CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 May 1907, p. 5

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LdU OPECIAL ATTENTION To out of Towni Orders Ansd ShlpplngTY-ode fraaml Pictures end CONlM W"OELIV8.R TO ADJ ILRS SUPPLIEO lACENT TOWNS r - - -- * s 000s81bo 0 . 1-s- ~Ski rts Jackets Summer Ores$ oods fine d oU mIUueg0o * Mrs. M. A. Protine Libert 'ille - Illinois GOOD PRINTINO ...... hoa ndfblesuryelement of busineos succesa. Ordeo for job placed with un will be promptlY and oorrectiy .xecut.ed. Rush Jobs our delight Imam" w ww - r I - WE SELL THIE RED SCIIOOL BOUSE QUAUUY S 1'00-E.S -, FOR Men, Women, Boys and Giris TIIEY INSURE Wear, Fît and Satisfaction- As You Can e by titis Cut!o novnai ardai t lesta r, valual te 2, 4 1 PCIL .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... 25 Tbtngs Som and Hear Pertawatg.ý Mr. and Mr&. Waano trsiimted huai. Dr.]IL A. *0nst aI ezmk.UMod,. Cimdl. Mir. John zausie sPet Sundey and Orvin lioaday vthb frisudeansd relatives at Wood t4 Ubertyvile. Pour0e bauwl UnMi. Arhur Durana Wblpple, 0f Oak Mr- &W' Park, vwu thu guesiof ber aster, lira. u:0eof, John Wmsbburu Iis vesk. vozk 1 Mir. &ad Mai. JamesHerse= îr vers MM ss.0w gueiM t theb.Wilson boue &. Tochef au Mlir1Dois Rkiof! la vWstlug frlsudsvem t*.* at Frankovilte, Wis. TIik. Tr Dr. Krusemark sud wile, of Chlcago, b.îouint t% spnBunday ai t tbir tarin at Gages siilts b.ho Mrs. W.. Sprluger vlated at Liberty-aprcte ville saturday. etbi0.vae W.. Dethoru, of Chicao, vas the. -1 th* WoÏN gumeelof!bis mther USardaY. n.Wo P. A. Grady. of t>ooksd Labe, trans- Ma. . M& actîed busIness at OMYslke Baturday. lirg. LOiOM Marsball Fritschbsa dJldge FitchMa vers gqbug St FourhLakoe Sutiday rqa sud brougi bome a fine catch. Georgle Th Mr. Medé and family speut Snnday lu Chlcaga> et Av-on Cnter. , Um IMa M" sfity Riely callee ou f riend9 tvo veekea berelMouday. Urove. Tva ton cent bars of Pure Castile aBoap Do'tf for 15 cents at the Orayslake Pbarmacî. Vilailge POM EB. .oreille made a trip ta Chippawa Mr. sudfil F'allsansd other paris lu uortberu fer Lanoliq Wlacaualu tht. week vbers he oieut vday..ind Peveral days on businms. a@ Mrs. Wiukle accampauied by ber sou Doi't ton Frank Wiukle speut Weduesday lu the COu Milwaukee. eveulug,3 the Woua Mr§. Cannon Who lbas been thsiet vil! speab of ber aster the paettwo veeke rsturned Hanei to ber home at Walkertou, luij., sbould hbel Saturday. MnE Murry Barton and daugbter. ot ereuîng el Antlocb, vu@ the guest of 1Mr. sud M rs. John .Morill Tueeday. Mise lmu B. 1. G. "l lin. Chas. Hall sud daughter Ella, of report aya jlaiueaulite, callsd ou IrieudL e be erN Mouday. HnyK Ses, the new ganitary soda fouitaluCicgn at the Grayeçluke pharmacy. 