CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 May 1907, p. 1

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SWAUKEGj VOL XV. NO. 34. LIBBRTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, Il -t'1? ý,dNT* grI W~BKLSN ýfFRIDAY, MAY ý,4, 1907-12 Pages $1.50 PER YEAR IN-ADVANORC. ftaised to Pay Debts at Time Treasury Fund Was Slim. Trusta.. Take Action. Stocishottiors ofthtie Wauisegan andi Washington Mlning andstiBmeting Company, ou-fer of tise Easterna- n culty, and thee mtter la to ie demi6 by tise citisens of the tovai. The Pote. on thse Norths end have longiseen llghitng for mailt dellvery, and are li favor or tise lu-aent moye- mient. Wlietber tise alorlty of the people want It or flot, remalins to lia seen. A mals meeatinig vas iseld Thurs- dajy niglt, Mday 23d, at tisa Villa"e hal] to disusa thse pros and cons. andO every one Interested, la requested to JAS. MIP4MACCU&ED ATlt4MPTfD ASAULT Officers Unable - b Locale Alfred Üarrett. Hav-tW&rrant Charing Hlm wth Slanelng InsPectai. Bannerait Naval Station. day mineli ties aat. af Washington. ver. lentwve.k electrlied hy thse On Use charge of- havlig assassitat recelpt of tise followig notice tram Mrs. Matittia Mevman, o!fLake Bluff, Secretary Sispisen H. Kennedy af this James Miaies, a! Lais. Forest, vas an- City:' -To tLe Stocisblders of tise Wauka. retsd Maaitay nsarnlng an a warrant 'gan ad Washington Mlnlng and Islsuedti o f Justice We$@' office emelting Company:, anti ater an appearance, tise eevas ",At a meeting of tise Boardi of Trus- continui untîl May 2lnd. tees of sali'Caanpny iseld tiei rc- Tise allegeti aisault la sld 10 have lice, May 14. 1907, tisa foovina. a-baai npîce MaY OtIs, anti details tion vas matie anti sarried . are Dot knsovai, eoptjisat Mis. Mav- ..MotIon matie andi arrie t ts a * monla saidto 10 CUse Mines Ofcrlan COMMlttes a!fbtse not boîtiers entier Isial jiutt tIse Cosmpny's Triust Deeti have noti-1 George Mavanan, tise bualianti, la oeed tise Boasrd of Trustees of tise lai- the camptaii.g vitnoss. tentian ef sone of tise note boîtiers 1 Cinnot Find Their Man. tn forectaselaidiTrust Dee t iat tise Oeis vils aà varrant for Afredi gteebisolders b. notlleti of a meetingi Barrett, allegedtu t have stoaist andi ta be belti on Wetiiesdar. May 22, A. 1Ilireatensatite kilitaspetor Bennen af D. lý07, at 10 O'clock, A. M., aithtie tIse naval training stain are Dubale Company'& Offce. 134 Wasington to.locate tisir man, visa bai nal su- Street, Waukegafl.111,, to raine maneY toreti an appearance. ta pay off laid notes sassireti bY sali j Trust Dd on 10 psy tne nota bolterslMA rsquirnag pa>-ment andt isreby avoldI'iuEMORIA foneclosuire and sale of the Compan'a DAY IN prpluder li Trust Deeti,an tisat 1 spsnce ant ilfnancial assis- W AUKE(i,41 tance 'n" ricisstocihiolder la urgefltly requse. Murahio h e iiB iad 'Kindly b preseait or nottfYtise a tts a iIS îî Secs-s7 tansIaid roisvilI sivance AIWin, Maïufacturei. - Speik. to avoîti salt foreclosure anti oblige. ers For thse Scisools te The anuit Involvet i l sali to b.l Be Cisen. $10,000 ln varlaus smail notes tram IEO MRHWL $100 up anti tiseprincipal ioltiers cf LBEE 0F MARCH WILL tise paper are laid 10 be Richard Ken-BEBfFTIVAR nedy cf Lake. Forest, tise largsst isolti-- or. anti John Hart of Rockefeller Commander Etivin H. Buck In gen- among otbers. ersi ordera says: Tise moaiey le attegoti ta have been "lTiereforo. 