_i i:utU^uAMAY &VEN NOW BEe AwAm PAAL SGNAUR£ a W 1 PgB l n jq,-MMVU eti luaithIe tact tht tà cli irthCie mu a -ei*Jt tflaflsm f«o ms IUabot the ~i18ationmay -lae vital- WaekOSfl in *tournE to ti SOeltoeat le local plami *AllI steel and Wrn Con- m* hcal? lW oirta"altet nfl>- t".t l ma rfad le UBICOUU am nu le vitbota"y bute -vatorr. HMrela tIc slitation bovevêr. Sawucum L s Ury Snom imesegafilthea coM""n mmeiabot~fr a ate for a tflavaOf 0.. ova Iai valta le auppottai 1v udat mi t offl about M fmmmy «ae. a asatisfactionl- tbuai f100 e o Hamnod and = . , 'dise.advcates ofs- mmtbta te tCmpam could adJut, thIlquortiaa. vsle lu Wakeffl tba OMut ai atcoOm bua red -un dovn a rImret aet la the face of a png tem Ie AmiricanSteel und 191 eelsl eemthe extension. mm Penh#o; Milobt Have Se40& t;lç ayIrWbt to tte bore to tW.«ii la luovu iai lb.theMarkiet I'rb z 05d cuseilthe diauge Of lep& buthla tact het tIc teel bu&" ceambi dtbcitr frtrm Wan- »Ms teOMSai md Io premt buld lug et -çà" le thé relt. Y ¶11 la boy the situaton looks Il th <le verm oaguethe ewlaw. Deé 103 Aw#t Signature? 'W" ueIlavea itt eecia JsiY l. 00 e =aoosa - irI~clsn 'utilbave le o Sofa beIU *0Se fr »MoM sasa poit le- Olm UlbtcIM Md Seveuteenthl ab wwe. Doretthis ibsi MayTm -. la romoable ta suppose tbs'b lIiulimu»e for the oril bonuds ls.là a tt berm lvanw Icre- lu i.e 3oSTemtlatreet- 'bl fteuVr, fl 3mai9oppootete bmd mvl»thef Amoicn Steel -d VoeýCoconpe panned to hbi il R I -J I 7. th. lIeno lav viiil e a icgdo G64L Aa tuq va «ca, s ma m Md «Aqm thing- Grand junie are 5e'l0 ro1U. uoprtr r oebWa unviodyt ihis ndCausiertîle tiMe Tetmfltr r oehWe la lo lu nome investigation& t- irberg. PrakW. Puni mandJerry L wl j hI ave no deubt aur vork IUvil e Rturning bHomoeinOtatI Iule ie ne s D almpUfied mmd expeditei la a romark- setuo uy #m %f- rp wlÎiCAfl u51dp b rihe UNimaieont able oxtetonaismonauntse emeesure >onn 5ewnr Assalant ESCAPes. tglf làt M)iWeabaut plana af tIc ne« boconie effective, bat, as 1 have Saitd- 11 ompkw eeep at i mi lutactl betore, great careo vIiibave to ho talc- Ging ta hor homo &lonma MauM» uo«Uecut n ntc enb he îl att'i attOrêYs of the Prom in- ala' nu Stndi IE, Te iObps vh»busiess oxtndd yil" ont and future that their incremeadStete le ne8tr ewu Th ub ilb xAdela91to aularti iaom net leenl tIen tram u>11BuSsIe Zonavuetf10 viCUor i taahIMM à ldngs are ounteispltieilu toi paIoai ciileeus aielhercoauly ettack Ihum Mn ukpov ta Ulmm. "»bbeadiqusniteofthle lrm M tmerptustiortltty." . eo ethrman Ou Marion Styeet or lthe MOU s.111rohum ai etWaukeian. l thoI e.m acle tmot Ca elbcya wioeuk on Liffo e.« E AMlM~jOt4S more on.Sprume bfllaiber "d nui Te a*àm« raiiroad In t*e unhted Vau et IIELD eetlag ver bar hesi en <lai U e t M t àSiê; vreck Thurmia? uflor-a coui et eavIe1wmaailut vasu 09 bW * euec]tIcarson the Wan- Cou ty supernonlhden m 8ll m -am s h W fa bgfl Un UM1sdsppl Valey ralinedain ouumas at teh sleW fltgrts ade O atli lotlm a à74 f1. t he e.j amat i miaimtiie or Al Cuatne1oe5 0 applci NlMy V»ith M Wt 0* yjumpod tIc frgod. . -ma- o l* o-ya tob h ev ber