1fr. Peuý cetd Mms. Fleming vus a Chicago vistar teBie llomday.Frn- MissesHazel and luez *Edwards and frna he two lady friands drain ont froîn Wanke- d,*he -gan Sanday aud called on trieude.l Seversi ft Perey Boîd, o! Waukegan, vis tb. a get of is sister, Mm. Orson Waibbum Nr Sunday. t Have ion bad a drink of sodiaaI lb. nev saniari soda lountain ast the g Gnaylake pharmacy. The Grayalake AId soeety of the Cougregalional cburch altended lu a body the Aid eicely b.ld by lira. Emmna Harvey ai ber boms lu Waekegan lait s Wedueday. Jamnes Ma trsusated businues aI Waub.gaa lait TneSday. t Misa Mable Lutesr, of Llhertiviie, Wvus tbo gentl of ber sater, mm ; m. Kapple Dr. Clark psnioruad. su operaitlon on lb. isa CMbu i Mr. sud lira. Johsn its;.tiiay oraing. The cbidla Mark»a Dem Bai lady frian, of Or*yolb@. isitaiLly Leâcs frisais sud atteanisitbs* a àparly uada. Tb Avto $Md" sebool m= -*w* aolay Juns 2 for Iai nmilvato uoranag sdteand - W uIiviiib. pitel bob.opi0et. Cosaie**y lb. convention. Mmi.Joe Tuner and daugbtsr, Meaud Bnd Mesdames IK B. sud J. P. Sherman viited Monsviile suada.' mb. Flonce -Smith vWiin ehslta a nuber of ber lady fr"saisea a plaî t a Thuraday p.mnst aI ve oelciu. Tbe Wlwsan Cantral ral»04 vI1 rt on train w ns t [lvmiii levEh Orayabaà 1 aulur ai6:18 p.. jimavfbg dbta 5 P. M.Thils vib. a dOl» ecSpt Sunday. teralisviugon lb. SI. Fo i 8 for Chiffogost 9 o'eioek nov isleuaubt Rfira. Ooîsbi sud tai»» ave upo froulOabak to 1b.irtItwawlý *ome.var tby ii viii Ulb. a dames a lb. ao L uo4pïfeut Wedouday 16 ,4ilte1 hie unele, Wm. IgNw5eay, Who iin lu en IgMaOttu Johnson wr rl"j tu Chieago Sunday laut m~re and Mr@. Jamna biter, of Waukegan, rh'. Ed Wagner Ibis Vd~ChOI 'rt """'bit ~~jl er ad s ratly îWjbêbrsand upî ii. nd lwîll meet with -X ua n't ifonday even- * b te îy one in the b"Mrsd a g-ol attendance la rb » tra.ea&ted business ada Turner Ilt Tue8day for a velwitl, tri-n-leSt Downere u..t, h fIs, h.ol play l'The s10éom' at the opera bouse. MWs Fred tilbur leftTueeda gmlcblgan" where they yull an sd reintîvPSfor several >r&1,te fr,-electure given at reg.tioual .hurrh, Friday u u 24 . ndthe auspices of Vaclb. Mrs Evans Raines .Sebools and morale. lMrM be o nh ahility and ta BoolittI' sjent Wednes4daY b..he home lit Avon. m OoBrîeî eýntertaineil the "b lai iur.. Iay eveninig. Al :uiebb, tritou-t-.d laiineas at a. ppoiti - 1nient cutter :t hun o i.. ake, ealled on roixs ber't, lthp dance LOU'IS J. YEOMAN THE >PIANO* MAN. et Round Lai. Saturday eveulng Ail iorted a ii,- time. Next dance wili b a . pla -J u n.