CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 May 1907, p. 5

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!IAV MAY 17.1901r ANDReÊW JUSS 1 fflRTYILLE ILUtOIS o.,,.. Along, t.u Now y"u oeed somtthluîg a littie omit of the,'ordin éry to urge on gouar Iàggiog appetite. The' nice cuisp green thinp of springtime aIwayps get to Trigg's Maeket firste J, E, TRIGGS ILLINOIS Everyth ing ln Jewelry mi Don 't forget the Marrlsd Folk'@ dance s the town bail tonight (Tbunaday.) Hertel's pavillon open@ et Hait Day on Saturday niglit of thîe week for thea seeeon.J Mre. Robert f)owns, of Racine, wae ln tawn Tuesday calliug ton old fnIendo boere.r mi.. Alice Dlavsi, o!f(Genou, le vlsiting boe. Slîe was called bere by the acci- dent to ber, sister, Mrm Protine. 1 (. CicytoiDocker ha. tlîe bonor ot comîng out %viîl the iait straw bat ot the serniori. "Chas. gabcock waa a closea t'eu and mee aur new safety depjogit boxe". Sent $2 per year and upwerds. Four lr avings departinent we puyt 3 per cent interest seîi-annually. LÀiFCc oirxTvNAioixAl. BANK.f 33-2 Invitations are ont for the inarriage of Miss Laura Ma. Cleveland ta Mr. Warren Grurnnitt upon JUne 6 et the bonis ot the bride'. parents, Mfr. and 1fra. F. Gi. Cleveland. Tbsy will ineke their home la Libertyville. Tlhis office la lu reaal Pt of a postal tram 94. J. Young Who l]st faU went up to DakOta ta make bis home wblch stateo tbat on May 6 they bada fout of snow in,4halt villnty and lit h on the groundI s the tume ot writlng. the Sth. Springi ho maya in very backward.-9 Lait laturdey a china shower waë given at ber Evaméion hanme by Nm. O ion in honor ot Misé Lacra Clevelandi who ie soon ta wsd. -gaverai tram heore, were lu attendance. Mils Cleveland wa. the recîplent o!fniany pret ty and ueefuli U;rticle, ot china. Lait Manday niorning a'number ot Chica o goerm were disappointed tapota reacbing the depot ta learu tbat the 9:083 train no longer went aettiiet tina.. The schaedule caged that day and irorn now on the train whlch elways went et tliet hour leuves et 8:58. 1 D>r. J. L. Taylor was honored by the Lake Gounty Medical Socety at ité muet. i ~-- -~ S Ing held lest week et the. Caree Library building at Highland Park by bing chonen dlegat. ta attend te mieetng 0t the State MedlcalSocety as Its meeting ta ho bld 5h15 month ati Rockiord.1 The Lîbertyville Baieblers deleated a1 Chicago tea wiiicb cme out ta do1 tbeUp Bunday sthe fur grouedle na1 tee ining gains whlch wasa ago"oone.1 The score swa@ 5 ta 3. Boy@ and BEa pltçhed for Uàbertyvile wbils e $ller act.d o. bock stop. The. boys baveg storted ont rlght this season and ws hope they will keep the. gat Dp. 9 Mfr. Gopland wa aoller et thIND tE-1 PEXDECT Office&amornleg or .0 ago aed relierrlng ta aur items on gardelng sttet t ho wouid Hire to me who con brlng thé. Brut ripe tamato ta, the Ixue- PEXIENT thisseason. He says tbat Dr. Galloway, bo undersiands, propom ta make the.Brutexhîbit but that, b hbu Do confidence in th. ability ot D.J in acbieving sueb bhonor.i Mrn. M. A. Ptotlne after an examine,-1 t'-nawltb the X-ray tn Waukegan Mon-1 da.v bad ber anm set and ha uow dolnga nlcely. The physiciens bowever tell ber that abs willlob neable ta aise ber arin anm for e long tme and befor. 