to î»lin a nd iatmapi- El. . aer rebc viiib le Ild Saturimi'.May 25. eaithe si ,tedru beir &svp. Iboi aOtm<le ca rs lm mc '1obevimg Paces: 3tMias<lth fle vas IW" UOt" & Vbfl f raid vas able ta reeuaae Waubegan. GUWe.. LberHvee ihtioal Point ah elecinlo car ce w ubteu@*&tu. alon.g a"iviu c bornait»Ieaknolm_______ Greymbske.Wacnda. Antioch. Deer- reloussi the gr MMi" u m-vu-s. àI Md iàe SrClITe natervusreoti otah<e ites Mercha«tamSo, ' -competat pormono vile buin police and tley aenom e uô lmski«lues carge at ail Ibe.Vplaces, -po le the lieutti of the aaailsmi. 1j EIGSw orn. SvaW maid a alcai mIe m Of0~ le~ Wien eaMM ondai et the home etam 50 <Je. Cmntein, I ie Ie. t t shel mlt ýn for t h e te7»5Mortam Street. hi a SUN reporter. wu bUOlva itte latah<e es place0e xmsntlm bY 8 O'lO ,ck-MNS aà ewho vas unable ta vark. eel by a iegelcuulnite Rmtimoa Thvxaia ionwiiroquime cousu-becaque of ber enouliter. tthe uce.*IlalelV stmble lima amiht lai tt a bave stai. ryBryaale S10 sali lIai sbe use folloi h ? voum »dkUta now v lin Icel? t ioo much ta do aftetoref10 icou u. ber vauii.le mlan on odisMAs le dM blaibitteu aller alldren,ir luamlols tIâtilave mt clOo& It tance.&t Sout avenue, &oalIe eamé t as@ottoa r woid lbe veil ta blasmple gradu- Offcer Jçkm Mets vIa. ba-Vevr. atilmi eercla for lIe succomuflieu- lIught noilg of lIe girl ami tue didâte. ~~~man fllaviug. Sbaie nTes didatea. lu front et thie vacant Sbmarneain Tlma ___________land outh of South aveue, lIe MMm Weaeà5is rtialsOf ahe b. ma. For pecii Deivéwhe --à faloing ber.,ceelMa rIfletorpoda lootis OctapusandmI Loe, FerSpcll Diler. lti .jereoad. It l ett utroafi Nevprt -dner the aupces af the i Na apeciai dellvery postage staPs yan, .ated bitter. XItnearij ever %aval Itel board lunis serleaaofits l * alî leho oded aethe10lot ai noyt pover< .1ber. Sho atruled fercol taNtrrauaelt Bey, voeefa doter-a LJulyInta mEre lIe 'Immediato deivery but ho bfoeber tu the sidevlvOd erO 111*Mime thospeed and mmaiogablitî ai aI a louer, tle truggle vas reusyci natil thef0 m w bon submerge. stoae seaecbllghi ai a painsi car lit Uponlb=oiS eonci smtiepvt Puranant ta auset of te botnes- the siruggle vlen the monm u val ave le 0teuus veut over the meamurodb sionof ongrssPosmautr Gneri th foce ith bond.mile course six limes. ThIe tret threeo *Meayea tongresa, Peaumeor eneral lI Te oac s aond. vie 'uns vers lth test lier speed. ,'The Moerioaitsud n rintht n Fb oc e c r idevofvtme main pffl, oteelîrea mine vas and avIe veto onne t Ifaller leuet-fflIc10»04 kuata an heur. 'rIe aubmarlue sudaltr ntI oitIllIee e e-Stret, affl < tire.notion of tise tisok 101tva prpalse" dives lu tachai lea mm tler ar package ot girls Sialllt Mi"I Zone wu hnt oo I aar-Tet a. mail malter 10 cental vorth of stampo danmd brfltei ao er. pttr fn o aîpon. estue oaithe Ifto amy denmmnatian. itI tle varda l lu ber starboari borpedo tube. 9 s1peclal deUve!y" vtitten or printea Produce Co. Incorporates- o n the ouvobape or coverIng, lu aidi- Spocial ta lIe DAILT SUN. Felaruisntepoetdmse hUtou ta tle potage reqnroi fftroriu- Spftngblid, Xli, May 9. 