- I et, Saturday eveniug. B. S. Weliattendedtlbenbaesbaill garce betwcen the White Sox and Bas- tou'& Tuessay. E. B. Shlaiiai rausacted business in Jbleago Tuesday. Several fna-u bers attended lb. Reno ebov at Round La*e Tueeday evenlng. < Judge Fiteli tapéacted builiisa at Waukegan Wednuday. Glui Shultz wae obllgid ta close bis bakery Tuesday aflirnoon on account of mlcknees. Id. Doolittie sud vi lseapet Toeeay visiliug at Waukia. , L. Bradway, of igbad P ark, vsted 1 bis grrand-parente bon Ibis vsub. INCiAN 0F MRXICO DOCILE. Eeseaatlally a kmaset Psëao% me Wani te.De, Lot Alime. Thbe simple ulalet. gadent docie laisao! Mutt làseat4l pissa fol. DountIful a*%" 60m arenu aummer combine 1trisMM@ ia 1» providence. He uluae *0 . lw mdnty oft l5iS, uepawNq for'a reluT daY. It W" lÏ -1h* 10 lya10 Natice, anybovr, it Uaulymaai t*0 meacsgr" blrger ma à;"er Ir bb as no tartINs limmet Il s eigbbora bsY ave » ley *1110g96 ly iamre, fu or 4ltjaM lqi. n* insu tomonrOv, MW*INsMe» Thm a.lMeiam llaamal. the les-Uad the. peuasut rvacli lit the Votid. Their *0. *à4b" trou Mou idpoint 10 Wr9à PP* ut% neyes pfl . ti bt f t bnd, It lea sIvjêM i Oavalr 04g ltb youn laerM40100 ,.bthbous hall tlaeî aik 5a- 10Mai OiOe 5 »Wat hen Ion bat tron plaInut vbn ee ; GIANG HAIL Mr. and Mre. 'Claucile Wb qgbtîfub"ysaet Sndaid er, Mii. frnuk Clark lu. Wac Waler]Born, of Waukegan, il se vesk aI Wileon'a. lur. sud Mss. Stafford, of Wi ited Buday aI Fseser's. Mr. sdudnir. Dulap $peut; !th Mr. sud Mm. Hawthorne tke. Mise FrancsCbapman, or sa boue over Sunday. NP. Bvauson sud famlly1 circua st Waukegau Tuedà, Ira. Hollovay, oaf Chicga, id .bh ber daugbter, Mm. VAERE Iskmorial day exercles will b errn cemetery Snuàay ai ay 26, at 2:30 p. m. Hon. rlridge vîlI deliven au addi Rond programme viii b. fi eail coinevho can..- 1 Mr». Augwta Stearne and MI mrus lef t Tuesday înorniug fi lova., Issdauaei Shepai ilaud Patte peited bonis this veek énded nisit lu Cal1ifornia. Urs. luez Mauzer bas been six r days Bt lAke Villa caring otber wbo laquitesisck. A 'royal'good lime wai bua lai me%ýidàg of th@ Court c kturday. Svening at thebobut id lis. W. L. Doolittîs. Mr@. Alfred Rend a i l1mnovi reminat Iliumi. Ure. Holloway, of Chicago, i lbt bar daughtèr, Mrs. Uticombe. The regular meeting of th 'v..U as bsld witb Mi etcaif ou Wednesday. Miss Emma Studer ci eek lu the Vase district. HAINEVLE Mie Viola Sbanks dipent a t veek vitb trienda. iu Waul Mir@. Cleveland visiteli ber ,ou Fox, o! Round Lake, laot, Miss May Cleveland aud Mrs. .re Liberty ville callers thiesw tirs. tieo. Wait bad a siigbt trots last week. Sfié bas nec estili a li1115 lame. 1fr.1 illey and lin. Wait were Keut illey vill reinain for an indeî George Wait sold bis gray1 >ugbt a bey one. lins. Kate (lrundinau. a! sited ber sister-iu-lane, Mi boiter att Fremonit. ROUND LAMJ il auybady vould lite ta ià mauy rajîroad ties Ibers an rayslakeaud Round Late lut Flary or WiII Itosing. Mise EIma Wbite spent 7 grayslake. chas. Jorgeuson is nov el banteuder ait Brown & Wbite. Phil FlanIJude rsigned bis Foreit <leu ersameri. jack O'Flariy badilbtheni ourting bis anlf!ite bail Arthur Front, of Volo, asPi our village fat veek t"Dgng The Rino show and da»e Lake Tueiday evenlUg attended. The Round Lake u buildinga a e for