LÂIC COUNTY 1NPW!NDIYI OFFICIAL PAPEN 0F LAKCE COUNTY Ume, Taieobcnel N.. 1. fldtor'a Rildene '1elphone No., 141. Lbertyslle Fchange. Iheil a t tIi.Pobiolice st LlbertyUlIe, Ilu., auS Iecond Clams Matter UM WELY. AOVBTUI5L. AS 1AUX 53*KNWN 41N APPLICIATION. ~~t8CIIP'I0NPRICIE $1.50 PnR YÊIR STRICTLY IN AOVANCEI $ikÀNKM. JUST ........... ......................................................Edlor' BLtrR1. COL13Y.......... . ....................................... ..... City Eitor FRIDAY. MAY 17. Iwo;. THE TEMPERANC INSTITUTE. The Women'a Critn Tem- Ils woneu are devoting thlemàlves ta poence Union of Lake County is hold- fihe bettering of Waukegau and Lake log la Wankegan lits annual opring lu- county. The>' are fightlng for good »ttte, and scores of worn are at- titings and the>' are ighting hard for 'tnig tise confereoce nt whlch plans theni. *të mapped out' and work doue Jla bld Wanlkegan le pleased to extend ab~tout. theni a bearty welcome and hopes t0 'Tise Women's Christian Tem- he the scene o! their future con. perjSnce Union la a noble Institution fereuceo., WON'T EFFECT LAKE COUNTY. t la not Iikey that fixe'local option tic prospect o! a change lunXVuke- 1gwl wili effect Lake Counti- ta any gan.1 In~ townsbips ont lu tbe count>' eatent, although one or two o! tbe wberetemperance sentiment la atrong townsbIps ln the couint>'. whlcb con- tbere are no saloons et present and tai vilaes it saoos, igt vtelu the townships bavlng villages -~tin Illgeswil saons mibt otewbere saloons eist. It la ver>' donlit- tbem out, but with the word and pre. fujiIf at prellent sufficient votes cao cinct feture ellminated, there la lit. be secnred to do away with them. BILLY SIJNOAV. Billy Sunday bas juatfiniabed Up quas. Bill annoutced his flatform t0 bis job of' converting thse people of be, "Take Jeans Christ gr go to bell." Faldrfieid. lowa. He coliected for And under thîs Inspiration, InOdela, 'Isitself $3,608.15. lie collected. for acoffers. gambiers, drunkarda boot- eapeses 1.52 su beexpedetleggera,. perchants. doctora, clerks, etudents, machiniste, laborers, Socie- 13,»0. leavlng $342 ta be divlded ty' leaders, debutances. wash women. àaaeag11 the churchel. If vilIl be seen deinocrata. nug«ums, hoodooûsoald tram tbis, excluding paginent for bis scallawaga bave taken a stand for ,wn services. tbat fif olyocosf $3 a Chriat ln order to escape golng to couvert. The tabernacle that vas hell. Billy's methods are virle and orected wIll not be tom dowo, but Intense and hts reanîts; are cbeap. WÈ iiih sedelsas necleus for chautat- Wnbat more do yon vont? TWO OOOD MEASURES DEFEATÈD. Women suffrage. rocelved anober reverse lu the Ililuols legislature Weindm@7, the senate, bY a vote of 19 to, 19 killinst the Duilay bll grant- lutg wofsn thse rigisi to vote for pros'dentiai electors, and for omeiers of ý ÇtUea. villages and towus, and upon M ailei ballot propoqilons. The de-1 filai cMeas ties equel t e mergetic ftgit la committee several veeka ffgo wbeu Benator Dunldp cisampiaaed the cause ofthtie suffragiasa, alded hY NIa,à Causesla., Wauh MCuilOugb. justice of the peace lu EvanstQn, * vo b9aded a las-ge dlagatian tram varions women's