mary Hargneves, of Evanston, led the Epworth League Sunlay evening. lieo. Thomson and wife brave ta Fox Lake Tuesday. Atty. liacOuffin, of Lihértyville, visited liere lionday. Smith Wright, of Fannth IL pleaeant calter ber. Tuesday. Dr. E. A. Cran. transactod Chicago. A. W. Bnadway the aidesi 0 rayslako is lu a very critteal et bis home au Stusser street. Mir. and lire. John Convoi Lake @pent lionday et Grays] Mir. and lins. Chas. Bradai; Centre, are thé proud parento girl haro lionday. lins. Co. liorreUl, oi Oak1 gueit aiflira.Richard S.. Lake Ibis week. Wbtemore & Carfild be, the entire w.ek movlng Ibetr stock ai goals la the Edv wherethey vili ha glad t costumiera.- Silmon stoilelofiMcHenry, busin easbre Tnsalay. Wm. Woodof aisnenvlis poor bealtuh Mir. adlire. Perrlge Senhorc hwbon er.erti Tüte.laymae thie plaea TbutsdoW. Ater a uonth'. wast lir. alliMm.Pastîldg t., Prnetor, Vt., thoir future1 lietia Bebin and frien [ah. folks Sundey. Gages Lee Mlo eyW thé borne celis.Mm ak mà ' = ai emlers i ,ake, ;vas a business lu et etîler lu 61 cnition Lyman AtwelWho la et the hal of tbe art bepantunent ou the Chraînicie taok same fine piclures ai thé spirit Fruit terni et ooSten Lake Welnes. day. They wil eppear in thé Art Magazine of nuext ltunday 's Chronicle. Ré wai actoiiiîeunied by Chas. Duuroy, a Sunday writ.-n ai thé Chronicle. He vi.lted et IMr. .twel's home ber. on lite vey heck tu (hiicago. Athur ih ilns eceived the cantreet for the noir rc.îdecte aifIBen Commn at Round Lake ui hie lot lu the Wilmiug- tan eubdivision. lire. Evauî Haines wiil give a lecture et the Cungr'îcîtanal bcb ehFniday evening Mai 21. Admission fre. Mies Llliai A.dame bai a Shetland pony. li. itobert lHarvey sud daugliter1 Ruth viited au Waoukegan Fniay and Setnnday olflit week. lir@ e. Je. NMaceiana @peut Sunday and Moanday wtb ber parents, lit. and lins. Walter thîhiney. MatI itiuliva illeave next vesk for ee01FxOmaha, \ebý dae. Ease itdiuig andI amily lbit Tuesday il, 0f Avon for Harrisburg, Oregon; sof a baby Tho Mlisses Titus spent Sunley ai tbe gueste of thie Turner fenil>' et Antioth. Park, lu the lilas Robrte Hmrvo>' viito idra. re of Gageas Cook et Cornet Sunlay. Beef, Wiue and Iron viii gire yon su a benbuy appetite, (irayetake Pbarmacy. r mmmnai sarIs bock to welcomu Additional Real Estas Transféra. Pbaebe E. Est>' to Mary M. Cook, transactel lot 4, blck 3.RutchnO n U CIS aub, Waukegan, W. D., 1250. L . G.yoo, Tratee, to T. S. Wia-l le la "'7 y rhlu. et ai., tract af 11ul ou W. aide of Marlon slnqet, oppoette tue cern. aue er. tery, Winkegafl, Oeud 10~ da etCheoa S. C. Ltvitot'Mdahige ta J. m. & a short MU51 Harniet W. Bidvell, forth 50 ofeet loi 8tiP tuth*4. bock 1, lieple GraVe lu Jeotin21, e Wu, letl Avon Township, W. lx., *un. home. C. E. Seylor sel vU, ta JougfStli viatel Lily olk aud vite, lot 12, blok , Wauke -gan Highlanlds, W. D., $2,000. M. 9. Hil sud vUe ta Edgar Green, lot .0 in village o! W&uconia W. D., 81. Betty .Johnson sel hushand te Dse'l tiahan, lot on eum4aie MStnll Rd11, Lake Forest, W. IX, *2,500. Wini meet eaIJ. J. Redmonl sel wife ta John cIa.l, Thmw >beig heGriffith, tvouîy acre, lu N. W. %,sec m leie on 18, Deerfield Tovuaiip. W. - D., ~ a Anu Relmond- to John Griffith lot iowA, Uel. i N. W. quarter Settea 18, Deerffeld TOýnhlp, W. D., 00. A. IL B.uellct, UAý,"geta John seul ~»Oueml - a f lebs lsed ZIm .