APS~ Brer Raibht Baye te Mfr. Sunny, "What'a fi.duad Yeu ln your *are ta ti. ths. kotar" N.lt Il» layasBu. "It w* my wife dld that T. asake am. rea.llaettht Iroas Our ft 7Uhe oaak'adepaetd. ewearng ma iéI in~ I, And YPm te put afiethr WAN1 AD. lr. -1aaif thea. ddanty .ar cravaeayeu prima," Say.a Rroe. 14t mra paye yeu te Ad-fer-tieal UALUSTTUPOLTR y FO *tgjg4oM o* 91 q.bFOR..AAL-4luge eomb buf Orplng- ieoob., bath, i y bs~ b" f se iWlt nefige81.00 pe là. Fïtütyinar- barit -Wood tfobo.o;ople ainatd. FaamsK BmUXu.ry , n .0 v opov* RM SALE-BuE Wyadotte fowla, po,,as.<~'wqip~,tossr ~ full blooded tock and wlnter îa>ing au W ,eeCu toue. Na.IstLJ. . W50cet@Peetting A wi W M m oqieMm .4.W E W oeeier 1. 21-tf bulo«bloek. 19s. F. iC. NDALL, lbert7vWne. 2-tf WANTED FOR SALE-40 60 or 80 acres of giod land. $maU Urove, witbout bulidînge, MEN WANTED-10 wn, laborer, two mle west of Uurne. Easy termamywrý2 4.t w or 1. A. Fggoa, GurnS, ID. «9"wok 2 cnt ~e hur TTI _______________________JomHaotf, (ray.laks. 31-tf ACRE PROPERTY-Jut outalde Lib- WANTE-Two girls; one for kitchei etyvillle'corporationl Iow prie a and and one fur store. Fun oJovIIUElIS esaeyteme. L i4vosl,& Atrrl. 28-tf Lhertyçîlle. 30-tf FARMS-Wé have a large list of Lik ATD-OIiO bue keeper. 4 euty' armeto a, leohouse md Itea AdroE boe 17Grtlonake li j villo ge. --------------.----t LOTS-We are exclusive agente for lots tu &. J. Orimese subdivision, tht choceut lots in Liberty vile. xo &AsT. FOR BAL.E-140 acre fartm in Fremont. Arnewshaug to purchase on easy tnÎhouild appl>. PAUL àOtFFIN. FOR SALE-El5ht on'u modem bouse on MKnley are., Libertyvîlle, lot 100 iM0. M». T. A. WELLM. 27-ti bath oecit-lo ligbt, het sdt.ý. .,e and eatb front col.orlot,.largebarn. al-tf J. A. McAiTga Libertyville. man o 16. Wîiling linrork at faii wagee-. Inquire Independent oflle., WANT EO-A light wegbt, geatie horsÀ uitable for ladIeo to hade aboutk y*ars aId; i1so a ligt trap. Mut t roeaonalie. Addrees K. Looa, Lak, Bluff. WANTED-At once a girl for geDera hou@ework. 11». DunRACO. Lihertyvilît MISCELLADMOUS-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -i l LAND MONEY TO LOAN-We mil «pecialy t lula t ing mono-r ton buildiou FOR SALE-Mi>' arn'Woodlawu 130 put-post. jofartur bans. DyssOsu &cres 1 mile nortir of Ot-syaake, 111. At'svîx'. 28-tf Quoa hous., 10 large rorn, good mattsr guoc ocbri, I8 ban..s, las house.aid FOR RENT-510 acres pasturo, goo qthr ot buildings. Land of bosi; unnng mater or vili take stockr t E tlii;v buildinga )ocated bu heautitul poaturo. Ios.Es.s îetvle imv f ur oaktin lot-k of roami,muet OT.ELsLbeyvi. ha , esen pro ited GrEaveleul -* 4 dollar. if tatou sa-lu. Reaeou fom s-eliigrîMNZYTO LOAN-On îpproved rei 1 &in81 earal. -J. J. MOOREg estate ffecutit>'. BEN. B. iLLss Lil 82.5 Gmyslake. lertyville. !Iii. FOR SALE-20iacre@, 2 miles omt o!f 1OR SALE-Biarus, @lies,corn ct-lb ai Liberty ville -on C. & Md. R. R. opposîte 1150 bhouse. Not'uTo aim. Rockrefeller. grsios.H. Huits', 226 W, Adam Bt.Chicito 33-, I OR ALE-Rublier tired toi) buge FOR SALE-On' $MaW tern>&. Houe. âmd lot known as ulfford L. Smiith place. PAUL IMAcOUFFI. 