1. as Commander o! the ralseti li trustees et a finievison the Departmeut of Illinois, earaiestly re- mine treasury la allegedtu t have iseca sln. . commenti that Memoisi DaY. May 30, About a year ago it I. laidi a meef- 1907, b. fittifigîr anti reverentîr oh- laig vas botti t wvicisa friendîr com- serveti lireseis Poil, anti by'tise alli mlltee o! tsa tu-a fations lai contrai Ptrotie socitici tlrougbont tisa De. o! tise mine gt bogetiser antid grA t partaient-of Illiois; tisaI arrange. on serain *teps au.ea!fcisicis vai Uat ments lie at once bogun by oasisPoil. stock bottier, ha pëttioned, for tise speakers ssurai anti suitable exe. mnie> le, psy off theset. . cses provItietfotan tée nds sat at thse Tier. vas ne turtber nevs naiti sareti memoies anti baltovet aso- tise reant mietlig ofthte -trusatees aUitl of !tUe past may b. fittingîr anti tisenotice senl out bis marnbig, recalteti anti bonoreti." tit $Mdit. -lI furtisOrance o! Use ontien. Wauise. S TiselIforimation tIsaI ta preseait- .gun Pont. No. 374, bansesoure thUe adin lahIis article la obtalned tram1 services5o! Chsarles A. Pratt, of Cap- ons ai Use stoakisolders anti au Inter- 0on, 1i a speaker of deCItiet ablity, esteti partr. to tieliver a memotal address li Wou- Wbeai calleti up on the teteplione isagan, Msy 10, 1907. for anulatervev Secretary Kennedy A general commttes. vis.: Cam- statedt iat the notice mgiled ouIt ram rades C. A. Partnitige, J. M. Sraipson. hie offce vas get! explanatur>'.. A. W. Hunter, R. Alden anti Nahsum ___________Lamisbaiubeefi appoliteti. Aus N"- me!About,1 P. a., comnades and otisens vilI form lai ine anti make a sisort MOR iIO tTft<U CAGO h ,is.tiarougis tise treets to tise .nPace. Of holuing the enreises. Cocfuslon ln MatiPromptes- Move. Station A, Wauisegan Suggeoied. C. W. Vetiden, potmaiter, bas rM ebive - a caMaiinCatlop ftram Wasis- lia"s, Maing tiseflloving proposi- tIon tg tha vilagers. TIer viais 1 - absandons the naese «Norths Obicage," as a poelfoe, andi nue auitati "Station A, Wasukegan;* tue ÎreseatI acumbeail anti bs aillu ants ta lia reapp«" t.6 10ake cisarga cf Station A, WaukegUn. Tise maIl carriers vulti b. povltiai, 5ud tsréee tielivertes of Mau ise1hte tise stores anti factorisa, andti t telhteries ta tue remstent district. TMsmmsniuan- ber of mails Usat Waukegsa ai vi beln effect hrs. Tise autuaritles "tte tuaI lhier principalesson for visislag tue hiaffl matie, la.lisetact thâastOlMe d51F Ibis place anti «Wrts bieaga," In. t* eft>'are contusei anti mai-1. titis deluseti by -haiag sent te the~ ar a uggston trm »Y a os> ut a! tise difft-I -On Stands>' evenlng, Mar 26, Ml marial servisese vli b. ielti ln bis Baptist aburcb, Roy. Higgnbotham msklng tise atitrees AUl citisens are requastedti t» oin vtis usn Md lotaur toisend ot lave andi rovorence for anr falleai cemrati andtir ueu sisllu devatian te priai' ciple andi igit b. expraeti, net alois. b>' peetiisanti sang, but futssler b>' tihe su-set anti tme.bauoreti cu* tom of trevlng tis e oautîiul ilavera of aprlngtlme anti pl*ciag tise stars anti strîpes tIser lavetiesoWvolton tise sUlent anti ptacli boeam of tue tamis lni memor of o0is oldier desti. Gun Explosiop Injures. A gun explatietilai tise bandae t Prank Pzys, o! Vive Points, viie be vas cleanisutise saoting iraisBisai. day andthie isullet tare afftisa uppei part of tise tiirti inger efthtie iast baniL 1 re la tise l-rear-olti non af John fr7e antila vel 1movn. Dr. Conneai attestiedth ie laJuretimanss v isoyl t caver vithust tihe a! otie luger. PLANT GRAND ARMY Tâ SAYS BLAIR eat. superiteudinua>orfPublic