dm m-amauoy shoots K$ UP TII E S$M, At cro ellestadgUp ln, BOX, bwdt lote Nite Chut m Loah 0 m U"U fflets eva" Are Ehlam vu ca agug ler ma ag, "l7srqutuLove." l IL tcgev Wb t 0f he i Mt hAUXMU tic cily, but wu t e stuattIha bal R mls. Mt la a #tocoeafum box, s test Dom ehera tic singer a04qalmi »asjmu lfor deti. U a Pur et flotuan thc a the cm. of dramautia- . i Sakoe bac tw reacl ea u oa 0WM ti.erth l v. fo. dma w« tu mllvwee of the audme.. ktbmictouvqboguhm on& g.tanl- wu tic castor eftic s4tae b.C& me oot list plam qfl"o. s'osI ere t lc cmem udmrtoI ,Am la tbé put aulWioaceb w IW** mouj et ti elsrebw Ms dtw. muct~d a aisoleftcel ye madtg a irevo e Ocplci r~c la cveq chamber ma thon> =p ealtefl 1* Mdl ifti.0 ep mt lm," bu ' litmot 4wc b," m ac wtii. ton g i< re itlti "bc& la lihWlmaMbe li sv eV. Ou hla faceucau ne mo ~t 11MM the spectai ti Mo fum eorumeIL Vaisacug def»Met tboue rsm'a t tic *à. mifo a foac omedo»ci alca Ma to dme cpot cliibarre. MM i m"dsI so-anet fier tatceai -« ov t tbosge sudan&p@& a,1b » ve lihWvo. uic alm-à hmma lta mrm saug t ocV eaajiacy~ e icpimioagaiMi e bat udu avé&The reput wu Itiusl tebi i.lyctrkclm mm et lr cames tu the aulicee mlie OV et Oree 4oppfl t orvur ve m MM&iu bau out or the box. Thee la A, W4 rumb for tic dura L icla eam1nato hoeed liaI bu ma umett5ur ecnde&, sudhaewus "wiu caiel Iliraugli ticstage en- ema le a somsopatblc boptal am-n OMM. tht iad bonm m .»»&B.e *$ four lansu.- regafnlng con- *wo asucer fusa et fat. tiat t buetCrous foraweau. wba blmta àà mu"uSactheywecra ot twthe lr0ma m'as i% ds, 1- v W. a. kmcIwey. trio bal r.. bedS at tom b hlm spicea Mt Une, hale.aamnuuctugie sa. mm of mcklm g Ietb. Mr. lNez- wu bas it mita oud ont a s S aO crwl. buftafo jet 15n u ten1. 'ocrte M.* --wý vla a aog -'I l. u w% sud . ew 'te et* t psýa bu »t Comparues Tafl.~i Uwtms LaIites' ata lu prince Obap, Eon, Pauy. sud Dolera styles atu aucy trtpcm sud mixtures. aBaT trluéned citri brall. buttons, moine have tulaid cailars, ailiare o ain«aue that 'Wb obi .regularly ai> to $15.00, ygjur choletrom ails cours asrtneut et Thiis Iclule s au ihi" utet afil tic »West mmodels lu blacki, blue, mnd broca VeM asd fafc ioTmxtures la ~iie that are old rcgtlarly up te g.0. Compml"D Msaleprie Cp.wlsid4loiansTIoumdImits Tbis admortucut cmbsrsom the rematuder o ar oui'etrs stoc lu valua»s t»at mcl iru' p te, 827-60. 811k cuita. ingeiufle ilUla test «s thlat are mde ofthc very ai elti mmauftlad. & C son masiemuc 3~el............>........... Tifau sorteit emiaseamode b ta. long Mdl uhort leevea sd mevaluas tiat mai upcards t0,82.00. ampulsas asic priam 69C LaditW ?aaslna id MoWar krtinl 00114 buack, hi nsd braua, aia lu in Ier c«ei sudrlea asi gturec, ailUac wmaldais, Coaparmnmie pries. lecttou 0fut kIrla la paaàculMdfalotmix- taras aver brugi tôgetier cItA IL 309 ai tha prl ce asikel. &Uimac fIl paltel maoaim. not a sitrt lu tich late rtAiwglamae« tba $5.50. Comparimon smie pria., 3.69 makce =gour ictlo, iay an i cior cl Muresb#ucompare cliitic bM l Meau' $1200 voile skitla aNraI leciere, compi. sou sale ple., ('6_" C.mam hi Ase .1.1 mWw lîco' ise la auta laticrI 1.0-m values. Comparteso ala pile. 61)c C.MBPbs mu et mfm» da. tle Ml. atrmeliMU ful ctA a broal Saunas aud extra dunrle, Oompsriamsaapriea. 