15 will h. thoroughly wvell may taesA yeer. 151te thought the fracture will leeve the member etiii"ned ai it i.e t the shbow joint. Mi@ Winnifred Youeg I. taking Mon. Protine's place a. mllinier. As se hes had mmcli e rence e nup4o-ate millinery work in Ihicago @helfi <ell able ta taescere of the patronage. Doutnis Linierry probably ha. more public Office t4pn any. !n in tu he county. He le Tibertyville's chief of police, ie constable. deputy sherif ad thistîs comniuisioner. I ororne time he ha. held tbree offices but only @Ince May 1 ha. he been po8Sssor o! tour jobs. Upon that date bo wa. inetalled police chief. '"Denny" intends ta hold down the whole four too and without doubt wilI, handie the four niceiy ns the duties will iD Do way confiict. During court he bai for a number of years acted as bablff t Îbe Waukegan court hause and hoa. a Wide ecquaintance tlîrough-out the county. The entertainrnentgiven for the benefit of the igh echool et the Union churci lait Fridey igbt, wu@ a mcc... ie e;ery ,,ay.- A large audience wa.1i Preet ed alltQroughly enjoysdi eacb aube of th. progrer. Edward Elert the haritons, bas a very pleating value of saquisite qnality and nual rae-e1 wlîlle the pianit, Frederick Tracbaj provsd binseif earnusicien of exceptional abllity; Arthur Jolley the remis, hlaa gdute o! the Gnrnnock sehool oft 9rato. He ha. an excellent voiesiandj mach drratle abllity, renderlag saeh selection ln a nianner whlch pleaud bis audience and won hearty approval. That thinga conie in tbrees wan doably proved lent week wbee tbée wer. three runaways witbiu a few houm. of .ocb othar naed lb,..puras.wornot at about th. saup Urne. Parut WMli 1 osnon'. bora. ruea »W. Thun & teana bolongng ta, th. VOllet tri fllowed suit andinh urea bora. at li track driven by broke 'le relu and ,hbate& àAmm uni o! wu aist b acit oiia éh.fla h SFlrst NatL:etlbank. lThe,'auksp for (bris pétesra" 'ait Siniwlh Ili We Make the Following Prices 4 cens Nu. 2 Pie Pýaen .............................. '25e 4 cane*llaked Sean............. ......... .............5 13 lbo..Gra Meal --- . --.................... 23C 6 lbo. Prunes ........................................... p Il lb. Baklng goda............ ........... ...... ........ Z5e 17 lb. Soda .................. ................. 25c 6 packtage. Grendrnes Wa.hing Soda ..................... 25c 2 Ib. Arbnckle', Arioga offee ............................ 25c 6 Ibo. Goru Starch.............. ......."*'1 '- **......... Zc 1I b.. Smnokng Tobecca. ................................ uc 6 Larnp Cbînneys ........................ ............... Uc 6 bottles, Macine 011..................................... 28 1 IL Brewster'@ Plain Ghocolatse.... .......... .......... ZOo 1 50e package Pratt'e Hors. Food........................ 40g 1 49-lb. ,eck Vitas Flour.................. ......... ..... f 4 1-lb. packags. Bird Seed ............................... 28e- 1 IL.Drunas.' Gocoanut ................... ... ........... Zic L" lto Iet l. met te UIertiA Pidked Up tl«e a TWer The Lueky will b.ald a dance et the town hall nexi *m* Thuriiday evsning. The ladies of the. Cenietery Society Meet wltb Mni. C. C. Bulkl.-y ont Friday, Mey 24.- Mfr. and Mrs. Louis Protinie and son Fred, of fLaclea, #pent 1Saîîday with relatives hore. It Mnay hb tilly tsuatnon b' euggeât tiret on Frlday test sons w,r. houta hoth, Billy Speliman and.llî,co King of Spain. The My.tic Workers iîitiat,-d three nsw niembers a Tnsy nigit anîd alter the cersîioncleas@peut tlie evelling in a social trae Mre. J. Gable, of Mlwalkee, who lia. rnany f riends in ULbortyville is cpending a lee' days wltb P. G. Cleveland and farnily. lDr. Eueuwacer.,, et lattoîýn, N. M who ha. bien asway froîn ibeIýrtyvilie ville saine fourtéen yearm is baî'k elliug on old triends le thisvicin:v ty 4wbom ho liai Marny. Fit-eh air and suashîne prevent dissne.. (ood