're sacre- reaiansubepevtds&. t ri iellvery. the article viii le baud- tnY aifi"tie today l105i500a lcene. ta <Goo> point Proventa decai. Il n-ID pay loi s i il orea rgmîsiaspeIan lcorparate otheb.Lae eCounli Dairi yan ta prttet yonr tueUtivitI fong s,'ed s l f boe reulaio spcl mmad Produce Campeany of Waukcian. vearing Bradleyr & Vroousan Paint. -i1ltvovry stamp. Thrie capital stock la $10,M00ani the Slid by M.i. H uaey, Waubogan. ia id May rcemad$top.OU -la tit mAU possible that asllI e O ev cus am e saloons bave foncei or vii t«« e b. mpani ta abandon Il. isle.5051 pans loto? X"aY <11mb this theani the reaien- -als mdjhtla tadtatan aueoms- sa"i of the Laké Caunty Lav adil Ou'ier 1League viii &aaton the off- cas af ti l bmaiplant an fini ani wletber or net the theatlzlng ta car- tact. Wbat ituation la New. Ifm thi poculetan amoQunta tua au- *bwmiheleate of affars nav lae t - t1. lotis et the mnerlcau Steel ammd ags tIc Mlle sud au elzbt. meeame. If h omumesanilevaclmmgs -a JaiuarY lo.t te poosibililtes are tisai *a0 saluon viii maya lu the anti di- reetion Itlaho pssible fer them te nove -nantI. IftIbis ls passible ami toe tu au esa i sesopostible tIât the vwIre mille vîll coulaI their In-Im& prxovemontso tbay are reportei t bave dans aready. WILL ABOLISIt GRAND IURIES. Stat' Attorney Banna agneea vitI Staies AttorneHealy, a! Cok Counn ______________ ty. that'thore la bail geai an« evil lu the moasuro passoi lv lotI bousses aMi saatini (1ev. Deneen'ossignature, vhlcI pnactlcaiiy abolhoies l e grand Jury sentemt n lulinois. lobat; an tmpeluous alaies attorney, vho la tncltned te play poîtico, mai tumuîle lnceaeeipaver or mepnsl- bMu e crnupu ouis, le passible,. se l10 tm e lIe nt et ustice 1> a tld n0ouai Iadislbos eg uly lu tle=fc ef public opinian, lever mucI le 187 detre te, ailere tue hodnly. 'FIe grad Jurysîatem scte as aclci tu lt extremes. M. bisai>ym:1 'iuimut a oettrs wd pa It Would not take long te show YoU lbw ludor <baiumo tha eu staea t thei U t<le <vo man -hall îeara i have of buylng jour SUITS, COA'1'SKIRTS, W MSTSs, w"dJ sVts u ln ty-ine caseoutMVLULNE.RY and other wemrbls at bis store. et A, ut4r*&do iexactly thse igbt »WM$Uven ibci mauiteaifonhicar- W. would 5SHOW YOU where jeu couid mSave ëffl m t p rnetr«»a true bplrmoneY aud at the mare lime secure the blglwSts " a n d vIslatp wai eu". lae 1 e r cusIe to pffle, 'If h vauop ta tIcms tvlhgrrtu saoi..mtorny teade~I 1hscourm tsylsi amne bu venu l e cttlei. lbui the grand If wo could meet you face te fate la -Ibs tère the 107 buemno féaou f sncboveutu- r*UMMtlrnorothe grand jury ata goo<de we offer would SHO0W VOLj th folly of a trip sag a «chk an criume. Pele on sur lueopti t mmsut enaiiapne. -to the big city and ite elbovlng crowd and dangerouis wowh fflec suecqusintal i vth ogali iiiU teetau lnlght -lot*<le - <ogai e ~W. would SHOW- YOU what rosi shoppbig com' o-mate. a teso-eci fnt 5> OUR Stort Op98s Jfort ia lu a pertfcly appointed store wlth a mainmoth YOU how -vo have grown from one arnall storete Ivo- W. 4qve aodoug5it te ýhave