CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 May 1907, p. 6

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%Wliluf l.a '3' '. OFFiCIAL PAPER OF LAIt TV 000 'epbone No. 1i ltlora Ileidence TelstibosS N. 161. libertyvfitie Exehango. E.ored nt the Pcetoffloe ai LlbertifvlelO.ID.. as 5000151 Mo natter rnsu wsBl.Y. ADv55TU1515mas M= EsOvo os APPUCTIOZu. SJUBSCRIPTION PICE $1.50 PER YEAR sTrRIC1'LY IN ADVANCIE FRANK M. JUST ............................................................... Edtor LESTER B. COLBY ............ ........................................... Ciy Editor FRIDAY, MAY 24. 1907. IDLERS, SNÉERS AND BLAUS. The Mder ta the great miseblet The empty headod 16er la the only luakor of the commonwealth. The man vbo reoicea vhon disastor ider tu mtnd as vell as of body le the cornes. Ho la the ouI>' one who pub- mout perulclous. The mnd Idirs icly rejoces vhen a drulcard.faits v.apon le a sueer. In the absence 01 or vhen a nov couvert bachldes. a py matter. ho soolca to overturu the Nothlng suits )ilm; ho contributes cr«Iical judgment of the sages of the practicali>' uothiug vith bis bande or vorbi by a sucer. bis mmnd for the boeeli of the vorid, Tlhe popular beroes of literaturo yet is blab le overywhere présent. »ud hlstory of ail ages bave Insplre Hoelnows 'boy to ru religion. thir felow admirers ta bonor. virtil chies, politics. fsctories, business aud ind rightoousness. Wickeduess. Infi- there lis uothlng upon vhich hevilii 40111>' gsin, are condomned bY tbe hésitats ho expresesu opinion. Ho, world except the city loafer. vho hantis the public places aud blabs, spieerss ai l virtue, prtend@ publicl>' sud occasioually viser mjm are indlu- Io see no error In excusing sin. enced by bis blsb. t la a tituel>'question vhoth0r thère ahonid ut bh oceeay of pan- tthfug th. "talc." prophets of terres- trial disaster vho are exciutg the leurs of the timid sud the credulous. One of theme charlatans predlicted an earthtquake -lu Nev York, fixing th exact hour at vhIch the dsturbance voulti occur, sud vhen the hour ar. rived a lot of pauic'triclten persona rushed ta open apcea to escape the danger vhich lined. Dovu ln Texas another pante vas created by the prophecy that a grest cornet vouid "ide-vlpo" the esrth. thst oe tloil ofthle country' belaç éspeciai> exposed ta peril. 0f course. nothlug of 'the sort predlcted happeuod lu elther case, sud lu tact March. vhich had benu ôxed upon b>' the augurs oi evll es a month of pecullarl>' droad- fui calamities due to outhreakos ol nature'a forces, passed ava>' lu au un- commoul>' peaceticl mood. The vorst sbakeups ver. those giron the nervos of believers ln the "fako" .Praheeles. SI1URTuU TO K ABOUT SAVINU. CANDILAJT -"There vas nover a man boru, vbo. mast as sureiy as thougb an trou bail U ie hoiled the e lieoahuid lire, vêre cbsiued ta our oldes sud the W-111 aNce Saddiebo Catapulalg. couid notlta>' solde something tramn knout vere vioided ovor our backs. FenAoltholedceHo Tbe masters o! slaves appoar in ________________. the ruie o eah da'a abos." man>' forme; the veights that prevent SEMI OFFICIAL ANNOUNCE- . Tus la the doclaratton made receut- escape tramn laver>' are cast train dl- MENT COMES FROM CHICAGO. 