clubs. Tisere was no delsate oser the masaure. McooSrty bas beau ous e«ln s isng for a ruai direct primas-y 1mw, e m obth psrties Ila tate convention promised tise people of Illinois ba su oly sot bimasif calsi a mso f general legllatîvenunisance, and thossienelthse ales-daY wftV U OMeOsIs vos-se If se didn't %top sud bet jxod. Tiesessiaon la ausmn Suedad ibere la no prospect of sncb sact- nont uni tisora bas tison nostrpm tisestart. Poitcluns yl sot Civ-e tbe wtort ibm Pover tu nouiluhto @*ddates tilI they have to-tbey con do ht btter tismmelves, at toast tbey thfi*».. nd Pants( Arrived Weuelng u asa In$ 'w-in h sel itiv tg dli vt maciies d shoemakers' t oao1 mId bave doue. 1orheirn es are ____ thave tie mi. eookas fiastday thse fiss. AST TOaSit LUMBER' -LL IINS- UJood Urades at Fair Prices. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULO- INGS, BRICK, LIME, ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. DBAIN TILE. ETC. G. M. SCIIANCI< SHORT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER.' INTEINAL PAUABTrU. Coopes-'a Nev Dlacoverys-> iatangkt me many thinge. lSat leai afIvicis tises- are called are respoumile lot au i ufiss-lng. mca, vussca. suon 0f me by aiogl mas- ~ ~ h hoaitdl b aeteç yeas mi oi ia tie tu» 0f tseirsuifs-m etsu I Ors el Cooper Mev seryid&tom*% tobltisai tis seiins Wiy ox eove 8510 b troutis ve an ceiougitisai of ther, plueofg. seng1 mpi au pperim Newsi is- an1iniviuj l kow bec heimdiiewbd:gâb *K vas alwayat imdXeNysiguass bloaf ai and the aigitsssiexetlqe *maide us àiebà vesis *«- a-. . My appetito Vus variale a"i a coi mls.p vm um 1moe toue. venla a h* em ut< ~iw borbetape vooe mxis- foot lont8at bba u seminggmy Site avas, p4ameeifrouaMys- stos mlau" *Mi s*shgalter l1rb" taon tinres d@814 Wme.v ba-sa syie»Muiiape ltw, « yacéisof etmmas trouble bas djsappmaroi ad us- digeuion ja W*1aft a ta~15~ for thse ..uêitu WIYTit1EW. cV. U. U1 UN coNvrNTmOr Miss Enslgn Chief Speaker of O ccasion; lnlereasngOCerenionies Rendered; Chair Leader Sîngs. Wististh lecture lis Misa Ensiga: lu tise Methodfat cisurei s st evenlng, tise snnaI convention of -thse Lake Counts- W. C. T .U. euded. AIl mein- bers unite lu stating tisatishe conves- tion v'as tbe ioat ande'essful ever beid. Tbç attendonce bas been large and the s-ork accomplished great., The lectnurts Friday nigbt brouglit Jont a large audience and vas especi- al>' good. Miss Ensigna aubJect vas "A Mountain Vision," and vas a T-e- lating of tise present outloaS of tom- perance reforu. Miss Enalaubas earned tise admiration of thse local l. dies by ber bard vorlt. and tise> bave been mucli pleased vitb ber. A aong service by a large choir lead b>' Lyman West vas a aolo b>' lira. Love o!fZMon City,. vere also en- Joyed at tbe evenlng session. In the afternoon. tise session vas opened b>' a conférence of the super- lotondents of tise departulont of vos-l trom the local sud country- unions. A coostitutlonal. drill vasathses gis-en b>' Misa Ensign.in tise local and state constitutions. An addresa b>' Mrs. Sedgvlck,. auperintendent af work among tbe soltess vas given on "Ont' 50101er Boys." Short congratnlatory talitea were given ta the