CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 May 1907, p. 3

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FBIDÂY, M4Y Frlday Plitomel giva concert et The. date ?or ithe amons banquet la not yçt annoond. Arraeent$ The. barbesa &M the bartendare vorm soduiid ta Pay base bail io- daY. . 14B sISrnonaudevenin Wauke> ou aMsaom eered vorn ln ihé tbird degr"m Tbe masserai opinion ta that tii. Aji la noedod and came et Jilt the rlabt Ume. qtâ Assistant Sttes' Attorney Mille, la on.à busines trip to South Dmketa- Mg viii return t the laut of thi eek.O Divan Salmon bus ope.ud a One oooa8st"oe" aidtobéccoS Mmen- Mai10, treet user Ma, ala hdola a so boualote. Tcmorrow v eng the Cube sire cari party la teir bail on mot Oaa- un treet for the. benefit of the 3&»n Mewilter boapital. Th. Woat Cosat Co, or wauagsn. today ertifiai tu the. Secretary ai ette ta alflOlena o f capitai ioOk from 81O1OO to SICOOC. The. Clinton Toii mai-nage tukes place toiayln Florida viii Dean and Mia. Tolil l attendance. Tbey ieft for the ceremony veeksa go. Mra. Chaulea D. Moygr and cbldren. 44233 reenvood avenue, Chîcago. viii go iD ueir aommer horne et 1101 lske, Ill., about the, mlddle of June. Mie Porn Connefl, a graduais ot Wauk.gan iiugiiscbooi. bas been ciios- enmn sthe on, ta ropreent or alan et ocumniement Ue t the North- ern Illinois Otte Normal achool. The. cty bas nicelysi bida for the removing o e tii. clty elfrom np- slaise latIhe Irestation te ithe polb dltaoBcê imWonk viiibegfin a mauabde are ofened ad on ta mmiocto. Ron. Chai«l A. Partrldge, of West street, Waukegan, vax one of thie speakers for the tate convention et the Grand Amy o f the. lipublc wiilciiopnei ai Pavera' Opera Houa. ln Decatur yetrday. Mra. A. C. PIrou.285 Lakce Vew avenue. Chicago. viii ieave thii. eek fer 1New York,ad on Lune t yl sal] for Europe. Bbc expecs in pas. the amurmotorlng tiirouab rance. Thon. ver. no arrese durlng or aft.r ithe circua reeterai. a good commentai-y on Golimar Brou. boust tuat ther ashov la a clea one; free fromn gratera and ouhen objectlonable feturea. Tt la rumored tuat "The. Tender- fot ha canceiled lIs date for June 2d. athtei Schwartz, and that Mdans- ger Takaes vIii bave tu get another bg shov vlth wvIlcb to close the. eeszon. Waukegan l.a orry to hear Dits, but ho"pe for the. beat. Thia ,venlag Abert C. Prout meets the. cty counci l l a conference about ithe extenaion of i rond up North avnue ta the, golf grounds raid anýd thnce to a Inaction vtb the. veat aide Un.. M, and Mns, Granger Farveil, or' Lae Foresi. bave neturned froirn Frenc LIck Sprngs. Mr. and Mr@. Orson Smith, vie are ai the springs, viii nt etura fer a veek. ThUaevlig ithe O5aessoa ioId a. dance ai the parlait bouse. Aldermaan Charles Crapo la tue oethle couacii buldings ai grounds cormlittee, wvul Ising se mueb park vork. Fountaina hav boee placed la Povell and Krk parka and iis jean nubii la to h. cleari avay - aidtreees trli ed as nover befor.. 