ý ,,'*!$0 VAD)SWORTH. Ar. we really gatng to have Ppring? Hferbent Strang and M. Fendick, of Wankegan, were -Wadsworth calters tbie week. tirs. Helen Lrowuer. of Wasiîngtan, viited 011 friends bere tait week. lire. John Gallagiier spent Teday wittl ber daughter, lins. Geo. Caihinore. Miat Meyens hç.d a vatuable hors. stolën lait Friday nighit: aIea a coller and bidie. No trace hbus yet hotu fouud of the animal: Win.-Murray in un tlhe gaiun. lin. and lirs.e. Ucoerberger. of Waukegan. called ou relatives in the village Sundey alterkon. lire. (ravem wan called to Milwaukee Tuesday on a(couaI ai the death of ber brother. Frank L.ux irîtexîds beiîîg a farmer. Ele is now wonking for James Batett. Ward Bain, of Racine. Win., waë a pieaaant taller to aur burg this week. The Misées Nellieend (lertrudeDeLany, ai Chicago, spent Sunday wîth theur parenIs ini this vieinity. Nanman Sponenburg and femily. of Waukegan, wene the guesteai their Parents ber. tSunday. Mis Nelîte Doyle inestaying vtth lir%. MaIen wbo bat been veny 111 but le now on the gain. 1 lils Neil Welcb bas boen vtsiting a nouple weeks witb lira. Reynolds. Quit. a number witaed a hall gae bers Sunday alternoon. Some of the Weukegen boys camne ont witb the intention QIf de.eaiug tbe Wadsvworté.. But aur boys he l hein w,,,re thoy gaI off ait. Thé eelee thern by a score 16 to4. It as plain ta o een why tbey were d4eao i ROUM LAICE Ed Brown mnade a businceastrip to Chicago lionday alternoon. Louise Husan has returned froin the h=pta.Evtebody ln plemsed l o m t ae 1.0 g o Weil. OJur town bas been improved by haut. ing a auple car loade of coarse gravel on the streets. Chais. liaeon roturned alter spending a few days in Chicago. Thé RGund Lake ball tean i ddn't wtn lait Bunday but just watt titi nexttfiun- day and tbey wiiI show what tbey eau do. Chas. Jorgensen and Bon Rosing were ln Chicago one day ibis week ealling an friands. Ph1 Flary and wlfe transacted hui. mn aChicago Tuesday. The aine o'ciock train waa deiayed W.dnusday morning on accouai of a wreak st Sprlng Grove. coanffBras. and wives attended creh nmday. Don't lorget to attend the dance at Amena'. hall Saturday nlght lMay 18. lira. Eeo. Wieks, of Grayalahe, a ut Wedneeday with ber aitier, Mrs Roalng. lim. Doweli madte a qnick trip ta Rockefeller Moud"y. Next Tueeday nigbt thora wiill hoa Reno show in ur village. FOX LAKE Jack Stratlan's nov' * b a snoarty ompleted.1 lir. sud lir. Ernest Book Viitel Waukfflen friands Sonder also calling an lira. Frank Ciark et tbe baspital wba iis aciticel condition 5i ber operation. tir.aul lir@. Tom Galigen are spendlng sanie tue eut F. L. Galgér'e. The Fox Lake cenietery socielY viii meet et the home aiflins. James B era- estahie Tburedey alternoon Uey 23.- oie Hansen bai beén hir.d tu ate care ai thé cemet.rY Ibis seasan.