ladies' by 1ev. Ùiggin- boisais of tise Cougregational chtireb and 1ev. Thoruton of thse Metisodist churcis. An excellent.solo vas rendered S>' Mir. h~iomes. leader o! thse Zion visite sobed choir sud tise session closed vush a pragrans o! songa and 'eclta- tons by the cilren of the Loyal 'emperance Union. Altisoni thoir dirOctor. lira. Lettie West vas 111, theO cbildren gave tise progs-am ondes- tie direction of their prealdent. Missa Ha' sel Clark. The followlug reaolutionas ee ffl dav passed unonîmonal>' by the Lake Count>' Women'i Christian Teusperauce Union ln sannuai session at tise Mettiodist cisurcis: Recognizing the goodueis o! aur Heavenîs- Patiser lnin igng us te. getises again lu contes-once for thi purpose of conslting togetses-. as te tise but metisoda of fartherlug au Wberoas, Ont' organisation tis made a steais- gravtis ty tIse bard vans ofcfus- -ble leaders sud menâ- bers. tisororo eleit Romsolved. Tisai vo appreclato tise b vans aof tise committees on preparaL tious for ibis Jlu*stttubaisaaktug ii who bave tabou part. eapeulal> Mci Ensign for ber *Ise counsel, vIsii bas made.lit no lIirestUng sud profit- alse.F ReSlyi, Tisai vs vol express 0u 1lestre tisai t tise work of tise L eiaa nrel presorvlng tise sceutiflle Instrucionu mw. ani paaalng tise local option bill, commondlng tise Asti-Sa- loon League lu tiseit efforts ta taniser tise cause of témperance.' liesolved. Tisai voe etend a vote, of tisankg te tise trustesesoft tis cisures. tise pastors. tiese igersaasd the press for tisir vaînatile space and tise Iindis- intores a tsn lu aur vorlç ta tise ladieseof 'Wankegan W. C. T. U'. for tisir royal hiositallis- lu on- tertalning this lnstItute tu o two- days' session sud proidinc a mi- nous dinnes-aif the temple eacis day. On Prida>- the ]&at session nt the Women's Christian Tempes-once Union o! Lake Cô. vas ln progres In the MethQdlot chus-ch. This aven- Ing fixe Institute closes wlth a lecture le the churcis b>' Mis Ensign, o! Ohio. The luatîtute vas attended b>' a large number o! ladies and was o! Importanre sud intereat. At the meeting on Thnrsday p. m. lattera o!favuspâtis> and greetlng vare sent froin tise lailtute te the follow- Ing mambers visa are 111 sud are un- able to attend the 'instituta: Mca. Chanity Rangbt, fisst president af thaeCes-man Christian Tempes-once Union. Ms-s . Utta Ellia, ex-president of the Libertyville U-nion. Ms-a. Divor, prealdent o! the Wankegan Union, Mrs. Stoîze and Ms-s. Van Demaris, a choarr aishar o! tise Waulccgan Union. The Evenlng Sessiîon. Aitishe evening reception. fine music vas enjoyed and tise falovlng gave s-citaious: Misae nby Glbert, dia' moud modal vinnen. Misa Sennett andI Mins 9oreman, of Norths Prairie. , Ming znsigu gave a saort addresm In wilciais etated tbAt vomon la nov occupylnz ber rifisiful Pouition aud in.bisomiug sus-ang«essaci daY, Fa spoaklng of tousperas ab the ld' o! au Instance vile a tCions-Wv bins isulît I taos taemploy 20w b=andasi oy a a lim nkeepen fltted ont a asuimea arby. but boy bad loftitise uelbosood la vison ho tonne tisaitishe 200 vere al vomenà. George aa i t . . avn Imbofla Ný Av*eBoo, IL Allen Proves, 2U, (lisicgo;Heo O'Brieon, Jlitté 1. Frank BDe-ei, 33. Mis-y lco 21. W. R. Usu. 2, Cicago; Amn May, 19. W. Caoller, 42, Ctimicii.