1%9 Wukegaa Conservatr ot Mulo coude opira, Pdisilla, vilI ho pr.sentdd tho secnd vsek la Jus,, ncordin ta an annonnceua maie. This ovenigltgbelidie lait rebeir- am bfc-e tue pied. ln taken fan ful rebearals ta ithe atge cf the, Bai- varie Because e!bils beiiet la Christian Science and bit unvllliaguesa toeili a doctor, M. C. Porter, lbe Mounder and manager ot the Poter flatter? Co..vlich cperated for icars on tue laie front on Waten hineet, due ciiy, la deai ai Evanavleý, lad., vie-o ithe famli moei aften leaviag tiis cty. U. C. liorning. of the. Hotel Wasi- is, leftiyestriay aftoraoon or Itanue is viia parti of prospectve inevutors ln the toms site hoibni oposed uiiere. Tire. vent wvu bil troin hem auni alanger part ti l la Cubage ta continue thecttip viM Mim. The viii b gone about a Weokr John P. Garner manager e! tue Antuad airaPark excimugea. ai tie doffl Tlepiione Campa". bas lad. oeneated from ny blame la -b 1e WOWeo Giidys Udetn, 16 jearsId the u«Wviso, uvo veeIi MIai OMMnerhao Flua sito d. G. S.Faims, Ia Eud G&vigan busa"cptid pls- tdon et the Mcee odrugsar. Attorney W. F. Wei"s la et fila- land. Park today on business. The, steamer Boyn. bas oleared lori Gordon City vitii a Cargocf augar. the i-at of thee uni frein WaukeglL "Toc Mais ,Lohnson," ,tbe b scbool play viii be premeted et tise gebvarts, M&y3. Ligbtnlng struck tiie eleMeal rosa viras todai someviier, &long thse Une ad delayei trafi for about la bour. Tiie ilttlcbid cf Mr. and Mr@. Latkl. or these outi Bide, la aarioual tI lutb mmningti. Louis Cohen bals fitisi bis aboe @hop vl.tb a macbine for aeving on balf soie%. Tii. machine la sald to do the vo tla tirty secondsa nd. viii il* runalu ndar. lne bas BIsa put Fed 13..., vio bas bu, piying -T»ib Ujapire" an the, roa&d. Bi he Rbua ppeurod boe,.lasgclng lato van- idovile next veek. lHe viii tiret ap- 9piar lInPiiuiielpbla and viiinus. a bazeball monologue slmilar te tthe on. , euses la the. La Salle musical corne- tdy. William Kirk, one of the, plcneer resîdeuts of ithe tavn of Plesant 3Prairie, dl.d Bibi& bore ne aWintbnop 1Harbor. Sust souti of the. Illinois 1 stte lIn. at 9 o'ciock yesterday morD- Ing. Mr. Kirk bai been suffering .f rom Bright's dîsease since lakt Janu- Sary, aid titicouplet! vltb otier ail- xmente cause&bis deathb Clit ton R. Crawford Of This City Patents Devise for Afix' IngSItamps SIMPLE, ST lIDO FAIR TO S BE WINNER ONMAKT Foqirteen Points Are Covei-ed ln the Letrs Patent Which W..e Grantad et Wshington, e May 14. PFrom Weiaesday's SUN.1 Clitton R. Cravtand, et Wankegaa, and Zion Cty, ls heidea being a meai wrier n laventor. as ls siqwn by the1 tact tuat lttera paient ver. granteilg tu unm on May 14, for a aev torm oi stainp affixen. the purposa aqfvilci ls to alinkeasy the affixiaz et potagej siampsi. gumm9dlabels orIlike ubînga io the surface oft'packages, envelopes, or viaiever le deslred. M. Crawford la neted as the autier ut a popular song, "As the, Sun Was Seting Aong the Hudson," vith t enjaylga go ea sale amoag musice stores. lie makes bilsborne ai 2005 Gabriel avenue, ZMon Ciy, adIola machinli hy traie. Deocnipulan of MsDevice. The device tint the gong wrter hi, Inventei la au attaciment tan a table or desk and iil be used mont reaulIy la -cilices viiere tien, are greatnu1nnm bers et postage stmmps ta &Mix. In the leiters patent, Qoirteen pointa are covered, aid theapplitu- tlan vas ilied Januamy 13, 1906. h 1in ciaimei tuai the 'device la simple, lu- expenoive and easy te operate. Beaies