Imtructlon Adu-ises lanove- tionmfor Decoratiou Day. READ WAR RECORDS ON MAY TIiIRTEENTI4 IHE ASKS. boon -Vaerius WIitSe Gàtiered te Fatisers end Booksý Should Be Made 01 iheir Des ad 0f Their Lives. The fotiou-lng remarkable letter hiai been issued by State Superintend- ont of Puble Instruction Frances G. Blair, andi ls notable for advocating~ nome new tiings ln relation to Merno- ria Day, as aioted bleow: Frt-Tbe gatherîng ot the narnea, record@sand post-bellum lives of living and dead soldiers Second-The planting of s treeste b. called thse Grand Armny Tree on the part Oft«Chacissiool. The Lutter lni Full. Menoriai Day saboutit be oisaarvea lai every ammunity lai the land and' the execises made Improssive. It le mto andi riglit that tbls shsuta ha done. for tbe day bai a great tes- son te teacis, a lessor vhlch every gond citizen shoutti tonaea tesson et tise pitce of pesos, as wett as tise vages of var, a tesson of honorable defeat, as veti ai 0f gioriaus vlctory. Storeti laibookss, charti andi naps, tisis tesson le secure for postprity, but storet ln tise ieartsaisnd memorles of our chltiren. i Risopt fresis anti vTM lai their tives sud actions andi trans- mtted from generatin to generaton. Oui chiltiren can hear lit tolti by smre If tise men vho made the stiry pos- isible. If We Couid Only Ses. Hou- v. vs ve coulti have seen witis Our ou-n eyes, a soidior o! tise Revoiution! Hou- it voulti fil Our isearta ta heai one of tsos "emisattieti farmers" tell tise story of thosa lierois days! Let aur ou-n boys and girls reaflze tisatI ltai tiser privilege to see andi to bsear nome ofthtie memiser of tia rapily vanishing Grand'Army of tise Repuhuic viso toois part laitise great est struggle of tise ages. It ls especiatty fitting tisat tisat tbay saulti taise part ln thse sotemu cem. manies and leara tise tesson visicli tise day bas to teacis. AUthUe cisool i saoulti liecloseil on tisat day anid tise chiltiren give a part lai Use pulie exercises. Tiss, may Bot lia convanient or poffeal for ail,.tiserefore, evary sciscol roote i thes tata aboulti bold memorltex. ercise on thse precedlng day. Appro. pilata songe aboutdtbe sung, poqms recitei, tise rolt of th istltrlct's sol- lv. "l b. isept g*m suad their Dames calied lai lovlag boessts hy the chUl- dren viseu these l tf thse berole dead shalh ai] l ule benoath the. flou- ers. W . G. BLAIR, State Eupetlntofldoft of Publie ln- strsicn. Fall Under W'" Moving Train, Bath Legs S*eered from Body. New-s vas roMVed ut Atitioch thse fore part of lait vseI, oft lie untimely death otflRoy. Iohn *00v. whah-ut six yearus ag, vas pastor of thse Lîib- rerty churchIn ait"tvillagp. While attrnipting to , oaid a train at Douglas. Wyomi6g, h- lu some un- accountablè Manear toit under tise viseels of the. our ad iothlegs were severed tramblis body. Ho was flm- medlately taai nto bis home and the best ot meail]aid sînînoned, but lie survived the aboch- but a short time. liev. Moore vw« about c,5 years ot >agee and leave. a vidow atnd tu-o lit- tde girls to umu bis lois. liev. Moore la yUl icnown tu the people of AntUocb and vicinity foi durlig bis stay et Liberty lie otten spaie at tus PIMe and whbele de- issuted Ietbebfld Uany friendi visa gieve to, Issu of bis sad deatis. Tise remaie oie buried at Chey- ennle, Wyoming. EVERY SUÇAONIST IS POLice I1OX LAKE Village Payas$200 a Vear t0 Resort t Keepers and They Pay $500 a f Vear for License. - it ia nov salid to ho a dausgerous tising ta mlsbebave an) place ln the- village of Fýoz Lakee, au every other man la eltiser a murshal or an assist- ant marubal su-orsi tu hoep the pouce. Eecaaitly thse 'Vill40e "rated and licensed resorts in its boundaries Bfor tise minimum fee, $500. Tise resort keepers are alleged 0o h ave isovled ovor dis amoi,'." £mai. 1as it ln, on the grounds tilat their business vas goodl ouly six monthi aa year anid poor the reit of tise year. 1Theai enter the villiage u-tth a pro- tposition. 