- Mies Biench Cubver bas been spending the w6ek lu Grayelake. REGULATING EXPRESS CHARGES. Express companles have bal a free0 baud tu meklng excessive raIe$ sad lmposlng onuenoos condtionse upon shippers. Not long ega the coin poules enhtrenlly dounhel thetn ratese lu sanie sections andite business men ver, conipellel 10 pay theni. Tbene la Do camPetlllOn lu the ex- press business. Tue companles are lu a combine, and have the sbtppers completeiy et Ihelr mercy. Nav lte lnterstete commerce comisilon bas given tb. express conipanies a sharp reminden of lb. extension Of ils powers hy ls action ln the malter of the coniplelut of certain sippers ai eut floversaegatnst tbe Unted States Express company. Thte commisstin bas orlenel the comPeny ta reducO ils rates for these shipPers t as figure 1"just andlreasonable." Ta tbe plea hy te express Com- pany ibatlils naies. ofrates vaO neeesi$aed b>'Ibe cotracta mal. D ihb the railroal compnipsa, tue con- upiossian anavors titt wbile the ex- pros.scmpanies hiay malte vbet con- ttracte are mutually agreed upon fot carrylng express malter,. the-e Con- tracts are not to bc leemel thte goy- enntng factor oi lbe tatou ho patrons Ir as afforliug an unanswerabiene- joinder te, appicaions for titei vo- luction. î The poiicy af thé tutersate com- merce commission vitith bctao eeclk any tendone>' lowadsco-operatlon ibeween rellroals sud exprescaut. pentes by sa, rearranitgg contracte as ta mate lte former the lirotetata fanth littIle ln sdvamelng charges. as veas lte case lu lb. matter taler. reyiew b>' tbe commission. Thete la Idho statutory reietfefr tue eshijper fronithe eactoions at the exprma oampanies, s. »Ileseof * tue«el LZZZ~V IIIhIAlx )LONG LME Mir. Hendrickm,.oainlgloside, was a Saurday. "asaî,ler buseiness caller ber.. Thura4day aflernoon. John 'Ileveland entertainél Chleq R oy Mua-ire, o! (Irayplake, waw iu townfinmtearto h ek Tburodayv evening. Wi. Wallis wbo ha. been.poor#,k lire. fant Townoend, of ttoid Lake, eoinie time s uaulu spent a day ut haome ecentîy. Bert Wilkinson, ot Chenînng, C&M t Bernard J. Boeing, of Chicago. was t et d aurly home lait lrday. Biss Louise Buson ha. returnol fr lire. Sarah A. Howard, of Rottins, tii. bospitat and lé0reeovering nieefy. visited et A. 4. Raymand'e a ievr deys liiet week.1 ANOTHER LtBEL SUIT. lire. Sbuttz bas returnpd to the homie Joliet te prolific of libel suite..1 of lier daughton, lira. John Richardson ie c afler several weekm "upon Palatine IanfShmaker, the sou ef au Riva and OeaPlaines. banker, lied. There wasae goal j% lites Cathertie Dowell emil Raymond af gossi» lu the nelgbboritood oves, ti Lusi.-.of West Fremoul, were Vola action af Dr. A. R. Coweit, whe atlai (allers Sonday efternaon.od ong ch aer Tela lin'mm eson wus tbe guesl of stood Iti for somn.lime aud thoe ber etter, lirs. Earl Towneud ai Rouind iLake lait Tbunsday. goI husy htmself. He bas now, su Frank Zuelffdon! bus resnmed bis lin. Mattie Blanerock, andIMis. 