84tf LiVE STOC4 IETC. 1 1 ---- l ---- FOR 8ALE-Euglteb stter PuPPiea. NlI5Ibie ta iefslty. FR"£ K gE. OcoYaahe. lit. 28-10 FOR BALRE-Cbefp: three stsudard brai teottlng taBlong. %il regletnai ocr elgille t. register lu tir. Amocs Trotting Baglter. 1lwalaho 1470 Isn; tu OtoaChes.'Ion mita! .5 willeigb train 1160 ta1200lb& . eh. Fat tut- her petclr, omB on Or adirea -Jo ho P. »:îvle'r - xNO. 1t urnee. Ili --o ------- - ------- FOR SALE-Tic Yeur ti fllr,_III. FOR SALE-Cbeatet Ist for mInce. Pedigteee fumulu Fr. Coou, Boctefeibor, If.IL R FOR REY4T- ýO OALE OR REVT-8fon' i4.t*M Ài ve, Jomq E. ]YU -w-ý tpille.30-t INSUJRANCE-We write fire, marin saidet sud fil!. naurance. DYsraooc Au'sLibertyville, 11). 34-t FOR SALE-Run'ley threablng outt conaltln of 20 borée pwer angine us a part o!ftour fs e. s earator w Bat! tacker 'and Parsan @"e Pla2a« ueker, 10 rflkeaouaed th semaons. Joxas Bras.. SEimer. 1 Pbeeton 1lbink wagonE i T Llbtsne arnme Pgra, LbertyvIle, IM. OUCÂN GelTilt WAUK wAN D)AILY $UN rAiM , fteir 630 et P tow aeaum tnh WIl e a pIte"o fl el, LOCh auPW hna on in a UdestiéSb tessait eghist the nos u. sona ln lh. eye ar the wauntde4 Mnnesota,.'and secuired somse Jand la - rail bobind thee ingar polo. 1 could not due when elb. givea up ber attempt ta pare sot wtbln Farda 01 thse conter sawlm tu ahoreansd watts the conisFrothorniCounty. Threc' years amI g ~étht'eM;crwd e ofnO, fint ecOlDInflotthe purulua buntere cn..1 gaid- hait Inter bcre rturned ta Illinois. On Osiemt-Ic .If tb. fits af nationa Y 19 lgnlaithgt 1Ivie tbrough. AIS Der. 3, 1843, he wa, iullted l Inmar., bad depeuded aon my Ciafl. 1 bad Bob oaught the aigus, ha threw bis trage w%,th Mary L. OgOtu. Hîsiwlte toltnfsela scb a cass. before. Tt top- head bac luin bellowed a deep, boire. and ont daugirter, 'i-. il. K. Young, raeuntai a certain phaieofai tqrk ex- -70 for 10000."1 1 knew thon that hoe cbqffçpgamblilg pracedure, virore One0 bai already baught' 40,000, an i ths£survive hlm. - maà- leul ieeey te i teliswaethe Tatlitet lcstand. Barry' He enllated trois, tai. (olitvil v 11 on the Boor igalnat hlmt. t understood. _Canant muet bave caught the mean- nols, Nov. 17, 1861. ant i s ,mItpet iBob igainst then' ai-be trylua ta Jus, too. inatanf.ly, Ilke a revolver . loto the 1United State-s service at t /1.PtU?4* . tay the aurnahîi gcurrent o! drap- por, cme hi@ Soîd!"'Thon the corn--Cn ulr lini.o h an pins pricea; they bout an ]loopng thre rminiature misa of human antDuî,lino. n h am * lulco gîtes apen. Ho wae backed up sprilgsanmd wlrea, whlcb baduntil (daY "q a îîrîvale Off 'iil"11Y i -1 1 &saant tho raiî-nat thre Bob of thte now bous held In perfect contrai, sud- Reg. 111. vol. tnfantry. tilder Captain morulas; sot a v9stàge Otftfit Old, denly burst tram l tp clampesud Barry 1.xý. n.soith,. a i the regiment was as- Th-e great crowd îvas eurgng ail ,but ours are Mtiu 80 eoard tu gel brain-ntrvt-and-body-lu-hantl gambler Canant waa tire fend hie WallI street sigiud tl, ain-f,îds Brigrade, SmIth's, cr irte roon. Hats veto amasbed ont 1Icont helq dtu tIt ts onice. Finremalurd. His bat was tone. bis col- reputatlati pltured hlm. Hie 3v. test Dvsolftn (Corps. Army of tht tndhensownor bks astripeh