mechmnian for aMfxiig ii. tamps, fier. la teage apace foi* the tamps or labels ville oeef thte mu-r- itanlens pointa la a malsiener for packages and envelopoa. Hew Apparatus Worke. Packages are" rua agmint tue mn- chine and tue molisener inoisteas ibeir surface viser, h la d.slrei te place the siainp or label. Tieàa plunger reisone on. starnp or label aid tla eiroun&,i aginat tie moisi- eaed surface anl>pressed irmmy tiere- se liai h vîiladber,,a plunger h.hîag the meana. The plonger la iluen apnung bnck tu ia orignal position and la reîiy tan anetior package or enveiope. The, device sholi have a ready sale. ldanlfylng the Twlns, Tiier e vemite ivo folova la oui- tota tnter. tMinairetuera. Tuer ioeked me muci ilike ubat ibeir Most Intimai. frieis acouli nt tell ibeni &part. 'tLm bai no isati and Dive bmd. Stilul tuer ookei precisair alîke jus theasaanme. The onir way rau cosli tell ubeni spart vas1 tu stick your lin- ger la Lems asou, ani if12e bit rou ILu sDaee-Judge's limrary. Oten Doos, Though It tikés a verr tiereugb oducaticis te dePrire soin. peopleetfueur ut.~ ual emwNae.- ork Prie:w lerth CWIiag Leaders are Sad te Oppe t ïre "Station AWukegan" $^Ay NANME "NORTH CH-ICAGO, HA$ ITS OWN ADVANTAGES. At Meeting Tomorrow £vmnlne borne Liveir Oppositcn lo Expected to ths Goverumontse proposai. Prom Wednesday's SUN. Mle but littie bui been sai Pub- licly, about the motter, North ObcilgO la atimei ta tue bigb5t Pitci o! et- citeinat ovsr ibo salesi atternPt eu the part of the officiais mt Waibiugto to cbange -tbe aome cf tihe postoMOBc frein Nrth Chicago ta *Station 4, Thde. proposition, as set oui by tie North Chicago Times, on Saturdi lit ai vssubstantiali ibis: Tint the, posimasten et Not Chi- cageoiiai received a cernmunicat'aI frem Washington, suggestiag tiat thi anme etfithe poteflice b. cbangei 1< that et Wankegan. This vould vir- tnnIly make tue village te the south a sub-statiali. sinillar te the eue et Mciee's drug stare. By the change enoti Chicago wouli get free deliverir vitu ilsree poatinen to taire dm 01 the service, andithsesamne nuinbei-01 assistants aa; are nov eiapieied la tie OMMce As la every othen question of vial importance, tuere ai-e tvo factions, ene of vblchin 1,la aver etftthe adop- tien ofthte Dame "Wankegau," oe the. otier wviiiseema te represeat the majority of ithe ctizeas la bitterly oe- poaei ote ecbanglng cf the naime. lu apeaking of tue matter today, a promînet business min baidtits te, say: "Tea ma statea t ail a! the bmal neas menandmnrnufactni-Ors smo mmi lag a atrennous proesat againt tiý prapcaei change. lu la ne t tai bave any abjection ta die aime 'Wau kega"-nat tue ligtest-but iv fougt bard for the aime lNortis Cht cago'l aid mini of tue actoreos' li are nav ber..,veudneyer have te catei bere but foi- the name. lIii foi -Instance the Chicago Hlarduui Cc. Tuai Innm makee thie Cisea iock. and viien ibey f rat icatedi1M ht vastt vitueunierataidng tus, ii, nanme sioîlibc cbaaged frau Seti Waîskegan, te "North Clcigo.' Tuis- la ame rue of the Fcundry C on punyaid meit cf tue otuor ficorie la the tevu. Nti Chicago bas commercial value vbicis ne cuis nana.lbas ad tue cbanging of tii aime veu forever bligit thse mani fnciurlng prospects of