74)c lfa'W. jacietà, lu blac. ad ton covrt tlgbt fittng ias, mrctly 'taliardassme., Comi>arlmn à"mdcea Tan covet ceautaMI matin liluc. tîght tUt nsd usui-locce bck stylas, mq cItA box frant affects., $6.00 values, Couuparlmon 3.48 Pull mti i,&alimasai amoutuut lu noaitty vuves, vaine.sai fa81000.camparf- ou salar Pica. lotssaMd MMa Ufcehe fect., v"meni>ta $0.Comsparma masicprIas lu blaci s"d Alla ailupincheci* ,X al la l in eue, Comparismn"slaries. flVER A HtNDRED INSTANCES OF'THIE MAGNITUDE OP '-TH{E Gi1oý DRED EVIDBNUES 0F ABSOLUTR LZADER8HT.P IN OUR UNI ' THE THRITTY FROM KVERY SECTION. THE STORE WILL Tl OONTRIBUTED ONE OR MORE BRILLIANT GEMS TO THIS COLLO88AL 0 1BE HERE BRIGHT AND EAICLY MATURDAY h an theurcomdu uil he OE.ied te the PublcwhII. thu« lst Iuulmgil C.*.eIea b f;làaiw 1S irt WWhtStt at 09.75 811k mitrt calas suite lu tbe very necest modela lu biak, blue, odd clu. calot made tram a vsrlr ana grade of sot taffeta al an sd la ona oi tic blggast values aver offareu St tiei.jrca, Comparimos ilepried 75 0s.1 sal UMl~S Isuset is seà te Ib6 ynrM. Ii otnn m bracea a bracl range irom crilci te make y<ilr selecttan, Ooinpmrian, saWapilas. claurea'.coloraI recac, Agas i ta 14 per.,lu one aliff plae affecta. 98,c value.; oampaditca m iprtce, -4ft - 5c- Cm mieaim lad Numa, le te 5yrd lisath.. se qMaifty 51c Oump" s. ale et whlisL4» m mBos Cblîdren'. chit. laeu drasses. ailes up.ta 14 years, laee and embroidery trîmmed. valuas op ta $2.00, Comiiartsaui sale prie, 98C SOuam l.saolissa' WWoev et S$LIS Mism' oate lu tireequartir sud hort lcngtbs, ages up ta 14 yaars. ragular $3.00 values, Comporîson sale pries, 1.79 omd"a .sale eofsUifs Seat et $2.48 Thils assortmeut Includes a brua" range lu whita.lilght coloraI plaids sud strIpesansd iaucy mixtures. any ona au excellant valua at double thec price, Comparlon sae prics, 2,48 Thifs Incinêbuau aortmict of valuas lu Ébort sud lapa t7lca, tgmaliy mal up ta 17.00. Oamparlcou sala PMOsa Tiisart«blnct waracea lvir alft dom idlflti.I ylti. -mauy cf tIi liroc lone.w tli tir, oufourrof ai la-fn k.~j is *i~ 11118 i .4- acttea sud plestc. etra dotmtrMe, Compart- -l'e Ps êSSi .,bonditej 0ou"sW.epre., Cie uýthc malis are la bstà i*ou à"- ter". froin clelite mone your èeu ~ qg If d h * ei bg value At 83.00,Ocmarjeu aie~pufeu%'. L$9 Thte. amr»t ia cat severai nutai- ~~ t ~ bmr. acu ib Wtiel Wti IMa. luetlOu anc i ~ ~ I y su fi t 'u Cmvartmn yiotteý "o,, ompftam to Pd'*, IC &I8M evuIn to Ion blaed snd chite fil1k <hve- 98C - - - - - - - - - - - -- - gn,19C * q ;,? Comparison Sale i Sboe Sedi Children'a Patent Kid Oxfords, mqictc4 Ibest samples af a celi kuacu nià inany of thesa sboes retaîl upwardà ta 5 to 8, Comparison sale pr ies........... ............. Misse.' Dongolo Oxfords, smipies w~ lUne of titi mare manufacturer, vaineW sell regalaiy at 1225, ies 13 ta 2,. A Camparison sale pres ............è ~Assel. L~, S~sa X= c 'lit saving te y advcrttse n toýthe i 1 1 -10#04 0-- 10 0 M 1 1 1 ý ,