Mr. sud lirm.LooIRend living latu l Uvlerbulid Dei 5.11h cartisi the mure lIouday. A 6w btou ntlovnaa concert aI Fremoul iondaJ ou Monday o! Ibis veek recilvsd arload lote Henry Allnond leion tb. al A numbertronu bsm i i am nuwaukegan Tuesdi Mi. ilos udlre Jerome Vantzandt, of ma vlaltied relatives beau 8atuad liru. E<o. akln, of .vlatsd MmYn. e<il one day1 lire. Allen la building t' n onti of the laits. S redl vaaudt neturned 8day afée n sue 0f vo' aI ltbt.Wauk«maubospital. lThers viii b. Memoils kWarr eeiu.eray zusî BUM 0 The .ehoir Winl met iti bJames usaI, Batuadoy evel tMn. sud lira.Bugs", o! '. r. sn udlr. C. C. Aînése lu' Dled, nt bis bou e f David Welcb, broUe'O! fui ar=r viI*t~oO à;& ea . lIE] EZ Iil~.~ZilIZilI] yree t tw Vr, oam I ud Ba cCormick, of Chicago, ~he bev.nnug of JungeY. ulbibi uuaeat i sse, i. Mr@.Colline vas eentertatued MaIL akegn WalonReeves 0,cr sunda. s vlstlug Mr. and Mrs. John Evanson, of Me- M. rBw n Henry, vers lu towu oue day lait veek. for$asprener borne and ouubhkà* raukegan, Umnma"deWaltou, o. Libertyville, r udMiRE1~ wua i ho.. over Sunday. acouaied tbe.u t Suaday Min Mle Roesducber, of lugleside, Mrt. and Mrs.. C.d. Gona,, of Wn At oageo Spet Suad"a. t ber homie bere. kegan, cafled on relatives Baturday. C. 0. Hum, o! 1ib.rtyville, vus lun lins. E. A. Reeves bas besu eutui« Chicago, towu on busineses reoently. log Cmany frin Chicago. Uir. and 1lira. Uaugt, of Waukegau, M . Mlivlle in entertalalug ber doiter, atteuded vWere £115514ailbthe flght fam over Mm. Liber fro iebigan. ib . Su d ">.n. M Me aulton, of Auburn, Neb., s vitiug Ed Lusk, of Round Lake, vii lu tovu speut part of the week vltb lie. L. l Mande Sudday. Sonner. Misses Elsie Wallon am A"Is Reose- Mm. A. D)izon retunned froni Batevia ducther were Waucouda calim ezucently. Baturday. Mm. Gertrude Mller aud Ion, Nlck Ufr. aud lMre A. Murrie speut Ruaday vlsited relatives atIt lulde Bay. at Graylaud vitb their son, Elmer e field lu Medamies John Miller and Peter Mutile lfternoon, Rotbsemwel, Of MhfcenrY. atteuded cbureb Mao Carney bes goue ta (inaylaud tb 3.bCarles bers Sunday torenoon. )Wpm the. Oummr Ies aud mr furniobed. Mise fila Moore vwus lu Waueouda [astr Murray bus accSpted a postion. laut Tbursday afternoou. 1lunWankmga. [les ottie Mfr. aud NMm. Wni. Aeiung, of John Mm. Gardner li very poorly; seevIQ for a visit bung, were guests of relatives bers Sa- go 0 the hospltal lu Cbicago. aisoon ai da". Oin able to bave an operatbon on rson are Mrn.ud Mir. John Brown Jr.. of ber 0700. after au Wauconda, aecomponied by Mise Mamie L C. Mllis bau a Cage ot Young foies Stilliug, of Pistakee Bay attended cburcb îbai a party of buatere dug ont of si sund In in Vola Sunday. bols; the motber sot avay. Sfor e M.n. Jack Frast aud dautbter Kate, (1eo. lius and vlIsieere callng on Miss Anale Rosediuteber called ou