tue tava." Antier manufacturer- saii: *'T am oppoeei taube contemplte4 change, becauso oui- cusitomers Me iocaie us mu North Chicago viien tuq douli nt Bt ay cuer place. W, ge Chicago frelgit ratesad ibis. 1 coanectionwvîhthue caime, gives eus tomesset a distance an Isapreue that coli net b. obtalaed by ith naine suggesied"1 .Tue bove are but thc exprepile, cf alithe otiser business men, vi bave the Intereaseo! tue tovna bearu. Certain t latuatIfittue poatoffi' le ciianged te "Station A, WnnkE-gxin, tue name efthue tova cannot rouai Nti Chicago. Tuecanme of the un aieipai gavemament and the. pestohut muai b thesanme, Tuehe o Iiffr.ui saines bave been triai la otuer pince maur tîmes, andibave proven a ft une.. Tue cuIr plausible excuse tue> seems te be for the eciange suggest Ie muchr confusion la mail mations o cura frein tueecoflting of tbe nam "Nths Cuicage," vitu tue North id la the ecty of.Chicago. If ibis vere tise eecoteni th opponenis, viiy vas not tuila ream maie manifet ivo on tbree e ago? liastue mail service go pooren tuaitIhse .erreracceur no ih quentiT uTer. abouli bc littd. c no onfUction, because o!tue similia Iu lnano. Infaut, tuereilano po tion et tue eciiiorCh icagoatii knovn as "Noti Ciiag. LiUt every etiien Ciy cf «saiseIt1 kacvn as tue XNrth. aouth. Eat am Westaies, uni tuer. la a statt knovn ai "Boudi Cloago," but net Ing nmmei atter Nthic ulago. wbli ibore aie-e oiubfflI3t>ome peopi via favai- tue. mov, the majori seem to bc igainit It. Temenrcv. aut a rmeeetng o!fi citiseas of MotisCL O agO h»baub 081lled ta decido ib*e Mta. Speu tisla ritela theyiMgs astui p av"Tl iiRal TELLS OF SINL- BO£e d. MY2-t14 eitd ING 0F LUTINE eungutauceseocauecied witiî the. crime lni the Steuneubes murd,-r case wili Ulster Gazette of 1800 Cives te the stand one week hence. There1 igre stilil eight uaexpended î,ereînptory Aemont of Fred Whtuey's challenges; there la an atlditionai va- Treasure Trove csncy created by fiee xcualng for fil- f neas of Juror Cole,adunuder thee ml- Ing of Judge Freiount Wwod the enuis jun, lan OIi open ta furtiier ezamîlna. 200,M0 POUNDS IN BULLION flon. Tii. court ySterday adjourned WOULD HAVE ENDED PANIC. outil toxnorrow because the venir, ian tg_______ out and the judge oedered a uc-w one,,a igivIng the. sierif cadi 1Tluurqday iti-- l nstead of Sf.e Passage Boat Thats nccu te gaiber th* men.l Fred Whitney's Submarie la Thcbedn &ouled for Tbursdîî aferucnaleady a short one, wiil lie Te Rclam-Sunk Off y furtier siorienai iig the timue ucce- Holsnd. sary te hein the.,acmsaofthie ope. t- clal veniremen dioir tht-vare nos-s iembled la Cobrt Aid no dout tli ex. Prom Wedneaday's SUN. >pressod about hW ecompletion orb* ALaecunyvthneMa iyo jury by aijournaWbt on gaturday af t- aecut oaMs yo '0 irnoon. Tuose wio reduce.the propo- CoIby, of Lbertyvilie. lo the pessea-È sitien te a matiemiticnl cîlculation sur of n pipdr, the Uilster CountyG bagged open the. expenue of the trial F ta dote prediet tIsat the jury wiii uh Gazette (New York) under date of i nally uveru omnefiie on Monday Januaryi 4, 1800 vhich containeauanse-b ,nexi; liait the opffling,,satetuxuet viii b. made on eltèges' Mouiay arternoon count of tiie sinkIng of the troasure or Tuesday mornnd nad tiiot the irai ahip Lutine off the Holani ceait viti reetl testlmeony viii be takpa on Tue.t day. noms ivo and a haIt million dollars i t ER1 AOHE POLE boardi.0 This la tbe sbip Fred B. Whitney la9 eteamn RAl fl eum e tojotaeBionov attempting te ranch and recovel trlo Lines ta l'baougb l-reight Tar- àfl f il-aueh alseu. tiie god iy menus of the subagarine Chicago, May 22.