1< butte, et the Coombe terni et Fort RillFSrley, both ni Eiwood, charging tho altor an absence of several deys on wlth circulatIng faine reportas.s» accouaI of ilîneas. lais conluct and lamagiug hie pffl 1lMns. JeuaI. Cosemani and daught.r eoa euains ahs h M uni, ai Round Lake, viited thé fariner'.1nlrptton8 uhg h mather, lira. Richard Comipton lest feels h. la a laser tai the exten 1 Tbnrsday $20,000. The dootor bai thertere Mesdames Win. Dillon sud John l100.0the doge ai vwu. tuat 19tab Watton were iu MiuHenry lait Frlday. thee atorneys, and ha. propase<1 bfr. and lira. George Kuebler, of bsck sel .lay ntil ho toets the mua Palatine, vere guesto of rlatives boreo éastsato.K o tE over eunday.orSI ua m.s «,« Mfr. and lira. George Ruionaspent c hi. Sunday et thé %ome of lins. Rusons_______________ Parent.snMar GrivolLake. John Wells and ianiity are noivng itb théir nev home. J. Hà. liran te vory huey peper bang. lng and paintiug these dayo. Arthur Cabinor bi a fine nov drlvtngbhanse. lltha why ailtthei swestest aiites are comtng yonr way Arthur. lit. and lira. Elmer Curry wÎere Wenkegafî visitors ane day lait wesk. lis Carnie Brasier leit Sund"a for Prairie Viw wbere @eo iii @pend a ev weeka. John ie. Harttg, ph. G., ai Chicago, @peut Sunday et Wavotb. isa C. E. Wendt las bing drmsmaklag et Russell. lila Mary Bluniela home far a fsv cal of Thmsske. W. take Ibis methal af feebly e«- presaing Our gratefullnusitum'"o friends for pany kindnes. uurlng halp sed iweet sympathy ezienlel te us lu our great aorrow, the loue af aur so« sel grandson. lit, sandlits. Park G. USmith. Mrt, sel Mrs. lHuston Dley. HORSE STOLEN.n Fnom Peter Meyerus barn ta Was- wotth. [ake Ca., IIl, sametime dcur lng the ulbt o!f flday. lMar 101h, 1M0. salgbt bey mare, Clyde Cbunky, welgbta aronul about 1850 Ibo, 14 yes.rsnil, goal ised star lu foteheal vile hetweeu the uers, short la the, tetlack, blackt bain from the fetiok dowu ta lte boots on four tont. Blocky Built, no sitoes oun bna wheu stolen, iblack mesandetnul t. $50.00 revard for return. Saturdag P4gto. M*-1 muge .aM *ho Hanse ebed c i Ih -o C"k Oit D7vt l Ana fysis ).(0. 24,569 by Norial Record 2.,141 di .$10t. nu At gi=steM '3 WSS ffl o I A ilt Mê PURRY L. PURSN5, AttaeaY. H Asjulicatîe Notice. - r publie Ntocela.henobr sivenAbtih a Cunîr Curt a0 aaOonya tterflu hobollen e b OU» Wauk d. e ilCunt aon «MtMMhe Molai iul, nez 1un ven suw y.ate araetllléad reu o apromet thé saineta salI Curt for aju llcorallon.1,Ye b Wankeaan, April 29th 1907. 81.4 p04un ,usU là w beE httood, bed healdi NOTICE. vnIe5 oy preciseIy e The French draft stailion Dewey' NO. *oke for b.d blod-A 460 wil make the season ai 1907 at (Inabhos ela brn mîties&unth ol aiIm- Oi hoo. Terme ta mesure 812. *md@tsd le for OS yeart H. C. W. MElma, Ovuer., 32-2 FnED (mnue, Manaar. Grayjslake Bekerg endi Restaurot' Mels. end LochesSeve et afl1hoors Cuctu FRE8M >OY8TERS i ike CIGARS and CANDIES rlke LAIJNDRY 0F1IQU) Phone No. 19. misa EMMA GERlLACIl. Puop. Have you a117 lanudry to seud avay-lt go I wçould appreclate your patronage-Basket gotis thursday morning. Onk$ e ac :ourachs &W Sud Con bÎ hW aoff0 E. W. PARKMUOST J..a. MOnOS & Ça. m. 13. OOL" M m SMITH4 & DAVIS i have Peu twomuese 3350.00 s au mm for1h11 a amme. J. . RîarEr, for Blagto Lmadry ý 1 m icý à

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