3Tise proposition tous that each re- sort iseeper lie sworn lnaisa an as-dîmt asit village marsbul, it ia reported. et ra salai>' of $200 a year. Thiis, lai et- fect, Il it ls the true state of affaire. 1redusest the lîcense Io $300 end maises evor>' saloon keeper hle ovai guardisan. DISAPPIEARED- TIIOUGIIT DROWI'4D Channel Man for the Jefferson lca Co. Soleved to Have Met Wîtiî An Accident or Foui Play. PROTECTION US SECUIRfD !OR !ISUi tegulatiaig ihlnigolai tate Waters fecouses Law Wlîb Goveraior'es Signasture. CAPTAIN RICHARD SMITH 18 FATHER 0F BIL.L M in ont la Establishing of Season ý,Durlng. Spawning Time and Pro- tection tb White Fias. With ihe ilassazo hy thse state leg- isiature of SoenaebllI No. 11:1. toiicl end tise bead of the remanat that Dovie had aithtisemae of hi.@tisatis. The recognition came,.fi lahunder- stood, Ilirougli the court of Judge Kenessu- M. Landis, lu Chicago. The stop Iiino way affects the state of affairs vif h aaiy one except thie Dowie reninant. 1 EIEC. ASKS fREIGUIT TRANSPERS C. & MIN. Appeuîs te Interstate Commerce Cumissiaoni for P.aforce of laiterchonge La w. regulates lshisg ln the ste waters, WILL SET PRECIEDENT FOR oue of tise best buils of tise session ALL THE ELECTRIC-LINES. vas passeti. If la destInedta 1 do ______ rnach for Ilshlng and tise father of Ciaimn la Tisat Illinois Centrai Wath- tise bill, Captalu Richard Smlhs of drew Fi-rn 'Recent Local Arraile. this-city, may lie protît of hie part lai ment When It Cime te peint tise passage. 0f Supplying Cars. Tise bibi vas prepareti by hlm sud sent ta Seuator Tiffanywu-lin mtro-- duced It. - Tise Interstaf e commerce commis- Tise provisions of the bill are a ainvi st seilssinl great srotectidai ta tise fisis lu tise Inwi odaseil1ssinl lais. anti visn like mealiures are Chicsgo uext Tuesday ta consider one1 adaptai by Wisconsi, Michigan and Indiana, tise present danger o! entire- ofthtie most Important trefi problema ]y rulnlng tise laeis isng yl have talie solved-u-ietlier stearn rallroada iseen avrted. 51 r;ma atrisg rl Tise main provisions ofthUe bl r;.e necag rlit and pulsai1 1-Tise establiabing of a closed ses- ,joint tariff s vits electrlc haies. on durini visicb no ftsiing of aiv1 ieCiao&M kind may ho dons betveen N'ovember 1TeCiao&Mlauise.e lectrlc 14tpi and Decemben làthisltuslve lai1t rallroad lias petîtionedth ie commis- eacis year. Tbree days gsces ater N'ovember 141h are ta lie atlou-ed for lon ta compel tise Iltmnos Central raising nets If veatiser tioes flot Per- railu-ay' ta enter Into joint turrif mit It on tise iti. 2-Tise torbitidiig eftishe use of agreements coverlng articles osf mer- flets vits a mesi s maller tissu 4 1-2 chandise anti ta establisis tise lasis Jncises for catcilag uhiteflesl. 