mainofgolng ta keep 4a.way front1thetflour for tar torii and hanglng over lits shouider.Titve tachea aeemedtd lban'ta thq pipe. minovmi ton ~irUulir ouhour or-sa,,tbm >1 vill go ovet' and 111,;coat and walstcoat were ripped hieght 0f i glanit. sarawtbTitot. îltok atvtrth paper fand buo ordseiler aUul ho ldTt Up su-,, 4 bd i, tteffah- ioie-n. showing the fait length uf hi, tiroIr fate-polntlog flugers, rase and regînîit Inlthetfuîî ,ftNashville, bo rnttire fiaror byetlerimpeud ai wms ad-.eggfl",wttesitfot n i ys fell wlth bewlldtrlng rapldlty ie hI. Der. 15, 1864. ani i%-«a .-tat ntimbOr bone whrte foust t1 heIe ofri Tht grl'& M« vtWUaBlntigruy and tairiy mad. lloh seas no longer a plercing voîce rang out-"5,000 at 69, of skirmlshfe anid tioo iner e thieoter. ho ogita il tise vi or rî,b t Sdtab I, Spîng fr trath. human helng. but a monarch of tht 8,85" 1,000et 63," "25,000 at 60.. stragbt i erct sd comandng1Iruai dfor soma riter ait,le f0rtttr ail hay. wltb Ilhe hunier In front tPandemonlum petîgrîi. Every min lIanet adst"e n-e rn s tiho fod rm f ob b an colmanig -i btr drbnd, but l n r111i- Of hlm, and rlosing ituuin hMIIn a 1 thre crowd seemed ta have the capital tire fatigut and privationîs oftfliclong expesaoulas e i Icber. u fvet;nst tire bbood came tu tl-t cheks grriat hait circit-.(tie packt of harniers, 'stock O! the Sugar truat to sel, and forced marches In prîrsuit of the lee- mInesutesae ua a s Irai larkied wtb a rush and te aISid, -1 nsu dlzzy ail gnashîng tirîrteeth. barlng thelr ut îny prîce. A score seemied ta be log rebeis toward the- cloue utftil bantes thelb. ugarplm a here dfor a moment. t met have the tcfangs, and bowling for biood. Thte lient Onusetiiug as low as paissible lu- 'ar îHe vas honorably discharged tire ilevtable Jolirile Iss members thought o! t*ktIaE 1,8, 4t l i h.~k t hnter dlrertly f.îing llb, vas 'arry sterd o! for as m1cr1as5thai mou get "verîfic." latirr thatusetme. Wth litaIantountCoant-very ltirt, very short, a mai- These were tire shorts who bh otlrmam u.1.16,a plg I cuifaid. b fourîsBo atherthaoupl» W& cithta itust vellausly .compact, banduome. sali punîsired the daY before by Bobs Up- fild. Ill., and returned ta his hume vas mîlngseon hes pari tîtiehad tund.s, nd -have bhi t for l is titre man. wlth a tasclrtating face. (tarit lift. riar Chicago, virerebhe ilved rîntilithe beon cmpellod on biey buthlitie.chîs ow fortune te sande us -u-um. arcr olive Iu tint. ligled hy a pair of spot-k- Poor Rob, ho vis forgottern' An lu- sut cunn o!1879 ien ire came ta Ap- beer côpelld t buybutlitie. whis aa we bave bou iging Ithlougir Jing back eyes and framiedinlujet- .lent atter ht madhie bis tt effort b ireItieot, Ninu., and purcirased an inter- Mnoint that bis cîmpaign vas .vorklng richer tin lwe WiM btfr,.- Put ion black haîr; a btack mustache was viq tire deuid cock In the [uit Frenzîed es -nteml leadahl kme pbyn'erelbcladig, mtheia reme, Mr. Raudolps, Vonst rou, su hen I partei orvirite teethir.vri, viren gimruiers of the stock excbauge have o baitir b erîer part n n 0.00 t aiy--God bloc@a08 o l]antI drY On e as taiîng liis gante, louktd lIke no mort use for tire dead rocks tireanotheat toftown. file famlly toiiov- bât th grate pat O mY50,00. homIl you iold dear. (bcd Ii.