1>' b>' a gret Nov York financier, lu verse materîsîs. Expensive habits. explalnbng the secrets or bis succeas. fane pride. footab luxury. IacNco ene is oaiaCnidt i The. tondaton of ail that finlaI>'Intiative, vaut of ambition, laesse Men ise, eord Candidthers Oni Madeo dhma millionaire sud a paver o ataitd aud body sud a bundred ana Hi oeodSadpr esato lu h.liaula vri. as acodig neother qualties or absence ai Hnr ta bis ovu vords, su unallerabie ite qualittes vbhl vo sce Ilu others every tormalnation ta sare samethlug. HO day a! ouîr ives-aIt are patent lu etarted tolire asapprentico ta a SbOe- Ieeplog lu bandage meu vbo have Semi-ofilcial aunouncemont of the inaker lu bts home tovu. He 55vea the braina sud abtliy tabeh free soucilandidacy of Speaker Edvard 1).1 moue> te, go ta the Cilty. That vas povortul. Shurteff for tbe Republican nomi-1 tie h.gintng of bis fortune. Ho se- Are yuu oneofo these slaves? Are lion for governor vas made blonds>' eored 4rnt sud veot ou saving, bit you one of those vho lta vaiig sBîi- b>' one of bis closent personal ana b>' bit.outl be vas ready tu iaiînch eni>' for saine one ta set you f reelIpoitical frieuds tn Chicago. ont for himieitf. fron the irksomne griod of your vork-? litlei deciared ho be the plan oft lb.? The trouble witb tou man>' of us ta if yon are. dont vaît for emaucîpa- !oNfareîîgo mla afle as a candidatc thst vo cousent ta live "trainibaud ion. Free yourself. Do ava>'vii under the prlmary election lav and ho mouth" We comPli t at vo are the goad clothea. give up the _blsjmake a saddlebag sud apoaklng cam-1 forced ta, vben lu reality vo are taoO e>', the car plsying sud smoking, i pagn ail over the state betc..i uow ýwesk ta orego somne pleasure or haDît necessar'. Th-ýov a littho more eue,-lsud oeil April. tiat vo niay'la>'a asmuit Portion al 9g>' mb your vork. Earn s iltte Sncb stops vauld settlo much do'.bt unr ernIngs asido. « more sud apeud a Ute tees. lin the minds (if the sPeake' s flilends Thomsof !us vbo grind aur way The great finaucler's statement;55 ta bis potical anibttiou... Ir' ta frenone weel's end b ,the other, ai- soundo reasonablo. It ma>' hrlug youlkuovu pressure bas been brougbt ta ways valttng for *Iuck ta change," te change of luck thst you hare bren be&Lr on mil a become s Candidate aud nover forcing anther tam of the watting for. Savlng a uitile vontfor' Uuited States seustor against'lSeu- wheel, are slaves mest as trul>' and burt von, young teltov. Tu'>'It.saor iopkins. Support bas bren proffred I t ni a n The lNDEP'ENDEs"i sud the Chi- ettbor for the sonate or for the gover- ~fl cgo Clronîcle or inter Orean. duly. uarlP. Comlug trai*lie sanie cmu- tlc tlilfor one year $3.60. The INDEPEN'D- greasionat district as Sntor Hopkins * - jENT sud the Weekly. Inter Ocean the speaker ls said ta prefer ta lu'> >UI tS and P-ants Hiave Aréived clng 1n"a aluco tiraus forciug the sensitive foot to do what machines ý*nd shoemakers' tools ko;Crsaim'oc ar ASK Shzie>s LUM3E3R -ALL KINDS- for the gubernatlo"ial hanora. L Thee Expected ho Rua. The ynderstanding. aiuoug