tb. patronage of mont of the pawtIouju w omn o f Lke (Jonty-we ought te have ail oi jours and wouid have if -Ion would corne lu and lot us, SftO YOU. We would like te 5110ýW YOU nlght nov the marked eàvinge y)Uu cau Makeh«on ual SUItS, Racine, September 1-why we have the confidence of wornen bayera who kuow the values at a glance. We are SHIOW YOU merchant. W. tlk fat, notf faucies., We wifl SHOW YOU that our confidence in the muperlorlty of ou.i ooda le uo;trong, and nlgbtly s, that we are justiffd lu advertising d"if goodsa are not, -COATS, sKIRTS, WAIStS, MILLINERY, ETC., j satlsfactory money back."I due te t»e bakr 'If w. c u el We aut te SHOW YUU; it means money in Mt puob at o face we conuld S 10W* ] VOUR pocket If you'll ]ot un. 'ai aitel Ai.. 1 BRaOm Cab itIaisier Morton told big brothare jaLka orest about tIt8 Urne the admlntatrattilvao varklng eerftary Thiomas Gamyle ofth<e Lakie as bard ne Ihconld fer thIbile aan amilb Smfi tAAise COMWq pom .,thq cïamy Law a* Qioder League au alitbi bll and vould eventutally sait: Plowery et*>Wgtb Nus Mare lI Uempiabte for a three mile sane vhtol vam U"Ileui0nt la the, Interview. favared mare lIen. tbe mile and an Report. eigbtWESTERN CAPTAIN WIi.L. NISHED IVEN R*«W1I conclusile. Do MIS OWM DRIVINC. EXTINOSO LIMITS HOWEVER "The conclusion, ta Iberetore tht- - eny village mneaaure on the part of A lat of Calfornia troitera and pao- 8Secretar Thamaa Qwale of heNorth Chieffa tht vould tend to de. era are bMled ta rotaI ihe Uboiti- LakoComsy la sudOrd«U«u tit te ain of ile bill ihet t. nov III. track 111e week. and ef etamng le Cnnu av imd rdOr gUOthen yl 10a Souomna Girl, vhlch vent ale*rdagave' an impotat-audlu- Up totheUI. BUov«fl or siuire a mile ai ane a01 t m408Angeles MaU- resSua Interviev ta tcwthS N a evoWuli b fthvned upon 17 the admin- oses ltaivinter ln i9:07. pn teuvêtu on tM mile 'andau imtatiOn anddmi dteed. Ai the imthe ~.pwrfaMinSas agli probibltion zone moalure -vhtch *"vo YOM tram nov If au ecua otu ioe vas a telliug amoug the lnov up ta Governar Denedul for as ar$ cu10faedu9 roet u oteru bor«memothaiomoma eGi natur.1ha ade te m aIe île pro bbtion one as sMathieu of a falmuslarm, »a htlffo a u ilterrilory vithin tIre. teetcicouple -f -.yeera amm t1e vas touted Limite Accidental.the station." se a vend hester andd tIenat me ,lit vas ouly b1v aêedelt." bhotlame I vau not possible to train ber. taflo. "ULai th0 soue of' a mile sud Rocalle SUN scoop. Silne thon the marebuhmme th le aneighi vu. aked lla te neaur e. lave remarkable Interview property et eCap . D. U prlni o f -t vau mt ai the requemi cf f1e0 i th@he aiding spirit l th efortuLlm Angeles, wvIa op ta date. bas do». gmvemment hicI toMy aakcd£aIU OrgiatiUon f akob cunty ubevsataibis ovn drviMn&, aving boom behini MUi of tva or thffl mles leyoud ft0elime te f tIcJ ath" * a q<>. Somomea M ea te : il v bldé the saloons ahouid 10 lept. , BrIbefl ladbeenesellai tu Wemb. aOPPed toutou t amgaiRooeais isandate on aI ie t«"n Mauy 4 Rem Fells e t.Anser. theile amd au cighi mmeesrthé10 The aptals dmcebiasv ~n 'lu megrd I