-An apparent eom- boat' the Lake. Tii, paper ia bean bintio amug ii.veuter raîreda aved as a relie for thie pant 107 years te figlt compeilosi cf eletric.rooe and bai beiouged te Mra. ColbY fora rby refunlng te ente, loto traile rein. long tie. It vas ocir a day or se h doens viti ubenbai bWu dimelosed ho- g hl xIiigtepprt afore the Interisi commerce commis-. g il xiligtepprt sion ber.. Olicle et tihe Chicago and friends tint the, remnnl<aile Item vas reMilwaukee EletrIc rond lcstified tiat dlsovered. 7 theMonon Wabeuii. Rock Island and ii îag anîec a i Illinois Centrai ral-cai lad refna.d'Ifla tngcocieetltth )fte loin the. el<etrlc lin. lu tlrue ngb eva Item of ovn a bundred years »freigit tarif nieasai.heetern ago vicb appearod la a paper go long ae txunk in. eoaml 1-ttee woulil sanction gaved abeuli b. of vital lnterest on sud> actionr. acmont of the. nevrapaper attention Tii. ralîroi offiais ln thelr teeti- rnony decinred thut the eiectrlc line th tresaure aiip la recelving nov. vas net equlpped ta handie trigit, The Extraci. 11 tiid tbat theywoftId net loin lu urougii Teutatfo ieacotm i roites witi an? linlubiev as net lu ae a position ta gIve car as weil au tite tImnevora abeet, caiered by tine pi- ctiem. This case vaa brougbit as a ed la pecullan type and vu tit test anud If the commislsion deeds dimmed by years la as foilova: tisit te raliro ade mont loin tuis elec "The Briltihfrigate Lutinle, of 89 a tric rend la througii tariffa hundreda <of gun% vas lost on the mii of Octtbor. '0 amilr apliatins illbe ade 1709, on the banka of the Outer Fly HZ *3 A PEIBENTINENT Pa-ego; eh* had on board nearly Mk o~- hait a million, 200M0 Ibmo. vas ln-. man Wh Wu fled hy a SPoiit 01 urodd u v. ound for the Texel- Fe amewasad f lii fto wu ta have procooeddte Ham- F- Plttaburg, May 22.-Five men vers burgh, te, clou- the commerical f.11- '6 kiled and tour tntaily Injured at &0sris In that cty-The cowmvpmnIslaed gk lza furuace efthîe Joues & Laugiuina except tvo." li Steel company. The accident vas du* livilii be seen tint the neysaBp- 0, te a "slip," wlmlchi mmedltely result- penrlng lu an Amerlcan publication ai le cd la an exiiicalon. Muolten metai vas Lanary toli of- an accident ta a ablpt Os throva gaver the men, aimosecrmsat- unre. menhs befor offtii, Europe»n a0 lng flem. Last Jnnutary fitteen coat. Neya iraveld slov lu ubose 1mei. ver. killidl bv a aimiliar accident 0The dead arclF. B. Williard, assistant daya. etfurnace sulerlnteileut; John Â. West, la Peculsr Paper. n boad biower, aînd ibre. unkuown for- The. nid paper la an odd one. Il '-te"mintes ue lmescontaina mayquaint sdvertiaementa.9 as abat but before the turnae for a gieat One of tbese tells ubat a atout,t a distance and Nwie iî-lliy tbe gvas u healthy, active negro veuci la for1 Br- tnrned off oni]y a fi-w bonuet fte men sale by a Loba Sciiecamaler, ci