paint prevente decay. Ir ill poiy yau tu pruteci rour property with long erngBradley & VroornîîPaint. Podb . B. Loveil. Dr. BertGlosasn, of Ç.orthvùeotem. University me"dcalaool, and Mrn. L. H. Lltchfieid, 0f Waukegan, spent 8un- de y h -îbtl arts. Mr. andM. The Philotme Club, o! W'aukegan, e chorus otaboust tbrty woinen's voicei viil] give acetqka. "Daugbcer of the. Boase,",at thb Union cburcb Friday evening,bliey24. The cantate wilUho precedied by a group 0f 'Spring Sangs" and lollowed by agroup ut aid ballade. The entire prograin will be annîîuncsd next week. Admision 25 cents. Rteesrved imats 85 cents.. The Lakee ouney National banrirha. just placed iniles Or* lîrouf veuit 105 new steel salst* dipoeit boxes whicb e'ill bo offired for rent ta individuel. Embcholack h entroisd by ttwo keylasgo coDstrflcted th&& th. boxennat b. entened by elSii.r elone or wvithout the twa tfeIg U»#. lTh. batik boldo one key ild the subseriber of the box tbe ailer. Thai 5h. hank cannit enter tbe box ta get aStfI.e mtante nor con th. ronger of 5h. box mot onyone who lnlgbt get coatrol i lftebel open il wtboet te attsndaetattbebantifret turnesth. lock wltb the. Mostakey beld by the5 insttution. This.tueure@ the utrnot msurity os ssrsoy. frs.. G.M. Walter, tif the Illinois Childree'a Ronie aed Aid society ha@ bien lu town for a vaupis of deys solting assstatie for tAeie lty and bas ban etn g wth excellent resulte. tong th. patrons ai the socletyi LibirtyvUle are: Warren Heath, C. F. Wrght, litr.. F. P. Dynîond, Mns. C. N. Durand, litr. L. B.,Oanhy, Geo. Grldley, Mrs. P. J. Bockelrn", Dr. J. L. Taylor Dr. E. H. Smith, Daniel Les, Pani maconina, osa. Wright, M. B. Golhy Dr. G. R. Gailoway. Mrs. L. E. Golding. The local advi9oi.v board cansise oi Mnr. L. B. Whitney, Mns. . Fuller and Mns. Caeb Wright. The soclaty I Ite hhstory has cared for over 6.000 chlldren and visitae ecl year sorbe 2,200. A lu which we tate a goad deal of FACT pride and whieh ha.been much commrented! upon I4lats, ihthet af the "atrong hbt protection" and accarno- dati hankt:service. aforded the rusai- hors o5 the surrotinling comrnunity. W. are prond that we have miade this condition 'po-3siblëe. and thet the. public ha. recognlzed this faut by nearl.y douhl. ing our deposits intheti pas few niontlis. Remeniber wî- are a ýNATIONAL BANK, and mare then that w. aDforded MORE PROTEOTON for cî'y dollardspoiiteid wlth ua, tien miv other National Batik in Lake cannty. Yourarecoiînt 1tîhier large or intal wlll be weleomnei. FIRST NATIONAL BANKS Proctor Bluock Libertyville, 111. 1 yau need n(-%%roni noulding when yon dean fhanse lu.sviek hbalnystyle ta match your - pajuir or wood-work. 31-2 Notice tri the public. 1 have been su over run of lste by van tirat Imuet forbiiîl an * mors trespoésing on my ]end ea.t of the river. You have nearly ruicd îny flowero and fernesand et t! rnsa ry gardetu. picked rny berrie, tare down Mîy feiiceui, set tire tuniy tou, run my eattie and rabbits. and toee quirrele wvith yonr dogenand shot theni and bicorne a des3tructIve nuisance. You carnne to the sprlng and O.h on th. weet hank o! the river. Mygardon and parkeand forest are niy door yard an 1 want to enjor them inwtbnMy ivited! fiende. G.G. CoPEtAyqi. 