hslimita natter i SUN vas rigt Md.h lavi contin 1 u " SiOiOthvmue. wrrte thisi or four lattera toap, ai eartwrbaergla $16,0wmc dimrîl baa- Ra âto. cmandantai ho ynavler, A T<AM X M.eMt Deh-trtthe Measschuetts. m-e«.Wiugatatien. mmd ad .ed nom '""I..A.U.er -wlýM&wet PDonand mhf10Tramsylvanie.anad ansver vhatever, noa1 went abeed o au i CPe ý@ntX the ile nd a afflât oue ropoi-HM r Brsi engagement la ul I te i15 h m i an usbd an clibi moue prao l W hite Fiabing et Round Lake M lls 000 2:20 trot ai Ubrt yvlle f1e trot i o n w e l k nand u b d h t b r o u t 1 1 O t ia r e . ef C h i c a g a , l i d N a r r o w e e l l u J U I F , e n t r i e z t a vh i c î c l s e d 1 r ot l o u E cape frm Drow .inq unday. lait T» sd mmi n m i ote lbh Finaly'un nswr. mare vtlt JmmreY ta Detroitaid " Plnally an Ansudaner. -- o ilieHr, fChcg, ise. bnce davu the grand circuit ta Hart- C o m m n a n t P e co g a u n s o r xa&M l a O ' t r , i C ic g , a o e - to rd , re tu rn ing W es t ln B p te m b e r iM madat R ama. He tated that m an ai Round La e, tpp ng et t e or the Meetings ai Columbus and myleto bai n recelvod lut Round Lakbo bta vitb Oea. Renatu.LOzinglan. through a mlatakte Qt the lerli tle -bai as uarrav escape tram iravuini 'TIe Californie pepera say that Mr. avowrg bai beeu sont ta, Springfield, as a Man often ba ven ho tainted SPrInger vîll do hie avu iriviug, and Maua., luote oa*t t Springfield., Sunday tarenoan and iappled trambilg If tIti e lb. came, *bout 20 perAent au 1 direeted lIom. 1boat uPaettlng îî eud precîplîatlng sbauld ha ieducted framnt tcemare'. 'Fhil acauintei for the dlay. 1 bimiel! and tacîle and itU mb th,' chances, Ifl boing ai beaut that mucli ComnatRs adthat tbe mat-'!valer. 'Of a handicap le any trotter tInt Cammndan Ras aal1* tars.tuthe ig ifelds oi the grand ter bl a u o talion up yul Ilie secre- But for te tact tat s tind vlieicircuit yul an amateur up. 1tary ai tbe uavî vIa bai at once ne- wanot a great vay off iiscovered Siho a a ietvle 'feredItilin termm of approval ta Gaver- the overturned boat and came et Amth er Cay eLo iaberme auner uerDeee, he ane ud fe once ta hls asastance, ho vonli flOw, beaded for Libertyvîlle ta "Bob" tSentelu ail prablltty, 10 lYing et the bat-i Smit, ubo lrought ilveet Marie Wrole ta Roosevelt. tam af the lako. As It wvalater bit! over tbe Mountains aud gai mixed ."eantime 1i lai uitten ta Presl- recovery, t tok tbe restarers ani Dr.! uP wahItlie lidgee ai Providence, dent Roaovelt myseît and eho ad re- Schaeffer. of Grayalalie. nearly tue uliere Alto Mclaal ob tlie mare ferred the matter af te passage ai 'h urs le tbroughly revive hm. atter me ld lat tva bots and won i.te lau ta ecreary Moicat! vIa re- Ho cannai explain loy h happened. 1 lied belautmae.tim tha novlias a 9commeudai the malter te the allen-I1 Ail hoalino Iln tat tle accident 1 aecla elmn hc .ai ;tien ai the commander efthîe depart- curred. 'rhe explautilon of hls iriends ite be bettor than a 2:10 trotter. Her ment ofthîe greal lakes, General Car-. la ho t aiutai. record la 2:16%, made asot year. rd flefflu',