vè er. founil. Wi-9t Ig a fOrebodlng Rtochiester. Anotiier announces tbat1 tuai ho voulu lie kil.d ln an accident cash viii ie pali for rageai the, print-1 u' sucii as realilv ecij icilitefand at the. solcitailon i-r lis wt. bai tendered ing office.9 bis résignaiiîa. to take effeet alsetly. One,. Loewyck Hacrnbeek, aiver- 1-- - tises loti containlng froin 60 ta 650 eu MansfidArrive et London ace ahfrsl.T r reee- nU Louloui, %li v -12. - Rilchard Manam ce> abfrsle ieeaesvr y field, who If t Ne-w York for Lgocion ai sberlff's sales announced iiy Peter1 ,e lun Iiht-aulli May 12 ou the, steamer 'i',flBroek, Sberiff. William Peters, a Miueaiiiili..lhai-i arr [yod bore, lHe vas et Marbietavu. aivertises for an ap- la. ae exliau-tel1-y tlic journey tint ihoprentice te leanuth,. "lohier's bual- bil toe ai'cai-.tîîl the iitrain. Ho ns. s aid he must,t -t aitfoueea yeai-. he Waohlngtafi'a Entombing. Gettlnir lUit.! 5(Rteisais. Tbe piper contains an accouai et RIE Norfolk, Vei.. %lavy 22.-Tii. sover- Waablngtoa'o eaiemiiing and givea the ho elgu camp il Wî,ilil of t he Wonid, tu eider of ithe procession te the temb. nt blenuluul coîîveuiiib ler. decided tuat hakeeliîral ii bartenders. atone Tbere ba been a question a te Wash- cruahers. aîîîl iiiiiers et ail kinds. an. Ington'a ýstanding as a Magon tram Snot elîgilile 10 uîacuauilerip lu tiie or- some qîtartera. A tew bave claimeil der. tintb, va net a Maou though that ln Ensîgu flnrila nla Osaggi. organîzation cdaIms hlm as oeeoe i Waahluigtîîuî %Iaîy 22.-The nnvy tiiem. ce departmnet iais ri-aîlved a dispatcb Taaeeippe ugvn i nt trein CouiangiîTiti lau m ofn. e icruis- Ti nln ae ngvn h es er Tacoma, sainguc lut Ensigu A. T. aider et funerîl march satta ttihe a. Brisbiu. vbn aiat limaueif Sundny, la "Maonai Brethren" tfoiloweil dlrectly eds. hind the mourners. re Mai Irwin Tu, Be 3Mas-led. 89 New York, -Muîy 22-MaYiivn, tise )0- comedienne, liascit ided te ber fniendg se that on Suuiday ixt ah. Wtnil b.mar-- le iled te Kurt i ifit, ber maaagei- for tublaiet two saauiius. 50 8&13 ON THE DIANONDO MI Chicago, liay *2-. - Foilovlng an. mr the base bail a-rnit: re. Lengue: At IPliiliiielpia-Pittgburg cm- 2 Philidelplluî3; atiulmokyn-Clndla. a nati 2, Brooklyn 5; et Bouton - St. Louisi5, Bositon 1; nt 1New York - ®r- Chicago 3, Ne-w York 2. le Amnerican: .At Lu-tot-Pblaielpbla teO 8, Detroi 0: ai Ceveand-Waablng6 > la ton 1, Clevelandl 4; ai t Louls-Nev id York 0,.14t. Louis 3; et C(iscago-Bos- North Chicago News Mlai- KathM nDruy bai eturaed freont avisit ta Chicago. Misa Klen Peïatior lo on the sick list. Miss Ann Sciiumens baa returaed te ber borne lu Meaomiaee flis, atter apendiag a tev dais vith the Sciatfnznlly. Mms. P. L. Aven,, et Chligo, speaf yeaterday bore on business. Tii. interlor oethte South sciOci, la te be entir.