voltlu- formed politiciens Io thatt ibeld 16fa:. thé governorahip ln the priniar> race yull ho made up of Gov. Deneen, form- er Goy. Yates, Speaker Shurtleif, Col: GoodGrrdeg t Fir Pice. 1Richard 3. Barr, o! Joiet. John J. telupt to Rrao, o! Vandalla and Andrev itta- monr. DOORS. WINDOWS, MOULO. seil, o! Jacksonville- IING9, BRICK. LIME. ALPHA lu the reserve iaIt are thrèeevhoRE The c( PORTILAND CEMENT. SEWER namnes viii nt'ho submilted 1 0saPrl as the 0 PliPE DRAIN TILE. ETC. mary vote, but vho are exPect0d tu cosedl, a] ho formdable candidates vbon the- coased t G. I. S IIArCK ime arriveos for the mIll, convention. cuse for Go i. SC ANCK Tbey are Congresfman William B. Me-I i.i-errvlte.î~.Kinle>'. o! Urbana. Congresoman WiI' Baie. iam A. Rodenberg. of Blet St. OUis. prisoncin sud Senator Orvilie F. Berry, o! Car- sud vîtl SHO T AL S Y bage. Bales SHORT TALKSBY tNoue 0f these eleren men bas off. bis tell 1 . T. COOPER. ciali>' announnedJait andid&cY. itsvus, ai 1000--mlolt uuderstood. hovever, that (icr. Miess NERVOVSNU& .Deneen ls prepartilti tago hetore the t bems - people ou bis rmd and asaitfora lhwvas Ne,,". m "a en psojde .lss'é eeecflon. The candidser of Jndge 1moo, ea bine, Mf -b 5 T= 1115» Mevwen, Informali>'ianuchted Bouda>'. target1 ~eu ~ et Dtxou, la cousidered aSUIred.ud and ez vith the complete bmeklug Of the ont o! sX orthvoot Bd sud th. cit>' hall e1 2*-.0 M-hv' ebo. Crosby, et. Tint' I6" TIIEEWIL&. WEO. -thougb en»Y= «*tb* Frank J. gobvab, 29, Mlwvaukee; ta ber ..Ceau..eem. ii.Auna Ludmilia. 19. that dis meir tremble, or- Jobn Petkoeeg . n.Ai Mabiuik. 21. rlge.t ouus. ', lst John Lodoier. 34-, - isole;Minute Uin.. stouseh t'1bl, BramIer. 21. mm .. .scu17331& sdl se a lb.0A"t,ÇMautlnijajc, 27; Urmîla Bro 'rTeV Of a New omf .lt60bvi,20. veeks t i.u oineblinflwé. INcrne omuel S. Eoyos'. 22, Chicmgo; Hes. thore ft Ibis b"ee1s Ivumss l W.a fth21 tiseu. The. su ssrreee i 1110- ie . tb2. y ra.8 Io bis tee, le.... l'va oi.. Ina. C. Meyer, Jr..,£'hiogo. 23; cbu'hri r", 0 emoeu u ses Wll 0106-sHAnle E.Lfisekett, 22. tetiou, ny sysesa Vos ledr ue .- 40 Md Janmes Kug, ta, Zmou City'; Agneaftuge, a ya> io-e od ss. erves ines«Wfuohm..Wohler. 8U. theretot Iom M«l e uea ed e 111117- Henr>' Ohritteaou,.42, RenMs- The>' tkd sud ZweeiosmfuLlehtsejmWd@ss.1 110 N8" .* s cm d jeur New Auna La.oqu,8UZVols rCi Diseorr>'modisie ie ibegmstskiugilL-I Ja. Icolg, 43, ZIOn Oit,; Agp.e Wolh' Racine 601011in thed à warrant, mOd a b. frau t dte b . 1 lit 1 hmre rsotvd bons il bu______________________ irats ve.dth.i. la. as NelCopr. Dl""" a" tid. wre ou, -«ue 001111 r. 3eeaeded bouljoli, liét etiWi leve Thr>' voe Mbtb., XeÀ Iot louauce urus LpeTheor>'. TRIJSTY o uis NOTESSe'- TWREN TWO FOR AGREEIMEtT modal paisenere Wort ln ail 11for Ths'se WssoksWhei mental Chalat brokead Dsoldtd Te Wed LegiliY. la the. vords -o the trSlilPphilo sopher. bh«" a rum go. Tueayuornlug b>'theIhorthOi'tO possible oemony, the ZMon Oit>' fro love cuit usaneta the end of ts ea reer àud.MiseLîîcy Jane Crosby ho. caine iM. Arthur Baies b>' lie cou- routional eeremony. Wlth Oh erift Griffu as one vitnuu sud Justice Weilss