824 Ordinance Noc. 188. LaodnneaxendlnàstSI 050 DWIo 'OBSERVED John G. Hagan Pont plane Ceremotalea 50 Yak. Place et Libertyville VETERANS TQ HOXON DF.PARTE» BROTRENS The @ver leseeniîîg grand old guerd. the veteranm of the Civil war, will gather again this year to commeniorate the day whieli ije to tli,'rn acred. Ser- vices wîi li e heid uipon Mday ';0 et the Union clîurch et Libertyvjll* by the remaining nienîbers of John G. Ragan P'ast of the (;. A. B. ethîe' hour of 2 O'clock. Han. C. A. Partridge Speaker. The Hon. C. A. Partridge, of Wauke-' lion, As't Adjutent of the departnxent ot Illinois, will be sp)eaker of the day. A Prograni connisting of inueie, reitations and readingo 'ill be rendered. Will Decorate Graves. Froin the church the vetereno and such otiers a@ wish tu do oo wilI tonm in a body and march ta the cernetery w here the graves of the veterans who have been muetered out of the ranks of the living will b. decorated. Ail are invlted to attend the services and to partielpate iD the decoretion. S. L TRIPP BUYS CRONIKIITE YARDS tibertyvIlle Man 'Purchases Lumber and Food Business from Veteran Rockefeller Dealer. S. L. Tripp hma just consumimated e deàl whereby h. takes aven the entire business and good wlll of J. H. Cronkhite, of many years a popular feed end lumber dealer et Rockefeller. Mfr. Trlpp has bean In the emploi oft h.e annons- Miercer Luniben Go., of LlbertyvWle. tiie peut tour yeers anid bas many friends. Be taes charge of tieâi. usns on Joue 1 and wlll undoubtedly make a rareaccomee of 15 as b hawftboui question the right man ie the riglit pla-ce.1 Mithodîst Services. The pastor wlll preach Sonday mozelng aS the Meebadist church upon "I Keow Hlm" and le th. iveeley upon "l'h. Influence of Examnpie." Ie th. Epworthlague muvle1fr. Viacelus district Finet Vice-Preident wHU h. preset and wilU l.ad5th. meeting. Al th. young peopie o! tiie congregation should b. presette wecome this liv. leader. à ope"lalpatriotlc service ta whlcb veteran soldiene are invlted ha. been arrenged for the mqrig of the 26dtb. Al styleseof new rooni mouldinus et Be.wlck's studio. Froni one cent a foot np. 81-2 Notice The people of Libertyvilîs are notlfled Shat nlding upon the sldewalks wltb bicycies hn trlctly prohblted and tha6t they will b arrested and prosecuted If caught in the net. New Tolephoes.. Gat out the following and puste in your book. ROUND) LAKE CENTRAL. 122 Gonverse, Fred Residence 121 Srith Ira 108 Paddock Ray 108 Arnnn0. A 124 Arnann W. A 123 Benweli Oea. G 142 Benweîl Mabel F 134 l)llon Wm'C 101 Huoon Oeo. if 125 Lusk Bros. 135 Martin A. V 133 Mcaeb Jas. 3 Richard E Geni Mellianîliae 141 Vendenboni Wrn. Res. 131 Vase> Broc. 182 Va.ey John 105 Wltan OCm. A IitÂVeLKE CENTRtAL. 83 Kuebker & Hceîn Merchandîse 142 White Nu-k Reg. 176 Wilrnîngtoe W WAUONIJA CENTRAL.. 124 Hill J. W LIBEavYVILLE iCENTRAL. 646 Blinsk i & Son Ice 182 Basch J. N Aptasiele 142 Davs E. L Beu. 78 Hilginà & G 893 Maxbarn B. N 954 Pop8. 1 80 Young Frank Drayîng NOTICE. StaSe of Ilnos LakteOuety es. le the CeunitCours t iL orty. 70=j~ I. F. P. Dviaom>, Pr... I O m. A w ». W x , V c P ro. ' LAKE CO. NAl CAEAimý -. .- E- k G. SCHWERMAN c. Z GALLOVAY c. P. VRIGHT DIRECTORS PAUL MacGUFFIN in I fARNESS 0.1 F.U. K FPIp m m 1 ain now Ioated in the D5w store In J. EU. Trigge building on Sprague etreet. Th%@s @hop tardi. out a gond work ms en be don. ini the etate. 04ve un a trial. 1 SOLICIT YOR ITRUIE AID M KTILT YOD MIV U à O.10. LUCE Libertyjvige WITH &DAV TEA AND COPFEEB LEBADERS LibrtyviI!e. Ii. ses o!5bq~ Tt Waukegn h1s ks11 a Adj udication Nete UBERTVVILLE SNýOBS A. Compeète Line of In-m fants,' Children's a n d Ladies' Oxfords and. Shioes. We Also, Carry the, Wo' L Douglas 'Brand ol (Gents' Footwear al Prices Ranging from 2.90 to, m 09 coarser te Md unders&frt C4(ý -0 NEW

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