*y nenovated dnnlng the aummer vacation. Mm. Clark, eperator at tue North- Western depot, ibas reslgnei bis po- sition ber.Hla ste be locatoi at Grand avenne staion ln Chicago. Mn. Hemmeil, et Cicago, vii lsncceed Min. Prayr meeting ion ight at thseborna et Mr. and Mrs. Loin Gartiey. ,Tomorrev eveaing a mais meeting la te h. beli mit te Illage ball, for the purposea of gettlng the sentiment ofet tii. tsens of tbe tows Wit re- gard te canglagibe nana, 0f the"pu- CAR SIIORTAGE #LE4'OF. ILLI* NOIS CENTRAL Elotries aya its Knewledge of Back Down Came Throuigh Beit LUne Letter CENTRAIL WANT8 TO KNOW WHERE BELT LINE COMES IN. Case la Laid Over Until Dlii Un Can De P-oven te Have Con. nectlon lefore Whole In- uersimi Board. Prom Weinesday's SUN. xuîerstate Commerce Commlule- ors James S. Harlan and Edgar &ii Clark, beani the. eviionce yesteniar lat Chicago Intaheicompint, of the Chicago & Milvaukee Blocuslarail-& ruai vuIîub sesks ta ba'4e an orier sued by tue coipinission compelling tue Illinois Ceaimai te mesume ti-aflo relations viilcb, la aileged, to biave cancoied eitute bebeat et other lines, competitive te tue electnlc railreai. Fayette S. Munre. tue electric roa, ai. ant uas buil t the tntent of couductiug a frlgiit as veli as pmsseuger bueindesand lfiot tiat purpose the lia. la laid vu It>8 tpouni rails, Tue freigbi equipinont et tue lin. consistae!ofturee frelgisi cai-s vblcb are usai la local busiuess. Tue lin, dos net possseanBa retrlg- ematan Cars Charles W. Merrilles, trefie mana- ger efthe eleetric nemi, *ave a de- tailed account efthe relations oxWs- Ing beiveen is lin. and the Wliseii- sin Central and thei Elgin, Joulet & Eastern, and sali tue tarif vlitb tue Illinois Central vas Ia connectilon viii tue EIgla lino. Accuned of CaricelIng TarI-f. Xi vis allegei tint the Illinois Cea- irai agreed te fîîrnlsi cars for uauling cabbnge and dii turnisi the firut thre, ordered andtben fal.i b f Ili tan order for twenty-five car,land f homtly after canceled the tarif arbi- tmarily. Aaked If tue Illnois Central ntfied bin of tbe canceliatica. Mr. Memillessauld: "ýNo, I learned o! the canceilltion tbraugis a lotter wnitn te tueMBac Joliet & Baierai, la vblcb the Dncis Ceairalit.Jtheitarif vas canoaie beeausa the Chicago à Nortivostein iii net vant tus com petttiaa." Ële-5ott Le., 'attomrneyCfor dt.e1BU- nais Central.,aiked tb. ecase hO dlsmlssed, as tue BIgln, Joiet & Buti- ci-n val net maie a Part ticth suit, andIt luolibe Imposstible for tue mlincie Centrai te, bave ani coanec- tlon viib tho letilo road. except aven tue ralileof! uit causpan.Ca offie fi-a rnthnuCbicigo, ta "'oai A, Wnukegin" This la tueUrne a&i place for every ciien ta express hi* vieva ou tbe Dot the. nent day when h hlatac, laie. Every one luteretel siili corne out. Mien Margaret Corne, ot Chicao bas beon visitlng fiends boem Frank Prye, viiose bani vas Mii-- ed by lie explosion ot a gun yestei-- day. la getting along nlcely. C. A. Fianegan bas returaei froiD a business trip la tbe lItereata of the Louisvilleo Bnuating CO. Fred flusofetChicago, la visît- lng bilsParents bsem Jobn Aniroeky of Thiteenti street met viti a bai accident reateriaY. While corming dovnu sal-s, be stumb-. led on tue top stop ani fell ta the bottom, Wbeu Piekei up. lt uva tugiit be vasb&WiiiJ rjed, but ta-, veatîgation provod that ho sustained. only an Injuredinklo ad a fev miner braiaes. Dr. isoaneli 'repaired the damage. etftthe tarif vas nut borne out iii 1» facta. Thue ae uascontinuai umnomns future date ta be nanas by the, son-, mission vien lise formai entry of tMe Elgin, Joliet & Buatera roui tata ties case vîli be cosmmaodi ani tien conaidered iii the catiracoummisflosi. li, Aitame ai»I bis Bei-lin. May 22.