stenograPhor as the other. Justice Weiss recited bit famous ahorter form of marriage cere- mou>' and Joied the two lu legal yod' iack, mter vbich the>' iett for their home ahtZMou City'.. "«We vlsb yon ta mako thîs cers- mon>'&as short s possible." sald Bales at the instance of bhis blusblur bride. ÎDIleetionz vere carried ont snd the tvo departed vlth tbe marriage certi- ficat. la the. brlde's Inide packet. %. WiiI Curry on Ssct. lu an Interview given most before sho loft, Miss Crosby. nov Mrs. Bales. decilired that the ceroulony did Bot men any 'recantiîîg of ber pecullar helieta. ".W. belsv that ve are rlght. she este. "aud. therefore. vo shaîl go ahead."; Noies Means of Decision. Hlov the couple came ta the decision vblcb trffd theni tram iiL, la a mys. tory. On theory int Iat Charles Sanson, a trust>' ln the count>' jajil. vbo 1e iervtng a terra for tbe sanie alieged offense. illégal cohabitation. brougbt notes tram one.inanouthoruntl the>' came ta lUme. Anothtee theory fis ta thé effect thai visitoro ho Bale$ sud Miss CrosbY tslked thoin over unt! ho> entel'ec the bonnds o! the 15v sud decided Ln become mi nsusd vifeoâboorthe. bar of justice..1 Saisi Anaouasd NI. At su>' rate Mouds>' morning Sheriff Orifin as uurpu'isod tu bave banded hlm a IiftIo note fromn Bales stating liat the pair bal~ decided tu bocome une. Ho conipled vltb tho rogneot Tues- day mornlng b>' bringing theni beforé Count>' ClekHendee ho gel theIl ceuse and tben before Justice Wei"s ta hare the kuot lied. Although there Io a minister 51 the -nse -tu 1c.piela .woSt.~ to havo hlm porforin the cero- F00.. Theni Now. erenion>'freft theni froni jati. offenseofMvhicb theY ver6ses- tioeged Itlegal cohabitation. has tu, exist sud there vws no ex. >holding lim. W.,. Model Pnlsi'e' m d MisCrash>' vOe. modet 's sud bob theli' lot happil>' h thé air of vllling MaRtYft. 9vas the hICtiniOf jiffl tran. Nov prisouer. petIt thteves, id drunki. Crovsby hsd the vomeu'm yardl "If su vrcteeconetî>' unît. toutettatah.vras yrtng b an ajhhiogrspb>. Sneovas the for man>' lottoimt rainfriand nomy m>.iot et whiteb e shid ber ceIl for rebuta. - oould Dot ov" the naineMise rbut Ingliai obuliMM. ale,, a- not marie& d$OOePt OCOrding Sovu pêquitai rites.ciaiiug wiai., pureiinted the legal mai'- togeotber vlth spirihual ohjec- piait baboss te 1M1for throe ail £014, Sud hotuIWO"'epUt ror the charge menosld abore. h.ltsve tW Mt 10801galOr uerrageoergmny*mte OPro' a mers, abis » sd a -hier- aliamue for 91dounW' sud. Yro, r.tuss 54 béémtS lliliSi. v oeoas'isted et iiilift 5 If> atter a uOltulOil trip ho sued roture lu the fac of a t. Thon sat abeet lth mY d- a ttheosne wmlcI-ovis it>' bouse sud lanA et Emon, It fi canmidered am asilniu eLhlug to b.,mta'med ont. *or .lte, ainst aumtble tO uP or .IM04Maes Ut. hie Plier." " tuum p vItila* la the fin, Tridays and Oatns'dsy Hounes 9 to IlfMl a.>., 12M t£09SP. M. No creb n*.ds for examilusiion UNDICRTAKNR.