rela- frieu.da Reuday. tives and tiende near Ingleolde laet si at 'the Snnday. ... of Honor, e of Mfr. Mesdames H. T. Fuller and H.T. Gu ru raham, of Wauconda vers lu tow L A N sleit GURNÉEAt AiiuunnB hal M R, là Mande Mr. and, irs. James Dalziel fronm Iowa Saturdag Night. Jus. 1st are visiting relatives bers. e Mm.s in Kennedy, of Chicago, visited with - Muuic AIva stheBfuet. Is. Carneinsm. Howard durng the veek. .y o0es tais Ed Johnson took a business trip ta flagage checked k.. Chicaglouday. iio«. cared for et livuuy Mies Mfanrde Applevard and cousin troua Glenview spent Saturday and S&$PM rexra, Tickets 7M Sunday at the bornes of Mfr. aud Mmr. le asW. W. Appleyanil. DUSft.CaDk o e a s M ies, Lo is Austin. of W aukega , spent Do Se il. C a . yk s p . kea. a few days of thîs w.ek witb frieudi brother. bers. v eek. C. Ml. Brown le living a menent walk madin front of hie residenee. 1. sunaie'si& eek. Announeenasute were reeejved Wednes- day of the inarriage of ID. IeidIer ta M ise No. 24,561) 1panaltic McCartby, of Chicago. aned but C. F topic for Sunday, May 20, Home by N r a bfrMm Missions, tbe l'rogremes-o! the southero Record 2:14ï efort ire. Mountaiueers. les. 52: 7-12. BySalo,1 adý1ei Several relatives of Mre. John NicClure Stlon ade bors@ sud met at ber bomne Monday atternoon standard and registued, u giving ber a pleasahat surprie lu houar I 1coran .hn 1Chicago, of ber birthday.' grfiet baty anda n rs. Gorge P!RRY L. PaERONS. AtteICy. spe<d Adjudication Notice. Fet $10 to Imsure Publia Notic e l ee lven that the 8 lbseritier kdmilnton 2 oé te. astate .o! @s io~Dudk deased v*liat.ten.jbeAt me' stables 3nù i>tv<ato LakeOnt. et atWS tnaw~~t bo ilflbe bolden et the Court Bouge l aukegsI a.l ad Oounty on the firit West of Lakie l'est ne beiveen Mnon, fJuir usai. l907bWhou dWberi - et agit Pflîl igit:te anvnluaîies agaluat d tem__ fe n eqmetopu t M. e m n thnM otlid 0sud frmiadisWeanse th smeW e DCurfoa du n.n Tueday ln au rgolDu nix1 Â listrater ~ueduylu auki5dAVtII29tk 15fl 81-4 employednai poiin IGagslake -Bakerg ,aswrrne onDoesýYo_ unday. ut a dayin Sphoto'$.. m aI Round vas veil sei are buay se are nov 189. ,isnded lhe venlig. iWill O'Nel iamlkers sud l1c li. jtiouded the Tucker, of kMmi. eo. adison, WIs., l. LberIyille, lait vesk. vwo cotlages bomeesa>i vksilim. 5£g. juin50vialla et Buuday. ma la ibelm lIreasTarlIa> IWIgg, a W&l %rs m n Mels end Lumche Served at i iours FRESIl OY8TERS CIOARS and CANDIES LAUNDET OFFICRI Phone No. 19. M»S EMMA GERLACH, Prop. Have YOii 8.117 LaxDUd7 to send away-if 10 I would appreotate your patronage-Basket goos thursday morning. J. ., m f« 8 -tuM a-, m Laiq - VÔMR CUCUMNBE pK ýplkloe you vii be you dou't as the1 ôomes isnloely attha SCREENS c u oplbl W * 80a E. W. PA*D-10 ",emà woik. Give a j. PAYNM -- 0000060000 m

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