-ss you? lirose o! a wuif. Anitelreting min b ave 1îexirans for tire real bîrds viren ed hlm l-rt tire next year and Mr. uuanht vrlh u ur man ieWiat couli 1 orMY fathc-, ise donec taltme a1hsBsr aat could contnue ta pusb Up tht price, but for youaud lMt, Bras ni-t'-?- unidire ad becu on more sud flercer tire cget.tir ezli f.ire ay gt er titllerlictttlancethtoccupion o! -iH or lit the avent ofai bs ofponenta' fet- Sire turuei bof bis tacs lti upun hittieflelia tiran any ther hait-score flelmonlco's and tire clubs, theso mon wa*a ut erofLevi Whitney Poet, tempttng ta ois uiItdown. hc vouli ire svas a nwnîherThescllew unir ir mrke vti bg apprtngBob. Ouled wth a ligbt cu h as tan mmeacmmt h cn a awouii mantn for poor Bob; Barry Con- No, 29, G. A. R.. arndheld a number undr he aretwlt bg upprtngcamt Oly ta a vomans eu ,ni! t0 rire one for a studtnt of înlmalizei intCa monan ould ho tire loudest nif anr.a vomau before vsOn', as site stands n'en. tigran ail, and, vint la more, lit wouii utftichoiti snd township offices virIle Suddenly the luIlivas brokon, Bobs un tire brluk af hell, suddtlny licumaiwhie ever>' other man In tire crowi ho alucere. But ou bîttie day mvi> iluit ghtrr sud lit Illinoils. ycerang out aal-liJ3 fot any lier beaven. 1, v1 as et a irigir tension ut excltement, ta tire iomp vîtir tire alIon bird, the. J hiers 10,000 Sugar' Agaîn the gan'- Sharp sMd eB"rl ig lob' ir - exBarry Collant vaas ctai as tiraugi bIrd tuat rouli not win! 1 sav i a ook heclaeed.luInindfor inother Ove -chrange telephoone. 5fbe ring stemtd Istanding la tire cOnter o! i ton-acre af deep, terrible igon>' spreii ove£ Offlnac. eNo. 190 minutes the openlng smens vus dupil- sirller; .It certaal>' vas hînger trandily field Cultins off tire irlpless flow- Bobs tire; uni thon lu a flash ho vue Anomalr Appr-opriationOrdnatio. citai, vitIsanlY aabsatte loua Tierce- sil.Bob Juerpedtor the tecelver, ors' Étedu vîtir every swing of!hiIstire BobBrowuley who 1 aiva>'. bout- An ordnasce îppropiingsdaa o j eL. ftr oi mnues mi rilu.arn'. Swltcbl;gsgtock gaminera ITalc, ed irai the courageand tire braun tesuast0fifionos deemed ei faubyRestof a mghty busrot oa! saui tli. thatCARIiI. eterdilty bai gravu ta bc a patime ta do tire rlght tbilusIl ail cîrcumitances. dotaail ehncesumrv expenses ontlisnlgtles o enuit, vas 10 bld. Thon Bob vorkei Helie îtord abornent, thon an. Bar-ry Conclit. RHe.as Bob thUnier- Ta tireautonl.mnt ni evory manin laid illagSe Of LibertYvile for and duringthe h ie vair out ai the cravi, ani paseung averei. 'Stand am it ai 80 for îl.q0oo lg vîtir terrifloempbael. "78 for fi,-the crowi ho 164J080 nue vîli gl. iaA. D. t19". -b>' me ftaIn>' beedn, "B>' beiven. Jim . aat-s IvlU o b Ier. lu i second" 000,"' '77 for 800""76 far 5,000." "74 croieL betveen tire vin vhoop et anu rDe 1% Odtuneti, IDythe President aid fsst rv gtthmclcei'He dtai -dthse, igeiver 'Jin'.ve for 5,00."'«73 for 5000.» "72 for 5.000.- Ininan sd tir ey >'of a iêplungeai ~ts fotyIlieis. t 1Iorant beck ta lthe Office. la a telbave stnuek ssOArthrur Porkîns. eemingI>' qxpeetlag tbough abeer hound ni gmî a lait sment. Then beo eoion . Thot for selesgary oeons.