3-Tise taking cure of aIl spau-ai y of divisions of through rates. fisiserman andi Its returu ta tise laoe For vor leti insl i at lu proper condition or tise sendiug of r tcnehusl I at tise spawu ta the stute fis batcis- Of tise country have been tryiaig ta ories. niaise arrangements for tise Inter- 4-Tse arraigfro libiu ofauchange of treiglit andi passeaiger busi- boit trom ni other lak.e that isas uoot.I ,ontruhorjitrtewt fIsiseti-nlai îse waters for tsi-ee, ontrugsrjitraevt monthea prior ta Deceuiber let o! tieseian rtsada. Tise plan lias iseen yesr ta b.fIsiseti ln. I strongly opposod by nearly aIl tise 5-Tise forbIdding o! tise use of anv stearn roati sa 0fer ai It pentais tae msets vitis a mesisbetveen 2% anti 4,4, Incises anti for cstehlng tserring,ifrilKit biîeas alttiouuis a fov -club, long Jau-s ulack fine a nef moats lu tise East anti West have been of 234 nciseg only. lntorchauglng passeuger traeice itO 6-Tise liceuslng of ail boauts lu tise electrie linos. fishinir trade sud tise turuiug over of tise Ilîcense to tise State Treasurer toi Foi-ced into Makin Tii-iff. lie kuovu as a BStte Fias Protection Les Fund. Steamisoats ta e lelcenied i aIlthtie Chicago & Milwuakee $2500 a year, gamolîne lauinches. Electris lUno trIedtaI lduce tise steanu $1500 anti sailibasts, $1000. mratis ta juin if In malclng tisrougis Tisebill nov au-alse only the 819- rates on cuissage shipments from, Ra- nature of Gavenor Deneen ta lbe auý enforceti lau-. due County. Wiconlsin, ta polits lu ýTonaessee, Mississippi anti Louisianea. Blaze aI iighwoad. At first aIl tise roands refused te enter Fine Suistay eveniaig totalty destroy- ' at any joiait arrangement viti tise eti tise Umlierhaum House ln Higis- etoctnlc liai, but vison It tisreatened1 vooti. Tise aigin o! tise ire ta mys- it a ppeal ta tise lItertate commerce tentous. Il startoti about 12:30 o'clack commission for a rullng on tise suis- anti vas only quencieti vison tise'Ject, anait carry it ta tise courts, If building vas a ssnoulder-lng ruin. nscessary, tise Wisconlsin Central, El- Tise building vas ovaiet by Chsarles iJ1 t atraniIiui Umberissua and vas at tise corner of Central roass greedtiat make a jeint Waukegaai and Higbvoati avenues, tarlff vit Is f froni Wisconsi points rlgbt lai the business'district. A ssoe a th ie Souts: The taniff provitiet for store la on tise granst loor and tietsf a tiscougis rate cf 29 censts ta Menu- are abave. fPlis anti 37 cents ta pointselI Lonisi- The building and lits santeaits are a ana ant i Mssisstppi. toal-lou .thlle - wmIJ *.. h. I- t.ýf tiers callai, anti an effort matie té get totl lgeartogno onQe vas un-1 Wueai tue elevîrac îaue vas reauy ta an aid soltier tu tellthtie story of is JOHN KRAKNIK HAS BEEN jureti. BoUs the. Hlgivood and the begin lise shipment o! 2.000 car lostia experlence ltiste greet var. MVSTERIOUSLV MISSING. Highilandi Paris lire tiepartmnents tufai o! caisiages tram Racine 10 tise Soulli, eti ont ta, figlit lise blaze. tise Illinois Central falloti ta furnuali Get Soldiere' Naimes. People u-lo rescule in tb. neigihor- thse cars u-blcistise eloctric tUne al- To tise country aiti village ocbolm. iscodofo Pou-ors l.aklolu tisa tovai of I suggest tisaItishe touchser anti papils Rtandal. are usking tisatishe offciais NARROW ESCAPC FOR loges lb agreedti t supply. Tise etes- triehUe dtscovered nmrnie moter get tise names o! aIl olti saldliDO W o f tise county malie investgations lnt MRS. JANE D(>WIE that a feu- tays afteteisenaft arift livIng ln tise district, antiofa! aitvIsatise dusappearauce asti sîtageti drovu- -betu-sen If andtihie steani ruade vs. vent to tise van trom tisa district, lng cf John Krulsik, visa bas houai Fast Train Ail but Crushed imua lleti lu Novemiser, viti tise laterstata aov deati or moveti