-and EBlALUER ElallDey, Illinois Telephoneo Outral DL. EDYARD V. SamI Otitee and Essidebe. opposite Aynsble' store Phone 1LlbortyvtlIe «44 LYNCH MERTHER Liiery la Coasactin Pho»e 887 Ubertyrlfls. la. XKSTEARNS LAWYER 218 Washngton Street Wankogan 'Phono 2761 DL C. R. GALLOVAY. OFOPVU V5 LOYLL'5 fl500 STON. nou--fron 1to 8 s»d 6 to $,p. im. UberyvU.Illé.Uinos. DR. FREDMRCK FL MARTI Offie over Smihth & Davls Office phone 55 Residonce phone 761 Flo»:1to12 a. m.lta 3 and 7 ta 8 P. M. lbertvvlhe. Ilintos D'P. . L. TAYLOR, OFpICX OVES J. FEU. TRIGO ILI>G. oouus:-? ta 10 a. mi. 2 ta 4 and 6 te 8 P. iM. Deoldence on Broadway, opposite Park. lhertyvllo, Illiniso. NL A. HATCILM D. Physicien and Surgeon Fox Lake Stock Farm 1lugelside, 111. 'Phone 882 PAUL MAC GUFFIN ATTORNEY AT L.AW. UàbertyrIlle, Illuots. pao,, 88. DR. EFK SMITH. DENTIST. OVWa Là-.EcocUTY NATIONAL sANKa. souss-8 ta 12 a. m. sud 1 ta 5 p. nm DAILY. IAbertyvllo, lUirais. DL GOLDING DENTIST fours 8 ta 12 a.m.-1 t() 5 P.M. Kaiar Block Libertyvîllo, Ilinois DE 6. ]F, DUTIBRELD, VETERINARY SURGEON. uumTA 51' IATU vEftwSIASAn. Ufbertyvlll. liinol. ini FARM MACHINERV of ai iInde R13PAI RED wlth Thloroueh ness AND Dispatch- broken were of steel. T là l a Dov ratnt rs aud muet h.e en ýtu Le apreae..-We guarsute. tbb vork dons blite IRprocesste gir.estldaetion WILIAMLAYOCKCO. opposite, St. Paul Frolght Pepot Fi uIatOaNoie That Pleased Exp ression muom» Ih b.s lues ta*k1NUq lias 'Ihthae. Ou 4h'lu tmg *MMw a a ii. mm..I..AIIUO.wwmIoS DOtfr BUOur 0 ec"w domaines woe* mslog. J,.B. A4ORSE &iCO0 Yoll Neyer Blly Poor Seed. J TO ÇoG efl 0CROPS The BESI IS im eCiI9E'APEST Seed Oats, Corn, Cilover, Timotht, Rape, Lawn Grasse SuaresCron rn1.serc 5-ç v~ SDrain Tige, Sewer Pipe, Brick Covers, Cernent, Lime a.eALL K114DS Of LUMBER... EMMONS-MERCE LLMBER «CO. EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r VPhase ious. 671o Office 47 t LIDERTYVILLE Poing a Week's 6 Minutes,.@&- Puis vonian le s iug îa 190 r' t jabrAIl siho ban t1.di ake Tlbh. vasher poing. Alittie pugh tarte it one wa>-a lîttle pull bringa it buek-the- vamhor das@ th est. The e.lothe« atay stili-the vater rushles tbrose a jàround them-sndthe dirt ln taken out. lt mw«autes your tablaI of glot hes la cose. thI maweinas wiIt vash austhlng-Irolu lace curtaIns ta carpets. aud got 1tao eoi&*h, pttessl.g, secklesslycielan. TDoSSsU' authlâ abut g î90o ravit>' Wsshr to Wear ont ymns dlothoe l'ou eau waeh the finut'linen, lavu sud lace vititout breakiug a threa,d1. ,-Tub ripe" and "vweahtsars" are unknawu. Valeur clethos lut twfiýe &0long. l'ou gave tlon-labor-and monoy. Ors'hall * taNlinplsssed womcn .tell you what auy vailhers wili do. But j,,ou- dou'i bave ta take oron their auy-ua. 'on cati test a 1900 Gravity Wsoher yourselt. Thon you vili kuav poslîively. Write for ml> booklot toda>'. It ls FRER. Your Palm, sud adrees on a post catit malled ta me at once goto you tuy book b>' roturu mail. l'oun re ecomo tu the baok vhether you vaut ta huy a vacher nov THE "1900"9'URA VITV- WA SIIER, WILLAMROWLE EXCLUSIVE AGENTC FOR LAKCE COUNTY. ILLINOIS L3MRTYVILLS, 11-L. s--m-îîam-Imi::*:::IS;IU1I:1;t*M tiopRSE FURN4tS»MI OS Sum mer Uoods, Llght Laprobes and tHorse Sheets Suit-Cases and'Val ises A very choice assortnicnt at reasonale prIces a 5r WWWWWWW i t

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