%sd minutes Bob vithant a vori t-aie gobons 1 let «on i et tire ple, aya POW 09 O! ole.ta Crash hi* OPPaunt as eanta tbraw over Sugir stock, ls&blrleof foie V l0fLlbertyvrse.lhnlola, *tbt-ough My o01ceand Ito t lttie Burry Cansîntb" ejgiped In uni sup- la&;. afeuco. But vitIs tiere rgulaitir iigbt and ilft, lu big snd little glîsI.A-. V. los. therO rIn ereir>' ipropmate thosverai suas of Moner hrelsa mOtonet ron'esgucupied b>' B«»l B ande. lHe plIai ml tire bide. go iris Il dovu a tritvl-muer Barryi Canant'. nIat. mounta. Ho slnitetei lb.e p e. andîpell»y sot forth, %btirIs aeey: Clouai th. doar beblindhlm. s titila81 sud le offest In us5,00 111nchbaud. ra"tsd lu unburrled gasturre. Lui undi1et--uttîng Barri Colnants@ ever> of- For tie upopaGet0f mdlug in 9gtire *tht ho bi nevet- dame balfra. i;gvas Lui tu ggreaWvu 1 uut gelt tire ohtsienoit sal'"Sli" met Bobs ever>' fer m la nievri ld or 20 mi.- lmr enen xet~ 9irtg-rwn utr oui>' a minute Ml be apeued Iltsud qulck," and ha abe t othtie ncie. etrotîng bld. Ttt vi a baitie royal- ute« ire vaa madman. i, e ir.tire sali,,PWrpIlin 'If nTblrty-rao L calei tanma. laubisesire.s aa tt-age 1 ipraus ion loVe teterirone, 'Pe 1R kingiOnoneuaaide, a Richelieu ou lb. tapped. $sgr vas falluns rapîdi>' tauiscensiesuilicstfrainbltard tables, po lok, a lok that Cametrams tire bleud- bina. quck!" "W"st are they ding, ther. Tioug ilttiee vs trantîc buy- the price, Tt flnliy raacbei, 90, and tables, bowling alIeand ut ther lîceuses. l tais of tva migbty Pensions, On.e a>', Perkîna'?" 1t offle-ico mnit-nIt at" uing andsellini ail aroun themie tva tire pente vas lu fui swing, but poulîci x.te as ountes epâtosc ore the.aotler 1 coli not mie out, unlees *'Canlant hbu aiseat Olled nte Up, lHarentrai5, tire trading vas giugoi by sen'ed snov ta bave no Interest for .Frum a loon licenses (est)i-5... «000e TtIt vutUit uoft ane, vhlch suppreseiseems ta halte a brghp'ýde ut a n tire trend o! their battit. Ail knew Bob, He pusbei iI s a ttrrugi tire FrontbillatalesProlitonts' love. omrgng frous terrible ancer- top." bh oweerel.Ithît If Babob souli ho beaten dovn b>' crovi and, joîing me. sai: "Jin'. (,est .-------------...-------rS talnty. generates le deep natureuni 'Boy 5000W ahâese, 6.000 ctirnaluites Concetrati modern finance trîim.iiîe rge n uo Nlaingi a otl o f Ple Tiooaid 78 orgreme.1 avedrgge yu ltoDollars. Tirts.twon lldred Diolars 0f smlt viicbunsully fonde vent lu tstars. clown; unidmytbîag unfiIl-d gis-e 1ta iyi. a partie vould ensue and Sugar an enormous Jols, havo rulnsed Beulairstis a lbereby appropriatIod for tire purpOeof BeuluirBas uuwîas astndy. Hem beart Bob viren iragels tbgs.lie la un the' vouli go noue catli .ay boy low.Sand&, ber tatirer uni mysoît. 1 tilk id contintgentL fond. leuvills a blnce uof vus eviently uvîylng sud tuggiug va>'." iBut If Bob Sirould plai>hlm Jt a a£tend- ;etirhe lasi; moment 1 di tir e ouI>'aid lcnsgo bc ote ppg riluisc ns iereater vîtir tire noesBobb iaibrounght ber. fthins possible. I-threw over tire 150.