-'Iirmuein taand bail have douec ouasiderabie dimage teaibm frttsud fild Ii cpsla soutuvestefi Genmann during tse paut tii-s e i. A bail stea-n Mondaî evenlag. devas- tatei the regic e mfiMelub»anaea Alsace. Thegrund vms courei a foot deep. Fruitlbai rinaimaar of the Moselle vlnearis and the mena. lainons districts ta the nctb duI&nd dle RhIne aloo auffered mverli., 1 Reavi suev tell hnisy ou thse Glant nacuniains. soctuoru81i«104, &M imov ftellMondai over tueIthurtia- leu foesi. A tornade. scccmpmhalm lai rm, occurred et Dizucimu. Wesi Prusla. Mini tremes ver.veieiabd one ciiuncb lover vus biova do«vn. Illc. Saturday'tise teoPftmero r bas fullen beîov freessln pointUtS- paies areeeived tiens Svlulsaay that @uov bas fmiIen beavly over the Alpe. _____ __ Mucb Ado AbOut Noais r Ottava, Ont. My Uu--Inretusaci te tue story tuai tises-ova. a prompedi cf a poetefllce var betweou Canada and tue United Maite. Pnetmasie, genc'nalLemeux i sd- "Tii. imited Sttes bis tbegaime pivîlegeo f r.. maillotg todiy ia Canada unis, Ibo prusent postai convention as lu bai un- dem tue old on,vitu tue excPtic tuai lustendioethte rate heing i1et per peunu lu la 1 cent par four oasa or 4 cents per posai." Bebmitls G-ts go Cbinse. &an Pnanciacn.My 22 . - ltu Dunue. atter bearing bti aldeela uth application ot Mayor Schitstfor- a change e! judges ta tue lattera casa, refusi a change of vene. Arrange- ments ver. tise» maite for tie 5rav- lut ef i tii-st panel 0etatleamen le re- -port ai 10:90 a. m. tcday, and ail vit- nebse" ver, excusei mai11 the sain ion?, tomamiow, visai t la heped daiS th tii.lI viliirealiy begla. Noeed i Hair Long. la tho simulions*cf Beaiuter, Englua.inl a ma vbose bat heu dovra aven bissahaniders. The mas- ter of lie insttution explains tuat b. bas net bm-cltue man's ual eut, bs- cause Ia summer b, "travelaotfor & iîr reatorer.'" Ore~t tMortousea Ride. Thiegratent ride on borsebaoi gvii doauenu te bils tino vas doue bp Oewper Tuornubli, Huntingiepabîr.. Begiani, April i9, 1746. vie rodc 213 Masienla12 heursanmal17 minutai ta vin a .vagrof M 00ceins«. Cal snd Ostriehs Fanas. Cet tanna are aumereuail ove- the esuratnd unit t ler. le nonoi M atici farina la provea by thefotact tisai uer. are ai preseai aeverai ta lise Udted Statas tint an. paila banimemelr. ml.sioaer Nanlan oruerça lie oe ops teueBo s COm NoS MM go on andid utue Mesl. Joliet & The fsuiiook cactus la lhuralil Batteru vouli bc brouetsuli.later ' campai lu eti dsentMe S ln te 'PCO"ew. 1reiiected fron ths SOU ta If"" Car ehortage le Plmidod. gravsi In lwsys tls b1104 t W. E. Keffers, general freigut souhati ad. agent or the Illinois central, elqimed et the iline tue tv0nty-Bve cars ver. minsgWmti.: oriorei tuoe.'hsu a car siiortage ali1The pumpa sai dIon .jerf ever tue counts-y. and h vas Impei- athracite mines et 'smys ble toa sili cma fan tue service ami Ihanuie oPn090.09giom oet familIer tise eloctria raid, act pou-ae-ic eri. log any relllng stock, vasonet tnu5a position te rqctprcout. lIe sai tuhe ICt5se 55 1557 ui assertion iaitthe sbippocaver e-W"s5 ré *- larramui besass et tu 1'..

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