avay. Tram in, ie mysteriously mlssîag since the niglit Carrnage in Whicis She waa Riding. commerce commission, tiseIlîlinois to, finie, tise tacts aliont eaeh soldier O! leb. 28, ant it la Usaught tisati shoutt ieh gatisereti, vrltteai in a pen-thatier.Isno reason tu believe tisat Frliay, Mrs. Jane Dovie, wldov Contrat sent ta tise commission notice manant book anti iepî lai the lbrary. tise Mau vas murderet andmis labodiy Of tise ata John Alexander lou-le, tfnltst hdaa r h on If tise Damas onir are sesured fothIis welgisteti andtitinrk bn tisetaise. narovîr escapeti a traglc deatis on fe Mensrlal Day Ilu-ill haie eougis. Eb " On tise morsslug. atter tue tilsap- Use Northvemtern raliroiti,,anti iat il ~courts WIli Hava te sottie. soliela ecrd anlieseure ite .sérance a! Krakîslk,ils ~cap anti cat nat lison for tise prompt action 0f a Tise rutiig o! tise coianpsuan li The altier pupits saisdotiahis turùind-& ~packasge o! tolia oi ee faunla cosling vatclimaai, outti have been Uis casa vili establisis s mout ImPert. Use rear as a combinai ist017 516 a a ig on tise Ice a feu- feetI te tiemrusis by a ntsrti houniti train. ant precedent. ln al probablil> tise. langusge eorcise.. 1 4sores of tisetaise andthte mais veis Mrs. Dovie vas tiriving ta iber rosi- courts uill bave ta pas ultimatel>' Plant Army Tre.. liai Iseai vith is tatedt ta on ttc deaice tram tise lais.elI a lorse anai'on bis, rullng a! tise commision, I ntsc urge tuat a tree lia plantec previous niglit lie bai been vo)rklng buggy. The soutis Iounti train bac viatiser lise contention of the elactril1e lai tise waaiard y tti hliekisovaiami as à ebanel matn for Use Joferan Ijust passeti the crossiaiFutlta ilInos, tiseI Usey r aosijit~t a Grand Amy trie. If Possible, get s'UsCa., anti that heb l ti rowvida boulevard anti Mrs. D)oviee lit fot ses joint tarin arrangements vils ateam soltlorta lirsias tu tra ati 1ol viile abîemîstiaig bupuais sonmeîle the north bounti apprcachlng,no %mise ruades la upiseltior Dot. Plant IL 1Evar>'Me»,qilal Day thse Ysu-rtrm a ctsanuel. triedtu t cross. abiltireai sisatltigatiser a e êtith e t Fo eists fiii !Uel Bshe oulti proabllyisave be hasi a Howard Lasses Miasela. ant stev avea aoutil isIa tse'Ce. anti tisepeople laitheue igibsboibti net H. T. Saallierg. gateman. osean It la reportai tisaI El. Haaitas Us.l rfted bave been tisederi. nbn bave been lîînting for tise bdbetr eattempt ta Cross andstivtis a jerk ronteti Havards ti' lIso>a otel at thereord h" baugatord iheo0f tise man, but tley bave tounabais acisetberSonrase off tise truckis lns tis Fox Lais. ta a i. Jevett, or' cis- brie! bîstIair ef sch Iseiler cau lie sotutety nothlng tc indilcat. tlaat Kra. pals at tisaoncomlng train,.ca90, for a tai o! ilive reer&ataI&srosi- reaui at eri- Momwal Diyoxeroise. kuis over vent m te e.lake.-Kena Mrm. Dovie ia nov autnering ftonl tal a! $6,000 Peu-rea«r.-Tise nov pio- so Uat tue cisittrea.iay becanseira. @ha New-s. tise sovere socis fottoving ais tisolai- prietor fouit Possession Montiar. millar vls Ushe hlstrlotlcservicesof !