- rivte. dloss'Uit. e fo ad ZDollarote Sire muet bave cBeea the neartues of 000 chares uni so rut off saneeto!9.urDllars 1tire Street Liobtinj fonud releas ousth trtrethtbad b"îJasd. Lot us go ta ttir fieundi e. OUut fsuit0contingent fond su appruprited. tram ire srîurtoutalb iirpat uecessary expeusts ut eleetions *fillîng ber sauf dung- tire parttthree wh~-? iere voestand." HaOvels tnmilY. boli iln "id village, salaries oi g ,e,e of lire n'oritir and yot surir vis tire remît-k- ~""-unnsturaliy coln atter that ireart-crusir Hour of Titlets. slries of rnibons of lire lng da, ttred a tilBilade Ttca im,-.sal ntsrteearecopl able Sel-cotrol ai the vomau, suurh Jusnerve-tearîngdyI eta tl] of i ~a ~rvoetalrs~ eber noble coupage, tirat sire refusai! ta " -hlmirov t admlrei bis caol nervaini fi.iiss. epuiing sand tîildillatVilage lbuildins r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ui Sievs iersevdplgerigil-. uaot uIgsu on tr s c)f trIint ester trirs sud tg show au>' outvard iifu a!ber feelings,-_ . ' -1plurk i bu aigaddigteMaiuininproseruent ru saler woont-. ystea, -k - astersrvd Iaiidgr ouI>' tingIbere vas lett ta do; ta tel iggroctiug----------------...... f _140$ sUne Prudurllrg bose fortiepocin - u 1 adlee senbe.hlm that requlred more reai courae "r purpo8e 0f pares uito ponices u a '1,ind Fvel-heiieduess thmn ail tire test -utulion of ,,Oddvillage.,... is 0i "Jlm Mie Bndaand thugh Ttor te dy'sdoige; ut c soppd Fout liepurpitse Ot paylsg 'uîiann ut t teâiay'asminis;avbut iretstopatch r -eet C'oiai.'tfor fuit i la bmetri eaot av îtemthi - ' Village........................ -ut tit ie pget.i vintagtofnoI ur «"botbret j"i',dn y ke sn 1 at ttage aourIfei.bat ho- '- - * h -- me:taih ta me. My cnc F-r Total contingestîfurd .....l..s41-. vitir me ou adheriug ta ti original - laIsoin. 1 have learnei n'y tessons ta- a8!ta' pltp.eof utp,.s ust1cr reptairs. w resîsiaisce. in noemes. sund e-ucstiou 0f Spano ta ClOee out at 175. I neyer tit dey. My plan\ -.aidilVuuloeeantif Li$eRy, -.lo rien.sua 0fIdtv uurr ! 'y ronitha l trtao -d, bMypulas vert 1 airgt.su dd "',il illage of Lggw vil, l l um of Touil sancurerbut poorrfoui tistuIlu listedlin]'rîoausîas ndFlfty Dollarsu of swich &uniOne e. The stockt la 163 on the tape rlgbt .' not tîhe into consiieratlon the loiiei ThouaantDotr suait lac terivet frina adoo sothtirr iteesses, tire estima, et aouolî îtg nov," Ha giauced i thecwite piper t0. /S ,e-jdico of tire master tieves. iIsuev wintcr a-t teeirtbefure mode s Pirve Tirôssns rbban virse every foot an certain wa hy- l o av i he DIrus. Thf aastiof idolasbRom o se days spelîs beiven or hellita cautlses"sores oftitmen, au îau bave, at their Tousosrt haind'lfty DJIab.10ta gralsefib>' mortelleseaut, tllei oui; ai the ticket- iaugiter: son thon' crah out tiear. tiul. la lb. cornerai the office. "Yes, thora erso ilrmnje sSn s Fr h ups fpyotteepnose aira gaee sgaln-3%. 4. 