-Xlie lle ble, 29.1 11 W. R. Handyside. 40, Zion (ittYý PloiasBeen Eakes- 20. webb séitis toe esa. IAnnouncement Wv a de, Li -Mondal of tise sale af ths e bbutute of T. Webib ta L. C. Tewos, IM tise k egan teeCompsnYý Mr., Webb hn is cool. voo#Md'blaUiau tes-libutase, Mr., 4*8 axa oitrg aS, Ott 18411*otO"m.O8 UOft euntry and that there 15 la Ono7 setricti fuoai.provesby is ai»t tieaeat pressaisVOW l. ito u .4 Sta8~tes that am -oYI tmadioins'v. r. MRSOW mA*turACTu NU f Mart>Ie and Granite Monâmeni s Cenetery 'Work of Ever> uDescription C.irrespondence bolicited 126 Glenesee St Waukeugaie ftsrPpr s-ms Bsup Wo îaever 'Carried 'a iceî, stoçk At scii ow pi-ices. Ses tlwna white theituIbs lafuit aîid get a good choice.. Spring S-tockIn Ail ou u'prinig stùck of palluts and Ilaptel'd' ali colorsanmd aîîytlîing you. want for house cleaîiiîg. Atik Wsee our new wall vaitiît--dea4 finish- Plateau Wall Paint.- D. A, YOUNG Libertvt e. L. "Gambetta Prince"' Fr u i J. W. Swanbrough, Llbertyviflîs .NI DIing7.a Week's 'Washing, In Tois wuntean la uisiul(a 1900 (iravity Wiher. Ail m.1w bam f0 du ta 10 keep the. wasber going. A little puoisstat it ons wa-a tlte iulliringa if bnck-the wailer dose the r'ut. Thse -lothissa still-tje water rushbes tbrough and a round thm-- adtse dirt la taken out. la six Mnutos yor tubhuu l sibes la dlean., This machine vii wash any iug-rois la.' cnrtinq tb corpets, uand get tJeiuatsoiufelv sopotlaasiv, speckllessly dean. Tiserelian't usytinlg *bout a 1900 Gravit>' Washer tauvent' out your clatbes. You con vaNh thélneaf linen. laien and lace scithotit hr.nkix.g a thread. '-Toi) ripe" anid,'vaei. tearm" are nknowix. Vour cloilies ai t Wco as lont. You sas-e tinîe-luioc-and inmey. Over hllI a mIltita plessed wrmon con tcl yau what mny washers will do. But yon don*t have to, tase even their msax-sto. You cal ,stg : 1900 Os-art-l>Wnshier youroelf. Then yon s-Ilkutoîr poýsi¶ic.. Write for nsy bookiet toda>'. Itim.FIEE. Your nome and addreâm on a poet card mniled f0 me at uta-. gets pe y.I I> boo0k b>' return mail. Von are welcoime to the books wheteF youn -atfo lus- a s-amher now or flot THE 1"1900", URAVITY-WAStJEm;R» W ILLIAM ROWLEY EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS LIBERTYVILLEP ILL. That Pleasedi Expression M!NS URNIS$IN<S list right bu.. OwU>wssmiiut sto<k wiIl maldw b" a-m c ps ticulu, deasua h ml» psWPpm ahsbIulwbs. 'b"y as. iu. V4 10 fhlcaot1ego ms.LI. w AadOu Ufoot iwom i J. B. hMORSE &col TO GIET GOOD CROPS The BES-T IS the CI1EAPEST Seed ýO.ts, Coin, Cover, Timotmg Sure -Cr op Growers Ph 'r e, lmin Tile, Sewer Pope, Brick Covers, Cenient, ime ALL KINDS or LWOM-10. EMMONS-MERCER LIJMBER CO. ËEDWIN A. BISHOP, M'R'r une me Houm67là,.fie47 LISERTYVII.LE BIG "SHOW: COMING Wau kegan, TedaMay 21 GOILMAR BROS.' GREATEST 0P AMERICAN SHOWS Circus, Museum. hippodrome and $1000,000 Menagerie )esWild Animal@ AimoksPenture Ac i ~Fiai! il =~ueeleus ru00a0 ~ Ofitt "ea CellOpe iro avas. 2 Pertorusu.D¶s Donsm Op-en 1:00 and rltPrade 10 a.u. Doisinia i 's for Cleanine with ~U. e1 o. 50050