________ ideait, but vas unlijunet, altsougli tise isnor* ed. 1 - Henry 'Luughorin Deed. tisa train vas pnac'lcally ispaniser,.1 Heîp Senator- oelebrate. Lot Us Ciser Tiom. Davîi Louglinan, cf Bondant, Satan. Lewis Get* ConessIont. Beveaty-live Chsicago politiciens Tise -soldirs yll 0a01, ail b. gatla-1 day reeveti a tetegraan tollng blan et John A. Levis, vison Davis aismeh Bunda>' at Tqx Lakse ielpeterforme eredtu 10 lieurStnrat e Lt us tis etet ,atBartonvilte. eftHeairy -ase hiesauccosmor. ta apaolls isonors, Stute Beisator Franks Lundin celeisrat5' cheer tisem wviie nome aàe yet living, LOugiscon, commîtteti tOa rtflaaiIias, vas Fritay recogniseti - fficially as, Ihle birtita>'. Tiser. vss a special vils tise tisangit tisaI tbler memorY Insane lai 1900, ageti 42. tise deati apostle!i aficis suSsssar train. BIELIIART TO SUE TRIALS Ulnedwrltlng Expert enad* Character frein lpirit Readoo Cblrography. VAULTING AMBITION BUT MANY VIClISITUDES "Jacob" Cirai... WIth Detlls, but Tenacieus and Sticking et Pur. pose Wlth thse Local Prophet. Tise SUN recontty received a ]et- ter front "Fatiser Jacobs" fichu-I founder of tise Spirit Fruit Cuit wilh lias Ils colony grounds anti commuai- iy bouse at Wooster lAis., ne4r -Lon Lake, lu Lake County. Tise tetter vas giveai ta a tocal mam wheoedaims that lie can telI charas~ ai reveale In lai sn d vrittug andth ie folioving remarisable paper' by bilm la tise result. TIi. Analyal.. la tisers anythinq ln the theory thât handwritlng Indicates chîsaeler an# desiny. Do tise random ulnes ecratceetio a siseet o! tatter paper reveal a if. qta glance? Tisat tise> do. la tise hatiet of!anai and since John Alexander Dovies cisirogs-aphy vai «'resd" and bis falt prophesled tram ftisbacit laiday. nov fargotten, maaiy fancy that tisell mucl lu tise art of tise handi vltiaig expert. Tele About Bielhart. 1 have, lu accordance vitis a r. quest, made an anatysis of tise cisiro., graphy of Jacobs Blelhart, fatiser ai tise Spirit Fruit Colony at Waaoer Lake. near Long Lakse, andi il la a r. martiabte one. tetling ,a& te ifs atorsi anti stress entiured andi ret ta, corne. Father jacob's Persongîîtyr Taise "Father Jacobi," as ho calis himsett. lirai. He la a remarisable man. He bas not yet bai his best days. Il voulti ba better if ise talkoti lama, Il voat lie better If bise ve.more modest. l voulti he better if h. co;uld keep big mind off maferlal tings, tligs groas- ly eartisy. Hla talisatlveness. hi. Inahllfty ta iseep a secret for long, are shavai hi tise open sa san&i' lai bis vrluing Tisat hla samiitious 1a sbovai by tise manner la i cb tisa croises to bim ta Jurnptise ascent of tise letter and sornetimes are remaved trôa Wt for a quarter ic. "Fathel' Jacob- Can bIlik. Tisat b. la viat les omssy knovn as à "sttcker" la eisava by thse Inevitabte bsok teAil tise ltters sud- lng varda. Tisene la atvays a littIq Prong, tht danotas is bull-tiog.quaSi. lies. MIen lai thes.111.tis a gsandthie n'a ln Ibis sbovn. Carol@" of Detahîs. HOvévr, bore le a bot one. Tbe prpoiset of spontaneous love lsasiae. tlus af Meale, as la indîcated bly bis laxity lai maiig complets tise toapa of tise g's, y1s and sucis other letters as bave loopi lielow tise lina,. "PatbOr Jacobs" vaulti ietter rome- dy tiAisdefect lai bis ciaracter, iflaiu- deeti bffe uisssst, andti tis uia vrltlng saYs, Ibat be tioet. FMnY Up. And Downs. If tise vrtig s peake tise trutis ton, Fatiser Jacob ais i tlI te bave mass>'ups antidevais, visici means that Spirit Pnuit la yet ta, ses Usm aestest antie ti atday.. Tis, lisses are vaverinu-. uncertain. nvup, nov iovai, nov tovards à lover coraier of tise page, tison te. V"aua upper. This massà vali- i"ag, uncertain, lInsecure ssnbitleb. couplei vitis rnay lfé Vcisitue& *LT*kL Ueo. KeunedY Nofle.gock. bot4ert et iuaiendiig Trouble Aok i Pueuctl Al Ad. AMOUNT INVOLVED SAlO IV SERUU ABU iUUiAI ha praent. 1

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