4%. sud 1.800ÇL ierna;tre o a s oda the strettN.iigirusyâsudntpubliec plsoo> cisggr .4aendo0nsuor1t entironslt*kotheo onud of t.eutitVrrIo ut Lrertyyrv.tin c e aiMWa!.Trr l e .1&bot ITlatr Wsairintnde skîn &adiqtiatter-al1ce thens. uumlnd- %ui oftare tred ie iDolr Isu anssd ft lqa r.W hignsfnl or tireagony of thase vira vere lin.te iealance of mtaaral1o 0 r motansr crirnlaî unlmtti; lb. commission îosr ta and depenient on their own- Hudret.Dollars, remît. gigit RatirM, boufes m tmblng veroneanoherDollars sWafi te iLmvet f(ro a saluon sd o ser ,~ ouus aa tmuls oer ne uaterera, but It neyer sooniei ta strîke me lilcesea, tiree etlaîtet annurilof w ebcas 9,dtasotabigad nd heshotsarescrgethome. Il vus not n'y hirtt, sud soea- breinirefore maeta 5ffle Tirumud Dotsp .0 tigtaouisdlblbra r cre 'ow, 1 îookei ut hI; as s part et tire initialiaent e! citer assentimntwarra6Ntoi. .~~~~~tre ta piulyei teesndTbysen' hnov whetber ta jump lu sud rover or suead(effgo'tta. dy1 u utru11 sst b ios eos 1 to stand tior pt-sent banda, but tirti - - , pai rei a sie. s5litorerotbta- * - arono iuc taogb ti. tla. Cht a ~ 7'~"~5knav vint Itn'oins to be put ou tbe tieOW.ptta hav nopluk't fiht he ion ttat a coppng luhockhoutthb, Systens' butcb- 5Par th iarplie0 of paylsptitte i)]r for ciipîi orlas ci ougaecer as reneteotbp Village Icettain. Tir e nWebureau h ave just e rs. 1Ihnuv vItl Ilehta se. as>' irttengineer Anderson, "ai msa 10 retedrit . fot auoh-kRnilb aSlb>ani the heant o! un1 t ove-ani yours, taxailont tiresuamtif 50500.n taO shoverstoy iet 1ambuyii For tire porpote uf rpilnu tire fiait letail- fo Rndlp A Rnolhan teytoJIm-systetmtltally keer euýtnsdintoesetountirbe bWoirite notes. for the inliera; hai;tIsheual tarif Itirose ofthtie bundredsansd thonsanda tuboie nd by tasUOu ieeso0. lu se5000as pssai anSChai aioCh.icîtitmiro have goue bafore. lin', semer fron tire proseat termnus os lihe ve uet bireme millions lasers, andselouer eist 0f tire seplue tatk le the Des- dirtotae' meeting to-mat-ml tire Suge Ptarnes River, lo be ralset by taxation I:ao. dvdeni vîlI ir le nrasei.d, nd aTttire roen ho have aur moue>' bave » For triore potio0f. pOitiftire aIar=ftire y, la agreei an ail aides sire vant et"opmont'. îuny mîlltris tUaltire>'cal't VillageoAttorney n ain sum ru irerI-.elb gaing atlSe crasses Sun. l'yre eui i lire long enougir oen ta rhumb thon's por tie purpole tif payiné; for printilu snd ovor. lien wv iravlI use aur moue>' or uriîeiios sn oetn. u nîsoi abligeS ta latkeon ouI>'180W0 af >'ur -2t--le ~~;~gtbl tl. '~ usu tberos traisn ,tirte sum of an.00.sd t profientprice her. lteo te amlngtale t herae .i'n0. r tracs, suaner I onstag barots Furthepurpse f posteS tva coter bonds 19,ý o-rer tva bundred thousin pt-ofit la or in .tunde tr Il ou st age u-orRtif Vi tage te suam 0f9Fisse îndret D& tissn'. 1 think.,I coul! go back hetr'otluunîirIvves udSagh olora cîcir. Ngo-7 andd85 leotier dihlire sua u3 Iue ur tt 8.Te cens or theîr neihirars' vive. andiInterst ou lie mater bonisse andtreat en and il rai on uthabouTtt aa'c1. hansagia- .sst 0fetsewer bonds 0f salilVIae tire auo Tt 1restil o Tt uti shot Oxse Wio*daugiters lint ovO sasle ae 0r f li4-7.00 tabie ls lit> taxatinrea fsus lt and thtev mysoif it Tt for realOr.- lots.%lien, J li, viraare not fit, moa- Amnait of bouta NO&. liam 8_111 01l0 lOti work"Ap ta he close, f couldgi. nieFor 'TW.Itt> Minutes He Wa a Mmd n'en. ured by uny standard af decency, tO: ue ......00 0000boisf itirer of i;hem, leRi lp about bot ir w ithtie sim@eoarth as Ionu ad Judia ut. u ow~eî 6,ist4it te purcases, Bard to-morrav 0open1h« I chut off uni turned tb3C-imaBande: I BIflb>' ehausting hiis sllins POver. ou.ieCti'tiid Dee«ys................500j wi vtir a -vbirl and lot go tihe balansce., sbTg nolliuntme ta Blue.on cate- Sugsr vouli quichl> sir ta even Tli.....r....e....> o dlbtun ... lua If rla luck IsTlaverage 180J-185 £-f ou>. Ues Bands. Barry Can ant Iiser figunes thun before. Tt wvas- MairieS Us lirases5w-ceaIe funsemEet Taîî tIe h iabrnh. but l'Il ibe satieSed Ç.m.sccoyet's and Stan,44 011 8 bond oku"hat Batr>' canants sil air CaeAvord Passesllera oflirte Wbsai flva bomba aàuît If 1 sot au aeagcf 175, vhlcb vwoti dbrsk r. ais bon ko Ch o us mesa si bia cients, thea "syston"' nas- Baya tire Appleton, Maine, Pd8 rie; lasages u ixte sel ,his a1 i long Be Ile et mm' Isialetn. rad h te allai me t. Oeil t on i drappîng ci me d uhlehe. lHe nevr O U gaJefo tebig tors, for sncb an oocmlense uthe preB- On,îs s;.,,,,.q ..oî5tta bisî «Ose tfiels 0f ire esass e oemaudre yBire- t. 10.1 wh514 pèrfgailî uioss hw 4» onteut i;va"Break rthe pa-ica eta syu>' cash" 'May9,'190", <aieflTouses odirer he ase eo ry euy Rssis I ar.d iri;bI on'alu aaPa- or lei.Bo iesexaui;d iabu'-On thse other band, aven>' one knOW home n ou hriy a'0 97 te nei te f ie MaantaeVielagedurian -foo gt, eS eulOIs Bandsamdin luers TUgp"ver.and tlrnugir1 elgm t rak- hat Randolpb & ltandolph vera usluel- 4:56 P.-n'su-5Ita rmosillre spi es, fr e btdietr. wye"t la tirO lu g f ty ttj navet- pec ulite. dcmit boieve 1>' hahînd Bob'a bi operatlans; his He irai been lu t- b;he. for M faailîaprpsssiaespefdal e boy a eeu~lStan m smIlsINaesl al> vs evdent>' n. ttiis bggei;.sudseetton 2. 'That ssivarionus amoute&ave su>'y dsse. tro1i u euCmis»" t oy- Eb-ani for pai-imgelm 5>1'i;evet->'man tinett-e kuv lisat RaudalPirmn'yîn, cdrlgtr iai.ter "e ou t r assiî aain.trne Bahs vaut bcath# iir-Ochange &Ad luteuitu let thosn ipe tbé Uor .vih & Banalpli renselion' irscked doavsrosîtsufrr îtb riétd a p"wriontefrastrions otfsaid e lut.n'goffce.BobIss bois iab; SIU'complolned uni even ta the ltsst use encent o01olait0ondtan rase e sO X, ntl y oge. Ba hal hlm v in ftiraut t leatt m tbom b>' an>'force. reeeeor tutlet sdali rreestile lk- Saiu.'n Os miute C. apeir5Ol aallv omeoftie dettha>' Itos As Bab n'aie iis bld "72 for 5,00," kitndanS cheenful ttrfiransabolit i,, $50sso.oc thedetsiency si ireho a4sip; tu 001e11MloBU"-.WUCh ormons u. Pscin<do't object;-t-i bala andSsot If, I sav a qubuh SiasirofainjiInteretng himsieefli uth. velfara of Sectioti . Ailothter erPeesa0EuJ~ trauctioMh Il iaS p la 15 lllitRW tri ont, Miss Banis. Ordir 1 WI Otid shroot saesbie face,, aSud rilfLd tht hi aItnlly uni noigrbaSz. Marri unr A. 1D.i908,are 0001 s" U r*= tIse. edtu 181, defer tel yaur vîsires, but I- lovre BabT rbbymath uoaitte O'ls odwsb rsJl , 82 sude or 'te frtire fal 188.lu ;bra hi 4~05»O It rohbi>'meut ir va nealngChesection 4. Tira I tus Osune andthe at 'Y * aete 1815%, Brwnavul'ouI>'second te, so ir fe, sud 1ouidof n'y Tant arien. 1I LImeS i.-the loi a ouJi 1 82 upsie tf Ii4.see%..u atecla passage i til ---------------- 1; 00 F! FMI